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Amil Imani's new book, "Obama meets Ahmadinejad", recieves rave reviews.

Obama Meets AhmadinejadReview

Although a great work of fiction which at times resembles reality, it is a fantastic, powerful and hilarious creative writing by Amil Imani. I'll be recommending it to all my colleagues.

-- Wafa Sultan, A God Who Hates (added by author)

It's a dystopian fantasy, but with Obama appearing determined to appease the Islamic world at all costs, it's strikingly illuminating of the present-day predicament of America and the West.

-- Robert Spencer, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (added by author)

The president of Iran wants to make sure that the march of Islam won't be stopped and bullies the U.S. president in a series of secret meetings in this funny, insightful and illuminating book.

-- Pamela Geller, author of The Post-American Presidency (added by author)

Amil Imani ridicules two dangerous zanies of our time, who also must be laughed at, who both have deceitfully usurped their presidency, and together are bringing the world to the brink of Armageddon.

-- Ali Sina, Understanding Muhammad (added by author)

Product Description

Rave reviews greet Imani's latest parody. In this work of fiction, Amil probes the minds of Obama and Ahmadinejad with the skills of a brain surgeon, and shares their exchanges with the humor of a stand-up comedian. An amazing and astonishing engagement follows, in which the two presidential prizefighters hit each other with their best shots, in a meaty and oft-comical altercation that involves tossing out virtually every real or rumored misdeed of both men, with a number of stunning propositions and shocking developments along the way. This international sparring match runs the gamut of flashy moves and shady deals. Who will win this wild and brutal battle of wits between these two political heavyweights? The destiny of the world may depend on it. (edited by author)
Reader Reviews (
1. By Dorothy Carter "DKC"
This is the best book I have read in years! I can't recommend it enough! It is fabulous and I think they will make a movie out of it. I would compare it to the writings of Carson McCullers, Harper Lee, Truman Capote and even Margaret Mitchell. The story grabs you and doesn't let you go. Mr. Imani, Thank you, You are a Great American.
2. By Elizabeth Stoddard "Bess"
I couldn't put it down, is the best thing I can say in just a few words about the book. It is funny, yet alarming. It is a mix of imagined events and very real happening. It is a profound way of using parody to convey serious concerns in funny ways and with great simplicity. It is a good way of "traveling" for a couple of hours to a different world and a different culture and developing insight into some serious challenges the free world is facing. Imani, with consummate skill, managed to take me by the hand through a very vivid, funny, yet alarming journey. I recommend it very highly.--