Is 'Allah' a False God?
10 Nov, 2007
- The New Testament tells how the Christians have to regard Islam. The apostle John wrote in his first letter, "Every spirit which does not acknowledge that Jesus has come in the flesh... is the spirit of the antichrist..." (1 John 2:18-23; 4:1-6).
“We must therefore confess with all humility that the spirit in Islam is the spirit of the antichrist. Muhammad had heard much about Jesus, but, in spite of all, he denied the crucified Son of God.”
Before the advent of Islam, the Arabs were idol worshipers. One of the historians by the name of Vaqqidi said that the Arabs had 360 Gods for each day of the year and the largest and the main God was called “Allah.” They were pagan, a polytheistic culture. Interestingly enough, not many Muslims want to accept that Allah was already being worshipped at the Ka’ba in Mecca by Arab pagans before Muhammad came along.
So that’s where Allah comes into the picture; eventually this idol becomes Islam’s God. When the Muslims say: Allah-o-Akbar or God is great, in reality; they refer to this large statue which was worshiped by the Bedouins in the Arabian Peninsula. Islam is paganism cult wrapped in monotheistic dogma.
"The Religion in the sight of Allah is Islam." (Qur'an 3:19)
Christians have come to believe that the Wisdom of the Lord is greater than the Muslim Sword commonly used to conquer and force its victims to obey the Allah’s manifestation: the Quran.
Islam is a grand delusion, birthed by Muhammad’s hallucination that he relayed to his first wife and employer, Khadija. Greatly frightened, he told Khadija that he was visited by jinn (devil) in the Hira cave. Khadija comforted the distraught man by assuring him that the episode was Allah’s way of choosing him as his messenger. Muhammad believed his rich wife-employer who was 15 years his senior and the delusion became a belief—Islam.
Islam is rooted in the primitive tribal mentality of “We against Them,” “We the righteous against the heathens,” “We the servants submissive of the Great Allah against the rebellious enemies of Allah.” Islam is a polarizer. Islam is an enemy-maker. To Islam, a non-Muslim is a combatant against Allah and he is fair game to be subjugated and killed.
Through a highly effective indoctrination, the jihadists have come to believe firmly in Islam’s grand delusion. They believe that Allah is the one and only supreme creator of earth and heavens; that it is their duty and privilege to abide by Allah’s will and carry out his plans at all costs; they believe firmly in a gloriously wonderful immortal afterlife in paradise, for which a martyr’s death is the surest quickest admission. Although the dominating theme of the delusion is quasi spiritual, the promised rewards of the afterlife awaiting the martyr are sensual and material. All the things and activities that the jihadists desire and cannot attain or practice, and reject in their earthly life will be purified and proffered to them in the paradise of the next life.
Islam is basically an instruction manual on manipulating human behavior (behavior modification of the sort a la Skinner) to manufacture consent a la Chomsky (Chomsky and American neo-cons are 1400 years behind manufacturing consent methods used by the mullahs to convince human being against his or her own pre-wired and genetic programming of survival instincts to become martyrs and recruit suicide brigades in one or two sessions of religious Sermon…Talk about manufacturing consent) among the masses and to render their brain and reasoning ability irrelevant and disabled so they can be used as unthinking and unquestioning tools of blind subjugation of fear to fill their mosques and to prefer death over life.
Iran and all other "Arab" states - including Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, and Algeria, as well as the entity under the Palestinian Authority - were originally non-Arab nations that were conquered by the Muslim Arabs when they spread out from the Arabian peninsula in the first great wave of jihad in the 7th century, defeating, killing, Iran enslaving, dispossessing, converting, or reducing to the lowly status of dhimmitude millions of Christians and Jews, Zoroastrian exodus to India, and destroying their language (Phoenicians in Lebanon didn't speak Arabic, Iran is the only country that was able to sustain its own language, thanks to our brave poet, Ferdowsi) ancient and flourishing civilizations.
Prior to being Christian, of course, these lands had even more ancient histories. Pharaonic Egypt, for example, was not an Arab country through its 3,000-year history.
We need to work on Islamic de-colonization of mind and souls andidentify the devastating pathological effect of this totalitarian ideology a la Victim Fanon, which calls for extermination of everything non-Islamic and considers itself absolute truth before we can even have the ability to overcome and recognize any future attempts at colonization by the West (reform movement in Iran being a concoction of the American Left).
