European Leaders Agree to Create Eurabia
06 Feb, 2008
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced jointly that they had reached a compromise regarding Sarkozy’s proposed Mediterranean Union. At a press conference held jointly with Sarkozy, German Chancellor Angela Merkel added that the ensuing outcome should be called the “Mediterranean Union” and that it “should be a project of all 27 (European Union) member countries.” Merkel was referring to her position that any deal to create a union with the Mediterranean states that border the European Union should be negotiated and drafted in conjunction with all EU member states – not just those that border the sea, as Sarkozy had initially proposed.
How was a project as big as the creation of Eurabia pulled off? I have thought a lot about this question, and come to the conclusion that it succeeded precisely because of its size. St. Augustine tells the story of a pirate captured by Alexander the Great. “How dare you molest the sea?” asked Alexander. “How dare you molest the whole world?” the pirate replied. “Because I do it with a little ship only, I am called a thief; you, doing it with a great navy, are called an emperor.” It’s a matter of scale. If a small group of people sideline the democratic process in one country and start imposing their own laws on the public, it’s called a coup d’état. If they do so on an entire continent, it’s called the European Union.
The European Union and the
Islamization of Europe
The British Foreign Minister David Miliband in November 2007 stated that the European Union should work towards including Middle Eastern and North African countries. The EU involves the free movement of people across borders. If it expands to the Middle East, hundreds of millions of Muslims will have free access to Germany, Italy, France, Britain, Sweden and the Czech Republic. If Turkey becomes a member, it means that Greeks, Bulgarians and others who have fought against oppression by Ottoman Turks for centuries will now be flooded with Muslims from a rapidly re-Islamizing Turkey. The same goes for Poles, Hungarians, Romanians and others who fought against Muslims for centuries. Appeasement of Islam is so deeply immersed in the structural DNA of the EU that the only way to stop the Islamization of Europe is to dismantle the European Union. All of it
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Fjordman is based in Norway. He contributes in Brussels Journal, Gates of Vienna and Faith Freedom International amongst other Websites. His personal blog (currently inactive):
Name: Ibn Jeylan
Date: Wednesday March 05, 2008
Time: 20:50:16 -0700
Thank you Author for the article. Those are just some thoughts I have. I do not know how correct I am. This is why I am posting them here to get some feedback from readers: 1. Maybe allowing a country like Turkey in the EU is a good thing. Wouldn't this force the Turkish people to move away from Islamism and get deeper into secular society. Just a thought. 2. Maybe building economic dependence between Europe and the North African and Middle Eastern countries is a good thing. Islamic countries will have to move toward Secular laws and away from Barbarism of Sharia Law. Just an idea 3. My own view is that Islam cannot be reformed and we should work toward eliminating it with intellectual research, and try to show its ethical bankruptcy. However, people like Ibn Warraq and many others want just to reduce Islam to a "Personal Religion" with no ties between religion and state. Maybe his approach is feasible given the current state of affairs for middle eastern countries, thats if those Islamic countries will adopt some European values for their societies when economice ties between EU and North Africa and the Middle East become more robust. Just an idea. I do not know how far or unrealistic my thoughts are, but just wanted to post them to see what other folks think on this matter. Peace
Name: Allat
Date: Wednesday March 05, 2008
Time: 21:34:43 -0700
I noticed the betrayal of Sakozy (sounds like a skin disease). And the same thing is happening here. THAT's why I didn't vote for any of the candidates. IT"S A JOKE! Not much choice betw. Klinton and Obama. Klinton is in bed with Bill,and Obama..I don't trust him. You never know when the day after voting for Hussain, he may turn around and admit he's been islamic all along! Fact is, I do NOT trust any of them.
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday March 05, 2008
Time: 22:28:39 -0700
Eurabia will lead Europe to another era of "Dark Ages"- with nuclear weapons coming in handy from the European powers , it would be the perfect launching pad for a massive "global jihad" to make everyone submit to the barbaric cult!
