Poisoning the Infidels with Feces in UK and US
14 Feb, 2008
Cardiff, U.K., 11th February 2008 (The Opinionator)
Two muslim shop-owners were today fined for selling chocolate cake - which had been sprinkled with human faeces.
A horrified customer ate the foul-smelling gateaux but noticed that it didn't taste or smell "quite right" and handed the cake to public health scientists.
The analysts soon established that the sweet treat was covered in faeces and legal proceedings against the shop owners were started.
Shop owners Saeed Hasmi, 25, and Syed Jan Yadgari, 23, were fined £1,500 for selling food unfit for human consumption.
The pair - who ran the Italiano Pizzeria in Roath, Cardiff - admitted the charge but did not say how the chocolate cake was contaminated.
The takeaway is a favourite with late-night revellers and students living around the takeaway close to Cardiff University.
A spokeswoman for the public health department in Cardiff City Council said: "The person who bought the cake realised it didn't taste or smell quite right so they reported it to us.
"Subsequent examination by the public analyst and national public health service laboratories confirmed the presence of faecal matter.
"There were bits of it all over the top of the cake.
"We cannot say for definite what kind of faecal matter it is, although it is very likely it was human. It would have to go through a DNA test for us to know for absolutely sure."
Hasmi and Yadgari at first denied the charge but pleaded guilty at Cardiff magistrates court before the trial.
Hasmi, of Roath, Cardiff, and Yadgari, of Adamsdown, Cardiff, were each fined £1,500 and ordered to pay £200 costs.
(Hey it is well worth the blessings they got from Allah)
The Dallas Daily News:
"A Dallas jury sentenced Behrouz Nahidmobarekeh to five years for sprinkling his own dried feces on pastries at the Fiesta Mart at Ross and Greenville avenues in East Dallas, the foreman of the jury told The Dallas Morning News that the jury had wanted to punish him especially severely because he "showed no remorse."
(Why will he be remorseful, he was following quranic instructions to kill infidels)
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Name: Thomas Justin Kaze
Date: Wednesday February 13, 2008
Time: 22:36:31 -0700
Apparently getting used to eating feces and drinking urine is a must for those with ambition to become Muslims - even Muhammad encouraged his followers to drink his urine. The Islamic holy scriptures are full of examples of Muslims' obsession with excreta and urine - they play a great role in islam.
Name: as per koran./hadith muhamed himself encouraged sit eating
Date: Wednesday February 13, 2008
Time: 22:55:44 -0700
as per koran/hadith muhamed himself promoted shit eating and urine drinking. so its ok.
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 00:27:50 -0700
"as per koran/hadith muhamed himself promoted shit eating and urine drinking. so its ok." ... hindus think that all people are hindus who also eat/drink dung/urine to wash out their evil sin!
Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 01:54:55 -0700
Hey Thank you Ayesha. Keep up the good work Everyone,
Name: Ibn Kammuna - to all
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 01:56:10 -0700
This makes a precise expression for "It tastes like shit, man"
Name: Englishman
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 04:37:05 -0700
I think the Welshmen in Cardiff would take exception to being called Englishmen!
Name: Ferdy
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 05:23:51 -0700
7 november 2005, Tros Radar, a Dutch consumer TV show shown the results of their food research at nine all-inclusive hotels they visited at the 'Turkish Riviera'. The results where shocking, the food of eight of the nine hotels was a health risk to the tourist. More shockingly though, in five Hotels they found feces bacteria in the food. In the TV documentary they explained that the bacteria can't be found in boiled food, unless it's added after wards... http://www.nieuwsbank.nl/inp/2005/11/07/R056.htm
Name: Igor
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 06:01:32 -0700
As a fitting punishment for Behrouz Nahidmobarekeh, I say an eye for an eye, a turd for a turd. Make him eat someone else's dried shit on his pastries in prison...As for those two "inspired" Brits, Hasmi and Yadgari, I trust that whoever owned the Italiano Pizzeria franchise fired and sued these Shi'iteheads, because they sure haven't helped business any!
Name: Patrick Risk
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 06:22:30 -0700
Islam...What don't you smell about this shit? All talk and no action guarantees more of the same shameful conduct. Muslims don't integrate, they infest. They simply cannot be allowed to walk among us. The caretakers of humanity should be striving to establish the universal condemnation of Islam. That's what the misguided bakers are sprinkling on their goodies...Religious tolerance has come to a long overdue END! Patrick Risk
Name: Godot
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 07:11:59 -0700
Another word should be included in the Islamic lexicon: scatojihad!
Name: Godot
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 08:14:24 -0700
This site is being hijacked by BOTH Hindus and Hindu-haters. This site is for exposing Islam, it's not for comparative religious altercations. It's a waste of time...All religions poison all humans anyway. Focus on Islam on this site and visit other sites if you have another agenda.
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 09:39:03 -0700
If you want to eat at a muslim retaurant, I suggest take a muslim with you. Let him order food while you wait outside. When the food is served you go and eat. That way you avoid being served from the special pots marked "for infidel consumption only".
Name: Jim
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 10:26:53 -0700
where they should have done was sentenced the bakers to eat a pork pie made with spoiled pork and then deny him, medical assistance
Name: Mike
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 10:27:24 -0700
No wonder after I had (shit tainted) chicken Tikka from a Pakistani restaurant I was shitting like crazy.
Name: The Bubba
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 10:33:29 -0700
The range of stupidity of these Islamic idiots never ceases to amaze me. The small amounts of fecal matter that they sprinkle on their pasteries will not kill. If it did, we would have been extinct as a species long ago.
Name: Sam
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 10:49:08 -0700
Well, I'm going to be asking if any Muslims work at the bakery I go to and I don't care if they don't like the question. If they refuse to answer or answer affirmatively I'll never go there again.
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 11:55:03 -0700
Jihad-Watch reported on feb 14: "Poisoning food with feces is detailed as a tactic in the Al-Qaeda manual found a few years ago by British intelligence
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 12:02:08 -0700
The ex. Moslem Mr. ABUL KASEM wrote exhaustively and extensively, after thorough research and analysis of QQURRAN, HADIS, SIRA , several books and articles in which it was pointed out that Mo's shit and urine and sweat was used to cure diseases in ARABIA !!!!!! MO himself recommended the human urine and camel urine to drink. In these matters - one should understand the ISLAMIC PSYCHE - which is uniquely evil , filled with ill will , hatred and jealousy of nonbelievers and it is the intention of every Moslem to screw up every nonbeliever in any possible way possible and opportunity available. Nobody should have doubt in this - particularly from fully practicing ISLAMISTS/Moslems. The best thing is to boycott all ISLAMIC business,services and activities. The ISLAMISTS learn all this from their Mosques as preached by their moulvis,muftis.imams and taught in their Madrassas by their evil MULLAS as well as the part of their upbringing. Example- some time back a MULLA or fanatic ISLAMISTS - saw in the commercial ad of COCA-COLA and interpreted as - to mean - that there is no ALLA/ NO MO_HAM_MAD. in arabic. This led to the boycott of coca-cola by Moslems .This happened and real. Also , ISLAMISTS started marketting ISLAMIC-COLA !!!!!!!!!!!!!This is how evil they are . Several other stories happened - for example the number 786 - which every Moslem hates !!!!!!!!!!
