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What Al-Qaeda would love best: An Islamic pulpit on the rubbles of 9/11 tragedy for sermonizing Islam?

It will be a grave mistake for America to allow this Mosque to be built so close to the Ground Zero. Like it or not, this Mosque will be the iconic symbol of Islamic victory over the WTC rubbles—meaning humiliating defeat of the infidel America by Islamic jihadis. The mosque will stand as the most provocative insult and a slap on the face of Americans.

Islam, in real sense, is a religion of great deception. Imam Feisal and his Islamic gang (ASMA) are lying big-time. Well-meaning Western people have difficulty in understanding the real purpose of this Mosque.

Mayor Bloomberg and the Downtown Community, and all American leftist liberals have no idea why Islamists are so hell-bent to erect this Islamic flag (Mosque) over the Rubbles of the 9/11 terror attacks and the 3,000 innocent dead Americans. They have no clue to the significance of the very name, “Cordova House”, that Imam Feisal initially selected for this Mosque. Ancient Muslim Jihadis invaded and occupied Spanish city of Cordoba where Muslims built an elegant Mosque of Islamic world over the rubbles of a Catholic church as a symbol of their triumph and victory Islam over Christianity. The mosque over the rubbles of WTC at New York will clearly symbolizes the triumph and victory of Allah's Jihadi soldiers (al-Qaeda) of the 9/11 attacks over the American infidels.

Such has been quite the usual historical practices and fashions recorded in Islamic historical documents. Whenever Prophet Muhammad and his disciples invaded and defeated a non-Muslim nation or community, the first thing they did was the erection of a Mosque in the defeated nation. Islamic Caliph Omar invaded and occupied Jerusalem and immediately erected—al-Aqsa Mosque (Dome of Rock) over the rubbles of Jewish `'Temple Mount' of Solomon. Imam Feisal and co. want to do exactly that.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, head of the American Society of Muslim Advancement (ASMA), is outright deceiving New Yorkers with Taqiyah, the Islamic tactics of lies and deceptions to advance the interest of Islam. Islamic Allah duly permits Muslims to ‘lie and deceive’ the infidels for spreading Islam, the only religion accepted by Allah from all mankind (Quran 3:85).

In his book written in 2004, Imam Feisal gave the title in Arabic—“The Call From the WTC Rubble: Islamic Da’wah From the Heart of America Post-9/11”—suggests Rauf is humiliating/denigrating the loss of American life in calling it "rubble", and by Islamic Da’wah (call) he intends to use 9/11 Mosque as the springboard for proselytizing Islam in America. But in his English title of the same book the title was— “What’s Right with America is What’s Right with Islam”. This is exactly technique of Islamic deceptions used by so-called moderate Muslims only to fool the western folks.

Here are some most important implications of this Mosque:

  1. Mosque near the WTC destruction will give electrifying propaganda and triumphing victory-news to all (both radical and gullible) Muslims of the world, and it will definitely embolden the jihadi-spirit of al-Qaeda and fanaticism of all other Islamic terrorists around the world million-folds. It will welcome message for them to commit similar atrocities, so that on the rubble of those atrocities similar Islamic monuments can be created for spreading the Islamic da'wa. Would that the best al-Qaeda expected of the dastardly 9/11 terror attack?
  2. Recruits for jihadi terrorists in Muslims and non-Muslim world will be rampantly increased. Also, this Mosque itself will be a center of Islamic proselytization and breeding ground for training and spreading “Stealth Jihad” in America.
  3. This Mosque will act as the “Grand Mosque” at the heart of infidel America and it will be the ‘Trojan Horse’ of 21st century from which giant leap of Sharia (draconian Islamic law) will sprout by an epidemic speed in America, as well as elsewhere in the western world.
  4. America's decade-long “war on terror” campaign, spending trillions of dollars and sacrificing tens of thousands of American and other western lives, will be a total failure. Instead, victory of al-Qaeda jihadis will resonate throughout the whole Muslim world.

