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How some dishonest scientists invent modern science in the Koran???


In the 7th century, Muhammad, the illiterate Muslim prophet of Arabia told some totally incoherent things and succeeded to pass those delirious words as the divine revelations from an alleged God, called Allah. And astonishing, a few modern scientists have discovered all kinds of sciences in those delirious words, presented as the Muslim holy book, the Koran. No person of average intelligence will find any traces of scientific in the Koran. But those scientists, having links to those Saudi royals, have discovered many scientific facts in it. These scientists have discovered in the Koran the mention of the speed of light, human embryology, black-holes and even the notion of the expanding universe, as claimed by the Big Bang model of origin of this Universe.

Edwin P. Hubble

The Big Bang model of an expanding universe presupposes that a light source receding from the observer at a high speed looks more reddish, while an approaching one looks more bluish. The phenomenon is known as “Doppler Effect” and the resulting change of colour in the spectrum of the source is called ‘red shift’ nad ‘blue shift’ respectively. In the 1920s, astronomer Edwin P Hubble and Milton Humason started observing the Doppler shifts in the spectra on distant galaxies and nebulae with the then largest telescope in the world, the Hooker telescope at the Mount Wilson observatory in California, and detected some amount of red shift in the spectra of all the galaxies they surveyed. So, they concluded that all the galaxies are receding from the earth at tremendous speeds. By estimating the distances of the galaxies from the earth, they also found that the amount of red shift is directly proportional to the distance of the galaxy. However, the proportionality relation was found to be more accurate for galaxies, which are 1 mega parsec or farther away from the earth (1 mega parsec is equal to 3.98×1019 Km). [1]

The above discovery apparently shows that all the heavenly bodies are moving away from each other with speeds proportional to their distance and thus laid the foundation of the idea of an expanding universe, which so far was considered to be a static one. The constant of proportionality obtained by dividing the speed of a heavenly body by its distance is commonly known as the Hubble parameter and one should notice here that the inverse of the Hubble parameter gives an estimate of the age of the Universe. The Hubble parameter calculated by Hubble himself was so large that the age of the Universe came out to be merely 4.7 billion years, even less than the age of our solar system estimated from geological records. As a matter of fact, the error in the Hubble parameter was due to error in estimating the distances of the far-away galaxies. Later on, the numerical value of the Hubble parameter has undergone many revisions and the most accurate estimate of the age of the Universe now lies between 1.4 to 1.6×1010 years or 14 to 16 billion years.

The “Big Bang” model

The discovery of continually expanding Universe led scientists to think that, perhaps the entire Universe was initially concentrated as a very dense and hot mass in a small volume of space, and at a certain instant of time it started inflating or exploding. Cosmologists call this instant of time as the zero of the time scale, and this view about the origin of the Universe is called the “Big Bang” model. It may be mentioned here that the term “Big Bang” was mockingly given by Fred Hoyle, a bitter opponent of the model, which gradually gained popularity among the cosmologists.[2] In 1948, Fred Hoyle [3] and H Bondi and T Gold [4] presented an alternative model, known as the “Steady State” model, which avoids the initial explosion called “singularity” in science. This Steady State model speculates that matter in the Universe is being continuously created throughout the infinite past so that the density of the expanding Universe is kept constant. It further assumes that the Universe must appear identical when viewed from any point in any direction and at any instant of time.

In 1946, George Gamow predicted that if the Universe originated from such an intensely hot and tremendously condensed matter, there should be a fossil of that state in the form of a uniformly distributed microwave radiation or cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation throughout the entire empty space of the cosmos.[5] In 1965, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson detected such an isotropic background microwave radiation coming from all directions of space with the help of a specially designed antenna.[6] This discovery dealt a severe blow to the Steady State model and established the Big Bang model on a firm basis.

At the very early stage, the Universe is believed to have been filled with an extremely hot and dense gas of elementary particles and photons in or nearly thermal equilibrium and the temperature and density of this hot mass are believed to have attained extremely high values, nearly 1.6×1012 degree Kelvin and 8.2×1092 gram per cubic centimeter. But as the Universe began to expand, its density and temperature decreased rapidly. When the Universe was 10-43 seconds old, its density and temperature were so reduced that accepted laws of physics are also supposed to be operative. How this initial fire-ball has undergone such a tremendous explosion, nearly 10300 times within 10-43 seconds, to give rise to the vastly large Universe of today having a radius of nearly 1010 light years? To this question the cosmologists are unable to give any convincing reply except some conjectures.

Creation ex nihilo

One should notice that the Big Bang model starts from infinitely hot and infinitely dense matter. But the Koranic Allah and the Biblical Gods claim that they have created the earth and seven heavens ex-nihilo. To elaborate the notion of ex-nihilo – that is, "out of nothing".

