Non-Muslim Minorities in Bangladesh: Victim of Bloody Religious Persecution
30 May, 2008
- The report says that, as a result of this inhuman religious discrimination, minorities are losing their lives and properties. After the formation of independent Bangladesh in 1971, the Government grabbed Hindu land with the help of the so called “Vested Property Act”. Though the said black Act was repealed later on, the minorities did not get back their land snatched away by the Government. By a verdict in 2001, the Bangladeshi Supreme Court had directed the government to return the land, grabbed with the help of the said black Act, to the real owner. In spite of that, few Hindus could get back their land. According to a Professor of the University of Dhaka, nearly 2 million Hindu families have, so far, lost about 40,000 acres of agricultural fertile land. Many are convinced that this is only a tiny tip of an iceberg. In fact, land grabbing is a enshrined policy of jihad against the kafirs as ordained by Allah in Koran. Prophet Mohammad had taught this lesson in his life time by driving away the Jews of Medina, belonging to the Beni Nazir and Beni Kanuika clan and slaughtering the Jews of Beni Koreiza en-masse and acquiring their land and property.
It is difficult for an ordinary individual to guess the social condition of non-Muslim kafirs in an Islamic State. Koran does not consider these kafirs as human beings. Allah has condemned them as godless beasts and has empowered the Muslims to heap any kind of atrocity and torture on them. Not only that, he is alluring such oppressors of rewards in the Paradise. So, an Islamic court in an Islamic Country does not consider such atrocities even a crime at all. And the reality is that, in such a country, judiciary is heavily influenced by the religion of Islam and cannot play neutral in giving verdicts.
That is why the US circular has said that in Bangladesh, the government and its machineries are heavily influenced by religion and hence they cannot do much to stop all such religious discriminations. Not to speak of Hindus and Buddhists, even the Ahmadiyas, a sect of Islam, have declared non-Muslims and turning victims of similar religious discriminations.
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The author is a Professor in the Department of Applied Physics, University of Calcutta
Date: Friday May 30, 2008
Time: 10:54:44 -0700
Muslims love to dominate but hate being dominated. Long live Israel
Name: Pixi
Date: Friday May 30, 2008
Time: 18:04:06 -0700
Does anybody else remember late lamented Beatle, George Harrison's concert for Bangladesh during the early 70's after the invasion , rape and pillage by the Muslim West Pakistani's. Not a harsh word by George or anyone else involved in this typical celebrity ego trip of the wonderful religion of peace, Islam. George later went on to finance everyone's favourite cult movie, The Life of Brien. Let us all hope that if there is a true and living God somewhere poor George is having some explaining to do.
Name: Ananda
Date: Friday May 30, 2008
Time: 19:28:05 -0700
I know Bangladesh, one of the worst countries on Earth. And it is rapidly going to hell, where all of us want it to go. Delhi and Kolkata are filled with sweepers and sewage cleaners from Bangladeshi "Refugees" with Hindu names. We know they are Muslims, but tolerate them because no one will work at their wages. That is a very big mistake. It is like feeding Cobras and we will regret it for sure.
Name: vbv
Date: Friday May 30, 2008
Time: 21:06:59 -0700
Islam is a filthy cult. Some of my comments were displayed becuase it spoke the TRUTH about islam , its mad criminal founder and its madder followers. Situation in Pakistan and Bangladesh warrents such comments , let alone other deranged islam countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran ,Somalia ,Egypt ,etc.Pakistan and Bangladesh were all a part of India and their ancestors were all hindus/budhists/jains and now see what islam has done to them - turned them into 'beasts' ,zombies bitten by the rabbid cult of 'islam' that they have forgotten the civilisation and culture of their ancestors to become slaves of Arabic savagery and Barbarism. These muslims are like bitten by the rabid dog that they are blind to reason , good sense and decency! Pakistan and Bangladesh are examples of what an evil cult can do to otherwise intelligent and sensible people!
Name: israel and its pig jews r the root of islam down with judeo christianity islam,jews christians muslims need to be rescued from this blood thirsty fake religion
Date: Friday May 30, 2008
Time: 23:35:39 -0700
israel and its pig jews r the root of islam down with judeo christianity islam,jews christians muslims need to be rescued from this blood thirsty fake religion,which is destroying mankind....jews make false claim they r superior to all others bcoz they r chosen people of imaginary desert arab deity jehova/allah,and christ goes 1 step ahead and makes false claim and says he is the only way to salvation and mulsims the followers of jews/christians make more false claims that only their fake-imaginary deity/allah is to be believer s and muhamed is the only and last guy to get messages,so it point to the fact the the disease of islam is cuased by the irus of judaism,and its duty of world to rescue the jews christians muslims from this fake superiority cult else nuke world war 3 is coming.WAKE UP FALSEHOOD BELIEVER JEWS CHRISTIANS MULSIM,SEE THE TRUTH AND SAVE YRSELF AND HUMANITY FROM YR FAKE BLOOD THIRSTY DEITY JEHOVA/ALLAH AND SAVE WORLD FROM WORLD WAR 3 NUKE WAR.
Name: India is bleeding..Psychofnt and Psuedo secular leaders must be hanged for this.
Date: Saturday May 31, 2008
Time: 02:38:15 -0700
India is bleeding..Psychofnt and Psuedo secular leaders must be hanged for this.Chemchagiri newspaper of india(Times) which is agent of foreign culture and islamists recently wrote an editorial article in favour of bangladeshi infiltrators of Jaipur saying that they should not be sent back.It says they are monorities and sending them back may evoke voilence.Means india should suffer from bombings and security threats besides loosing our jobs and resources.Can any patriotic News papper nay where in the world say like this.They are basterds who are born to bitchs fucked by islamists and act against india and write in favour of infiltrators from bangladesh and pakistan for news paper business.There is big discussion in south india about the attitude of That banana News paper(times)
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Sunday June 01, 2008
Time: 05:57:11 -0700
Since the Muslim Qur'an teaches that Christians and Jews are "pigs and apes," and since it teaches all sorts of brutalities against Christians and Jews, why should we not refer to the Qur'an as a filthy and brutal book? From now on, I will refer to the filthy, and brutal Qur'an as the filthy, brutal Qur'an. Thank you.
Name: letholdus
Date: Sunday June 01, 2008
Time: 12:04:07 -0700
The only way to end this and save the west is to kill every last muslim on the planet. We can do this today or tomorrow but it will have to be done. Our leaders are governed by their adolescent desire to be "popular". Liberty always brings out the best in mankind but we must have the courage to defend it when it is under assault. It is time to replace the cowards who pretend to be our leaders.
Name: DH
Date: Monday June 02, 2008
Time: 08:10:35 -0700
The Serbs of Bosnia and Kosovo knew what would befall them if they meekly accepted the west's plan for them of becoming minorities in Muslim majority states. They had had 500 yrs under the bastards after all.So they got theirs in first and were subjected to one of the most vicious demonization campaigns in history by our wester "Free Press" who are only ever interested in situations where Muslims can be presented as poor wittle innocent victims!
Name: Jagmohan Singh Khurmi
Date: Tuesday June 03, 2008
Time: 14:14:38 -0700
Some people have tried to assert that the anti-hindu genocides in Bangladesh are result of Babri Masjid demolation. This is not true. At most Babri can be called an excuse, nothing more - far intense persection have occured there ( for instance in 1971 ) when no Babri was demolished ! No. They are being killed because they are hindus
Name: Jagmohan Singh Khurmi
Date: Tuesday June 03, 2008
Time: 14:19:46 -0700
Bangladeshis who want to settle in India should first convert to hinduism
Name: Aloh
Date: Wednesday June 04, 2008
Time: 06:39:05 -0700
Name: Alohuakbarbarian
Date: Wednesday June 04, 2008
Time: 07:10:11 -0700
Hey you all the atheists and western journalists who are dumb and foolish enough to under estimate ISLAM, welcome to hellist islam world, and we will serve you with your own internal organs and chopped head hahahahaha.... Please mock other religions but not ours, because we are friendly to you after you convert to ISLAM or you know hahahah... Please you fool dumb head atheists come to your mama MO...
Name: Devi,Madhurai.
Date: Wednesday June 04, 2008
Time: 18:11:54 -0700
All totalitarian isms have died a natural death, but after taking lots of lives. Nazim, Communism and of course the search light is on Islam/ism. Islam survived because it was an ism coated with religion. So whenever somebody attacks them "Freedom of religion, racism, minority oppression, human rights" comes to suface. There should be UN for Kufrs to dictate new meanings for religion, human rights to fight physically and psychologically these backward countries. Internet is playing a great role, but is largely unorganised.