Name: Rod
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 13:29:28 -0700
Don't forget this fellow. http://www.wsmv.com/news/9882960/detail.html
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 14:35:57 -0700
so what ever these so called ex Muslims throw at you , you gobble it up,just shows how hollow your brains are, get to know facts and always use Islamic search engine for any thing to do with Islam, unless you want to be taken for a ride by the ex moslims. http://www.ijtema.net/2008/02/09/new-islamic-search-engine/
Name: jorge
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 14:38:16 -0700
what a load of crap, mind you there is nothing much else on this site,
Name: Ex-muslima (jewess to all muslims)
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 14:49:24 -0700
Poor muslims are helpless in this matter. There are are 164 ayas in Quran calling for violence and hatred against all non muslims. There are 4 ayas which say non muslims are worse than beasts and the lowest among all creatures. Every muslim reads quran on a regular basis all their lives.They have parties and get togethers where every one gathers and read quran for hour before eating. What do you expect, they use every opportunity to hurt non muslims, mixing feces and urine in food is the easiest way.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 14:58:31 -0700
To Godot : you are too much paranoid. Do not bother about people posting here. Let everybody put their message - that reflects their views,their philosophy. It is O K .This is public discussion forum.... It is perfectly acceptable if somebody posts antiHINDU hate messages- which will not be true any way - unless they present some evidence. Similarly , if a Hindu writes or explaines his/her ideas,philosophy,values ,principles,basic ethos backed by truth,facts and history - then it also welcome. Vast majority here are ignorant about Hindu DHARMA and they have built in prejudices ,very funnily. Brcoz the world is conquered,enslaved and ruled by 2 expansionist,imperialistic,intolerant,dogmatic,fascist religions - namely ISLAM and christianity, by JIHADS and crusades. Ofcourse the conflict is between them and the wars are between them as well as with others. We have to gain knowledge as a first step with open mind .Then only we can argue or discuss ,intelligently............as a proof , you seem to be having no idea and no knowledge about other so called religions - particularly HINDU DHARMA . Other wise - you will not make that sweeping generalization- that all religions poison all humans any way !!!!!!!!!! where did you get this ? Tell us your knowledge,understanding about HINDU dharma . Bythe way - so called HINDUISM is not the name given by hindus themselves or the word HINDU never occurs or mentioned in any scriptures of Hinduism. This was given ( rather labelled ) by the Greeks,persians and westerners. Hinduism is not a religion strictly. It is a way of life . Again this word religion was given or labelled by outsiders. The original words for HINDU religion are SANATANA DHARMA - which means eternal values . This is all necessary how the meek,noble,generous,magnanimous will be over run by aggression and will be subjugated .This is the lesson from our human history. In case you are too ignorant about SANATANA DHARMA - if you gain enough knowledge - you will realize pretty soon that HINDU DHARMA is diametrically opposite of ISLAM and christianity and SANATANA DHARMA is supremely noble with all it;s universal values ,ethos,philosophy. you can read Bhagavadgita and find out what it is . More over SANATANA DHARMA is the oldest religion known and in the oldest language known to mankind - SANSKRIT.
Name: Hamid
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 15:10:37 -0700
Godot is right. Those who try to defend the gutter religion of Islam by putting down Hindus, Buddhists or Christians, should take their off-topic message elsewhere. If you are unable to judge Islam for what it is, and you need to compare it to other wrongs to apologize for Islam, then go and get a brain first, and then come back here. Islam will stand and fall on its own merits. Those left-wing postcolonial retards who are in bed with fascist Islamists should all move to the Gaza Strip and be put in burqa and should STFU. A Proud Muslim Apostate
Name: akhter
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 15:46:12 -0700
Hamid baby now that you are an ex Muslim , do us the Muslim a favor and ex your Muslim name as well.Hope you are happy with your non believing friends ,who i am sorry to say cant give you nothing as that is what they believe in , so good riddance and happy nothing.
Name: Z-u-K
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 16:26:47 -0700
"While those who renounced Islam after professing it and then engaged in "acts of war" against Muslims were to be treated as enemies and aggressors, the Qur'an does not prescribe any punishment for non-profession or renunciation of faith." --- this is a wonderful example of wishful benevolent reading. It is SO easy to disprove this claim, that I won't even attempt at it - it's like stealing a marshmallow from a toddler. What amazes me is the level of effort to have Islam matched to comply with the ideas of humanitarism, which are intrinsically secular. Don't you see, my friends, a tacit ackowledgement of the superiority and higher step of rationality of the secular humanistic moral over the religionistic dogmatic revealed Canon(s)? I do. Otherwise, these people would (as true belivers do) just affirm the inappealable superiority of the Quranic norms and the need to subordinate any other man-made moral norm to them. That's the trap in which religious people who are too inteligent to be religious end up - having to use rationality to prove that their irrational beliefs are as good as... well, the products of reason.
