Training Video For Islamic Schools
21 Feb, 2008
- Sometimes Jews, Hindus and Christians change their names and
pose as Muslims to get well paying teaching jobs in Muslim
schools. . One such fake Muslim taught in an Islamic school in
England. He was discovered and kicked out promptly.. The rat went
to BBC and told them what we teach to our Muslim children. Here is
the director of our Islamic school Dr. Sumaya Alyusuf ,
demonstrating how to pull wool over infidel eyes by using the
basic Islamic tenets of Taqiyya ::
1. Lying through your teeth
2. Denying every allegation
3. Never giving a straight answer
4. Using your bread and butter tactics of “out of context”, “wrong interpretation” and “wrong translation” “whole paragraph/storyv must be read” repeatedly
5. Basically giving them a run around
The video of the BBC interview::
This trained mujahida performed magnificently without giving an inch to the dirt bag infidel and winning the debate handily. Alhamdulillah she saved the good name of Islam and the honor of her school .
This video should be put on all Islamic websites and also shown as a training video to all Islamic school teachers.
Jazakallah Khair.
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Name: Answering-Falsehood
Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
Time: 06:26:12 -0700
What makes Muslims believe that the Quran is not written by Prophet Muhammad? Source:
Name: Me
Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
Time: 06:30:31 -0700
Are u people for real? It's only a retorical question. I really don't want to know.
Name: freespirit
Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
Time: 06:41:03 -0700
Nice collection of trash, keep it up some Muslim need people like you to realize that hatred can be blinding.
Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
Time: 06:54:59 -0700
I WONDER WHERE THE bRITISH School Inspectors are hiding that they ignore this poison called Islam being spread in Muslim schools among young children.The State Schhools should also counter such Islamic propaganda, exposing the true face of Islam and wicked life of Mohammad.Islam is a two headed snake.One of its head is in Saudi-Arabia and the other head in Iran,both representing Sunni and Shia Islam.Its body is spread over the rest of 55 Islamic countries.To desroy Islam you have to de-fang or destroy Saudi-Arabia and Iran first.Jizak alla kher!!I do not know what it means?.
Name: abc
Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
Time: 06:56:29 -0700
That idiotic and hatefool non-Muslim 'Ayesha Ahmed' has also been exposed here:
Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
Time: 07:21:49 -0700
To: abc Sir, Ayesha Ahmed's little toe is more honorable than your brain. Did you watch the video? did you see the evil education that saudi oil money is doing in britain. Ayesha did not do anything to you so you can call her fool. She was just reporting what is going on on a video. And what she said about the video was true, wasn't it? Islam, or rather Saudi money, transformed Mrs Alyusuf into a beast who is willing to keep hate books in her school, and she is the top boss in that school. Actualy, I do not think she can take out such hate books from her school. The reason is simple: the Saudis will get rid of her, and she will lose her job. By the way, this is the state of education in Islamic countries in general. Islam is an ideology of Hate. Muslims are always taught that the "other" is at a lower human level than they are. Any Muslim who is willing to stand ouside the box and look at the barbarity of Muslims will leave Islam.
Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
Time: 07:41:26 -0700
Both 'Ayesha Ahmed' and 'Ibn Kammuna' are Arab Christians. They are spreading lies and hatred against Islam and Muslims using Arabic/Muslim name!
Name: Vijay K. to Answering_-Falsehood:
Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
Time: 07:50:24 -0700
You are wasting your time.Only a blind faith muslim with a brain fogged with the fear of hell fire will read and be impressed by your B.S. Quran is a combination of the rants of a hateful rapist kller and additions by many hands by the time it was given the current form in the days of Abbasids about 100-150 years later.Why didnt the moon God Allah send a finished copy in bounded form instead of sending verse by verse to an illiterate rapist who dictated them some to other morons and then many many years later they were collected and put together in a confused haphazzard manner without context or chronology. The result is a confused contradicting mess of hate violence and threats and stupid fairy tales resulting in 200 muslim sects calling each other kafirs and killing themselves and others since day one.
Name: Ali Khalaf
Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
Time: 07:58:08 -0700
To: Answering-Falsehood. Please cut the crap and take your B.S. Dawah activities some where else. No body reads it here. Mostly those people come to this site who can think rationally.
Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
Time: 07:59:20 -0700
Dear abeliever, akhter, OneGod Ignorance is a bliss Who cares who we are.. Why don't you use your critical mind and reasoning. I am sure you'll reach similar conclusions like us. Just try. Work out the brain a little bit.
Name: To: Vijay K
Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
Time: 08:32:04 -0700
To be eligible to debate with Muslims, you must stop worshiping: (1) the greatest sexual maniac and playboy god Krishna who had more than 16,000 wives and gopis for sexual pleasure, and he also killed lots of people; (2) an insane god Brahma who raped his daughter; (3) a beheader god Shiva who beheaded his own son and an innocent elephant; (4) an impotent god Rama who could not save his own wife from the grip of devil Ravana; (4) Shiva Lingam; etc. You also have to stop: (a) killing and torturing sudras and untouchables; (b) widow burning; (c) bride burning for less dowry; (d) church and mosque burning. And many more! So, you must delete these insane, inhumane, barbaric and uncivilized verses from your scriptures to be eligible to debate with Muslims. Are you up?
Name: Vijay K. to The muslim idiot
Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
Time: 13:23:42 -0700
The difference between you and me is that I do not believe in whatever looks ridiculous to me and do not get offended if some one speaks the truth and calls spade a spade.But You are too scared of imaginary hellfire to do the same. You continue to think that the pedophile rapist who robbed for living and killed whoever called his bluff a prophet sent by the moon God who flew on a winged horse with woman's face and private parts to meet him in the sky. How can you be so stupid to believe that Allah allowed him to to have sex with any one he wanted and kill any one he disliked.You guys want to kill anyone who speaks the truth.That is the difference between you and me.Hindus are well liked and muslims are despised for the same reason.
Name: What Islam is about
Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
Time: 14:49:24 -0700
Islam was invented to suppress people. Muhammad, the 4 so-called good kalifes, the Umayyads, they all took islam as a tool to control people. By threats and by punishment. There is no religion or political system more cruel than islam. Hell is the ultimate punishment! The Ulema had an easy task to control illiterates and people without good education. What happens in the quran-schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan? All the children learn is to memorize the quran in a language they cant even understand! Islam is about exploiting young people to create suicide bombers! Is there any Islamist or Ulema who says: "Let the young people learn mathematics, science and foreign languages? No, they all teach nothing but quran and how to hate non-muslims. That they are pigs and monkeys who will go to hell. But all this young muslims will have no future other than to die as a suicide bomber. And the Ulema will laugh about it.
Name: Islam and Science and Education
Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
Time: 15:06:02 -0700
In terms of Science and Education, the Islamic world is not only way behind the west, it is also way behind the Far East and way behind almost any non-muslim country in the world. Islam seems to be the enemy of science! Many muslim scientist leave their muslim countries because they cannot stand it anymore to live in a country without human rights, without the right of free expression. The brain drain from islamic countries is significant. The reason is that Islam claims that the revealation of the quran is even superior to logic. But this is wrong. The islamic world will fall more and more behind the west, the far east, latin america, east europe and maybe even africa in the future if there are no changes, no reforms towards secularism. The Ulema is killing any free thought! It´s IBN TAIMIYYA who paved the way for this fatal development! The ruling class of Saudi Arabia promotes IBN TAIMIYYA to enslave all muslims!
Name: John: to Muslim Guy pissed off at Vijay K.
Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
Time: 15:16:03 -0700
All religious scriptures were written by men whether hindu, muslim, christian or jewish. However you should have the wisdom not take them seriously. Most muslims lack that and think that Allah personally sent Gibraeel daily with a verse or two to travel billions of miles to deliver it to Mohammed. Verses like, Mohammed you can mary your daughter in law, Mohammed you can sleep with slave girls , Mohammed you can slay the infidels. I guarantee you hindus will not burn down churches if danes make cartoons of Ram or Krishna, nor will christians burn down mosques if Pakistanis draw cartoon of Jesus.
Name: wally
Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
Time: 15:42:37 -0700
What happened on Newsnight the next day was even more depressing. Paxman announced that after the programme, the blogosphere had been buzzing with statements that the 'apes and pigs' phrase was a quotation from the Koran. He the did a quick interview with a British Arabic translator, who confirmed the fact. Paxman then said - unbelievably as far as I'm concerned - 'Of course there are similarly horrendous things in the Bible so it doesn't matter all that much' - [end of discussion] (I paraphrase from memory a year later,but that was the essence of what he said and the his abrupt dismissiveness was conveyed by the few words he bothered to devote to the topic). The famed BBC presenter was clearly ignorant of the vast difference between the way Muslims regard the words of the Koran and Jews and Christians regard the words of the scripture and also of the differences in nature and frequency of such passages between the Bible and the Koran. According to today's Jihadwatch the school later shredded the textbooks (under compulsion) but surreptitiously made photocopies first, for future use.
