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Vijay Kumar, an Indian American, is seeking candidacy for Congress on an anti-Jihad, anti-Sharia platform. The battle against Islam is as much intellectual as it is ideological. To win this battle, fighting it at the political level is as important as any other. Fearless politicians like Geert Wilders and Vijay Kumar, who understand the threat of Islam and are committed to fight it tooth and nail, need our support. See Kumar's agenda below. -- M. A. Khan, Editor.

Dear Friends,

vijay-kumarI am writing to urgently ask for your help in my campaign to be elected to Congress from Tennessee's 5th District. These are the things that I feel are vitally important to all of us as Americans, and that no other candidate is doing anything about:

• I am the only candidate warning of the threat of Universal Jihad and proposing REAL solutions.

• I am the only candidate who says there is no such thing as an Israel-Palestine conflict, an India-Pakistan conflict, or a Russia-Chechnya conflict: there is only Universal Jihad behind it all.

• I am the only candidate who proposes a United Front of Victims of Jihad made up of nations all around the world who have been subjected to it.

• I am the only candidate who says that the Taliban and al-Queda are only expendable foot-soldiers of Universal Jihad, and that fighting against them does not defeat the real enemies.

• I am the only candidate who names the real enemies–the Axis of Jihad, which is Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Pakistan–and says that they must be demilitarized, secularized, and democratized for there ever to be peace in the world.

• I am the only candidate who says the war with Islamic regimes is an ideological war, and that if we approach it as such, it can be won within five years, for no more than one billion dollars, and without the loss of further American lives.

• I am the only candidate calling for a complete halt to immigration from all countries where Sharia law is the law of the land, including Afghanistan, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestinian National Authority, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen.

• I am the only candidate calling for outright abolishment of the federal income tax and the IRS, replacing it with the Fair Tax, which will revitalize the economy and create jobs.

In addition, I am a strong supporter of fiscal responsibility in government, the 2nd Amendment, states rights, legal immigration, secure borders, the right to life, and family values.

The time to help  is now! There are fewer than 30 days left until the primary on August 5, and I am running against 10 other candidates, some of them connected to the same old Washington vested interests, lobbyists, and big political money. I am doing it all on my own, running on my principles and telling the truth!

Please go to my web site and contribute as much money as you can right now:

I must get radio and television ads going in the next few days and keep them running right through to the election. That’s why I need your help now! Send this to all your friends and family, and tell them to get the word out, too, please!

I promise that I will stand up for your values, your principles, your issues, and will not be bought out by vested interests in Washington. Only you and your help can get me there. Don’t wait–please act now!


Vijay Kumar