Taqiyya and the Universal Islamic Liars Club
06 Mar, 2008
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Ramzi Binalshibh, Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali,
Mustafa Ahmad al-Hawsawi, Waleed bin Attash and Mohammed al-Qahtani
have been charged with conspiring to murder 3,000 people in the 9/11
attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. They will face a
military tribunal at Gitmo and if convicted will be sentenced to
In another day and perhaps an angrier time it was Goering,
Kaltenbrunner, Jodl, Keitel, Ribbentrop and Streicher. The
Holocaust…Dachau…Buchenwald…the Twisted Cross…
Before that it was Herold, Powell, Atzerodt, Surratt, Mudd and
Spangler. A martyred President…a nation in mourning…rivers of
tears…a hangman’s noose…
Did some comic in lederhosen speak up for Goering and Kaltenbrunner,
how then had been mentally and physically abused at Spandau Prison,
fed ten-day old wiener schnitzel, denied Schnapps on demand? Did
some buffoon shout, “Heil Hitler,” as they went to their reward?
Streicher did but he was one of the guilty.
Who was there to say a good word for Powell and Atzerodt? Certainly,
some whiskey-soaked unregenerate Confederate told the press stories
of how Powell and Atzerodt had been abused by the guards at Old
Capitol Prison, how they had been made to kiss pictures of Old Abe,
sing the Star-Spangled Banner, paraded naked before the Sisters of
Mercy at two o’clock in the morning. No?
If Goering and Kaltenbrunner had had someone like James Yee to tell
lies for them, to make up stories, to gloss over their crimes with
droll tales, perhaps things would have went better for them. If
Powell and Atzerodt had had someone like James Yee to convert their
short stay at Old Capitol into an episode from Rabelais, to stand
truth on its head, their stay might have been more comfortable.
Remember—Judson Kilpatrick and the US Cavalry tried to kill
Jefferson Davis.
But James Yee is not a comic in lederhosen or a whiskey-soaked
unregenerate Confederate—no, that would be conferring a degree of
respect on Yee that is not his due. Yee is a former US Army
chaplain. He served at Gitmo. He did a lot of favors for the Muslim
prisoners—none for the US government. He got his hands on some
documents—maps—that didn’t belong to him and walked off with them.
He was charged with sedition, spying, espionage, aiding the enemy
and failure to obey a general order. The charges were dropped in
March of 2004. Prosecutors felt some of the evidence needed to
convict Yee, if made public, would compromise national security.
Yee graduated from West Point in 1990 and converted to Islam in
1991. As Artie Johnson would have said, “Ver-ry interesting.”
Stephen Dodson Ramseur graduated from West Point in 1860, joined the
Confederate Army in 1861 and was killed at the Battle of Cedar Creek
in 1864. He went from soldiering for the United States to Rebeldom
in less than a year; about the same length of time it took Yee to
transfer his allegiance from West Point to Islam. But unlike Yee,
Ramseur remained an American. He was outspoken, held strong opinions
about everything and never told lies. There is little doubt that if
he had been alive when Lincoln was assassinated, he would have
condemned John Wilkes Booth. After all, Bobby Lee and Stonewall
Jackson were honorable men—a trait that seems to have been lost or
obscured in the one time chaplain’s journey into Islam.
Yee was interviewed a few days ago by BBC radio. Naturally, he was
asked about Camp Gitmo. “It’s safe to say,” he said, “there weren’t
any prisoners who could be definitely connected to hardcore
Uh-huh. And Ernst Kaltenbrunner never drove splinters under Hymie
Goldberg’s fingernails! Like Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, Kaltenbrunner
got a bum rap.
Perhaps one shouldn’t fault Yee if he temporarily fell under the
spell of Ramzi Binalshibh and Khalid Sheikh Mohammad—they have
cachet, they are still powerful men; even Heinrich Himmler had his
admirers and the crescent is every bit as much a unifying symbol as
the Twisted Cross. Maybe if Yee had said every one at Gitmo was
innocent and had let it go at that… But it wouldn’t have made for
much of an interview. And he had certain things he wanted to get off
his chest. “Guards,” he said, “searched the cells (at Gitmo) and
recklessly handled the Quran.”
Recklessly? How? Like the Islamist thugs who invaded the Church of
the Nativity in Bethlehem and used the Bible for toilet paper? No
one asked. It might have been embarrassing—and if there is one thing
BBC doesn’t do is embarrass Muslims. Maybe Yee was inspired by his
interlocutor, maybe he remembered something from the Qur’an; maybe
Geppetto reached out from the netherworld and stuck a needle in his
He had more stories—some bordering on the risqué, some on the
ludicrous. He didn’t say, “Cross my heart and hope to die.” He
should have—it would have set the tone. He said that during
interrogations at Gitmo, female American intelligence officers
stripped off their clothes and stood naked in front of Muslim male
prisoners. The females rubbed themselves inappropriately on the
trembling detainees and grabbed their genitals. That’s what the Fonz
told Potsy and Ralph Malph would happen to them if they were taken
prisoners of war by Hot Babes From Outer Space. Or was it LaVerne
and Shirley? The Fonz could be quite the scamp.
