London Imam's Attempt to Carry Out Sunna Gone Awry
22 Mar, 2008
Editor Note:
The question / answer session is a satirical and fictional account based on Quranic verses and statements of Muslims who unfortunately take some hateful teachings of the Quran literally. Some readers have been mistaking it as a genuine conversation. Also according to East London Mosque Abdul Makin was never employed by them although he and his fellow convicted perverters of justice did lie about being at the Mosque at the time listening to one of Abdul's speeches there. Islam does in fact have the teaching of the killing of non-Muslims and taking their women as war booty to be enjoyed. In the following video at 2:28 the Muslim protester makes this teaching clear: Lets invade Denmark and 'take their women as war booty' 2:47 another Muslim calls out 'take lessons of the jews of khaibar" whose fate is mentioned below.
During a question answer session in East London Mosque, preacher Imam Abdul Makin was asked by a niqabi muslima about recent fatwa from a well known Imam .
- Naqabi Woman: “One eyed hooked Imam Hamza Mesri said muslims can kill British infidels and have sex with their wives and daughters, Do you agree with him?”
Imam: “It is not what Imam Hamza said nor is there a question of my agreeing with him or not. It is in Quran thus those are Allah’s orders.”
- N.W.: “But why would Allah tell muslims to kill and rape innocent non muslims?”
Imam: “Because Non-muslims are never innocent, they are guilty of denying Allah and his prophet. If you don’t believe me, here is the legal authority, the top muslim lawyer of Britain, Anjem Choudhary (Video).”
N.W. “ But our Prophet was sent as a mercy for all the humanity; he
never hurt any body in his life”
Imam: “Yes he never hurt a muslim in his life. But Allah said
non-muslim are lowest beasts and worst creatures in ayas
8.22,8.55,95.5 and 98.6 and muslim are ordered to kill them."
N.W.:” But did prophet approve of killing them and raping their wives?”
Imam: “Yes he did. He not only approved of such acts, he and his sahabas practiced it regularly under Allah’s orders. He was helpless in it... If you don’t believe me , you have to believe sahih hadiths. I will quote you two hadiths about his typical day after a raid. These hadiths are about the raid on jewish village Khaibar whose chief was Kinana who had gorgeous 17 year old wife Safia. Prophet tortured and beheaded Kinana in front of Safia and raped her all night afterwards.
- Sahih Bukhari, volume 5, Book 59, Number 512: Narrated Anas: Then the inhabitants of Khaibar came out running on the roads. The Prophet had their men killed, their offspring and woman taken as captives. Safiya was amongst the captives, She first came in the share of Dahya Alkali but later on she belonged to the Prophet (prophet took her away from him after giving Dahya two women and five men in exchange for Safia, Ref. Sahih Muslim 8:3328) .
- Sirat e Rasulullah, Ibn Hisham, page 766 “Safiyah was captured in the Khaibar raid and was claimed by the apostle as his share of booty.. She was then seventeen. She was groomed and made-up for the Prophet by Umm Sulaim, the mother of Anas ibn Malik. They spent the night there. In the early dawn, the Prophet suspected some movement near the tent) . He went out to enquire and saw Abu Ayyub.. He asked him what he was doing near his tent. He replied: "I was afraid for you with this young lady. You had killed her father, her husband and many of her relatives, and till recently she was an unbeliever. I was really afraid for you on her account and was guarding you." The Prophet prayed for Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (Ibn Hisham, p. 766)
The description of the steamy all night action between the 62 year old Prophet and teenage Safia left the niqabi woman very depressed and the male audience very horny. Imam himself got excited and started thinking about the possibility of killing an infidel and raping his wife, who knows Allah could reward him with paradaise for following in the footsteps of his most beloved apostle..
Imam Abdul, after a lot of thinking and contemplating, figured out that killing is too risky in England. He could end up behind bars for life. Rape is desirable, less risky and more fun. His congregation muslim members could help him in this Islamic duty by providing an alibi that he was preaching in the mosque at the time of the rape (in case he was apprehended).. He talked to them about this favour.. Seven of them agreed to testify for him provided Imam will do the same for them if they got caught themselves for their rape jihad.
The Imam had been lusting for a while on a good looking kafira, who lived alone in the neighbourhood.. Late one night he entered her apartment, captured her at a knife point and brutally raped her. To complete the sunna he took her very expensive computer cell phone as halal booty (aya 8.1).
The woman had seen this weird looking bearded pot bellied Imam walking in and out of the neighbourhood mosque. She reported him to the police and the Imam was nabbed. As promised the seven namazis testified for him and provided the alibi that Imam was preaching at the time of the rape.
But alas! DNA test contradicted their testimony. He and his seven namazi friends were all sentenced to prison terms.
Their burqa-clad wives, present in the court, couldn’t believe this miscarriage of justice. They yelled abuse at the judge for punishing their husbands for practising their religion. They asked why was an act approved by Quran and practiced by holy prophet is punishable in a country which claims freedom of religion? It was clearly a discrimination against muslims and definitely an islamophobia. Now they realized how important it is for muslims to implement sharia in England as suggested by the learned Archbishop.
But Imam Abdul had no regrets. For the first time in his life he had a white woman and in addition he gained a lot of sawab for following in the footsteps of his beloved prophet..
The real losers were the pious namazis who neither could enjoy a kafira nor could gain any sawab (virtue) but ended up in the monkey house (khaya peeya kuch nahin, glass tora, barana)..
Here is the news story from British newspaper The Sun:
Mosque, seven members lied
18 Mar 2008
A Muslim leader who claimed he was preaching at a mosque when he
was really carrying out a brutal rape
was jailed for ten years yesterday.
Abdul Mukin Khalisadar held a knife to his victim’s throat as he attacked her in her home.
He persuaded seven men to back up his story that he had been in the mosque at the time.
Khalisadar later admitted raping the 27-year-old.
He claimed a substance he took to help with fasting during Ramadan had made him “hyper.”
The preacher forced his way into her home as she got back from a night out, the court was told.
He threatened to kill her — even after she claimed to be pregnant with twins to put him off, prosecutor Simon Carr said.
Khalisadar also stole a mobile from the house in Whitechapel, East London.
He was caught by DNA. Judge Timothy King blasted his “hypocrisy”.
Imam got 7½ years for rape and 2½ for conspiring to pervert justice.
Seven members of East London Mosque admitted perverting justice and got 12 months each.
Burka-clad women in the public gallery yelled abuse at the judge — and one screamed that the victim was a prostitute.
Moral of the story: Momins should only rape in Sharia country as it is risk free there. Sharia law requires four male witnesses to prove a rape.
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Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Friday March 21, 2008
Time: 20:06:17 -0700
Thank you. I really appreciate you telling us and showing us how true animals of the human species say and act like. Peace
Name: balam
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 00:30:34 -0700
Ayesha Ahmed has beautifully exposed the vulger and evil teaching of Mohammad,followed and practiced by his followers.On friday,the 21st march the muslims all over the world were celebrating the birthday of Mohammad-the Insan-e-Kamel.I would call him Insan-as-camel.Mohammad had all the qualities of a camel which is non-symetrical,ugly,smelly,revengeful and farts awful like the verbal farts of Momammad in the fom of Quran and Hadiths.His actions were worse than his words.I am utterly surprised ,why the Muslims cant see that.Recently I have come across accidently an ex-muslim young lady who has decided to follow Christ Jesus-THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD.She praises God to have given her the opportunity to follow the TRUTH THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH.She is glad that she left THE LIE THE, WHOLE LIE AND NOTHING BUT THE LIE CALLED ISLAM INVENTED BY MOHAMMAD THE SEVENTH CENTURY GANGSTER AND god-father of Arabia.The world should mourn,rather than celebrate the birth of Mohammad,A SATAN in human form.God could never send such a monster as a true prophet,who killed innocent people,raped women at will.That is the greatest degradation for a woman,but unfortunately the muslim women still worship Mohammadand and the muslim men like to emmulate him and fill up the jails.The foolish British Govt.keeps supporting their families at the Tax-Payers expense while these criminals serve their time.Laws should be introduced to throw these criminals out of this country.You can not afford to have poisoness snakes in your bed-rooms .GET RID OF THEM A.S.A.P.and stop letting more in.
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 00:47:52 -0700
Very hilarious, Ayesha Ahmed is! It is also a good exposure of the typical "islamic" morality,mentality and hypocrisy. Islam is a hell-hole for all womankind. But,alas,most muslim women rejoice being in that hell-hole , brainwashed as they are!
