Smashing the Fear of Allah
05 Mar, 2009
- I am a man who has spend half of his life as a Muslim than got out of it and lived as an atheist - a prophet for myself I guess. But lately I have been really scared that I might not be on the right track. Age is doing this I guess. Our ultimate fear is Death after all.
I know that Allah is a lunatic , a heartless terrible disgusting “GOD”. And he is so terrible that I am scared to the mere possibility that He may just be real. I don’t have proof enough to disprove him. I went through your site and liked some part but you are too concerned with Allah’s morals than his authenticity.
What if he is a BAD god? What if when I die I’ll burn in hell forever? Although even if I went to Heaven and knew that there is one soul burning, it would be hell enough for me.
So this is a desperate cry for you to “disprove” Allah to me so I can live peacefully and die in peace. I would owe you my life. I do not want to live frightened anymore.
You don’t have to reply immediately. Take your time and give hard convincing evidence because if anyone is going to save me from my misery it is you.
Ali Sina replies:
First of all, thank you for the great confidence that you have in me to save you from misery. LOL. That is quite a tall order. I wish I could solve some of my own problems. But I can answer your question and you don’t owe me anything except that you should help other Muslims see the light and free themselves from this sadistic fear that Muhammad has placed in their hearts.
Narcissists use fear to get what they want. They frighten you and tell you if you do not do what they tell you, terrible things will happen to you. A good example is this buffoon that Americans have voted to be their president. Watch him carefully and you’ll see Muhammad come alive. See how this man who won the election (fraudulently) promising hope is engaging in fear mongering and telling the Senate that if they do not approve his ’stimulus’ package there will be dire consequences. In fact the reverse is true. But I will talk about that in another occasion. The point is that narcissists and psychopaths use fear as their tool to get what they want.
Of course, if there is any God, he cannot be evil or sadistic. Those who promote the idea of such a god are themselves evil and sadistic and their god is a reflection of who they are. Muhammad had no logical arguments to prove his claim. So he resorted to the old tactic of fear mongering and like any seasoned narcissist, posited himself as a “warner” and told everyone if they don’t believe in him, his god would burn them forever.
It is foolish to let a psychopath control our lives with his lies. Let us assume that God exists. Would he care whether we humans worship him? To find the answer to this question let’s evaluate our place in this universe. It is estimated that there are about 400 billion stars in our own galaxy, each a sun with its own planets. All the stars that you see in a clear night are our next door neighbors, part of the Milky Way. It takes light about 100,000 years to go from one end of this neighborhood to the other. To give you an idea how big is that, think that it takes light of the Sun eight minutes to reach the Earth. Now if that does not blow your mind, think that there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in this universe. Can you even imagine these astronomical numbers? Now assume that even if one in a million of these stars have a planet with intelligent beings on them, there must be billions of various species of intelligent creatures populating the universe.
But that is not all. Scientists believe that there is no reason to assume there is only one universe. There could be billions of universes just like ours in times and spaces completely alien to us, which means we can never be sure of their existence, let alone see them, but most certainly they exist, because the same laws that gave birth to our universe must have given birth to billions more. That is how nature works. Everything nature does, does it in abundance. I’d like to call this the law of abundance.
Now, assuming all these universes are created by a god, would such a being care whether creatures as insignificant as us humans on this insignificant planet in the midst of this vast galaxy which by itself is insignificant in relation to the universe, which may be one in a billion universes, worship him or not? If we come to our sense and instead of thinking we are the purpose of creation see ourselves in the proper light, we’d realize how foolish is our thinking about ourselves and our self made god.
Would you give a hoot if the ants in your backyard worship you? The difference between you and the ants in your yard is insignificant compared to the difference that exists between you and the maker of these multiverses. Don’t you think by assuming that this magnificent being is concerned whether tiny creatures like us humans worship him or not is damn stupid? If God actually exists, it is nothing short of blasphemy to say he is so desperate to be known and worshiped that he would punish measly creatures like humans for eternity just because we did not worship him. What would you think of me if you see me picking the ants in my garden and throwing them in fire and tell you, I am pissed off of them because they do not bow to me despite letting them live on my property with no rent? Wouldn’t you say Ali is crazy? Then how is it that when a charlatan narcissist like Muhammad attributes such craziness to God you fear that he may be telling the truth?
The fact is that Muhammad was a liar. He could not say, I want power, I want money, I want women and I want you to worship me and obey me. So he invented a deity who was none but his own alter ego and made him tell the foolhardy people to obey Muhammad and do his bidding. So he’d say, fight for Allah and his messenger, bring the booty to Allah and his messenger, the prettiest girls captured in the raids belong to Allah and his messenger. he made Allah responsible for all his crimes and by making himself his partner he enjoyed all the loot. I assure you Allah never saw a dime of those loots. It all went to the coffers of this bogus prophet.
Would really an all powerful god need the help of humans to kill his detractors? If Muslims only thought about this question alone they would leave Islam. Alas this fear that their psychopath prophet has has placed in them is so strong that they are rendered incapable of thinking. The god of Muhammad is a fabrication of his sick mind. He is a psychopath like Muhammad who created him.
Assuming there is God, you can be sure He does not give a hoot whether we worship him or not. Such a belief trivializes God to the point of blasphemy. Allah is a psychopath narcissist because Muhammad was a psychopath narcissist. Now if actually God exists, he would rule the world through laws.
In the past people believed that angels moved the moon, the sun and the planets. Believe it or not even Newton thought so. Eventually we realized that heavenly bodies move thanks to physical laws. If there is life after death (and I want to make it clear that I neither accept nor deny it) and if there is a spiritual realm, it too must be governed by laws, not by cherubs, cupids, angels, demons or other ghostly beings. Just as there are physical laws that govern the physical world, there must be spiritual laws that govern the spiritual world.
What are those spiritual laws? They are easy to understand. Anything that makes another human being’s life better is good and anything that harms him is bad. That is all you need to know. Be good to others, and if there is existence beyond this life, you don’t have to worry. Even Muslims understand this law, but do not apply it. They understand it because when they want to defend Islam they lie and they speak loftily of their criminal prophet. They never mention that he was a pedophile, a torturer, a rapist, a terrorist. or a looter. Instead they claim he was honest, generous, kind and compassionate. That is not true, but it shows even Muslims know what is good and what is evil. If Muslims can get it, anyone can get it.
There is no one who would punish or reward you for belief or disbelief. But the idea that we may progress spiritually in the other world, assuming there is one, makes sense. Although I am not banking on afterlife, I am prepared for it. I know that if I survive, I will be very content of the life that I lived in this world. I never deliberately harmed another human being, even though many people harmed me intentionally. I did everything I could to be a solace to others. That is all that counts. Therefore, I don’t fear death. Even if I meet that light that people with near death experience say they saw and think it was God, I am absolutely sure that I will be accepted and will never be taunted because of my disbelief.
Let us say the Light asks, Ali why you never believed me? I’d say, your arguments never made sense to me. If you really wanted me to believe, you had to either speak a little more intelligently or create me a little more stupid. It is not my fault that you give me a brain that finds everything about you illogical and absurd. How would I distinguish truth from falsehood if not by using my brain? When I used my brain I did not find any sense in believing in your existence. Now that I see you of course I believe you and if it makes you happy I even worship you. Not please let me pass. I haven’t seen my grandma for a long time and I miss her. I am sure, God does not care whether I worship him or not. He would be happy to see my resume. That is really all that counts. Our deeds are important. Our beliefs are not.
I give you my words that if there is a hell Muhammad is the one who is burning there. A Just God would send evil people to hell, not those who use their brain. Muhammad lied about so many things that we can show. Why should we believe in him at all, or fear his sadistic deity?
I can make a simple argument that would prove Muhammad was a liar. Muhammad claimed to be sent by the same god that sent Jesus. Well, this is a blatant lie. Unless this god has multiple personalities, there is no resemblance between the god of Jesus and that of Muhammad. The god of Jesus is generally a loving god, but the god of Muhammad is vengeful, tyrannical and a brute. So either Jesus was lying and God is evil or Muhammad was lying and God is not evil. But if Jesus was a liar, Muhammad has lied about Jesus being a messenger of God. He also said Allah is merciful, just and compassionate. By reading the Quran and the Sira we know that is not true. Simple logic makes us see that Muhammad was a liar. If he lied about the nature of Allah he could have lied about everything else.
Once you know that Muhammad was a liar, you don’t have to believe in anything that charlatan said and don’t have to fear his bogus psychopath deity either. If God exists he must resemble the god of Jesus and not the god of Muhammad. He must be a loving god and not a tyrannical sadist god. (In reality I believe God resembles the God of Einstein. It is the Principle and not a sentient being)
The attributes of Allah as described by Muhammad are all satanic. So it is fair to say Muhammad was a messenger of Satan and not of God. The result speaks for itself. See how the followers of Muhammad live and behave. To the extent that that they follow him, they act evil. This proves Muslims are demon worshippers. So if you really fear hell, make sure you don’t believe in Muhammad. If hell is real, Muslims who follow Muhammad and do his biddings will go there.
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Ali Sina is the editor of He is has contributed in 'Beyond Jihad - Critical Voices from Inside Islam'. His latest book is Understanding Muhammad: The Psychobiography of Allah’s Prophet.
Name: To Mr.dren,
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 01:24:06 -0500
Approach the nearest Arya Samaj branch, join Hinduism convert formally and write a will wherein you will cremate your dead body ( in fire) or electric crematorium. Or may be Buddhism also cremate. Hindu Gods or Buddhists Gods will protect you from allah and his hellfire. Or they may reincarnate you as a lion or tiger or even as a Marine in Iraq, Afghanistan or Pakistan to kill Muzzies. So take this path.
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 01:36:02 -0500
Name: Excesayces
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 02:22:35 -0500
If you are a muslims ask your self. Why non muslim nations are better than muslim nations. Why worlds poorest nation is a muslim nation.why all the top 10 billionaire are hindus and christians. Why america is powerfull nation in the world why not a muslim nation.why did allah not helped us while america attacked iraq afghanistan. Why allah did not helped us when israel attacked all the muslim nation during six day war. Why allah did not helped us while india defeated pakistan all the war. Why should i pray allah even though he never responds to me.
Name: Mad Mo
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 02:41:55 -0500
Compared to Mad Mo, Hitler is insignificant considering more than a billion of humanity is influenced by Mad Mo.
Name: No ALLA
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 03:09:22 -0500
Comment Read this article by stephen Knapp it will help to come over your fear. "The idea that a person has only one life to either become qualified to enter heaven or enter eternal damnation offers the soul no means of rehabilitation and only endless misery. This is not reasonable. The doctrine of reincarnation gives anyone ample scope to correct and re-educate himself in future births. An eternity in hell means that an infinite effect is produced by a finite cause, which is illogical. God has not created men to become nothing more than ever-lasting fuel to feed the fires of hell. Such a purpose in His creation would not come from an ever-loving God, but comes from the faulty ideas of man and his imperfect conceptions of God. After all, how many spotless men could there be in this world? Who has such a pure character to receive an immediate pass to heaven? The Bhagavad-gita explains that even the worst sinner can cross the ocean of birth and death by ascending the boat of transcendental knowledge. We simply have to be sincere in reaching that boat."
Name: Islamic Hellfire
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 03:17:35 -0500
It is true that other religion as well are talking about hell, however, when reading the quran it seems, there is not much more islam is talking about. And if we imagine how muezzins and recitators are always burning this hell-talking into one´s head one may understand how afraid muslims are. All the time they are asking themselves: Is it okay what I am doing? Will Allah send me to hell for what I did? Such people will never be able to think and to do their jobs properly. They are not much more than slaves.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 04:40:38 -0500
Mr. Ali Sina, If you doubt and think that a Kind Person called God might exist, then, you should at least thank Him. With me it's different. I do know that He exists because of the supernatural experiences. Thanks. Mr. Editor, notice how short my letter is. I took your advice. I think you are a very understanding and fair editor. Thanks.
Name: raja
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 06:24:29 -0500
all I want to say, I think its not the supernatural, mystic, magic mumbo jumbo that proves existance of god/or some other supreme law or something that cannot be understood by being born at this 3 dimensional realm of ours; but the way nature works, hows everything holding up without being destroyed, how could this once in trillion billion time accident, like creation of life happened in this planet.
Name: god is nature not some unknown or unseeable being
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 06:29:58 -0500
god is nature not some unknown or unseeable being who is the eternal energy. no imaginary jehova-jesus/allah created man from mud/dirt, nither from any man mouth brahmin came nor from his shoulder warrior, nor from his leg vaishya or from his foot shudra. man is evolved by nature-true god and its scientific fact.the proof is in our dna-genetic structure. pagans have been nature worshippers = shakti worshipper for long and its same energy nature kudrat prakriti. ehova/allah is false and imaginary deity, nature=energy=shakti is truth and only provable god.
Name: Hell
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 07:10:32 -0500
Hell is purposely designed for Satan and his demons not for humans.
Name: Excesayces
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 07:47:05 -0500
kudos to psycopathetic muhammed
Name: Blackhawk
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 08:14:22 -0500
Hey Muslims: Allah is Satan. It is as clear as a cool spring water. Look at what he stands for, Hate, Murder, Rape, Pedophilia, Slavery, Intolerance and Subjugation of women. That sure sounds more like a Devil than a God to me.
Name: duh_swami
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 11:08:10 -0500
Good response to Dren from Mr Sina....Testing your brain: If Mohammad were alive today, knowing what you know about him, would you buy a used car from him? The answer to that will determine just how smart you really are...
Name: Kat
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 13:25:45 -0500
I completely agree with your last paragraph about Muhammed being a messenger of Satan. FOR SURE. However earlier in your essay you talk about the possibiliy of multiple "universes". The very definition of UNIverse means ONE - you cannot breakup the vastness into multiple universes. No matter how much is out there, it all falls under the one UNIVERSE. Multiple galaxies, yes. Multiple universes, not possible. That's like saying something is "more perfect" - it's either perfect, which is absolute or it is not. The universe is an absolute - all encompassing.
Name: Kafir/infidel ( & Ex. communist )
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 17:54:28 -0500
I agree with Ali sina - as far as his dissertation and analysis is concerned- undoubtedly Ali Sina is a thinker and intellectual. But in 2 respects - think Ali Sina is erring or at least may be incomplete in his attitude and perspective. One is his - his exoneration of christianity , citing a little benign aspects of jesus . But essentially ,both ISLAM and christianity are demonic,imperialist, fascist ,intolerant. I challenge ALI SINA on this. Look at the world map and know the history . Both ISLAM & christianity are aggressors, conquerers, enslavers, colonizers, occupying and ruling on foreign lands and destroying other cultures and civilizations. ISLAM is the most brutal yet / Both ISLAM & christianity are intolerant and do not accept other people or faiths - proclaiming their Gods superiority and they have direct reservations in heaven through their Gods !!! all others are hell bound,sinners, evil, pagans, infidels, kafirs !!!!! So they keep their missionary zeal even this day and age and the world looks on - as the world is divided between CHRISTIAN followers and ISLAMISTS. So the wars of JIHADISM and crusades goes on. The U N keep watching - unable to declare that ISLAM and christianity are intolerant, fascist,imperialist religions. Remember , the profiteer MO copied mostly from JUDAISM and christianity and vied with already spreading christianity of his time by being more ruthless ,barbaric,cruel ,intolerant, imperialistic in his proclamations. Mo succeeded largely. The world and it's people were enslaved by christianity and ISLAM . You can se that from history and world map . study it. Are we going to be mute spectaters for all this ill gotten monstrocity on the part of ISLAM and christianity ? We should not allow ISLAM and christianity to keep their wages of sin . Both- immediately ISLAM and then christianity must be eradicated - if the world should live in peace . Then, regarding Ali Sina's deductions about OBAMA are incomplete and premature . ALi SINA must wait more time to pass his declarations. in any case Ali SINA should not mix religion with political aspects of OBAMA - unless OBAMA is totalitarian, fascist, bigoted like Hitler was. Of course ,ISLAM is fascism, highly bigoted, intolerant and totalitarian, slavery perpetrating - more than Hitler's fascism was.
Name: No Sharia
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 18:01:19 -0500
Dear Dren, I understand your concern - it is a common one among older people - but your returning interest in religion is totally misguided. There is one principle of truth that you shall remember: the person that asserts that something exists has the burden of proof. During all the centuries gone by - let´s limit ourselves to 80 - nobody has been able to prove that any good exists. During the last 20 centuries, an enormous number of highly intelligent people (probably among the most intelligent in the world) have tried - and they have all failed. If it ever would have been possible to show that any good existed, the method to prove that would have been discovered/invented a long time ago. If you say that I can´t prove that god doesn´t exist, I agree with you. Logically, you can´t really prove that something that doesn´t exist, doesn´t exist. But I don´t have that burden to show that. Only the person who maintains that something exists ( that there i s a good) has the burden of proof. And he can´t - and nobody can prove it. Every religious person has - at last - to leave reason and make the "leap of faith " - and by doing so he/she leaves objectivity and reality. Everybody can have his subjective understanding of a Good but it says nothing about if that good exists -which it doesn´t do. So - Good doesn´t exist. You don´t have to worry. There is no good - an evil or a more decent one. Worry instead about your own behaviour, and if you really live a life according to your own moral standards which, I hope, are high. That´s what a moral person do. Regards, No Sharia
MA Khan ..... Re: "jesus is same as muhamed fascist dictator"
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 23:32:49 -0500
Folks, I have been labeled as a Christian missionary and this comment will probably make it firmer. Nonetheless, I must point out that I am almost through the Bible as part of my next book. From my reading, I can affirm that calling Jesus violent, fascist like Muhammad and Hitler, is not accurate. In Gospels, he is oppressively humble, except a few instances such as his driving out traders from Soloman's temple, which they had transformed into a marketplace. The Gospel stories come to me as unreal in the first place. Next, Jesus comes as like a reformer, who tried to put the whole Old Testament ethics upside down. I see a big dose of Socretic ethics in Jesus' teaching. As an atheist and rationalist, I don't buy many of his points. For example, I am not in favor of taking unjustified violence upon myself lying down, which Jesus preaches. I feel that it emboldens the oppressors and unhelpful for the society; they need to be resisted; just must prevail.
[Sorry folk, in a rush I forgot to include my name earlier.]
Name: To above
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 23:47:44 -0500
--"I have been labeled as a Christian missionary and this comment will probably make it firmer."-- --"Next, Jesus comes as like a reformer, who tried to put the whole Old Testament ethics upside down. I see a big dose of Socretic ethics in Jesus' teaching. As an atheist and rationist, I don't buy many of his points."--How can a Christian missionary "don't buy many of his (Jesus) points."? Are you a contradictory philosopher? Or are you out to discredit Jesus?
Name: Allah's soldiers
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 00:01:12 -0500
There was an earthquake in Pakistan occupied Kashmir 3 years back in which nearly 1000 jihadi terrorists (Allah's warriors) were killed. If Allah is the god and jihadists were his fighers, then will Allah send his own earthquake to kill his own warriors?