Imam Feisal is simply playing an Islamic deception disguised as the bogus claim of so-called Interfaith dialogue—which for Muslims is nothing but a tactic of Stealth Jihad. Islam is the most intolerant religion; it does not recognize/tolerate any other religion on earth. Hence, interfaith dialogue between Islam and other religions is pure mockery and hypocritical. That “Islam is a religion of peace”, which is repeatedly sermonized in interfaith meetings, is the biggest lie ever told. Many gullible Muslims, unaware of the content of their religion, can be peaceful, but make no mistake that Islam is a viciously violent religion, and it has and can never be peaceful. Radical Islamists (pure Muslims) are the most intolerant people on earth. Fact is: Quran is replete with Allah’s clarion call to kill or fight against all non-Muslims. Readers can find the truth about Quran right here:

  1. Islamic God (Allah) does not like or accept any other religions but Islam (Verses Allah likes only Islam: 3:85, 3:19, 48:7, 14, and 25:2).
  2. Quran is repeatedly curses non-Muslims (Verses of curse: 3:61, 8:55, 2:191, 9:123, 3:28, 47:4).
  3. Allah asks not to take any un-believers, any Christians or Jews, as friend (Verses: 4:140, 5:57, 18:106, 10:99, 8:55, 98:6) and so on.

How can there be any so-called interfaith between Muslims and non-Muslims? Readers can learn more by reading this article: An Exegesis of Islamic Peace.

Islam has never believed or practiced “Inter-faith meetings and congregations”; it has instead always suppressed other faiths and continue to do so in Islamic countries. This deceptive tool has been invented only after 9/11 so as to advance ‘stealth Jihad’, and to cover-up and protect the violent jihadis. This technique was used by Muhammad himself, who had said: “war is a deception". Any time, any where, Muslims are arrested for terrorism, or some young Muslims were caught red-handed for hatching a terrorism plot, immediately some cunning Islamists use this technique of deception and beat the drum saying: “Islam has nothing to do with terrorism. Quran never allows killing any innocent human, Islam is a religion of peace!” Muslims in general will mostly deny or repudiate that any true Muslims can do terrorism, or Muslims are ever involved in any terrorism around the world. This is simply an act of cover-up or hiding the real face of Islam. It is used as a tool for fooling western media and well-meaning gullibles.

Prophet of Islam did exactly the same after relocating to Medina as a refugee. He started curry favoring the affluent Jewish tribes of Medina by praising their religion and scripture and adopting many of their religious ritruals, such as fasting, circumcision, prohibition of pork etc. It was all meant for buying time to gain power so that he could unfurl the sword in due course. And when he did gain enough of the vagabond Bedouins, luring them with booty (spoils of wars), he attacked the Jewish tribes one by one with full force. Within 10 years, Prophet of Islam fought almost eighty offensive wars, plundered/looted widely. He exiled the Jewish tribes of Banu Nadir and Qainuqa, while killed all adult men of Banu Quraiza, Mustaliq, Khabar etc., enslaved their women and children and took possession for their farms, homes and wealth. Readers please read here: An exegesis on ‘Jihad in Islam’. This is the same technique today’s Muslim immigrants try to follow in the West.

Please consider the fallacy of Imam Feisal’s motive and dishonesty. Allah even forbade Muslims to pray for any dead non-Muslims (Quran-9:84)! Here they are, playing ‘cheating-art’, so-called “inter-faith” of Islamic tolerance for living with non-Muslims in harmony! One should take note of the level of mockery and deception this dishonest Imam engaging in! They will play this trick as part of stealth-jihad to fool the host nations, so long as Muslims will remain small minority. The moment Muslims will grow to 5-10% of the host country's population, they will expose the real face of Islam.

The ulterior motive of this modern-day jihad is to convert and bring entire mankind under the fold of Islam, the “Only true religion of Allah.” That is the reason why Islamic terrorists gets silent “nod of consent” from millions of gullible Muslims and hypocritical Islamists like our Imam Feisal.