Name: Godot
Date: Friday February 22, 2008
Time: 11:15:30 -0700
I encourage everybody to view the youtube link posted by Ayesha Ahmed. It's hilarious to see the Director of the Saudi Academy denying the facts on the table (literally).
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Friday February 22, 2008
Time: 16:08:00 -0700
To abc ,the true muslim follower of rapist,pedo MO who abused Ayesha Ahmed, another faceless Mussalman who is accusing VIJAY K : Did you watch the U Tube video whose link is given by Ayesha ? How can you be so cruel without any conscience ? A regular liar will be shamed by your crude,rude,inhuman,evilness. What is in your brains? what is in your hearts? I wonder who this SUMAYA ALYUSUF is . Is she connected with india in any way ? As an admirer and staunch supporter of the great and noble country called INDIA whose foundation and culture is based on SANATANA DHARMA - it looks like a poetic justice - now that U K ( Britishers ) are reaping the fruits of their designs and connivance which resulted in the partition of INDIA - on the religious basis - the first of its kind in human history. Ofcourse the monster MUSSALMANS were prepared to kill as many people as possible to steal INDIAN HINDU land - but it was all facilitated by British Govt of that time ( in 1947 ) and congress party led by Gandhi. If both British and Congress were firm and stood their ground - probably there was a chance that PAKISATAN would not have appeared. It was a big story.people have to know how INDIA was partitioned, the whole true story................ By forming ISLAMIC PAKISATAN the western countries and christianity laid the foundation for the monsterous ISLAMISM of future - which is what is happening today. It is fact that even today many christians think that ISLAM is their cousin or sister religion. But the facts are totally different. ISLAM considers christianity as enemy. Continued in my next post.
Name: balam to vijay
Date: Friday February 22, 2008
Time: 16:43:08 -0700
You have given a good response to the Muslim idiot. Muhammad never flew on a winged horse, with the face of a woman with makeup on. The background of this funny story is, that Muhammad spent his one-night stand with one of his female cousins. His followers couldn't find him and when they met up with him, he told them this story about his flight to Jerusalem from Mecca and later to the seven heavens.He was actually riding his cousin, whose backside was like that of a horse. With every stroke, he felt as if he were in heaven; and with the seventh, he felt as if he were in the seventh heaven of sexual fulfilment. One Jewish scholar was asked, why would Muhammad fly from Mecca to Jerusalem first in order to fly to heaven. His short reply was:'Because there are no direct flights from Mecca to heaven. Muhammad was the greatest fraud in the history of mankind.
Name: Vijay to Balam
Date: Friday February 22, 2008
Time: 21:22:43 -0700
Your analysis makes lot of sense. So Mohammed was after all not lying. He was talking allegorically when he was describing his orgasm with his cousin whom he was apparently sodomising; and his moron followers thought that he was riding on fenale faced horse to seventh heaven. Balam you are genius.
Name: Rajendra
Date: Saturday February 23, 2008
Time: 11:21:20 -0700
Mohammed riding a winger horse- only Muslim morons believe in such nonsense.It goes to show how really backward these Arabs were in 7th century Arabia.Come to think of it- they are no better now. Without American know how and technology, these stupid Muslim countries could not even find sand in the desert. Americans should be blamed for discovering not only the oil wells, but giving all the technology to these idiots to rip us off now with $100/ barrel of crude. Americans should take over Arabia, nuke Mecca and kick the asses of these stupid Muslims. That will stop all the terrorism once for all, and we could have cheap gasoline.
Name: Chris to Rajendra
Date: Saturday February 23, 2008
Time: 16:06:12 -0700
Rajendra I wholeheartedly second the motion. Unfortunately the leftits are in bed with islamists. They think Bush did the 9/11. Islamists love them and laugh all the way to their mosques at their stupidity..They dont realize that islamists will love to behead them at the first opportunity.All terrorists are pulling for Barrak Hussain Obama.