Date: Wednesday March 05, 2008
Time: 23:07:28 -0700
THE 36th CHAPTER: EU DECLARATION DEMANDING REFORM OF ISLAM BEFORE TURKEY CAN JOIN AN HISTORCIAL MOMENT By Larry Houle E-mail: It was Ronald Reagan who changed the course of history by declaring that the Soviet Union was an evil empire. The EU can change the course of History by demanding that Turkey complete not only the required 35 chapters for membership but a 36th Chapter - REFORMIMG ISLAM. Islam is a 7th century ideology whose prime directive is the extermination of ALL INFIDELS from face of the earth. The EU must demand the following reforms of Islam by Turkey before allowing Turkey to join the Union. 1. The end of the 1400 year old war against the Infidels. This means the renouncing, denouncing and removal from the Koran the close to 1000 fascist teachings of violence, terror, war, death and destruction, - that all call for the extermination of all infidels espically Christians and Jews who refuse to convert to Islam. 2. Renouncing, denouncing and removal from the Koran all teachings of the oppression, subjugation and repression of women. The total and complete equality of women in a democratic society without equivocation is absolutely essential to the reform of Islam. Nothing less is acceptable. 3. Renouncing, denouncing and removal from the Koran all teachings of raping infidel slaves. 4. Renouncing, denouncing and removal from the Koran all teachings of slavery. Slavery is the most vile, evil institutions ever invented by man. Slavery is a immortal eternal divine LAW OF GOD in the Koran. There is no such LAW OF GOD. 5.Renouncing, denouncing and removal from the Koran all teachings of looting and pillaging and sharing the profit received from selling looted property and slaves with God. 6. Renouncing, denouncing and removal from the Koran all teachings of brutality. 7. Renouncing, denouncing and removal from the Koran all teachings of hate and racism. 8. Renouncing, denouncing and removal from the Koran all teachings of murdering Apostates of Islam. The total and complete right of Muslims to leave Islam. 9. Renouncing, denouncing and removal from the Koran all teachings of polygamy. 10. The total and complete destruction of the sexually depraved Islamic Paradise of virgins who are to service the Men of Allah for all eternity. This evil Paradise for murderers is an outrageous affront and sin against God. To turn God into a pimp makes a mockery of everything God stands for. Over 1400 years, upwards of 270,000,000 people have been murdered by Muslim men so they could fulfill Koran teaching 9:111 and ascend to this place of obscenity. You cannot ascend to Paradise by climbing on the corpses of the murdered. Those who kill in the name of and to the greater glory of God will ascend not to Paradise but descend into the fires of hell. 11.The total and complete destruction of Sharia Law and its replacement by separation of religion and state and democracy and freedom. WHY THESE 1000 TEACHINGS OF EVIL, TERROR, MURDER, VIOLENCE AND SUBROGATION OF WOMEN MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE KORAN AND A NEW KORAN PUBLISHED? By leaving these violent and abhorrent teachings in the Koran, Muslims are in effect saying that these teachings are NORMAL. They are basically acquiescing to evil. Once you accommodate evil, you lose your moral center and become willingly or unwillingly an accomplice to evil. You cannot call yourself a Good Muslim – pray 5 times a day etc – and ignore the evil – the moral black hole that lies at very the heart of Islam. We can no longer allow Muslims to declare Islam as a Religion of Peace and Love and tolerance etc while leaving in the Koran and Islamic texts evil teachings calling for the destruction of infidels. We can no longer allow these Muslims to live in a fantasy world of an ALLAH of all Goodness and Muhammad – The Prophet of Peace while the Koran contains teachings of a hateful, murderous ALLAH (the ANTI GOD). By demanding that Muslims prove that they are Truly Peace Loving – by removing these evil teachings from the Koran – and condemning their evil founder Muhammad will be a TRUE MOMENT OF CATHARSIS FOR ISLAM.
Name: Szkeptik
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 00:27:26 -0700
This can not be pulled off. If you check the rapid shift in party powers in western europe, you will see that nationalist parties are gaining strenght very fast. And this is precisely because of the Muslims already causing problems on the streets. If it gets any worse that's just gona reinforce the nationalists even more. All in all the muslims in europe will eventually find themselfs on an outbound ship before any of this could come to pass.
Name: Platypus
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 04:35:27 -0700
“De Gaulle had been humiliated by France’s exclusion from the 1945 Yalta negotiations between the U.S., Britain, and Soviet Russia about Europe’s future.” -Eurobia, by Bat Ye’or p.39 Could it be that his Highness Charles De Gaulle was so frustrated at his exclusion from the Yalta summit that he pushed pretty hard for the Eurabization? If so, then it is no surprise that France is stuck with some six million Muslims burning cars when their religion and their guru are “insulted” or good things are not flowing their way? You know, had it not been for the participation of America and Britain in WW II, most of Europe would speak German today. Now it looks like most European languages will be Arabic pretty soon!
