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A Muslim cleric in West Bengal, India, strangled his wife to death, tried to sever her head from the body with kitchen-knife, failing which he used his hands and feet to pull her head apart from the body. How could the cleric commit such extreme cruelty? Is Islam at play here?

Razia Bibi, a young Muslim woman of Gobramari Village (Canning Police Station, South 24-Parganas District, West Bengal, India) was brutally murdered and beheaded by Moulana Mohiuddin Sardar, an Islamic cleric of nearby village Moukhali. Mohiuddin worked as a religious teacher (moulabi) in the village of Palta (Dhubulia Police Station, Nadia District). Previously, he worked as a madrasa teacher in the Karajgram Village (Katwa Police Station, Bardhaman District) for a number of years.

Last year, he went to Gobramari to conduct the Eid Prayer, and lodged there with the family of Razia Bibi. There, he soon got involved in a sexual relation with Razia.

When the news of the relationship, considered a disgraceful scandal especially for the women, came to surface, the villagers and family members of Razia forced Mohiuddin to marry her; it was also alleged that he had made Razia pregnant.

It turned out that the allegation of pregnancy was not true; it was made, perhaps, to compel Mohiuddin to marry the girl. This made Mohiuddin angry. He was also not satisfied with the marriage, because Razia was of dark complexion and delicate health. On October 22, Mohiuddin, on the pretext of a visit to Dhubulia, he took Razia to Karajgram, a comparatively lonely place suitable for committing a crime. There he and Razia stayed at a lodge, and at night, he suffocated Razia to death with her scarf. Then, he tried to behead her with a kitchen-knife, which he had bought for the purpose at the Howrah Railway Station for ten rupees. But, the knife was good enough to do the job. To be sure of her death, he pulled apart her head from the body using his hands and legs. The next day, Katwa police discovered her dead-body, head completely severed, beside a canal in Karajgram.

Having committed the crime, Mohiuddin returned to Kolkata, and took shelter in a lodge in Canning. Incidentally, the Canning police went to the same lodge to investigate a different case at night. They entered Mohiuddin’s room by mistake, when Mohiuddin cried out, “I have committed a mistake. Please leave me. I shall not commit such a mistake again.” The police then took him to the Police Station, and, upon interrogation, came to know about Mohiuddin’s gruesome crime. He was then handed over to the Katwa police.

Mohiuddin confessed that on 22nd October, he set out from Gobramari with Razia and roamed the streets of Kolkata for the entire day. In the evening, they boarded a train to Katwa from Howrah Railway Station, and reached the destination at night. Interrogation further revealed that Mohiuddin first strangled Razia with her scarf; then he tried to sever her head with the kitchen-knife, but failed. Finally, he put his left foot on Razia’s chest, and caught hold of her hair with hands, before tearing her head off the body.

There are a few points that warrant special notice in this incident. It was not difficult for Mohiuddin to get rid of Razia. Firstly, he could easily divorce Razia by pronouncing ‘talaq’ [divorce] three times permitted in Islam. Secondly, he could also marry a second wife or more of his choice, as Shariah law allows him to keep four wives at a time. So, this brutal murder was not essential at all. Therefore, one has to conclude that Mohiuddin resorted to this cruelty only to avenge the wrong done to him, namely forcing him to marry Razia on a false allegation.

Such extreme cruelties against women are rather common amongst Muslims. Recently, a New York Muslim man brutally murdered and beheaded his wife for seeking divorce. It warrants investigation as to why predominantly Muslims commit such horrible acts of brutality? This author is convinced that it is the creed of Islam that inspires Muslims to commit such horrid acts of violence. Islam originated in Arabia where, till today, pastoral lifestyle persists, and killing animals for meat and letting of blood is a daily routine occurrence.

This cruelty is also overwhelmingly reflected in the Koran. Allah urges Muslims to mount cruelties and bloodshed on the kafirs, apostates, heretics and hypocrites. Islam’s message of the hereafter is also overwhelmingly frightening: horrible punishments and tortures of all sorts for infidels and deviants. One may recall here the legacy of horrible punishment by Muslim rulers in India for nearly 700 years. Ordered by revered Aurangzib, three disciples of Guru Govind Singh were murdered with extreme cruelty. Bhai Moti Dass was sawed alive like a log, Bhai Dyala was boiled alive and the third disciple was burnt alive. Firstly, he was wrapped with cotton and linen, soaked the cotton with oil and then setting it to fire.

It was a normal practice for the Muslim rulers to kill the kafirs, even suspect/deviant Muslims, arrested for any pretext, with extraordinary cruelty. Smashing the head under the foot of an elephant or under a heavy log, and tearing the limbs apart by pulling them by elephants etc. were common as well as amusing to those barbaric rulers. There were people who could invent newer kind of cruelties like flaying a child in front of a mother, flaying the husband in front of his wife and force her eat the flesh of her husband, cutting a child into pieces on his or her mother’s lap and so on. Even today, in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, women suspected of adultery are stoned to death in front large assemblies of common Muslims, who rejoice at the barbaric act.

Prophet Mohammad himself had taught his followers many such extreme brutalities, and it will be relevant to narrate one here. On one occasion, eight people of the Ukl clan came to Medina, embraced Islam, and became very dear to Mohammad. But the climate of Medina did not suit them, and they fell ill. Mohammad prescribed camel-milk as food and camel-urine as medicine for their recovery. They were shifted to stable of camels in the desert. Within a short time, they recovered from their illness. But after that, they committed a crime. Betraying Muhammad, they murdered the stable keeper, and fled with the camels. They were pursued and soon captured by Mohammad’s men, and brought back to Medina.

They committed three very serious crimes: 1) murdered the stable keeper; 2) stole the camels; 3) betrayed Muhammad. The first and the third crime deserved death sentence, while the second crime demanded chopping their right hands off. Mohammad decided to punish them with exemplary punishments, and, that too, by his own hands. He took two iron rods, made them red-hot and then pushed the rods into the eyes of the victims. Then he chopped the limbs of the victims off, and left them in the hot desert-sand under mid-day sun. Within a couple of hours, all the eight victims bled to death. They were denied water as they cried for it. If the Prophet could have exhibited such examples of cruelty, what can one expect from his followers?

What is most instructive to take note is that, Muslims around the world quickly pick up this pastoral cruelty, after conversion to Islam, through Koran and Hadiths, and the teachings of their Imams. It is needless to say that Islam has instilled similar cruel instinct in Mohiuddin of West Bengal, India, 14 centuries on.