Name: malmonext
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 08:57:12 -0700
This is what we ought to be teaching our children: Almost everything muslim nations consume is produced by non-muslims: cars, building materials, communication technology, medicines, electronics, weapons. Nobel science prize winners won by ALL muslim nations in the last 50 years? 3! America, alone: 171! Number of muslim universities? 600 -- for 1.5 billion people! But over 3,600 the US and UK, alone! The United Nation’s Human Development Index ranks nations in terms of life expectancy, education and standard of living. The top 50 are non-muslim, except for 5 toy nations like UAE: #12 is US; #76, Saudi Arabia; #102, Indonesia; #136, Pakistan; #140, Bangladesh; #174, Niger. Muslim nations invent nothing, produce little; their citizens live in poverty -- and nearly every armed conflict in the world today has one common denominator: muslims are involved. On YouTube we can see, with our own eyes, the crimes Muslims commit: molesting dead Chinese women -- search “Jakarta Riots”; cutting off clitorises -- search Female Circumcision”; beheading children -- search Lamentari; own slaves -- search Muslim Slavery; rioting in Europe -- The Fruit of Islam in Europe; stoning women -- Muslim Stoning of Women; torturing 12 year old wives -- Torturing Child Brides; murdering daughters -- Muslim Honor Killing; blowing up planes, trains and buildings full of working people -- search 9/11, 7/7, Bali, Madrid, etc. LET US SHOW OUR CHILDREN WHAT MUSLIMS DO, AND LET US SHOW THEM HOW SILENT THE MUSLIM WORLD IS IN RESPONSE TO ALL MUSLIM CRIMES.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Monday February 25, 2008
Time: 15:02:43 -0700
To : Answering falsehood, to abc, to the ISLAMIC virulent monster who posted with AYESHA AHMED name ( funny name for a .....) , to abc, to all other ISLAMIC monsters on this thread. You are not human beings. You just rehash,repeat all useless, nonsensical things without any qualms - becoz you are a Mussalman. This is how you grow and die - as darkminded ,evil thinking, evil fostering ,bloodthirsty, cruel MO_HAM_MAD followers . Just tell us what is good about ISLAM/MO/QQURRAN without lies and deception, straight forward. There is nothing good about ISLAM/QQURRAN /MO. You are challenged on this . ISLAM is like sewage - most wasteful, repulsive, putrid, disgusting, uncivilized, extrememly evil, fascist ,intolerant cruel ,totalitarian cult . ISLAM must be flushed with the help of strong detergent until it becomes nonpolluted, nonharmful to the civilized world. Hey ISLAMISTS - given a choice even a 5 th grader using his/her brain and thinking will spit and shit on ISLAM/MO/QQURRAN and will toss into sewage.
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 00:44:16 -0700
dear ayesha u shouldn't be using a muslim name, cause u r a christian arab. if u r a good person like u claim u should have the guts to use ur christian name. see actually u r lieing and making ppl believe in the wrong interpretation of islam. as u r christian we understand ur hate and ur r alredy forgiven.Say: He is Allah, the One and Only - 112:1 Allah, the Eternal, Absolute - 112:2 He begetteth not, nor is He begotten - 112:3 And there is non like unto Him - 112:4
Name: Ayesha to Mr No Name Muslim
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 08:38:42 -0700
Why is it so difficult for you to understand that millions of muslims are realizing that Prophet started the scam of Islam to acquire wealth and women.Are Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan,Nonie Darwesh, Taslima Nasrin etc are also christian arabs? Besides who told you Ayesha is a muslim name?. All so called muslim names were pagan arab names before the practising pagan Prophet Mohammed converted his pagan moon God Allah to islam.Why was his father's name Abdullah and mothers's name Amina, uncle's name Abu Talib; they were no muslims. Christians dont hate muslims otherwise you will not be in USA enjoying all the infidel benefits..On the contrary muslims hate all non muslims, they never give immigration to a non muslim into their muslim country ..
