Islamic creed fosters a culture and environment of hatred, violence, plunder and rape -- all sanctified by Allah in the name of sacred Jihad -- causing backwardness to the Muslim community. Yet some Muslims have been able to free themselves from the pernicious impact of Islamic brainwashing and are trying to foster a peaceful and creative worldview amongst Muslims. This offers a ray of hope in the face of Islam's unrelenting assault on humanity and progress of the Muslim community.
The ray of hope
In the previous parts of this series of articles, it has been made clear that Islamic ideology creates an environment of hatred, terror and violence as well as sexual perversity. Such a creed cannot foster a peaceful and conducive atmosphere for nurturing creativity and intellectual development. Islamic schools or madrasas teach the Koran and hadiths, filled with the doctrine of violent jihad. Hence, students come out of these institutions with a well-developed criminal mindset, with no interest in creativity and freedom of thought. As a result, Islamic countries and communities lag behind in every sphere of human endeavors. But Muslims, who are brainwashed with this moribund and terrorizing cult from childhood, never allowing them to examine their faith and worldview rationally, fail to understand that Islam is the root cause of their backwardness. In India, Muslims constitute nearly 15% of the total population. The following Table, based on the Sachar Committee report shows the extent of Muslim backwardness in India:
Table 1: Muslim employment in government sectors
Area |
% of Muslims |
Total |
4.9 |
PSUs |
7.2 |
IAS, IFS and IPS |
3.2 |
Railways |
4.5 |
Judiciary |
7.8 |
Health |
4.4 |
Transport |
6.5 |
Home affairs |
7.3 |
Education |
6.5 |
Source: Sachar Committee Report
![]() George Fernandes |
![]() Abdul Qadeer Khan |
The most severe damage the Islamic creed of hatred and violence did to India is her partitioning to create Pakistan. Many consider it as the parting shoot of the British imperialists to harm India, but it was Islamic mindset and Muslim psyche was overwhelmingly, if not exclusively, responsible for this disastrous development. This hateful divisive Muslim psyche can be illustrated from an interview carried out by TIME Magazine in 1998 on the occasion of 50 years of India’s and Pakistan’s independence. To the question of the present Indo-Pak relation, Indian Defense Minister George Fernandes said: “I look at a Pakistani as the flesh of our flesh and the blood of our blood. We are two different nations but one people.”
Abdul Qadeer Khan, the famed father of Pakistan’s nuclear program, replied to a similar question:
“There are some similarities, but we are basically different. We are Muslims and they are Hindus. We eat cows. They worship cows. That we lived on the same land and spoke the same language does not make us the same people.”
The reader should notice the stark difference in the attitude of tolerance, love and unity between the two interviewees. Abdul Qadeer reflected extremely harmful, sinister and secessionist Muslim psycho-profile and its root goes to nowhere but Islam. In this context, we may remember recall what Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the father of Pakistan, had said of his campaign for creating Pakistan. He said: when the first Indian was converted to Islam during the invasion of Sindh by Muhammd bin Qasem in 711 AD, the seed of Pakistan had been sowed on the land of India. In another statement, Jinnah had said: I will have India divided or have it destroyed. So, it’s easy to trace, where lied the root cause of the partition of India in 1947 and the companied fratricidal blood-bath.
George Fernandes
Abdul Qadeer Khan
However, there are some people of Muslim background who have been able to ward off the pernicious impact of Islamic brain-washing. Islamic brainwashing has not only failed to turn them into vicious Jihad and rapist; instead, they have been able to portray a humane and peaceful worldview. The Pakistan-India People’s Forum for Peace and Democracy (PIPFPD) is a Pakistan based NGO, working to remove distrust and hostility bteween the people of these two nations. On November 21-22, 1998, it was holding a two-day convention in Peshawar, Pakistan. On the way to creating real friendship and amity between people of these two nations, Pakistani delegate Dr Abdul Qasim Naik, quoting Upanisad, said: “Only the message of the Upanisads are capable of removing discriminations among the human race created on the basis of religion and nationality. Only Upnisads consider the entire humanity as a family and every person living in this world, as a member of the world-family.”[Islamic Voice, March, 1999]
In this context, Pakistani journalist Zafar Adeem’s comment on the occasion of 50th anniversity of Pakistan’s independence is worth quoting here. He said: “We have never been able to understand that, if 50 years were not sufficient to make Pakistan fit for receiving a perfect Islamic system, then where was the necessity to create it at all? If the Islamic system cannot be enforced, then why not we go back to the original system, the United India? There is still a heart-warming and soul-stirring call coming from across the borders devoid of any sectarian heat. The great land of India is a wonderful gift of God, made fertile and creative by nature in every respect. It is a cradle of a variety of religions and beliefs and a shining example of unity in diversity, which our Mumalkat-e-Khudad (i.e. Pakistan) lacks.” (The Organiser- 18.1.1998).
