The ABCs of dhimmitude
14 Mar, 2008
do most Americans know about Muslim culture? Save for the
misconceptions—nothing, say the experts. So someone has to educate
the American public about Islamic culture and if it isn’t ABC NEWS
who is it going to be? FOX? CNN? It’s a thankless job, but ABC is up
to it. They’ve been in the news and education business a long time.
Thanks to ABC, Americans are better informed about cultural
diversity, immigration, economics, the Texas Gunslinger and the war
in Iraq, education, taxes and a hundred other things—except for
Islam. Well, that is changing.
On February 29, 2008, ABC made the stark admission that Muslim culture wasn’t well understood in America and that they intended to do something about it. They would—by, golly—help Americans understand the Muslim next door. It wouldn’t be easy enlightening Larry, Moe and Curley and they would need the best possible advice they could get. So they went to the Council on American-Islamic Relations—the font of all Islamic knowledge in the United States, valiant battlers for human rights, justice and the American way.
Wow! Just look at CAIR’s organizational chart! It’s like the 1927 New York Yankees! It boggles the mind!
For starters, there’s CAIR’s long-time spokesman Ibrahim Hooper. This fine fellow put everyone’s mind to ease a few years ago when he said CAIR didn’t publicly support terrorism. Wow! What a relief! Opie hasn’t missed a night’s sleep since. It sure took a load off Sheriff’s Andy’s mind. “There is a difference with hate speech at your local mosque,” said Ibrahim, “and radio talk that reaches millions.” Now that is perspicacious! John Walker Lindh and Richard Reid listened to hate speech at their local mosques and went bad—Larry, Moe and Curley listen to Rush Limbaugh and Melanie Morgan and so do million of others, but so far none of the ditto-heads has strapped on a suicide bomber’s belt and made his way to Democratic Party head-quarters. Hatred seems to flourish in the mosque. Could Ibrahim be wrong? But he’s from CAIR and CAIR was hand picked by ABC. They weren’t self-selected, were they? One hopes not.
Here’s Nihad Awad. He’s another fine fellow. He was a founder of CAIR. He’s their executive officer. “I am in support of the Hamas movement,” he said. (Now, that could be troubling) According to Nihad, the trial and conviction of the four terrorists involved in the First World Trade Center bombing was, “a travesty of justice.” “There is ample evidence,” he said, “indicating that both Mossad (the Israeli secret service) and the Egyptian Intelligence played a role in the explosion.” Well…he’s not the only doubter. There’s Rosie O’Donnell and Woody Harrelson.
Here’s Randall Todd Royer, a gun and explosive enthusiast and a member of CAIR. Wait a minute…better scratch Randy. He’s serving 20 years in jail for aiding and abetting terrorist activities. (Every organization has at least one or two black sheep)
But here’s Omar Ahmad, another of CAIR’s co-founders. “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faiths,” he has said, “but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”
Well, that’s no worse than Jeff Davis wanting to extend slavery into the territories, is it? What is ABC’s position on this dar-al-Islam thing? If Pat Robertson said he wanted everyone to become Christians would ABC be as tolerant as they are of CAIR? Better move on before this begins to sound like a complaint.
Here is Siraj Wahhaj. Siraj is a member of CAIR’s advisory board. He was a character witness for Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, the mastermind behind the First World Trade Center bombing. Wahhaj promised that America “will fall unless it accepts the Islamic agenda.”
When Federal prosecutors were preparing to try the Holy Land Foundation for money laundering and raising funds for terrorist activities, CAIR was included in the list of un-indicted co-conspirators.
Gosh! Where did ABC find CAIR…in the Yellow Pages? They must not have looked very hard. Who recommended CAIR? Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar? This would be like WGN Radio calling in the Capone Gang to clear up misconceptions about Mob Violence in Chicago or the Grant administration relying on Nathan Bedford Forrest to explain how the Ku Klux Klan supported good government and social order in the Deep South after the Civil War.
ABC posted a list of common misconceptions—things Larry, Moe and Curley had wrong about Muslim culture. Like Islam promotes violence and terrorism Wrong, said ABC, “According to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, etc, etc, etc,” this was not true.
Say, aren’t those the same guys that support Hamas, praise Jihad, claim America will fall if it doesn’t accept the Islamic agenda, believe Israel brought down the World Trade Center and are sitting in various jails around the US for raising funds for terrorism and engaging in terrorist activities? Yes, they are. But how could that be? Shouldn’t ABC have asked around, got a second opinion?
Well, maybe… but never mind that, there are more misconceptions to be ironed out, more than ABC knows what to do with. There’s Jihad. Yes, Jihad! “Jihad is a term that is often misunderstood and associated with violent and radical militants,” said ABC. The “word…means to strive, struggle and exert effort.” Well, that has certainly been the case. “Jihad…is an inner struggle within oneself…a struggle for equality and against tyranny and oppression.”
That may be true, but what does the book say? Ah, here it is:
Noble Qur’an 2:190 Footnote: “Jihad is holy fighting in Allah’s Cause with full force of numbers and weaponry. It is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars. By Jihad Islam is established, Allah’s word is made superior (which means only Allah has the right to be worshiped), and Islam is propagated. By abandoning Jihad Islam is destroyed and Muslims fall into an inferior position, their honor is lost, their lands are stolen, their rule and authority vanish. Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim. He who tries to escape from this duty, or does not fulfill this duty dies a hypocrite.”
Obligatory? Fighting in Allah’s Cause with full force of numbers and weaponry? It must be a levee en masse.
It was easy to prove Americans are poorly informed about Muslim culture—they are. It was more difficult for ABC to indict America as a land of bigotry and the home of Islamophobia—but they tried. They sent a camera crew to Waco, Texas, hired a couple of actors, set up a sting operation in a bakery and made like Allen Funt. It was not a major production. There were only two roles—a customer and a clerk, plus assorted innocent bystanders. It went like this: customer comes into the store; she is wearing a headscarf; the clerk refuses to wait on her; cuts loose with some racial slurs. If Archie Bunker had been there he would have been shocked. We know that because ABC was Shocked! Shocked! and they are not easily shocked. See Americandaily for the story.
Now back to The Planet of the Apes for another shocking ABC cultural misconception: Muslim women were oppressed and forced to wear the hijab!
Not so, said ABC, Muslim “women often see it (the hijab) as empowering because they are not viewed as sexual objects but judged by their character.” (Now if they can somehow manage to get out of the kitchen!) Has someone been slipping coffee into the Viagra at ABC? Muslim women are being murdered in Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan and elsewhere in the Muslim countries for NOT wearing the hijab—for NOT, N-O-T, wearing the hijab! Don’t they get the news at ABC? Might not being killed dead have something to do with the enthusiasm some Muslim women have attached to the headscarf? If ABC had wanted to learn about the hijab and oppression it could have consulted Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Wafa Sultan! Have they heard of either of them? Have they heard of Theo van Gogh?
They could have done a series on honor killings, but that would have required more honor than a sting operation in a Waco bakery.
The three major news networks are in serious decline. No one expects them to be fair and balanced—they are beyond that. First, they embraced cultural diversity—a particularly pernicious form of self-censorship—and now they have surrendered to Islam. They don’t quite know how they got into this mess and have no idea of how they are going to get out.
These are not misconceptions—these are the ABCs of dhimmitude.
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Denis Schulz was prospective convert to Islam (read his testimony: How I Almost Became a Muslim?) before changing his mind after the 9/11. He actively writes on the threats of Islam and terrorism.
Name: Ibn Kammuna - To anyone
Date: Thursday March 13, 2008
Time: 20:11:13 -0700
Hello everyone. This is a great article. If anyone knows the right "High" people in ABC, Please forward the article. Those people need to know the truth instead of some nonsense about misconceptions of Islam. Denis Shulz: I love your writings. Keep up the good work brother.
Name: Mohammad
Date: Thursday March 13, 2008
Time: 21:40:13 -0700
You cannot justify the bigotry in Waco, Texas, by the bigotry in Saudi Arabia or Iraq. Women in Iraq were not being murdered for not wearing Hijab before the US invaded Iraq.
Name: Shafee al-Zindig
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 01:31:39 -0700
The veil is women’s liberation? What a sick joke. It is like brain-dead slaves claiming that chains and manacles liberate them. That whippings and beatings make them feel more human. The only “liberation” that I can see is liberation from commonsense and reason. All free-spirited women must burn their enslaving burkas on a big bonfire as an earlier generation of their sisters burnt their bras. Then only will they be truly free.