Yee also said interrogators forced Muslim prisoner into a circle
with a pentagram drawn in the middle. (Did he mean Pentagon?) The
prisoners were made to bow down and shout, “Satan is your god now,
not Allah.” Preposterous? Silly? Is Yee ready for The View or the
psycho ward? Why would he tell such whoppers? If there were any
truth in his Munchausen tales the Soros crowd would be beating down
the doors at Gitmo with the UN’s Human Rights Commission and the
Marquis de Sade right on their heels.
Was Yee lying? Yes, though he would not call it lying; he was
furthering the cause of Islam. He was practicing taqiyya, a higher
order of truth sanctioned by the Qur’an.
Bukhari: V7B67N427 “The Prophet said, ‘If I take an oath and
later find something else better than that, then I do what is
better and expiate my oath.”
Qur’an 5:41 “Whomever Allah wants to deceive you cannot help. Allah does not want them to know the truth because he intends to disgrace them and then torture them.”
Qur’an 66:2 “Allah has already sanctioned for you the dissolution of your vows.”
Yee graduated from West Point in 1990 and converted to Islam in 1991. He found something better. Ver-ry interesting!
Yee is a liar. He is a con-sarned, lowdown liar. He lied, knew he was lying and persisted in his lies. He did not personally witness any of the incidents he described—he was just passing them on, it was his duty as a public-spirited person. There was a time long ago when liars and traducers were given their comeuppance…a canning in the street…an affaire d’honneur on an island in the middle of a river…and the account was settled.
Yee is not worth the effort. He is only one man, a symptom of a much larger problem. Ten thousand Muslims just like Yee have worked their way into the fabric of America. They cling to the body politic like fleas to Mohammed’s beard. The carpet needs a good shaking. Yee should be recognized as a liar of the first magnitude. He should be condemned by all Muslims—by the Council on American Islamic Relations, by the Muslim Student Association, by the Islamic Council of North America, by moderate Muslims, by secular Muslims, by gay Muslims. He should be condemned by one and all. Fat chance. There will be silence, an enduring silence. Yee did no wrong—he was following the Qur’an. He was practicing taqiyya; he is a member of the Universal Islamic Liar’s Club. There is no truth, there is not honesty; there is only the Qur’an. One might as well talk to Rosie O’Donnell
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Denis Schulz was prospective convert to Islam (read his testimony: How I Almost Became a Muslim?) before changing his mind after the 9/11. He actively writes on the threats of Islam and terrorism.
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday March 05, 2008
Time: 22:54:40 -0700
Very interesting! Islam is based on LIES, nothing else....
Name: DH
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 05:39:02 -0700
I'd prefer it if the author made his points in plainer more straightforward language. I can't be bothered to decipher his "comical" allusions.
Name: agom555
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 06:07:30 -0700
Yes, why is what happened with the Bible not brought up more.
Name: Trialdog
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 06:18:18 -0700
Excellent writing Denis. Please keep it up.
Name: Godot
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 07:39:37 -0700
Taqiyya is an Islamic tactical strategy. It's the Islamic acronym for: "The End Justifies the Means" literally.
Name: Optimistic View
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 08:04:38 -0700
It took only a few years after Gorbachev introduced Glasnost until the communist soviet empire collapsed. Communism could not survive with a free press, but it could also not survive without it either. Today, most islamic countries do not enjoy glasnost or freedom of speech, however, the internet is here and it is the first time that free information about islam can circulate. Islam will not stand this very long.
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 08:08:11 -0700
Once a person becomes a muslim, his personality changes, He has to become abnormal to be a good muslim in your thinking and behaviour. These converts to Islam are more dangerous than the born in muslim homes. I do not know why. Islam affects the brain first and it is directly proportion to exposure to Islamic Indoctrination. It turns normal human beings to abnormal sub-humans. It takes rationality away and turns humans into deadly robots. It Makes you think about Jannat with houris and young boys to sodomise all the time. Mohammad had all the pleasures of Jannat while he lived on this earth but he promised his followers the same delights if they killed non-muslims and obeyed his commandments. He forbade muslims to ask questions. That turned his followers into brainless zombies. If you can trust loyalty from a deadly snake then you can trust a muslim as well and offer him a job as a chaplain in jail for mulims .You would never get different results. Having muslims in your countries is like having dangerous snakes in your bed-rooms. I hope Mr. Bush gets that message.
Name: Clark
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 13:16:44 -0700
Yee should be shot like all traitors in time of war. Those muslims in gitmo should all be shot, and the quran should be used to burn the bodies.
Name: Pierre Morat
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 13:45:34 -0700
to Clark: Your anger doesn't help our mission to expose Islam efficiently. Please enroll in an anger cotrol program in your neighborhood. Talk to your doctor, if you have health insurance, they might pay for it.
Name: Allat
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 14:38:53 -0700
I'd prefer it if the author made his points in plainer more straightforward language. I can't be bothered to decipher his "comical" allusions. ------------------------------------So - write an article......your way.
