Debating Islam: Tips on Format and Techniques for Muslims
07 Mar, 2008
- Most important advice to all muslim brothers and sisters is
never to accept a written debate with infidels. It is suicidal.
Our Prophet and islam, both will be humiliated badly. Always go
for a public debate in front of a live audience. The biggest
advantage is that if you cannot dazzle them with brilliance you
can baffle them with bullshit Take the example from Imam zakir
(Besides, the real dangerous ones , the ex-muslims will never dare to come in the open for they know they will be dead meat Less dangerous ones who come in the open will be very careful of what they say for the fear of their lives. Our mujahids are always ready to kill apostates)
The biggest weapon of infidels is the aya 9.5 which basically
says “convert or get beheaded”. Following illustration is aya 9.5 in
a nutshell .
However in a live debate in front of an audience you have to
present this lion of an aya disguised as a pussy cat. There are two
ways to do it. One is to say the violent ayas are only applicable in
defensive wars when attacked by infidels. Other way is to say these
ayas are conditional, and then connect them with abrogated defensive
fighting ayas of earlier Madina days for applicable conditions. It
works wonders with P.C. westerners..
(If they ask about all the countries from Spain to India muslims captured for booty and women, insist those wars were conducted to free oppressed people from their Hitler like brutal rulers, same way US freed so many countries from Hitler)
Tell them that this aya was the most misunderstood aya by
Mohammed’s followers like Umar and that Mohammed neither meant it
nor collected a penny from non muslims . Only one time he suggested
to the oppressed christian population of neighbouring Tabuk that if
they paid money and financed a jihadi attack on their land, muslims
will free them from their tyrant king Heracluis.
(You don’t have to tell them Mohammed implemented first jizya of Islam , 50%. of the crops, on Khaybar jews after capturing their lands, killing many of their men and enslaving most of their women. Niether have you to tell them that Mohammed screwed 17 year old lovely Safia , the wife of tortured and beheaded chief Kinanaa , the same night while the corpses of her husband and family members were lying outside his tent and Mohammed's clothes were still wet with the blood of her father and husband).
This is another hairy incident infidels love to rub on your face.
Tell them our prophet was helpless in this matter. It was the
decision of his foot soldier Saad Bin Muad, and that too was not his
fault either , he just read it out from Jewish bible . Then go for
the kill and blame the whole Quraiza massacre on bible.
(They don’t have to know that Saad was an illiterate ex-pagan who
had no clue what was in the Hebrew jewish bible nor the fact that
Mohammed had loved his verdict and declared that Allah had approved
of it. Also you don’t have to tell them that Mohammed got 20 % of
booty that came to 200+ women plus land and cattle nor the fact that
Mohammed .enjoyed all night sex with captured teenage beauty Rehana,
the wife of the beheaded Quraiza chief after the massacre)
This is also a very popular topic filthy kuffars bring out. When
they ask why is there no religious freedom in muslim countries like
they have in our country and why muslims kill innocent non muslims,
say what muslims do does not represent islam. What is in Quran is
Islam and Quran says “there is no compulsion in religion”(2.256) and
“killing one innocent is like killing all humanity” (5.32).
(But do not tell them that “there is no compulsion in religion “
was revealed in totally different context and in islam innocents are
only muslims, nonmuslims can never be innocents, they are guilty
without pardon and condemned to hell for denying islam)
Here is a video of Imam Nadir Ahmed (three parts) using above techniques masterfully to embarrass and defeat a christian kafir.
Jazakallah Khair.
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Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 20:13:11 -0700
Yet another beautiful article by Ayesha. Wonderful. I haven't seen the video yet, but I will shortly. Thank you for this article.
Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 22:32:00 -0700
I just saw the videos. I felt sorry for Mr. Nadir Ahmed (Ayesha: is he your brother! Just joking). His performance was very very bad, to say the least. But again, what does Islam offer to defend the faith? Also his knowledge of Islamic stories was either weak or he was lying. For instance, the massacre of Banu Qurayze: when one reads all the sources and the story itself, one can't but put the responsibility of the Genocide on Muhammad himself. There is really no way around it. In any case, I looked at the results of rating the debate also. Mr. Ahmed, as you would expect, failed miserably. I was really impressed with Mr. Shamoun and his depth of knowledge about early Islam. He was super and offered arguments against Islam that are really sound. One cannot but say that Islam makes Hitlerism look like just "bad manners". Islam wants to put everyone else as a second class citizen.
