cannot profess a belief in something one cannot define. Being
unable to define what you give a name to makes your belief
irrational. Likewise, a thing cannot be defined differently
from one time to another. Any definition of a real “thing”
cannot change between people or over time. We cannot in the
name of being tolerant or “catholic” ascribe mutually exclusive
attributes to a thing, and allow us to proclaim ourselves to be
correct. If we are to believe in a single, universal reality,
we cannot accept personally derived definitions of it. This is
not a problem with reality; this is a problem with knowledge and
understanding, and often communication. As Ayn Rand would say,
“A is A”.
Islam appears to possess this
characteristic of ambiguity and internal inconsistency. Some
claim it is peaceful. Others say it is hateful and violent.
Both characterizations cannot be correct.
What is of overriding importance then, is not to listen to the
laments of such as Tashbih Sayyed, who cannot fathom why the
non-Muslim world would cast a suspicious eye on Islam. It is
also not important to simply believe that Islam is unjust,
cruel, or abhorrent without a realistic basis. What is critical
is to determine what Islam is. Once we know what Islam is,
because of the magnitude of its presence in this world, we must
judge it against a standard of morality. Either Islam should
stand as a truly peaceful and just religion, and all false
interpretations can be cast out as heresy, and all true Muslims
can join the fight against the heretics who defile the name of
Islam with invocations to violence, or Islam must be known by
all concerned, intelligent people to be an abomination. Perhaps
the truth is a little of both, but we must know, or all
arguments and conflicts become arbitrary exercises in nonsense.
Some people believe what they are told about a religion. They
derive their “knowledge” from hearsay. Because religions are
complex and take time to understand, learning from others is how
most people gain knowledge about a faith. But this method is
subject to tremendous errors in understanding. How do you know
for sure that what you are being told is reasonable or true? We
need more.
Some believe a religion is what the majority, or plurality, or
consensus of its practitioners believe it to be. This is the
participatory democracy theory of religious expression. But this
must necessarily not be correct, for that model of reality
renders the creed subject to personalization and variation over
time, and that is irrational. As pointed out above, the doctrine
cannot change without a specific, clear process for change (in
orthodoxy). Either people can find an error in their
interpretation of it, or they can shift away from it and
establish an alternative religion, sect, or denomination. But we
cannot look to an average of all opinions about a religion and
be certain that a commonly peaceful religion wouldn’t turn
around and become viciously sadistic. We need more.
Some people believe that all religions are man-made institution,
and as such are capable of transitioning through a historical
process of continuous enlightenment. This is the evolution
theory of religious definition. It assumes that in their dark,
formative years, all religions are based on the norms for those
relatively uncivilized folks, and as secular civilization
advances, the religion is upgraded to keep up. Thus any
religion can, given enough time, evolve into something mature
and tolerant. This notion cannot be accepted, as it only allows
a definition of a religious doctrine to exist at a point in
time, which upon sunset or daybreak could be interpreted
differently to keep up with the events of the day. We need
Some people believe that a religion is what its practitioners
do. This is the “walk the walk” theory of the definition of a
religion. But we cannot look to a believer’s behavior to define
the belief system that the agent (of the behavior) purports to
represent. What if the agent is wrong? Then their behavior is
not representative of the creed. Moreover, most religions
represent ideals, and as most people realize, we (people) are
not that good at living up to ideals. Religions are intended to
be instructional, inspirational, and directional. That we
cannot self-configure and self maintain the ideal state is the
reason why we have religion to begin with. Looking at the
behavior of people can never give you the true picture of their
religion. We need more.
This is not to say that the behavior patterns of a large sample
of professed believers in a religion (necessarily) do not
represent the ethical basis for a religion. Likewise, the
assertions of those who repute to adopt a religion may (but do
not necessarily) represent some measure of truth about the
religion itself. While the behavior of the believer does not
guarantee knowledge of the religion, observed behavior could
certainly give rise to a hypothesis about the definition of the
religion. This is essentially a scientific problem, which can
be tested. But science does not measure fantasies or subjective
notions. It can only verify reality, otherwise science itself
is a pointless exercise. A scientific method to determine the
reality of a religion’s principles can use behavior patterns to
design an experiment. But that experiment must measure
something firm, something discoverable. Thus, the religion
itself can only be defined by a single body of knowledge that
all believers profess to accept.
body of knowledge must be a preserved state of thinking from the
originator(s) of the religion. It must be an intellectual
property, which becomes the most reliable way to comprehend the
nature of a religion. But what is the body of knowledge? And
where is it? Knowledge must come through some kind of reliable,
stable interface between your mind and an intellectual property
that represents the truth of the religion. This interface is a
medium where the “word” or the religion is documented and
preserved. Fortunately, we have a reliable source of knowledge
about Islam, which transcends common ideas, common behaviors,
and common chit chat. It is a codex, a scripture. It is the
Koran and the Hadith. While some apocrypha has crept into the
body of Islamic scripture, there is a plain and accepted
orthodoxy, that is fairly easy to determine in this, the world’s
newest major religion.
the question for rational thinkers is this: Is Islam a religion
of peace, toleration, and forgiveness? Or is it a religion of
violence, revenge, and coercion? Or is it a mix of both? Or is
the religion truly ambiguous, so metaphorical that its meaning
simply cannot be derived, rendering the whole doctrine an absurd
fantasy? Is Islam immutable, or is it subject to change over
time by a consensus of recursively enlightened representatives?
In today’s repressive culture of bashing Christianity and
embracing “alternative” religions, are we even allowed to ask
such impolite things, or will a million Muslims riot in the
streets because we dare to seek the truth?
Let’s find out. And when we do, we won’t have to worry about
endless debates over whether or not the non-Muslim world has
anything to fear from Islam’s encroachment. Each of the
assertions below is testable and verifiable, and we should
welcome the task of validating the truth about Islam. In fact,
once validated, Islam can be compared with other religions in
terms of its ethical essence, using similar processes to
ascertain the truth about them.
Fact 1: Islam is a belief system established as a way to reject
and detest Judaism and Christianity as being heresies against
“true” Abrahamic faith in God, and as abominations to the Muslim
god, Allah.
Therefore, Jews and Christians are necessarily subject to
distaste, distrust, and ill judgment.
Fact 2: Islam calls for a lack of respect for, lack of
forgiveness of, and institutionalized intolerance towards Jews
and Christians.
Therefore, Jews and Christians cannot be considered co-equals or
“sinners”, but as defilements, and obstacles to God’s will.
Fact 3: Islam empowers and urges believers to wage violent,
physical struggle against Jews and Christians as well as
“pagans”, until the world is under the political, military, and
social authority of Islam. Muhammad led or participated in wars
of overt aggression, and these wars were approved and urged by
the Muslim god, Allah to save the world by establishing Islamic
rule. Warriors for Allah are assured the highest benefits in
heaven. (there is a notion of a “greater” Jihad, one of inner
acceptance of Islam, but this notion is only applicable where
Islam has already become supreme….meaning, after the world is
brought under the control of Islam, the Muslims are free to
continue a personal “struggle” against their natural urge to be
Therefore, there can be no lasting peace between non-Islamic and
Islamic societies. Further, even after Muslims are defeated in
war, as long as they retain their religious beliefs, they are
actively encouraged to reinitiate war.
Fact 4: Islam allows those captured in wars of aggression (for
the glory of Allah) to be killed and their possessions taken,
and their women raped. Islam allows and encourages the wealth
of non-Muslims to be usurped and shared with the Muslim church.
Islam allows those resisting its supremacy to be taken as slaves
in the new Islamic order that follows defeat of the infidels.
Islam allows and encourages, but does not force those under
Islamic rule to convert to Islam.
Therefore, losing a war with military forces under the banner of
Islam is painful and costly. Further, Islam sanctions rape,
murder, looting, slavery, discrimination against non-Muslims,
and forced conversions.
Fact 5: Islam commands and prescribes many behaviors because
either Muhammad commanded them (Koran), or Muhammad behaved
according to them (Hadith). Muhammad’s commandments and
behavioral examples are to be personally emulated or politically
imposed upon Islamic society. There is little room in these
commandments for interpretation or inconsistency. Many of these
behavioral rules are codified in sharia law.
