Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Psychodialysis of Islam and Muslims

‘Would we have cared or objected to what Muslims believed in or not had they not stirred in us emotions like fear, disapproval as well as a number of other negative emotions? It is a natural human attribute that when an agent constitutes threat, one tries to examine it closely to learn about it so as to avoid or neutralise it. Fear is an exacting emotion and in the long run it ruins lives. When the agent is another human we can have additional levers in our hands, namely, trying to understand and reason to reach settlement. The Islamic point of view is not subject for negotiating. The Quran is the words of Allah and they have no choice but to follow its dictates. It is these dictates that are the threat, not only to non-Muslims but Muslims themselves as well. Where does this leave us? Thinking long and hard, you come to inescapable conclusion: Those who believe in Islam need psychological therapies rather than rational discussions or for that matter democratic processes’ (Unknown Author).

I could not find out who wrote the above idea. Still, it has given me an idea. There are no psychiatrists or psychotherapists for Muslims, nor are there schools and university departments to train us to do the job. So why not to step into the void? I am an amateur psychotherapist. The fun side of this is that an amateur can expect anything to happen to himself or herself or to happen to the clients, although so far I have not managed to send either myself nor anyone else to a psychiatric hospital, which may explain my low status among the practitioners of this trade. However, you should not be disheartened. And do not be intimidated by the 1.5 billion Muslims. That is not a bane but a boon. It means a 1.5 billion potential clientele, if you play your cards well.

All what you need is to take account of the following. Firstly, prepare yourself for a standard metamorphoses – no worries, it is a piece of cake. Secondly, provide some theoretical and practical guidance so that other lucky would be amateur volunteers can join in – even this is easy. Thirdly, experiment with the ideas and make the needed changes. Fortunately, with the situation, as bad as it is, nothing can make it worse. So you can make as many mistakes as you can and this means it is easy.

Most importantly though is that we have got good advice available to us. A friend of mine who is very knowledgeable in psychology and expectedly a former inmate of psychiatric hospitals, told me all the tricks of the trade. So thanks to him I have the complete knowledge of psychodialysis, which was co-authored first by the great ancient psycho-philosophers Alberto Freud and Simone Einstein then modified by my friend. My friend is a hermit who does not like fame and fortune and this is the reason that he does not let me disclose his identity.

The first step of psychodialysis is: ‘suspend disbelief!’ This is a major step of Freud’s psychodialyses and it is perfectly suitable for Muslims. The difference between rational approach, which relies on discussion and reasoning with the opposition, and psychodialysis, is that with the psychodialysis you dive right away into the worldviews, bypassing all the nonsensical waffle. But be prepared, in the Islamic world you will meet Allah, Shaitan or Satan, Jin, Angels, Muslims and non-Muslims, and other living organisms. The second step: be biased in favour of your clients rather than their foes, because they are of course your paymasters, unless you want to lose your earning. This means that we should try to understand the difficulties that are faced by Muslims in their own world.

Thirdly, for understandable reasons, space out your services over many sessions rather than finishing it in one go! It does not make economic sense, does it? Accordingly, my examination of the Islamic worldview and its inhabitants will take the form of a series of articles.

You must also know that working with difficult psychological conditions would leave you with psychological difficulties. This explains why psychiatrists and psychotherapists are themselves never normal. In regard to working with Islam, one obvious pitfall is that suspending disbelief involves some taking risk to be infected by Islam itself. You may also get a spooky feeling that comes on with entering a world created by thoughts and imagination. So if you decided to join in with me and enter the Islamic world, repeat some reassuring sentences to yourself like prayers before and after each session. ‘Suspending disbelief does not mean believing. The Islamic worldview is a fiction and unscientific at that. There are loads of incoherence in Islam. I will find all the incoherence and prevent myself slipping irreversibly into the Islamic world. The Islamic worldview is only Un-Sci-Qu-Cha-Fi. Un-Sci-Qu-Cha-Fi stands for unscientific-qualitatively-challenged-fiction, as opposed to Sci-Fi.’

I guess that you think that I have contradicted myself. If you do, so what. Is there anyone who does not contradict himself, so beat it please!

Now is time for the fourth step. One of the major achievements of the past few years is that computers were able to persuade the Avatars, who were Hindu gods and goddesses in the past, to come and live inside the computers and allow computer to metamorphose themselves into avatars. What we need though is a kind of avatar that lives outside the computer as well. Call your avatar therefore a hypothelian, the native of the land of Hypothesis. This does not mean that avatars are not real; they are real but they live in the land of imagination. Moreover, it is better to call your avatar a hypothelian because as soon as you notice it is getting out of hand you can shoot it and create another one. Finally, sending a hypothelian as your agent is always better, because your hypothelian will see the world with a fresh eye which sees familiar things differently. Although there is a downside to this in that a hypothelian may get stuck on subjects that you may not consider as important, but how would you know what is better for you, Allah knows that.