On the disastrous outcome of creating Pakistan by severing ties with India, another Pakistani jurnalist Dr Farrukh Saleem, in his article The Indian and Pakistan chromosome, has compared the achievements of India and Pakistan. It would be better for the readers to read the entire article. Here, I quote a part of it:
The Indian and Pakistan chromosome
![]() Dr Farrukh Saleem |
“Twenty-five thousand years ago, haplogroup R2 characterized by genetic marker M124 arose in southern Central Asia. Then began a major wave of human migration whereby members migrated southward to present-day India and Pakistan (Genographic Project by the National Geographic Society). Indians and Pakistanis have the same ancestry and share the same DNA sequence. Here's what is happening in India:
The two Ambani brothers can buy 100 percent of every company listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) and would still be left with $30 billion to spare. The four richest Indians can buy up all goods and services produced over a year by 169 million Pakistanis and still be left with $60 billion to spare. The four richest Indians are now richer than the forty richest Chinese.
In November, Bombay Stock Exchange's benchmark Sensex flirted with 20,000 points. As a consequence, Mukesh Ambani's Reliance Industries became a $100 billion company (the entire KSE is capitalized at $65 billion). Mukesh owns 48 percent of Reliance.
In November, comes Neeta's birthday. Neeta turned forty-four three weeks ago. Look what she got from her husband as her birthday present: A sixty-million dollar jet with a custom fitted master bedroom, bathroom with mood lighting, a sky bar, entertainment cabins, satellite television, wireless communication and a separate cabin with game consoles. Neeta is Mukesh Ambani's wife, and Mukesh is not India's richest but the second richest.
For the record: Azim Premji, the richest Muslim entrepreneur on the face of the planet, was born in Bombay and now lives in Bangalore. India now has more than three dozen billionaires; Pakistan has none (not a single dollar billionaire).
The other amazing aspect is the rapid pace at which India is creating wealth. In 2002, Dhirubhai Ambani, Mukesh and Anil Ambani's father, left his two sons a fortune worth $2.8 billion. In 2007, their combined wealth stood at $94 billion. On 29 October 2007, as a result of the stock market rally and the appreciation of the Indian rupee, Mukesh became the richest person in the world, with net worth climbing to US$63.2 billion (Bill Gates, the richest American, stands at around $56 billion).
Indians and Pakistanis have the same Y-chromosome haplogroup. We have the same genetic sequence and the same genetic marker (namely: M124). We have the same DNA molecule, the same DNA sequence. Our culture, our traditions and our cuisine are all the same. We watch the same movies and sing the same songs. What is it that Indians do and we don't: Indians elect their leaders.”
It would be equally relevant to quote Dr Saleem’s another highly illuminating article, Why are Jews so powerful? Excerpts are posted here:
Why are Jews so powerful?
“There are only 14 million Jews in the world; seven million in the Americas, five million in Asia, two million in Europe and 100,000 in Africa. For every single Jew in the world there are 100 Muslims. Yet, Jews are more than a hundred times more powerful than all the Muslims put together. Ever wondered why?
Jesus of Nazareth was Jewish. Albert Einstein, the most influential scientist of all time and TIME magazine's "Person of the Century", was a Jew. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis was a Jew. So were Karl Marx, Paul Samuelson and Milton Friedman.
Here are a few other Jews whose intellectual output has enriched the whole humanity: Benjamin Rubin gave humanity the vaccinating needle. Jonas Salk developed the first polio vaccine. Alert Sabin developed the improved live polio vaccine. Gertrude Elion gave us a leukemia fighting drug. Baruch Blumberg developed the vaccination for Hepatitis B. Paul Ehrlich discovered a treatment for syphilis (a sexually transmitted disease). Elie Metchnikoff won a Nobel Prize in infectious diseases.
Bernard Katz won a Nobel Prize in neuromuscular transmission. Andrew Schally won a Nobel in endocrinology (disorders of the endocrine system; diabetes, hyperthyroidism). Aaron Beck founded Cognitive Therapy (psychotherapy to treat mental disorders, depression and phobias). Gregory Pincus developed the first oral contraceptive pill. George Wald won a Nobel for furthering our understanding of the human eye. Stanley Cohen won a Nobel in embryology (study of embryos and their development). Willem Kolff came up with the kidney dialysis machine.
Over the past 105 years, 14 million Jews have won 15-dozen Nobel Prizes while only three Nobel Prizes have been won by 1.4 billion Muslims (other than Peace Prizes).
