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Pedophilic child-marriages---widespread in Muslim societies, thanks to Muhammad's pedophilic marriage to 6-year-old Aisha---not only condemns little girls into sex-slave-like married life, but it also often turn fatal for them because of injuries suffered from forced intercourse by their husbands.



In my previous article, I have discussed how Prophet Muhammad’s holy tradition, namely the example of his marrying 6-year-old Aisha at the age of 52, inspires Muslims worldwide to engage in child-Marriage & pedophilia.

Child-marriage devastates lives of little girls in many ways. Most importantly, marriage between two individuals of such unequal age and maturity can never develop in a loving and mutually respectful one, which should be central in marriage or between couples. It becomes a relationship between master and slave, to be more accurate, between master and sex-slave.

There is another, rather cruel and tragic, aspect to it. It is the bodily torture, not only by beating as allowed by Allah, but also by forcing those little girls into sex, for which she is not physically prepared, even if we ignore her mental unpreparedness.

The perversity of Islamic culture is that when a man brings his new wife, often a complete stranger, home, he must have sex with her on the very first night. Else friends and neighbors would tease him of lacking manhood.

Because of such social pressure, the husband would normally have sex with his wife, even if that requiring forcing (i.e. rape; in Islam, not such thing as marital rape: your wife is a tilth for you, plough her how, where and when you want, says the Quran 2:223) to prove his manhood. When this is done on little girl, they suffer extreme pain and genital injury, which could, tragically, even be fatal, leading to death.

A 13-year-old Yemeni Bride died due to Genital Injury and Bleeding

yemeni-child-bride-died-of-vaginal-injuryOn April 2 this tear (2010), a 13-year-old Yemeni girl died of injuries to her genitals four days after a family-arranged marriage in Hajja, Yemen. The practice of marrying young girls is widespread in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen and other Islamic countries. But this tragic incident in Yemen has drawn attention of international human rights groups that are pressurizing the government to ban child-marriages and fix 17 as the minimum age of marriage for girls. According to Majed al-Madhaji, a spokesman for the Sisters Arab Forum for Human Rights, the said 13-year-old girl was married to a 23-year-old man; she died 4 days after marriage. A medical report from al-Thawra hospital said she suffered a tear to her genitals, which caused severe bleeding, leading to her death. The Associated Press reported that the girl was unwilling to have sex with her husband, who forced the girl into sexual act (rape) by tying herself on the bed. Her husband is now in police custody.

Another Yemeni human rights group said the girl was married off in an agreement between two men to marry each other’s sisters to avoid having to pay high bride-price, a common arrangement in the impoverished country. According to a survey by the Social Affairs Ministry of Yemen, more than a quarter of Yemen’s girls marry off before age of 15. The report also said that the tribal custom also plays a role, including the belief that a young bride can be shaped into an obedient wife, bear more children and be kept away from temptation.

In February 2009, the Parliament legislated a law banning child-marriage and setting the 17 years as the minimum age of marriage for girls. But it was disapproved and repealed by the highest religious authority and sent back to parliament’s constitutional committee for review. Some lawmakers called the move un-Islamic and a group of the country’s highest Islamic authorities declared that those, who support a ban on child-marriage, apostates. Some of Yemen's most influential Islamic leaders, including one now living in the US, said that Osama bin Laden has declared supporters of the ban on child-marriage apostates, and hence liable to be punished by death.

Another Yemeni child-bride hospitalized with genital injuries

It should be mentioned here that, on April 14, another Yemeni child-bride, aged 11, was been hospitalized with similar genital injury. According to report by a human rights group in Sanaa, an 11-year-old Yemeni girl, who was married to a man in country's Hajja province, was hospitalized on April 14 with genital injuries. It was, thus, the second incident of genital injury to a child-bride caused in a couple of weeks in Yemen, caused by violent sexual assault by their adult husbands.

The said 11-year-old girl was married off last year under the condition that her adult husband would wait until she reached puberty to consummate the marriage. “But he, like many other men who marry child brides, did not wait”, says Amal Basha, director of the Arabic Sisters Forum, a human rights organization. "She looked like she was butchered," said the girl's mother, Nijma Ahmed. A police report says that this girl was also reluctant to have sex, but her husband forcibly raped her to prove his manhood.

Amal-Basha-Yemen: human rights activistA study has revealed that nearly 50% of the women in Yemen are married before the age of 18, some as young as 8 among them. As many as 8 girls die each day in Yemen due to child-marriage, “Many of them in childbirth”. Last year, a child-marriage case in Yemen made international headlines after a 12-year-old girl died while giving birth, together with the baby, says Ms Basha. “The group, Arabic Sisters Forum, also runs a hotline for victims of domestic violence and has been lobbying in support of a minimum marriage age now under consideration by the Yemeni parliament” she adds... But the Islamic conservatives clerics in Yemen have declared a war against women like Amal Basha declaring them apostates from Islam for opposing child marriage, which they see as divinely ordained by Allah. “The government”, she says, “is intimidated by the religious and tribal customs.” While talking to the journalists, she said, "They say that the attempt to ban child marriage is un-Islamic. They also declared jihad against the UN treaty on women's rights. … They say my campaign is a Western agenda that it will lead to sex out of wedlock and prostitution," Ms Basha said.

It should be mentioned here that Ms Basha was repeatedly threatened; a liquid was sprayed on her face on the street; headquarter of her organization was ransacked; and the brakes on her car were cut in an assassination attempt. She faces these threats and assaults, believe many, not only because of her support for banning child-marriage, but also her organization's investigation and condemnation of grave human rights violations in Yemen.

Yemeni Women oppose child marriage ban

Yemeni-Women-protest-child-marriage-banIt is astonishing that thousands of Yemeni women—for whose rights social activist like Amal Basha and many others are fighting, ignoring the threats and attacks on their lives by the conservatives—clad in head-to-toe burqa, held a demonstration on March 21, 2010, outside the parliament in San'a, to oppose the proposed legislation banning child-marriage. The protesters held up banners, proclaiming “don’t ban what Allah made permissible”, or “stop violating Islamic sharia law in the name of rights and freedoms”, reported an AP correspondent. Undoubtedly the demonstration was organized by Muslim clerics, opposed to the proposal, because it goes against Islamic sharia law. “Most importantly, the religious decree, issued after Sunday’s demonstration, deeply imperils efforts to salvage legislation that would make it illegal for those under the age of 17 to marry,” said the AP correspondent.

“A handful of women’s rights activists outside the parliament were seen leaving after being outnumbered by the demonstrators. ‘It is unreasonable to marry our daughters at the age of eight or nine. This is a serious problem”, said Houriya Mashhour, deputy director of Yemen’s Women National Committee. It is really a tough task to liberate people, who prefer to remain shackled.

Such is the power of Muhammad's vicious cult, which can so imperviously inspire Muslim women to embrace tragic end to their lives.