Name: Allat
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 14:44:14 -0700
"Those muslims in gitmo should all be shot"_________Morat said it before me. But I add: A lot of those unfortunates in Gitmo were simply nobodies - like you and me, caught in the net, turned in by neighbors, or 11 y o, at the time. I'm sure that if any of them are still sane, have turned our utmost enemies.Name: Vijay
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 17:30:17 -0700
Great Comment BALAM.
Name: Ananda
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 22:58:42 -0700
If the lying liars Muslims don't tell 100% lying lies all the time, Islam will vanish before you finish counting ten. Why blame little Yee, here is what the lying Islamic Gurus said in a multi-cultural conference::: In the Counter-terrorism Conference of East-West Institute in Brussels (19-21 February), reports Reuters, the debate repeatedly turned to arguments over whether the term "Jihad" and "Jihadists" should be applied to activities and members of al-Qaeda and like-minded terrorist organizations. Although the two terms have become synonymous with "holy wars" and "holy warriors" against the West, and that, al-Qaeda has used it in the same sense, but for most Muslims, says the report "it originally means a spiritual struggle and they don't want it hijacked anymore." Sheikh Mohammed Mohammed Ali, an Iraqi scholar, told the conference that "Jihad is the struggle against all evil things in your soul... There is no jihadi terrorism in Islam." Emphasizing that Jihad can be a struggle "for elimination of poverty," "for education" or "for something very, very positive in life," the former chairman of Pakistan's joint chiefs of staff General Ehsan Ul Haq asserted that calling the terrorists Jihadists is either reflective of a "lack of understanding of Islam" or unfortunately "an intended misuse." He added: "It might have been somewhat excusable in the trauma post-9/11 but I don't think it is any more."
Name: Cynic
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 03:14:48 -0700
Reader DH has a point. Denis Schultz's articles call for a lot of foreknowledge of historical and fictional personalities especially in the US context. Also his satire often overshadows the subject matter. This style is more suited to humourous writing and contrasts badly with the deadly serious matter at hand. I wish the author would swich over to a more matter of fact style.
Name: balam to Vijay
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 06:30:00 -0700
Thank you for your kind remarks. No body in the right mind would ever become a Muslim. White women are attracted to Islam only if they have low self esteem or the are nymphomaniac who fall for Muslim men who have nothing on their mind but sex in this world and the next promised Islamic whore house with eternal virgins and permanent erection. Have the Muslims ever thought that it would be quite painfull to have permanent stiff Dick all the time. The only virgin Mohammad ever had was poor Ayesha, who gave so much pleasure to Mohammad that he promised 72 virgins to each muslim. They will get a shock when they get thrown into eternal fire and find Allah there as well. How stupid to believe the cock and bull stories of Islam. Muslims believe that Mohammad split the moon into two with his sword. It was actually a melon he split with his sword and the poor man got mixed up like his journey to heaven. The Muslims still remain duped. How sad!!!
Name: BJP!!
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 01:30:12 -0700
Muslims going on about western colonizers when they did the same thing haah hypocrites! oh yes muslims are so much better . They are soo peacefull http://www.historyofjihad.org/
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 18:51:23 -0700
So the Bible is not the Word of God??? Wow! When the Old Testament advocates violence against non-virgins, that is not God's Word. Hmmm... so why become a Christian? If the Bible is nothing more than a bunch of stories, why is anyone a Christian? The only difference is that Christians have CHOSEN not to follow the text they believe is the word of God. I believe that means that those Christians, even if Christianity is the "right" religion, will go to Hell. Interesting condundrum...
Name: serena nisha sattar
Date: Thursday April 24, 2008
Time: 09:39:02 -0700
How I am a brown skin muslim and looking at trained introspection being done to our group showing holy war Asian black hair black eye, Black skin African, Native brown skin original, and jewish freckles blue,green, and brown eye contact killing satan blonde hair blue eyed race is kkk, christ ian ringing his bell, vampires, russian, german nazis, French, aryian of earth for 2007 years Hitler blonde hair is bothering this family, You understand to call muslim brown holy bullshit again you dumb blonde hair blue eyed christians? The war is starting properly across the world making everyone understand that Asian Black hair is ancients to all of us but the blonde races across the world and now the holy war is a little bigger for the blonde hair blue eyed christians to be playing grouse and disturbing world games on the wrong family any longer. This is Muslim and Jewish family across the world being killed by Christian blonde hair blue eyed satan your Before christ calendar system likes to celebrate everything for a blonde victory and a muslim and jewish defeat. Yes christian blondes you understand this is not your family ok across the world. You are in our jewish and muslim heads across the world practicing exercism as satan christian blondes performing exorcism is this family across the world is god mad love brains. Hint Hint everyone is not comatose across the world anymore. Yes we are killing blonde hair blue eyed together as a family of jewish and muslim together as family only across the world against blonde hair blue eyed satan the whole time. Trained introspection is done now on brown skin muslims across the world. You can understand why brown muslim group is racist toward blonde hair blue eyed. Brown muslim group is a mixture of Black african , Asian black hair, Native original, and Jewish blue and green ,and brown eyed. brown muslim know we kill blonde hair aryian only. This is not holy bullshit we have magic powers for real going through everyones heads 2007 years later is it? Blonde hair go to jail.