Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

United Kingdom: Country Report on Islamization, 2007

Presented at the Counter Jihad Brussels 2007 Conference, and reproduced in Islam in Europe:


As far as anyone knows there are at least 60.3 million people in Britain. The official figure is that about 1.7 million of these are Muslims. Unofficial estimates put the real figure at anything between 2.5 to 3 million. That is between 2.8% and 5% of the total population.

Muslims have much higher birth rates that non-Muslims and their number proportionate to the population will, if current demographic trends continue, increase dramatically over the next few decades. That will have profound effects on British society.

Some people say that there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. I do not agree. I know many Muslims who are hard working, decent and law-abiding. They are not, in my direct personal experience, religious fanatics trying to turn Britain into an Islamic state.

But many Muslims in Britain choose not to integrate into British society and in many inner city areas they have preferred to create, what are effectively, enclaves of the Islamic societies from which the originally came.

There is a real and growing problem with Islamic fundamentalism: a literalist interpretation of the Islamic religion that seeks eventually to transform Britain into an Islamic state. From the Islamic fundamentalist point of view this is not an unreasonable ambition.

The problem is that, so far at least, we have allowed the fanatics and the extremists to gain the upper hand in the ideological and propaganda war.

How this situation has come about may be summarised as follows:

• Britain has an immigration policy that is, especially since the Labour Government took power in 1997, uncontrolled, unlimited, and indiscriminate – in the real sense of the word.

• Successive British Governments have deliberately allowed Islamic extremist activists and terrorist suspects from abroad to seek safe haven and operate openly in the UK.

• Britain has allowed the growth of Islamic fundamentalism to be fuelled and funded from abroad.

• The prevailing and corrosive doctrines of political correctness and multiculturalism have infected every public body and institution. Anyone who dares to question or criticize Islam risks being labeled a racist or Islamophobic or an official sanction of some kind. Put simply their livelihoods will be at risk.

• Politicians, especially those of the Labour Party, fear that any critique of Islam will result in loss of votes in constituencies where the number of Muslims can determine the result in an election. This is a real fear because it has happened.

• Until recently the media has refused to address the growing power of extremist Islam at all. This has changed a little for the better in the aftermath of the 7/7 terrorists attacks in London.

Let me now say something about the current situation in the United Kingdom.

There at least 1,600 Mosques in Britain. Of which about half are estimated to be controlled by the fundamentalist Deobandi sect.

The Islamic fundamentalist group Tablighi Jamaat plan to build a so-called super Mosque in West Ham in London in time for the 2012 London Olympics.

It is intended to seat 10,000 people, and to hold many thousands more. It is planned to be the biggest place of religious worship in Europe, bigger than St Paul’s cathedral in London and St Peter’s basilica in Rome.

The super-Mosque is estimated to cost £100 million, and we can be fairly certain that this money will not come from Muslims in Britain but from the Middle East, Pakistan and other Muslims states.

The literalist teachings of groups like Tablighi Jamaat are gaining ground.

The views of some British Muslims are extremely worrying and bear this out. An opinion poll carried out by YouGov for the Daily Telegraph in July 2005 showed the following attitudes.

6% of those Muslims questioned believed that the 7/7 attacks were justified on balance. Any percentage with this view would be shocking and this equates to over 100,000 people.

24% felt sympathy for the “feelings and motives” of those who carried out the 7/7 attacks. That equates to over 400,000 people.

56% understood “why some people felt that way”. This equates to a staggering almost one million people.

16% felt “no loyalty to Britain”, that equates to almost 300,000 people.

What in my opinion is most frightening is the attitude of young Muslims between the ages of 16 to 24. A study published in February 2007 by The Policy Exchange entitled ‘Living Apart Together’ showed the following.

74% prefer Muslim women to wear the veil.

37% would prefer to live under Sharia law in Britain.

36% think that Muslims converting to another religion should be punished by death.

13% admire terrorist organizations such as Al-Queda.

In England's green and pleasant land we have substantial numbers of British born young people wanting to bravely advance backwards into 6th century Arabia.

These attitudes have been assisted by the British state itself

The British Government has allowed a multitude of notorious terrorist suspects and extremist Imams to remain in the UK and propagate their extreme views because to deport them might infringe their human rights.

The Home Office allowed itself to become enthralled to the Muslim Council of Britain and organization that purports to represent all Muslims but which has its roots in the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood.

More and more concessions are granted to Muslims that impinge on the non-Muslim population. For example state schools with high proportions of Muslims pupils are increasingly allowing only halal food to be served without properly consulting non-Muslim parents.

And the attitude of the British police is truly worrying. In January 2007 the Channel 4 Dispatches television programme Undercover Mosque showed scenes filmed inside Mosques in which Imams were heard to make statements about non-Muslims.

Had such statements they been made by non-Muslims about Muslims would have undoubtedly resulted in arrests, charges, possible convictions under the race or religious hatred laws, and certainly dismissal from their posts.

But what happened? Unbelievably the police pursued complaints by the Mosques against the television company. Normally the accusation of bias or misrepresentation would be a purely civil matter. It is still unclear on what legal basis the police took up the complaint by the Mosques against the television company. We are truly moving into an Orwellian society.

What is our Government doing to combat the threat from radical Islam? The answer is pitifully little if anything. They have made some encouraging noises but these do not amount to firm actions.

What should we do? There a many things that need to be done but here are just the bare minimum.

We must realize that we are engaged in an ideological struggle. We face an ideology that wishes to sweep away the values of our civilization. George Bush made a mistake when he used the term, "war on terror". Terror is only a tool of the terrorist. What we are engaged in is a struggle with ideology.

We must openly state that fundamental, literalist Islam is simply incompatible with Western liberal democracy.

We have to ask moderate decent Muslims to accept this too. And we have to help them to do it. They must adapt to our society not us to their beliefs.

Britain must put an end to further mass immigration and set about integrating and assimilating those immigrants we already have into our society.

Britain must stop the funding of fundamentalist Islam from abroad by controlling the finances that build mosques and support radical Imams.

We must make it plain that our liberal democratic society, which believes in such things as free speech the quality of women and the separation of religion and the state, is the only one on offer.

The British government should make it plain, politely but firmly, that if people want to live in an Islamic state under Sharia law then they should go and find one elsewhere.

If we do not understand the ideology that threatens us we cannot defeat it. If we do not believe that our ideology and values are superior then we won’t find the will to confront the threat let alone defeat it.

October 18, 2007

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  • Name: U.K. TODAY.
  • Date: Tuesday January 15, 2008
  • Time: 21:04:29 -0700


At last, a British M.E.P. who can see and state the obvious. congratulations Mr Gerard Batten. Unfortunately, as far as the British government are concerned you are now an enemy of the state. Their state mind you, and what a state they've got us into!!!. Ive always been dumbfounded by the Labour governments ridiculous paradoxes on the subject of race. They trump up and implement stringent, hate laws and force them onto their own peaceful subjects. Then, to add insult to injury, willingly import infamous racist immigrants from across the Islamic world. You couldn't make it up but its there in black and white, (whoops, these words, to my government may constitute a crime in their barmy laws).

  • Name: Neo
  • Date: Tuesday January 15, 2008
  • Time: 21:57:34 -0700


yes, its a war of ideology. so which side are you going to bet with ?? :) islamic says we are evil, we say they are evil. nice.. yes?? who's right? let the truth unfold it self. keep reading and searching guys, find reliable and balance source, and may the best ideology wins....!! it will be very interesting future ahead.....

  • Name: vbv
  • Date: Wednesday January 16, 2008
  • Time: 03:32:06 -0700


Haha! This is what is known as the wages of sin! The British created Pakistan with the connivance of a few rabbid muslim-league members before 1947 , and Winston Churchil gloated over this and told Nehru that 'you will never be able to live in peace after the partition'. Time has turned a full circle and Brittain has to pay the Devil for his services! Good luck Brittain ,or is Angrezipakistan!Be more politically correct ,favour Pakistan aginst India import more Pakis , Bangladeshis,Arabs,and other islamic fanatics(like some disgruntled muslim fanatics from Kashmir and Khalistanis) give them 'political' asylum and face the consequences making the local British suffer alienation in their own land. I am sure with Barack Obama elected as President even USA will follow Brittain- faithful mongrel with role reversed!

  • Name: harry.stottle
  • Date: Wednesday January 16, 2008
  • Time: 04:07:31 -0700


Re: your third paragraph: there may well be moderate Muslims, but there can be no moderate Islam: the very source of it (the "glorious" Koran- ha, ha), is riddled with hatred, violence and terror. Mo-Ham-Head himself (may he rot in Hell, if there is one), boasted of achieving his conquests through terror. Anyway, the moderate Musllims are now irrelevant, because they are cowed by the fanatics- just as the German moderate people were cowed by the Nazis: afraid to speak up for fear of the consequences. You're right Mr Batten, time is running out.

  • Name: Enam Karim (born to muslim parent but an ex-muslim)
  • Date: Wednesday January 16, 2008
  • Time: 07:24:46 -0700


I am a South-Asian now living in UK. When I was studying in UK during the early 80's, I was raising my concern about the way British society is changing or should I say being changed with liberalism. To be politically correct, my friends’ and acquaintances’ never accepted my fear that the threat of Islamo-fascism invading UK in such rapid manner. When I mentioned to people (living/immigrants/first or second generation immigrant) that (a) why their children need school education in their own defected countries’ language; or (b) why women (Muslim) need to wear veil and men uses wrap-on (‘lunghis’); or (c) why they can’t speak in English; they always say this is their right. Initially I told them that these can’t be right that they living in UK will have these Rights’ which they vehemently opposed. Later I told them, if a British goes to South Asia in start wearing bikini or short dresses how they will feel, they told me it is not culturally sensitive and accepted. I told them, wait few more years, hopefully, the Brits will understand one-day that these politically-correct attitudes are not in the best interest of their country will have a law that will force you to be culturally, socially, and dressing like British and finally making sure you all speak the language of English. This is necessary to be reciprocal, at least from those countries where Islamo-fobia directly or indirectly being injected into British society.

  • Name: tretchs
  • Date: Wednesday January 16, 2008
  • Time: 10:45:34 -0700


Broadly I agree with the issues raised here. Better immigration controls and controls on the flow of finance from Islamic nations are needed. I certainly agree that if Muslims wish to live under the tyranny of Sharia law they should do so elsewhere. However, I feel that the threat of fanatical, fundamental, militant (or whichever label you choose) Islam has been blown out of all proportion. Followers of such doctrines are, in my experience, feeble minded at best. They have no resources to implement their doctrine whereas those that oppose them do. Subscribers to radical Islam are nothing more than useful idiots for the media to scapegoat. They should be pitied, not feared...

  • Name: U.K. TODAY.
  • Date: Wednesday January 16, 2008
  • Time: 11:08:53 -0700


Re VBV; The largest Immigrant populaton in England is that of Indians!!!. 1.5 million Hindus - 150,000 Budhists - 800,000 - Sikhs. Just thought you'de like to know that Islam in Britain threatens your peoples too!!. In the time of the British Raj - 1857 to be precise, Hinus joined forces with Islamists in Dehli to fight a holy Jihad against the Imperialist invaders. The British may well have been a disaster for India, but no race, religion or creed has a spotless past when it comes to the art of stone throwing!!.

  • Name: Godot (ex-Muslim in exile)
  • Date: Wednesday January 16, 2008
  • Time: 13:21:43 -0700


If "moderate Muslims" exist and they do not do anything about their fellow Jihadists, then they are considered complices and they are no longer moderate. I am tired of hearing Muslims (of all variants) complaining about how the west is disfiguring the image of Islam. They are doing it to themselves and are doing an excellent job.

  • Name: Ananda
  • Date: Wednesday January 16, 2008
  • Time: 22:07:53 -0700


Hi (UK TODAY) - Let me correct (vbv) bullshit, that's exactly what it is and considerably more. WHAT IF the British didn't kick out the the rotten Muslim ruler in Bengal? WHAT IF the British didn't kick out the rotten Mughals in Delhi? WHAT IF the British didn't establish the higher educational system in India? WHAT IF the British didn't create a civil service & legal system in India? WHAT IF the British didn't create a great railroad system in India? WHAT IF the British didn't initiate a great effort to research and document India's glorious past, which was being systematically & gradually eliminated by the occupying Muslim rulers? WHAT IF Aurangzeb had found Ajanta, he was very close but luckily Ajanta was covered by forest? WHAT IF there was no partition & Pakistan & Bangladesh is part of India? What a narrow escape for India but at a cost of one of the biggest tragedies in human lives in world history. I was in high school and younger member of a Hindu group in Delhi. During partition, we will go every day to Old Delhi Railway Station when the Punjab Mail arrives - filled with dead body of Hindus. (vbv) you are a really big bullshitter. Then Hindus were about 47% in 1948 in Bangladesh and about 39% in 1971 and about 8% in 2007. Pakistan has no Hindus. (vbv) you are in UK (I am not) and you should make good friends with the British, instead of stupidly snickering, and help them every way to fight the Islamic Ummah. They are under attack. When you go to Jama Masjid in Delhi no one is required to cover their head, men or women. No one does and it is filled with gawking Hindus. Delhi is teaming with Muslims, but you will have difficulty spotting a hijab.

  • Name: vbv
  • Date: Thursday January 17, 2008
  • Time: 03:08:15 -0700


To "UK Today" - I know there are hindus in the UK and I am sure you will find them respecting the British laws and also they are by and large peaceful ,diligent and contribute to UK's economy and well-being. But how does the UK govt. reciprocate? Their policies are skewed towards Pakistan against India. When India exploded a nuclear device the West was riled up and imposed sanction despite the fact that India was never an aggressor and has in its long history never conquered and subjugated any oyher nation. India's nuclear policy is purely defensive.Now Pakistan has also exploded a nuclear device with covert Chinese help. What is the response of the West? China gets most favoured nation status with the West and Billions of Dollars of investments flow into China(despite China having no democracy and a very poor human rights record - all seemingly a precondition of trading with the West); while Pakistan gets billions of dollars in aid and simply gratis which it uses to export islamic terrorism to India and also to the West. Britain has always used its missioneries to debunk and denigrate hindu culture,while they found islam to be closer to Chritianity,hence the pandering to the muslims.No wonder your politicians keep bleating like sheep "islam is a peaceful religion and terrorists have no religion" while actually the reverse is true.India has withstood muslim onslaught for over a millenium (they will resist even in the future), while Britain is crumbling with muslims constituting 1% population holding the country to ransom and having grandiose visions of converting UK to islam and imposing the barbaric sharia ! It looks like they may succeed in European countries such as Germany,Norway,Sweden,UK,and France! If this is not the wages of their sins, then what is it???

  • Name: vbv
  • Date: Thursday January 17, 2008
  • Time: 03:27:17 -0700


To Ananda- The British did not kick the Mughals - it was the brave Marathas ,especially Chhathrapathi Shivaji! The last Moghul Bahadur Shah Zafar was a decrepit old man and a weak monarch when the British fought the 1857 war. When the British arrived the Moghuls were already well past their glory/gory days,thanks to the Maratha King Shivaji! The various Indian princes rallied around the old coot Bahadur Shah Zafar ,knowing very well that he had no real power or great army of his own to be a threat to them. You nitwit! Read the history and don't distort facts! What support your are talking of when UK gives assylum to Khalistanis, Kashmiri terrorists, and other muslims who are bent on destroying India in the name of political assylum to escape the socalled "persecution" in India - all this knowing India to be democratic!

  • Name: Ananda
  • Date: Thursday January 17, 2008
  • Time: 11:28:50 -0700


To vbv- How about Panipat-3. Did the Marathas get clobbered by a small invading army or what? The mughals were in pitiful condition for many reasons when the marathas & jats attacked them. Don't get me wrong, bullshitter (vbv), I am a great admirer of Shivaji & marathas - the Islamic ummah paws squeezing Hindu necks was released by the British, not the marathas. The top leader of the Khalistani movement lives in Southern California, USA. The movement got heavy support from Pakistan. During the cold wars, bullshitter vbv, India was not aligned with UK & USA, Pakistan was. Many of the complaints you are spewing about stems from that era. Stop bitching vbv, you & other Hindus living in UK do your best to clobber the Islamic ummah which is invading Europe & UK.

