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Islamist organizations in America are freely conducting 'invitation to Islam (dawa)' campaigns in various forms across the nationa over the years, most recently with billboards and ads on buses. Stop Islamization of America has now done the unprecedented: they have rolled out 'Leaving Islam' campaign with ads on buses. Fantastic...

[Courtesy Atlas Shrugs]

Today our SIOA (Stop Islamization of America) "Leaving Islam" ad campaign rolled out on the streets of Miami in response to the misleading CAIR dawah (invitation to islam) bus campaign.

This is the first time anyone has offered public help to those who are threatened under Islam's apostasy law. In the Land of the Free, government and law enforcement should be on this. But they aren't. So we are. It is time for free citizens to stand for freedom -- or lose it.

One of the first projects that we've been working on for Stop the Islamization of America and the Freedom Defense Initiative organization that I started with Robert Spencer was a bus campaign to counter the dawah campaign of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Leaving Islam Bus ad, miamiLeaving Islam bus ad, miami, florida

leaving Islam bus ad campaign, miami, floridaLeaving Islam bus ad in Miami Leaving Islam bus ad, miami

For those of you curious as to why we created and organized a bus campaign to offer resources to Muslims who are desperate to leave Islam, I shall explain.

The bus campaigns that Muslim Brotherhood groups (CAIR, ICNA, ISNA) were sponsoring across the country inviting conversion to Islam (dawah) were deceptive and injurious. It was important to counter balance the taqiya with a healthy message ............ So I developed the above bus ad with the help of the enormously talented Big Fur Hat to roll out nationwide, kicking off with South Florida.

Our pro-freedom campaign rolled out today on the following buses all over Miami -- Route 3 (Biscayne Blvd and US1), Route 88 (Kendall Drive SW 88th Street, from the Dade and North Metro Rail station to SW 80th street), Route 40 (Bird Road SW 40th Street), Route L (Hialeah along 79th Street Causeway, Collins Avenue to Miami Beach Convention Center), Route E (Collins Avenue), Route 11 (FIU Bus terminal to FIU South campus, West Flagler street ends at Government center Metro station) -- split between curb side and street side. 

Here are the bus maps: Download Bus

Any Atlas Florida readers who see these ads, please snap some pics for mama.

We need funds to roll it out nationwide. People need to be educated. Help us get there. Send your paypal donation to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and specify that they're for the bus ad campaign. Until SIOA is set up as a 501C3, donations should go through Jihadwatch. And join the SIOA Facebook group.

The Islam campaign is pictured below. But today the ads are running up and down the hot highways of Miami .............

CAIR's Dawa bus add campaign, across America:

Islamic Dawa, Sanfransisco
                     San Francisco

Cair Dawa bus ad campaign
                              Twin Cities             

CAIR Dawa bus ad, miami
CAIR dawa bus ad camapign, twin cities

America is the land of the free, and apostates must know they are free here. Safe here.

Rifqa Bary can do it. So can you. Freedom of religion is an unalienable right. Sharia law holds no weight or legitimacy here. Apostates are deliciously free to leave Islam and be who and whatever that want to be.

That was the objective of the bus campaign created for SIOA and FDI. We set up a website for would-be apostates from Islam.

We want to help.