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Anjem Choudary's hate-preaching to Muslims' insulting the British troops --- all result of Muslim appeasement...

It has been pointed out that Muslim-appeasing Western leaders, to misguide and deceive the common people, parrot that “Islam is a religion of peace”. There are Youtube videos where George W Bush, the ex-President of USA, and Tony Blair, the ex-Prime Minister of UK, are seen to say that “Islam is a religion of peace”. Recently, the Obama administration has released a review of its strategy on the war on terror. The report has no mention of "Islam" or "Muslim".

But on March 3, 2010, Anjem Choudary, a radical Muslim leader of UK, told CBN News: “You can't say that Islam is a religion of peace. Because Islam does not mean peace. Islam means submission. So the Muslim is one who submits (unconditionally to Allah, to Allah’s Prophet Muhammad and Allah’s revealed book Koran). There is a place for violence in Islam. There is a place for jihad in Islam." This must serve as a slap on the face of the dishonest politicians.

CBN news correspondent and terrorism analyst Erick Stakelbeck, said of Choudary: “Choudary is the leader of Islam4UK, a group recently banned in Britain under the country's counter-terrorism laws. He wants Islamic Sharia law to rule the United Kingdom and is working to make that dream a reality. While Islamic radicals in the United States usually prefer to speak in more moderate tones while in public, masking their true agenda, Choudary has no such inhibitions. He has praised the 9/11 hijackers and has called for the execution of Pope Benedict. He also stirred controversy recently when video emerged of him converting a 10-year-old British boy to Islam.”

Choudary has become so adamant that he openly preaches violent jihad and says, "The Koran is full of, you know, jihad and jihad is the most talked about duty in the Koran... Nothing else is mentioned more than the topic of fighting in the Koran." While commenting on Choudary and his group, the London-based terrorism expert Peter Neumann said, "A number of people (of this group) have actually gone to Afghanistan, joined the Taliban and died fighting for the Taliban."

How Muslims are Responding to the Policy of Appeasement in UK

It has been mentioned in an earlier article, “Dangerous Policy of Muslim Appeasement in the UK”, that Islam is a non-spiritual political creed. Recently, Ron Ramsey, Lt Governor of Tennessee, has said that, Islam is not a Religion and hence he doubted whether the American Constitution, which guarantees “Freedom of Religion”, should apply on Islam. In fact, Islam is not a religion, but a political party; each and every mosque is its party office and a military outpost. The religious sermons (khutba) delivered by the imams in mosques after Friday prayers are nothing but pure political lectures.

Therefore Muslims, as a so-called religious group, are politically more conscious and active than other religious groups. As a result, as soon as Muslims in a non-Muslim country could sense that major political parties are greedy for their votes and have adopted the policy of Muslim appeasement, they start bargaining to squeeze out as much privilege as possible. And they go on demanding unjust financial, religious or any other benefits and concessions from the government, because they know that government would bow to their most unjust and illegal demands for their votes.

In addition, they also intensify their jihadi and other unlawful and terrorist activities, knowing well that the government would turn a blind eye to those activities for the fear of losing their votes. In this manner, they elevate themselves as citizens of first category, while the indigenous people of the country reduce to second category citizens. As a consequence of this political game, they have already succeeded to establish Sharia court partially for themselves, as a parallel system judiciary in UK.

There is no doubt that, through establishment of the Sharia court, they have been able to advance the process of Islamization of UK a step further. At the same time, this soft attitude of the government makes them adamant and audacious to undertake anti-government criminal activities and break any law of the land. Such a soft attitude became palpable when on February 4, according to a report appeared in the February 5, 2010 edition of The Independent, a UK Judge Cherie Blair, the wife of ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair, gave a man reduced sentence because he is devout Muslim.

It has been mentioned earlier, how this policy of Muslim appeasement has made Anjem Choudary and the Muslims of UK violently audacious. As a consequence, on 11 March 2008 thousands of UK Muslims held a demonstration in London against Theo Van Gogh and his film. The angry mob shouted slogans and carried violence-inciting placards. Again on 13 March 2010, in London, thousands of Muslims staged a demonstration, in front of the Danish embassy in London, against the cartoons of Muhammad appeared in the Danish newspaper. The demonstrators carried violence inciting placards and shouted violent slogans. A few other incidents may be narrated below in this regard.

Muslim protestors abused and spat at British troops

The incident happened on June 16, 2010 when onlookers and relatives were paying respect to the 150 troops from the 1st Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment as they were marching through Barking, East London. The battalion lost five of their soldiers while fighting in Afghanistan. Muslims called them “murderers”, “butchers” and “baby killers”. According to sifynews, some even spat on the soldiers. Some Muslims yelled, “Hitler’s henchmen had the same excuse, ‘We are just doing our job’” and “What are you dying for? 18K”. The protest took a violent twist when a right wing group countered Muslims, and threw frozen pork sausages, eggs and ice.

Nile Gardiner, a Washington-based foreign affairs analyst and political commentator, wrote, “There are few sights more sickening than hate-filled zealots hurling abuse at brave soldiers who have just returned from their third tour of duty in a war zone after putting their lives on the line for their country. There is a fundamental difference between legitimate, peaceful protest, and this kind of mob behaviour, that clearly threatens public safety”. As The Daily Mail reported that members of the Muslim against the Crusade group “shouted ‘murderers, murderers, murderers’ and ‘British troops go to hell’ as members of the 1st Battalion the Royal Anglian Regiment paraded down the streets of Barking, Essex.”

