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Allah has a very idiotic concept, as some dishonest scientists make, of our Universe. Therefore, He couldn't be the Creator of the Universe as we know.

Blue Sky: Allah’s solid roof or an optical illusion?

The sea looks blue, but a sample of sea water collected is seen to be crystal-clear and colorless. Then why the sea looks blue? It is due to an optical illusion produced by the scattering of light. We know that the white light is composed of seven colors, namely violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. Among these colors, red is of the longest and violet is of the shortest wave-length. When white light falls upon the sea water, the bluish part of the spectrum, which is off highest energy, is scattered by water molecules of the sea at least 10,000 times more than the reddish part of the spectrum. So, the sea looks blue.

Similar is the case with the blue sky and the gas molecules of our atmosphere. Here also the bluish part of the spectrum is scattered many times more than the reddish part of the spectrum and this makes the sky look blue. But during the rising and setting of the sun, bluish portion is scatters away from our vision, the reddish part reaches our eyes and this makes the sun red during rising and setting. As our earth and its atmosphere are spherical, the blue sky also appears to be spherical in shape.

So, the sky above the earth is an optical illusion (just like a rainbow) created by the scattering of light by the gas molecules of the atmosphere. If we go to a planet that does not have an atmosphere, we shall not observe a sky there. The moon is a satellite of the earth that does not have an atmosphere. So, if we go to the moon, we shall not see a blue sky but deep darkness in every direction. But Allah is totally ignorant of these scientific facts and does not know that the blue sky over the earth is simply an optical illusion.

But had Allah been the creator of this Universe, He would not have said that the sky is a “solid roof” over the earth, which He has created and fixed in position without any pillar, with the help of His extraordinary miraculous power or “qudrah”. Had He been the creator of this Universe, He would not have said that on the Day of Last Judgment (qiamah), He would destroy this solid sky and the debris would fall on the earth. This single idiotic claim of Allah is more than sufficient to prove that (1) Allah is not the God and (2) He is not the creator of the Universe.

Another declaration of Allah makes one to believe that He is ignorant of the real nature of the sun and other stars in the sky. He says that, on the Day of Last Judgment, He will bring the sun very close to the earth and it will be only a mile away from the earth. So, it reflects Allah’s complete ignorance about what would happen if the sun comes so close to the earth. He does not know that, in such a case, the earth will evaporate instantly. Therefore, bringing the sun so close to the earth is impossible. All these utterances of Allah reflect that His wisdom is no better than that of an illiterate Arab Bedouin of 7th century. But unfortunately many Western scientists, being heavily bribed by the Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich countries of the Middle East, have started discovering science in that idiotic book of Allah, called the Koran. Allah the fool clearly does not even know the reality of the sun, but these treacherous scientists have started claiming that Allah has also mentioned the existence of "black holes" in the Universe.

According to the wisdom of Allah, the stars in the sky are nothing but lamps, which He has created to decorate the sky and to guide the sailors to navigate at night. So, for Allah, destroying a star is no more than putting out a lamp. But the said bribed cosmologists are trying to interlink such verses of the Koran as creation of extinguishing of stars and creation of black holes.

No mentioning of the Universe in the Koran

In fact, it seems that Allah does not know that there is such a thing, called the universe. There is not a single verse in the Koran that mentions the idea of the Universe. Everywhere, Allah says that He has created the heaven and the earth, or to be concise, He has created this earth and seven heavens. But those dishonest scientists equate heavens to the Universe. But they remain silent about Allah claim of creating “seven” heavens, given it is not possible to divide the universe into seven distinct compartment.

Muhammad's Buraq for riding to heaven

And as Allah created sky as a solid structure as the roof of the earth, hence all visible luminous objects, or heavenly bodies, must lie below this opaque sky. Therefore, this solid sky is the virtual boundary of the Islamic universe. What is the distance of this boundary from the earth? In this aspect, the Islamic scriptures say that, Allah has created seven heavens above this boundary (sky), and there He has built a heavenly Kaaba, just above the Kaaba at Mecca. So, if anyone drops a plumbing rope from the heavenly Kaaba, it would touch the mundane Kaaba at Mecca. It would be possible for a man to reach the heavens by climbing that rope, but it would take 700 years. So, to calculate the height of the solid roof, one has to calculate the height a man can climb a rope in 700 years.

It would be relevant to mention here that the Angel Zibrail (Gabriel) used to take nearly 12 hours to cover this distance. Whenever Allah wanted to reveal a new verse (or verses) of the holy Koran, Angel Zibrail used to leave heaven in the evening with the new message and reach the earth next morning. After communicating the new message to the Prophet, he used to leave the earth in the same morning and return to the heaven next evening. He also used to fly with his 100,000 wings to cover the distance.

It is now well known that the three quarters of our atmosphere lies within the troposphere, and the depth of this layer varies between 17 km at the equator and 7 km at the poles. The ozone layer, which absorbs ultraviolet energy from the Sun, is located primarily in the stratosphere, at altitudes of 15 to 35 km. The Kármán line, located within the thermosphere at an altitude of 100 km. So, at heights above 35 km, the atmosphere becomes so thin that it not possible for any object to fly. However, the very thin exosphere can extend from 500 up to 10,000 km above the surface of the earth.

It is interesting to note here that during his night journey to heaven, Prophet Muhammad used an animal, called Buraq, which is a bit bigger than a donkey but slightly smaller than mule and had two wings. So, it appears that the creature flew the Prophet to the heaven. The incident reflects Allah’s ignorance that nothing can fly with wings at a high altitude where the atmosphere is exceptionally thin. There is another problem too. If the sky is a solid structure, then how the Prophet on the back of Buraq could penetrate that solid sky to reach heaven and meet Allah? One must also wonder: How Prophet Muhammad and his buraq survived in such a rarified atmosphere or vacuum?

Similar are the problems with Angel Zibrail, who uses wings. How he could fly at such a high altitude with very thin or no air at all? How could he have been able to penetrate the solid sky while traveling between the heaven and earth? Question naturally arises: Did Allah create a secret hole for the convenience of Zibrail and did the Prophet utilize the same hole during his night journey to the heaven? Most astonishing is the fact that even so-called educated Muslims have continued believing in these cock and bull stories for centuries. Many believe that Muslims, who are trained from their childhood in the Koranic belief-system, gradually lose capabilities of logical thinking and judging things using their own intelligence and experience.

There is also another reason. Islam is a package and a Muslim has to believe in all its aspects. If a Muslim says, he does not believe in a particular aspect of Islam, he would immediately be declared an apostate that calls for a death penalty. So, Islam is a mousetrap. It has a wide-open entrance but no exits. Recently in Iran, Youcef Nadarkhani, a member of the Church of Iran ministry and pastor faces death penalty on charge of leaving Islam and converting to Christianity.[1]

Allah’s heaven or paradise

Allah’s heavens, as narrated in the Koran, is nothing but a residential complex to be used by blessed Muslims, primarily murderous Jihad, of Allah’s paradise as dwelling places. But those Western scientists (or cosmologists) shamelessly equate Allah’s 7 heavens as the Universe, but the will not explain how the Universe can be divided into 7 separate heavens.

Whatever those dishonest scientists makes Allah’s 7 heavens to be, they are nothing more than a 7-story residential complex or seven separate residential houses, which are basically Allah’s brothels for the enjoyment of blessed Muslims as I have elaborately in the article, Destination: Allah’s Brothel. And equating them with the Universe, as some Western scientists do and all Muslims readily believe, is idiotic in the least.



[1] also see