Islam is a Trojan Horse
17 Apr, 2008
This past Friday, Yunis al-Astal, a leading Muslim cleric and Hamas member of the Palestinian parliament, declared on Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV that "the capital of the Catholics, or the Crusader capital," would soon be conquered by Islam and Rome become an advance post for the Islamic conquests, which will spread through Europe in its entirety, and then will turn to the two Americas.”
The Islam hydra, with Saudi Arabia and the oil-money bloated
Emirs and Sheiks of the Persian Gulf leading the Sunni charge from
one side and the ender-of-the-world bomb-seeking Shiite of the
Islamic Republic of Iran with its proxies of Hamas, Lebanon
Hezbollah and the Sadrists in Iraq closing from the other side will
devour the free world.
Free people: are you listening?
Free people: do you care?
Free people: are you doing anything?
Disguised as religion, Islam has penetrated the democracies with
the aim of replacing civility and liberty with the barbarism of
theocracy and Sharia. Islam’s multi-prong attack aims to destroy all
that liberty offers.
It is generally assumed that religion addresses issues of
importance to daily life as well as matters that transcend it.
Religion claims to exercise a civilizing influence by ordering the
social life and promoting spirituality, as well as advancing an
array of human virtues. Zoroaster, for instance, based his faith on
the triad of goodly thoughts, goodly speech and goodly deeds. Moses
framed the fundamentals of his faith in the Ten Commandments, and
Jesus placed love at the core of his faith.
Yet, all is not well with religion. Purveyors of some religions
advocate and promote ideas and practices that are harmful to the
general well-being of mankind. It is imperative that a society
institutes measures that guard against any and all organizations and
ideologies, be they religious or otherwise that harms it.
As things stand now, our lives are governed by numerous boards at
all levels of government, business, and community. All these boards
are charged with the responsibility of looking after the welfare of
the people they serve. The Food and Drug Administration, for
instance, must pass on the safety and quality of the food we eat;
the Aviation Safety Board works to ensure safe flights; a local
school board strives to create the environment that best serves the
education and safety needs of the pupils. Every community and
business of any size is served by boards.
There are, however, no oversight boards that would check against
things that contaminate the mind and present a clear threat of
unraveling our democracy’s social compact as we know and cherish it.
Shouldn’t these dangers to our beliefs and way of life be monitored
and combated or should they be given a pass to work their damage?
Presently, America is faced with a formidable enemy in a Trojan
horse called Islam. This imminent danger makes it imperative to
revisit the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and make the
necessary changes to legally defeat Islam’s subversion of the
democratic system.
Muslims in Western democracies, most of them escapees of the
misery of Islamic countries, exhibit such incredible gall and
audacity as to shamelessly demand that their benevolent hosts
surrender their liberty and legalize and adopt the Sharia in their
The Muslims’ presence in countries such as Canada, Great Britain,
the Netherlands and Sweden represents the tip of the sword of the
Islamists protruding from the Trojan horse.
Once Sharia is recognized to any extent, it will reach out to
rule, not only on matters that concern Muslims, but also those that
may involve a Muslim and non-Muslim. Under Sharia, a Muslim man
married to a non-Muslim woman is able to divorce the woman at will
and automatically have custody of the children.
America, with a long history of protecting religious freedom,
still clings to the “hands off” practice of leaving alone any
doctrine or practice billed as religion. A thorny problem is in
deciding what constitutes a religion and who is to make that call.
The dictionary supplies a sociologically useless definition for
religion: “The expression of man’s belief in and reverence for a
superhuman power recognized as the creator and governor of the
universe.” Just about anyone or any group under this definition can
start a religion, and they indeed do—and some do so at significant
costs to others.
Islam was birthed by primitives of some 1400 years ago and over
time invaded much of the world at the point of the sword. Presently,
Islamists, with their treasuries flush with petrodollars, are in a
great position to realize their perennial dream of bringing the
world under the rule of Muhammad’s Ummeh.
On the one hand, Pakistan is already a nuclear power and the
Islamic Republic of Iran aims to be one before very long. On the
other hand, Muslim governments and wealthy Sheikhs are funding
Islamic schools, centers and front organizations in the West to work
from within at the unraveling of the non-Islamic democratic systems.
In a parallel attack, the “Legal Islam” is exploiting every
provision of the law in free societies to promote Islam and silence
its critics through expensive legal shenanigans.
Islam is incompatible with democracy and subversive of the way of
life that blesses this nation. It is imperative that we fight
Islamofascism with the same determination that we fought other
enemies of freedom such as Nazism, Fascism, and Communism. It is,
therefore, imperative that the Constitution be revisited in such a
manner that it no longer grants a pass to any cult simply calling
itself a religion.
Bluntly speaking, no one can be a faithful Muslim and an American
at the same time. As more and more Muslims arrive in non-Islamic
lands, as they reproduce with great fecundity, as they convert the
disenchanted and minorities, and as petrodollar-flush Muslims and
Muslim treasuries supply generous funds, Muslims gather more power
to undermine the democratic rule.
The hydra of Islam is lashing out by its jihadists, sophisticated
and well-funded lawyers, terrorist groups, and terror-sponsoring
governments who have the bomb and those that are racing non-stop to
acquire the ultimate weapon. There is no time to waste. Steadfastly
confronting Islam is the only way to defeat a fanatical enemy who
does not believe in negotiation or compromise. For Islam, it is
winner take all. And the way that permissive, oblivious, and
well-meaning free societies are reacting does not bode well for
Islam must be recognized for what it is: a Trojan horse carrying in its belly what will assuredly slaughter all who stand everything that is precious to free people.
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Amil Imani is an Iranian born, pro-democracy activist who resides in the United States of America. He is a poet, writer, literary translator, novelist and an essayist who has been writing and speaking out for the struggling people of his native land, Iran. Amil Imani's Home Page:
Name: Tommy Peters
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 06:15:53 -0700
Amil, your post reminds me of Fortuyn
Name: ZuK
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 06:30:29 -0700
Amil, this is very easy: recognizing the stupidity and criminality of Islam would imply recognizing the stupidity and criminality (potential or past) of all other religions. The only position from which Islam can be advantageously fought and won over, is SE-CU-LA-RISM. And since secularism is not yet (and probably will never be, due to the ignorant monkey-ish supertitious nature of the human primate) a juicy political bet, or, in other words, since the very social agents that should be FIGHTING religious imbecilizing influence are the first to PROFIT from it and ENDORSE it (see Obama vs. Clinton pissing contest over religion!!) then we will see no change in the "free peoples' " leaders' attitude toward the islamic menace. It is time to understand that religion is simply an outdated tool. We not only don't need it anymore - we need to actively get RID of it, and start seriously committing to couses of thought, action and expression (to paraphrase Zoroaster) based in a scientifically based humanistic approach. That's it.
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 07:12:21 -0700
It is like buying a lottery ticket,you never know,if believing in allah, and all the prophets might take me to heaven,i will give it a go,i will keep it in my heart rathor than in my wallet.
Name: cool
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 07:17:51 -0700
After reading the so called sura, it makes you think,so Zuk i don,t know, i am in two minds ,may God help me to make the right choice.
Name: balam to choice for those who disbelieve
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 07:58:35 -0700
I could never believe that mohammad had any credentials to be called a prophet except a false and dangerous self professed prophet. Mohammad never got any revelations from God, Only ejaculation. Sir. Salman Rushdi wrotein one of his essays that after the death of his first wife, Mohammad slept with so many women that his PENIS turned WHITE.One hadith also confirms that one of his friands saw that his penis[p.b.u.h]was white.Quran is nothing but the repetative statements of mohammad ascribed to pagan moon god allah to give credibility to what he said. I like sura 33.50.That allows mohammad to ride almost any woman ,but other men could not ride his wives when he was gone. Poor AYESHA, because she was only eighteen when mohammad died.It was most unfair on her.
Name: antimod
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 08:37:49 -0700
Mr. Paul, deceit and treachery is the real nature of islam. koran sanctions it and calls it taqiyya. Beware of the tiger in sheep's skin. Sooner the world gets rid of this cult better it is for humanity and also for animals like pigs and dogs
Name: Re: ZuK
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 08:46:19 -0700
I would not say that all religions are wrong. In Buddhism there is no god and you are not forced in any way to do anything. Buddhism only teaches that if you do bad things than you will become punished, and if you do good things, you will become awarded. That´s Karma, much like the physical law of cause and effect. It´s only about doing good thing and not to do bad thing. But I think that you will never become punished because you do not believe something. It is not a crime not to believe because it does not hurt anybody. And it is against logic to believe. Moreover it is against destination because we have brains. Why do we have brains if we do not use them!
