The Sickness That Is Wahhabi Islam
09 Aug, 2007
and History
The Ikhwan
followed the branch of Islam known as Wahhabism. This intolerant and
extremist ideology had been formulated by Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab
(1703-1792). Wahhab had been forced to flee from
Muhammad Ibn Saud
was given religious "legitimacy" as a ruler over
In 1891, the
Al-Saud family was driven out of Arabia by their rivals from the
Rashidi clan, who took control of
British meddling
in Middle Eastern politics had seen two Hashemite brothers placed as
rulers in
Control of the
Hashemite region of Hejaz led the Ikhwan to go north to
dangerous to the holy cities of
In June 1926, the
attacked a traditional
procession called the mahmal. 25 people and 40 camels died.
The mahmal involved a caravan procession carrying ornate curtains
From 1926 onwards,
the Ikhwan staged minor revolts against Abdul Aziz, and one faction
even tried to destroy the Kaaba at
In The Name of Allah
In 1924, the
Wahhabis had begun a campaign of destruction of graves of Muslim
saints and imams. Even the tomb of Mohammed's daughter Fatima, from
whose lineage the Mahdi (Messiah) will be born, was destroyed. The
Ikhwan had even tried to desecrate the tomb of Mohammed, but had
been restrained by the Al Saud chief. Under the rule of King Abdul
Aziz and his descendants, the destruction of religious sites has
been accelerating up to the present day. Over the past two decades,
according to the Gulf Institute,
95% of the ancient
buildings of
The tomb of
Mohammed is in
the cave where Mohammed is said to have received his first
revelations, at the Al Nour Mountain, is being considered for
demolition. Prince Turki al-Faisal
wrote in response to a
2005 newspaper article
condemning such destruction that Saudi Arabia was spending more than
$19 billion preserving the heritage of Mecca and Medina: "[We are
aware] how important the preservation of this heritage is, not just
to us but to the millions of Muslims from around the world who visit
the two holy mosques every year. It is hardly something we are going
to allow to be destroyed."
The Grand Mosque
of Mecca is now becoming dwarfed by high-rise construction projects,
including the Zam Zam tower, being built by the Bin Laden family. A
religious ideology that can render its own heritage obsolete, in
case pilgrimage (classed as "shirk" or "polytheism") takes place, is
destructive and anti-cultural. The tribe of Al Saud spreads this
ideology around the world, funding madrassas and schools. The human
beings who live under the intransigent rule of Wahhabism are denied
some of the basic rights we take for granted in the West.
Abuse In
The Name Of Allah
1926, the Wahhabists have had mutawi'oon (also spelled
muttawa or mutawi,) who are enforcers of "virtue" – the religious
police. These Islamic vigilantes wear red and white check keffiyehs
or headscarves, and have the power to arrest people. They belong to
an official body called the Commission for the Promotion of
Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, which has 10,000 members in
486 centers throughout the kingdom. The president of this commission
is Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Ghaith. He
stated in March this
year that a royal decree was issued on
He said: "The
commission plays a large role in capturing people who practice
sorcery or delusions since these are vices which affect the faith of
Muslims and cause harm to both nationals and expatriates. The
commission has assigned centers in every city and town to be on the
lookout for these men. As for their fate, they are arrested and then
transferred to concerned authorities. The commission also has a role
in breaking magic spells, which are found in the sea. We cooperate
with divers in this aspect. After the spells are found, they are
then broken using recitations of the Holy Koran. We do not use magic
to break magic spells, as this is against the teachings of Islam as
mentioned by the Supreme Ulema. But we use the Koran as did the
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)."
Belief in sorcery
and witchcraft seems anachronistic in the 21st century, but in
November 2005 a
chemistry teacher found himself sentenced to three years'
imprisonment and 750 lashes, for mocking Islam and studying
witchcraft. Those who had accused Mr. Muhammad Al-Harbi were his own
students. In
Mr. Al-Harbi was granted a pardon by King Abdullah.
June last year, Sheikh
Ibrahim Al-Ghaith launched a campaign to stamp out practices of
"witchcraft" amongst Indian and African migrant workers in the
kingdom. Earlier, Russian news agency
RIA Novosti reported on
the case of a naked African "witch" who brought traffic to a halt in
When not seeking
out witches, the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the
Prevention of Vice targets people who are considered to be acting
immorally. They commonly seek out people who are "in seclusion."
This breach of morality, called "khalwat", happens when a man and
woman are found to be in each other's company when they are neither
married nor blood relatives. How the muttawa assess "khalwat" is –
to Western minds – bizarre.
June, 2006 a disabled
70-year old woman entered a shop in Al Deira market in
The Saudi-based
Arab News reported
recently that a Nigerian man has been in jail for at least 50 days.
