As Muslims increasingly push for establishing Sharia law and Islamic states in the UK, the newly-formed British Freedom Party may help frustrate the Muslim dream and preserve the British polity and culture.
The British Freedom Party (BFP) was formed in 2010 by disaffected members of the British National Party (BNP) over the lack of transparency of BNP’s accounting returns and growing misgivings about the conduct of its leader, Nick Griffin. Dissatisfied members resigned from BNP in increasing number and joined hands with those, expelled from the BNP by Griffin, to found British Freedom Party, lead by Paul Weston, a former UK Independence Party candidate in Cities of London and Westminster. BFP has formed a pact with the English Defence League for electoral cooperation.
Islamization is gaining momentum in the UK due to uncontrolled and rapid rise of Muslim immigrants. Christians, Muslims and Hindus constitute 72%, 3% and 1% respectively of the UK population. Though Muslims are merely 3% of the population, but they are not uniformly distributed. Muslims tend to concentrate in certain areas, thus turning those areas dominated by Muslims. In the 2010General Election, there are nearly 650 Parliamentary constituencies in the UK, and Muslim votes play crucial role in winning or losing election in 82 of them.
Previously, the Labour Party was favoured by Muslims and hence Labour candidates used to win from these constituencies. But the sweet Labour-Muslim relation turned sour after the Labour Government of Tony Blaire sent British forces to Afghanistan and Iraq. This proved fortuitous for the Conservative Party, which won the last election defeating Labour, and David Cameron became the Prime Minister. This development heralded a cut-throat competition between the Labour and the Conservatives to appease Muslims to get their votes. Muslims, on the other hand, left no stone unturned to exploit the opportunity.They started building pressure to compel the government for more benefits for them, impose Shariah law and intensified criminal and violent jihadi activities. They became determine to build multi-million-pound giant mosques at Sandhurst and Dudley. However, the government finally scraped the Sandhurst project over security reasons, and the plan for mosque complex at Dudley was frustrated by vigorous protests by the local residents, joined in by the England Defense League (EDL).
However, the ruling Conservative government, in its effort to appease Muslims, allowed Shariah courts as a parallel judiciary, enforced serving halal food in eating houses and most deplorably issued a circular for the cops to adopt separate procedures for investigating and arresting criminals on religious ground. In this context, it may be mentioned that ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair’s wife Cherie Blair, sitting in a case as judge, gave a Muslim criminal lighter punishment, because he was a “devout” Muslim. The situation has turned such that Muslims have recently raised demands for establishing three Islamic states in Muslim-dominated areas in the UK.
In fact, the entire Europe, including France, Spain, Germany, Norway, and Sweden etc., is submerged into darkness of Muslim appeasement and gradual process of Islamization. One can find light only in The Netherlands, where Geert Wilders and his Freedom Party (PVV) is fighting to curb Muslim immigration and Islamization of the Netherlands with some success.So, it is a good news that the Britons, who doesn’t want to see Islamization and implementation of Sharia in the UK that the newly-formed British Freedom Party pledged to fight Muslim immigration and Islamization of the UK.
Aims and Objectives of BFPThe British Freedom Party (BFP) has declared its 20 point program encompassing all the important national problems such as Agriculture, Crime and Justice, Defense, Democracy, Economy, Education, Energy, Environment and Health. (read more, see [1]) But most important of all these problems is the problem of Muslim immigration and the process of Islamization of the UK. To define its stand regarding this problem, BFP has divided the entire problem into five categories as discussed below:
It’s About Space Not Race
Britain has only 1 per cent of the total world landmass, and hence it cannot support ever increasing burden of immigrant population. So, the declaration says: Britain has been subjected to mass immigration for several decades and our small island can take no more. It’s about space not race, and it’s time to shut the door and stop further immigration.
Culture Not Colour
We believe that it is the obligation of all naturalized migrants to fit in with our way of life and to respect our customs. For our society to be cohesive, it is essential that all citizens are integrated fully and that they respect the British way of life. We bear no ill-will to the settled minorities, who have adopted our culture but this integration is a duty not a choice.
Most immigrants, who originally came to the United Kingdom from the former British Commonwealth in particular, came to Britain specifically because of our British culture and because they wanted to live in a country and culture that they loved. They also now have to live in a Britain where the indigenous British folk, and fully integrated British citizens like themselves, are becoming strangers due to unrestricted mass immigration.
