How appeasement of unruly Muslims are turning the U.K. into an Islamic State???
In the previous article, Dangerous Policy of Muslim Appeasement in the U.K., it has been pointed out that the British Labour politicians have adopted the disastrous policy of Muslim appeasement to capture their block-votes to stay in power. But little do they realize what Sir Winston Churchill had said: "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last." Elsewhere Churchill said: “No greater retrograde force (than Islam) exists in the world.”
It may be mentioned that since independence, Indian congress and other political parties, including BJP, have played a similar vote-bank politics by appeasing minority Muslims, at the cost of majority Hindus as well as national interest. So, political analyst Naresh Khanna writes: “Though India is being devoured bit by bit, every day, by its tormentors, India continues to appease them (Muslims). Poisonous politics of appeasement has crippled India and ravaged its body and soul… Genocide and eviction of Hindus from Kashmir to be made refugees in their own country; frequent Pak-Bangla sponsored terrorist attacks on security forces, civilians and temples; continuation of Article 370 conferring a special status on Muslim majority Jammu and Kashmir; infiltration of millions of Pak-Bangla (Muslim) nationals into India to create one more Islamic country on Indian soil represent the bitter harvest of this suicidal appeasement. The Indian Government, starting from secularism has steadily gone towards Minority (Muslim) appeasement. …The future of 85% of the population (Hindus) of India is bleak unless the present Government is replaced by a truly secular government.”
![]() PM Gordon Brown, his wife Sarah meet and woo Muslims during election campaign in London. |
The Labour Party suffered defeat at latest election, putting a 13-year-long Labour rule to end, with a coalition government of the Conservatives and Liberals coming to power. The outcomes of the Labour Government's Muslim appeasements will be discussed below.
Going Soft on Muslims is a Sign of their Appeasement
In a non-Muslim country, as soon as Muslims sense that a major political party or government is greedy for their votes and has adopted the policy of Muslim appeasement, they start stiff bargaining to squeeze out as much benefits and privileges from it as possible. They go on demanding unjust financial, religious or other benefits and concessions, because they know that the government would bow to their most unjust and illegal demands for their votes. In addition to that, they intensify their jihadi and other unlawful and terrorist activities, because they know that the government would turn a blind eye to these activities for the fear of losing their votes.
So, going soft on unruly Islamic demands and activities is an important element of Muslim appeasement. For example, the U.K. Government is reluctant to hand a harsh punishment for Roshanara Chaudhary, a young Muslim woman, for stabbing the Labour MP Stephen Timms; they have invented a story of her mental illness in order to spare her of severe punishment. A few more examples are narrated below.
Suicide Bombings in London on 7th July, 2005
On April 2, 2004, thousands of UK Muslims staged a (not so peaceful) demonstration to denounce the British policy of sending troops to Iraq and Afghanistan. The demonstrators carried placards that read:
“Europe will pay”, “Your annihilation is on the way, “This is the beginning of the end for you disbelievers”.
![]() A scene of London bombings on July 7, 2005 |
The angry unruly mob shouted threatening slogans: “UK, you pay”, “Tony Blair, pull out your troops from Iraq, pull out your troops from Afghanistan, and if you do not pull out your troops, you will get bloodshed in the streets of London.”
The commentator of the video says, “But none was arrested. Media was reluctant to publicize the incidents.” ... “40% of the UK Muslims want Sharia Law to be implemented in Great Britain. 32% of British Muslims believe that the Western society has become decadent and immoral and the Muslims should seek to bring it to the end”, the commentator continues.
The threat was put into action a year later on July 7, 2005. London suffered a series of devastating terrorist attacks. Also known as 7/7, four young Muslim men—three of British Pakistani and a British Jamaican convert to Islam—carried out a series of coordinated suicide bombings on London's public transport system during the morning rush hour claiming 56 lives, with nearly 700 injured. Britain's involvement in the Iraq War was the supposed motive of the attacks. The then Labour government took a softer course of action.
Theo Van Gogh, his film Submission and British Muslims
Dutch film director, film producer, columnist, author and actor Theo van Gogh—the great-grandson of Theo van Gogh, who was the brother of the world renowned artist-painter Vincent van Gogh—working with Somali-born ex-Muslim writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali, produce the 10-minute film Submission, depicting the treatment of women in Islam.
Thousands of UK Muslims held a demonstration in London against van Gogh for his film. The angry mob shouted violent slogans and carried violence-inciting placards. A few of the placards read:
“Stop your crimes against our Religion and our Prophet”
“This is the beginning of the end for you disbelievers”
Muslim leaders delivered inflammable speeches during the demonstration.
On November 2, 2004, Mohammed Bouyeri murdered Van Gogh in Amsterdam, as he was cycling to work. Bouyeri shot van Gogh eight times with an HS 2000 handgun, causing his death on the spot. Bouyeri then stabbed dying van Gogh repeatedly in the chest and left the knife implanted in his torso with a five-page letter on his body, which threatened Western countries, Jews and Ayaan Hirsi Ali. The note also contained references to the ideologies of the Egyptian organization Takfir wal-Hijra.
