Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims


Note: This article is a satire

Brothers and sisters in Islam, mashallah our taqiyya is doing wonders in America . We have successfully pulled wool over american eyes in making them believe that Islam is not a religion of straight jacket but it is a religion of peace and personal freedom . Here in the video our CAIR hero Ahmed gives an excellent demonstration of lying through his teeth with a straight face and declaring that in Islam women have freedom of choice regarding what to wear.


Our job as moderate muslims is to lull the kuffar to a false sense of security while our mujahids do the dirty work. We managed to pull 9/11, Beslan, Madrid and London etc etc operations without raising any suspicion... Like they say in the mosque duty of the moderate muslims is to hold down the feet of the infidels while mujahids cut their throats. It is only Allah’s miracle that with more than 11000 world wide jihadi operations Americans are still in a deep slumber.


US Congress passed a resolution declaring Islam to be a great religion. Credit goes to our taqiyya artists CAIR who managed to dupe whole congress as the resolution passed unanimously. . No other religion has been declared great . I congratulate all muslim umma. Excellent snow job.


President Bush has declared that Islam is a religion of peace. Here is a video where the president of USA shows nothing changes his faith in Islam..


Hillary Clinton only trusts people of Islamic faith . She made sure that her personal assistant is a pious muslima Huma Abedin who prays five times a day.


Hussain Obama announced that the Islamic call to the prayers “Adhan” is the most beautiful sound to him and is like music to his ears..




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Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 00:40:37 -0700


What does converting to islam mean? Submission to Arab hegemony, submission to arabic barbarianism and converting to backwardness, brain-dead clots calling themselves 'muslims'. It is a license to oppress, plunder, rape and murder non-muslims! For a man ,it gives him the absolute right to marry four women at a time and demand gratification even on a camel back ,or else Allah's 'angels' would be cursing the women ,right to commit pedophile, marry a girl as young as 6 years while you are old enough to be her 'grandfather' or maybe even a 'great grandfather'. Can any decent person embrace this filthy cult? Only the perverted, mentally deficient, lunatic, evil or wicked ,a psychopath or a hard boiled criminal can find solace in such a creed/cult!

Name: Ari Ben Canaan
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 01:49:37 -0700


Frankly, I am scared. n i think all of us should be scared. we are talking of the world's only super power gradually succumbing to islam, indirectly. i am reminded of the movie Omen... n wondering who the real anti christ was....

Name: Jesus Himself
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 03:12:09 -0700


Hi, Christ here. What is this Islam thing taking over America? This place has most of my followers! Heck! R u saying my following is dwindling?. I cant agree with this Islam thing, they use swords, but i told St Pete to put the sword down! But them Gospel writers say i allow them in defense! This Islam allows polygamy! I preached a monogamy! Right, Earth, here i come! (Again!)

Name: Ibn Kammuna Subject: HELP! Lost Halal Pet
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 10:00:16 -0700


Help People: I had a nice halal cat that looked exactly like the one Ayesha is showing. She ran out of the house yesterday and did not come back. I live in a korean neighborhood. They all are for animal rights, so I am not worried about that, but who knows.. I also lost a good halal cute pig a couple of days ago. But this one I think I know what happened to her. I kept smelling barbecued ribs all night long in the korean neigborhood. But again, who knows..maybe the pig just went for a walk.. Thank you Ayesha for compiling this article for us. Peace

Name: Nancy
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 11:25:02 -0700


Thanks Ayesha for this amusing expose'. This article must be sent to all the members of congress who voted unanimously that Islam is a great religion.

Name: Re: nancy
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 12:51:12 -0700


You´re right! This site should better emphasize that Islam is re religion of terror, superstition, prejudice, apartheid and discrimination. That Islam fails to donate anything innovative to mankind, anything progressive, that may help to develop. That Islam is the worst enemy of any progress and development. That they kill everybody who tries to help them like in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sometimes I think the best thing we can do is to sell them weapons to enable them to kill each other.

Name: Ali Khalaf To Islam Watch
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 13:23:23 -0700


It would be better if you posted all the cartoons/photos instead of posting links. Couple of links are not working.

Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 13:54:23 -0700


Do You Know? For every two babies born another baby dies in an abortion. That's 1.2 million babies each year; That's over 3,300 babies every day; That's 1 baby every 25 seconds; That's over 50 million babies since 1973; And that's just here in America...

Name: Re: islam has the cure!
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 13:59:04 -0700


The difference is that the US treats sexual abuse of children as a crime and not something sacred. Those who are tried and convicted are punished, not canonized. Have you seen the F-LDS scandal in Texas? The adults are being questioned and the children separated from them. Religious tenets of the Mormon religion (or at least this group's interpretation of such) don't prevail over laws protecting children. The US isn't perfect and we don't claim to be, unlike you and your oh so self-righteous imams. The cure Islam offers is death - of the human spirit.

Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 14:07:07 -0700


Racism In America Written by: sentiencenerd There is surely no nation in the world that holds "racism" in greater horror than does the United States. Compared to other kinds of offenses, it is thought to be somehow more reprehensible. The press and public have become so used to tales of murder, rape, robbery, and arson, that any but the most spectacular crimes are shrugged off as part of the inevitable texture of American life. "Racism" is never shrugged off. For example, when a White Georgetown Law School student reported earlier this year that black students are not as qualified as White students, it set off a booming, national controversy about "racism." If the student had merely murdered someone he would have attracted far less attention and criticism. Racism is, indeed, the national obsession. Universities are on full alert for it, newspapers and politicians denounce it, churches preach against it, America is said to be racked with it, but just what is racism? Dictionaries are not much help in understanding what is meant by the word. They usually define it as the belief that one's own ethnic stock is superior to others, or as the belief that culture and behavior are rooted in race. When Americans speak of racism they mean a great deal more than this. Nevertheless, the dictionary definition of racism is a clue to understanding what Americans do mean. A peculiarly American meaning derives from the current dogma that all ethnic stocks are equal. Despite clear evidence to the contrary, all races have been declared to be equally talented and hard- working, and anyone who questions the dogma is thought to be not merely wrong but evil.

Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 15:07:49 -0700


More than 16 million more women in USA than men, AYshia are you one of them? ANOTHER 12 million who are gays ,makes it around 28 million women who can not get a man, what are going to do AYSHIA?, STAND THEM ON THE CORNERS OF EVERY STREET, They say most gay men are gay because they get cold feet when they see women,what is happening, i think it must the pigs they eat, ISLAM HAS THE CURE FOR THIS ILL !!!!

Name: In Islam we don,t throw our parentrs in nursing homes!!!!
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 15:24:47 -0700


* By 2026, the population of Americans ages 65 and older will double to 71.5 million. * Between 2007 and 2015, the number of Americans ages 85 and older is expected to increase by 40 percent. * Among people turning 65 today, 69 percent will need some form of long-term care, whether in the community or in a residential care facility. * By 2020, 12 million older Americans will need long-term health care. (HIAA, "A Guide to Long-Term Care Insurance", 2002) Availability

Name: pornography,,the uplifting of woman,s statues in the westeren world, AYSHIA ISLAM HAS THE CURE!!!
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 15:30:28 -0700


TopTenREVIEWS Reports Worldwide Pornography Market at Least $97 Billion; Every Second 28,258 Internet Users View Pornography TopTenREVIEWS Releases 2007 Internet Filter Software Review; Updates United States and Worldwide Pornography Market Statistics, Along With New Internet Search and Demographic Data OGDEN, Utah (Business Wire EON) March 13, 2007 -- TopTenREVIEWS, the leading review site of entertainment and technology, today announced updated statistics on the pornography industry as part of its 2007 Internet filter software review. Worldwide revenues for the pornography industry in 2006 were at least $97 billion, with revenues in the United States fourth highest among all countries at $13.3 billion. Pornography revenues in China were the highest for 2006 at $27.4 billion with South Korea at $25.7 billion and Japan at $20 billion. The revenue numbers worldwide are actually higher, but finding documentation for countries outside the top 20 is almost impossible. Every second $3,075.64 is spent on pornography, 28,258 Internet users view pornography and 372 Internet users type adult search terms into search engines. Previous numbers put the worldwide revenues for pornography at $57 billion for the year 2003. The worldwide revenues of the pornography industry today equal more than the revenues of the top technology companies combined – Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo!, Apple, Netflix and EarthLink.

Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 15:37:39 -0700


Recent studies indicate that more than 70 percent of youth between the ages of 10 and 17 gambled in the past year, up from 45 percent in 1988. Almost one in three high school students gamble on a regular basis, according to the National Academy of Sciences. Lee Hochberg of Oregon Public Broadcasting reports on the rising number of teenage gambling addicts.

Name: Hisham
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 15:44:46 -0700


Very entertaining piece. No wonder Akhter is on fire pasting left and right.

Name: Vijay to Akhter
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 15:48:20 -0700


Hey Akhter ,if this society is so bad why dont you run back to a land ruled by the perfect religion of islam. I am sure they are perfect societies. You will love them and there will be one less muslim here.

Name: Hey Akhter
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 15:52:10 -0700


Why are you pissed on Ayesha . She is congatulating you on islamizing America successfully.

Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 15:59:44 -0700


Incest Incest: sexual intercourse between people who are usually legally prohibited from marrying because of their close matrimonial or blood relationship. Although there is some form of incest that is taboo (forbidden) in every society, the degree of relationship within which marriage is forbidden varies greatly from culture to culture and in different periods of history. Almost universally, sexual relations between mother and son, father and daughter, and sister and brother are forbidden. Studies indicate that incest, although rarely discussed, is a continuing problem in most societies. Sexual molestation by family members is a recurring form of child abuse. Close-knit family life in India masks an alarming amount of sexual abuse of children and teenage girls by family members, a new report suggests. Daniel Lak spoke to women who have suffered rape at the hands of male relatives Delhi organisation RAHI reports 76% of respondents to its survey had been abused when they were children - 40% of those by a family member. The report suggests that disbelief, denial and cover-up to preserve the family reputation is often put before the individual child. Women who gave evidence to RAHI spoke of the nightmare of abuse that haunts them still. "Every time my parents went out to a party the bastard used to do it," said one. Another said: "When I told people in my family about the abuse there was hostility, contempt and anger targeted at me - I became an outcast." RAHI founder Anjua Gupta said she set up the organization because she believed sexual abuse was rampant in Indian families and no one was doing anything about it. "When I started working in this area people used to say 'Where are the Indian statistics?'. It was thought of as a Western phenomenon. "One of the reasons there hasn't been any data collection is because it is not considered to be an Indian problem." The report, Voices from the Silent Zone, suggests that nearly three-quarters of upper and middle class Indian women are abused by a family member - more than often an uncle, a cousin or an elder brother. (Note: This data is very consistent with the American statistics that 3 out of 4 women were abused as children) Family facts of the abused * 68% were living in nuclear families * 16% in semi-joint families (nuclear and grandparents) * 15% in extended (joint) family systems Mothers of the Abused Despite common perception that the mothers of abused children were working, the report said that of those surveyed who said they were abused, 60% of mothers were housewives and 40% were employed.

Name: Akhter Shame on you
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 16:02:05 -0700


Akhter shame on you keeping attacking Ayesha.. I do not see you putting the effort to write an article. So, be nice.

Name: Apostate: Akhter you are wrong
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 16:08:37 -0700


Throwing all muslims out of the country is the cure.

Name: Jack to Akhter: Islam to cure incest?
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 20:37:53 -0700


Islam to cure incest? Akhter that is a very funny joke. The religion started by an incest artist who who had adultery with his own daughter in law ,will cure incest? A religion whose book Quran preaches rape robbery and murder is a very sick religion itself let alone curing anything. First you need a cure for your brain which is infected with a dreadful disease called islam.

Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 22:42:20 -0700


first of all Muhammeds ADOPTED son ZAYED divorsed his wife ZAYNAB and then the prophet of ISLAM MARIIED her made her his wife and gave her all the rights. Incest is a different thing. ZAYNAB was not a blood relative of Muhammed BE sure to know the the difference."A religion whose book Quran preaches rape robbery and murder.." first of all have u ever read the QURAN? ever wondered why 1.1 billion muslims are HAPPY with ISLAM why koran has satisfied them! it does not preace those things rather it preaces peace and slavation to all MUSLLIMS. A religious man,community, country can never be harmful or dangerous to humanity. usa has SATANIC CULTS operating in the open where ppl openly pray to satan rather than GOD. AS if we want USA to become muslim! wat bulshit. we just want them get of our lands which they hav occupied! we want nothing more from them! muslims dont need a brain cure! christians need a brain cure who think GOD fucked Mary and gave birth to JESUS. jews need a cure who believe in a raciest unjust GOD who will send all jews to heaven and all other races to hell! including u all christians! islamic republic of usa??!??! who needs that shit!