Name: Hamid
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 18:01:28 -0700
Akhter says: <i>Hamid baby now that you are an ex Muslim , do us the Muslim a favor and ex your Muslim name as well.Hope you are happy with your non believing friends ,who i am sorry to say cant give you nothing as that is what they believe in , so good riddance and happy nothing.</i> As usual, the shit Islamist could not answer the point so he is now personally attacking the poster. Shows what a shit relition Islam is. What an idiot you are. My name is Arabic and has nothing to do with Islam. My name was around hundreds of years before the child molester Prohpet Mohammad (Peace be Upon this Assassin) came and fucked the people of Arabia. My non-believing friends all have brains, and they can think, and they do not have to Believe. Believing is for people who cannot think and have no brains. Believing is for people who accept rubbish and never question it. You know, I have this oceanfront property in Kansas. Send me your money Akhtar and I will also build you a marina. You have to Believe in me, because I know more than you about Kansas. Believing is for rats and snakes. Humans never believe in anything. Humans first think, then they accept something based on the evidence and the logic, and then they are ready to stop accepting that thing if new evidence shows that it was wrong. But you fascist Islamists believe in your shit Allah who is so cruel beyond imagination. I am happy that I am an apostate and a proud one, and eat your hearts out. Give me your email, so I can send you my bank number that you can wire your money for that piece of beautiful sandy beach in Kansas that I will sell you for cheap -- you HEMAAAAR (donkey). you idiot low-life inferior believing Muslim douchebag. Proud Muslim APostate May Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) be raped by his favorite camel in Hell for fucking 8 year old Ayesha.
Name: akhter_is_a_pratt
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 18:31:43 -0700
Westerners believe in freedom of speech, equality of all before the law and the sovereignty of the people rather than that of some fictional moon god. Almost every non-Muslim has a system of beliefs less dehumanising than Mohammedanism. It would be great we in Europe could wish every Muslim good riddance as they head back to whatever Islamic hellhole they or their families originated from. Let them take their Koranically-inspired irrational contempt and malevolence with them.
Name: Hamid is not ex-Muslim
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 19:56:29 -0700
That terrorist Hamid is not ex-Muslim. He is a non-Muslim hypocrite.
Name: to: fake Ex-muslima
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 20:24:48 -0700
hello fake Ex-muslima! how many times your terrorist husband used to beat you per week, baby?
Name: Hamid
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 21:59:57 -0700
For all you idiotic Believers who want to be blieving sheep to the MF Prophet Mohammad (Peace be Upon this Child Molester): Kiram to kosseh avval va akheretoon keh dahaneh hazrateh mohammad va Ali ibn abitaleb ro migaam taa kiram az tu kooneshoon dar biyaad !!!! If you knew Farsi, which you idiot Arab Musalmoon low-culture and Soosmaar khor (lizard eater) from the Sarzamine Tazi (hellhole deserts of Arabia) do not have the intelligence or the culture to understand us Iranians who invented and discovered all the science, mathemtics, medicine, and philosophy that Islam has stolen for itself. Take this to an Iranian friend of yours to translate and WEEP. We Iranians will destroy Islam and its assassin bandit child molesting and urine drinking Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Send me the Qor'an and we will have our dogs defecate on it and send it back to you. Proud Muslim Apostate
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 22:00:45 -0700
To: here is something desent to read : first your spelling of decent is wrong. Second you are still hallucinating . Read articles on the forum of FAITHFREEDOM.org/ of faithfreedom international - real scholars,thinkers,freedom ,peace loving pioneers to expose ISLAM / fascism/imperialism /intolerance, dogmatism/ hatred,terror, fear instilled by ISLAM/Mo , inhumanity, discrimination, criminality ,slavery ,murder,rape,incest in ISLAM/QQURRAN. Ali SINA and the people here ( ISLAM-watch.org ) are great humanists ,honest,soul searching compassionates . Read the articles and excellent books written by ABUL KASEM, Syed kamran Mirza, M A Khan , AYESHA Ahmed , AMIL IMANI and others. Your nice try filled with falsehoods /fiction/concoctions. fabrications will not do - but fail. All the readers here are knowledgeable as far as ISLAM/QQURRAN is concerned. So do not attempt to waste your time and their time by your dishonest,deceiving,bankrupt posts with your own ideas. ISLAM/QQURRAn are not for humanity,civilized societies ,not for peace,progress and prosperity. If you want to establish darkness, cruelty,inhuman,barbarismwickedness,hatred,terror,fear,murders,rapes,inequality,discrimination - then it is for you alone.............................................................To that AKTHER monster _ why are you blaming and finding fault with ex Moslem HAMID ? why are you living in a kafir,infidel land ? you eat,drink, breath,and use all kafir, infidel ideas,daily uses ,all conveniences, all technology, all education, language,clothing, discoveries,inventions !!!!!!!!!!!! Even your moslem countries do that. Why dont you find your paradise in a moslem country? the hell holes actually, not fit for living or habitation for civilized people.