Name: Shafee al-Zindig
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 03:50:28 -0700
The judge is indeed guilty of Islamophobia by imposing mild infidel punishment of only 10 years imprisonment on this pious imam and not shariah punishment. Seeing that the imam loves shariah so much and wants it in Britainistan so badly, he should have got his wish. The imam should have received harsh shariah punishment of 100 lashes and even stoning to death. However, these screaming Muslima brain-dead harpies in the peanut gallery would have still claimed injustice because infidel DNA evidence was used against their beloved imam and not 4 male Muslim witnesses.
Name: Ali Khalaf
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 05:52:37 -0700
Ayesha thanks for the story and the video of Anjem Choudhary.Atleast Anjem is upfront that non muslms can never be innocent and must be killed unlike Fiqh Council of Dr. Muzammil Siddiqui (USA) who hides behind "Quran condemns killing of innocents" bit without defining innocents".
Name: Mamdouh
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 05:59:05 -0700
Guys ,forward this article to all your contacts. The westerners should have an idea what is taught and promoted in mosques to whom they give tax breaks and thus support with their taxes.
Name: Mary
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 06:07:22 -0700
Very good article Ayesha, I enjoy your satire.In Europe most rapes are committed by the islamists. When will the west realize that they do it to gain God's favors by following their prophet.Unfortunately our leaders are still totally ignorant of Islam and muslim's mindset
Name: akhter
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 07:59:15 -0700
Ibn Kammanu the parrot at it again,nice article nice article, while AYSHA the Hindu behind this name diffinatly can not do any writing without sex in it , both of you keep up . this is what this website is all about!
Name: SomeOne
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 08:05:12 -0700
Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam-Blog ist da. Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam- Fotoalbum ist da. --- At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam blog is here. At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam Photo Albums is here. --- أخيرا أول مدونة تعري وتفضح الإسلام أخيرا أول البوم صور يعري ويفضح الإسلام
Name: Mohammad
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 12:47:42 -0700
It is clear that Khalisadar is a criminal according to the Islamic law as well. The Islamic law orders Muslims to abide by the laws of the land they live in or leave if they don't like the laws of the land. No credible Muslim scholar has ever issued a fatwa allowing Muslims living in non-Muslim countries to kill, rape, or steal from the non-Muslims. This is an example of abusing ONE crime committed by a member of a group to criminalize the whole group. There are also many many Muslims who are law-abiding citizens of their respective countries.
Name: agnostic
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 15:52:27 -0700
Hilarious to see muslim scums defending their cult of mass murder, rape, horrendous crimes against women by pointing to hindu pornography? Dumb ass does not appreciate art in any form except stuffing his dick in rape. No other religion or people commit crimes against humanity as these scourge of the earth do. Filthy untermenschen muslims are sons of Satan and should be annihilated, every trace of islam eradicated.
Name: To: Mohammad From: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 17:22:23 -0700
Dear Mohammad. Thank you for your comment. We are not condemning you or any civil law abiding citizen. However, the line is drawn when it comes to sharia law. That law is just barbaric however you want to look at it. It belonged to ages past long ago. We have much better laws right now. If you think this site is offensive to your liking, I invite you to do the following, and then let me know if you still think Islam is a good religion. Here is what I suggest: 1. Read Ibn Warraq's book "Why I am not a Muslim" and after you read it, tell me if you still think the Qu'an is divine. 2. Read articles by Alis Sina and Khan on this site and on Once you do that, let me know if you still believe that Muhammad was man after God's heart. 3. Read Robert Spencer's book "The truth about Muhammad" and then tell me if you still you want to follow a trash of human species called "Muhammad". 4. If you want to follow the teachings of someone, anyone, you better test their values against decent moral values of humans. Please do all that, and then contact me. I'd like to see if you still want to follow Muhammad. You probably grew up in some Islamic country where the educational system brain washed you about the true character of Muhammad and Islam. You can find my email address at website.
Name: agnostic
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 17:49:04 -0700
OSLO Muslims Six Times More Likely to Rape. Aftenposten reported that 65% of the rape crimes in OSLO were committed muslim filth, even though they only represent a mere 23% of the population in the Norwegian capital. The article was prompted by a call by the Rape Commission (Voldtektsutvalget) to the imams to put rapes and the attitude against women on the agenda.**AUSTRALIA'Stop Muslim cleric: "We can't help raping your women when they refuse to wear sacks.The uncovered meat is the problem" In a Ramadan sermon that has outraged Muslim women leaders, Sydney-based Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali also alluded to the infamous Sydney gang rapes, suggesting the attackers were not entirely to blame.He said women were "weapons" used by "Satan" to control men.The leader of the 2000 rapes in Sydney's southwest, Bilal Skaf, a Muslim, was initially sentenced to 55 years' jail, but later had the sentence reduced on appeal.***95% of rapists in western jails are muslim parasites. These parasites much chips, watch pornos then prowl the streets and rape infidel women.***Muslim men Forbid their Women Obstet/Gynae. Breast Cancer is the No. 1 killer of women in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, with large numbers dying because they don't seek medical treatment in time.In Saudi Arabia, upwards of 70 percent of breast cancer cases are not reported until they are at a very late stage. The normal reason given is their husbands refuse diagnostic tests because female technicians or doctors were not available. Mayada Zuhair, spokeswoman for the Women' Rights Association: "[male] doctors are not allowed to see the private parts of women." She said she knew of two cases in which doctors reportedly were killed in November 2002 after leaving their clinics."A message was left near their bodies saying that was the end for any doctor who insists in invading the privacy of Muslim women," Zuhair said.**** 17000 FORCED MARRIAGES In Sweden In 2007 .That's 17000 women sold into slavery, for those of you keeping score at home. This is Islam in action, folks. The quran tells men that women are their property, to be passed on from the father to the husband. ***A saudi-arabian father was forced to drown his daughter in a pool when her husband complained that she would not sleep with him. The muttawa witnessed and made sure the father carried the drowning out. She was 13 and the husband was 58. ***HONOR KILLING which receives applause and congratulations in the depraved muslim world is no longer confined to just females. German Yvan Schneider, who was only nineteen when he met a horrific death at the hands of his two, baseball bat-wielding assailants. His crime? - he got to know a teenaged Muslim girl named Sessen, whose parents had immigrated to Germany from Eritrea. So when Sessen telephoned him one day, asking him to meet her to help with school work, the German teen readily agreed. But it was this call, made at Turkish-German Eroglu’s demand, which set up the ambush that resulted in the innocent youth’s death. Pretty much like the Jew Ilan Hilmi targetted by vile muslims in France who had one of their own evil muslim sister befriend him only to be kidnapped and tortured for four days and nights before his body was dumped.In another, current murder trial in Berlin, the prosecution is accusing two men of Turkish background, aged 21 and 24, of having shot and killed a Greek man, 21, because he was involved in a relationship with a cousin of one of the defendants. ****Dhimmi, pussified BRITAINSTAN educators would rather have their pupils forced into marriage (which means slavery, prostitution, etc) than display posters advising parents against it so as not to offend these braindead muslim scourge of the earth.***The torture and murder of of 15 year old Kriss Donald by three evil muslims in Glasgow. Scotsman report: 43-year old forensic scientist, Ruth Ramage, told the High Court in Edinburgh that Kriss may have been alive when he was set on fire.Ms Ramage also said that there stab wounds on the back and also that there were blood stains and scorch marks on some newly-felled logs, 50 yards away from where Kriss' body was discovered. There were bloodstains on the dirt track which lay between the logs and the grass slope above where Kriss was found. On this slope, she had found fragments of burned clothing. **When two convicted terrorist jailed for 30 years kicked a storm and demanded new premises as they felt it impure to share space with 90% non muslims, Britainstan dhimmis were quick to respond as reported in yesterday's Daily Mail. In all these cases the diseased West is to blame. The liberal media in the West do not like to report, let alone admit. In their eyes, only native European cultures can be racist and never the ethnic minorities. So long as the weenies in the West refuse to recognise that muslims love Death over Life, so long as they continue drinking multiculti fizzy, muslims will commit heinous crimes against natives, and make never ending demands till they achieve their goal of islamic caliphate. History teaches that the way to prevent such an enemy from fulfilling its cruel, merciless ambitions is to confront it with catastrophic and uncompromising force. Evil does not merely win when good men do nothing. It wins when the supposed good men do their utmost to fight fiercely on its behalf. Failure lies with the natives who allow evil to flourish and win. No one is safe until and unless islam is eradicated from earth and muslim annihilated.
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 17:59:20 -0700
BREAKING NEWS: Islam critical Fitna Film website taken down by hosting provider Network Solutions. See story here:
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 21:58:44 -0700
To........ the nameless one with reference to etc. You have done a good expose of the sexual mores of Hindu Gods. Well done,again. But it is not incumbent upon the 'hindus' to follow the ways of the so-called gods.These puranas ,and other literatures were written some 5000years back and the hindu gods are symbolic representation of nature and nothing more. There is no compulsion to accept them in toto as in semetic religions ,especially in Islam where Mohamed is taken as a perfect example to be followed by the muslims to the letter. In Hinduism ,the concept of Dharma ( that is righteousness,good moral conduct,etc,) takes precedence and dominates human existence rather than blind belief in God . In semetic creeds ,especially islam and christianity blind belief ,rather than being a good human-being, is rewarded with eternal heaven ,otherwise eternal hell if you are a disbeliever. There is no concept of hell and heaven in hinduism - only the doctrine of karma . A very dharmic or righteous person escapes from the cycle of births and daths to be in eternal bliss with the imperishable 'Brahman' or the undying and all-pervading spirit of the Cosmos.The saying in Brihadaryanak Upanishad -"Aham Brahmasmi ,Tatvam Asi" - is a simple ,non-theistic and profound concept that does away the need to merely believe in gods and any inane scripture. Most upanishads asks a person to explore the meaning of existence for himself/herself and arrive at their own conclusions. They are not prescriptive and dogmatic like the Bible or the Quran. There is no God in the absolute sense,so proclaims the Mandukya Upanishad. In truth you are just a part of the Cosmos , and the Cosmos is illimitable,infinite,timeless and eternal - Nothing can live outside the Cosmos: the Cosmos is ever evolving and ever-changing,therefore there is no God in the sense of a Creator. If there is a God/Gods - then who created it/him /them? There'd be a creator of that God who created all this , and so on it will go on in an endless regression,which will finally mean that Unverse is infinite,infinitely diverse,beyond the power of any "creator".Even if you were to believe that there is a "creator" that Creator should be standing on some place to create this "creation" and how did that place/platform on which the creator stood come about - did the creator created the place ?/space? for himself to get into the act of creation? Then where was the creator living before any place for him to reside/stand/sit was created by the creator for himself? The Bible says "In the begining God hovered over the waters..." That means water pre-existed the creator. If you say God hovered in empty space , then space prexisted the "creator". So the socalled "creator" is not the first principle of all existence ,He is just a part of it although you may attribute Him to be the first cause of creation. Therefore the concept of God is primitive ,superstitious and totally false! Therefore all religions are false ,they are devices to restrict free-thinking ,suppress creativity,suppress honest inquiry and to subjugate everyone ,keep them under your thumb as were! Throw all religion into the dustbin of history and I am sure that the world will be a better place to live,there will be peace,progress in all spheres of science,technology and education as well as prosperity.
Name: Ananda
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 00:08:04 -0700
These are not (Hidden pages)at all - These are extremely well known pages. ALL spiritual elements of Hindu religion are "self discoveries" of our rishis and sages. The biography of Krishna from his birth to death is extremely well-known and is not "The The Very Holy Hindu Scripture" as this desparatly lying Islamist is claiming. Krishna's great contribution to Hindu spirituality is Bhagavat Gita, but about 90% of Gita is almost exactly as stated in Sankha Upanishada and Bhakti Marga is the new addition. But nothing is compulsary, you pick and choose. Or not. It is not possible to explain to a Muslim what Hinduism's "individual spirituality" or any kind of "spirituality" means because Koran has Zero, Nil, Nada spirituality. Koran is just an instruction manual for carrying out vicious Allah's murderous instructions. ((--The preceding is partly educational and partly a brief reply to the following post by a LIAR ---SINCE WE ARE TALKING, READING AND DISCUSSING PORNOGRAPHY, HERE ARE THE HIDDEN PAGES FROM THE THE VERY HOLY HINDU SCRIPTURES, HOPE YOU ENJOY IT ,SORRY COULDN,T FORWARD ANY DIRTY PICTURES TO MATCH THE READ, MAY BE THE explicit ASYHIA WILL DO THAT IN HER NEXT porn shot.
Name: Maisa
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 08:09:30 -0700
ayesha, get your stories straight before frowning upon them. And quit being misguided. Nowhere is it written that Islam condones rape, on the contrary a man who rapes and woman, be it muslim or non muslim is severely punished on earth and in later life, just like a man who takes the life of another man with th intension of murder, is to be killed himself. So please, do tell me again, where is it mensioned that a man (muslim) can kill another man and rape his wife and daughters? The narrations that you scribe are nothing but "mambo jumbo", the you fabricated inorder to mislead people who are already prejudice againt Islam. So please keep your comments to yourself unless you have undenyable truth and have read the writings and Ahadeeth of the Qura'an with proper interpretation.
Name: Mariam K.
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 08:24:13 -0700
Why does it matter to you what muslims believe, if its right or wrong? does it affect you in any way? you're an x-muslim, you did not like islam, no one nay said you, why are you being so petty, bad mouthing the people involved and insulting? There's something called Freedom of Religion, or am I wrong? Those who misundertand what that religon stands for doesnt mean that the whole religion is corrupt. The only reason islam is the main focus of the world today is because there are extremists who portray it in such a bad light. If you look closely you'll find that every religion in this world has it's positives and negatives... but no one is attacking them..
Name: Mamdouh to Maisa and Mariam
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 09:36:54 -0700
You both are naive muslims ignorant of islam.Quran condones killing of non muslims by 164 violent ayas and Mohammed acted on it as confirmed by muslims themselves in six sahih hadiths and original siras. Quran condones sex with captured women and slave girls in 5 ayas (4.3,4.24,23.6,33.50 and 70.30) and Mohammed practiced it as confirmed by sahih hadiths and siras. The extremists are the real muslims who spent their lives in study of quran and hadiths.Why islam only is attacked? Because Quran is the most violent book and muslims are the only ones believing that their book is direct unchangeable world of Allah aplicable for all times.
Name: Ali Khalaf to Momins
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 09:42:44 -0700
Yes Ayesha and all other writers must keep reminding muslims that their Prophet was a monster who who preached killing and raping in Quran and practiced in real life which is chronicled in his biographies. If they call description of his sexcapades as pronography , so be it, Mohammed was a prono prophet.
Name: A christian
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 09:48:42 -0700
I am amazed that a billion muslims consider a violent rapist as their prophet.Basically they are like the devil worshipper cult. No wonder many are coming to christ risking persecution and death.
Name: Muslim22: Ayesha Ahmed is Taslima Nasreen
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 09:56:17 -0700
Some one told me Ayesha Ahmed is actually the hated hindu woman Taslima Nasreen , whom even hindus kicked out of India for insulting Islam.
Name: To the christian
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 10:14:48 -0700
You are right. Those who convert out of islam publicly risk persecution and death even in non muslim countries. Magdi Alam a well known editor in Italy was baptized by Pope the other day.Now he will start getting death threats from the followers of religion of peace like Akhter.
Name: jim
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 10:30:51 -0700
But alas! DNA test contradicted their testimony. He and his seven namazi friends were all sentenced to prison terms. Their burqa-clad wives, present in the court, couldn’t believe this miscarriage of justice. of couse to tthem the misscarrige was the fact he got cought They asked why was an act approved by Quran and practiced by holy prophet is punishable in a country which claims freedom of religion? It was clearly a discrimination against muslims and definitely an islamophobia. Now they realized how important it is for muslims to implement sharia in England as suggested by the learned Archbishop.
Name: dj
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 10:53:16 -0700
to vbv: excellent post. If a wise person reads what you wrote, he or she will surely re-examine their total belief system. Unfortunately not a lot of such ppl exists in this world. maybe there is supposed to be a balance of ignorant people in this world. without which there would be nothing to compare knowledgeable people. as everything is relative, you don't know what is good unless you compare it to something bad. without islam, you wouldn't see the beauty of the rest of the world.
Name: Mariam K.
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 11:14:26 -0700
The Quraan is a complex book which many have tried to copy and rewrite but were unable to. Due to it's complexity it cannot be translated at face value as tons of people do.. Being a muslim myself, I don't even understand half of what's written there. It is deep and written in complex arabic. The difference between me and so many other people is that I don't attempt to translate it according to what I think then preach it with wrong intent unlike others who pretend to know it all. Mamdouh; you're the naiive one for not understanding what the religion is about. If you beleive every hateful person who deforms the face of islam then you're more the fool. I won't go into detail so as not to bore you, but read the proper things, the real translations to the ayas you mentioned and not the fabrications and then we can talk :)
Name: Mamdouh to Mariam
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 13:48:13 -0700
Mariam: I am a native born 65 year old muslim, so please dont try to teach me islam.Quran is hodge podge of an extremely poorly written book full of conradictions, childish silly fairy tales and laughable statements.Quran says Mohammed is your role model(33.21)so if you are confused about it's meaning, you are supposed to look at Mohammed's life. He practised what he preached in Quran, he killed robbed and raped. He earned his living through raids and booty. Quran allows sex with captured women. Sorry I do not know about you but in my book sex with a helpless captured woman whose husband was beheaded is rape of the worst order.If a hindu prophet killed your husband and had sex with you just because your husband refused to convert to hinduism, wouldnt you call it rape Mariam? Will it make any difference if he married you in hnidu way before raping you Mariam?, That is what your beloved prophet do with Safia as Ayesha quoted from the most authentic hadiths.