  • Name: agnostic
  • Date: Thursday January 17, 2008
  • Time: 23:13:07 -0700


Former PM Blair pandered to domestic Muslim sentiment. During the general election, in which the leader and deputy leader of the opposition were Jewish, he allowed Labour to portray them as pigs on election campaign . He was willing to consort with the devil to win at any costs. His wife, Cherie, a lawyer, appeared before the highest court in the land, defending a 15-year-old girl who claimed the right to wear full Muslim dress in school. It turned out that an extreme British Islamic group backed the case legally and financially The move was to appease the muslim community who were greatly disaffected with Britain's role in the Iraq war. Blair also presided over the extension of mail voting in Muslim areas , which would tip the vote toward the many Labour candidates who were Muslim men themselves. Pro-Labour fraud became so widespread that the judge leading a judicial inquiry into an election in Birmingham concluded that it would have disgraced a banana republic. The prime minister also proved exceptionally feeble during the Danish cartoon crisis, and repeatedly said things about Islam--that it is a religion of peace, for one--that he must have known to be untrue. Then just before he stepped down as PM he ensured that the British welfare state provide for the welfare of Muslim men with multiple wives: Polygamous husbands can claim cash for their harems he stressed!! Most of the population in England know full well that the Met police from Ian Blair down are a bunch of dhimmis too afraid to say boo to muslims. When a country employes Hizb ut tahrir in our home office also the muslim brotherhood in the foreign office one asks what kind of nuts are in charge? What goes round comes round Brits. Your MPs, Judges, Politicians are all dhimmis - morally and possibly financially corrupt, traitors ala the Vichy Govt of France in WWII. Your country has already capitulated because you Brits allowed it to happen. Those of you who are still proud of your ancestry, history, culture, language, and civilisation, FIGHT unto the death! This is not a war of civilisations: this is a war between civilisation and barbarianism.

  • Name: agnostic
  • Date: Thursday January 17, 2008
  • Time: 23:28:06 -0700


Another fact I recall are the two failed attacks on your soil last year. It was committed by your homegrown terrorists - Doctors to boot! Doctors! So who to trust? And all that propaganda about poverty, lack of education being the root of islamic terrorism when it is Islam that automatically generates psychopathic outliers following the path of their psychopathic murderer, paedophile-rapist Muhd. How long are you natives going to be bludgeoned into Tolerating murderers in yuor midst, allow your frigging politicians to shackle you and your children etc tko become willing slaves to this filth that is islam and its adherents? You need a Revolution like the French did when they stormed the Bastille. Get the guillotine ready for all those loony leftists and poltically correct turds in your midst. Tar and feather them first, tho.

  • Name: Shafee al-Apostate
  • Date: Friday January 18, 2008
  • Time: 06:00:33 -0700


Why am I not surprised by these findings? What could all this possibly be for, if not the shameless call and unholy azaan for the universal introduction of the lawless, savage law of the desert on everybody else in free societies? The total imposition of hatred and abuse of women, terrorism and assassinations, suicide bombings, rape, looting and plunder of “infidels”, destruction of priceless historical and religious artifacts and works of art, stoning to death, slavery, child sex, animal sacrifice, female genital mutilation, honor killings, beheadings, public whippings and hangings, chopping off of feet and hands, discrimination between Arabs and non-Arabs, discrimination between Muslims and non-Muslims, death for expressing one’s freedom to practise or not practise religion and all the rest of the endless perversions that make Islamic countries hell on earth for normal people and paradise for power-hungry mullahs and corrupt politicians. These barbarians are living in a twilight world if they think they can sneak in these abominations on the rest of the free world through the back door by calls for the review of rights that many decent people fought and died for. They can stick their ungodly shariah up their 3 stone-wiped backsides!

  • Name: U.K. TODAY.
  • Date: Friday January 18, 2008
  • Time: 08:20:13 -0700


RE Agnostic; At this current time the French, find themselves in a worse situation than we Brits. "The Bastille", under the black flag of Islam, would be removed from the concepts of time. As Ive heard it said by Islamic scholars, that history only begins with a fully formed Islamic Republic.

  • Name: Kat
  • Date: Friday January 18, 2008
  • Time: 12:55:00 -0700


I disagree with your statement that there are some moderate Muslims. If they are what you call "moderate", then they aren't really practicing the religion. The ones who do strictly practice it are not radicals - they're just following their corrupt religion. So the religion itself IS radical and oh, so corrupt. I've also read that some of these "moderates" as you call them are really just quiet. They haven't come forward and spoken out so how do you really know? They're just waiting for their numbers to get high enough to where they are the majority, and then watch what happens! The whole Islam deal is a work of the Devil. My mind cannot be changed on this. And Muhammed was a self-serving contemptible jerk.

  • Name: agnostic
  • Date: Sunday January 20, 2008
  • Time: 21:27:34 -0700


UK Today, muslims are doomed wherever they are. Look what's happening in Pakistan. France will join Germany in taking the gloves off and annihilation of muslims will be swift. Its Brits who'll go abegging to Germany for help and pay for the sins of their forefathers who plundered the golden sparrow India and caused famines. Visit Lionheart blog and see what's happening, man. You deserve it. It's the law of cause and effect.

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