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How oil-revenue-funded charities reach out to hungry Muslim masses and refugees, such as in Pakistan, to freely preach their viciously extremist and women-subjugating doctrines to shape a hell-hole upon earth for civilized people, and, most notably, for women...

"The proof of a Muslim’s belief and sincerity is that, he pays no attention to that which is not his business." –The Noble Quran

Ah! … Hearsay, conjecture, call it what you will…? But according to this one observer, there has been a strong relationship between the price of oil and the brutal oppressions of the Muslim women in the Islamic world. Think about it, folks!

Before 9/11, the green shoots of the Muslim Women's Movement, to gain greater control of their lives and some representation in government policies, were seemingly beginning to take hold in many part of the Muslim Ummah. A growing tolerance toward freedom of women was germinating in many corners of the Islamic world; Muslim women were coming to the age of western thinking, albeit very slowly.

And then came 9/11, an event that gave enormous impetus to radicalized Islam and thus began the fateful march toward the $147/barrel oil-price, nearly seven times the $20+ a barrel on that fateful September morning, and more than three times the current price.

Two issues stood out: an enormous impetus to radicalization of the Islamic world and a vast increase of oil-revenue. The two helped and abetted one another; for, Islam became more radicalized with billions upon billions of petrodollars poured in. These Funds were distributed throughout the subcontinent and to other centers of Muslim population, either directly by governments and their agencies or through their so-called "charitable institutions" to promote fundamentalist interpretations of Islam. While propagating hatred of other religions in the sermons of imams, teaching centers and madrassas spread the fundamentalist interpretation of the Quranic theology demanding draconian subjugation of Muslim women, such as through rigid implementation of Sharia’h laws.

Of the very immediate instance, some two million people have been displaced in Pakistan’s military offensives to liberate the Swat region of the North Western Frontier Pakistan (NWFP) from the Taliban hegemony, enforcing of strict sharia law. With the enormous sufferings sustained by the hapless refugees, a grim dynamics is the percolating to the surface and becoming the stage for one of the most critical dramas unfolding in this part of the subcontinent—reflective of so much of the world's recent bloody history.

In the midst of this tragedy, plying on to the human misery of those fleeing the brutal governance imposed by the Taliban in the region under their sway, Taliban was holding the fleeing population hostage to use as human battle-shields, and stoning mercilessly innocent women to death (for those with strong stomachs let me recommend to you a film by Director Cyrus Nowasteh's 'The Stoning of Soraya M,' a study of the perversion of Sharia’h Laws and mob rules. The incident takes place in Iran but is analogous to the horrors of the Taliban thinking. It further begs the questions as to where would the Iranian Mullahs be without the flood of oil money to pay their goons).

Are the hardline Islamist charities, that are active in the refugee camps, exploiting this human tragedy to further their own ends, and proselytizing their jihadist agendas?

They are applying their ruthless tactics here, aiming to indoctrinate the hungry and desperate refugees into the rank of fundamentalist Islamic beliefs and their jihadist pathology. In so doing, the espousal of extreme subjugation of the Muslim women becomes a core pillar to their religious teachings, as they are supposed to Do As Their Prophet Did—emulate his Sunnah.

It’s worth quoting Christina Hoff Sommers, a respected philosopher and ethicist, not because her comment is unique, nor exclusively insightful, but because it is succinct and to the point:

"After all, the oppression of women is not an incidental feature of the societies that foster terrorism. It is a linchpin of the system of social controls that the jihadists are fighting to impose worldwide."

Grotesquely ironic are those fleeing the murderousness of the frightful Taliban; the husbands, fathers, heads of households are gathering for handouts at "charity" distribution points seeking food and medicines to feed and tender to their displaced and desperate families. They are, first, obligated to turn themselves into a captive audience to listen attentively to the ministrations of the charity's spokesmen as they exhort each man to Jihad and then strict adherence to Sharia laws.

Among those organizations active, and on the scene, is the charity of the strongly anti-American Jamaat-e-Islami Party, known as Al Khidmat, whose director Mahmood ul-Hassan signaled his leanings, being quoted by the New York Times,[1]

"The Western organizations have spent millions and billions on family planning to destroy the Muslim family system."

Perhaps the most sinister charity group, operating throughout the subcontinent, is Jamaat-ud-Dawa, notorious for its close ties to Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, which was designated as a terrorist organization by the United Nations Security Council in December 2008. Jamaat-Ud-Dawa has supposedly been barred from operating in the refugee camps, though it is generally known to be participating under a new moniker, labeled Falah-e-Insanyat (Helper of Mankind)...

Kristie Younes, a senior advocate with the Washington-based Refugees International observed that, "Because of the lack of international agencies, there is a vacuum filled by actors that are Islamist and more than that, the jihadist".

One needs to note that, the Pakistani government perversely—not wishing to be associated too closely with the United States—has prohibited any American aids to the millions of these displaced people. But it has allowed these extremist Islamic charities, that spread their relentless drumbeats of hatred and advocate women's subjugation, to work freely. By gaining access, through these human miseries, to their targeted audience, the Mullahs preach their bigotry, as the government turns a deaf ear.

For years, billions of Saudi dollars have flowed into hardline Sunni madrassas in Afghanistan, clustered around the Pak-Afghan border and then spreading into Pakistan, Iran and even India. As concerns Jamaat-ud-Dawa, singled out by the U.N. Security Council for its terror ties, it has ties not only to Al Qaeda, but also to Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT), the prime suspect in last years Mumbai attacks. And it is particularly noteworthy that, the U.N has identified a Saudi citizen, Mahmoud Mohammed Ahmed Bahaziq as the financier for these groups.

And so it goes: wherever fundamentalist Islam strikes or is stirring the pot, there, in too many cases, lurks the fingerprints of Saudi oil-money—whether it is the Sunni radicalized madrassas of the subcontinent, the fundamentalist Islamist mosques and its cultural centers throughout the world, which have become ubiquitous breeding-grounds for recruitment of jihadis. This mindset and financial support, emanates from a culture, where women are forbidden to drive and forced to sit in the back of public buses; where women must cover their entire body and face while in public; where women have none other than minor figurative roles in government organizations and virtually no self-determination nor equal rights with men either in law or marriage. There, school girls condemned to fiery deaths by Mutaaw'in, the Saudi religious police, by preventing them flee from their school on fire, because they were not covered head-to-toe in burqa. There, the tradition of honor-killings is most common. Even extending to our shores, grotesquely demeaning to western women, the then Crown Prince Abdullah, now King, had his aides stipulate that no female air-traffic controller to be allowed to control his flight to Texas to meet President Bush, and that no women be allowed on the airport tarmac upon the arrival of Abdullah's jet.

All this comes from a society that doesn't meet its economic needs or its appetites for the voraciously conspicuous consumptions, through the planting of date-farms, nor technological innovations. Virtually all its sole source of revenue is oil, and the higher the price of oil, the more money oozes into those malignant charities, whose sole goal is nothing less than imposing a worldwide caliphate in which, given the order of things, the role of women would be little more than child-bearing chattels.

And no, in all likelihood, the Saudi's are not alone, but are most likely joined by kindred souls and possibly the Princes of other Arabian Gulf States, such as Kuwait, on these crusades of the Jihadists.

One sadly begins to wonder, after the Bush years, whether the ocean of Islamic oil-money may not also be lapping on up to our shores ever again. Only recently the Obama administration petitioned the Supreme Court to uphold a lower court ruling protecting Saudi Arabia and four of its Princes from being held accountable for their alleged roles in the massacre of 3,000 Americans as claimed by families of 9/11 victims. That decision must have been crafted, in large measures, by the State Department. One can't help but wonder if, perhaps, just perhaps, it was influenced by the millions upon millions of Saudi oil-dollars gifted to the William J. Clinton Presidential Library. So I ask, what should we do now.

[1] In Refugee Aid Pakistan's... 7 February 2009