Date: Thursday June 05, 2008
Time: 13:29:23 -0700
Cow Dung worship I assure you read that title right, this is exactly what the ladies of the house in DH’s community do the morning after Diwali to ensure wealth and prosperity in the household for the year to come. Since I had no idea how things worked I let my sister in law do the preparation, which actually meant using fresh cow dung to draw a symbolic representation of a village complete with 3D little cow dung people (all this made with bare hands and on the ground in the court yard). I myself took the less smelly job of putting various types of lentils and grains in designated area on the pattern to mimic granaries and mangers. We then went back to the kitchen to make little birds out of rice floor dough for the female only ritual. Once MIL was ready we headed back outside, lit oil lamps in the dung village, and had our feet painted with some magenta tainted water and proceed to bless the village with the usual water sprinkling, grain throwing and red powder applying all the various elements and then conclude by eating one of the rice flour birds each before call it quit and head to the kitchen for breakfast. While the whole ritual may sound gross (after all this is cow dung we are talking about). What fascinates me is how Hinduism has remained an earthy religion close to its people and the farming roots of India, with all the rural symbols and wish of prosperity linked to grain, food and by default wealth. And somehow it is not so odd that the Goddess of wealth is a woman, and that the rituals closely associated to fertile matters are conducted by the women of the household using earth symbols, which are by default symbols of life and fertility as well (the men have another ritual the next day involving fire). The rest of the day is generally spent lazing around as everything is anyway closed. That part was actually tougher on me than being around smelly dung and a swarm of flies.
Date: Sunday June 08, 2008
Time: 01:59:38 -0700
Those whom you call cow dung worshippers have scriptures which are far better than the quran. Their scripture calls for tolerance not murder and intimidation. They are far closer to the truth than islam. The upanishads of the hindus are very intellectual and humane. They are not blind fanatics as islam urges its followers to be. That is why they are more prosperous than backward islamic societies. To pass judgement on them you have to read their scriptures. But that is something you have not done. Try reading Deepak Chopra. Islams fanatics have a closed mind and only read the quran and that too blindly. The quran is a book full of contradictions. THere is no logical consistency to that book. Some verses ask the followers to show mercy, others to murder and rape. Scientifically there are so many contradictions reagrding mankinds origins, the shape of the earth etc. it is laughable. All this would have not been so harmful if not for the fact that those who criticise are intimidated, persecuted, tortured and killed. This is evil. No doubt in my mind.
Name: Hari Padmanabhan
Date: Sunday June 08, 2008
Time: 12:04:36 -0700
Islam is a VILE FILTHY FIENDISHLY EVIL doctrine. The Quran has verses calling for the murder and rape of non-Muslims. THIS IS A FACT. PLEASE READ THE QURAN. Destroy islam, BURN the quran and slaughter each and every Muhammadan Muslim on the face of this Earth.
Name: please avoid these filthy bastards.
Date: Tuesday June 10, 2008
Time: 12:42:39 -0700
Date: Monday June 16, 2008
Time: 02:09:58 -0700
Gandhi wanted a united India but noooo these Muslims must have their own country. The formation of Pakistan and Bangladesh caused suffering to millions, but sixty years on Pakistan and Bangladesh are hopeless backward countries and India is an emerging world power. Aren't they glad they got rid of all those Muslims.
Name: wondering
Date: Tuesday June 17, 2008
Time: 08:51:44 -0700
Muslims in bangladesh is the Lowest categories of Islam. They are most violent. The carved out Bnagladesh from India as Islamic country. But They are now migrating to India. They are all converts from low caste Hindus.. They should re- convert themself to their original faith. If they wanted to stick to Islam, they should only parctice Arabian culture and should speak Arabic ...not Bengali. Banagladeshi Muslim ..Most wonderful specis in they earth..Left the hindu faith but coudn't left Bengali tounge. !!!!. This may heart many ... this is reality..