Name: Mark to Mariam
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 14:01:47 -0700
Mariam : I am a native born Egptian, a hafiz and a B.A., M.S. and Phd from Al-Azhar. Google Mark Gabriel and read about me or put my name on you tube and watch my interviews..I left Islam after realizing that Mohammed was not a prophet and Quran is not from God. Read my books to learn the truth. They are available at
Name: John to Mariam
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 14:25:58 -0700
Weaker the person is more he needs to believe in ridiculous beliefs and imaginary Gods.Mariam you are a real weak and brainwashed person who believes in a rapist killer as a prophet . What can I say about the IQ of people who believe that their prophet went to meet Allah on a winged horse with a woman's head .
Name: Mohammad to Ibn Kammuna
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 14:37:03 -0700
I repeat my claim that Sharia law has never authorized killing , raping, or stealing from the people that Muslims are living amongst. This is either forgery or poor scholarship and I am hoping it's the second one. Otherwise, please bring even one fatwa from any credible scholar authorizing such acts. I am very familiar with Ibn Warraq's and Ali Sina's as well as the contents of FFI. I remain a Muslim; thank you for the offer though!
Name: A christian to Mariam K
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 15:24:42 -0700
Mariam I invite you to christ. If you compare life of Mohammed with Jesus you will have no doubt about the truth. Mohammed, robbed for living ,killed , raped, practiced pedophilia, incest and polygamy.Jesus did none of it.
Name: Agnostic To Mohammed
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 15:43:08 -0700
Mohammed, quran is very ambiguos and contradictory, and like an egyptian scholar said, it is a a super market where people can pullout anything they want from it. There are 200 sects of muslims and every one call their own scholarship of islam correct. In the video of Anjem Choudahery, he is justifying killing of non muslims because he says only muslims are innocent.You may question his scholarship but he has thousands of followers. You can call suicide bombing fatwa bad schorship but thousands follow it world wide and kill innocents and mostly victims are muslims, like bombings in Pakistan, Afghanistan Iraq , Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco etc.
Name: Mohammad to Agnostic
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 17:43:21 -0700
Anjom Chaudhry is not a mufti and his reasoning is very flawed. I don't even know why such people are not only allowed to live in the UK but are interviewed and publicized. As a Muslim I have to say that he or Bakri or Bin Ladan DO NOT represent me at all. These are a curse and a fitna like whom have fallen on the Muslim nations many before them. I also believe that the attention that the west is giving to Islam is important and valuable but we should be careful not to abandon rationalism and give in to emotionalism. Are these people dangerous? Yes. Is it the solution to condemn and attack Islam? Absolutely not! It's not the issue whether Islam is right or wrong. It is also not the issue whether Mohammad was a good person or a bad person. What is the issue is to be able to wisely target radicalism on both sides and allow moderates on both sides to take charge. Websites like this can be useful if they were targeting radicalism rather than the religion of Islam as a whole. As you said there are many interpretations... so why not support the one that is more compatible with modern times? Why not interviewing the moderates instead of the radicals? Bringing down the religion of Islam is a task that you can never accomplish and what good does it do? How do yo u know something better will fill the vacuum? Think about it.
Name: To Mohammad From Ibn Kammuna
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 21:33:53 -0700
The issue is Islam my friend and nothing else. This is why we have sites like this one. Also, there are many alternatives better than islam. Pretty much any kind of belief system that is not prejudist against the "other". This makes all religions and belief systems good alternatives to Islam (i.e. Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Atheism, Just do not follow KKK, Aryan race spremacy, any kind of Fascism and you'll be fine. Islam is the most dangerous of them all. It is disguised as a divine religion when its no more than evil system of beliefs. So, don't try to talk about other things man. You need to call a spade a spade. Muhammad was a criminal who raided others and stole their belongings. He did not mind the sahaba raping women. He married a six year old girl, and slept with her when she was nine. Is this a man you want to take to be an example (qudwa) for people to follow?
Name: Ibn Kammuna To Mark Gabriel
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 21:56:27 -0700
Dear Sir, Greetings. I just finished reading your book on Islam and Terrorism. Just got two more to read(Islam and the Jews, and Culture Clash). Your book on Islam and terrorism was wonderful to read and very scholarly done. I will be using it to write some articles for Faithfreedom.Org.(currently, I use a different publishing name there) I just wanted to write you a thank you note here for the work you do in exposing Islam from Inside since you were a professor at Al-Azhar.Peace
Name: Mohammad to Ibn Kammuna
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 22:42:32 -0700
The message of Islam is not very different from Christianity if you think about it. Both Muslims and Christians have committed crimes in the name of their respective religions in the past, present, and they will in future. There are violent verses in the Quran but you can find many more in the Bible. There have been Muslim wars on foreign lands and subjugating the locals; the Christian Europe has done worse. Communism, Nazism, and Capitalism are responsible for much more destruction and misery than Islam is. You have the right to point your finger at Islam and specialize your rage at Islam because of your personal and intellectual situations. There is nothing wrong with this. Our world can make progress only if we justly criticize our past and present without any fears to maximize the chances of future generations of avoiding our forefathers and our faults. As a Muslim I see nothing fundamentally wrong about a group of people who are honestly and intelligently discuss matters related to Islam. Human intellect should not be limited by any dogma and nothing is too sacred to criticize. However I believe that to make such criticism and study of Islam more effective you and other authors on FFI avoid using insulting language. The only thing you can accomplish by using emotionally charged language against Mohammad and Quran is to win support from bigots and haters (and who can deny they exist?) and be dismissed right away by any honest researcher who is looking for a path in his or her life. Please think about this.
Name: France
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 06:08:19 -0700
Following a thug who likes sex with children and has them bring their dolls with to the tent? Which is worse; the fool or the fool who follows him?
Name: Godot
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 07:08:09 -0700
The outrageous interview with Anjem Choudhary, "Esq." didn't surprize me at all. I expect that and I should give him credit for his honesty and bravery to say the unthinkable in public. I don't live in UK and I was wondering if he can still practice law in UK after these revelations. I believe in freedom of speech but what he said is completely unbecoming of a decent attorney. What bothers me more than these Islamic abuses is the Western complacency... when is the West going to realize the fifth column? Ooops, I should have said the filth column!
Name: Godot (to Mariam K.)
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 07:15:09 -0700
Doesn't it bother you that you don't even understand half of what is written in the Quran? You might be missig the best part. Moreover, we can't consider you a whole Muslim, you are a half Muslim and a half ignorant and I should give you credit for your stup... I meant honesty.
Name: Ibn Kammuna To: Mohammad
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 07:40:08 -0700
You got all wrong my friend. Christianity and Islam are as different as day and night. The basic teachings of Christ are found in the four gospels only. That is what he said and taught. His message is a message of peace, accept the other, forgive the sinner, speration of state and religion. Christianity became "official" religion in the third century. Religion leaders became more involved in politics and gave Chrsitianity a bad name throughout the rest of history. But the substance is peace, love and forgiveness and no condemining of the other. On the other hand, Muhammad, after the hijra, became a gang leader attacking commerical caravans. He abrogated all earlier verses. He started attacking tribes and stealing their fortunes. He assasinated people who said bad things about him. He threatened people with Hellfire and boiling water. The whole of early islamic history is bloody. Islam, has at its core religion/State model that is incompatible with individual freedom. Islamic teachings proper instruct you to kill the apostate. Now, Do you still think Christianity and Islam are similar? You don't want me to attck anything in Islam? Why? Any belief that is decent will allow any human being to attack its values if he/she deems proper. Humans deserve respect, not beliefs. Beliefs are to be scrutinized. We scrutinized Muhammad and Islam, and found both to be evil. I cannot say the same about Jesus or Ghandhi or Mother Teresa or Bertrand Russell (who was an athiest by the way). Those were decent human beings.