Name: Ali Khalaf :There is no such thing as islamic name.
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 23:27:31 -0700
Doesnt the brain dead islamist who asked Hamid to change his islamic name know that there is no such thing as islamic name. Even Mohammed was a pagan before he started the scam called islam and his Allah was a pagan moon God. Mohammed carved islam mainly out of paganism and added to it something from each of the other prevailing religion. Read the article: http://islam-watch.org/AyeshaAhmed/Paganism-Hinduism-in-Islam.htm
Date: Friday February 15, 2008
Time: 00:01:43 -0700
That braindead terrorist "Hamid" is an Arab non-Muslim.
Name: Robert the Biker
Date: Friday February 15, 2008
Time: 01:03:37 -0700
I would imagine some of the 'late night revellers' will be going round with a petrol bomb soon. islame - religion of shit
Name: John: Iranis and Pakistanis
Date: Friday February 15, 2008
Time: 09:32:59 -0700
Is it not ironic that persians who are more enlightenend and understand the evil of islam better have mullah rulers. Pakistanis who are more religious and Mohammed worshippers are ruled by secularist Govt.
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Friday February 15, 2008
Time: 11:58:02 -0700
The Muslims how did this should be made to eat their own cake and pastries as well as being fined and incarcerated
Name: balam
Date: Friday February 15, 2008
Time: 12:50:53 -0700
holy shit!! What a treat, these true Muslims of Cardiff produced for the kafirs. Would they like to share that recipe, so that the kafirs can improve the recipe and sell the cakes back to the impoverished and hungry Ummah. The Muslims' religion is like that excretia cake of Islam, with the flour of paganism, excretia of Islam and the chocolate topping of Judo-Christian plagerised material by Muhammad to make it palatable to his followers. A Muslim is not a true Muslim if he does not hate non-Muslims, especially Jews and Christians. That is entirely the teaching of Muhammad in the Quran, in the fits of his madness and his sunnah. Muhammad used to poison the wells of the people he opposed; or cut off their fruit tress. He was the real embodiement of evil, whom his followers would like emulate. He is the curse for humanitiy, rather than a blessing. His life was full of deceit. Muhammad committed every kind of sin, which other religions abhor. The Muslims still call him 'Insan-e-kamal'...a perfect man. How unfortunate that Muslims believe and worship him.
Name: Lesson learned
Date: Friday February 15, 2008
Time: 17:39:42 -0700
Do yourself a favor. If you are an infidel, walk past any business that is owned by a Muslim. Avoid all food establishments that employ Muslims, even if it's just at the cash register. ex-Muslima: Poor Muslims are not helpless. They are capable of making their own decisions. If they are incapable of acting in a humane manner then they should remain in dar-al-Islam. Stop making excuses for them. There have been many messengers of hate throughout human history. What makes Muslims incapable of rising above their own hate messenger? Igor: I'm not in Britain, but if I were I would permanently avoid the establishment that did this. Firing the two that did it wouldn't solve the problem. There are plenty more to take their place. That franchise might as well be closed unless it can survive with only Muslim patrons. They want to be separate, then let them support their own businesses.