Name: /
Date: Friday May 02, 2008
Time: 02:29:21 -0700


akhter don't make me start quoting things from islamic societies because than you will see hell...go to saudi and don't molest others with your crazy bullshit talking...

Name: Please don´t panic!
Date: Friday May 02, 2008
Time: 02:39:56 -0700


Why are you so concerned? Because there are a few converts? It would be strange if there were no converts at all. Instead the numbers are so small that they give evidence that islam is NOT attractive for westerners. But what would happen if religious freedom would took place for muslims as well and all muslims where allowed to leave their religion? I´m sure we would see tens if not hundereds of millions who would leave islam, mainly for atheism of agnosticism, some for christianity and a few for other religions. And I am sure that this will happen in a few years because islam is simply overdue. You cannot answer the questions of today with a "wrecked book" (Schopenhauer), written by uneducated bedouins in the middle age who believed that they are made from clot and that sperm derives from the backbone.

Name: DH
Date: Friday May 02, 2008
Time: 03:05:23 -0700


BUSH LOVES ISLAM HILLARY LOVES ISLAM. Yep. Idiots from one end of the political spectrum to the other!

Date: Friday May 02, 2008
Time: 03:22:50 -0700



Name: Malfean
Date: Friday May 02, 2008
Time: 05:48:19 -0700


Whatever. People are stupid, but unlike the rest of the world, American's are not Sheep.

Name: Kastrioti Skenderbeg
Date: Friday May 02, 2008
Time: 07:03:40 -0700


I guess, in America we actually report crimes to give you bacward muslims statistics. In muslim societies, a woman who gets raped (which happens all the time) has to have 4 male witnesses to the crime of rape in order for the perpetrator to be prosecuted under sharia law. That means, if the woman claims she was raped, but doesn't have 4 males witnesses to it, SHE gets STONED to DEATH. I think that would cut down on the reportings of rapes in muslim countries don't you???? Also, indonesia (a muslim country) has more abortions per year than the U.S.

Name: Khan
Date: Friday May 02, 2008
Time: 09:13:00 -0700


Funny article

Name: Ali Khalaf to Akhter
Date: Friday May 02, 2008
Time: 09:18:17 -0700


Mohammed never married Zainab. His excuse was aya 33.37. Zainab boasted to his wives that she was married by Allah in heaven.Yes Quran preaches robbery murder and rape, you are a Pakistani who reads Quran without understanding.

Name: Jack to Akhter
Date: Friday May 02, 2008
Time: 10:29:07 -0700


I repeat Mohammed (the writer of Quran) was an adulterer and incest artist (33.37), a rapist (33.50) a pedophile (65.4) a robber (8.1)a killer(8.17)a terrorist(8.12).

Name: Please confine your comments to your own religion
Date: Friday May 02, 2008
Time: 12:51:51 -0700


I'm tired of non-Jews claiming to speak for what Jews believe. Since we have so many muslims in this thread, let's set the record straight. 1) Jews don't believe in Hell. Period. They believe in heaven insomuch as that means "being close to God," and assume God will handle the details. Hell is not mentioned anywhere in the Torah So, obviusly, they have no version of "people who are not jews go to hell" anywhere, in any book or sermon. It simply does not translate. 2) God expects Jews to follow the Torah, and follow 613 laws set forth in it. Non-Jews may find other paths to God, and are responsible (in the Jewish faith) only for a few basics, called the Noahtic Laws. They involve loving God, eschewing murder, establishing courts of law, not bearing false witness against one's neighbor, and a few other things that fall under the category of "being a good person." Any non-Jew who *is* a good person, and genuinely loves God, is judged on his own merits. Only Jews are required to follow the laws of Judaism...other peoples find their own way to God by their own covenant. So please, when you get into this business of "do it my way or burn in hellfire," please leave Jews out of it.

Name: Challenge to all infidels from Akhter
Date: Friday May 02, 2008
Time: 13:36:58 -0700


I challenge you to write even one verse like Quran. For example can try writing one like aya 33.50 which says, "Mohammed you are allowed to have sex with your wives, your slave girls, your captured women, your first cousins and any woman who offers herself to you".You can send your entries to my address which is: Mohammed Akhter Mental ward , Muslim Section Bed No 1 N.Y. Psychiatric Hospital,Park Ave. NYC,N.Y.

Name: Kafir/infidel & Ex.communist
Date: Friday May 02, 2008
Time: 14:04:26 -0700


To NOOR , One god/ or one dog , Akhter , & other JIhadists/ISLAMISTS, BIGots, evil doers: You are so savage, cruel ,without conscience - you depend and receive , eat, are happy, and you take and enjoy all that is needed for your existence ,from kafir ,infidel and nonbelievers ( of ISLAM ) countries and people like INDIA (particularly a poor country & poor people), USA, UK , EUROPE, CANADA and australia , but all the time you think hatefully, bigotedly, with ill will, animosity, jealousy, with cruel and evil minds . what is good about any ISLAMIC country ? Not only the countries, JUNTAs are evil but based and formed on ISLAM the societies in ISLAMIC countries are extremely evil, wicked, cruel, hatefilled, ungreatful, bloodthirsty ,killing remorselessly and promote baser animal instincts . How much Moslems are draining the resources and extorting money from poor INDIA and INDIANS !!!!!!!!!! . For true comparison and scientific understanding - one needs similar data or statistics from ISLAMIC countries. ISLAM and ISLAMIC societies and countries are closed and savage. For example , women and children are regularly abused, molested, killed in moslem countries. sodomy and incest are very common in ISLAMIC families . Homosexuality is wide spread in ISLAMIC countries . Father in-laws rape their daughter in -laws in Moslem families- as the profiteer established his own example and said it is to be followed by all moslem men as it is sanctioned by ALLA/MO. Every religion looks down alcohol. Inspite of receiving huge amounts of aid, money, help, resources ,with great generosity from infidels, kafirs, nonbelievers by Moslems /ISLAMIC countries routinely, regularly - what do the JIHADISTS/MOSLEMS /ISLAMIC countries do or give to nonmoslem countries or nonbelievers ? KILLINGS, Bigotry, fascism, extreme narrow mindedness filled with criminality, hatred, jealousy, cruelty amd poison of ISLAM . This is true . QQURRAN / ISLAM is copied and plagiarized by MO from christianity, JUDAISM and preislamic ARABS ....................There is not one single original idea or good contribution in QQURRAN or by the profiteer MO_HAM_MAD. Infact whatever regular ideas or talk that exists in QQURRAN is outrageously evil, wicked, cruel, primitive, negative, filled with jealousy, vengence, cruelty - for example look at all this terminology that is very special to ISLAM/ QQURRAN ----- kafir, infidel, Murtad, DHIMMI, apostate, Darul harb, DARUL ISLAM, fatwa, JIHAD, Houris, Talaq ,harem, Muta marriage, naji, apes, pigs, and many more terminology . All this has nothing to do with GOD and goodness, kindness, compassion. Infact ISLAM iS uniquely EVIL, cruel, hatefilled, bigoted, murderous and slavery and antiwomen . So, there is nothing good in ISLAM /QQURRAN and nothing good in ISLAMIC societies, Moslem ruled JUNTAS to make humans better. In truth , ISLAM makes a human being and turns him into a monster ,beast, cruel, killer. Best examples are the few naieve/mislead christians who converted to ISLAM like richrad reed, john walker, jose padilla , the black converted american moslem soldier who killed 3 of his christian colleagues in IRAQ , are true examples to prove 100% that ISLAM turns a human being into cruel monster, killer. ALL MUSALMAANS read this and know .