Thomas Jay Oord

But the concept violates the established law of physics that says that the mass and energy of the universe is conserved. Mass can be transformed into matter and vice versa, but mass cannot be created out of nothingness, which is also claimed in Hindu philosophy as Rishi Kapila had said: “Navastuno vastu siddhi”, i.e. matter cannot be created out of nothing.[7]

Several verses of the Koran explicitly state that Allah created man from clay and the heavens and the earth, out of nothing. The following quotations come from Muhammad Asad's translation, The Message of the Quran: "The Originator is Allah of the heavens and the earth: and when He wills a thing to be, (He utters the Arabic word “kun” or let it be), and the desired object gets shape" (2.117). "But does man not bear in mind that We have created him aforetime out of nothing?"(19.67)

Presently, many Christian theologians have raised objection against the notion of creation ex nihilo. Thomas Jay Oord (b. 1965), a Christian philosopher and theologian, argues that Christians should abandon the doctrine of creation ex nihilo. Oord points to the work of biblical scholars, such as Jon D. Levenson, who point out that the doctrine of creatio ex nihilo does not appear in Genesis. Oord speculates that God created our particular universe billions of years ago from primordial chaos. This chaos did not predate God, however, for God would have created the chaotic elements as well.

At odds with modern science and archeology, Christians philosophers like Oord are raising objections to unscientific aspects of Christian theology so as to make it compatible with science. But no such objection has ever been raised by any Muslim about the unscientific aspect of Islamic belief. This is because Muslims are shackled people, enslaved by the Koran and do not enjoy freedom of opinion and expression. They have no right to say a single word against what Allah has revealed in the Koran 1400 years ago. For example, it is now without any doubt that the earth is near-spherical in shape. But the Koranic earth is flat like a carpet covered by a solid roof (21: 32) called the sky and the sun and the moon

Grand Mufti Abd al-Aziz ibn
Abd Allah ibn Baaz

revolving round this flat stationary earth (21: 33).  There, the late chief cleric of Saudi Arabia, Grand Mufti Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd Allah ibn Baaz, the Chancellor of the Islamic University of Medina (1970-1975), and the Chairman of Saudi Arabia's Department of Scientific Research from 1975, issued a fatwa in 1976, based on the Koran that the Earth is flat, and anyone, who said otherwise, was blaspheming.

The same cleric had issued another Koran-based fatwa in 1966, claiming that the Earth did not revolve, or orbit the Sun; instead the Sun orbits the Earth. He reiterated this in yet another fatwa in 1982, saying that the Sun orbited the Earth, and that anyone, who did disagree with him, would be declared an infidel.[i]

Moreover, Allah (i.e. Muhammad) said that Kaaba in Mecca is situated at the middle of the flat earth. Allah also says that, He has created the roof (i.e. the sky) and the seven heavens with such perfection that no one is able to find a crack in Allah’s creation (Koran 67.3). But on the day of Last Judgment (qiyamah), He would destroy the solid roof, called sky, and the debris will fall on the earth. All such revelations obviously reflect very limited knowledge of Allah regarding real nature of this vast universe. Moreover, Allah is also thoroughly ignorant of the real nature of sun, and hence He said that on the day of qiyamah, He would bring the sun very close, about a mile away, to the earth and the sun sets in a pond. Muhammad (i.e. Allah) was so ignorant of the real nature of the stars and said that He termed the star missiles for striking the Satan.[10]

Flat earth of Allah and Muhammad

Quran’s Universe

As a matter of fact, the Koran contains no single verse may refer to the universe as we understand it. The Koran only states that Allah has created the earth and seven heavens. Those Western scientists, unbelievably, equated the seven heavens to the Universe. May we ask those scientists to explain the creation of seven heavens? Are they able to divide the Universe into seven compartments? It is unfortunate that some scientists, respected as seekers of truth by the common people, are playing such dubious game. It seems petro-dollar of Arabia too sweet for them to care for scientific credibility. So, they have started discovering modern sciences in the Koran, one of the most rubbish and unscientific book ever written in history. In this connection, several other points need to be discussed and we hope to tackle them in future articles.


[1]   Hubble, E P (1929), Nat. Acad. Sci, 15, 168-173.

[2]   In 1927, Lemaitre advanced a model of an expanding Universe and predicted red-shift. Hence Lemaitre, G. is often credited with being the father of Big Bang cosmology. Lemaitre, G. (1931), Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc., 91, 483-490.

[3]   Hoyle, F. (1948), Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. (1986), 372-382.

[4]   Bondi, H. and Gold, T. (1948), Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 108, 252-270.

[5]   Gamow, George, (1946), Phys. Rev. 70, 572-573.

[6]   Penzias, A. A. and Wilson, R. W. (1965), Astrophys. J., 142, 419-421.

[7] Samkhya Pravachana Sutram, 1.78

[8] Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia.

[10] Allah is not the creator of the Universe:


[i] To learn about those 2 fatwas, read Judith Miller (1997) God Has Ninety-Nine Names: Reporting from a Militant Middle East, Simon and Schuster, New York p. 114; Mark Weston (2008) Prophets and Princes: Saudi Arabia from Muhammad to the Present, Wiley, Hoboken, 196; and Malise Ruthven (2004) A Fury for God: The Islamist Attack on America, Granta Books, London, p. 148-149).