There are many decent immigrants who consider America their home. They love this country, perhaps a bit more than those people who were born in it. They understand the danger clearly. These lovers of America will do anything to save the Western civilization and this great nation from the threat of Islamofascism. A German immigrant wrote this to me: I love America but its political correctness is suffocating and shows too much tolerance towards its enemy at home.
These are terribly trying times for all of us. Free people must decide their priorities with foresight and wisdom and shy away from shortsighted simplistic solutions. It is by far more prudent to face the implacable Islamofascists on the march now than wait and witness another 9/11.
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Amil Imani is an Iranian born, pro-democracy activist who resides in the United States of America. He is a poet, writer, literary translator, novelist and an essayist who has been writing and speaking out for the struggling people of his native land, Iran. Amil Imani's Home Page:
Name: Sigvard von Brevern
Date: Saturday November 10, 2007
Time: 07:02:27 -0700
Being married to an Iranien lady and knowing a little about the history of pre-Islamic Persia, I salute Amil Imani for recognizing the words of Jesus Christ as truth. Also your great King Cyrus wrote in his well known decree, " let all my subjects worship the God of Israel, He is the God, who is in Israel..." The great Cyrus was of course well known and respected for his humanity, granting freedom to all conquered and suppressed peoples. No wonder that he was called - " my anointed " by the God of Israel. Also the prophet Daniel was regarded as such and a mausoleum was built in honor to him in Persia. Sadly truth plus true history amongst the nation that once was respected Persia have long since vanished and are not even known to the masses. In the time of my youth, we still learned much about ancient history. Such is now re-written and a pagan god is worshiped by the nations that have been put to the sword. The light of the Persians that once shone brightly has now been extinguished.
Date: Saturday November 10, 2007
Time: 22:37:16 -0700
Thanks for revealing the fact that "Amil Imani" is a Coptic Christian. He is nothing new though. Coptic Christians have been working against Islam since its inception yet they can do nothing!
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday November 10, 2007
Time: 22:53:00 -0700
Islam is the product of Mohamed's evil , designing and deluded brain ,which schemed to tyrannise people with a view to gain absolute power ,decimating all opposition ruthlessly. There is nothing noble or spiritual in islam but sheer arrogance of power that demands its adherents to follow unquestioningly its diktats in the most barbaric manner. It brought about destruction to many civilizations to impose its barbarian idealogy. It is time that civilized world co-operated to arrest the march of this barbarism and put an end to islamofascism once for all!
Date: Sunday November 11, 2007
Time: 23:47:44 -0700
Name: Vijayan
Date: Monday November 12, 2007
Time: 05:55:40 -0700
Let us forget religion for a moment. Let us talk of nature. Mother nature creates, nourishes and also destroys. Look at the animals. When they surpass in numbers ,not permitted by Mother Nature, they simply commit suicide. Umpteen examples : the whales simply reach the shore and wait death, so are the squirrels, they jump in to river in enormous numbers, the birds of Jatinga, assam, permit themselves to be caught and eaten.No one has ever able explain this phenomenon. All these and many more have been recorded. Now about man. Lets go back to mythology- there was always a leader and people simply followed him,blindly, fought wars and killed men in large numbers. The islamic jehad over a thousand years, the christian crusades, Napolean, Hitler, Mussolini,and now Osama bin laden and Bush. What do you have to say. Nature created them for destruction of over population. Once balance is struck peace will prevail and the cycle will go on. So, readers we are passing through one of such phases. The survivors will live in peace.
Date: Wednesday November 14, 2007
Time: 09:31:42 -0700
Comment I've already suggested that, to some extent in a previous article elsewhere on this site , that the only suitable explaination for a child born to a virgin mother is that the pregnancy has to be artificial insemination. It has been recorded on texts from Sumerian records and, in all, encompasses a wide array of subjects, from laws and rights(before Cyrus and his laws we introduced) for the people, to charges for rental items and various other subjects. For further information look up a book entitled "Genesis Revisited: Is Modern Science catching up with Ancient Knowledge? -- under the Chapter "The Adam: A Slave Made To Order".
Name: waz
Date: Wednesday November 14, 2007
Time: 10:37:48 -0700
May ALLAH guides you and may you realise the consequence of what you have said..Jesus is one of the prophets of ALLAH,and he was given some power by ALLAH so as to cure people,and do miracles..And concerning jihaad,americans soldiers MUST be killed as the atrocities they did..Christians dnt wnt to knw the truth..Jesus homself worshipped ALLAH,bt christians think he is the son of ALLAH..And you amil imani,your words are that of satan..May ALLAH change your thougths..