Name: Cynthia
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 10:01:51 -0700
I do not understand such light punishment for rape. Only seven and one half years. Why? This is such small punishment for this hidious, premeditated and disgusting crime. It is sickening the hatred practiced by such individuals against the human race and somehow some god somewhere is allegedly going to reward these acts of lust and hatred. More sickening is the way the women of this ideology stand by their men. Centuries of brainwashing in a hateful and dark ideology bears fruit that proves its roots. But can't the free world wake up and show respect for its women by punishing rapists according to the utter destructiveness of the crime? Does the free world really consider women equal to men? In this case justice was not served.
Name: BALAM to Mariam
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 10:17:29 -0700
I admire your frank admission that you do no understand half the Quran.The day you understnd the whole of Quran honestly,you would no longer remain a true Muslim.Sadly ,Mohammad,has brain-washed Muslim women so completely that they would have no shame in offering their six year old daughter or sister to Mohammad for sex if he were around but the law enforcement authories would have locked him up and thrown the keys away.Do you still love your pedophile prophet.Always remember what happend to little Ayesha at her tender age.
Name: Akhter to Mark Gabriel
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 11:05:08 -0700
How much christians paid you to leave islam?
Name: Hisham to Mariam: Reason you dont understand Quran
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 11:29:27 -0700
Mariam, If you are not an arab, you are barking at the wrong tree, islam and Quran was not sent for you. That is why you hardly inderstand half of it dear.Better leave islam right away. Allah has said clearly: 14.4 (Hilali / Khan) We sent not a Messenger except with the language of his people, in order that he might make (the Message) clear for them. 44.58 We have made this Koran easy for thee in thine own tongue, that they may take the warning. 41.44And if We had made it a Quran in a foreign tongue, they would certainly have said: Why have not its communications been made clear? What! a foreign tongue?( for us arabs)
Name: Khan to Mariam:You must be a retard.
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 11:32:34 -0700
Mariam you must be A RETARD. Quran was made easy to understand for normal people, not you. Allah himself confirms it: 054.022 But We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember:
Name: Godot (to Akhter)
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 11:37:41 -0700
Please stop your childish accusations. I can't talk on behalf of Mark Gabriel but I can assure you that I left Islam myself without being paid at all. You either trust what I say and deal with reality as is, or accuse me of being paid off if that makes you feel more reassured and comfortable with your own decision to stay Muslim. It's your choice... ignorance and denial are mutually supportive traits.
Name: To Akhter from Ibn Kammuna
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 11:38:01 -0700
Akhter, I had made myself a promise not to respond to rude people with bad language like yours. However, you remark about Dr. Gabriel is very low. Dr. Gabriel is the second professor to leave the Azhar and become a Christian. Who knows, how many others left Al-Azhar to other belief systems. In any case, You and I do not know Dr. Gabriel in person. I read one of his books. I am currently reading a second, and regardless of whether we agree with him or not, he really strikes me as an honest researcher who strives for the truth. If you don't believe me, read his book on "Islam and terrorism". If he said anything that is a lie or unscholarly, let me know.In all honesty, I challenge you to do that instead of attacking a decent human being and a valued researcher.
Name: Ali Khalaf
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 19:05:27 -0700
Akhter what happenend to your other split personalities Abeliever and Iluvyou. You seem to be the only one busy these days. Have you retired them?
Name: Khan to IbnKamuna:
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 19:09:53 -0700
Who is the other Al Azhar professor who left islam. I only know of Dr Mark Gabriel. I have read two of his books.
Name: Mary to Akhter
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 19:13:23 -0700
Hey Akhter, how much CAIR the terrorist front group pays you for your work at FFI and islam-watch? Are you one of the guys working on hacking FFI website?
Name: Ibn Kammuna to Khan
Date: Tuesday March 25, 2008
Time: 07:07:34 -0700
Hi I do not know his name. I did read about that somewhere lately. I've looked at many websites and news and articles. I just can't remember where I read right now. However, I'll email my friend Ib Misr, he may have some info. I'll get back to you when I hear from him. Sorry I wasn't much help here.
Name: Ibn Kammuna to Khan
Date: Tuesday March 25, 2008
Time: 07:32:44 -0700
His name is Muhammad Rahoumy (Dr. Samuel Paul). Here is the link:
Thank Khan. Without your question, I would not have researched that again.
Name: Khan to Ibn Kammuna
Date: Tuesday March 25, 2008
Time: 10:14:05 -0700
Thanks for the info.
Name: Ibn Kammuna to Khan
Date: Tuesday March 25, 2008
Time: 16:22:08 -0700
Hello again and you are welcome. Its actually three professors from Al Azhar who became Christians that I know of. Here is a copy of the email I got from my brother Ibn Misr: "Sheik el Azhar in the time of Sadat Mohamed Ahmed el Faham converted to Christianity while he was the grand sheikh of al Azhar, and he was ordered by Sadat to leave the country, he went to live in France". Take care brother Khan
Name: To akhter
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 00:26:19 -0700
Maybe it is you who were paid by the Moslem to defend for them. So you asked Mr. Mark Gabriel like that. You are like a person who was permitted only to drink Coca Cola all his life, nor knowing the taste of other soft drinks like 7 Up etc. For you, it is Coca Cola the tastiest drink on earth, without knowing the taste of other softdrinks, while other people, after tasting it, may consider it is not good. Pity, pity on you .....
Name: Naz*_08
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 07:41:11 -0700
OMG i cnt beleive wot im readin is it reali true??cumin on dis website was a mistake cuz most ov u ppl jus chat shit i am a muslim and dis story is sad bt wot can u du???? u dnt only c dis apnin in islam bt it hapens in every it funni hw u can make islam stand out an make it look bad....GOD HELP YOU PPL CUZ U SERIOUSLY NEED IT.
Name: Mariam K.
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 08:19:58 -0700
The reason I find the Qura'an difficult to understand is because english is my first language rather than arabic even thogh I'm an arab and that fault is my own. As for the rest, I'm convinced and satisfied with what I know and practice of the religion and none of your reasonings would make me doubt my faith since you don't use reason at all.. Wa itha 5a6abakum al jahiloon fa 8il salama... and that's all i have to say :) I hope you find your peace ppl instead of harbouring all this anger towards a religion. Turn than negative emotion into a positive one and be productive.
Name: Ali Khalaf to Mariam K
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 09:46:47 -0700
Mariam:No body cares whom you consider God, Allah, Mohammed or even stones as long as you dont throw those stones on others.Islam teaches intolerance, hatred and violence, Mohammed practiced intolerance, hatred and violence,islam spread with violence. Now flushed with oil money they are back at their old game, they are financing violence all over the world.Islam is not a religion, it is an ideology of hate and violence and must be banned in civilized world.
Name: Vijay to Mariam
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 09:51:48 -0700
Islam must be declared a non religion and Quran must be banned in all civilized countries. We tried to ban Quran in India as it violates many indian laws but the muslims started riots and the P.C. Govt backed off and the Court threw out the petition ( googlr "Calcutta Quran Petition", it happenend in 1986).
Name: John to Mariam
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 10:02:08 -0700
Geert Wilder made a movie to expose Quran but whole islamic world is up in arms even before seeing it.They are threatening to kill him. They know that Quran is an evil book.There are many petitions in Holland germany and US to ban Quran. Mariam why is there no petition against any other religious book?
Name: Mary to Mariam
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 10:09:29 -0700
Mariam why is it that you guys make a mosque at every corner here in US, promote islam from every radio station,broadcast islamic TV programs, have an exclusive Quran TV but do not reciprocate it in your own countries? Saudi Arabia does not even allow any bible into the country leave alone allowing a chuch to be built there.
Name: Susan to Mariam
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 10:15:43 -0700
Mariam you dont understand Quran because it is a hodge podge of ridiculous text without context or chronology. To understand it you need context and chronology from hadiths and original Siras. Best way to understand Quran is read an unbiased tafsir. The only one is available at As a muslim you must read it.