Name: Western "infidel" seeking understanding of Islam
Date: Friday May 02, 2008
Time: 17:42:23 -0700


I am curious about the Muslim perspective. If any Muslim would like to exchange emails with someone that is ignorant of the Islamic religion, but would like to understand Islam, I would welcome a frank discussion. Please contact me at

Name: kafir-infidel-peacelover.: (ISLAM= hatred+vengence+killing+bloodthirsty+ILL will+darkness+cruelty
Date: Friday May 02, 2008
Time: 19:25:50 -0700


O ye Musalmaans ! what is good about ISLAM? NOTHING. ISLAM is copied + MO added few demonic,primitive ,wicked,cruel ideas.Not one original idea or one good contribution from MO/ QQURRAN /ISLAM. SHOW us . ISLAM is like plague. ISLAM is EBOLA virus. ISLAM is pure poison. Look at what few converted,foolish christians to ISLAM did . They became killers ,murderers ,terrorists .This is scientific proof to show how ordinary human beings will become killers if they are exposed to ISLAM and believe in it ....... 56 moslem countries are there. Show us one good country or ISLAMIC society - where human values,kindness,compassion,freedom,democracy,peace,love of all humanbeings,equality of all religions, equality of all human beings ,equality of women,equality of children are accepted, or promoted or formed the basis of their laws . ISLAM failed on all counts. ISLAMIC societies failed on all counts. ISLAMIC countries failed on all counts...... Moslems get special benefits,priveleges ,concessions, rights in kafir/infidel/Nonbeliever countries. Nonbelievers ,kafirs, infidels are extraordinarily generous ,magnanimous ,noble towards Moslems . Here comes the true character of any Moslem- Show us in which ISLAMIC country, in which ISLAMIC society - the Moslems give equal status, equality, equality in law, equality in governance ,equality in social set up is extended to nonmoslems ? Answer .NONE . This shows that MOSLEMS take everything,receive all hospitaity,generosity from nonmoslems - but in return Moslems are like demons ,cruel,with full of ill will, jealousy,with full of poison . Tell us which kind of person will do like that . ungreatful,evil. Here is the proof that ISLAM / Moslems / ISLAMIC societies / ISLAMIC regimes are unjust, do not even accept, reciprocate,recognize, equality . Moslems happily take all good things offered by nonmoslems - but in return they are ungreatful - not only that they - the MOSLEMS hate nonmoslems , nonmoslem governments, nonmoslem countries and plot to kill, terrorize nonmoslems . This is the truh. Tell us the truth. ISLAMIC traits,characters, ISLAMIC ulture, ISLAMIC values, ISLAMIC principles are the worst that a man / woman / child can hope for . ISLAM is inequality. This is evident and proof from the laws in any ISLAMIC country . IN any ISLAMIC country - the rules, ,laws and culture and everything is so evil and against nonbelievers / nonmoslems !!!!!!!!!! and Moslems get special,preferential ,priveleged place !!!!! This is inhuman . So ISLAM is fascism, ISLAM is intolerant, ISLAM is dogmatic, ISLAM is antidemocratic, ISLAM is antifreedom, ISLAM is violent, ISLAM is discriminatory, ISLAM is inequality. prove me wrong .

Name: Islam is the Desease
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 03:02:29 -0700


most common google in arabic: Donkey Sex, all around the 22 countries in the Islamic world. Same goes here, you can SEE what computer an arab student usede by the form of google on that computer. I've seen with me own eyes two young arab males having sex with a sheep of unknown gender (thermal sights aren't THAT good).I've seen an arab heardsmen sodomizing a male donkey. We rescued that donkey and he happily carried bags for us untill we gave it over to the ISPCA. I personally know a woman whos married to her first degree cousin ON BOTH SIDES. You entier communities live in INCEST, PEDOPHILIA, ZOOPHILIA, RAPE and MURDER. You can thank me for the three shaheeds I personally made form the Hamas Mujehadeen. Any muslim wishing to get to haven now can come over to my place...Satisfactiong gurentteed. Judo-Viking

Name: Challenge to all infidels from Akhter
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 12:42:16 -0700


I have not received a single response to my challenge to write an aya like 33.50 which allows Mohammed to f--k any woman he wants.. O.K.I will give you an easier aya.Try writing an aya better than this 9.5 9.5 "Slay the infidels wherever you find them". My address is:Mohammed Akhter Mental ward , Muslim Section Bed No 1 N.Y. Psychiatric Hospital, Park Ave. NYC,N.Y. or email me at Akhter@