Name: Allat
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 08:53:25 -0700
Frankly, as an individual, this entire subject is unpleasant, and I really don't want to continue facing it. Who want to deal day after day with this cult? I give all credit and blessing to those sites that continue presenting this, day after day. I prefer to deal with spiritual matters more. I just want to go on meditating, praying, and leave the world behind._____________________ This reality is so horrifying - I just want to stretch out my hands- to keep it at bay._____________________ SO, here I am vacillating, focus here in this world or retire to a woodland someplace._____________________ Yet, what I've seen is that, when the West stopped looking at the problem,stopped focusing on it, islam continued on. It will in this generation, if we don't cut it off, at the roots. The roots of any cult are the leaders,and the clerics.________________________ This is the conclusion I came with on my own. I mentioned before, in this site, that "this is the Age Old Fight between Good and Evil" - it's NOT a mythical idea, rather, it's been with us since the beginning of time, and right now, it's right here so close, to our eys, we're almost don't see it, much less believe it can be today's world. _____________But yesterday, I came across this confirmation, from Paul Levy on his site. He says in an article:___________________ "If “spiritual, new-age lightworkers” are averse to envisioning such a dark scenario, as they don’t want to feed the darkness by putting their attention on it, and continue to insist on solely visualizing the light, I will point out that in their avoidance of what is actually happening they are unwittingly reinforcing the very evil from which they are looking away. It’s a beautiful thing to visualize and affirm the light, just not as an unconscious reaction against the darkness. It is true that we don’t want to focus on the dark too much, or we invest it with power and energy. But looking away from the darkness, and thus keeping it unconscious, is what the darkness itself depends upon for its existence, for as we unconsciously react (as compared to consciously respond) to the darkness by looking away, we are investing the darkness with power over us. On the other hand, we create genuine peace not by turning away from the darkness out of fear, but by becoming instruments through which the radiant light of consciousness shines on the darkness, so as to dis-spell its apparent power over us."______________________________ He continues:________________"Our current situation is nothing new, as it is a timeless, archetypal process that has played itself out in and over time not only throughout history but as the warp and weave of history itself. The thing which makes our situation unique is that the danger has never been so great.........."_________________WELL! I suppose this is a synchronistic happening, esp. said to me,_________My conclusion is that, no matter if one wants to turn away their focus, the evil continues ---One must Consciously keep their FOCUS on something, and VISUALIZE a change - and THEN....ACT upon it, will there be a change.__________BTW, this is in keeping with the Quantum Physics' OBSERVER EFFECT. ____________Check it out.__________To get back to the subject, islam, it seems they never stop pushing the envelope. It's like covering a gopher hole. Just as soon as you think - the hole is covered over, another one appears over--------->THERE.__________Heck, even PMH Atwater, who researches the NDE extensively, over 30 yrs, and has written greatly about it; a no nonsense, feet on the ground woman, recognizes the power the darkness of islam. I paraphrase her: " These people are praying against the West. They are using voodoo, Black Magic against us."_____________There it is again, the eternal struggle between Good and Evil." _____________Well, that's where we Human Beings come in as agents of one or the other. I don't mean to say, there is a devil or hell, but there is a POWERFUL Force, indeed,........ in deed, in this 3rd Dimension.__________ Do I believe this kind of thing?______Oh yes, how else would one consider this struggle? __________MOVE OVER. I've got FOCUSING to do!
Name: Tanstaafl
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 10:44:24 -0700
Read the Qur'an. Everything that Amil Imani is talking about can be traced back to the Qur'an, the Hadith and the Sira. What is really shocking is the number of Muslim who have not read the Qur'an in their native tongue. Any critical examination of this faith will reveal it divides the world into two populations - Moslems and infidels. The former are given divine authorization to do ANYTHING to the latter. Lie, cheat, steal, harm, rape and kill. I don't know about the rest of humanity, but I will not submit,
Name: Jeff
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 11:29:46 -0700
Man that quran bit was real scary , it sounds quite convincing , hope it is not true.
Name: re: Jeff
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 12:59:52 -0700
It´s not true. The quran lies from the very beginning. Surah 96 (Al-Alaq=The Clot) which was the first to be revealed by Mo declares that humans are made by god from clot. This was the very beginning of the worst lie ever in human history which is called islam. Furthermore, Islam tries to deceive everybody that we must believe in islam or go to hell. But it never depends on what somebody believes or not. It is depending on someones deeds. Muslims think that even the worst muslim is better off than a non muslim. But that´s wrong. We all know which people are good and which are not. It does not depend on which religion you belong to.
Name: Don´t believe in this shit!!!
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 13:10:55 -0700
There are so many deceiveres here!!! Don´t believe them at all!!! Islam is so overdue!!! Islam is over!!! There is so much evidence that the quran is the worst lie in history. Muhammad was not a good teacher. He did things forbidden to all muslims. The quran itself confirms that. He had more wives and sex-slaves than allowed according his own self-made rules! And there is evidence that the quran cannot be from god. There are many contradictions concerning grammar, logic, mathematics and science. The language of the quran is vulgar, sometimes even obscene, insulting and primitive.
Name: Islam will disappear!!!
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 13:44:28 -0700
Islam is the religion with the fastest growing share of illiterates. There is virtually not a single scientific, technological or intellectual innovation coming from muslim countries. The average IQ of muslims is 10-20 points lower than that of developed non muslim countries. Muslim countries are also way behind in terms of arts, literature, sports, human rights, human development, education, medical care and almost anything. We all are deserving better things than Islam. We all deserve freedom without fear, without superstition and brainwashing. In a few decades, all this will be over.
Name: No Original Sin!
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 13:45:06 -0700
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 13:47:16 -0700
Islam allah is limited ---- 112.003 He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; allah cannot be God Who created all things visible and invisible and nothing is hard or impossible for God Islam allah has no Partners - another limit. Islam is not a religion at all. Pagan only You will be expelled from the synagogues, and the time will come when anyone who kills you will think that by doing this he is serving God. John 16:2 -- Jesus even already knew that one day people will do exactly what Islam is doing today and has done in the past. The quran s full of permissions to Kill anyone not muslim. All muslims need is someone to designate any group as Pagan and its a new open season for Islam killing.
Name: Mohammad
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 14:28:25 -0700
Another fear mongering piece. "Islam is taking over the world; Muslims are coming to get your momma...". If Muslims had any power, they could take back the tiny Palestine from the tiny Israel. All this fear mongering is politically motivated and are based on no real evidence of such plans by anybody. It seems like Muslims don't need to strike fear in the heart of non-believers. Non-believers themselves are striking fear in their own hearts. Who benefits here? Two groups: first group are the right-wing European politicians who are trying to postpone their expiration date by frightening the mostly educated and liberal-thinking people of Europe. The second group are the ex-Muslims who are making a fortune by selling books and giving talks on Muslim's conspiracy of taking over the world.
Name: Re: No Original Sin!
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 14:31:42 -0700
Your post is useless!!! This here is no christian site and it is not to promote christianity. Islam is so stupid that they even do not know how to find arguments against others than christians and jews! Give up! Islam is over!!! There is so much evidence that´s a false religion. It does not have any merit at all! Please try to find something useful! Find a job or something else!
Name: Re: Mohammad
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 14:35:56 -0700
No. You are wrong. All we want is freedom and progress. Both is impossible within the limits of islamic ideology. We want to be humans with brain. We do not believe in blind faith. Islam does not accept brains. There is no single innovation coming from muslim countries!! Islam is so overdue!!!
Name: First do immigration laws
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 16:01:32 -0700
Changing the Constitution is easier said than done. Tampering with the First Amendment is nigh impossible. The first thing we can do is quarantine Islam. That means denying all Muslims access to the US. What other countries choose to do is up to them. The US should begin by closing its borders to all Muslims from all countries, including those with whom we have visa-free travel. Next, Muslims in America who leave and go anywhere but Mecca for the hajj and who stay out of the country for more than a week to ten days should not be allowed back in. No more vacations in Afghanistan or Sudan. Sorry. No more importing imams from Saudi Arabia. We have the internet if Muslims need instruction in their faith and no American-born imams are available. As for Muslims who face "persecution" in their home country, there are 21 other Muslim countries for you to seek refuge in. Syria and Lebanon should be tops on your list.