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 12:11:46 -0700
Name: Kali Politeis
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 18:10:29 -0700
These hideously evil beasts should be dealt with in the manner that Muslims would do if a dirty kaffir raped one of their women - then we'd see them slow down their assault on Western civilization. "Moral of the story: Momins should only rape in Sharia country as it is risk free there. Sharia law requires four male witnesses to prove a rape." Unfortunately, their sharia law is creeping into non-Muslim countries such that they WILL be able to do this within a few decades if not sooner. MUSLIMS - YOU MUST DROP OUT OF THIS DEMENTED CULT OF DEATH THAT HAS ENSLAVED YOU. YOU ARE GIVING THESE EVIL CHARACTERS THEIR ABILITY BY SLAVISHLY FOLLOWING THEM. The truth about Islam =======>>>>>
Name: Kali Politeis
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 18:16:05 -0700
"However, these screaming Muslima brain-dead harpies in the peanut gallery would have still claimed injustice because infidel DNA evidence was used against their beloved imam and not 4 male Muslim witnesses." It just occurred to me that these demented Muslim savages will probably attempt to get DNA evidence banned in any country they take over. You see, just when we had CSI science down, evil ORCS from HELL come along to drag us back into the cave. Another great reason to GET OFF THE OIL STANDARD. Our oil addiction is feeding these EVIL ORCS FROM MIDDLE EARTH. ======>>>>>
Name: balam
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 01:39:49 -0700
Islam is certainly a religion of PEACE but fitted with a WARHEAD of TERROR to it.Quran is the INCOHERANT outburst of an IGNORANT man.ISLAM is the distorted face of JUDAISM and CHRISTIANITY on the body of PAGANISM with DEMONIC BLOOD running through its VEINS.To save his honour ,when AYESHA was accused of having committed adultery,MOHAMMAD came up with this brilliant concept of four Muslim men to stand witness aganst the man.He forgot that as good Muslims,they would also join in and not lose the golden opportunity .Mohammad enjoyed raping women,then, why should his followers miss it out.I would not trust even my cat with a Muslim.
Name: Larry B.
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 08:00:06 -0700
Again, another instance of muslim islamic brutality. That evil religion should be banned in all non muslim countries. Religions lead thier flocks to do good in the name of thier respective God or Gods. Islam preacxhes and teaches to thier ignorant fdollowers to do EVIL and call it good in the name of thier evil god. Ban the quran, and ban islam it is the root of all evil in the world!.. therefore, islam is not a religion but an evil and dangerous ideology.
Name: Larry B.
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 08:17:46 -0700
To Mohammed article saturday 3/22/08 Perversion of justice and the LIARS who lied to protect an EVIL man an imam are the ones who soil your evil religion! No one needs to speak out against islam, it clearly reveals itself, by its EVIL acts against Gods creation. Read in our Bible what is revelation of islam and evil doers, 2nd Thessalonians Chapt. 2 verses 7 to 17. Note that it is God shall send them strong delusion that they shall believe a lie. Muslims will NEVER see the truth about themselves because it is GOD that has deluded them. Look forward to judgement and hellfire islam!
Name: hereward
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 09:30:26 -0700
Articles like this make it hard not to look forward to the wrath of god falling on mecca in the form of an Israeli nuclear missile.....coming soon!
Name: Jackie Robinson
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 10:36:03 -0700
Send em all home, back to wherever they came from. If they cant respect Britain and its citizens then what are they doing here? Passed it on, they`ll just love this on care2.
Name: Dick Thorndyke
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 10:46:54 -0700
Islam is a cult, there is no question of this at all.
Name: Seeker
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 10:53:31 -0700
This is all very confusing. Where can a non-Arabic speaker find an accurate English translation of the Koran?
Name: islam is a pagan cult
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 11:15:36 -0700
why would any women want to marry a muslim man
Name: Adam
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 11:27:28 -0700
Too much emphasis is being placed on the shariah. Many(educated)islamic scholars consider the shariah as against the koran and hence unislamic.
Name: from SillyAllah to Seeker
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 11:28:44 -0700
The reason why there is no claimed good English translation is because it's a <a href="">common dishonest debating claim by Muslims</a>, as there are a number of good <a href="">English translations if you want to read the Quran</a>. The Quran is a horrible, violent, misogynist book that is terribly misunderstood by the West. Westerners treat it like the religions they are used to without understanding that the Islam holy books describe a socio-political system as well. Also, the Quran is not considered to be inspired by allah, but considered to have the actual words of allah. Thus, Muslims do not question and take the words literally.
Name: Curious
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 11:35:33 -0700
I have a question. Why would you want to rape a woman that was married to an infidel that you killed? It would seem to me that since the man (the infidel)has probably had sex with the woman many times before you then you are joining yourself to an infidel and thus degrading your own body. Also if the woman is an infidel as well then you are doubling your disgrace of your own body by now becoming one with effectively 2 infidels. Would not that make you just as bad or worse than the infidel you despise?
Name: William White
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 11:46:11 -0700
ZioGanda... Lets have you balance it with texts from the Jewish Talmud please
Name: eagleman
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 11:55:19 -0700
Who really cares about the fairy tale Quran? Let the muslims believe and leave non-muslims out of it. Jesus Christ is all that matters.
Name: Bob E.
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 12:03:22 -0700
Wonderful. Muzzies work hard every day trying to prove that they are the scum of the earth. And, you know what? They are doing a great job!
Name: be warned, history repeats itself
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 12:28:13 -0700
While I don't condone the actions of this person. It should be pointed out that all rape, regardless of the relgion of the person is an ugly thing and happens every couple of seconds around the world (in mexico and parts of south america, in fact, it is a cultural part of their society). And similar things were said about Jews during Germany as nazi propaganda. Where they would put posters showing jewish doctors lusting after aryan women. Or where in Mein Kamph, Hitler discussed how jews were frequent users of aryan prostitutes. In other words, we should blame Jews, Islam, or mexicans as a group because of what some loony members within the group do.
Name: Javier
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 13:11:44 -0700
Comment This reuters link also covers the news. Abdul Makin was caught in a child pornography sting and his DNA linked him to the rape. So no doubt he is a hardcore sex criminal. However, he is not an Imam. And I assume that the "scene" in the mosque justifying rape of non-muslims is an "artistic license" by the author of this blog. I am a Roman Catholic and proud to be one. However, I am ashamed of the Catholic priests who abused children in the USA and nothing can forgive them, but I do resent people who use the Catholic priest abuses to attack all Catholics and the Church. In the same way, I do not like using this case to attack muslims in general.
Name: Mark
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 13:22:35 -0700
I wonder-these days you can never be sure with all the lies and deceiving about -but I wonder-Is this a REAL 'Islamo-fascist' communique-or is it a PLANT? There seem to be a "sudden" rash of these of late -sounding like they were all written by the same person, ie: manner of style, sentence structure-words continuously used in certain descriptions-same depiction of Islams being worse than the likes of Satan Godzilla and the Bubonic plague combined; Is the the REAL hateful "Islamo-fascist" hell bent on destroying America- or a CIA/MOSSAD plant to scare us into going along with plans to wipe out IRAN-STILL looking for the infamous ' WMDs'-and starting WW3? Make up your own minds-research-dont let any tell you what to think-they may lie to you-dont even believe me-just EDUCATE YOURSELVES
Name: S*
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 13:31:37 -0700
People need to wake up. I am so tired of Muslims whining "don't judge us by what only a few of us do". Yeah, so men rape women around the rest of the world, even the West- the difference is, at least the general population knows it's wrong. No one sits around and makes excuses for the rapist while blaming the victim.
Name: Tom
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 17:20:59 -0700
Those who promote rape and murder of anyone deserve 72 recycled old hag virgins; Jesus advised,"He that killeth with the sword shall die by the sword."
Name: Robert
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 17:59:49 -0700
Yes, it is a fact that Muslims are allowed to kill infidels in defending Islam and there is a lot of leeway about what defending Islam means. I did not know that they were allowed to rape in the name of Islam, though.
Name: sfix4013
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 18:39:55 -0700
more evidence of how mass-immigration is destructive to western society. Our political leaders are importing the seeds of our destruction by their their unpopular, unjustified and unnecessary immigration policies. Amazing how the political elites can keep cramming this policy of national suicide down the throat of of the citizenry and pretend that the people rule and your vote matters. Mass- immigration is the antithesis of patriotism,destructive to the nation and national culture.
Name: scott
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 18:54:35 -0700
If this is true then it's scary shit.
Name: citizen
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 19:18:05 -0700
no one should be surprised cause that is exactly how the evil religion spread through parts of the earth,they raped mohammed rode through lands and killed the males and took the women as sex slave and this is still happening presently just look at darfur in sudan. people don't want to join the evil religion so they have to force them and if not kill them.the western countries might suffer the same faith as in darfur since there is an influx of muslim now in europe and their population is growing rapidly.remember their main aim is world conquest and will not stop at any thing to achieve that goal.the crusaders had to defend the western world from a Muslim invasion some centuries ago they succeeded but failed to completely eradicate the evil satanic religion .isreal knows its faith if iran or any other rogue muslim nation acquires nukes so dont be surprised if isreal or america goes to war with iran soon
Name: henry B.
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 20:32:53 -0700
A RELIGION OF PEACE ??????????????????????????????????
Name: Charles N
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 20:36:47 -0700
Europeans are committing suicide by allowing muslims to invade their countries and rape their women. This shit will never happen in China because the Chinese will just kill them all and political correctness be damned.