Asylum Seekers
British Freedom Party would refuse asylum in Britain to those who have passed through safe countries to get here. Britain would no longer accept such people as genuine. The UN charter is quite clear about this in that asylum should be claimed in the first safe country passed and not in the one that pays the most generous benefits.
Deporting Foreign-born Criminals
Rather than releasing our own criminals early to re-offend, we would deport the foreign-born criminals currently taking up space in our jails. It is not Britain’s job to pay for their upkeep when prison places are in short supply.Putting British Citizens FirstWe would end the scandal of cheap labour being imported from overseas depriving British workers out of jobs and put our people first.
Paul Weston’s address in New York
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Last February, Mr Paul Weston visited USA and on February 23, he addressed a gathering in a private apartment in the New York City to explain the aims and objectives of BFP (watch video [2]). In that lecture, Weston also explained the future plan and program of his Party. To explain the problem of Muslim immigration, he told the audience that in 1960s, Muslims were only in their thousands in the UK. But the Labour Government under Tony Blair opened the doors to unrestrained Muslim immigrants that changed the traditional social fabric and culture of the Great Britain (GB).
To explain the gravity of the problem, he said that, in primary schools in London, and perhaps all over the country, 20 per cent of the students are Muslims, and if things go like this, within 2030, the ethnic white Christians would be a minority in their own country. He blamed the Leftist Labour Government for all these unwelcome developments. As an evidence in support of his claim, he said that the Tony Blairs government published a booklet explain why is GB is the best destination to immigrate and distributed the same in Pakistan through the British Embassy in Pakistan. As a result, 2 million visas were issued to Pakistani Muslims, 15 per cent of them were dreaded criminals and terrorists. These Muslims are inflating their kind by high birth rate and British Government, being a welfare government providing financial assistance to them, even to those polygamous Muslims who entered the UK with four wives, even though polygamy is banned in GB.
To describe how Muslim population is increasing in UK, Mr Weston said that, 18,000 Muslims in 1960 became 1 million in 1990, and at present the figure has shot up to 3 to 4 million. So, next 50 years will not be nothing like last 50 years. Experts say that today’s 3 million Muslims will be 6 million by 2020. Indigenous Britons have a growth rate of 1.5 children per couple while it a double digit figure for Muslim immigrants, and this suggests that Muslim population is growing 10 times faster than the indigenous population. So, by 2030, there will be 23 million Muslims and people within the age group of 15 to 40 years males, the traditional fighting people, the indigenous people will be a minority. This will definitely lead to subjugation of the non-Islamic Britons. To make his point clear, he cited the example of Lebanon, which once was a Christian-majority country 15 years ago, and now has turned into a Muslim-majority country. The politicians are looking for next 5 years and not for next 20 or 40 years. So, to resist all these unfortunate developments, BFP would not allow any more mass migration to GB.
He also said that the ongoing process of Islamization may be checked by enforcing simple laws prohibiting building any more mosques. Deporting the Muslims who are found to support terrorism, who are accused of severe crimes and closing the mosques those are found to teach hatred and violence. “We have fought in 1939 to 1945, the totalitarian Nazism and now after a few decades we are facing another totalitarian creed”, he said. “In America, there is freedom of speech and Christianity is alive here. But in Britain, the Leftists declared war against Christianity and have ruined Christianity 30 to 40 years ago. Now there is no Christian in GB. By removing Christianity, the have removed the major obstacle to Islam. If we go (GB & Europe), Americas would go shortly after and so would go the Western Civilization”, he lamented.
Paul Weston speaking in Toronto
After his trip to USA, Weston went to Canada and delivered a lectured in Toronto. [3] To learn more, see [4].
Let us take another look at what Weston said in New York. He began his lecture, saying: “Britain is in the point of no return, or no peaceful return.”So, the situation in the UK has turned such that Britain may save its liberal polity and culture only by violent means. When major parties, such the Labour, Conservatives or the Liberals, would do nothing to protect the British polity and culture, it is hoped that the patriotic people of the UK, under the leadership British Freedom Party, would do their best to frustrate the Muslims’ dream of turning the proud nation of the Great Britain into a Sharia-ruled Islamic State.
[2] ;
[4] Interview with Jerry Gordon -; Policies of BFP -; BFP to expand -