Therefore, Islam is intended to impose a strict theocracy via
sharia upon all subjects within its authority. This authority
(once Islam is supreme) permits official Islam to recognize
alternate religions, but does not force them to do so. And, all
non-converts must be taxed and may be enslaved by Muslims.
Fact 6: Islam can never be changed by reinterpretation,
redefinition, or even formal abrogation. It can never be
modified, ignored or abstracted. No subsequent or future
prophets can succeed Muhammad’s authority. If you attempt to
change the tenets of Islam as defined in the Koran, and as
exemplified by Muhammad, you are an apostate, itself a crime
punishable by death. Further, whenever the Koran is in conflict
with itself (some passages contradict other passages), the
latter passages always supercede the former (because the former
passages are ipso facto Satanic verses).
Therefore, those who claim Islam can be defined by contemporary
consensus or circumstances are wrong. Islam can never be
considered to have changed in any context whatsoever. Further,
where there are few, isolated examples of toleration and
peacefulness in the Koran, these passages are rendered
inoperative by any invocations to violence and intolerance that
appear later. Muhammad’s actions and words right up until his
death were clear indications of his intent to wage war on the
non-converted world and to treat infidels in a discriminatory
Fact 7: The figure and historic person of Muhammad (the
prophet) may never be mocked, ridiculed or tormented. Those who
engage in this conduct are subject to writs of assassination.
Therefore Muslims are empowered to murder those they accuse of
mocking the prophet.
Fact 8: Women in Islam have dramatically lower rights than
men. Men can marry several women, but women cannot marry
several men. Punishments for crimes conducted by women are more
severe than punishments for men who commit similar crimes.
Rights of women in divorce or inheritance are lower than the
rights of men. Women must be veiled, but not men. Women may be
genitally mutilated, but not men.
Therefore, Islam is an institution of perpetual discrimination
against women.
Fact 9: Muslims are encouraged to deceive and lie about their
motives and tactics in their ongoing war with infidels.
Therefore, you cannot trust or believe a Muslim’s words or
Fact 10: Muslims are encouraged to not just wage war, but to
terrorize the enemy into abandoning the will to resist the
Therefore, terrorism is a tool and manifestation of orthodox
these truths, plainly evident in numerous, unabrogated sections
of Islamic scripture, Islam can be known. Those who uphold
these tenets cannot be seen as extremists or deviants with
regard to the doctrine of Islam. Those who practice these
prescriptions are adhering to the fundamental, essence of the
Islamic creed.
If this is not true, let a Muslim
reveal scripture that contradicts these assertions, which
conforms to the Islamic rules of abrogation. Once the truth
about Islam is revealed, we may then judge the behavior of
terrorists and Imams who preach their hate as being orthodox and
conventional. We can no longer refer to them as “radical;” or
“extreme”. Moreover, we can judge so-called moderate Muslims to
be heretical and ignorant (or perhaps deceitful). The moderates
can be dismissed from the entire debate.
Once we have established a truthful platform, we can begin to
ask if Islam is in fact, per se, evil. To do this we must go
through that difficult process of defining evil. If we cannot
do this, we cannot arrive at any basis for studying or arguing
ethics. We’d have to content ourselves with an arbitrary,
capricious, fickle world of anything-goes. Fortunately, most
people believe in some kind of absolute standard of ethics. We
must then, measure Islam against that standard. We can
certainly measure other Godly and Godless belief systems against
the same standard and see how they come out. There are a lot of
atheists, agnostics, and secularists, as well as a good many
insecure Christians who would be very afraid to examine their
own scriptural foundation for ethics, so they reflexively and
unconsciously declare any judgment of Islam to be impolite. But
they are wrong.
Society must not refuse to protect itself and accept any wolf
that arrives in sheep’s clothing.
must know the truth about Islam.
Complete Series:
The Truth
about Islam, part1
The Truth
about Islam Part 2, Sabre Rattling
Truth about
Islam, Part 3: Lesser Jihad is the only Jihad
I would be happy
to supply scriptural evidence for these facts about Islam to
justify this definition of Islam. I would welcome an equivalent
process to analyze Christianity.