Name: Truth Seeker
Date: Friday February 15, 2008
Time: 20:32:43 -0700
Wait till Muslims come up with all kinds of Islamic "inventions" to kill the infidels. And then it will be the end of all the unauthorized residents of the earth.
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 06:46:36 -0700
well we can do the same by feeding you with halal pork
Name: Matti
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 17:11:48 -0700
Knowing that muslims are the filthiest pigs that ever infested this world I would suggest that everyone who reads this article make a copy and tape it behind every male and female toilet door at every muslim eating place they know .
Name: Rational
Date: Sunday February 17, 2008
Time: 18:49:44 -0700
So a couple of Muslims do this and this indicates some worldwide Muslim plot to poison non-Muslims. How do you know Behrouz Nahidmobarekeh is Muslim. This story is reminiscent of the "Jews poison wells" stories of the past
Name: Answer to Rational
Date: Sunday February 17, 2008
Time: 23:50:31 -0700
This article is a satire, that posts a couple of real stories. Really though some Muslims are likely to feel justified in this behaviour due to the hatred that their religion instills in them for the other (kafir - is the derogatory term used for non-Muslims). These guys were busted doing it so it's not an urban myth being built up from nothing. It doesn't seem to be at the stage of a 'worldwide plot' to poison as of yet but it might be a good idea to be a little skeptical. I personally in future would be more likely to buy Muslim sold food from a place where many of the customers are Muslims too as that place would be less likely be doing stuff like this. Also it's likely to come from staff, not owners. Like Slim Shady spitting in a burger at a fast food joint in his video clip, it's likely to come from teens who show bad attitude. Buying food from them isn't a great idea. Getting served by a pissoffed type Muslim kid food you're going to eat probably isn't the best option.
Name: Holy
Date: Monday February 18, 2008
Time: 00:02:53 -0700
Let no muslims get away with it but insted put to death. That is how a muslim is senteced by Islamic law so this creature deserves no sympathy for his heinuos crime.Expel all muslims from(US)they are evil beings.
Name: Kuffir
Date: Monday February 18, 2008
Time: 05:59:28 -0700
If you can't beat them with truth, make them eat your shit. Sounds perfectly rational to me.
Name: Rajendra
Date: Tuesday February 19, 2008
Time: 15:10:09 -0700
I agree with ex-communist. Hinduism is not a religion. We Hindus are branded Pagans in the West. We do not believe in monotheism unlike christians and Muslims. We live freely, spiritually, and hold no malice against others. We respect all life, including trees, animals and primates low and high. We worship all life, and most of us do not even touch meat. Leave us Hindus out of this debate please. Some Muslims (especially those who were converted from Hinduism a 1000 years ago) are rabid Hindu- haters for no reason. As for this article-pretty disgusting. Is this how Muslims want to kill others by adding E-coli? Why not addarsenic and kill us? What is it with Muslims andterrorism?
Name: agnostic
Date: Tuesday February 19, 2008
Time: 17:46:41 -0700
To all those who say muslims are to be pitied because they are trapped in their filthy cult, this proves that muslims are not so as otherwise there would be placards by muslims denouncing their brethren's hate as Ayesha has done. Kudos to you Ayesha. Such muscums are the ones to be fed the faeces sprinkled cookies. Perhaps then their viewpoint would change. These are the hypocrites in our midst. These are the ones who work within and without in our midst. To have one muslim in the neighbourhood is one too many. They must be ELIMINATED along with their collaborators, the leftist moonbats, mentally sick liberals - confirmed!!! around the globe.
Name: Dallas Infidel
Date: Wednesday February 20, 2008
Time: 11:16:22 -0700
These houris seeking muslims had been feeding shit to their non muslim customers for a while.The Dallas muslim was a pastry chef and was caught after Fiesta installed a hidden camera. Customers had been complaining for a while that their pastries were making them sick. (Dallas Newspaper). This news of national significance was suppressed by all liberal leftist newspapers and was only reported by a connservative daily.These stupid leftists and liberals who are in bed with islamists do not realize that they themselves are among the ones being fed islamic halal shit in muslim restaurants and bakeries..