Name: Hammerlein
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 04:36:21 -0700
good bye world pesce!
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 04:57:31 -0700
Name: DAVE
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 04:59:59 -0700
Name: Malfean
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 05:19:10 -0700
Ha! Does any of this REALLY surprise anyone? Really? With all the so-called 'enlightened' people and 'intellectual's' who know better than the rest of us. ...for all the hell about to be unleashed upon the people of the world, one has to stop for a moment and consider a final, poetic amusement. Consider this; those very same intellectuals, those who swore up and down that Islam is our friend, our buddy, they're all innocent, etc... well now... won't they be the first ones that Islam gets rid of. As just another average Abdullah, I'm telling you the look on their faces will be positively priceless as they're taken away by Germany's Ministry for the Promotion of the Righteous and True...or whatever it becomes. When all the apologists, appeasers, and politicians realize just what is going to come out of the door they forced us to open...the expressions (while not worth it) will offer the rest of us doomed people, a kind of smug 'i-told-you-so' feeling. Too bad that'll happen when the Saudi flag is getting raised over the louve, and the spires at Notre Dame in Paris are being knocked down in favor of a classical Minnerete design. Allahu Ackbar!!!
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 09:11:50 -0700
Refering to response by IbnJeylan,may I humbly suggest that no Muslim country is suitable to join E.U,Even Turkey with its secular posturing.It still remains an intolerant Islamic State.IT is matter of time,when it would show its true colours and revert to Islamic fundametalism once it gets E.U membership.The whole of Europe would be swamped with muslims and it wont be long they would demand seperate part of Europe like Kosovo.Turkey should turn the St.Sophia Church to the Christians to prove its sincerity and allow the christian churches to operate freely.After all it was a Christian country once but the muslim invaders forced every body to the hateful cult of Islam .Just keep the deadly virus as far away as you can to live in peace.The choice is yours and yours alone.
Name: Allat
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 09:22:45 -0700
... won't they be the first ones that Islam gets rid of." I don't think so! Remember, these self-styled leaders/ power that be/ millionares/ heirs to money/nobility/educated in posh school / owners of businesses and corporations /slime and betrayers .........separated from the common people / We, The People / "peasants" / nobodies/the little people ....__________These slime leaders know EXACTLY what they're doing, and they are purposely, bringing it about!_________________________________ These owners of corporations, of the weapons industry, of suppliers of the military, they OWN the pentagon, the military and the religious leaders, raving madmen.________________________They all will remain untouched. And to the public will seem to change religion, to change to islam. And their women will intermarry with the outward "New" dominant religion._____________But their power and money, they intend to keep. _______In Cambodia, you only heard of the educated-MIDDLE-CLASS that was slaughtered. The wealthy either left the country or were actually pulling the strings of pol-pot._____________Same as what happened in China_____the wealthy left during the time of that slime Mao_took their gold with them, now they're returning and opening banks in large cities.__________It's the poor people and the educated, the thinkers, that pay the piper.________________________ No, we don't need peace, we don't need the perfidious U.N. and bah (!) on that stupid song "Let there be peace on Earth."- it only means "pacification" - and stumping out thinking________________Love is All.__________Wild, Amazon Polytheist
Name: Mohammad
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 18:54:19 -0700
The writer is underestimating the strength of European democracy. If you cannot make peace with your yesterday's foes, then how can you justify our friendship with Germany and Japan. After all, ottomans did not massacre millions of innocent civilians.
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 19:10:12 -0700
"If you cannot make peace with your yesterday's foes, then how can you justify our friendship with Germany and Japan."...Speak for the islamics, fellow.________________ "After all, ottomans did not massacre millions of innocent civilians." Oh, yes, they did! Don't be such a liar! I have Armenian friends, they'll NEVER forget the Turkish genocide of their people.JUST in the 1900s. And before that, there were the Assyrians that the Turks did in. You must think we, Westerners are stupid.
Name: agnostic
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 21:14:59 -0700
"We are going to win, because they love life and we love death," said Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah****"The Americans love Pepsi-Cola, we love death," explained Afghani al Qaeda operative Maulana Inyadullah. Sheik Feiz Mohammed, leader of the Global Islamic Youth Center in Sydney, Australia, preached. "We want to have children and offer them as soldiers defending Islam. Teach them this: There is nothing more beloved to me than wanting to die as a mujahid." ***Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in a speech: "It is the zenith of honor for a man, a young person, boy or girl, to be prepared to sacrifice his life in order to serve the interests of his nation and his religion." *** MUHD. TAHER Al-FAROUQ:: "I always tell the mujahideen that if they want to get money, they should beat the infidels and take their money. You must hit them on the head and take their money. You should rob their banks and take the money. You should take their people prisoner, just like the Prophet did. Don't think this is a sin, because the Prophet Muhammad himself exchanged prisoners for ransom. There's nothing wrong with collecting money in exchange for prisoners. . The eyes of the nation of Muhammad are set on Washington, London, Moscow, Paris, Delhi, Beijing, and other countries. This is our goal and, Allah willing, we will get there." ****Canadian Muslim preacher Israr Ahmad: "Jihad in the way of Allah, for the cause of Allah, can be pursued either with your financial resources or your bodily strength when you go to fight the enemy in the battlefield," urged Ahmad in the broadcast. "So jihad, the highest form, is fighting in the cause of Allah." ****In Britainstan a MUSLIM fanatic is funding terrorists killing British troops in Afghanistan while SPONGING off state benefits, the News of the World revealed. Gloating extremist Mohd. NAWAZ RAJA runs a network of door-to-door money-raisers collecting thousands for his fake ‘charity'.Nawaz owns a five-bedroom £350,00 house, is himself being funded by Brit taxpayers.He pockets £250-a-week in handouts — and boasts: "I'm a British national. The government pays me to live">>>>>>DO THE PEOPLE AND GOVTS. SUPPOSEDLY COMMITED TO DEMOCRATIC VALUES HAVE THE WILL TO FIGHT BACK? HOW SHOULD DEMOCRACIES FIGHT AGAINST AN ENEMY WHOSE LEADERS PREACH A PREFERANCE FOR DEATH? That some commenters even go to the barmy extent of saying: "Don't hate muslims. Win their hearts and minds. Hate islam" Good luck to you moonbats. Smile , graciously accept when you have the muslim slitting your throat while he rapes your wife and baby girls and sodomising your baby boys. Dingbats, HISTORY HAS BEEN WRITTEN IN BLOOD, NOT WITH INK!!!
Name: Saul Wall
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 22:31:16 -0700
NAFTA allowed a relatively good liberalization of trade without allowing full freedom of movement. It boosted the employment and economic growth of all three nations and continues to do so. Europe should continue to work on that. Later, political integration (not including freedom of movement between European and African/Middle Eastern states) must be be dependent on the states of the Mediterranean eliminating government restrictions on religious conversions and making real criminal law restrictions on intimidating and threatening apostates and on allowing full freedom of religion - including missionary work by non Muslim religions and free expression of secular humanists. Laws against insulting Islam must be held to be as unacceptable as they are lame. Achieving such a concession would be worth the risks of expansion but since Islamic states would be unlikely to agree to this it would be sufficient to stop the process if Europe is able to grow a pair.
Name: Mohammad
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 18:53:00 -0700
This comment system makes it hard to have an argument especially when someone doesn't leave a name for future referral. Ottomans did commit many crimes but the extent of their crimes cannot match the Germans or the British. It is silly to blame the current generation of turks and mistrust them for what their forefathers did, the same way that it is silly to blame the current Germans for what Hitler and co. did during WWII. My question is that if Germany and Israel can have normal and friendly relations while the Germans killed 6 million Jews just about 70 years ago, then what can stop Europeans and Turks to have normal and friendly relations. Those opposing such relations are at best xenophobic and the word "islamization" itself is a product of such xenophobia. Otherwise, how would a normal person imagine that Muslims in Europe will ever have enough power to islamize Eruope? Such xenophobia is not new and at times has been the main cause of Anti-Semitism. There was a time that many people thought the Jews are seeking the world domination. Replace the Jews with Muslims and you see the pattern. I hope that Europe will not allow xenophobia and extreme right to bring more pain to the world as they did in two world wars.
Name: middle eastern
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 22:05:29 -0700
Dear ibn jeylan; it may be hard to imagine the difference in life style between middle east and europe. I don,t think to join this area of the world they will learn from your secular humanist values and simply change to better state because we would see this happening to muslims here in the west. they live in the heart of europe as completely isolated cells very resistant to change, they see the western values from their own prespectives. as just deviation from the right path they are walking into. their ideas are deeply rooted and reinforced in the mosques here. they think to implement the sharia law will be the real paradise on earth to correct all this alcohol and pork related crimes!! PLEASE DEFEND YOUR BEAUTIFUL FREEDOM, even most of westerners can,t imagine and appreciate what paradise they live in, because they simply found themselves born in it. it is only someone like me who saw and experience the bitter state of losing alllll your potential human attributes, and experience the rapid islamisation of my own country and the rapid giving up of all its cultural heritage. even if muslims are very little minority in europe but I can see their demands and their ugly ideas are very prominant, I can assure you they always start like that just little minority of them and big majority of kind naive indifferent multicultural people, they can propagate easily and turn life into hell on earth and beautiful europe into ugly arabia. don,t be deceived with their fake smile and pretended friendly attitude. they are only deceptive hard core one idea one way thinking people. please defend your freedom it was really sad for harvard univerity to give women only hours in its gym facilities, of course after giving prayer rooms for them. while women in islam are adviced to stay at home to reduce their fitna (seduction) effect not to play gym in harvard univeristy, you know the next step will be this hours should be for only muslim women, then will be only for muslim women who have head scarf. it is not a joke it happens you find coffeeshops for only veiled women. they use your democracy to implement their stupid ideas.
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 06:16:15 -0700
23/03/08 Mohammed says: "There was a time that many people thought the Jews are seeking the world domination. Replace the Jews with Muslims and you see the pattern. I hope that Europe will not allow xenophobia and extreme right to bring more pain to the world as they did in two world wars." Even in forties no one thought Jews were aiming towards world domination and there had not been a single piece of evidence to that effect. On the other hand Islam is actively seeking towards world domination and fossil fuel has given them the wealth and power to facilitate the evil objective. Islamophobia is real and as an Indian Hindu, I can certify for that. Afganistan was once a great learning centre with many universities and libraries; Islam came and destroyed Buddhism completely. It is estimated 60 million Hindus have been killed over a period of 700 years of Islamic rule in India and here another Mohammed wants the world to believe that Islam is a religion of peace.
Name: Thiagan
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 06:17:07 -0700
23/03/08 Mohammed says: "There was a time that many people thought the Jews are seeking the world domination. Replace the Jews with Muslims and you see the pattern. I hope that Europe will not allow xenophobia and extreme right to bring more pain to the world as they did in two world wars." Even in forties no one thought Jews were aiming towards world domination and there had not been a single piece of evidence to that effect. On the other hand Islam is actively seeking towards world domination and fossil fuel has given them the wealth and power to facilitate the evil objective. Islamophobia is real and as an Indian Hindu, I can certify for that. Afganistan was once a great learning centre with many universities and libraries; Islam came and destroyed Buddhism completely. It is estimated 60 million Hindus have been killed over a period of 700 years of Islamic rule in India and here another Mohammed wants the world to believe that Islam is a religion of peace.
Name: Thiagan
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 06:18:16 -0700
23/03/08 Mohammed says: "There was a time that many people thought the Jews are seeking the world domination. Replace the Jews with Muslims and you see the pattern. I hope that Europe will not allow xenophobia and extreme right to bring more pain to the world as they did in two world wars." Even in forties no one thought Jews were aiming towards world domination and there had not been a single piece of evidence to that effect. On the other hand Islam is actively seeking towards world domination and fossil fuel has given them the wealth and power to facilitate the evil objective. Islamophobia is real and as an Indian Hindu, I can certify for that. Afganistan was once a great learning centre with many universities and libraries; Islam came and destroyed Buddhism completely. It is estimated 60 million Hindus have been killed over a period of 700 years of Islamic rule in India and here another Mohammed wants the world to believe that Islam is a religion of peace.
Name: Dirk
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 03:33:15 -0700
In 1974 Boumedienne said in een VN-speech: "One day, millions of men will leave the Southern Hemisphere to go to the Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory." Ter herinnering dit zei de ambassadeur van Tripoli te londen in 1786 tegen Thomas Jefferson(amb voor de VS in Parijs) om het conflict met de kapers op de Noordafrikaanse kust op te lossen. "The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet Mohammed, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman (or Muslim) who should be slain in battle was sure to go to heaven.
Name: Mike Gervais
Date: Tuesday March 25, 2008
Time: 17:11:47 -0700
Im British and I wait and wait for a politician to come out and say enough is enough, these lands will not freely be given. But not one single politician from any of the major parties has the guts to say a damn thing about the islamization of Britain or Europe. Of course the story is the same across europe, but how, why? did we the people of Europe allow the leftist cowards to run the whole operation?. Are they really devout Marxists following the code that says the way forward is to break a peoples spirit and one of the ways to achieve this is to break down nationalistic natural feelings of nationalism and pride in a country of origin by using forced multicultutalism. And as I look around at my fellow countrymen and women I see a nation at sleep acting as if they havent a care in the world. For sure their ignorance of the situation runs deep, but when it comes to soap operas and celebritydom their knowledge is practically Einstein proportions. In my small city of 230,000 we now have our 3rd and largest Mosque given the go ahead for building. Of course it will be used as a trading post for more Muslims to come to this small city. Half the schools now teach Islam despite the mere currently small number of Muslim children attending the local state schools because they mostly go to two schools which have mostly Muslim children. My local newspaper when doing one of its exposes on some local feature simply goes out of its way to find a Muslim for a quote and the token photograph because it loves to strut its multicultural credentials. But we are supposed to rejoice in being culturally enriched but the reality is the only enrichment of multiculturalism we exprience is the abundance of Kebab take aways. Nothing wrong with that of course, but lets not kid anyone that we are being culturally enriched in any way by a less than healthy take away meal. I know my fair share of people (as we all do) but not one single person I know has any contact with a Muslim. Of course my leftist government will tell me thats my fault and Im basically a racist but of course this is a lie and the real reason is the Muslims simply will not integrate with the local population. But they are not alone, the 10,000 Polish who have moved here in the last 3 years do not integrate either, but perhaps when they back home to Poland and see their country populated by tens of thousands of Muslims they will know how it feels when you see your city and country being transformed before your very eyes. I personally estimate that within 20 years half of the population of my city will be from foreign lands. It has come to a point now where I have been searching for a country to move to. However I am deemed not suitable for the US because I am not from Somalia or that my life is in danger. true, but I am certainly opressed and would be arrested for saying publicly what Im writing here. I have also been refused from Australia and New Zealand for pretty much the same reasons. The experience of searching and filling in the immigrations applications was interesting because it does seem that if I were from anywhere in the middle east or Africa I will practically be sent a plane ticket. So, as a European white male European I am deemed unsuitable for entry in to many countries that seemingly value democracy. There is no odubt if I had been given permission I woudl certainly not have claimed any state benefits and would have striven to integrate and become a productive member of society. Im now looking at South America as a destination...if they wll have me. For sure, I cannot continue to live in a country filled with traitors and if that means I move to a country and become an illegal alien then that is what I will do.
Name: A.K
Date: Sunday April 13, 2008
Time: 14:54:35 -0700
I dont know why all this fear about islam ? No one is oppressed to convert to islam in Europe they talk about Islamization like the ottman empire will come again if some european people adopt islam what is the problem with that ? , most of them choose to enter islam after deep thinking and deep study that takes many years even if we suppose that all these fears become a reality and muslims become majority in Europe that will also be a good thing for Europe because we can see at that time the emerge of a new empire of faith that can rule and spread peace all over the world and governed by new european muslim leaders
Name: Jung
Date: Monday April 14, 2008
Time: 23:32:26 -0700
"European Union should expand to include the Muslim Middle East and North Africa" It won't work. It reminds me of the conspiracy theory: New World Order. Be it New World Order, be it Eurabia, it won't work.
Name: Jung -- IT WON'T WORK!
Date: Monday April 14, 2008
Time: 23:33:33 -0700
"European Union should expand to include the Muslim Middle East and North Africa" -- It won't work. It reminds me of the conspiracy theory: New World Order. Be it New World Order, be it Eurabia, it won't work.