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Muslim fanatics have been suppressing and destroying pre- and non-Islamic archaeological discoveries in several parts of the world, including most notoriously the despicable destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan by Islam’s finest, the Taliban...

I have been a fan of archaeology since I was a child, and I studied it formally in college as well as postgraduate school. I have excavated on two continents, including at the ancient Greek site of Corinth, where tradition has it that St. Paul addressed the Corinthians. I have also studied the archaeology of numerous other cultures and have been fascinated with the amazing treasures of the past globally, dating back many thousands of years. My love for archaeology and the knowledge of humanity’s magnificent past makes the most recently publicized Islamofanatical atrocity all the more offensive—yet so distressingly typical of Islam.

Reflecting this typical hatred and intolerance of everything outside of Islam, which includes most of human culture, Muslim fanatics have been suppressing and destroying pre- and non-Islamic archaeological discoveries in several parts of the world, including most notoriously the despicable destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan by Islam’s finest, the Taliban. Unfortunately, the war in Iraq has also caused an appalling amount of destruction of antiquities, including some of the oldest and most important artifacts so far discovered.

Saudi Arabia & Islamic Xenophobia

A recent AP article called, “Digging up the Saudi Past: Some would rather not” highlights the barbaric, xenophobic attitude held by Muslim fanatics in that nation, as exemplified in the following comment by a well-known cleric, Sheikh Mohammed al-Nujaimi:

[The artifacts] should be left in the ground… Any ruins belonging to non-Muslims should not be touched. Leave them in place, the way they have been for thousands of years.

As Donna Abu-Nasr of the AP relates:

In the eyes of conservatives, the land where Islam was founded and the Prophet Muhammad was born must remain purely Muslim. Saudi Arabia bans public displays of crosses and churches, and whenever non-Islamic artifacts are excavated, the news must be kept low-key lest hard-liners destroy the finds.

While the Islamist fanatics are oppressing and destroying other peoples’ cultures, they are simultaneously demanding all manner of special privileges, including exploiting European socialist countries like parasites on a host.

Fortunately, certain individuals in Saudi Arabia are attempting to soften this perverse Islamist hatred of human culture and history by bringing more attention to Arabian archaeology, instead of so viciously denying their own roots.

Join the Human Race!

It is time for truly rational, moderate Muslims to step away from the abysmal Islamist bigotry towards and intolerance of other cultures and to embrace humanity as a whole. Muslims need to distance themselves from the fanatics and stop allowing these destroyers of the past, present and future run their lives.  Some years ago in a newspaper interview, an Iranian teacher, a Muslim by birth, made a challenge to the Islamofascist Republic to allow people to convert freely from Islam, estimating that millions would do so in a heartbeat, if Islam were not so insecure and tyrannical as to forbid "apostasy" upon pain of death. All Muslims of reason should issue the same challenge: Let the people go. If Islam is so great, no one will willingly leave it. As it is, Islam reminds one of the domestic abuser who beats and threatens his wife so she will be too frightened to leave him. She stays not because she loves the man but because she is terrified of him. The same can be said of Islam: It terrorizes its followers into staying.

We all share this planet, and, like it or not, the majority of us are not Muslims, and we certainly do not want to become Muslim. We love humanity’s past, as a reflection of the great works human beings can produce. To leave our past buried, to cover it up, or to destroy it, ranks as not only utter stupidity and barbarism but also as life denying. This self-hating mentality reaches out from the grave and extends to our present and future, as Islam—ironically stuck solidly in the past as laid out by the Jewish law expounded in the Old Testament or Torah—continually reveals itself to be against most of human creation. To allow such a life-hating attitude to flourish and overcome us would be the greatest slap in the face of any Creator, if such an one were real to any degree.

Sources & Further Reading

Digging up the Saudi Past: Some would rather not

Archaeology & Religious Origins

Acharya S., aka DM Murdock, is celebrated author of number of book on the origin of religion. Visit her blog: