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Talking about the fear of Islam-apologist elites of the West...

What do you call a photograph of a small plastic crucifix submerged in a glass of urine? If you’re part of the liberal establishment, you might call it “modern art” worthy of a generous taxpayer-funded grant. Or, how about the burning of an American flag in a protest? Our courts say that “act is protected as freedom of expression”!

Now, what do you call a Koran submerged in a toilet? If you were part of the liberal elite, you’d call it a “hate-crime” and a felony, punishable by imprisonment.

Perhaps you may remember my first example. “Piss Christ” was the blasphemous art-piece that shows a miniature of Jesus on the Cross submerged in a bottle of urine, which won an art competition, bagging $15,000 from the National Endowment for the Arts.

But you may not yet have heard about the student at Pace University in New York, who was arrested on charges of criminal mischief and aggravated harassment (both felonies) for twice throwing a Koran into university toilets. Pace University—which stands just four blocks from the Ground Zero in Manhattan and lost four students and over 40 alumni in the September 11, 2001 attacks—initially classified the incidents as “vandalism”. But after some prodding by Muslim students and the perpetually-outraged Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR), university officials capitulated and referred the matter to the New York City Police Department’s Hate Crimes Task Force, which, naturally, deemed the student’s actions as “hate crimes”.

Ridiculous as they are, these stories help to highlight a perverse “double standards” that has emerged, one that elevates ‘Islam to a protected status’, while continuing to treat Christianity as the ‘source of all that ails America’!

These ‘double standards’, explain why Kansas City International Airport have recently added several foot-washing basins in public restrooms to accommodate Muslim taxi cab drivers, who use them to prepare for their daily Islamic prayers? It also makes clear why in Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport allow Muslim taxi cab drivers to refuse to carry passengers possessing alcoholic beverages or accompanied by seeing ‘eye dogs’? It is because in Islam, alcohol is forbidden, and dogs are considered unclean.

Meanwhile, the Seattle-Tacoma Airport removed its ‘Christmas trees because of their religious symbolism’. Even worse is the ‘double standards’ in some of America’s public schools, where an intense effort to “Islamicize” the curricula and textbooks is underway. In California, groups like the Council on Islamic Education and the Islamic Society of North America have succeeded in integrating the ‘fundamentals of reading and writing with lessons about the life of Muhammad’ and the finer points of Shariah Laws.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has recently decided that parents of Christian students could not sue school districts where seventh-graders pretended to be Muslims for three weeks during a course in world history. The court, the same one which previously ruled that the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance are “unconstitutional”, insisted that the role-playing game, which included having children recite Muslim prayers and lines from the Koran, did not violate anybody’s constitutional rights? In fact, the Ninth Circuit (incidentally the most overturned appeals court in the country) declared that the activities weren’t “overt religious exercises” that would raise concerns under the First Amendment prohibitions of the “establishment of religion.”

While, it is easy to see that a religious double standard exists among the American elites, identifying its source is rather more difficult question!

A misplaced multiculturalism and habitual anti-Christian bigotry are certainly parts of the American elite culture that leads to this double standard, but its primary source is fear itself! It’s a fear that stems from the knowledge that behind each public statement of outrage and press releases alleging ‘desecrations of the Koran’, behind each cry for ‘equality and respect’—there is an underlying threat of grievous violence. This fear is certainly rational, because Muslims have proven time and time again that perceived affronts to Islam, if not fully atoned for, would be answered with extreme violence!

Fear prevents the mainstream media, which, no doubt, remember the fate of journalists killed for publishing cartoons deemed insulting to Islam, from linking the blatant acts of Islamic terrorism in the United States and other Western countries to Islam. When a 22-year-old Iranian Muslim student Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar deliberately rammed his SUV into a crowd of students at the University of North Carolina in order to, in his words, “punish the government of the U.S.” for invading Iraq and other Muslim nations, most of the media were silent as to the cause. When in court, Taheri-azar insisted his rampage was the “will of Allah”, some in the media still seemed dumbfounded, calling the actions of this unassuming honors student “inexplicable”.

Fear also explains (though scarcely justifies) why Pace University officials reacted so harshly to the Koran-dunking incident? Perhaps, the University officials recall how the Newsweek’s story falsely claiming that American interrogators at Guantanamo Bay had flushed a copy of the Koran down a toilet sparked deadly demonstrations in Afghanistan and violent protests throughout the Middle East.

Meanwhile, the liberal establishment can continue mocking evangelicals and spouting anti-Christian bigotry without any ‘fear of reprisal’? When talk-show host Rosie O’Donnell alleged that “…radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America”, her vitriol was met not with murderous threats or violent demonstrations but with verbal refutation of the substance of her claim! Christians responded similarly when Burlington Township High School in New Jersey held a mock terror attack and chose to portray the bad guys as members of a fundamentalist Christian group, called “New Crusaders”. The school said the group did not believe in separation of the church and state, and was seeking justice because the daughter of one of its members had been ‘expelled for praying before class’.

I am not aware of any Christian group that has violently taken over a school anywhere in the world—a challenge for all those ‘Islamofascists’ out there! But, there are frequent attacks by Islamists on teachers and students. Yet, the school’s authorities felt no hesitancy in labeling Christians as potential terrorists.

Like Islam-apologist Obama, his boy United States Attorney General Eric Holder is intent on protecting Islam. The third pea in the pod would be John Brennan, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism.

Obama, sure, has trained his boys well—well enough to support a religion, hell-bent on destroying the Western Civilization. These double standards tell us a lot about America’s elites. They cower before Islam while holding no scruples against bashing and maligning Christianity, the faith of the great majority of Americans.

I agree that we need to overcome the fear of Islam. But, before that can be done, we must acknowledge the NEED to fear the apologists of Islamofascists.

Talk about enemies from within!