In the media, famous Jews include Wolf Blitzer (CNN), Barbara Walters (ABC News), Eugene Meyer (Washington Post), Henry Grunwald (editor-in-chief Time), Katherine Graham (publisher of The Washington Post), Joseph Lelyyeld (Executive Editor, The New York Times), and Max Frankel (New York Times).
As a matter of fact, Hollywood itself was founded by a Jew. Among directors and producers, Steven Spielberg, Mel Brooks, Oliver Stone, Aaron Spelling (Beverly Hills 90210), Neil Simon (The Odd Couple), Andrew Vaina (Rambo 1/2/3), Michael Man (Starsky and Hutch), Milos Forman (One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest), Douglas Fairbanks (The Thief of Baghdad ) and Ivan Reitman (Ghostbusters) are all Jewish.
William James Sidis, with an IQ of 250-300, is the brightest human who ever existed. Guess what faith did he belong to? And all that and more makes be proud to be one.
So, why are Jews so powerful? Answer: Education Why are Muslims so powerless?
There are an estimated 1,476,233,470 Muslims on the face of the planet: one billion in Asia, 400 million in Africa, 44 million in Europe and six million in the Americas. Every fifth human being is a Muslim; for every single Hindu there are two Muslims, for every Buddhist there are two Muslims and for every Jew there are one hundred Muslims. Ever wondered why Muslims are so powerless?
Here is why: There are 57 member-countries of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), and all of them put together have around 500 universities; one university for every three million Muslims. The United States has 5,758 universities and India has 8,407. In 2004, Shanghai Jiao Tong University compiled an "Academic Ranking of World Universities", and intriguingly, not one university from Muslim-majority states was in the top-500.
Daily newspapers per 1,000 people and number of book titles per million are two indicators of whether knowledge is being diffused in a society. In Pakistan, there are 23 daily newspapers per 1,000 Pakistanis while the same ratio in Singapore is 360. In the UK, the number of book titles per million stands at 2,000 while the same in Egypt is 20.
Conclusion: The Muslim world is failing to diffuse knowledge.
Interestingly, the combined annual GDP of 57 OIC-countries is under $2 trillion. America, just by herself, produces goods and services worth $12 trillion; China $8 trillion, Japan $3.8 trillion and Germany $2.4 trillion (purchasing power parity basis).
Oil rich Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and Qatar collectively produce goods and services (mostly oil) worth $500 billion. Spain, alone, produces goods and services worth over $1 trillion; Catholic Poland $489 billion and Buddhist Thailand $545 billion while Muslim GDP as a percentage of world GDP is fast declining.
So, why are Muslims so powerless? Answer: Lack of education. All we do is shout to Allah the whole day long and blame everyone else for our multiple failures.”
Why the Hindus, Jews, certainly Christians and other communities prosper and Muslims lag behind? It is obvious that Muslims are different from the rest in their religion, Islam. Hindus, Jews, Christians and others learned not to impart religious constraints in intellectual development and pursuing their worldly aspirations. What Dr Farrukh Saleem has forgotten to mention is that, not only education but freedom of expression and oppression of women are also stifling creativity and economic development in the Muslim world.
From the above discussions, it becomes evident that Islam -- the creed of intense hatred, violent Jihad and sexual violence and perversity -- is playing havoc in Muslim communities across the world. The Koran, words of the Islamic God, and deemed by Muslims as the complete guide to their life, emphasizes exclusively on loot, plunder and economic exploitation of the kafirs to earning livelihood by Muslims. Allah has made participation in Jihad attacks upon kafir, the best form of worship, according to some scholars, equal to prayers for 1000 days. But for advancement in the modern world, a nation needs to have the rule of law and stability and excel in hard work, education and creativity. But the Islamic creed of loot, plunder, Jihad violence and sexual crime cannot foster such as environment. Instead, it can only foster system exactly opposite of that, which is counter to progress and advancement.
“From the schooldays onwards, Muslims are instructed that they should not defy tradition (laid down by Allah through Koran and Hadith) that they should respect the authority (of Allah) and truth should be sought in the text (i.e. Koran and Hadith) and not in experience”, says a British commentator.
“The role of thought (among Muslims) is to explain and transmit (what has been ordained by Allah in Koran and Hadith) and not to search or question (those religious dogmas)”, says a Syrian Islamic intellectual.
The ultimate result of these instructions and constrictions is that Muslims as a community fail to become inquisitive and creative and leave them backward, which indeed is the Muslim reality all over the world.
So, it is high time for Muslims worldwide to liberate themselves from the constrictions of Islam, a creed of slavery to Arab Imperialism, and return to the fold of tolerance and humanity, if they intend to foster peaceful social contracts and creative instincts amongst them so as to effectively compete and contribute to the advancement to our collective human civilization.