Rampant Islamic Jew-Hatred in Europe
10 Feb, 2008
- European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom, and Security, Franco Frattini, who is the European Union (EU) official responsible "for combating racism and Antisemitism in Europe," as reported by The Jerusalem Post 2/2/08, has revealed that Muslims are responsible for fully half (50%) of the documented Antisemitic incidents on the European continent.
- Demographic data from 2007 indicate that the total number of Europeans is 494.8 million; estimates of the number of Muslims in Europe range from 15-20 million, or some ~3.0-4.0% of the total European population. Thus, on a population percentage basis, Muslims in Europe account for roughly 24.0 to 32.3 times the number of Antisemitic incidents as their non-Muslim European counterparts.
- These 2007/2008 data are in turn consistent with previous findings from 2006 on the excess prevalence of frank Antisemitism reported amongst European Muslims, published in The Journal of Conflict Resolution by Yale University biostatistician Dr. Edward H. Kaplan, and Dr. Charles A. Small of the Yale Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism. ("Anti-Israel Sentiment Predicts Antisemitism in Europe" Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2006, Vol. 50, pp. 548-561.)
- Drs. Kaplan and Small examined the views of 5004 Europeans, roughly 500 individuals sampled from each of 10 European Union countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom). The authors' main publicized results confirmed their (rather commonsensical) a priori hypothesis: anti-Israel sentiments strongly and independently predicted the likelihood that an individual was Antisemitic in a graded manner, i.e., the more anti-Israel (on a scale of zero to 4), the more a person was likely to be Antisemitic.
- But a much more striking and relevant finding in light of the burgeoning Jew hatred now evident in Europe's Muslim communities, received much less attention: in a controlled comparison to European Christians (as the "referent" group), European Muslims were nearly eightfold (i.e., 800%) more likely to be overtly Antisemitic. [emphasis added] ("Anti-Israel Sentiment Predicts Antisemitism in Europe," p. 557 and Table 3, p. 558.) Furthermore, in light of the Pew Global Attitudes Project data on Muslim attitudes toward Jews in Islamic countries, the Yale study likely underestimated the extent of Antisemitism amongst Europe's Muslim communities, had more poorly educated, less acclimated European Muslims been sampled. Pew's earlier international survey indicated ("The Great Divide: How Westerners and Muslims View Each Other", Pew Global Attitudes Project, June 22, 2006.),
- "In the Muslim world, attitudes toward Jews remain starkly negative, including virtually unanimous unfavorable ratings of 98% in Jordan and 97% in Egypt. Muslims living in Western countries have a more moderate view of Jews - still more negative than positive, but not nearly by the lopsided margins that prevail in Muslim countries."
- Mr. Frattini mentioned these alarming new EU data on the disproportionate occurrence of overt Antisemitic acts by European Muslims in a conversation with Israeli Minister for Diaspora Affairs Isaac Herzog last week. Both men were attending the Second European Union-Israel Seminar for Combating Racism and Antisemitism, in Jerusalem. Herzog, who coordinates Israeli government activities in combating anti-Semitism at the cabinet level, opined that it was "...not new that Frattini relates a large percentage of Antisemitic incidents to radical Islam [emphasis added], and it's important to say, not Islam [emphasis added] as such."
- But Mr. Herzog's conjectural distancing of Muslim antisemitism from "Islam," wishfully attributing it to so-called "radical Islam," defies volumes of doctrinal evidence from Islam's foundational texts, and jurisprudence, more than a millennium of Islamic history, and endless commonplace, common sense observations, past and present.
- For example, Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi wrote these words in his 700 page treatise documenting and rationalizing Muslim Jew hatred, Banu Isra'il fi al-Qur'an wa al-Sunna [Jews in the Qur'an and the Traditions], originally published in the 1970s, and then re-issued in 1986/87:
- "[The] Qur'an describes the Jews with their own particular degenerate characteristics, i.e. killing the prophets of Allah, corrupting His words by putting them in the wrong places, consuming the people's wealth frivolously, refusal to distance themselves from the evil they do, and other ugly characteristics caused by their deep-rooted lasciviousness...only a minority of the Jews keep their word....[A]ll Jews are not the same. The good ones become Muslims, the bad ones do not. (Qur'an 3:113)"
- Tantawi was apparently rewarded for this scholarly effort by being named Grand Imam of Al-Azhar University in 1996, a position he still holds. These are the expressed, "carefully researched" views on Jews held by the nearest Muslim equivalent to a Pope -- the head of the most prestigious center of Muslim learning in Sunni Islam, Sunnis representing some 85% of the world's Muslims. And Sheikh Tantawi has not mollified such hatemongering beliefs since becoming the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar as his statements on the Jews as "enemies of Allah, descendants of apes and pigs", the legitimacy of homicide bombing of Jews, or "dialogue" with Jews (just below), make clear:
"...anyone who avoids meeting with the enemies in order to counter their dubious claims and stick fingers into their eyes, is a coward. My stance stems from Allah's book [the Qur'an], more than one-third of which deals with the Jews...[I] wrote a dissertation dealing with them [the Jews], all their false claims and their punishment by Allah. I still believe in everything written in that dissertation." [i.e., from above, in Banu Isra'il fi al-Qur'an wa al-Sunna]
- Tantawi's case illustrates the prevalence and depth of sacralized, "normative" Jew hatred in the contemporary Muslim world. Arguably Islam's leading mainstream cleric, Tantawi embodies how the living legacy of Muslim anti-Jewish hatred, and violence remains firmly rooted in mainstream, orthodox Islamic teachings, not some aberrant vision of "radical Islam."
- Indeed, the modern pronouncements and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church stand in stark relief. Professor Phillip Cunningham (in, "Education for Shalom: Religion Textbooks and the Enhancement of the Catholic-Jewish Relationship," 1995, p. 39) summarized the principal features of the Second Vatican Council's "Declaration of the Relationship of The Church to Non-Christian Religions" (Nostre Aetate), issued in 1965, for example, as follows:
- "Nostre Aetate rejected key elements of the ancient anti-Jewish tradition. ???The Jews' were not guilty of the crucifixion, had not been renounced by God, were not under a wandering curse, and their covenantal bond with God endured."
- Thus it is now unimaginable (and of course did not occur) that then Cardinal Ratzinger, twenty years prior to being elected Pope Benedict, could have written a 700 page treatise detailing and rationalizing the most virulent anti-Jewish motifs extant in Christian theology, which he continued to extol unashamedly (and for eternity), while Pope. Sadly, what is unimaginable in Christendom, has not only occurred -- witness Sheikh Tantawi-but passes virtually without recognition in the Islamic world of today.
- The intellectually honest assessment and understanding of Islamic antisemitism, and the anti-Jewish violence it begets must begin with an unapologetic analysis of the motifs of Jew hatred contained in the foundational texts of Islam (i.e., Koran, hadith, and sira), while identifying those, like Sheikh Tantawi, who continue to preach and sanction this religious bigotry, regardless of their "stature.
This article appeared in American Thinker on 05 Feb, 2008
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Andrew G. Bostom is the best-selling author of The Legacy of Jihad and the forthcoming The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism.
Date: Saturday February 09, 2008
Time: 19:50:07 -0700
Islam is a red herring. There is a greater and realisable danger in the form of The Bilderberg Group. Watch endgame by Alex Jones on youtube and be physically shaken.
Name: Conspiracy Theory Crappola
Date: Saturday February 09, 2008
Time: 20:45:02 -0700
From: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/3773019.stm That activists have seized on Bilderberg is no surprise to Alasdair Spark, an expert in conspiracy theories. "The idea that a shadowy clique is running the world is nothing new. For hundreds of years people have believed the world is governed by a cabal of Jews.".....Throw in the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, and Santa Claus while you're at it! :^)
Date: Saturday February 09, 2008
Time: 20:50:37 -0700
Don't forget the Masons! The eye of Horus sees all!!!