The leader of another group of Islamist fanatics, Abu Assadullah, is quoted in The Sun as declaring: “We are quite disgusted by the fact these murderers that raped our people are coming back and they are being honoured for doing something wrong. These people have been killing and raping and pillaging in Islamic countries and they should not be welcomed home. As Muslims, we wanted to make a stand.”

“The families of the soldiers are not the only ones with feelings. We also have feelings, our fellow Muslims are being butchered. Islam is not a violent religion but we will use violence if necessary to defend ourselves. Democracy is failing, that was clear as this year we had a hung parliament. Islam is the alternative”, Assadullah continued. 

Veil Controversy: Government yields to the Muslim Pressure

The controversy over wearing veil by Muslim women living in Britain began in October, 2006, when Ms Aishah Azmi, a Muslim teaching assistant at the Headfield Church of England Junior School in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, refused to remove her veil during lessons. The school authority said that a face to face communication was essential for her job. The School Council ultimately suspended Ms Aishah Azmi, 24, from her job. Ms Azmi then filed a case against the authorities on the ground of ‘injury to feelings, victimisation, direct and indirect discrimination and harassment. On 19th October, the court awarded her ₤1,000 as compensation of her ‘injury to feelings’ and dismissed her other complaints of discrimination and harassment.  

Meanwhile, the then Prime Minister Tony Blair waded into the controversy on 17th October, calling the practice of wearing veil as a ‘mark of separation’ which has to be tackled as part of a wider debate on integration of Muslims into British society. At his monthly press conference, he said that Britain should join countries like France and Germany holding discussions on multicultural relations as well as Islam should examine how it comes to terms with the modern world. While commenting on veil, he told the reporters, “It is a mark of separation and that’s why it makes other people from outside the community feel uncomfortable. Nobody wants to say that people don’t have the right to do it. … But I think we do need to confront this issue about how we integrate people properly within our society”. In the first week of December, the controversy flared up when the cabinet minister Jack Straw, a former foreign minister, had asked the Muslim women not wear the veil at all.

In Europe today, with a seemingly large immigrant Muslim population, banning burqa is a hot debate. And it is now being openly discussed, from security point of view, what to do about women wearing total face-obscuring garments. It is one thing to wear a headscarf, which bothers secularists, but another thing altogether to have women wearing the Arab niqab or Afghan burka. 

One of the most important arguments in support banning burqa in Europe says, “If a European woman travels to Saudi Arabia or Iran, she must be covered up – in Arabia, totally. That is their custom, and they insist upon compliance. So, when in Rome – or Paris, Copenhagen, or Berlin – immigrant Muslim women and visitors should abide by local custom.”

But the UK Government, according to its policy of Muslim appeasement, ultimately bowed down to the demand of Muslims and has given up the idea of banning burqa. Recently Britain’s Immigration Minister Damian Green has said: "Banning the burqa, the Islamic full-body veil for women, will be “un-British” and contrary to a “tolerant and mutually respectful society.” According to The Sunday Telegraph, Green said, “It would be “undesirable” for the British parliament to vote on a burqa ban and that there was no prospect of the ruling coalition government led by Prime Minister David Cameron proposing it.” The statement was made after a YouGov survey found that 67% of voters wanted the wearing of full-face veils to be made illegal in the country.

Green also said: “I stand personally on the feeling that telling people what they can and can’t wear, if they’re just walking down the street, is a rather un-British thing to do. …We’re a tolerant and mutually respectful society.”

The Muslim-appeasing political British leaders think that fulfilled their this demand, they will calm down. But the reality is quite opposite. This will encourage them to go on placing demand after demand until Britain turns into an Islamic state. A soft attitude of the government will turn them more and more adamant and audacious in demanding more and more benefits and concessions. This will also encourage them to carry on illegal and criminal activities. An example may be cited to expose how much audacious they could be in this regard.

Muslim Bus Driver in UK Locks Passengers aboard as he Stops to Pray

According to a report "Muslim bus driver locks passengers aboard as he stops to pray", appeared in the Telegraph on February 8, 2010, says, “A Muslim bus driver pulled over without warning and rolled out a high-visibility jacket as a makeshift prayer mat before removing his shoes, turning to face Mecca and starting to chant in Arabic, keeping the passengers aboard under lock and key. Welcome to Barry Gardner’s new, proud, brilliant multicultural Britain. The driver's behavior in this case is perfectly in accord with the Islamic supremacist notion that Islam is the plain truth, and everyone sees that, and thus those who don't believe are perverse and rebellious against God, and have no rights that need be respected”.

Passengers said they looked on in stunned silence, fearing the driver may be preparing for a terrorist attack on the bus. No one was able to get on or off the vehicle during the five-minute prayer session.

Gayle Griffiths, 33, a passenger complained to Transport for London (TfL) about the incident on the number 24 bus in Gospel Oak, north London, last week. The mother-of-one from Camden, North West London, who had boarded the bus minutes earlier on her way home from work, said: "Everyone was looking round in a mix of shock and amazement.

"When he had finished, he just got back up and set off again - all without any explanation or apology. It was truly bizarre, ludicrous and aggravating."… "We are delayed often enough as it is in London. We live in a multicultural society but there is a time and a place for prayer and the middle of a journey with a busload of passengers is not it", said a passenger.