Name: Godot
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 08:20:35 -0700
Dear Ayesha Ahmad, Your article is brilliant and revealing. The attached video is "amusing". I am wondering if Imam Nadir Ahmed realized how silly he was.
Name: Platypus
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 08:27:07 -0700
Are we sure Muslims are descendants of Homo sapiens?
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 09:40:07 -0700
I earnestly commend your arguments to defend Islam and Mohammad. You can do abetter job than dr. Zakir Naik, make bundles of money, fool a lot of gullible Muslims and non-muslims and get a lot of applause with a smirk on his face. Unfortunately you do have tue guts to do that, because you have the CONSCIENCE, which Zakir Naik does not possess. He is a true Muslim. I watch him on on peace channel every day To refute him bluntly in his meetings could prove a bit scary, with all the jihadis around who are looking desperately the opportunity to gain paradise. DR. Ali Sana has so far defeated all the Muslims who have dared to confront but Zakir Naik is crafty. He would not like to be humilated in written debate with dr. Ali Sina because that would leave the written evidence as well, without any hatchet men around and clapping clowns to boost his vain self ego. Ayesha, You are just brilliant.
Name: Ibn Kammuna --To: Platypus
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 09:44:13 -0700
Greetings Brother I am not sure what the correlation coefficient between Homsapiens and Muslims, but its probably below 0.20. However the Web of belief cannot really be fully explained by intellect. Many Muslims report to Ali Sina that their faith became stronger after reading what he writes about Islam, the Qur'an, the Hadith and the Sira. Imagine! stregthening the faith after reading Ali Sina. This is like losing weight on the Crispy cream diet! What an idiocy. Some people are just pure idiots who want to cling to a primitive system of beliefs that has been out of date for 1400 years. I am positive that the Arab Pagand before Islam had better moral values that Mo and his cronies. "Belief" is a hard thing to get rid of, especially if such barbaric beliefs are taught into young children as the normal thing to do, day in and day out in schools in islamic countries.Peace brother
Name: Ayesha
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 12:15:42 -0700
Thanks Ibn Kammuna,Godot and BALAM.Ibn Kammuna if Nadir was my brother you would not be seeing these articles; as you know beheaded people cannot write.
Name: Vijay
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 12:16:29 -0700
Great article Ayesha.
Name: Ali Khalaf
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 12:20:52 -0700
As usual, a very good article. Nadir looked like a clown. Shamoun was good and dismantled Nadir completely.Nadir had debated Ali Sina and boasted on his website that he defeated and humiliated Ali Sina.
Name: Ibn Kammuna - To Ali Khalaf regarding Nader and Ali Sina
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 12:29:47 -0700
Nadir boasted that he did beat Ali Sina..Ha Ha Ha Ha that reminds me: Some Arab country after the 1967 war, which they lost miserably to Israel boasted that they actually won the war! the claim was that Israel was after dismantling their regimes, but the regimes stayed in power, and Hence, victory. How about that ! Ha Ha Ha
Name: y.m
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 16:26:52 -0700
Ayesha, your all articles are beautiful.If you keep continue to remind the muslims their islamic history, and Quran, and Mo's behavier toward the Kaffars,then I am fear for your life.Muslims will try to kill you. Please Ayesha look after youself. Muslims are braindead zumbies. When a muslim kill a kaffar their is a big reward for him in pradise,72 houres + beutiful boys.
Name: Ayesha
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 17:17:21 -0700
Dear y.m Thanks for your kind post. Yes, islamists have made death threats to most of the whistle blowers of islam. But the message has to be delivered if we want our children to inherit a free society.
Name: bobby
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 21:06:13 -0700
How much the victims must have cursed the muslims for the barabaric inhuman treatment at the hands of mohammed (may he never know peace) and his followers! It is unbelieveable that there are still followers of such an evil person even today.
Name: Matti
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 21:39:30 -0700
Great work Ayesha .Many of us, and the number is growing were fortunate enough not to be born muslim or born in a muslim country support you greatly. We all relish the debate between this cowardly clown Zakir Naik and Dr Ali Sina.
Name: Susan
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 22:01:25 -0700
Bobby I know what you mean. Imagine the torture of the women raped by Mohammed after slaughtering their husbands, fathers and brothers , and the muslims idolize this man.
Name: ok
Date: Saturday March 08, 2008
Time: 03:11:37 -0700
Fine article....
Name: ibn Misr
Date: Sunday March 09, 2008
Time: 18:02:50 -0700
Dear Ayesha I'm afraid if you keep writing like this, many people will find islam more fun than what it is :) I love your writing, I'm from I would be delighted if you contact me at I send the Salam to my dear ibn Kamuna ..
Name: Ayesha
Date: Sunday March 09, 2008
Time: 20:54:28 -0700
Thanks Ibn Misr. I will check out your website.
Name: angel
Date: Wednesday March 19, 2008
Time: 05:30:25 -0700
ali sina n his jokers knw tat wrtten debate can at nytym be destroyed...but live debate is video recorded n cld be sent to millions at on go...tats y they will never debate him on stage where live audience cld easily judge the hypocritical moves of ali sina n his likes....n morever a gret prodigy like DR. ZAKIR doesnt have tym to debate wth a layman like ali sina....
Name: Khan to Angel
Date: Wednesday March 19, 2008
Time: 09:00:34 -0700
You make no sense. Go first learn english.
Name: ali
Date: Tuesday March 25, 2008
Time: 22:26:46 -0700
thank u
Name: Nisaar Yusuf
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 20:37:39 -0700
The Dutch Film "Fitna" and the Muslims' inferiority complex. Why is this hue and cry about anti Islamic Dutch film? How long will the Muslims keep on nagging to the world about their suffering? How long one fifth of the world's population think themselves to be inefficient? This moral lethargy of the community makes the world believe that Islam promotes violence and hatred towards Non Mulsims. True the Muslims are not allowed by the Qur'an to mock at the other objects of worship as it is mentioned in Holy Qur'an " do not revile at the objects which other people worship" (Surha An'am ch 6 verse 108) But Islam offers other way of getting back your honour in a respected manner. Let the Muslims notice this verse of Holy Qur'an, " Not equal are the good and the bad. REPEL evil with that which is better and you will notice the person with whom you had enemity will turn in to fast friend" (Surah Fussilat, ch 41 verse 34) One third of Bolly wood industry is stuffed by Muslims talents. Every third writer is a Muslim. Top three highest paid heroes are Muslims. Thousands of theatres in India are owned by Muslim. The list of powerful directors and producers also have big Muslims names. Shall these people stick to movies promoting infidelty, violence and glamour? Let the Muslims too come out with their own films promoting peace. Let a writer pen down a story of an American soldier in Gulf interacting with Islamic values and returning US as a Muslim. Hire a popular Hollywood actor e.g George Clooney,for the title role and see the impact. Why not a story about an alchoholic westerner whose family is shattered into pieces and Islam brings them back together? A good emotional story revolving around a madarasa can also be a good way of showing the world the peaceful Islamic culture. So brothers and sisters dont get frustrated but sink deeper into media and grab careers out of it presenting Islam in media is the best thing one can do today in the age of publicity. If you cant then sponsor some one who is willing to. Conduct writing workshops or sponsor them in your daw'ah center. Hire a professional journalist to train your participants. He may be a Non Mulsims. But so what! Look what the Qur'aan has to say about it " help each other in Birr and taqwa but not in sins and trangressions " About the Author: Nisaar Nadiadwala is a trainer in Islamic communication skills and Islamic PRO. He has been a faculty in many workshops conducted in India. He also offers free tips and owrkshops in Islamic media. The writer can be contacted at:
Name: Philosopher Mario
Date: Sunday June 14, 2009
Time: 23:43:37 -0400
The world maybe better off without religions. Can you live without water? NO Can you live without oxygen? NO Can you live without religion? YES Atheists, freethinkers & communists live without religion. Europeans are now IGNORING religion. A Turkish man told me that from the beginning that Islam was born there is going to be an ETERNAL WAR between the Muslims & the Christians/Jews I am a Man who advocate PEACE & FREEDOM & HUMAN RIGHTS. Hope the people of the world will be more sane. ### Thank you.