Name: agnostic
Date: Saturday February 09, 2008
Time: 22:16:32 -0700
The gentiles of the Western world are equally guilty of anti semitism. The US is riven with leftist moonbats, fascist liberals all brainwashed by that jew-hating jew, Ayatollah Naom Chomsky and his dastardly disciples Ward Churchill and Juan Cole who derive sexual ejaculation with their anti semitic and jew-baiting articles. The UK, already in the grip of dhimmitude prefer to be snivelling muslim arselickers. This is what happens to descendants of parasites (colonisers). Majority suffer from cranial-rectal inversion. While sucking up to arabs the islanders forget their own history that it was Jewish money that decided the Victory at the Battle of Waterloo , fought on Sunday, 18 June 1815 and saved the bankrupt Bank of England. Otherwise those islanders would today be speaking French, being a colony of France!! And it was Jewish Agency scientists that helped the Allies win the war before the end of 1946. Jack Nissenthal and Peretz Rose with their knowledge of radar, and Chaim Weizmann with his knowledge on the German atomic bomb. Both Nissenthal and Rose were put in dangerous assignments for which they were denied any awards for their splendid work which made the invasion of Normady by the Allies a much less costly operation than it would otherwise have been. Britain showed its gratitude by its brutal attitude and shabby treatment of these two heroes. But then Britain is noted for these traits. Must be genetic. For their brutality extended to the colonised Indians and Africans who were their cannon fodder. 130,000 Jews enlisted to fight alongside the Brits against Hitler on suicide missions for their faggots British commanders. The Bismillah broadcasting corp or british bigots corp (BBC) have gutless pukes who distort news when it comes to Jews. The EU is but a tool of the Vatican. Thinking out of the box, to me, muslim immigration is a means of herding the lot for easy internment and extermination. Never for once believe that Germany has lost its Nazism nor the Vatican its power grip on the world. It 's agencies have infiltrated into every sector of the Western world. Where is the leader of the western world if it is not the Pope? Benedict VI or Cardinal Ratzinger is a Bavarian and Bavaria is 99% Catholic , the richest state in Germany, and its prime minister is very cosy with his Bavarian brother. WHY THIS HATRED FOR THE JEWS? Simple. Jews have proven, over centuries, time and again, in whatever condition, whatever circumstance, they have the EDGE over others. Israel took less than 50 years to come to the developed status of developed countries, and she did it with little or no help. In the 48, 56, 67, 73, and the recent Lebananon Wars she prevails. The world (especially Europe) is financing and encouraging the ongoing Secret War Against the Jews for they detest that in reality that Jews are God's people. "The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then . . . passed away. The Greek and the Roman followed. The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts. ??? All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?" MARK TWAIN ???I will insist the Hebrews have [contributed] more to civilize men than any other nation. If I was an atheist and believed in blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations ??? They are the most glorious nation that ever inhabited this Earth. The Romans and their empire were but a bubble in comparison to the Jews. They have given religion to three-quarters of the globe and have influenced the affairs of mankind more and more happily than any other nation, ancient or modern.??? - John Adams, Second President of the United States. (From a letter to F. A. Van der Kemp [Feb. 16, 1808] Pennsylvania Historical Society) ???The Jews, however, are beyond all doubt the strongest, toughest, and purest race at present living in Europe; they know how to succeed even under the worst conditions (in fact better than under favorable ones) by means of virtues of some sort, which one would like nowadays to label as vices-owing above all to a resolute faith which does not need to be ashamed before ???modern idea??? It is certain that the Jew, if he desired-or if they were driven to it, as the antisemites seem to wish-could now have the ascendancy, nay, literally the supremacy, over Europe; that they are not working or planning for that end is equally sure??? The resourcefulness of the modern Jews, both in mind and soul, is extraordinary??????- Friedrich Nietzsche, German Philosopher (1844 - 1900) "The Jew is that sacred being who has brought down from heaven the everlasting fire, and has illumined with it the entire world. He is the religious source, spring, and fountain out of which all the rest of the peoples have drawn their beliefs and their religions.???Leo Tolstoy. But christian BIGOTS are hypocrites, ignorant, and stupid people who loathe Jews and use them as a convenient scapegoat. These are the retards who think that shaking hands with a Jew would cause his penis to drop off. They violate the very Bible they use. These weenies collude with islamofascists to rid the world of Jews - let the fight with the God you worship begin, christian bigots and jew haters. Hypocrite slimeballs who defile the bible they use:, Genesis 12:3, "I will bless those who bless you and upon him who insults you I will put My curse". No wonder the US and the UK are declining by the day. No leaders in the West is another sign. Ah for a Putin!
Name: MA Khan (Editor) to agnostic
Date: Sunday February 10, 2008
Time: 00:52:53 -0700
Agnostic, you could probably present your message better, had you excluded a few words: 'arselicking,' 'sexual ejaculation' etc. Use of such terminology hardly makes an argument stronger but make the whole comment distasteful to the general readers. My friendly comment!
Name: To: The Evil Allah
Date: Sunday February 10, 2008
Time: 02:33:50 -0700
"hahaha islam is the most repugnant religion in the world there are no improvements.. it was started by a massmurdering, pedophile, sex-addict of a man and is the largest threat to individual freedom on earth." ... rat can say anything about anybody from its hole! "And as for the koran not being changeor corrupted obviously u havent heard of the satanic verses" ... you have been deceived by satan! "or the many varient versions of the koran which were burnt by Uthmān bn ???Affān and the introduction of one single standardised version" ... I think your upper chamber was burnt by Uthmān! ... "As for womans rights women are not equal to men in islam no matter how many contradictory verses u put up" ... yes, you are right, women are not equal to men in islam. because, unlike men, women do not have dik! lol!
Name: "Jesus is in hell, being boiled in hot excrement." (Gittin 57a)
Date: Sunday February 10, 2008
Time: 02:41:02 -0700
The Talmud (Judaism's holiest book) says: "Jesus is in hell, being boiled in hot excrement." (Gittin 57a)
Name: Quotes from Jewish Scriptures about Christians
Date: Sunday February 10, 2008
Time: 02:44:35 -0700
(Jesus Christ was) illegitimate and conceived during menstruation. Mother a Prostitute. - Kallah 1b. (18b) It Says Jesus' mother was a ***: "She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters." - Sanhedrin 106a . Also in footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b of the Soncino edition, it is stated that in the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written that Jesus mother, "Miriam the hairdresser," had sex with many men. "It is the law to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah." - Coschen hamischpat 425 Hagah 425. 5 "Jews must destroy the books of the Christians", i.e. the New Testament. - Shabbath 116a. Christian birth rate must be diminished materially. - Zohar (II 64b) Jews are not to prevent the death of a Christian. - Choschen Ham (4255) Do not save Christians in danger of death, instructed to let die. - Hilkkoth Akum (x,1) If Jew kills a Christian he commits no sin. - Sepher Or Israel 177b Extermination of Christians necessary. - Zohar (11 43a) Make no agreements and show no mercy to Christians. - Hilkhoth Akum (x,1) Christians are idolaters. - Hilkhoth Maakhaloth Christians have intercourse with animals. - Abhodah Zarah (22a) Female Jews contaminated when meeting Christians. - Iore Dea (198, 48) Innocent of murder if intent was to kill a Christian. - Makkoth (7b) Christians likened to cows and asses. - Zohar II (64b) Psalmist compares Christians to beasts. - Kethuboth (110b) Sexual intercourse with Christian same as intercourse with beast. - Sanhedrin (74b) The seed [children] of Christians valued same as the seed of a beast. - Kethuboth (3b) Those Jews who do good to Christians never rise when dead. - Zohar (1, 25b) Christian property belongs to the first Jew claiming it. - Babha Bathra (54b) Keep any overpayment Christians make in error. - Choschen Ham (193, 7) It is permitted for a Jew to deceive Christians. - Babha Kama (113b) Christians who are not Jews' enemies must also die. - Iore Dea (158, 1)
Name: St. Edith Stein, Jewish convert, killed at Auschwitz
Date: Sunday February 10, 2008
Time: 06:04:56 -0700
Fascinating story! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edith_Stein For more: http://www.vatican.va/news_services/liturgy/saints/ns_lit_doc_19981011_edith_stein_en.html
Name: Uri Avnery, Jewish Journalist
Date: Sunday February 10, 2008
Time: 08:23:45 -0700
"Every honest Jew who knows the history of his people cannot but feel a deep sense of gratitude to Islam, which has protected the Jews for fifty generations, while the Christian world persecuted the Jews and tried many times 'by the sword' to get them to abandon their faith." (Uri Avnery, Jewish Journalist)
Name: allat
Date: Sunday February 10, 2008
Time: 11:16:03 -0700
See, I don't understand about that word "anti-semiticism" - when in fact, less than 1% of Jews in the world, are Semites. ANd THEN, those true Semitic Jews- the Sephards - are looked down on in Israel - AND the rest of the world. The Ashkenazis have the nerve to look down on the Sephards. ---------- AND as you know, 7,000, 4,000, 3,000 yrs. are but a blink of an eye, in the existence of this planet. Didn't the Tribes of the Judahites - which the mod. Jews claim descent from - didn't the Tribes do the same thing with the land they took from the Indigenous Peoples in Canaan - they SLAUGHTERED those peoples! What's the difference then, with what the other vile religion is doing now. In fact, that is EXACTLY what religions are created to do! Whether it is Judaism ( took the land from the Indigenous- Canaanites) - xtianity ( who took the entire area from the Indigenous - Pagans) - islam (took the land from the xtians, and Pagans). This reminds me why, JUST why, I left religiosity.
Name: Allat
Date: Sunday February 10, 2008
Time: 11:34:11 -0700
Uri Avnery, Jewish Journalist? ------Of Haaratz? I doubt it's really you. Anyway - I consider you an Elder to be respected for your Wisdom and Knowledge. I crossed swords with you before. And I was wrong. Forgive me.--------HOWEVER, with all due respect, I do believe, sir, you are wrong, and confused. I suggest you sudy the history of the Jews under islam a bit more. The Jews, and what are Jews, but people - JUST like everybody else - I'm talking here about the grassroots, NOT the vile leaders - the leaders, the Elite, the Pharisees. THE common people - did suffer under the religiosity of the islamics NOT to mention xtianity. ------Permit me to remind you of the original slaughter of the tribes of Jews, by mohamed and his boys. Betrayal and perfidy. ...People in the West, and particularly, the U.S. have no memory, it's not developed here, because whenever history or a bit of date has to be retrieved, there is always an outer source to go to. While you forget that People worldwide,in particular Tribal Peoples, incldg. American Indians, and Africans, the Pacific Rim, etc. have history and events through centuries, and even thousands of yrs. passed down through memory. People don't forget. You think People forget?....... AND even when there was no overt abuse or violence, they were humiliated and made to bow to the whim of their overlords, the islamics. And always, these grassroots, held their breath, in suspense, that the islamic popular sentiments would not turn against them.-----------That is NO way to live.....Peace.
Name: to M A Khan from agnostic
Date: Sunday February 10, 2008
Time: 16:17:09 -0700
No worse than prince philip calling chinese "slit eyes" on an official visit. Comment accepted from one so diplomatic and gracious . Hat off, sir! When one reads/recalls UK's supine pusillanimity with regard to its radical muslims in its midst and rabid anti semitism and violence against Jews in their midst, UTTER CONTEMPT AND LOATHE SPILLETH OVER.
Name: agnostic
Date: Sunday February 10, 2008
Time: 17:07:38 -0700
Uri Avnery, Jewish Journalist is in the same league as Naom Chomsky et al - self-hating Jews. How else can the prophecy of Zechariah of "2/3 will be killed off" by their YHWH for their tyranny be fulfilled? "The heart of tyranny is those who are seen as inferior seeking notoriety."
Name: Allat
Date: Monday February 11, 2008
Time: 06:50:23 -0700
"Self-hating Jews"? --Why does anybody have to label others? Don't you think the man is entitled to his opinion as a man? And don't you think, it's time to drop the religions and separations altogether? God ! Look around you, we're a planet sinking, the planet is going down around us, and we, humans, are still with this nonsense of race and religion. -------I do KNOW that it's time to break the cycle...this is the only way we'll survive.......We're all Terrans, already!-----------I do despise religions! The popiola, arab rulers and the rest of teh religious leaders are ALL in the plan to keep us "nobodies" down, under their thumb. Get a clue! Why else would they have secret meetings that we're NOT privy to!----------It's NOT a conspiracy, it's the truth, and the conspiracy is AGAINST us! ------" prophecy of Zechariah of "2/3 will be killed off" ----What care I for any jewish prophecy! The Pentateuch is the NOT only valid word for the rest of us.----- 2/3 being killed off? -------Guy, read E. Cayce. Nay, look around you, and see that something is, indeed, wrong. What is going on with the tsunamis and the floods, everywhere? ANd what is it about all the sudden diseases and viruses cropping up? And it's NOT global warming, it's SOLAR warming - strnage things are going on out there, in the Solar System.-------Get a clue, and let's drop separations.
Name: Roger W. Gardner
Date: Tuesday February 12, 2008
Time: 23:32:32 -0700
You may find this of interest: http://radarsite.blogspot.com/2008/01/jew.html
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 12:21:35 -0700
The antisemite Muslims are doomed to fail, but that's only because their religion is based on false foundations. Which is First ,trust in the words of a false prophet, Muhammad. Second, belief in a false revelation, th Quran. Thired, belief in a false god Allah. In contrast to the true God of Israel. "He has remembered His love and His faithfulness to the house fo Israel..." Psalm 98:3. [NIV] Therefore, these are the real reasonn the Muslims are doomed to fail.