A Muslim woman, pretending to meet up with UK Labour MP Stephen Timms, stabbed him. Politicians and media explained away the incident as common criminal behaviour. Had Islamic hatred of infidels had anything to do with it?
On May 14 (2010), the former UK Treasury Minister and Labour MP Stephen Timms was stabbed twice in the abdomen by a Muslim woman, named Roshonara Choundhary, in the Beckton Globe Hospital in East London, where he was recovering from a surgical procedure. According to British police, the 21-year-old unemployed woman has a history of mental problems. Timms is said to be in good spirits and set to recover from his wounds.
Roshonara Choudhary, wearing Muslim dress, allegedly lunged at Timms and stabbed him twice before being restrained by a security guard. She had made a prior appointment to see Timms at the hospital. Andrew Bazeley (22), an aide to Timms, was hailed a hero for bravely wrestling the knife out of the assailant's hands and disarming her. Bazeley was left covered in blood after he grabbed the knife and restrained her until a security guard took hold of the woman.
Sagal Ahmed, 16, a girl student of the nearby Kingsford Community School, was in the community centre in Beckton Globe Hospital, when the stabbing happened. She said, “We just heard this big commotion so we ran in to the room. The security guard had grabbed this Asian woman. She was wearing a long black outfit like what Muslims wear and an orangey headscarf. I think she was a Muslim. She wasn’t saying anything. They were just grabbing her to keep her still. She was really shaking. The Muslim woman seemed to have been shocked and distressed. It was the most shocking thing I’ve ever seen. ‘Then we saw the man [Mr Timms] getting put in another room. We saw the blood on his shirt but I couldn’t tell where he’d been stabbed. They were dragging him. He was conscious. He looked shocked and he was pale.”
Unmesh Desai, Timms' election aide and a local councilor, said: “Thank God, Andrew had the presence of mind to get the knife out of the assailant. He was very brave to do what he did. He's a young guy and a very slim guy but he had the presence of mind to take the knife away. It's awful to think what could have happened had he been not brave.”
![]() Artist's impression of Roshonara Choudhary, who stabbed Labour MP Stephen Timms. |
Roshonara Choudhary was charged with attempted murder for the stabbing and was to appear before Stratford Magistrates' Court on Monday May 17.
According to a police spokesman, “This sheds light to an even larger criminal problem in England: stabbing crimes. It is as frequent as robberies.”
Commenting on the incident, Prime Minister David Cameron said, “Wide campaigns are to be initiated to make the streets safe. We should treat criminals as criminals and police as defenders of the people.” He placed the blame of these criminal activities to bureaucratic messes and lack of parenting which is the root of such rebellious and dangerous behavior.
Unfortunately the Prime Minister avoided pointing finger at the increase of Muslim population and their jihadi activities, where lies the real problem.
Politicians, including PM Cameron, twisted facts to claim that it was nothing but an ordinary crime, committed by a lunatic woman. But many are convinced that it was an outburst of intense Islamic hatred towards non-Muslim kafirs; in other words, it was act of Islamic jihad. An observer, commenting on the incident, wrote: “The incident may seem an isolated incident of violence by a crazy person but most will fail to recognize the amount of hatred Muslims possess towards the non-Muslims. …..Furthermore, using knife is a typical Islamic tradition. From slaughtering goats and camels on the day of yearly festival to killing Dutch film maker Theo Van Gough knife plays an important role.” (www.faithfreedom.org)
This Islamic jihad inspires Muslims to violence in order to kill and subjugate the kafirs. According to the creed of Islam, kafirs or infidels are worse than animals and Allah instructs the believers to wage jihad against the disbelievers. For a Muslim, launching a jihad or war against the kafirs carries highest merit, even higher than pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj), not to speak of lower virtues like prayer (namaj) and fasting (roja). So the Koran says: “Fighting against the kafirs is beyond one’s personal likings and dislikings as Allah has commanded to fight the pagans and all those who ascribe partners (shirk) with Allah” (2.216).
Leftist appeasement of Muslims
![]() Geert Wilders deported from UK's Heathrow airport |
It is well known that leftist political parties around the world are generally sympathetic to Muslims. In India, the Communist Party of India (CPI) sided with Muslims during the freedom struggle in 1947 and supported the creation of Pakistan. In the U.K., the Labour Party has emerged as the major appeasers of Muslims. As a demonstration of its policy of Muslim appeasement, the Labour Government denied Dutch MP Geert Wilders entry into the U.K. on February 12 last year; he was deported from the Heathrow Airport. Wilders, a brave fighter against the Islamisation of Europe, was scheduled to show his film, FITNA (that beautifully exposed the ugly face of Islam and Koran is the fountainhead of Islamic terrorism), at the House of Lords as per invitation by Lord Pearson of the U.K. Independence Party. Wilders' deportation shocked freedom-loving people around the world as it amounted to an assault upon freedom of expression by the British Government, long regarded as the champion of individual freedom and freedom of the press.
Supporting Wilders' deportation, a spokesman for the then British PM Gordon Brown, said: “The Prime Minister fully supports the decision taken by Home Secretary Jacqui Smith.”
Such appeasement of Muslims by leftist parties, including the UK Labour Party, in the hope of banking on Muslim votes for staying in power, does not only demonstrate a sad decline of a great tradition of freedom and liberty in the U.K., but also paves the way for the nation's surrender to Muslim tyranny, which will push it toward slavery to Islam and will be catastrophic to them and their progeny.
The question still remains: Why Stephen Timms, an MP of the Labour Party—which has been so sympathetic to Muslims and even set up parallel Shariah Court for them, allowed Islamic dress-code in hospitals, made halal food available in British eating houses and so on—fell a victim of a jihadi’s knife? We hope to discuss this in a follow-up article.