Ibrahim Mohammed Lawal, a recent convert to Islam, had been studying
Islamic Law at Badiya Islamic Center in
Mr. Lawal cannot
understand why he is in jail. He said: "I wanted to do a good thing
for a woman who was sick, and this is what I get in return. I lost
the support of my family in
May 2006, the Saudi
interior minister, Prince Nayef, announced that the powers of the
muttawa to arrest and detain suspects for hours were to be limited.
The decree, reprinted in newspapers across the kingdom, stated: "The
role of the 'authority for the promotion of virtue and prevention of
vice' ends with apprehending suspected individuals and handing them
to the police, who then present them to prosecutors with a report of
the incident involved."
Despite such
rulings, the zeal of the religious police exceeds the bounds they
should abide by. Sometimes Shi’a Muslims are apprehended by the
muttawa, and only released when they have signed a document
denouncing their faith. The religious police frequently take men
whose hair is too long off the streets. The individual's locks are
sheared to an acceptable length before release. They have a
reputation for violence. This year, two men have died while in their
custody. In
June this year, local
news reported that one man who had been apprehended for "khalwat"
had died of a heart attack in custody. 50-year-old Ahmed Al Bulawi
had been arrested in the
28-year-old Salman
Al Huraisy had died in May this year, after being arrested by the
muttawa in
In the same month,
Saudi newspaper Okaz reported that a woman was severely
injured after she fled from muttawa who had broken into her home.
The religious police suspected her of "indecent activities." She
panicked and jumped from the fourth floor of her apartment block.
The greatest abuse
of the religious police's powers happened in
March 11, 2002, and only
became public knowledge after a senior member of the 20,000-strong
Al Saud clan allowed the incident to be reported. A fire had broken
out at a girl's dormitory at a school in
July last year, the
muttawa caused 69 women who worked at a chain of cosmetics stores to
lose their jobs. One woman said: "The Commission for the Promotion
of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice came to our shop once. We were
wearing Islamic clothes and did not have any makeup on us despite
the fact we work in a cosmetic shop. We did not look indecent as
they claim and we definitely did not deserve to lose our jobs." A
senior member of the company which owned the shops said that "the
commission issued a decision ordering us to close down our shops
within three days. When we objected they said either we close down
the shops or they will settle the matter by taking all the girls by
force to their cars."
The laws enforced
at Saudi's religious courts indicate a cavalier approach to human
dignity. In
March this year, a young
woman who had run away from home was placed in a foster home for
girls and was additionally sentenced to sixty lashes.
November last year,
Deutsche Presse Agentur reported that a young woman, who had been
subjected to a violent gang rape by at last four assailants, was
herself convicted of "khalwat." Before the rape had taken place, she
had been alone in a car with a man. As a result, she was sentenced
to 90 lashes.
following month, an
Indian man working in Saudi wanted to visit his wife, who had just
given birth to a son. He lost his way, and found himself in a
Muslim-only area of
Beheadings take
place in public, where a victim is made to kneel before having the
head severed with a sword. There are numerous cases of female
migrant workers, who have defended themselves from employers' rape
attacks, who have been killed this way. The figures for
decapitations in
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Adrian Morgan, aka
Giraldus Cambrensis of
Western Resistance, is UK-based writer and artist. He also writes for
Spero News,
Family Security Matters and
Name: al kafir
Date: Thursday August 09, 2007
Time: 02:21:54 -0700
al-ham-dull-ill-aaahhhhhhh very good.
Name: skeptic
Date: Thursday August 09, 2007
Time: 02:59:02 -0700
Islam demonstrates to be the Religion of Death. I wonder, how many centimeters a woman has to stay away from another man: 100 cm? 110cm? Measured how?
Name: vbv
Date: Thursday August 09, 2007
Time: 04:37:48 -0700
Hell is where Islam flourishes.Saudi Arabia and its wahabi cult must represent the deepest and darkest hell-hole in the Universe.It is nothing but death to 'humanity' ,if such a horrendous, hideous ,miserable disgusting ,nauseating and theworst thing happening to human species is allowed to persist and flourish in the name of islam.Islam should be eradicated as a deadly epidemic disease for the betterment of humanity and I think your website is doing a yoeman service in exposing this terrible cult called islam. Keep it up and carry on till the objective is acheived!
Name: Godor
Date: Thursday August 09, 2007
Time: 11:32:26 -0700
Remarkable rendition of this obscure part of Islam. All schools of thought and Jihad in Islam are dangerous. To a man with a toothache, every and all ice-creams, sorbets and gelatos are painful regardless of their individual flavors. Whabis do not make more accepting or tolerant to other sects in Islam.