Name: roy29
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 22:04:50 -0700
Islam will be exposed as the false religion that it is. It is like what Jesus said that it will be like wolves in sheeps clothing.Theysay islam is peace, but what they do is opposite of what they say.
Name: to Akhter
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 22:36:03 -0700
Maybe you like sex the way your prophet did? All he concern only the head of his pen*s, in whose womanhood should it stay? That's why you protect him so much. Because he made you lawful to have sex with 4 wives, to have sex with a nine years old girl, and to have sex with your own daughter-in-laws. Then, after you die, you can have sex in heaven, with 40 houris, who are always virgin (even after you have sex with them). Or with the boys there? Are you a homosex??? In your heaven, it is permitted to have sex with the boys available. Enjoy it Akhter. May Mohammad be with you always. F*cking great!!!
Name: Morely Bates
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 23:06:37 -0700
Evidence of evolution right there. Some of us are just further along the scale.
Name: humanist
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 06:14:28 -0700
i'm against hurting people in any way or form , but i firmly believe that these people with their "religion of peace" are the greatest threat to the way we live our lives.want to know what i'd do? here goes. i'd put them in some sub-saharan shit-hole country. give them 20-30 years to kill each other off (maybe drop some bio-weapons on them to speed up the process) then open it again and rename it israel 2. in case you haven't noticed these rag-headed fndamentalist fuck-wits with their violent, theiving, paedophile prophet make me quite angry. peace.
Name: Brian
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 07:28:23 -0700
I heard that a new toilet block was installed at Brixton prison after Islamic inmates had complained that they were facing East(Mecca)when urinating.My bathroom is on a west/east direction,so I am looking east when urinating.I also show my bum in that direction when doing the "Other" My Piggy money box is called Mohammed
Name: Brian
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 07:32:59 -0700
I heard that a new toilet block was installed at Brixton prison after Islamic inmates had complained that they were facing East(Mecca)when urinating.My bathroom is on a west/east direction,so I am looking east when urinating.I also show my bum in that direction when doing the "Other" My Piggy money box is called Mohammed
Name: Rose
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 08:19:15 -0700
Women and children are desposable under Islam, women and children are desposable under the ethos of Muliticulturalism Socialist Doctorine. Other cultural races and practices are more important than the British women or children. Socialist governments are willing to allow rape and torture and subjugation women to pander and appease Muslim fanatics and leftarded/labour ideology. Get rid of a socialist govenment and women and children will hopefully have value in society again. Islam and Socialism are both evil if practiced literally. All cultures are not equal once we start realising that, we can force the government into acting against Islamic Superiority. Islam isn't superior to other religions or cultures.
Name: your conscience
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 08:50:33 -0700
It was not a religious crime, but a race crime. True religion is racial, the arabs worship an arab god, the jews a jewish god, why do white people not worship a white god? I suggest we name our creator Odin, or Wotan, just as our ancestors did. Once we are empowered by our renewed beliefs and shed the conditioning of our jewish religion called christianity, we can then, united as one remove the alien infidels from our white homelands, as they are non whites treading on sacred white land. Sharia law, kasruth law, and all other anti-white lies of the semites will be swept aside, and in total union whites can progress as a people united by the only thing nature has given as true bond....Blood/genetics.
Name: John: Best way to fight Islam
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 08:51:12 -0700
Quran must be banned and Islam decalared illegal. That will dismantle all the mosques and end the radio prorams and conventions. That will declaw islam in the west.
Name: Grazy
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 10:13:29 -0700
Wonder why I start to compare the descriptions of the anti- Christ with what the Moslem's believe is right, and what they say the Koran allow them. Just a thought.
Name: John
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 10:14:58 -0700
The Muslims in European homelands are the cats' paws.
Name: Jeff newman
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 12:12:25 -0700
Who you are writing these articats,i am jew but i respect to muslims.You peoples are full off shit and motherfuckers assholes cockcuckers.
Name: Jeff newman
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 13:12:55 -0700
Mark gabriel and Newman,you people are full off shit and Assholes.You people just like George fucking Bush.
Name: The Prophet Mohammed
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 14:29:59 -0700
I hope the woman who was raped by the Mohammedan 'teacher' is able to regain her life and I hope that this imam and his followers meet with Mohammed in hell.
Name: martin
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 18:19:09 -0700
Excellent story. Tragically it reveals what we can expect from the islamisation of Britian and Europe. Until or unless the moslems can sanitise their beliefs, there is no room from them in Europe or anywhere else in the democratised world
Name: Muhammad
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 18:23:42 -0700
Please take a look at the historical action of a disciple of prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) and leader of the Muslim army, after freeing Jerusalem: If Islam indeed taught Muslims to lie and live to massacre or forcefully convert Jews and Christians, as some misguided people claim, why the history does not support it? Why the first generation Muslims did not indeed behave in the same manner as Christian Crusaders or modern European Jews, after conquering Jerusalem? Who was there to stop them? Who do you think knew Islam best? Them or modern Muslims? Them or those motivated by hatred or desire to keep their sheepish flock and keep their livelihood going?
Name: Brian
Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
Time: 05:26:10 -0700
Can I get a copy of the Koran printed on absorbent paper?
Name: American Christian patriot
Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
Time: 23:38:31 -0700
This is a great example of believers following Islamic law in a country that thus far has attempted to be so politically correct in regards to Muslims that literally they deserve what they get. We here in the U.S. are beginning to wake up and all prayers to the Lord God and His son, Jesus Christ we will not be too late. Ban the false religion, ban the book and we must deport any and all followers of this sick, hatefilled abomination to the One True God. When they claim war on Islam; we should be making their statements true, because they have been at war with us for what; 1,600 years? Time to allow them what they claim. There is no and there can be no peace with Islamists, any of them.
Name: Kid Rock
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 13:03:31 -0700
This is frightening!...British Christian Arrested For Criticizing Islam! go to <>
Name: ellie
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 07:45:15 -0700
although i am not a Muslim woman and have many problems with the traditions it carries i do not think essays such as these are helpful AT ALL, they encourage fascism, racism and contempt towards people who may be innocent of these believes. encouraging people to white-wash the Islamic faith with a tainted brush.
Name: To Ms Ellie
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 08:53:21 -0700
Islam does not need any tainting brush to make it look any worse. It is evil and ugly to the core. .No brushing can make it look any worse.The muslim heirarchy is the one which sanitizes and sugar coats islam to present it to the world. Common muslims are given the same sanitized image of islam by mullahs as their bread is dependant on survival of islam.. These articles do the job of exposing the ugly face of islam and waking up people like you.
Name: Ganesh
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 08:57:49 -0700
Only an uprising by the British public is going to save them from Islam. Do they really have what it takes? A little bit of Churcillian resolve?
Name: Jabril Jumma
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 09:27:52 -0700
This sums it up pretty accurately:
Name: interventor
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 12:30:49 -0700
moral of your story is all here, well done!!! Is giving false invented by the Islamists to justify their misdoings. The number of rapes per capita in the United States has plunged by more than 85 percent since the 1970s, and reported rape fell last year even while other violent offenses increased, according to federal crime data. Actual rapes in the US for 2005 were 93,934.
Name: Anthony (USA)
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 12:57:13 -0700
and Muslims are surprised when they are met with hatred and distate by every other religious groups. Obviously the Quran was written by idiots for idiots to preach unthinkable crimes against others as it does. I'll say of these creeps thinks about killing me, raping my wife and child, is gonna meet the business end of my shotgun. How is it that people like these are allowed to live amongst you and in such great numbers over there? Aren't you sick of talk like this?
Name: USAPatriot
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 14:12:57 -0700
A few years back I bought a copy of the Quran. Here's what I did with it after I read it:
Name: John
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 14:14:09 -0700
May God help this world! What is it coming to?
Name: Jon
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 14:16:04 -0700
As Abdul Mukin Khalisadar was fervent in his beliefs that he had the "right" and "duty" to take this woman, I believe there are men in prison who will feel that taking Abdul Mukin Khalisadar is their right and duty as well.
Name: Michael Keefe
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 14:19:21 -0700
Please, all Muslims who oppose these barbaric acts need to speak out loud and clear for if you do not, we must assume you also acquiesce to this behavior.
Name: Arthur J. Gallegos
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 14:21:36 -0700
Any free society needs to understand and protect itself from the likes of these zealots, which are numbered in the tens of millions worldwide.
Name: Jacob
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 14:31:40 -0700
you guys are idiots. i hope you get killed and raped.
