Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Mutah or Temporary Marriage in Muslim Societies

One is really shocked to read the news (HINDU VOICE- Jan, 2007) that a 60 year old wealthy Arab married 3 girls, Afreen, Farheena and Sultana, at a single sitting (within ten minutes), in Hyderabad.


Though unbelievable, such incidents are not uncommon in Muslim community and only a few of such incidents come to surface.

Furthermore, as the Koran allows polygamy and permits a Muslim male to marry 4 wives at a time, the said 60 year old Arab groom could have comfortably added a fourth girl to his list of brides without violating the laws ordained by Almighty and All-knowing Allah. Islamic law or sharia permits two kinds marriages: nikah and mutah. Nikah restrict Muslims to marrying 4 wives at a time, while there is not restrictions on mutah marriages.

Therefore, the Arab Muslim man did not violate the Islamic divine laws by marrying all of them at a single sitting, as these marriages were mutah. In fact, he could have made his list of brides still longer.

Mutah marriage is temporary and remains valid only for a few weeks, days, or hours. It is, therefore, simply a kind of prostitution in the garb of marriage. The fabulously rich, mostly aged, Arabs from the Gulf countries come to India, get access to young girls of Hyderabad through mutahof course, by paying fat cash to their parents as dowry (mehr). They use those young girls as a piece of toilet paper; and return home as the marriage automatically dissolves after the stipulated time. Below is one such case.

In May 2004, an old man, named Muhammad Zafer Yaqub Hassan al Jorani, came from Sharjah to Hyderabadthe capital of Andhra Pradeshto undergo a cataract operation. On May 7, he married Haseena Beguma 19 year old girl; and after two days, he divorced her. On May 24, he married another 16 year old girl Ruksana Begum. Haseenaignoring threat to her lifewent to a local police station to narrate her story and within an hour police arrested Jorani. Police also arrested someone called Shamsuddin who allegedly had played a mediator and received a cash of Rs 40,000 from Jorani paying Haseena's parents as mehr. To be noted that Jorani had two wives and 11 children at Sharjah.

By interrogating Jorani, police could discover that Jorani also divorced Ruksana after a few days, and married a third girl. But neither Ruksana nor the third girl dared report their affairs to the police, and no steps could be taken for those offences.

By interrogating Shamsuddin, police also discovered that a criminal gang and a group of qazis (Islamic judges) of Hyderabad were involved in this lucrative flesh trade. The role of the qazis was to solemnize the marriages according to Islamic rites for lucrative remuneration. Police also arrested Ahmed Sharif, the qazi who conducted Haseena’s marriage with Jorani. Further investigation revealed that Ahmed Sharif acted simply as an assistant of a chief qazi, who had nearly 20 subordinate qazis under his command.

In fact, the task of this team of qazis and criminals starts right from Hyderabad’s Rajib Gandhi International Airport and as soon as an Arab lands at the airport, mediators begin to chase him with photographs of young girls, finalise the monetary matters, fix the date and place of marriage and so on. These marriages are to last only for a few weeks, days or hours. Investigation revealed that there were 35 to 40  such incidents of mutah annually. Many of these Arab men took there newly wed brides to there home abroad, where for the rest of their lives they were forced to live as a house maid or a concubine [sex-slaves].

Commenting on these affairs, Mr A K Khanthe Additional Commissioner of Hyderabad Policesaid, “It is very difficult to stop all these illegal activities with the help of law. What we can do is to observe such fabulously rich Arabs closely so that their illicit activities could be checked.”

The real significance of the above comments of Mr Khan is that, the said temporary marriages between the rich Arabs and the unfortunate Indian Muslim girls are sanctified by a section of Muslims; and that, since Islamic law allows polygamyit is not possible for the law enforcing authorities to bring the offenders behind the bar. Legal action can only be taken when the girl in question is below eighteen. In Islam, marriage is simply a social contract and the paper that contains all the terms and conditions of this social contract, is called nikahnama. The central point of a nikahnama is the mehr—that is, the cash which the groom will have to pay the bride if he divorces her. Men on the groom’s side try to minimise the mehr, while kin of the bride try their best to inflate it. Finally, after tough bargaining, a deal is made.

According to Islamic laws, husband alone enjoys the right to divorce his wife; the wife has no such right. The Principle of Mohamedan Law by Mr M Hidyatullahthe former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India (Tripathy, 1980, p-324)in this regard, says, “Whenever the husband utters the word talaq thrice, the divorce becomes effective at that instant, irrespective of place and time.” The Koran says on this that,

“Ye may divorce your wives twice; and then either retain them with humanity, or dismiss them with kindness. But it is not lawful for you to take away anything of what ye have given them, unless both fear that they cannot observe the ordinances of Allah. And if ye fear that they cannot observe the ordinances of Allah, it shall be no crime in either of them on account of that for which the wife shall redeem herself... But if the husband divorces her a third time, she shall not be lawful for him again, until she marry another husband. But if he also divorces her, it shall be no crime in them if they return to each other, if they think they can observe the ordinances of Allah... “ [Quran 2:229-30 – tr. by George Sale].

So the husband, according to the Koranic injunctions, has the right to drive his wife out of his house, like a domestic animal, by uttering the word talaq thrice and at such an instant, as mentioned above, the husband has to pay the money written as mehr in the nikahnama. It should be pointed out here that all these Koranic laws are for nikah alone. For mutah, the contract itself is temporary and dies after a stipulated timea few weeks, days, or hours. There is no need for the husband to divorce his wife. But if the husband wants to get rid of her within the stipulated time, he will have to divorce her as in the case of a nikah.

Though there is no verse in the Koran where Allah directly permits the believers to enter into temporary marriage with Muslim women, the hadith no. 3243 of the Muslim Sharif says,

“Abdullah bin Mas’ud reports: ‘We were on an expedition with Allah’s Messenger and we had no woman with us. We said: Should we not have ourselves castrated? The Holy Prophet forbade us to do so. He then granted us permission that we should contract temporary marriage (with local women) for a stipulated period giving her a garment (for a dowry)’. At this ‘Abdulla felt happy and remembered the Koranic verse: The believers, do not make unlawful the good things which Allah has made lawful for you, and do not transgress. Allah do not like transgressors (V: 87)”.

A similar hadith of the Muslim Sharif says,

“Jabir reports: ‘We contracted temporary marriage giving a handful of dates and flour as a dower’ (3249)”.

A few other ahadith of the Muslim Sharif may be mentioned in this context.

“Jabir reports, ‘Yes, we had been benefiting ourselves by this temporary marriage during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet, and during the time of Abu Bakr and Umar’ (3248)”.

“Iyas bin Salama reports, on the authority of his father, ‘that Allah’s Messenger gave sanction for contracting temporary marriage for three nights in the year of Autas (i.e. after the Battle of Hunain, A.H. 8) and then forbade it’ (3251).

Regarding Mutah marriage, T. P. Hughes notes in his Dictionary of Islam that Mut’ah or Usufruct (enjoyment) is

“A marriage contracted for a limited period, for a certain sum of money. Such marriages are still legal amongst the Shi’ahs, and exist in Persia to the present day, but they are said to be unlawful by the Sunnis. They were permitted by the Arabian Prophet at Autas, and are undoubtedly the greatest stain upon his moral legislation; but the Sunnis say that he afterwards prohibited a mut’ah marriage at Khaibar" (Rupa & co, 2007, p424).

The Shi’ahs argue that Allah sanctions Mutah marriages in Koranic verse (IV: 24):

“Ye are also forbidden to take to wife free woman who are married, except those women whom your right hand shall possess as slaves. This is ordained for you from Allah. Whatever is beside this, is allowed (for) you; that ye may with your substance provide wives for yourselves, acting that which is right, and avoiding whoredom. And for the advantage (cohabitation) which ye receive from them, give them their reward (i.e. dowry), according to what is ordained: but it shall be no crime in you to make any other agreement among yourselves, after the ordinance shall be complied with; for Allah is knowing and wise.”

So in the eye of Islamic jurisprudence, Hassan al Jorani evidently committed no crime by entering into a contract of temporary marriage (mutah) by paying Rs. 40,000 as mehr to Haseena's parents. On the contrary, his act was once made lawful by the Holy Prophet.

The Prophet had, furthermore, made marriages of minor girls halal by himself marrying 6 year-old Ayesha at the age of 50. The wisdom of the Prophet obviously failed to foresee that in future, man himself would make laws and ban marrying minor girls. In India today, marrying a minor girl, below 18, is a criminal offence. The practice of mutah or marriage of minor girls, as occurs in Muslim community, is of greater offenceforcing a minor girl to prostitution.

The rich Arabs' marriage to young Indian girls is simply a kind of prostitution. Sir W. Muir, the renowned biographer of Prophet Muhammad, also held the same view about mutah. Even nikah, which the husband can dissolved at any time by uttering talaq thrice, thought Muir, is also a kind of prostitution, wherein the mehr replaces the fee for hiring a prostitute.