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Wednesday February 20, 2008
Time: 22:54:34 -0700
To ALL : It is difficult to say whether one has to pity Moslems are see that ISLAM/Moslems are eradicated on this planet. I do not have any problem to pity Moslems- as long as they do not harm others,show jealousy ,ill will,animosity,hatred to nonmoslems- ( as fellow human beings ) But by doing so I (and all other nonmoslems,humans, innocent people ) are digging their own graves and also making this world a horrible place for future . Can we afford to be like this? ........................ People must understand clearly - that ISLAM is evil and it instills and injects into the brains,thinking of followers of Mo, the Moslems - uniquely evil psyche which is filled with jealousy,ill will ,hatred,animosity,antagonism , a desire to destroy all nonmoslems ( or convert them) - this is so evident from the eyes of at least most of Mussalmans . This is like a prostitute who wants other innocent,pious ,ignorant ,pure girls to drag into prostitution . The prostitute knows that what she is doing is wrong,sinfull,evil but at the same time she wants others to be spoiled - so that she feels happy by spoiling their characters too. ISLAM is uniquely evil- instead of making people good, raise their spirituality , their soul by doing and searching good things , ISLAM instills evil ideas . This is clearly proven and illustrated by the examples from the few cases like JOHN walker, John Muhammad, Richard reid, Jose pADILLA ( another American black soldier -a convert to ISLAM - in US army who killed his 3 colleagues in IRAQ - all these converted christians to ISLAM - became killers and terrorists with in a short span of few years - How can this be possible ? Nobody asked this question - most important question - Why ? How can a human being who converted to ISLAM became a killer & terrorist with in few years ? What is the purpose of religion ? to make a human being good person - but ISLAM will make or turn a good human being into a monster or beast or killer or terrorists. Another example is the case of suicide bombers !!!! where are all world psychologists ,human right activists, feminists ,civil libertarians ?
Name: saleem
Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
Time: 09:41:25 -0700
Good post infidel/kafir, you are exactly right.
Name: bobby
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 22:09:33 -0700
After been welcomed into a country and allowed full freedom to practice your religion and equal opportunity for everything, muslims have turned to hate their adopted home country and its citizens. Don't know if the immigration authorities are aware of the muslim mindset and their sheer ungratefulness after being given so much.
Date: Monday February 25, 2008
Time: 16:50:31 -0700
when will our so called leaders wake up to this evil in our mist god help us why cant they see threw their appeasing eyes
Name: mohammed
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 03:11:04 -0700
now you know what we are dealing with 6th centuary product of desert prophat called all-ah they need to be wiped out along with their prophat.
Name: ruth
Date: Saturday March 08, 2008
Time: 14:15:33 -0700
why the h--- dont they charge them with attempted murder.. maybe it would discourage others from this doning this..
Name: Di Whoreah
Date: Saturday March 15, 2008
Time: 13:19:17 -0700
It's so simple, boycott muslim food outlets.
Name: Allat
Date: Wednesday March 19, 2008
Time: 08:43:39 -0700
I've heard this for a long time now, and just got this from Michael Rivero. How acccurate is it:_____________________ "Ana raicha Al Qaeda" is colloquial for "I'm going to the toilet". A very common and widespread use of the word "Al-Qaeda" in different Arab countries in the public language is for the toilet bowl. This name comes from the Arabic verb "Qa'ada" which mean "to sit", pertinently, on the "Toilet Bowl". In most Arabs homes there are two kinds of toilets: "Al-Qaeda" also called the "Hamam Franji" or foreign toilet, and "Hamam Arabi" or "Arab toilet" which is a hole in the ground. Lest we forget it, the potty used by small children is called "Ma Qa'adia" or "Little Qaeda". ____________________ So, if you were forming a terrorist group, would you call yourself, "The Toilet"? __________________________ Or is "Al Qaeda" a hoax created by some numb nuts at CIA Langley, who didn't know Arabic as well as he thought he did? "