Name: ENJOY ,since no one could manage, have some more!!
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 13:47:00 -0700


Surah 89. The Dawn, Daybreak 1. By the break of Day 2. By the Nights twice five; 3. By the even and odd (contrasted); 4. And by the Night when it passeth away;- 5. Is there (not) in these an adjuration (or evidence) for those who understand? 6. Seest thou not how thy Lord dealt with the 'Ad (people),- 7. Of the (city of) Iram, with lofty pillars, 8. The like of which were not produced in (all) the land? 9. And with the Thamud (people), who cut out (huge) rocks in the valley?- 10. And with Pharaoh, lord of stakes? 11. (All) these transgressed beyond bounds in the lands, 12. And heaped therein mischief (on mischief). 13. Therefore did thy Lord pour on them a scourge of diverse chastisements: 14. For thy Lord is (as a Guardian) on a watch-tower. 15. Now, as for man, when his Lord trieth him, giving him honour and gifts, then saith he, (puffed up), "My Lord hath honoured me." 16. But when He trieth him, restricting his subsistence for him, then saith he (in despair), "My Lord hath humiliated me!" 17. Nay, nay! but ye honour not the orphans! 18. Nor do ye encourage one another to feed the poor!- 19. And ye devour inheritance - all with greed, 20. And ye love wealth with inordinate love! 21. Nay! When the earth is pounded to powder, 22. And thy Lord cometh, and His angels, rank upon rank, 23. And Hell, that Day, is brought (face to face),- on that Day will man remember, but how will that remembrance profit him? 24. He will say: "Ah! Would that I had sent forth (good deeds) for (this) my (Future) Life!" 25. For, that Day, His Chastisement will be such as none (else) can inflict, 26. And His bonds will be such as none (other) can bind. 27. (To the righteous soul will be said:) "O (thou) soul, in (complete) rest and satisfaction! 28. "Come back thou to thy Lord,- well pleased (thyself), and well-pleasing unto Him! 29. "Enter thou, then, among My devotees! 30. "Yea, enter thou My Heaven!

Name: Challenge to all infidels from Akhter
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 22:05:48 -0700


Well forget sura 89, just write something similar to part of an aya. How about 65.4. "you can marry and divorce a girl even before she reaches the age of menstruation". Yes Allah allows muslims to marry and have sex even with a day old girl.Well if your false religions dont allow it then move to a sharia country, convert to islam and enjoy the joys of child sex, a truly enjoyable experience.

Name: saint
Date: Sunday May 04, 2008
Time: 05:26:05 -0700


wat ever u say quran speaks about the big bang which created the universe and the continuous expansion of the universe 1400 years ago a scientific fact no other religious book has been able to produce. seriously i believe in every word of the quran there is no doubt in 1billion muslim's mind that islam is the only way. muslims and islam is the only way seriously guys take a break u know most of the accusations u hav against islam is false and stupid. its like saying because catholic priests are child molestors Jesus was also in child molesting and incest. seriously how many more lies can u come up wit?

Name: to: challenge to all infidels from akhter
Date: Monday May 05, 2008
Time: 03:41:12 -0700


I am an infidel. To make a verse like that, just watch an xxx movie. Many sentences can be made in such a movie. I can think of one sentence: "Akhter, you can f*ck your your daughters in laws, nine year old girls who is still playing with their dolls, and with any women who offer herself to you." I think the sentence is far more better than your verse.

Name: Haaaa Haaa Haaa
Date: Monday May 05, 2008
Time: 17:10:49 -0700


The day care cartoon is really really funny. But seriuously, it is much more funny & enjoyable to see the apostates squirm & wriggle like salted-earthworms. Keep it up folks...nice to know that you are hurting..and more importantly, are scared shit. Your fear is the wish of Muslims the world over.

Name: Akhter to all infidels
Date: Wednesday May 07, 2008
Time: 09:48:06 -0700


All infidels are worst beasts (quran 8.55) and lowest creatures (quran 98.6)

Name: syed
Date: Sunday May 25, 2008
Time: 07:58:51 -0700


aysha go get a life, you lost your muslimah you lost everything go get a life and i bet you werent even muslim and someone is lieing these ppl were not muslim but fake people

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