As per the Quranic teachings (Quran 98:6), Muslims always consider western life-style most immoral, unclean, and unethical and they can not emulate western life style for simple belief in Islam. Instead, these Muslims living in the West solemnly do expect and wish that sooner or later, Islamic Sharia will be established and all the western infidels will start emulating the life-style of Muslim immigrants; hence fulfilling Allah’s wish to bring the entire Earth under the fold of Islam.

Why need such a large Mosque in Downtown NYC?

Has there been a sudden influx of Muslims in Manhattan? Or, are the inhabitants of NYC downtown have massively converted to Islam because Islamic terrorists destroyed WTC by uttering “Allah-hu Akbar”? Why Islam only needs the so-called inter-faith dialogue? Will Imam Feisal and his ASMA agree to build Synagogue, Church, and Hindu Temple side by side along with this Mosque—so that people of these religions can see Islam's true face of “interfaith” harmony? Why Saudi Arabia, the cradle of Islam never allows religion other than Islam to practice in their land? Could Imam Feisal answer these questions? Tarek Fatah and his colleagues at Muslim Canadian Congress have rightly said: “Proposal for a mosque at site of 9/11 tragedy is nothing short of a ‘fitna’ or making mischief”

Know Thy Enemy!

After almost ten years of the war on terror, the West is still struggling with the real identity or the real face of their greatest enemy ever. Erroneously or to maintain political correctness, they just can not name the enemy with clarity. The proponents of ‘political correctness’ in America do not know that these Islamic jihadis are fighting on many fronts, in order to subdue the American infidels as means of fulfilling their holy wish of converting America into an Islamic nation, to establish the draconian Islamic sharia law, and to hoist Islamic flag over the White House. Irresponsible political correctness may enable this happen.

Misguided political appeasements, the leftist-liberal myopia, naiveté and reluctance to understand Islamic deception, and Western democratic rights to religious freedom etc. are all helping Islamists like Imam Feisal to fool the nation to achieve their goal, while leading us toward disaster.

The most painful episode in this “Ground Zero Mosque” saga has been President Barak Obama’s endorsement of constructing this Islamic pulpit on the ashes of innocent victims of the 9/11 tragedy. This is highly insensitive, and a suicidal mistake by a president of the free world. There is ban or nobody is asking to prohibit the practice of religion in America. Hence, it was quite irrelevant for the president to state that “Muslims have the right to practice their religion”. This is sheer stupidity and irresponsible on the President's part, which would send the signal to the world that Islam is being restricted in America. Instead, what President Obama should ask his own conscience is: Why Muslims only need a Mosque near the Ground Zero where Muslim terrorists spilled the blood of almost 3000 innocent Americans, all in the name of Islam? Would the president endorse a Japanese Imperial “Kama Kazi inter-faith” monument near at Peal Harbor; or would anyone endorse a “Nazi Interfaith” monument in London, Paris or Auschwitz?

Muslims around the world–who deplore the West in general, and particularly blame the “Great Satan” America for almost any bad thing happen under the Sun—will take this Ground Zero Mosque as the symbol of Islamic victory over the western infidels. On the ashes of 3,000 innocent victims of the 9/11 Islamic terror attack would stand a pulpit for sermonizing Islam as a constant reminder to us that those, who despise our way of life and everything this republic stands for, can also use our hard-earned democratic freedom and rights against us to destroy our own freedom too!

President Obama and Mayor Bloomberg’s pathetic ignorance about Islamic mindsets and their monumentally erroneous decision of endorsing the Ground Zero Mosque will always give a painful reminder to all New Yorkers and families of the 9/11 victims, while passing by this Mosque, so close to Ground Zero monument. While whenever Muslims around would see picture of this elegant Mosque on television screen, they will remember it as a heroic victory of the 9/11 jihadis. What a painful shame of defeat and utter disgrace for the western infidels!