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Because they have solid grounds, thanks to Obama himself, to assume so..

Barack Obama and Michelle Obama Ahmed Aboul Gheit
Barack Obama, Michelle Obama with Ahmed Aboul Gheit,
Egyptian Foreign  Minister & H. E. Laila Kamal El Din Salah

A recent Gallup poll found that one in five Americans believe that President Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim. Reporting on the poll, VoaNews opined: "The number of Americans with that mistaken idea has risen in the past year, although President Obama is a practicing Christian and has made many public statements about his faith."

While such a large number of Americans could be mistaken as VoaNews asserts, but their assumption is, at all, not without foundation. On several occasions, Obama has admitted that he is a Muslim. There a number of Youtube videos, showing Obama confess that he is a Muslim.[1] In a private meeting on Saturday, June 12, 2010, Obama told Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit: "…he was still a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father, the stepson of Muslim stepfather, that his half-brothers in Kenya are all Muslims, and that he was sympathetic towards the Muslim agenda." 

Don't these confessions in his very own words give one a solid ground to assume that President Barack Hussain Obama could, indeed, be a Muslim?

Apart from this, Obama attended a racist anti-White church for 20 years (for whatever reason), but since he cut ties with his former racist pastor and that church, after latter's virulent attack on the Whites during the election campaign, he is yet to find another church to pray (is he bothered to find one at all?).

From another angle, since Obama’s father was a Kenyan Muslim, he is by-default a Muslim for being born to a Muslim father. And he has not openly said that he renounced Islam. Had he done so, he would be an apostate of Islam in the Muslim eye, and his life would be at stake. Instead, when he toured Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and other Muslim countries of Middle East, he was welcomed and greeted everywhere as an honoured guest and a friend of Muslims. Can an openly 'Muslim apostate' expect such warm welcome from Muslim leaders and peoples of the Middle East? While he could be spared, given his position as the president of America, he could never ever expect the warmest welcome reserved for a foreign leader from the fanatical Arab Muslim populace and leaders.

Moreover, Obama's confession as a Muslim to the Egyptian Foreign Minister is much more revealing:

…he asked that the Moslem world show patience and promised that once he could overcome some domestic American problems, he would show the Moslem world what he would do with Israel.

The Israel-Palestine issue is closest grievance to Muslims all over the world, so, it seems, is for Obama. Moreover, this is a serious, indeed ominous, statement, which obviates that, in near future, he is going to adopt a strong anti-Israel policy to please the Muslim leaders of the Arab nations.

Apart from several interviews, in which he claimed himself to be a Muslim, he glorified Islam on a number of occasions, which is a sacred religious duty of Muslims, who do it assiduously. In his famous, nay infamous, Cairo speech, Obama told in glorification of Islam that:

“As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam. It was Islam – at places like Al-Azhar University – that carried the light of learning through so many centuries, paving the way for Europe’s Renaissance and Enlightenment. It was innovation in Muslim communities that developed the order of algebra; our magnetic compass and tools of navigation; our mastery of pens and printing; our understanding of how disease spreads and how it can be healed. Islamic culture has given us majestic arches and soaring spires; timeless poetry and cherished music; elegant calligraphy and places of peaceful contemplation. And throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”

Yet on another occasion, Obama said: "Islam has always been a part of America's story."

Commenting on this claim, Ralph Peters wrote in NY Post:

"Guess the Founding Fathers missed that one. But I'm assured that George Washington turned to his mullah in the dark days at Valley Forge, that Daniel Boone read the Koran around the campfire, and that al Qaeda stood by us at the Alamo. Yeah, there was that misunderstanding with the Muslim Barbary Pirates, when they killed, kidnapped and enslaved American citizens for years. 

What Obama proudly said of Muslim achievements are blatant lies. In reality, Maths and Sciences have their roots in ancient India, Far East China and the Greeks. Ancient Indian sages were the ones, who gave the world the decimal system and the “zero”, the concept of infinity. While commenting on science and math of ancient India, Albert Einstein said, "We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made." Similarly American author, William James, recognized ancient Indian treatise Vedas as the "encyclopedia of every aspect of life, culture, religion, science, ethics, law, cosmology and meteorology."

But no eminent scientist has ever said that the world has benefitted by Islamic wisdom in science and maths. In this context, former NASA Administrator Michael Griffin under the Bush Administration told the Fox News on July 5, 2010 that: “There is no technology they (the Muslim world) have that we need.” 

In refutation of Obama's gloating assertions on Islam's achievements, NASA's 12th Administrator Charles F. Bolden said:

I do not find where Islam developed Algebra. It is an Indian invention adopted by Islam during their bloody conquest of the Sub-continent. Did Islam pave the way for Europe’s Renaissance and Enlightenment? I have been hard pressed to find any proof of this claim. I always thought that Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press in Germany. The “Diamond Sutra” was published in China and Korea by using wooden blocks even earlier, but I can find no record of Islamic printing. I was taught in college that the French were the leaders in the study of infectious diseases, reference Louis Pasteur. I do recall the Islamic use of small pox cadavers being used as weapons of war, but not the discovery of how to cure small pox or any other diseases.

Bolden added:

Additionally, the last sentence above from President Obama’s Cairo address, really bothers me. When has Islam demonstrated through deeds, religious tolerance and racial equality? The historical record that I read is exactly the opposite of religious tolerance and racial equality. Where am I going wrong? Based on the facts I tend to agree more with former NASA Administrator Michael Griffin’s statement that “There is no technology they have that we need,”... In fact looking back on NASA’s record of landing men on the moon, sending probes to every planet in our solar system and advances in many fields of science, I know of no contributions from Islamic countries. Am I missing something? It leaves me to wonder what history does President Obama study?

Whether Obama truly is a Muslim or not, his own confessions more than once to be a Muslim and his kowtowing to and farcical glorification of Islam, and having the Muslim agenda close to his heart—all clearly spelt in his own words—give one enough ground to believe that Obama could be what he himself thinks: 'A Muslim'.

And placing him in the White House on the back of the 9/11 attacks and raging Islamic scourge around the world may prove to be a mistake of mammoth proportion. His strenuous efforts to disconnect Islam from violence and terrorism and give Islam a clean-chit, and employing so many Sharia-loving and radical-leaning Muslim ambassadors, namely Dalia Mogamed, AliKhan and Rashad Hussain et al., in the White House (which is turning it into a Muslim darbar or palace) and other key positions, who would work for nothing less than make Islam supreme in America—makes it amply clear that that mistake has started making itself manifest.

[1] admits that he is a Muslim  - Obama admits his Muslim Faith Obama’s Muslim faith