Name: agnostic
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 16:02:39 -0700
Truth is not a single muslim country, that goes for Porkistan as well, can demolish Israel which has the capacity to nuke the whole of the Mid-East. Besides that, their god YHWH has already promised that once He brings His people back no more will they be uprooted. On the other hand, the so-called, allahuakbar has been and is found to be Wanting!!!! Hopeless, helpless, useless allah that is the cause of muslims mental retardation and utter stupidity. That is why despite all that wealth, islamic paradises are totally Failed States, Cesspools given life by non muslims. Where is the mighty allah? His best of people need a non muslim to show him how to wipe his ass with toilet paper, though millions of his best of people continue hunting for stones to wipe their ass after defecation.****What is islam BUT A JEWISH HERESY. What is the fate of islam? The evil from Satan will be destroyed. ****Truth is muslims in christian lands fear the genocide that will soon befall them despite the rhetoric, the threats against host countries by muslim parasites. Failures, every one of them. The "Push" has begun. So islamoturds, get ready to embrace Annihilation!
Name: Agnostic, kick his ass instead of wiping it
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 16:12:02 -0700
"Where is the mighty allah? His best of people need a non muslim to show him how to wipe his ass with toilet paper, though millions of his best of people continue hunting for stones to wipe their ass after defecation." It looks like allah has been busy scaring the rest of us out of our wits so that we do the Muslim's chores for him and provide him with sustenance. Why does the Muslim need to know how to wipe his ass when there are so many infidels ready and willing to do it for him? THAT is what allah gave to the Muslims: a world of slaves. We are complicit in that. We have yet to rise up and break the shackels. Until we kick the Muslim's ass as far as we possibly can and get him out of our homes and out of our countries, we will forever be wiping his bottom. We like to look at him as a baby but he is a prince, at least in his own eyes. The truth is, he's neither. He's a vulture and he's an opportunist. Once the available food has been eaten he'll either learn to grow his own or he'll die of starvation. He doesn't have to do either of these right now, since we are ready and willing and able to tend the fields and fix his meals for him. All he has to do is look at us the wrong way and we forget words like "terrorist". Ask Gordon Brown.
Name: Ibn Taimiyya and Al Thatawi ...
Date: Friday April 18, 2008
Time: 03:43:20 -0700
... were absolutely right when they teached that rational thinking imposes a serious threat to islam. Rational thinking is the # 1 enemy of islam, quran cannot stand to be understood in a rational way. Too many internal errors and contradictions, too many errors concerning grammar, history, science and even mathematics. But without rational thinking there will never be any progress and that´s why the islamic world is so behind. And please consider this: Why should god give brains to us, if we are not desired to make use of them? And this: The Word, the Logos, as referred to in both bible and quran, means the same. It is of divine origin, thus religion is not desired to be against logic. It is logic, even the quran borrows this from the Gospel of John: "was (no more than) a messenger of Allah, and His Word, ..." Q 4:171. And here is the correspondig verse in the bible: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1.1)" But "word" does not only mean "word"! It derives from "logos" which is greek and means nothing else than rationalism. "Logic" also derives from "Logos", as well as any word with -logy at the end, such as Theology, Psychology, Bioplogy etc.
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Friday April 18, 2008
Time: 09:47:09 -0700
In her article were Imani wrote "This imminent danger makes it imperative to revisit the First Amendment of the US Constitution and make the necessary changes to legally defeat Islam's subversion of the democratic system." is reminesent in a way of the third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson,which may also apply to the Patriot Act "To save permanent rights, temporary sacrifices were [are] necessary." - word in bracked added.
Name: SomeOne
Date: Friday April 18, 2008
Time: 10:46:41 -0700
Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam-Blog ist da. Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam- Fotoalbum ist da. --- At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam blog is here. At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam Photo Albums is here. --- أخيرا أول مدونة تعري وتفضح الإسلام أخيرا أول البوم صور يعري ويفضح الإسلام
Name: To Agnostic, kick his ass instead of wiping it
Date: Friday April 18, 2008
Time: 15:09:52 -0700
You miss my point, friend dear. It was to illustrate how islam has so enslaved muslims to acute mental retardation that the best of men according to their pig allah need non muslims to dig their wealth for them, show them how to defecate decently by using toilet paper instead of hunting for stones. Every zombie is quite helpless. Muslims produce nothing. How can anything emerge from vacuum minds? Every convenience they use, travel, live in comfort is from the minds of non muslims. Non muslims are not slaves. They get the oil but ensure that production figures are deliberately manipulated - a game which they learnt from the arabs. Remove the non muslims from the oil wells, the hospitals, telecommunications, and every other vital facility and the Mid-East sinks to the pits within a week. Industrialised countries need the oil . Industrialised countries have honor and integrity to pay for the oil they help to dig. A filthy muslim country would merely invade an industrialised country and subject it to the most heinous methods of their filthy swine Mo and the book from the pits of hell-quran. That's the difference between civilised and barbarian. Muslims are beyond redemption. The cancerous lot should be lasered away. The RIGHT is fast increasing its power in Europe. Muslims are aware of the Surge about to descend on them. The sooner, the better. More space for us other humans with 'em disgusting, repulsive vermin exterminated.******Nu Labour has betrayed the Queen, country, people. Lynch them.
Name: Aaron
Date: Saturday April 19, 2008
Time: 15:21:40 -0700
Jesus Christ, we call on you to eliminate the evil of Islam, we call on you to come again in your great glory and take your true followers to heaven, and remove Islam. Yours in faith. A Bible adherent. Any1 contact me on
Name: agnostic
Date: Saturday April 19, 2008
Time: 16:12:25 -0700
We are fighting on two fronts: fanatical mass murdering muslims, and those brain-damaged, cranium-rectal inversed scums of the earth - the mad barking moonbats. It is the Loony Left that is giving credence and encourage for islam to overtake every civilised country because their hate for their own Judeo-Christian heritage, their culture, their traditions is much stronger than family, children, grandchildren. These are the vile collaborators to crimes against humanity who will dance in glee on your grave while handing out candies to their terrorist muslim brethren. Those who are prepared to fight to the death rather than life on bended knees are smaller in number. So long as Seals, Special Forces, SAS and other elite groups round the world work together and in tandem we will not only defeat muslims and eradicate them along with their filthy quran , every trace from the face of earth, we will rid the world of these perverted moonbats who have one thing in common with their murderous compatriots: USELESS. In war you kill. And it will be CIVIL WAR. It will be Storm the Bastille, and every filthy collaborator will be hunted down and killed along with their murdering muslim. Make muslims dig their own graves, pour pig's blood, pig's chopped parts, entrails, and bury them. Rack the traitor moonbats, hang, draw, and quarter. Guillotine seems a good idea. It's us vs them. No way out. WWIII is on the way. Get it over with. As tge author says: "no time to waste"
Name: Mohammad to agnostic
Date: Saturday April 19, 2008
Time: 22:17:15 -0700
You are ignoring my advice of taking a break and you are damaging your health. You are not the only one who has dreamed of eradicating Islam. Man, no matter how brutal you are, you can't match the mongols... you are not even 1/100 brave, cruel, murderous, etc. You will probably faint by seeing blood. If Islam has survived them, surely it will survive you. Mongols leveled some cities completely. You guys can't even control Fallujah, not even Gaza with its home-made rockets and stone throwing children. So don't play so tough on this website. Secondly don't abuse liberals and leftists. These are exactly the same people who are keeping the heart of the west going. The overwhelming majority of university professors and professionals are leaning toward the left. You and Bush are quite alone, you only got the uneducated, brainwashed new-born evangelicals on your side. Your true enemy is ignorance not Islam. Fight your own evils.
Name: ZuK
Date: Monday April 21, 2008
Time: 14:05:43 -0700
Mohammed: the whole world once believed in Zeus (or Jupiter) and Indra and Osiris and Quetzalcoatl. Then they stopped believing that and turned into Christians or Muslims. And the same way, one day, thanks to education and science, they will realize that they have been waisting their time and will believe in nothing supernatural. And life will go on. Nothing extraordinary will happen. People will be people, for ever, until some mutation occurs. Great religions faded into nothingness - so will Islam.