Name: Ibn Kammuna - The Veil
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 05:22:42 -0700
"The Veil is Women's Liberation"- This is like saying Beating Women (Koran 4:34) is actually good for them. It toughens them up, and they become better women! What a joke. The fact is Omar forced good old Mo into getting a "revelation" to veil women and thats what happened. Idiot women followed suit throughout the ages. If veiling liberates women, then I am sure I will lose a lot of weight on the crispy cream doughnuts diet!
Name: Godot
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 06:57:24 -0700
The ABC's program should have been called:"Islamic Oxymorons for the Gullible Morons."
Name: Marie
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 09:32:14 -0700
Islam be the only religion accepted on earth? Over my dead body. Clearly Islam is the most violent, oppressive, genocidal, and cruel religion on earth and I refuse to submit to Allah authority. Plus I cannot fathom why CAIR is still around with all the shady characters that run the organization. The people of ABC are air-heads for allowing CAIR to take part in their special program. They are also air-heads for putting on the show in the first place.
Name: Marie
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 09:33:55 -0700
the veil is women's liberation? That's a joke. If the veil is women's liberation, then are Muslim women being killed for not wearing it?
Name: Allat
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 10:46:36 -0700
Mohammed:"Women in Iraq were not being murdered for not wearing Hijab before the US invaded." Yes, they were! Ever since the beginning. But you speak like a true islamic male. Any lie, to keep being the top, and any abuse to keep women as the bottoms. In your face! A Wild Amazon Polytheist!
Name: Shafee al-Zindig
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 11:10:23 -0700
The veil is women's liberation? Wait, wait, I get the real meaning now! It mens that the veil is Muslim women's "liberation" from being murdered by brutal savages who think they have the god-given right to tell women what to wear or not to wear.
Name: Shafee al-Zindig
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 11:12:01 -0700
The veil is women's liberation? Wait, wait, I get the real meaning now! It means that the veil is Muslim women's "liberation" from being murdered by brutal savages who think they have the god-given right to tell women what to wear or not to wear.
Name: Buckster
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 12:19:53 -0700
Islam is Satanic. Christianity was beginning to flourish and the Devil had to create something to oppose is. Hence he used Mohammad as his instrument to start this resistance to the word of the real God. There you have it. Martyrdom for killing innocents? Welcome to hell, Jihadists'.
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 13:39:21 -0700
Name: Matti
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 14:15:16 -0700
These left wing liberal fools who excuse this filth called islam while denergrating the great country of America obviously do not know that should islam ever get the upper hand then their heads will be the first on the block .That perfect example of a muslim and great sodomiser of Persia the Ayatolla Komeinnie made short work of the intelligensia of Iran after the revolution .
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 15:37:59 -0700
Domestic Violence is a Serious, Widespread Social Problem in America: The Facts Fact Sheets by Topic Facts on Domestic Violence Children and Domestic Violence Guns and Domestic Violence Health Care and Domestic Violence Housing and Domestic Violence Immigrant Women and Domestic Violence International Gender-Based Violence IPV and Healthy People 2010 Goals Fact sheet The Military and Domestic Violence Preventing Violence Against Women & Children Reproductive Health and Violence Teenagers and Domestic Violence The Workplace and Domestic Violence Prevalence of Domestic Violence * Estimates range from 960,000 incidents of violence against a current or former spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend per year1 to three million women who are physically abused by their husband or boyfriend per year.2 * Around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime.3 * Nearly one-third of American women (31 percent) report being physically or sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives, according to a 1998 Commonwealth Fund survey.4 * Nearly 25 percent of American women report being raped and/or physically assaulted by a current or former spouse, cohabiting partner, or date at some time in their lifetime, according to the National Violence Against Women Survey, conducted from November 1995 to May 1996.5 * Thirty percent of Americans say they know a woman who has been physically abused by her husband or boyfriend in the past year.6 * In the year 2001, more than half a million American women (588,490 women) were victims of nonfatal violence committed by an intimate partner.7 * Intimate partner violence is primarily a crime against women. In 2001, women accounted for 85 percent of the victims of intimate partner violence (588,490 total) and men accounted for approximately 15 percent of the victims (103,220 total).8 * While women are less likely than men to be victims of violent crimes overall, women are five to eight times more likely than men to be victimized by an intimate partner.9 * In 2001, intimate partner violence made up 20 percent of violent crime against women. The same year, intimate partners committed three percent of all violent crime against men.10 * As many as 324,000 women each year experience intimate partner violence during their pregnancy.11 * Women of all races are about equally vulnerable to violence by an intimate.12 * Male