Date: Thursday July 03, 2008
Time: 11:43:33 -0700
Name: A. B. M. Shamsud Doulah
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 22:33:26 -0700
Dr Radhasyam Brahmachari, the author of the article "Non-Muslim Minorities in Bangladesh: Victim of Bloody Religious Persecution" is a Professor in the Department of Applied Physics, University of Calcutta. I esteem him, especially because I obtained my M.A. degree from the same Calcutta University. Perhaps Dr. Brahmachari's sources of information are not correct or taken from the sources which are hostile to Islamic History and Culture. Many learned non-Muslims have had been hostile to Islam. Even the reputed Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherji was tilted as such. I just want to comment that Dr. Brahmachari has been subjected to some traditional anti-Islamic values. This is not uncommon or unnatural in a situation where one is surrounded by propaganda pressures. When talking about any subject, it is better not to exclusively rely on the hostile critics. Calcutta has still been under the shadow of such myths and propagandas. A brief note may be of interest to all. The geographical Bengal, before the occupation of the Britishers, in collaboration of the rich Hindus (non-Bengalees? Please see D. C. Sen's "History of the Bengali Language and Literature" published by the University of Calcutta in 1912), consisted of present Bangladesh, West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Tripura and parts of Assam. The mainland of Bengal was Bangladesh and West Bengal, most of which is the delta region of the Ganges and Brammaptra rivers. Perhaps this region emerged about 50,000 years ago. The arid areas of Jharkhand and Bihar forced their people to migrate to the mainland of Bangladesh. These people subsequently became Bengalees of the mainland of Bengal. Some people came from the eastern areas of the present day India. It may be noted that most of the people of the eastern parts of Jharkhand, Bihar and Orissa even today speak in local spoken languages greatly resembling the Bengali language. Bengal was a forbidden land ('Nishad Bhumi' for the Brahmmins. Most of the people of Orissa, Jharkhand and Bihar , in the ancient time, were Sudras. Of course, some Kshatriyas and Vaishyas also may be traced. There was hardly any Brahmmins in the mainland of Bengal. Subsequently, after the early period the mainland was conquered by the Buddhist kings. The religious belief of the Bengalees has always been weak and fragile. They always followed the religion of the rulers. During this period majority of the Bengalees identified themselves as Buddhists. After many years the Gupta kings conquered the mainland of Bengal. The Bengalees during the time identified themselves as Sudras, and some as Kshatriyas and Vaishyas. There has not been any recorded history as to the presence of any Bengalee Brahmmin family in Bengal before the rule of the Sen Dynasty. Millions of the Pathans and Mughals entered Bengal from time to time, especially during the post-battle periods. So came the major influx of the Muslims. Subsequently, there was Muslim rule in Bengal for nearly a millennium. The influx of the Muslims into Bengal also increased during the British occupations of the Uttar Pradesh, the Punjab, Bihar, and other territories. This is the way increased the Muslim population of Bengal. It is notable that most of the Muslim immigrants who entered Bengal were vanquished low cadre soldiers. They all found free and fertile land in Bengal and settled here permanently, free from all encumbrances. The Muslims here raised their families. I am not simply relying on Khondokar Fazle Rabbi's thesis on the "Origin of the Muslamans of Bengal".Look today even in the 21st century 80% of the Muslims of Calcutta are Urdu speaking. Dr. Brahmachari may examine it. This is reality. Later when the imperialist British came they created a situation of division between the Hindus and the Muslims of Bengal. This led to the series of communal riots in the first part of the 20th Century. Considering the grounds of Hindu-Muslim riots, the undivided Bengal was partitioned into West Bengal and the eastern part of Pakistan. It may be noted here that the British invented the word "Hindus" with the help of Raja Rammohan Ray to mean and include Brahmmins, Kshtriyas, Vaishyas, and Sudras all together into one, virtually very successfully creating a United Front against the Muslims of India. The unpleasant situation of Hindu-Muslim communal tension was created and nutured by the British rulers and by some Hindu political leaders, who rejected the peaceful co-existence of the two communities. Even the non-Bengalee leaders like Dr. Ambedkar were elected by the fanatic Bengalee Hindus in preference to other Bengalee candidates. By summing up the above it is explicit that the motifs and plans of the British was to create a big difference between the Hindus and the Muslims in South Asia. The success of the British rulers led to the Partition of India. After more than 60 years now the time has come that the role of the political leaders of the Partition days should be reviewed. The time has changed, situation is different, communal differences are very low, and the understanding of the peoples of the region have become more rational. Why not work for a peaceful and happy United States of India (USI) or the United States of South Asia (USSA) or Commonwealth of the Asian Countries (CAC)? Please do not go back; never give up – let us move forward in the way Mahatma Gandhi, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wanted us to stand united for peace, progress, and happiness for all together in South Asia. A. B. M. Shamsud Doulah G. P. O. Box 351 Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh