Persecution of Pakistani Nobel Laureate, Abdus Salam, for His Ahmadiyya Belief
17 Jan, 2009
In relation to Amar Khan's essay, in which he mentions of persecution of a Nobel laureate scientist for his religious belief, this old article of Prof. Brahmachari is posted to enlighten readers about the persecution Prof. Abdus Salam suffered for allegedly heretical belief. - Editor
It is shocking that a Nobel Laureate scientist like Dr Abdus
Salam, the first Muslim to be honoured with the Nobel Prize in
Physics in 1979, is a victim of intense religious persecution and
insult in Pakistan for his belonging to the Ahmadiyya sect. In 2006,
the year of his 10th death anniversary, there were no observances of
the occasion in Pakistan, as Ahmadiyyas are no longer considered
Muslims in Pakistan.
By a constitutional amendment in 1974, the minority Ahmadiyya community has been declared non-Muslim by the government and hence all members of the sect instantly turned kafir. Since then, the Pakistani Government is stamping their passports with "non-Muslim" tag, so that they may not enter either Mecca or Medina for pilgrimage.
Before the 1974 Amendment to the constitution, Dr Salam was a member of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission. From 1961, he was the Chief Scientific Advisor to the President. After the 1974 Amendment, he was stripped of all such responsibilities.
When he died in 1996, his burial took place at his family graveyard in his hometown Rabwa without any state honour. Fanatic Sunni clerics arrived during his burial to stop people from praying to Allah for this kafir; they prevented inscription of a Koranic message on the cenotaph. The local Magistrate wished to inscribe the words, “Abdus Salam, the First Muslim Nobel Laureate”, on his tombstone. But the clerics prevented inscribing the word, “Muslim”. So his tombstone inscription now reads “Abdus Salam the First Nobel Laureate”.
Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, after the above 1974
constitution amendment, initiated the persecution of Ahmadiyyas,
which was, later on, intensified by the military dictator Zia-ul-Haq.
Persecution of Ahmadiyyas was at its peak when Dr Salam received the
Nobel Prize. After he received the Nobel Prize, he was invited by
the faculty of the Quaid-e-Azam University in Islamabad to deliver a
lecture, but he was denied entry into the University campus by
Islamist student organisations. When he came to India, he received a
grand welcome; the scientific community of Kolkata gave him a hero’s welcome. We still remember
his meeting with his aged teacher and placing the medal round his
neck. On the next day, we read that news and saw the photograph with
moistened eyes.
The Shias are also persecuted and killed like the Ahmadiyyas in Pakistan today. These developments make it evident that the creed of Islam is extremely sectarian and communal; Islam is a doctrine of hate. It divides the entire humanity into two groups: those, who believe in the Koran and the Prophethood of Mohammad, are Muslims or Momens and those, who do not, are kafir. In the eyes of Allah, these kafirs are worse than animals; He instructs Muslims in the Koran to heap any type of oppression, torture or humiliation upon the kafirs: to kill them, to rape their women, to set their houses on fire, to occupy their land, to loot their valuables, to smash skulls of their children on stones and so on. So it is not difficult to understand the kind of brutality the Muslims of Pakistan could unleash on those, who have been officially declared apostates by the government.
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Date: Saturday January 17, 2009
Time: 10:38:26 -0500
Name: Tony
Date: Saturday January 17, 2009
Time: 11:53:19 -0500
Name: a Paki Nobel Laurette
Date: Saturday January 17, 2009
Time: 12:04:32 -0500
This is news Dr. Chari. I used to think Pakistan only has Taliban laureates.
Name: To Dr.Radheshyam Bhrhmachari
Date: Saturday January 17, 2009
Time: 13:50:18 -0500
Dear dr an outlet for oppressed Muslims into Hinduism/or Buddhism have to be initiated soon in South Asia in a more systematic/ administrative way to accomodate the frustrated Islamic souls. Place them in a subgroup in Hinduism/Buddhism so that they can carry out life as normal/ without strains, able to visit Hindu temples/ shrines without hindrance. The time is approaching to start a movement which is apolitical to absorb these human beings into humanity or to their original roots.
Name: Bad muslim
Date: Saturday January 17, 2009
Time: 21:07:00 -0500
Islam is filth. Muslims really should open their eyes and know their religion. If they do that, they will leave this terrible cult.
Name: Dr Radhasyam Brahmachari
Date: Saturday January 17, 2009
Time: 23:24:33 -0500
Dear to Dr Radhasyam Bra.., I have already started such an effort. Have you gone through my articles "Muslim Brothers of Indian Subcontinent: It's Time for Home-coming". Every Hindu should come forward so thatthe message could reach every Muslims and oppressed Muslims. We have to carryout this sacred duty to liberate them from the oppresion of Islam.
Name: jon
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 03:15:06 -0500
Islam is a crime. That is why muslims can easily commit atrocities. The only west asian religion which is sensible is christianity, only because it has indian philosophical thought embedded in it--specifically buddhism.
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 03:25:09 -0500
What does Zakir Naik say for this extremely insular mindset and bigotry? He proclaims in his Peace TV that islam is a religion of peace and a "solution" for "humanity". I cannot imagine a more disgusting criminal cult ever than islam.
Name: JB to Dr.Brahmachari
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 06:56:13 -0500
valid point about finding an avenue for oppressed muslims to return back to their ancestral faith or any of the indic faiths of their choice. The way for that to happen is for hindus to start a re-conversion drive by peaceful means and offer those people a chance to return to the fold. I mean many muslims today were born into it and should have a chance to determine their religion. While indic religions dont believe in proselytizing the faith, we should find a way to do it as its necessary. Its easy to become a hindu. Just go to the temple of your choice and pray to the almighty in whatever form or shape you chose. Even a formless god as proposed originally in the vedas is a great choice. The official process can be done when the time is right. Or better yet, organizations like ISKON might welcome the muslims trying to escape the oppression in their fold if those people are apprehensive of some of the orthodox folds of hinduism. However the hindu organizations shold make a conscious effort to address this issue. I think stopping the visits to the mosque and stopping the 'zakat' will be a more telling blow to islam. Islamic law implies a death sentence only for apostates and not for atheists.
Name: blagger
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 11:26:35 -0500
ISKCON is an intolerant, authoritarian, dualistic, moneygrabbing cult. You'd be as well advising muslims to join the Moonies.
Name: JB to blagger
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 21:10:36 -0500
I am not recommending ISKCON or anything. Just that it has so many people who were traditionally non-hindus that converted to hinduism, I thought it might be a fit. That said, my point remains- hindus have a responsibility to create an atmosphere where muslims on the fence feel wlecome to return t the fold. I am aware of the arya samaj and some other organizations doing the needful for such situations.
Name: islam is dangerous to humnaity .
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 00:36:17 -0500
islam is dangerous to humnaity.It is like mental contaminating disease which makes one to worse than animals.If we do not eliminate it from the face of earth then humna race will be eliminated like dinosaurs which have killed themselves in quarelling 65 million years ago.
Name: RE islam is dangerous to humnanity
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 03:08:37 -0500
Yes, I agree that islam is dangerous to humnanity because Muslims have no problems with Jews, Muslims and Christians coexisted in the past and can coexist even NOw. Keep in mind that there was no terrorism prior to the creation of Israel. Zionism is what as caused all the terror. Blame all the evil to islam and if Possible refer pages of the Korran and highlight them out of context. Who hates the muslims the most? The Christian church existed under Muslim rule for more than thousands of years with no problems. It is only recently that the Christians and Muslims find themselves at each other’s throats, and it’s all the Zionists’ doing. They want to see the Christians and Muslims wipe each other out for the benefit of the Zionist state, which views them both as a threat. The Zionist plan to use Israel as their headquarters for world rule and as an escape hideout. The war on terror is a war on Arabs and Muslims who concider the Zionist of not following the Ten commandments. It’s about fighting Israel’s enemies who are not America’s enemies. Zionist inlike Jews, Muslims and christians are not loyal to anyone but themselves. They are not allies to America. They use America, her money, her technology and her political system until America is of no use, and then when they are done they will dump her just like flushing the toilet. America had no enemies in the Middle East before the Zionist became our ‘friend’, and those who insist these zionist are our friends should consider a few facts–She blew up American government buildings and tried to blame it on the Arabs. She attacked the USS Liberty and killed 34 of our sailors. She stole our secrets through the Zionist spy Jonathon Pollard and sold them to the Russians. And, last but not least, she was responsible for 9/11. There is no way that a bunch of guys in caves learned how to fly those planes in a few weeks and did all that damage without help from Mossad, and now we have/ had 2 Jewish traitors sitting as head of Homeland Security and Attorney General.’
Name: JB on RE islam is dangerous to humnanity
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 06:03:58 -0500
So, muslims killing hindus and buddhists in afghanistan and india, practically wiping out the entire populace in certain regions was just a past time sanctioned by islam? How hard will you try to hide the attrocities you people had committed in the name of islam in the last 1400 yrs. Your defense of islam is even more despicable as you are not even aware of how many lives your religon has killed in the name of jihad. Jihad existed before 1947 and existed even in 6th century AD led by your mohammed.
Name: RE: RE islam is dangerous to humnanity
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 09:46:12 -0500
NO terror before the creation of Israel. That's funny cos the Mooplah riots in India did not happen after the creation of Israel, no was the massacre of the Armenians done after the creation of Israel. The Hindus and Jews in Afghanistan were not wiped out after the creation of Israel. The Bahais in Iran were not killed after the creation of Israel. The peaceful Muslims killed the Hundreds of millions in the Indian subcontinent in the 12-18th century before the creation of Israel. The Egyptian Christians were not forced to pay Jizziyah after the creation of Israel. Whoever you are you have a great sense of humour.
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 22:44:22 -0500