violence against women does much more damage than female violence against men; women are much more likely to be injured than men.13 * The most rapid growth in domestic relations caseloads is occurring in domestic violence filings. Between 1993 and 1995, 18 of 32 states with three year filing figures reported an increase of 20 percent or more.14 * Women are seven to 14 times more likely than men to report suffering severe physical assaults from an intimate partner.15 Domestic Homicides * On average, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends in this country every day. In 2000, 1,247 women were killed by an intimate partner. The same year, 440 men were killed by an intimate partner.16 * Women are much more likely than men to be killed by an intimate partner. In 2000, intimate partner homicides accounted for 33.5 percent of the murders of women and less than four percent of the murders of men.17 * Pregnant and recently pregnant women are more likely to be victims of homicide than to die of any other cause18 , and evidence exists that a significant proportion of all female homicide victims are killed by their intimate partners.19 * Research suggests that injury related deaths, including homicide and suicide, account for approximately one-third of all maternal mortality cases, while medical reasons make up the rest. But, homicide is the leading cause of death overall for pregnant women, followed by cancer, acute and chronic respiratory conditions, motor vehicle collisions and drug overdose, peripartum and postpartum cardiomyopthy, and suicide.20 Health Issues * The health-related costs of rape, physical assault, stalking and homicide committed by intimate partners exceed $5.8 billion each year. Of that amount, nearly $4.1 billion are for direct medical and mental health care services, and nearly $1.8 billion are for the indirect costs of lost productivity or wages.21 * About half of all female victims of intimate violence report an injury of some type, and about 20 percent of them seek medical assistance.22 * Thirty-seven percent of women who sought treatment in emergency rooms for violence-related injuries in 1994 were injured by a current or former spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend.23 Domestic Violence and Youth * Approximately one in five female high school students reports being physically and/or sexually abused by a dating partner.24 * Eight percent of high school age girls said “yes” when asked if “a boyfriend or date has ever forced sex against your will.”25 * Forty percent of girls age 14 to 17 report knowing someone their age who has been hit or beaten by a boyfriend.26 * During the 1996-1997 school year, there were an estimated 4,000 incidents of rape or other types of sexual assault in public schools across the country.27 Domestic Violence and Children * In a national survey of more than 6,000 American families, 50 percent of the men who frequently assaulted their wives also frequently abused their children.28 * Slightly more than half of female victims of intimate violence live in households with children under age 12.29 * Studies suggest that between 3.3 - 10 million children witness some form of domestic violence annually.30 Rape * Three in four women (76 percent) who reported they had been raped and/or physically assaulted since age 18 said that a current or former husband, cohabiting partner, or date committed the assault.31 * One in five (21 percent) women reported she had been raped or physically or sexually assaulted in her lifetime.32 * Nearly one-fifth of women (18 percent) reported experiencing a completed or attempted rape at some time in their lives; one in 33 men (three percent) reported experiencing a completed or attempted rape at some time in their lives.33 * In 2000, 48 percent of the rapes/sexual assaults committed against people age 12 and over were reported to the police.34 * In 2001, 41,740 women were victims of rape/sexual assault committed by an intimate partner.35 * Rapes/sexual assaults committed by strangers are more likely to be reported to the police than rapes/sexual assaults committed by “nonstrangers,” including intimate partners, other relatives and friends or acquaintances. Between 1992 and 2000, 41 percent of the rapes/sexual assaults committed by strangers were reported to the police. During the same time period, 24 percent of the rapes/sexual assaults committed by an intimate were reported.36 Stalking * Annually in the United States, 503,485 women are stalked by an intimate partner.37 * Seventy-eight percent of stalking victims are women. Women are significantly more likely than men (60 percent and 30 percent, respectively) to be stalked by intimate partners.38 * Eighty percent of women who are stalked by former husbands are physically assaulted by that partner and 30 percent are sexually assaulted by that partner.39
Name: balam
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 15:40:17 -0700
Muslim women can not protect themselves from the X-RAY eyes of Muslim men.These women can try to protect themselves with as many layers of clothing as prescribed but the sex crazed muslim men can still get to their private parts with their imagination and rape them with their lustful gaze.Mohammad set a good example for a-moral life for his followers.No wonder the muslims are backward because they waste so much time worshiping a pagan god and following an illiterate and ignorant man,whose mission was to turn human -beings into savages without any humanity and compassion.Mohammad never got any love from her mother.He never saw his father to guide him.He passed on the legacy of lovelessness for women because he never received any love from his mother.I, sadly ,pity Mohammad more than I despise him althogh he does not deserve any sympathy for all the evil he brought into this beautiful world.
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 15:42:27 -0700
IBN KAMMUNA IS A PARROT, nice articale nice article, good article, good article,great article, great article,
Name: akhter
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 15:54:00 -0700
The Islamic Concept of Veil Two verses of the Holy Quran succinctly and candidly deal with the basic concept of veil in Islam. First; in Sura An-Nur (The light) the Quran says: “And tell the believing women to lower their gazes and be modest, and to display of their adornments only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms.”(24:31) In this verse it is clearly mentioned that sex parts must not be exposed and must be covered. “Adornment which is apparent” alludes to the common body parts between male and female sexes. The face, hands and feet are common parts and are exposed without any indecency or immodesty. Second; The other verse of the Holy Quran is in Sura Al-Ahzab (The confederates). The Quran says: “O; Prophet! Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go outside). That will be better, that so they may be recognized and not molested”. (33:59). The ancient Arab history reveals the fact that the immodest and immoral ladies used to expose their bodies and walk in market without veil. They were purchasable commodities. They did not wear hijab or scarf. They were improperly dressed. The corrupt people could easily decipher and unravel about their character or profession. They were prostitutes. Hence the Quran announced that pious ladies must be properly and modestly dressed so that when they go out of their houses people should recognize them as domestic chaste, pure and pious ladies and they should not be teased or chased. From these two above-mentioned Quranic verses it is clear that God ordains to cover the bodies and strictly rejects and condemns nudity and obscenity. Now the question arises as to what is the concept of veil in Islam. Different jurists and interpreters have differently interpreted the above-mentioned Quranic verses about veil. Here I would like to cite from two illustrious contemporary scholars. Maulana Moududi of Pakistan in his Urdu book entitled “Pardah” (The veil) considers the covering of face obligatory for a Muslim woman. On the other hand Ustad Murtaza Motaheri Shaheed of Iran in his Persian book entitled “Hijab” (The veil) does not consider the covering of face obligatory. But both scholars of eminence believe that a Muslim lady must wear “scarf” and cover her head for identity and sobriety. They also in detail discuss that covering of sexual parts was obligatory in ancient Greek and Roman culture and was religiously obligatory in the society of the Jews and the Christians as well. They have given examples that only immodest and indecent ladies used to expose their bodies. To date the ladies who expose their bodies in the name of modernity and progressive civilization represent the ladies of ancient times who were considered the ladies of market having no value and culture. The history is repeating itself. In the name of freedom we are exploiting and insulting the women folk. The woman has been turned into a purchasable commodity. It is happy omen that the Muslim society believes in the covering of the womenfolk but it is divided in its concept and practice as mentioned earlier. The Muslim world is divided in to three groups. First; those who claim to be modern wear European dress. They do not care about the Quranic injunctions. They pay lip service to Islam. We can find some Muslim ladies wearing skirts or mini skirts in some Muslim countries like Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt and the Middle East. Second; there is an extreme known as retrogressive ladies. These ladies cover their bodies from top to toe. It is known as ‘Burqa’. It is a kind of veil with eyeholes to it, covering the whole body from head to foot. You cannot see the face, hands or feet of the women. It is rampant in Saudi Arabia and in some other states. Third; we find some moderates who do not believe in extremism and give the moderate interpretation of religion. These ladies neither wear western dress nor Saudi dress. They cover their bodies but do not cover the face, hands and feet. Some of them wear scarf and some do not. They do not make “scarf” an issue. They are more concerned about sex parts and the matter of their covering. Majority of them believe that scarf is the part of Islamic dress while some others do not consider scarf the part of Islamic dress, as there are no clear Quranic injunctions about headscarf in the Quran. But the Muslim history testifies this fact that wives of the holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) used to cover the head with a sheet or scarf. Hence such ladies consider scarf an Islamic obligation. Such ladies are mostly found in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Malaysia and Indonesia. During the performance of pilgrimage the Muslim ladies cover the head with a scarf but do not cover the face, hands and feet. It seems the pilgrimage gives women respect, place, position and status on the bases of knowledge, character, dignity and modesty. Islam does not make womenfolk as sex commodities or play things in the hands of commercialism. The female body is used for selling everything from cosmetics to clothing. The woman has been made a marketable commodity in the name of so called freedom. We must resist. We must give natural honor to women through Islamic teachings. In the end it is necessary to mention that the prohibition of scarf in schools or offices by the French government is discriminatory. It is against human rights. The French officials say that hijab is a religious symbol and must be prohibited. But the crux of the matter is that if some ladies are free to wear miniskirts or reveal their bodies how the other ladies can be asked not to cover their bodies. If the Jews can wear the Star of David or Yamaka (A skull cap worn by the Jews) and the Christians can wear the cross, then why only the Muslim women are asked not to wear scarf. It is a discriminatory law and exhibits prejudice against Muslims. Let us respect the religious symbols and right of all believers and be tolerant to maintain a culture respecting Inter Faith dialogue and religious co-existence.
Name: agnostic
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 15:56:07 -0700
Britainstan can't wait to get its womenfolk in hijab. Dhimmitude is alive, well and kicking in the UK. No more fun and frolic for Brit native women. Get ready to be turned into baby making machines.
Name: jorge
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 16:05:29 -0700
Going through the article about the abuse of the Amercian women, perhaps DENIS needs to concentrate to the massive injustice and barbaric crimes being committed against Amercia,s own.Is this the reason why 3 out 4 Amercian converts to Islam are women,just goes to show which really feels liberated .
Name: wally
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 19:34:21 -0700
Women in Iraq were not being murdered before Saddam's overthrow ( at least not for behaving in an un-Islamic manner) because he never allowed full blown Islam full rein. In Basra, back in 1991 people were shot just for looking like mullahs: the mosques, especially the Shia ones, represented a rival power base. Baathism was ultimately a secular political movement, akin to European fascism and it is for this reason that Christians were relatively safe in Saddam's Iraq as they currently are in Syria. Once the champions of Islam are firmly in the saddle, as they now are at street level, women are murdered for not wearing the hijab, Christian archbishops are murdered and most of the Christians have had to flee. Sure - it's all the fault of the Americans: they failed to realise what a grotesque religion they are dealing with.
Name: Shafee al-Zindig
Date: Saturday March 15, 2008
Time: 00:43:16 -0700
VEILING & VIOLENCE TOWARDS UNVEILED WOMEN. Let me see if I understand the “reasoning” of these Islamic apologists who have posted their comments above. The Islamic solution to violence towards women is to turn THEM into victims, deny them their human rights to freedom of movement and imprison them in their homes and in mobile tents. Is that your idea of Allah’s “justice”? In all civilized countries it is the MEN who are punished for committing these despicable crimes towards women. NOT the other way around. These taqiyya apologists strangely never mention that EVEN in spite of their brutal, confining and restrictive methods towards their helpless women, violence towards them is far worse that in other communities. And you know why? Yes because these men get off free and the women are punished. Is this the “perfect” way of life you want to impose on the rest of us? Another point of lying hypocrisy is that even in the sacred heart of Islam in Mecca, at the holy of holies the Kaaba, these veiled creatures are still sexually harassed by these male “pious” frauds who call themselves hajjis. They use every opportunity to touch or pinch or fondle these veiled women who are there solely to perform their religious obligations. Think I am lying? Ask your sisters, daughters and mothers who have been there who experienced this shocking display for themselves. Islamic apologists should first clean their own filthy backyards before pointing hypocritical fingers at their neighbors.
Name: Allat
Date: Wednesday March 19, 2008
Time: 18:09:49 -0700
TO : "OK ,LET US LOOK AT YOUR SO CALLED FREE UNVEILED WOMEN!!!" And THAT is in spite of the fact that we, are freed, all those stats are because men commit acts that are recognized as CRIMES. CRIMES, my dear fellow. Now Imagine when such horrors are sanctitioned by the koran, religion, culture AND slime imams. All the statistics are then brought up to 100% because it is allowed - it is accepted - AND because, when such crimes happen, NO one, but NONE helps the victims, women.----This happens in islamic countries....hell (!) it happens in Western countries where islamic immigrants live. FOr example, "HONOR" killings.........Do you have naything else to say?..........Allat - Wild Free Amazon Woman
Name: all Moslem
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 23:00:02 -0700
In Indonesia, many ustadz (teacher), rape their pupils who were under 12 years old. They followed the example given by their prophet Mo, having sex with a 9-year old girl. (read about hadits for women to shave their pubic area, to be like that of a small girl's). I am sure, here in Indonesia, all this child sex abuses, were done by Moslems, that's a fact you cannot deny.