Date: Thursday November 15, 2007
Time: 20:06:25 -0700
Some people write down silly ideas, then, seeing t hem on paper, begin to fool themselves that their idea seems to have veracity. That's exactly what the false prophet did. At first the pretense of shaking fear gave him an excuse to avoid sex with his older wife he married for higher status, by saying, "so scared, cover me with my blankie!" Then, he just kept going out alone, coming home only to collect meals from Khadiya. Around 600 in the Christian age, the false prophet settled on the artificial form of `al-`ilah, `allah. The original had a numerical value of 67, but he settled on the changed form, amounting to 66, which corresponds to the two digits in the oldest gematrial form in the Apocalypse of John of 666, as pertaining to the appearance when turned sideways. John rightly turned the demon's name onto its side. In about 600 AD, then, a name chosen equally 66, and the quran had 6,666 verses, 666 being the digital median between the numbers 6,666 and 66.
Name: Constantine the Great
Date: Friday November 16, 2007
Time: 14:18:02 -0700
Dear Waz, Jesus did not "worship Allah" as you state - don't you Muslims know your own history? Al-Lah was an Arab god, so could not have been worshipped by Jesus who was a Jew. And please don't tell me that Al-Lah is the same as the God of the Jews - he told Moses plainly that his name was "I am" not Al-Lah. You can call a cat a dog just because it has fur, four legs and wags its tail, but its still a cat. The same with Al-Lah - although you may credit him with some of the attributes of the God of Abraham, it doesn't mean he is.
Name: Constantine the Great
Date: Friday November 16, 2007
Time: 14:38:01 -0700
And to the anonymous writer of comment 2, Moslems have been working against Coptic Christianity since their inception yet they can do nothing to extinguish its bright light!
Name: Constantine the Great
Date: Friday November 16, 2007
Time: 14:40:05 -0700
And to the anonymous writer of comment 5, I assure you that Jesus is the Son of God and he's also a human being. Here is the proof - it's true because I say so. That's the same proof Mohammed gave for it not being true.
Name: Constantine the Great
Date: Friday November 16, 2007
Time: 14:49:01 -0700
To the anonymous writer of comment 8, Muslims believe that Mohammed made a night flight from Jerusalem to Heaven on the back of a winged horse with a woman's head named Burak and there he met the prophets. You believe that but you can't believe that the God of all the Universe (who is all powerful and can do anything he wants) could possibly have a son? Could possibly make a virgin pregnant without affecting her virginity? Anyway, I thought Muslims believed that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary - if she was a Virgin who was the father?
Name: Tia
Date: Friday November 16, 2007
Time: 15:05:41 -0700
Amil, Thank you so much for your great work. I want to believe that all people believe in a common good and that good will always overpower evil. I don't want to be weary of Islam, but for all that I see in the submission of its women and treatment towards others who don't subscribe to thier views, causes me great concern and uneasiness. I read your words and find comfort in that my feelings are justified.
Name: Buraq Khan
Date: Friday November 16, 2007
Time: 18:40:51 -0700
What a load of crap. Quoting john to make a point, you kafir can't even prove that gospel of john was actually written by john. the concept of the trinity contradicts the basic monestic believes of jews. were all messengers before Jesus liars? I know christians use some very vague passages from the OT to try to prove it prophisizes Jesus. but the fact is if God had a son, it would have been explicitly mentioned over and over again and would have become a fundamental believe of all previous messengers. are you brain dead or what? ask the jews, they'll teach you what the OT has to say, afterall, it was revealed to them. not to christians. and by the way, your website is so hypocratical. on one hand you have stories of atheists and on the other hand christian articles as if both are in perfect harmony with one another. you really are a kafir (definition: someone who refuses to acknowledge truth even when it is clearly there beyong doubt).
Name: algerian
Date: Sunday November 18, 2007
Time: 10:50:59 -0700
I totally agree with him about arab imperialism being strongly linked to islam , thanks to islam , my country has lost most of its ancient culture , identity , language , pride and is now nothing more than a cultural and spiritual satellite of Arabia , and even though most of algerians are of native origin , they would claim arab ancestry , thanks to the loss of our old language , we have to learn arabic ( the quran can't be translated) , speak it , consider ourselves an "arab" nation , pray toward arabia ,pray in arabic, worship the arab god Allah , give credit to arabs for our own glory , dress like arabs , make anything possible to be associated with arabs , make our best to hide all of our pre-islamic history (ex: saint augustine is completely unknown in his own country), what can i say more ? the list is long religion on earth destroys cultures and national identities like islam , that's why i think that the best way to get rid of arab imperialism and build a strong proud country is to get rid of islam altogether.
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Monday November 19, 2007
Time: 11:31:09 -0700
The claim of the Muslims that the god of Islam is the same god as the God of the Bible. This claim is false and totally invalid. Just to explain one of the many reasons why this is so is explained inthe book WHY I LEFT JIHAD by Walid Shoebad. In it he revealed "Islam's cresent moon, in reality stems from Babylonia." and "Islam is simply a revial of Babyloian religion. The Moon god with the cresent moon and star symbol originated in Babylon..." Further, "Allah is a pre-Islamic name...corresonding to the Babyonian god known as Bel." also "The Islamic calender is based on the lunar cycle, and may have relevance to Moon god worship. In Arabi,he was known as `Hubbell` al-Allah, 1the god.`" [pages271,272,273,274.] Furthermore, in the book THE ISLAMIC INVASION by Robert Morey he wrote "The sysmbol of the moon god in Arabian culture and elsewere throughout the Middle East was the cresent moon." and "The literal Arabic name of Muhammad's father was Abd-Allah. His uncle's name was Obied-Allah. These names reveal the devotion that Muhammad's pagan family had to worship of Allah,the moon god." and "Allah was a pagan name for a peculiar pagan Arabian deity in pre-Islamic times." also "The Quran's concept of deity evolved out of the pre-Islamic pagan religion of Allah-worship." plus "The cult of the moon god which worshiped Allah was transformed by Muhammad into a monotheisic faith."{pages 51,53,62] Morey also explains that some Bible translations into Arabic used the name Allah for god because of truth compromising Bible translaters. thus, eventually Allah became known as Arabic for God. This is also shown to be true in other books likes UNVEILING ISLAM by Ergun Mehmet Caner and Emir Fethi Caner. Yes, Allah is a false god.
Name: Constantine the Great
Date: Tuesday November 20, 2007
Time: 13:33:57 -0700
To Buraq Khan, your response to criticism of Islam is typical of a moslem – you say "what a load of crap" and then attack the one who made the criticism. You cannot defend your religion with reason or logic because you know in your heart of hearts that it is indefensible. But let's take your points logically and reasonably. (1) It doesn't matter if John did or did not write St. John's Gospel – it's the Gospel and that's all that matters. It's author is not the source of Christian faith but the contents. Modern biblical scholars think that it was probably written by a disciple of St. John who incorporated many of the apostle's reminiscences. (2) The trinity is three persons in one God so the concept doesn't contradict monotheism; in fact there are passages in the Bible which indicated this – in the beginning God says "Let us make man in our own image" using the plural "us" and "our", but "image" is singular. Also, God appeared to Abraham at the oaks of Mamre as 3 persons. (3) You say there are no prophesies in the Old Testament of Jesus – have you read Isaiah's prophesy of the suffering servant or Ezekiel's of a successor to King David? They're not "vague" but I concede they don't actually refer to the coming Messiah as a "son". Why isn't this mentioned? Because just as when you were a child you thought your parents were the best and most gifted of people and super heroes, but as you got older you realised they were only human after all with lots of faults and failings, so it is with both our personal and humanity's view of God. Our knowledge of God and what he's like is different now from what it was 3000 years ago when they thought God struck down sinners with lightning bolts and caused earthquakes, which we now understand as natural phenomena. It took Christians many centuries to work out Jesus's relationship with God the Father, taking into account many of Jesus's own sayings about the issue (like "the Father and I are One", and when asked at his trial he said he was the Son of God). (4) God did reveal himself to the Jews, that is true, but it's also true that he revealed himself to Christians because most of the early Christians were in fact Jews. He never ever revealed himself to Arabs. (5) The website is not hypocritical as it is run by ex-muslims and the articles in it are from anyone who exposes Islam for the evil cult it is. May God enlighten your mind – study your religion and the life of your prophet to find the truth.