It may be pointed out here that such illegal prostitution in Hyderabad, in the garb of Muslim marriage, began nearly 16 years ago (1991)—when an 11 year-old girl, named Amina Begum, was forcibly married to a nearly 70 years old Arab. Much hue and cry was raised when news came up in the media. As a result, the vice came to a temporary halt, only to restart again at full swing after a few months. While commenting over the affair, Mr Majhar Hussain, the president of the Confederation of Voluntary Agencies, an NGO, said, “This (the Islamic system of temporary marriage) is turning the young Muslim girls into prostitutes.”

In a civilized society, the said Islamic practice of temporary marriage would undoubtedly be taken simply as rape or forced prostitution. At the same time, in the eye of law, there must be a difference between raping a minor and a grown-up woman. In the Indian Penal Code (IPC), the offence of rape comes under Article 375. unfortunately, there is no provision in the said Article to treat raping a child and a grown-up woman differently. Many believe that, there should be harsher laws to tackle the heinous crime like rape of minors by introducing the provision of more rigorous punishment, even sentence to death. Introduction of harsher laws would frighten the illegal traffickers and save many minor Muslim girls of Hyderabad from the sexual violation of the oil-rich Arabs.


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Date: Monday August 25, 2008
Time: 02:48:17 -0700



Name: vbv
Date: Monday August 25, 2008
Time: 03:02:38 -0700


So much for 'honouring' women by 'Islam'! Women in islam are treated worse than prostitutes. Women in islam have to submit to men's lechery and unbridled lust. It is just a prelude to Allah's Brothel - Jannah! What do Akhter/Zakir Naik/Ahmed Deedat and the like have to say? Do they justify this prostitution in the garb of sham holiness that typifies islam and its barbaric Sharia? Arabs were definitely better off before that psychopath lecher and the self-appointed 'prophet' Muhamad brought in the barbaric cult of islam.Why Muhamad's first wife 'Khadija' was a businesswoman managing her own business. Today in that same shit of Arabia, women cannot venture out alone ,cannot drive a car( leave alone a scooter/motorcycle),cannot work in an office or factory or a shop,etc. That is what islam has reduced them to. And to top it all you have not only polygamy for men allowed to 'own' 4 women at a time , but also add insult to injury by having unlimited concubines in the name of 'mutah' "marriage"! Some marriage - just a cover for blatant and forced prostitution in the name of a socalled 'religion' which is nothing but a filthy immoral and criminal CULT!

Name: vbv
Date: Monday August 25, 2008
Time: 03:08:30 -0700


Continuing with the above , you have the Taliban which had introduced 'pristine' form of islam,reducing women to begging in the street corners despite having been educated professional like teachers,doctors,engineers, nurses,etc. That is islam for you! Women in islam are just 'beddable' commodities! Deedat, Naik,Akhter ,how low can you sink espousing this immoral and criminal cult!

Name: moderationist
Date: Monday August 25, 2008
Time: 05:04:55 -0700


The organized brutality and subjugation of muslim women is a good part of the reason why there are no successful muslim societies, and never will be.

Name: The Pedophile Self declared Prophet Mohamed (MHBIH)
Date: Monday August 25, 2008
Time: 07:23:56 -0700


I had heard of these temporary marriages before but I thought the person was joking. It is their way of not commiting adultery I was told. They are hypocrites I have always said it. In Saudi arabia I heard recently that a Mohamedan follower married an eight (8) year old girl. He is doing as his pervert pedophile prophet (may he burn in hell) did with Aisha. These mohamedans must worry about who their mother is as all mohammedan women are whores. For money their families rent them out for a day or two under the guise of marriage and in that way their god will not be upset and the girl can be called a divorcee. They are the scum of this planet they are satans children here to distroy G-d's word by twisting it around. That Pedophile self declared prophet (MHBIH) took the word of G-D and twisted it. I Hate Mohammedan's as they hate us.

Name: Muslims speak up Now - John
Date: Monday August 25, 2008
Time: 08:40:47 -0700


What happened to the muslim defenders of islam amd muhamed? Cat got your tongue? It is no problem for muslim men to victimise muslim women in this way? The arguments of islam giving an honored status for women crumbles in to dust. Can such a man like muhamed be called good or morally upright after allowing such practises even if muslims argue it was allowed for a brief time? The only thing which was upright about muhamed was his d**k. Imagine making a temporary arrangement with a woman for sex, for a handful of dates and some flour as described in the article above. Desplicable. Whoremonger is another title which can be given to muhamed.

Name: Faithless fooled by cow dung worshipper!!!
Date: Monday August 25, 2008
Time: 12:25:15 -0700


The allowance or not of temporary marriage (Arabic mut’a) is one of the most controversial issues in Islam. Before discussing the issue on its merits, it is necessary to discuss the differences between mut’a and "permanent" marriage. [All emphases in quoted materials have been added.] "Fixed-Term/Temporary/Pleasure Marriage are different names for the Arabic word of ‘Mut'a’ which is a contract between a man and woman, much in the same way the Long-Term/Permanent/Conventional Marriage is. THE MAIN DIFFERENCE IS THAT THE TEMPORARY MARRIAGE LONGS ONLY FOR A SPECIFIED PERIOD OF TIME, AND MAN AND WOMAN WILL SEPARATE FROM EACH OTHER AFTER THE EXPIRATION DATE WITHOUT DIVORCE." Shia Encyclopedia, Chapter 6,

Name: Dev
Date: Monday August 25, 2008
Time: 22:17:11 -0700


I think Allah is the inspiration for many modern day fraud politician and religious leaders, as he may be the first person to misguide people and exploit there fears and misunderstanding among each other to gain material benefits for himself. Muslims your dream to bring kingdom of Allah on earth cannot be fulfilled because earth is like a public bus in which the driver have given everyone equal right to have a seat. If people are constantly trying to snatch each other seat and driver is pissed off than driver got a very easy way to teach the aggressors a lesson, just brake and accelerate the bus rapidly, if you are not holding to your seat firmly and running to grab others seat then you will fall over and break your bones and teeth. Driver is not going to appeal to anybody for calm; he can just use the system in a way, which only driver knows, how?

Name: wow,mutah marriage is better than real nikah and other mariage of other ppl,i am totally for islam now
Date: Tuesday August 26, 2008
Time: 00:29:38 -0700


wow,look at the goddies islam gives to its male followers. screw female followers.male get all the good stuff....marry 4 women,talak in 5 seconds,remarry etc.......and even more wonderful,i can have have mutah marriage with some girl have sex and then after time is over the divorce AUTOMATIC based on pre-determined time, so even my nikah wives dont need to know of my mutah marriage,i can do as i please and get away with it every time !!! i am truly impressed by the cunningness of muhamed and arabs and their immorality which is dressed up as morality,and the goodies in jannat like big breasted houries,wine,food,islam sure is a great deception of a religion,i am totally for islam. who needs kafir pagan hindu buddhist or christian morality when islamic morality suits sex crazy man better !!!

Name: Basanti Tanga Wali
Date: Tuesday August 26, 2008
Time: 02:08:30 -0700


Now I am convinced that this really is Kal Yug, gang of paedophiles is teaching people religion and morality.

Date: Tuesday August 26, 2008
Time: 03:50:46 -0700


wow,islam really is so caring for MEN i can be a happily married to 1-2-3-4 women....and some day i want some more fun,i can do temporaty mutah marriage,have sex with some woman and get it dissolved in few hours and come back home without any guilt or anything and even if my 4 wife find out,its ok,they cant do anything bcoz its legally sanctioned,no other religion treats man as a SUPREME BEING and woman as CRAP.30000 cheers for mutah marriage.i am going to search for the nearest kazi who can do this for me !

Name: Akhter
Date: Tuesday August 26, 2008
Time: 05:16:53 -0700


lying dal eating hindus all these references are wrong nothing like this happened. all those who do mutah marriage are not true muslims, they are koran no where its written about mutah marriage.

Name: true muslim
Date: Tuesday August 26, 2008
Time: 05:19:13 -0700


lying akhter u are blasphemising holy koran and sahi hadith, you are a real kafir and before we kill hindus we will kill you first. dal eater maybe spared, but anti islam muslims who alter the koran and make false statements like akhter will be killed first.

Name: Naqvi
Date: Tuesday August 26, 2008
Time: 09:20:51 -0700


Akhter you are a kafir to deny what is allowed by quran and hadiths. Quran clearly indicates in aya 4.20 that a muslim can change wives and 4.24 syas you can acquire sex partners with your money.

Name: Ananda
Date: Tuesday August 26, 2008
Time: 09:35:13 -0700


--(This is why Rani Padmini committed suicide in fire, with 2200 others, in Chitor0-- Our Prophet lived these ayas to the fullest. By Allah's order Prophet Mohammed received 20% of all booty including captured women. His biggest takes came from Mustaleeq and Quraiza raids where his 20% booty came to hundreds of captured women. He sold them, gifted them or ransomed them as the following hadiths say:(( "Sirat e Rasulullah", by Ishaq, pge 466))-- "Apostle sent Sad b. Zayd Al Ansari with some of the captive women to Najd. He sold them for horses and weapons" Muslim Book 019, Number 4345:--(( The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) sent the young captured woman to the people of Mecca, and surrendered her as ransom for a number of Muslims who had been kept as prisoners at Mecca. (Ref: Waqqidi, Tabari, Ishaq)--- A fifth of the booty was, as usual, reserved for the Prophet, and the rest divided. From the fifth Mahomet MADE CERTAIN PRESENTS OF FEMALE CAPTURED WOMEN TO HIS FRIENDS.--- ((The History of Tabari, vol 8, pge 29-30))--- From his share of captive women, Prophet Mohammed gave his son-in-law, Ali a slave girl, Raytah bt Hilal to enjoy her at his will. He also presented Uthman b. Affan, his son-in-law, another slave girl Zainab b. Hayan, and bestowed another girl (name unknown) to his father in-law Omar Ibn Khattab. Omar gave that girl to his son Abdullah. Most of Prophet' s other elite companions received slave girls as gifts.

Name: Ananda
Date: Tuesday August 26, 2008
Time: 09:51:48 -0700


(TO : Basanti who wrote "Now I am convinced that this really is Kali Yug, gang of paedophiles is teaching people religion and morality.)----You are being too generous, this group is not only a group of sex-maniacs, lying is their profession, and everyday all over the world they are killing innocent people. These people are NON-human.

Name: caleb singh
Date: Tuesday August 26, 2008
Time: 18:00:36 -0700


according to shia and some other muslim sources mutta marriage was followed by sunnis also but uthman removed the verses from quran while doing his grand editing

Name: ha ha ha .....
Date: Tuesday August 26, 2008
Time: 20:09:08 -0700


Mutah is only a way made by Mohammad to facilitate his lust for sex. To legitimate sex with any woman/girl/child, then he made this 'mutah' way. In the beginning of the 20th century, it was common for Indonesian mayors and his followers, to marry women in the evening and divorce them the next morning, after having sex with them in the night. It is the teaching of Islam, to legitimate sex in any way they can think of, ha ha ha .....

Name: Ananda
Date: Tuesday August 26, 2008
Time: 21:27:54 -0700


(TO : Caleb Singh - mutah marriage surahs from Quran - sura 2.230)---- (2.226)--Those who forswear their wives must wait four months; then, if they change their mind, lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.---(2.227)--But if their intention is firm for divorce, Allah heareth and knoweth all things.---(2.228)--Divorced women shall wait concerning themselves for three monthly periods. Nor is it lawful for them to hide what Allah Hath created in their wombs, if they have faith in Allah and the Last Day. And their husbands have the better right to take them back in that period, if they wish for reconciliation. And women shall have rights similar to the rights against them, according to what is equitable; but men have a degree (of advantage) over them. And Allah is Exalted in Power, ise.---(2.229)--A divorce is only permissible twice: after that, the parties should either hold Together on equitable terms, or separate with kindness. It is not lawful for you, (Men), to take back any of your gifts (from your wives), except when both parties fear that they would be unable to keep the limits ordained by Allah. If ye (judges) do indeed fear that they would be unable to keep the limits ordained by Allah, there is no blame on either of them if she give something for her freedom. These are the limits ordained by Allah; so do not transgress them if any do transgress the limits ordained by Allah, such persons wrong (Themselves as well as others)--- (2.230)--So if a husband divorces his wife (irrevocably), He cannot, after that, re-marry her until after she has married another husband and He has divorced her. In that case there is no blame on either of them if they re-unite, provided they feel that they can keep the limits ordained by Allah. Such are the limits ordained by Allah, which He makes plain to those who understand.

Name: Radical Islamist left Islam
Date: Wednesday August 27, 2008
Time: 10:34:17 -0700

Comment,1518,574458,00.html (Sorry, in german) Here is a summary: Young guy from germany embraced islam, became radical and built close relationship with terrorists. However, one day, he discovered that he was not allowed to raise any questions, he began to raise doubts, then he left. Today he lives in fear because of possible retaliation.

Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 21:44:01 -0700



Name: For the Radical Islamist who left Islam...
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 22:46:48 -0700



Name: ibraahim mahad ilyaas
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 13:11:03 -0700


live in uk i need to marage indian girl which is beautifull my email is

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