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The ghastly Mumbai massacre was only the trailer for the real movie to come, says the terror attack's Pakistani mastermind...


Watching the disturbing Dispatches program on the Muslim terrorist massacre of November 2008, during which fanatics slaughtered 170

Mumbai massacre, Taj Mahal hotel in fire

people, both Muslims and non-Muslims, we are reminded of how quickly the world forgets this atrocity, which left so many dead. Indian intelligence was taping the terrorists' handler in Pakistan, and I have transcribed the relevant comments. If anything illustrates how Islam can be and has been used to create mass murderers, here it is. No other religion is quite as effective at creating killers - and at besmirching the idea of God.

At one point, the handler/controller/master calmly states:

"The enemy must fear us. When this is over there will be much more fear in the world.... This is a struggle between Islam and the unbelievers. We are the people God has chosen."

Notice he didn't say "extremist Islam" or "radical Islam."  It really appeals to the deranged ego to think they are "God's chosen." The terrorist who survived was brainwashed to believe that slaughtering humans and getting himself killed would allow him to go to "heaven," obviously, where he could have his 72 houris and boys with pearl earrings. He was promised that if he killed all those people, he was "going to be a big man and get reward in heaven." This guy later said that "his father had sold him" to the terrorist organization, with the hope that he would get loads of money to help out the family. This sort of atrocity is occurring in many places, with children with no future being given to Taliban madrassas, for example.

The handler also states:

"They're saying that there are many many killed and injured.... People are dying all over the place. With God's blessing, you've done a brilliant job! All praise to God... You're very close to heaven, brother. Today's the day you'll be remembered for, brother."

After one of the terrorists is killed, the handler says:

"May God accept his martyrdom."

He later tells one terrorist:

"For your mission to end successfully, you must be killed. God is waiting for you in heaven."

The terrorists and their master keep saying:

"Inshallah - God willing."

As he's telling one terrorist to murder his hostages in cold blood, the handler says:

"Do it, in God's name. Do it, in God's name."

Then we hear gunfire.

As I say, it's the Islam, stupid.

And as the handler said, that was just the trailer - wait until the main film to come.

Watching the disturbing Dispatches program on the Muslim terrorist massacre of November 2008, during which fanatics slaughtered 170 people, including both Muslims and non-Muslims, we are reminded of how quickly the world forgets this atrocity, which left so many dead. Indian intelligence was taping the terrorists' handler in Pakistan, and I have transcribed the relevant comments. If anything illustrates how Islam can be and has been used to create mass murderers, here it is. No other religion is quite as effective at creating killers - and at besmirching the idea of God.

At one point, the handler/controller/master calmly states:

"The enemy must fear us. When this is over there will be much more fear in the world.... This is a struggle between Islam and the unbelievers. We are the people God has chosen."

Notice he didn't say "extremist Islam" or "radical Islam."  It really appeals to the deranged ego to think they are "God's chosen." The terrorist who survived was brainwashed to believe that slaughtering humans and getting himself killed would allow him to go to "heaven," obviously, where he could have his 72 houris and boys with pearl earrings. He was promised that if he killed all those people, he was "going to be a big man and get reward in heaven." This guy later said that "his father had sold him" to the terrorist organization, with the hope that he would get loads of money to help out the family. This sort of atrocity is occurring in many places, with children with no future being given to Taliban madrassas, for example.

The handler also states:

"They're saying that there are many many killed and injured.... People are dying all over the place. With God's blessing, you've done a brilliant job! All praise to God... You're very close to heaven, brother. Today's the day you'll be remembered for, brother."

After one of the terrorists is killed, the handler says:

"May God accept his martyrdom."

He later tells one terrorist:

"For your mission to end successfully, you must be killed. God is waiting for you in heaven."

The terrorists and their master keep saying:

"Inshallah - God willing."

As he's telling one terrorist to murder his hostages in cold blood, the handler says:

"Do it, in God's name. Do it, in God's name."

Then we hear gunfire.

As I say, it's the Islam, stupid.

And as the handler said, that was just the trailer - wait until the main film to come.