Date: Wednesday February 27, 2008
Time: 04:38:55 -0700
First of all i am amuslim and i don't hate non muslims ! u r generalizing way too much with a few bad apples who call themselves muslim! i called u dear didn't i? and i like christians they r our brothers in abrahamic faith. as for the names maybe back then they were pagans but now they r considered as muslim names so what is ur problem with using ur own christian name? r u fearing that u will lose ur credability? no i am not in USA i'm writing from my native muslim country. USA invaded iraq and afganistan didn't they? so immigration to muslim countries is no problem for christians! u can come and go as u will this is a free world isn't it? as for millions of muslims leaving islam dear r u living in a fools world? u r naming a few persons( taslima is from my country) and saying millions have left? dont u know islam is the fastest religion in the world? after 2001, 20,000 americans have accepted islam. even if wide spread conversions r not taking place muslim countries have the highest birth rates that ensures islams rapid growth! islam will last till the day of judgement and i am not speaking out of fervor or emotion. there is no chance islam will be wiped off preety soon. dear i love my prophet muhammed just as i love prophet jesus. prophet muhammed lived like a poor man. he didn't leave his wives any money after his death. if islam is a scam to earn money where did all that money go? As for ur articles they are all refuted nicely in u could pay a vist u know. there is no end in learning!
Name: Ali Khalaf to The no name muslim:
Date: Wednesday February 27, 2008
Time: 09:17:20 -0700
Guy, why are you hung up on Ayesha's name?What she writes is important except some exagerations for satire. Everything she writes is based on Quran hadiths and siras. What are you smoking? No non muslim can get immigration to a muslim country.Yes they can visit but not migrate. If you dont hate christians it is not because of islam. Quran badmouths non muslims in every surah. They call all nonmuslims lowest creatures, worst beasts 98.22,8.55,95.5,98.6),evil(2.99),deaf dumb and blind(2.171). It orders nomuslims not to make frinds with non muslims.I doubt you are writing from Bangladesh, because this site is banned in most muslim countries.Arent you suppose to ofollow quran?. Then if you love christians then you are in violation of Quran and are an apostate. Mohammed died rich. Your info is wrong. He took 20% of all the loot.He owned dozens of slaves. Quran itself said 93.8 "We found you poor, we made you rich" You are reading sanitized literature.Read original siras for truth.
Name: Ayesha
Date: Wednesday February 27, 2008
Time: 09:30:23 -0700
Thanks Ali, you said it all.Mr.Muslim you said you live in Bangaladesh. How would you know millions of Bengalis have not left islam in their hearts but are too scared to anounce it since islam rules with fear and calls for death who even criticizes islam leave alone leaving it. Taslima and Azad anounced it, see what happenend. You guys killed Azad and Taslima escaped death by running away.Mohammed himself had all crtics of islam beheaded and asassinated.If islam anounces freedom of choice without threatening to kill them or burning them in hell,and allowing open criticism and exposure of truth without censures, see how many leave islam.
Name: John to No Name Muslim
Date: Wednesday February 27, 2008
Time: 09:39:48 -0700
Mr. Muslim: If only few bad apples hate nonmuslims and most muslim bengalis love non muslims then why were millions of hindu women raped in Bangladesh and millions more killed or chased out of country in 1971. If you love non muslims then why the hindu population percentage fell substantially since the partition and why millions of hindu bengali refugees are living in deplorable conditions in camps in India after being chased out of their ancestral hindu homeland?
Name: Mamdouh to the Bengali muslim
Date: Wednesday February 27, 2008
Time: 10:26:09 -0700
Mr Bengali Muslim:You must be reading books given to you in Dacca mosques. Read the original Siras. Prophet had a lot of property when he died as he got 20% of booty where muslims fought, and 100% of booty when no fighting was required, like in case of Fadak. Abu Bakr refused to give any of it to his wives saying that prophet's dont leave inheritance. Prophet's daughter Fatima sent Ali to Abu Bakr asking for her inheritance from lands owned by Prophet gained as booty as she was the only living child . Abu refused it. Fatima was so angry she never talked to Abu bakr again. she instructed Ali when she was dying that Abu bakr should not attend her funeral. Ali complied and kept Abu bakr away. If Mullah told you all the truth, they will lose their livelihood.
Name: Prash
Date: Saturday March 01, 2008
Time: 11:19:56 -0700
To the Muslim Guy pissed on Vijay. Accept the fact that you guys are not good in debate but are well versed in defending all wrong doings. You guys say not all muslims are terrorist but all terrorists arrested so far are muslims. Why cant' you guys live peacefully & let others also live n peace. What do u want ? Why can't you stop all these bullshit brainwashing & focus more on realization.