The day after the murder, Dutch police arrested eight Muslim radicals belonging to a group later referred to as the Hofstad Network. Six detainees were Dutch-Moroccans, one was Dutch-Algerian and one had dual Spanish-Moroccan nationality. The chief accused and the assassinator Mohammed Bouyeri, a 26-year-old Dutch-Moroccan citizen, had links with the terrorist outfit Dutch Hofstad Network. He was also charged with the attempted murder of several police officers and bystanders, illegal possession of a firearm, and conspiring to murder others, including Ayan Hirsi Ali. He was convicted on 26 July 2005 and sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole. Van Gogh's murder sparked a storm of outrage in the Netherlands. Flowers, notes, drawings, and other expressions of mourning were left at the scene of the murder.
It should be mentioned that, Imam Fawaz of the as-Sunnah Mosque in The Hague gave a sermon several weeks before the murder in which he called Theo van Gogh "a criminal bastard' and beseeched Allah to visit an incurable disease upon the filmmaker. Many believe that Imam Fawaz’s incitement and provocation led the Muslim jihadis to plot his murder.
The Cartoon Controversy & British Muslims
On September 30, 2005, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published 12 editorial cartoons, most of which depicted the Islamic prophet Muhammad. The newspaper Jyllands-Posten announced that this publication was an attempt to contribute to the ongoing debate regarding criticism of Islam and its Prophet Muhammad.
Muslim organizations of Denmark objected to the depictions by holding public protests attempting to raise awareness amongst Muslims about the cartoons. A Danish Muslim delegation also visited Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to create awareness about the cartoons, which sparked protests and violence in the Muslim world, starting in Pakistan, in February 2006. In some Muslim countries, police had to resort to firing upon unruly protesters resulting in more than 100 deaths. Thousands of violent protesters set fire to the Danish Embassies in Syria, Lebanon and Iran and stormed other buildings. Violent protesters also desecrated the Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, French and German flags in Gaza City. Muslims, primarily in the West, responded to cartoons by boycott of Danish goods. Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen described the controversy as Denmark's worst international crisis since World War II. A Pakistani Cleric offered $1 million reward for killing each of the cartoonists. An Indian Muslim Minister offered $10 million bounty for the head of the cartoonists or their publishers, which got support from the Indian Islamic court and Islamic law board members. Amidst this raging violence across the Muslim world, many publications in Europe, Australia and New Zealand reprinted the cartoons in a show of solidarity with the Danish sister publication for defending their prized right of freedom of expression.
Thousands of British Muslims staged demonstration in front of the Danish embassy in London against the cartoons. The demonstrators carried placards that read:
“As Muslims we are unite & we are prepared to fight.”
“Behead those who insult Islam.”
“Massacre those who insult Islam.”
“BBC = British Blasphemic crusaders.”
“Europe, you will pay, fantastic 4 are on their way.”
“Annihilate those who insult Islam.”
“Freedom go to hell” and so on.
The demonstrators were shouting violent slogans such as:
“May Allah bomb you”,
“May Osama bin-Laden bomb you”,
“May they bomb Denmark so that we may invade that country and take their wives as war booty”,
“Denmark go to hell”,
“USA, go to hell”,
“George Bush, go to hell”,
“Khaibar Khaibar, O Jew, the army of Muhammad is coming for you”,
“Nuke Nuke USA”,
“Nuke Nuke Denmark,” and so on.
(See the video: Islam will take over the world:
The Labour Government exercised complete inaction despite such utmost and flagrant incitements of violence by the protesters. Such inaction on the part of the government obviously encourages Muslims to undertake more violent incitements and activities in the UK, paving the country's gradual transformation into the Islamic State of Great Britain.
Consequent to the politics of Muslim appeasement by the British government, many incredible things are happening there. According to a report appeared in the February 5, 2010 edition of The Independent, Judge Cherie Blair, wife of former Labour PM Tony Blair, spared a man of jail-term, because he was devout Muslim. The accused Shamso Miah (25) was released from jail last month after he was convicted of assaulting a person at a bank queue in east London and sentenced to prison terms. In the present case, he was convicted of fracturing another person's jaw. He was given a two-year suspended sentence instead of a six-month jail term because, Mrs Blair said, he was a "religious person" who had not been in trouble before.
Another news report says that a Catholic High School Forced Female Students to dress as Muslims. “Female students at the Ellesmere Port Catholic High School in Ellesmere Port, Cheshire were ordered to dress like Muslim women by wearing trousers, long sleeve shirts or blouses and headscarves on a compulsory school field trip to a local mosque. Students who refused to Islamicise their outfit were punished by being branded a truant and their permanent school record marked with an unauthorized absence”, the report said.
A Muslim organization, called Dudley Muslim Association, planned to build an £18 million mega-mosque, with a 65ft-tall minaret, on Hall Street in Dudley town centre. But the authorities have been compelled to scrape the plan due to vigorous protests from the locals.
Given these developments of increasing Islamization of the UK, Geert Wilders, while addressing the audience in the House of Lords on March 3, 2010, jokingly asked the audience: “Would London remain London, or it would become Londonistan?” We hope to discuss many other developments in forth-coming articles.