Name: thoor8699
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 14:45:50 -0700
Mohammad, One "major" point of difference between Christianity and Islam inre to violence carried out in the name of both religions. Jesus told His followers to "go and spread the Word" to those that would hear, and to those that did not wish to hear, "shake the dust from your clothes" and leave them. The false prophet, Muhammed, told his followers to cause the infidels to subnit to allah or pay a tax, and if they refused, "kill the infidel, rape their women and take their children to raise as good muslims". Jesus never uttered such words.
Name: SB
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 14:56:52 -0700
Islam is a religion of blood and death. It rules through fear, and the lof of God Almightly has no place in it.
Name: gino
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 14:57:07 -0700
tell the Muslims me and my .223 wil always be free!
Name: Imran
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 14:58:07 -0700
Oh People of God All Mighty....Please stop ponting fingers at each other's religions. What you are reading here does NOT represent the Religion Islam in any shape or form. Here is a very simple solution for you all Muslim and Non-Mulsim, read THE Book (Holy Quran), research yourslef before listening to these illiterate people. Find out yourself. Don't believe nobody Muslim or Non-Muslim. There are Saints behind these faces and there are Devils behind these you know?? You wouldn't untill you do your own research. You go to school to get a first hand knowledge, else you would learn all that from your family memebers. So do your own research. Find the source (Holy Quran) and read it. Only then YOU would understand who is right who is wrong. PLEASE PLEASE.... get the source and open your eyes. God Bless "All".
Name: David M
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 15:05:05 -0700
Any religion that claims to kill and rape has satan as their god. Only the devil would inspire such blasphemy. The true God does not need human help to accomplish his will or cast divine judgement. Message to all muslims: Your god is too small if he needs your help. That is why you have no blessings in this life and hell to look forward to. Wise up!
Name: amond
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 15:15:04 -0700
WTF? Are islam followers that horrible? Im not....
Name: Timothy
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 15:18:52 -0700
islam is a garbage religon filled with hate and death, all of you will be judged and condemed by a loving and just God, not by your god (Lucifer)who is the one that really created your religon,in the hope of destroying the world and ending what God has created.
Name: coloradocowboy
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 15:20:27 -0700
Iread the back of the Bible and they lose
Name: terry witt
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 15:47:31 -0700
any man of any faith should know that forced rape is wrong and you will be punished in the afterlife by the great creator for eternity
Name: youssef younes
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 15:49:10 -0700
"nothing new under the sun". This despicable behavior was practiced for 14 centuries upon the defensless jews, christians, hindus, budhists and other non moslems. If it was so blantly committed till our days, this is because most of west european governments are cowrd, tolerating by their politically-correct policies this cancer spred in civil societies, grow and destroy ...
Name: john stanton
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 15:50:00 -0700
im glad the french kept the muslims from conquering europe
Name: bdf
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 15:57:11 -0700
Can anyone wonder who the leader or original organizer of the muslim religion is? Satin does exist, do not be fooled, he is real. He is the author of such doctrines as kill anyone who does not believe as you do. You may kill them and rape their females. Hate, kill and murder inocent women and children even if it is of another muslim sect. Only the devil could have started a "religon" such as this. And remember "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."
Name: Eliza Romonov
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 16:07:16 -0700
Let some man, muslim or not, put his hands on me and he won't live to go to jail! ALL radical muslims should be sent back to the middle east. Let them practice their hate and UNGodliness there umongst themselves. There's NO room in civilized society for this type of pathetic, crap-filled thinking or radical GARBAGE! I daresay that there's a VERY rude awakening for these people when they stand before GOD!
Name: PblxMtGy
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 16:41:19 -0700
So, I guess it is now correct for non-Muslims to call for the rape and Murder of all Muslims, as they call for my MURDER. The entire planet knows that Islam only preaches and teaches MURDER. NO IMAMS in the past 8 years have decried the murder that Islam adores and teaches. ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION......IT IS A SICK CULT.
Name: JDC
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 17:01:22 -0700
This is probably from one of those so called religious leaders that likes to hear himself talk. He probably doesn’t even know what a good muslim is. He is probably would justify the deaths of women and children (muslim and non-muslim) to kill a non-muslim. They preach hate and intolerance, they kill each other and they kill others. The kind of person this guy and those who listen to him worship the gun and the bomb and try to hide under the façade of islam. They are full of themselves and bigoted. They like Osama reaped wealth and benefit off the so called evil westerners. Kill and threaten others that deal with westerners but not if it’s their own family. If we were putting up with a truly peaceful religion they would do some self policing. It’s more proof of bigoted racist group of people under the guise of a religion.
Name: Igor
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 17:13:58 -0700
Ayesha, thanks! This post has been linked over at Jihad Watch, here:
Name: Angry in Mich
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 17:25:15 -0700
If we don't wake up and get serious about fighting these demonic imams and their satanic brand of Islam, we'll find ourselves one days staring at a cruel totalarian Islamic dictatorship over much of the world, and millions of innocent people slaughtered in the name of Alaha. Who in their right mind would believe that Islam is a "religon of peace"?
Name: Dyla Kelllie
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 17:37:13 -0700
These assholes clearly do not have anything Godly in them. They are evil perverts -- criminals.
Name: Hassan Muhammad
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 17:46:39 -0700
safiya was not raped by the prophet muhammad she was his wife. the prophet had bought her freedom and then married her. so she was not raped and that is not what the hadith was implying so the young women should not have took it that way. Narrated Anas bin Malik We arrived at Khaibar, and when Allah helped His Apostle to open the fort, the beauty of safiya bint Huyai bin Akhtaq whose husband had been killed while she was a bride, was mentioned to Allah's Apostle. The Prophet selected her for himself, and set out with her, and when we reached a place called Sidd-as-Sahba,' safiya became clean from hermenses then Allah's Apostle married her. Hais (i.e. an 'Arabian dish) was prepared on a small leather mat. Then the Prophet said to me, "I invite the people around you." So that was the marriage banquet of the Prophet and safiya. Then we proceeded towards Medina, and I saw the Prophet, making for her a kind of cushion with his cloak behind him (on his camel). He then sat beside his camel and put his knee for safiya to put her foot on, in order to ride (on the camel). Narrated Anas bin Malik The Prophet came to Khaibar and when Allah made him victorious and he conquered the town by breaking the enemy's defense, the beauty of safiya bint Huyai bin Akhtab was mentioned to him and her husband had been killed while she was a bride. Allah's Apostle selected her for himself and he set out in her company till he reached Sadd-ar-Rawha' where her menses were over and he married her. Then Hais (a kind of meal) was prepared and served on a small leather sheet (used for serving meals). Allah's Apostle then said to me, "Inform those who arearound you (about the wedding banquet)." So that was the marriage banquet given by Allah's Apostle for (his marriage with) safiya. Afterthat we proceeded to Medina and I saw that Allah's Apostle was covering her with a cloak while she was behind him. Then he would sit beside his camel and let safiya put her feet on his knees to ride (thecamel).
Name: John B.
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 17:47:26 -0700
All religions are simply modern mythology. One is no more valid than any other, they are all childish nonsense made up by man. My imaginary friend is more powerful than your imaginary friend! Too stupid to understand science? Try religion! The simpleminded answer to all of your questions?
Name: Cactus Weeks
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 18:03:17 -0700
Why would a true muslim defile them selves by raping a non muslim? Sounds like an excuse to me.
Name: nat
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 18:10:05 -0700
If Islam is a religion of peace than sticks of dynamite are only candles!
Name: Dmc
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 18:26:45 -0700
I realize thataccording to the Koran dying as a martyr is a guarantee of entrance to paradise, but I do have a question for these "brave" ones who die in such a way. Is it not true that a Muslim at death has his good and bad deeds numbered much like the scales of justice and if his bad deeds outnumber is good then he is damned. Then why would a Muslim be a homicide bomber in a crowded marketplace in downtown Bagdad knowing full well that he is killing other Muslims and thus curtailing their possibilities of performing good works and thus entering heaven? Really, really self-centered, narrow and unheroic if you were to ask me.
Name: Alibaba
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 18:33:14 -0700
Sometimes I wonder if Mohammed is/was the false prophet that "will deceive the entire world" as referred to in the western bible.
Name: Chris
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 18:42:52 -0700
All rational Muslims should rise up and stone this guy. Most people who would call for this subhuman specimen to be deported or to some place where he could be appreciated would be deemed islamaphobic I would call it sanity. Until the Muslim community rises up against this line of reasoning, they will be doomed to a second class existence in a world to which they immigrated.
Name: ed ville
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 18:53:38 -0700
This gutter religion who believe that killing innocent lives will be rewarded with 72 dead virgins don't belong in this world.
Name: Mr Boo
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 18:59:21 -0700
Makes the blood boil, reading about this criminal. These idiots want to make a religion out of murder and rape...oh wait...they already's called Islam.
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