Name: sobieski
Date: Thursday August 09, 2007
Time: 11:39:59 -0700
I wonder if the saudis will start burning korans and copies of the hadiths if people start to venerate them or what is written in them too much :) It seems like the next logical step after destroying all of the historic landmarks associated with mohammed.
Name: Pat
Date: Thursday August 09, 2007
Time: 14:30:44 -0700
Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia is one thing, but it's still not clear how it could ever have spread to nearly two dozen Muslim countries. The majority of Saudi Sunnis were not Wahhabists until the mid-20th century, more than two centuries after Wahhab. Is there no other Sunni Muslim authority?
Name: bobby
Date: Thursday August 09, 2007
Time: 19:35:41 -0700
The great military powers of the world are foolish to pay money to the arabs for the middle east oil. Its not somthing that the arabs toiled hard and produced. This is product of earth and belongs to all earth dwellers. With the ill-gotten gains the arabs have done nothing but to spread their vile religion all over the world.
Name: bobby
Date: Thursday August 09, 2007
Time: 19:46:53 -0700
Its not only Saudi Arabia that is evil empire. any country that has even 50% muslims discriminates heavily against non-muslims. for that matter, some areas in western countries that are muslim dominated give a hard time for non-muslims. all the while demanding equal rights where they are the minority.
Name: Dean Allen
Date: Thursday August 09, 2007
Time: 22:11:26 -0700
Request permission to republish this information on my web page and give you appropriate credit, reciprocal links & etc. Sincerely, Dean Allen
Name: Ananda
Date: Friday August 10, 2007
Time: 01:25:56 -0700
Wahhabi's hijacked Islam in 18th century. Prior to that it was a tolerant & peaceful religion. Because of "their intolerant Wahhabist ideology", "Saudi Arabia is a country with no democracy and no religious freedoms". This authors understanding of Islam is truly profound. Can I join his Ganja smoking group and sing along praising this happy, joyful, and non-violent religion.
Name: Godot
Date: Friday August 10, 2007
Time: 06:02:49 -0700
To Ananda: Let's not scapegoat Wahabis for the evils and atrocities of Islam. Islam is innately violent, intolerant and coercively expansive...Wahabis added new variations on the Islamic theme.
Name: ImfC
Date: Friday August 10, 2007
Time: 08:20:57 -0700
It should be quite obvious to everyone by now that Allah is Satan and the followers of the Islamic cult will forever burn in hell. There is only ONE true God...that of the real Bible, NOT the Quran, the bible of Satan.
Name: Godot
Date: Friday August 10, 2007
Time: 10:10:29 -0700
To lmfC: Comments like yours are exactly what troubles me when I visit this site and other similar sites. They are site that are dedicated to expose islam and reveal its uglyness mainly by ex-Muslims who were at one point "insiders" and know the truth much better than most pure "academics". Honestly, it bothers me to see these sites being hijacked by proselytizers who promote their "better" alternative. These sites are meant to be the watchdogs for Islam and not an opportunity to sell another religion. This is not the Department of Comparative Religions either.
Name: Ananda
Date: Friday August 10, 2007
Time: 23:05:46 -0700
To Godot: What a surprise, I thought I was profoundly disagreeing with the author's premise (tongue-in-cheek humor obviously not understood) that Islam's poison is due principally to Wahhabism which started in the 18th century. Can any one with any knowledge of Islam believe that? Islam's poison started with its founder Muhammad, period. Wahhabism is just an extension of that poison.
Name: agnostic
Date: Saturday August 11, 2007
Time: 16:38:29 -0700
The west is to blame for the islamisation of their society. It is the west that is spawning, breeding, and nurturing islamofascists and promoting islamofascism. It is the west supine, listless, cowardly masses who have resigned themselves to go quietly to their living deaths. It is the west that allowed their politicians to sell them out for money. Until the masses in the west rise up and engage this tempest of tyranny and treachery in their land and regain their freedom which their forefathers fought for and which they inherited, they leave a legacy of a mantle of suppression and a life of slavery for their children .
Name: bobby
Date: Sunday August 12, 2007
Time: 09:56:46 -0700
Stop giving billions to arab countries for oil, making them more powerful to sell their cult. history shows whenever muslims invade a country they show no mercy - mostly kill all the men and use the women as islamic breeding machines. this was accepted as the rights of the conquerers. by the same token, today's invasions by west of muslim countries should result in rooting out islam and taking over the natural resources.
Name: Mike
Date: Wednesday August 15, 2007
Time: 11:47:16 -0700
To hell with islam. I piss on it, I wipe my ass with the koran, I shit on muhammed. To hell with islam!
Name: Marie
Date: Thursday August 16, 2007
Time: 13:24:25 -0700
Good Article.