Name: Constantine the Great
Date: Tuesday November 20, 2007
Time: 13:46:01 -0700
To algerian: Yes it is a pity that the people of Algeria and North Africa lost their identities and cultures. It is always intreresting to speculate what the world would have been like if Islam had never existed - would north Africa be part of the modern world? would it be producing world-renowned philosphers and scientists rather than just dates and carpets? It is also interesting to note that the few people who actually accepted Islam voluntarily were the nomadic Turks (who then went on to destroy the Byzantine civilization) and the Mongols (who destroyed anything and anyone in their way).
Name: albert
Date: Monday November 26, 2007
Time: 03:15:39 -0700
Sorry, M. Imani, but you misuse early christian writings. Study of John and the new testament reveals only the laborious elaboration of the complex syncretism that was early christianity through its different sects. The new testament is nowhere as intolerant and violent and archaic as the kuran, but its manicheist (through devil and demonic references) and messianist and apocalyptic contents could promote sectarian attitudes, oppression, witch-huntings and madness, as history has shown.
Name: anon
Date: Monday November 26, 2007
Time: 16:17:24 -0700
Burn in hell, you son of a bitch
Date: Tuesday November 27, 2007
Time: 03:22:29 -0700
Islam is NOT deserve to live. Islam have to be erased from this world if we want this place everlasting peace. We should press on it, don't give it a chance or we'll be very sorry.
Name: inayat khan
Date: Wednesday November 28, 2007
Time: 13:03:02 -0700
islam a polarizer?...does islam tells the white and the blacks and the browns to kill and look down upon oneanother and form racial communities and gangs based on skinheads and blackheads?....infact in islam all are matter what color, physique or status in society..when they stand before god they are all uqual in his eyes except those who do more good then others. islam is a true unifying force against the racial and immoral division of humanity....and what is wrong in calling the whole humanity to worship just one god...because if there is any god ..he certainly is one..and i really find it very amusing that some people say that islam is a religion of force!!..i mean come to think of it ...if you were a creator and you created a machine to obey ur commands..then would u then plead and plea to it to follow ur commands or would u expect it to do what ever u tell it if God asks men to submit to his will is it forrcing anything on them?....because in islam u dont submit to muslims...or the imams but just to one god..and no one has the power to clear away ur sins except god..unllike the fathers in christainity ..who are CHOOSEN by god to do his work to cleaning the sins of people..while they themselves indulge in great sins.
Name: albert
Date: Friday November 30, 2007
Time: 04:08:11 -0700
So, Mr Inayat Khan, I understand that this impotent god of yours needs muslims to cleanse the sins of non-muslims, aka to do his dirty works, like threatening, bullying, deceiving, raping, murdering and terrorizing. Well, I think you are like a child who needs his father's love and esteem. You cannot find that, so you worship a father's substitute, a god instead. Too bad this one is only the excuse for a criminal organization. Your religion doesn't make you a holy man of you, but a criminal.
Name: Dd
Date: Friday November 30, 2007
Time: 06:16:45 -0700
Every word and every comments is just person word. What acctual Mu-ham-mad writes in koran about Al-lah. It is not easy to explane the person who walk in darkness and fully controled under the evil spirit. The last chapter of Koran Mu-ham-mad asked refuge from the evil, which one Mu-ham-mad worship whole life to devolop Arab nation. Here the last chapter of Koran. 114. Say "I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind. The King of mankind. The ILAH of mankind. From the evil... Mu-ham-mad used here three words withou using name of Al-lah. If Al-lah is a true god then why not Mu-ham-mad asked refuge with Al-lah. After the three words (Lord, King and Ilah)one word left and that was Al-lah which one Mu-ham-mad used indirectly as evil. This is the truth of Al-lah and Mu-ham-mad.
Name: Constantine the Great
Date: Tuesday December 04, 2007
Time: 15:08:29 -0700
Inayat Khan, you say "islam is a true unifying force against the racial and immoral division of humanity" - tell that to the women in your religion who have half the legal rights of men, who can't go out unaccompanied, who get 200 lashes for being raped, who can't name a teddy bear Mohammed! Your religion has created one hell of a division right there, between the sexes! And tell it to the migrant workers in Saudi or Dubai who are treated like non-people because they're black or brown or non-Arab. Tell them about this religion of unity. And if your Creator pleads with you to obey his will and you don't - great, you've got free will in Islam, but you're going to burn for it later!!!!