Name: Aham Brahmasmi,
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 01:40:04 -0500
to mr.dren, you are the world. Your fears , wisdoms, frustrations are all inside you only. It is not outside you. Meditate on you, your knowledge your wisdom without harming any outside things/ living beings. Eat vegetarians and do introspect. Meditate indefinitely without rest. You may find you are everything and you are your god. all the best.
Name: vbv
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 02:19:45 -0500
Mr. Dren, remain an atheist for that will keep you away from superstitions and fear.Only an atheist can be a sane person. All great scientists and thinkers are atheist: eg. Bertrand Russel, Christopher Hitchens, Steven Weinberger, Einstien, Richard Dawkins, Carl Sagan,etc. They contribute to human welfare, knowledge and wisdom. Take a religion ,especially the intolerant lunacy of islam and christianity .you will lose sanity and humane-mind and you turn into a bigot, a fanatic and a bloodthirsty scoundrel.
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 02:22:05 -0500
Religion ,especially islam and christianity, makes one a dithering IDIOT!
Name: To Unknown Nature Worshipper
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 02:24:40 -0500
Why worship the creation instead of the Creator? Man is the highest of all God's creations and has dominion over all of the creations.
Name: To vbv
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 02:28:49 -0500
You are definitely wrong. Galileo the Father of Modern Science said, "Mathematics is the language with which God wrote the Universe."
Name: Felix
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 02:44:50 -0500
If there is a God, why is there no proof? All religions are superstitions based on myths. The problem with Islam is that it is a totalitarian ideology that is violent, unjust, and immoral. Not that it is any less true than any other superstition. People who argue about Hinduism vs Christianity, vs Islam, etc might as well be arguing about whether the Easter Bunny is more real than Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy. I don't understand how otherwise intelligent people can believe in any religion, it's absurd.
Name: To Felix
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 03:13:18 -0500
Just because you cannot see it does not mean it doesn't exists. If you see a chair, a car, or an airplane, you will say it's man-made. If you see a flower, a tree, a bird, or a star, perhaps (not believing in the Creator) you will say it all came by itself (evolve). That will be illogical and the most foolish argument.
Name: Why Islam is so successful
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 04:09:18 -0500
Muslims like to believe that they will go to heaven while all others go to hell. This is truly some kind of arrogance and we all can observe that it is indeed the muslim world that does not develop. Why should they if they all believe and will always that they are better?
Name: origin of word god
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 05:49:08 -0500
Who invented this word GOD?. Must be a person who saw a dog from the backside and read its name backwards? Who has seen this god? to say it is he. Why cant this god whom nobody has seen come out in the open and stop this crusade, jihad etc. Some people say because you can't see it does not mean he is not there. If he is there, have you people seen him pants down. Why can't it be she or it. If Mary gave birth to Jesus without losing her virginity Only a female would be capable of creation without the assistance of other sex. If god were to be there she must have created eve first and then adam, if that cock and bull story is true. Even if god is there, why should you worship him, her or it. These religious bigots are funny.They want the entire earth to believe what they believe.
Name: nature if the creator of man and man is not supreme
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 05:53:00 -0500
no imaginary jehova/allah created man from mud/ is evoled by nature the manifest and unmanisfes the seeable and unseeable from 1 celled organisms and proof is in iour own dna and is one of the inseperable parts of is not superior to nature he is just a part.he is not superior to any other animal, bcoz he is not indestructable and he eventually does be good to god=nature=energy.nature is the true and provable god.what is provable is truth whereas imaginary jehova/allah is just non-existant.
Name: BK Verma
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 10:17:54 -0500
How right you are Mr. Ali. It is only an idiot who would take the word of Mohammad as gospel truth. Koran is an incoherent book, full of vague platitudes, repetitive and nonsense. Te story of Gabriel and his dictation to Mohammad was a complete fabrication done by a very cunning 'psychopath'. But the pity is that so many people fall in the web of untruth and fanatically believe in his fiction. Mohammad's people were simple and illiterate. But today the position is quite different. Still the same mindset and attitude prevails among the Muslims. The fiction of Islam, Mohammad and Koran has grown into a monster that might devour the whole mankind, if intellectuals do not get the better of Ulema & the oil rich Sheikhs.
Name: One more eye opening article from Alisina
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 10:33:52 -0500
One more eye opening article from Ali Sina. I wait eagerly for his articles.
Name: seeker
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 10:48:09 -0500
If god created our perfect earth with all its sunshine, water, beautiful valleys, birds and butterflies, for the most evolved animal Homo Sapiens to live in, why the hell he created planets like mercury and Saturn etc where life is not possible. What about our own satellite ,the Moon. Not to mention the billions of galaxies and trillions of stars. Our own star the Sun will burn out in another four billion years from now on and will become a black hole like trillions of black holes in the cosmos. That will be the end of all life on earth, god or no god. Dren, do not worry at all. Take care of your health and be loving to your family and friends. Be a decent law abiding citizen. Even if there is such a supernatural force it is definitely not the god of Prophet Mohammed.
Name: balam
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 11:40:35 -0500
Dr.Ali Sina,You have written a very humane response with reasoning.God is our heavenly father,who loves us all but He does not approve our wickedness to others.allah and Mohammad are one,just as two for the price of one for Muslims.Mohammad had a split personality like a schizophrenic.He also suffered from epilepsy which affected his memory.No woder,he had to produce new proclaimations to abbrogate the forgotten ones.I would buy Dr,Sinas book about Mohammad and his mind.
Name: Adam
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 12:02:09 -0500
What a mediocre argument about Allah. Your so deeply involved in the negatively portrayed aspects of Islam. The reason Muslims fear Allah (not Muhammed) is because they believe this world is a test by God, to see whether human beings follow their lusts and desires or obey God. Planet Earth is not happy happy lala land for Muslims, humans are in this world as travelers. Before delving straight into the scrutiny of how Muslims behave (I'm not referring to any extremist behavior as I think it's wrong) you should research more into the belief and it will make sense. STOP, SOLELY, LETTING OTHER PEOPLE TEACH YOU ABOUT RELIGION EVERYONE, GOD GAVE YOU A BRAIN AND INTELLECT DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH/ INVESTIGATION AND COME TO YOUR OWN CONCLUSION.
Name: kafir / infidel (Ex.communist ). ISLAM & christianity are intolerant , imperialist (fascist religions)
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 12:39:05 -0500
We must not allow or legitamise the ill gotten - wages of sin of ISLAM and Christianity - for thousand years - ISLAM &christianity has free reign based on deception, dishonesty, lies, disinformation. Now , it is the age of internet - communication revolution. Understandably both ISLAM and CHRISTIANITY are exposed of their demonism and cult (religions ). The united nations and international community must study and come to grips with the fact based on historical truths, based on the contents of QQURRAN and OT ,NT old testament ,New testament ( Deuternomy, leviticus etc ) that Both QURRAN and CANNONICAL bible must be declared as hateful and unfir for the civilized world of peace,tolerance, freedom, understanding. CHRISTIANITY is spending huge resources and man power at it's disposal to proselytize,convert and enslave humanity by illegal means and so is ISLAM with it's ILL gotten Petro DOLLARS. MA KHAN and ALI SINA are biased ( soft ) towards christianity .
Name: Raja Coventry
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 13:31:46 -0500
you made me to think
Name: to kafir/infidel (Ex.communist ).
Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 19:37:25 -0500
You write: "New testament (Deuternomy, leviticus etc)." Books of Deuternomy and leviticus are not part of the New Testament. it seems you never read the Bible.
Name: Kafir / Infidel ( & Ex.communist )
Date: Saturday March 07, 2009
Time: 02:50:01 -0500
In case people do not understnad - ISLAM and Christianity do not accept other religions or faiths. and consider all nonmoslems or nonchristians are sinners, pagans, devils, ignorant, darkminded, infidel, kufrs,and so will burn in hell . ISLAm & christianity proclaims their Gods are true, their religion is true , their Gods are superior, their books are superior, their prophets are superior. All others must be condemned unless converted to ISLAM or christianity. There is no solvation for nonchristians , only christ can save them. Both ISLAm & christianity are violating the basic principle that all humans are equal and that all are created by God .(They deny this- equality of people and equality of religions. )ISLAM & christianity are highly organized , with strict heirarchy, central authority , imposing their dogmas . ISLAM &christianity proselytize and create dishormony, disturb peace, and tear away the fabric of society whereever they proselytize and convert. ISLAM & christianity are destroying all other cultures ,civilizations as they did earlier too. All this is must not be allowed to happen by the international community.
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday March 07, 2009
Time: 02:55:03 -0500
Galileo was under duress to say what pleases the Church, for he was virtually under 'house arrest' till the end of his life.
Name: Re : origin of the word god
Date: Saturday March 07, 2009
Time: 06:05:13 -0500
Your question:--"Why cant this god whom nobody has seen come out in the open and stop this crusade, jihad etc."--The answer: It is not God that separates Himself from Man but Man separates himself from God. The fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden gave Satan the authority to rule earth. The sin of DISOBEDIENCE of Adam and Eve separates Man from God but the coming of Jesus made reconciliation with God possible. With Jesus we are made RIGHT with God. His Second Coming will take away Satan's authority over the world.
Name: To Kafir / Infidel ( & Ex. communist )
Date: Saturday March 07, 2009
Time: 06:14:48 -0500
The PURPOSE of Christianity is to SPREAD the GOOD NEWS or the Coming Kingdom of God under Jesus Christ to ALL NATIONS. The last frontiers for this commission are the nations of Africa, India, China, and all Islamic countries. It is entirely up to you the individual TO ACCEPT OR REJECT the Gospel. You have the freewill to choose. The gift of eternal life is offered through Jesus Christ, either you accept it or reject it.
Name: To all
Date: Saturday March 07, 2009
Time: 07:09:48 -0500
You said Hitler was chirstian, you are a liar. Chirstian will never kill Jew or cooperate with muslim. Satan is father of all liars.
Name: prince1
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 04:37:31 -0500
i just want to ask how many people have killed because of islam ? the answer is if the islam never exist there will be no wars because of religion like crusades and the islamic invasion to north africa and europe and minor asia . and no vectims of islamic terrorism around the world also no muslim vectims because of jihad bacause also the jihadi people are vectim of islam . if any one calculate the number of muslims and christian and jew and the non believers how died because islam the number will be overwhelming.
Name: Ina
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 13:39:39
God is good. Believe in a God that loves you unconditionally and you will live and die in peace. Of course God exists. I also think allah exists, but he is a false spirit who rages in his evil despair against the Good Lord whose love for humankind goes beyond all limits. This is my experience and my logic conclusion. Don't listen to those wo say there is no God. God created you individually with Love so you can love and be loved in freedom, authentically. Fundamentalistic atheism that mocks all religion is as dangerous as islamistic ideology, which hitory has also proven. Peace be with you.
Name: Kinana
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 19:00:42 -0500
Dear Dren You ask two questions. Can the fear of death be overcome? And Is it possible, after all, that the Islamic Allah is real and awaits your body and soul ‘on the other side’? Mr Sina answered the second one as well as anyone could. As to the first, the answer has been attempted probably since humans became self-conscious. I will pray that you find the answer and know peace in yourself before death.
Name: Muslim
Date: Friday March 13, 2009
Time: 07:32:03 -0500
Total bull shit useless website/useless ali sina justifying only in terms of scientfic laws/views