Hello, I want to let you know that there was a successful metamorphosis and hey presto I, the Hypothelian, am here to give you my first report. Of course, it is obvious to me that I am a major breakthrough in human history, although I realise it is not as obvious to you but things will gradually be explained.

The story of Islam begins with the Creator called Allah. He is very strong and powerful. You have seen nothing like Him: Just one word from Him and something can pop up out of nothing. When ‘He has decreed a matter He only says to it "Be," and it is’ (19:35). He is also so compassionate, merciful and omniscient you cannot imagine.

However, before you entertain those rosy dreams of a patch of heaven and its crew of virgins, I would let you know that Allah, as a matter of fact, runs those jumbo size infernos and torture fields (as opposed to torture chambers which must be too small for the purpose), where he grills numerous nations and not just few individuals for eternity. Does Allah have a sense of smell? If so how can He stand the perpetual stench of burning flesh? Does He use air fresheners? Or does he just hold his nose? These questions are not my concern for the time being.

There are some duties Allah set for us. These include worshiping Him by doing our prayers to Him, which involves the uncomfortable kneeling and prostrating and raising the bottoms to the air, acknowledging Him as the only God; and visiting His house in Mecca if we are fortunate and able to do so. I could not find out exactly why Allah wants praising, worshipping and prostrating for Him. You might say that Allah is behaving like an alpha male who wants everyone supplicating and prostrating for Him to message His ego. This prostrating business is particularly indignifying. You lift up you bottom to the sky in the public to towards Him. What does Allah wants from that? Is there some kinds of perversion going on here? How that does fit with mercifulness and compassion? But shame on you, do not have such a dirty mind! Muslims know better because they know Allah inside out and they report no suspicious activities. But what about the spiritual feeling, which Muslim say, enters their whole being? Is it spiritual or is it something else? Muslims say whatever Allah does to you is good. He is all wise and knows why he does what He does.

Allah’s main enemies are those who do not believe in Him. In His Quran (4.48), He is clear on this: ‘Verily, Allah does not forgive that anyone should set up partners with Him, but forgives everything other than that to whom He pleases, and whoever sets up partners with Allah, has indeed invented a tremendous sin.’ You can call those who do not believe in Allah as infidels, atheists, ingrates, those whose hearts are tainted and diseased, evil-doers, hypocrites, apes and monkeys, enemies of Allah, the subjects of Allah’s wrath, kafir, ignorant, etc. Amazingly, even these unbelievers are created by HIM, Allah and no one else. However, the problem is that these ingrates deny that simple and obvious fact, which is what gets Allah’s goat. Why should Allah create such a nuisance for Himself in the first place? Is this another incoherence? Do not be so sure. Right after the creation of Adam, there was some conflict between Allah and Shaitan and all those troubles started from there. But why did He allow Shaitan to do all this mischief? This is another mystery.

I do not know why the Kafirs do not want the spiritual feeling which Allah giveth to the Muslims. However, what makes the problem even more complicated is that these Kafirs do not shut up. ‘How can one be merciful and then burn his enemies, why does not he just try to give them love?’, they say.

Perhaps, embarrassed to say what really frightens them, they keep hammering nauseatingly on the point of the alleged contradictions in Allah characters; that He is merciful but He burns His enemies. They think they need to knock on this point only a few more times and the whole Islamic structure will crumble down. They say ‘these characteristics of Allah may cause us something they call cognitive dissonance (another jargon from psychodialysis, although they use it in the wrong way). The say cognitive dissonance is ‘an affliction which makes you walk half-stunned and asking yourselves all sorts of existential questions: ‘What is the point of being created? What are we supposed to be? What does running infernos by the Complete Merciful One tell you about the Complete Merciful One?’

‘Shut up’ the believers say, ‘These questions are only in your head. In reality there are no such questions. Any way there are more pressing issues.’ Well done, Muslims!

Now, I must now introduce Muslims to you. They say humans are Homo sapiens. I am not sure if Muslims agree that they are Homo sapiens. Homo sapiens is just a species of animal which, they say, evolved from monkeys, which explains why it is the same family of apes and monkeys. Muslims, on the other hand insist that they are descended from Adam who was created from Clay in heaven by Allah. But these matters are trivial any way. The important matter is to remember that Muslims are the beloved of Allah. Allah said this clearly in His Quran: ‘Ye are the best community [in Arabic my hermit friend tells me the Quran says nation and not community, so the translators are cheating us a bit, but all is for the good cause] that hath been raised up for mankind. Ye enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency; and ye believe in Allah. And if the People of the Scripture had believed it had been better for them. Some of them are believers; but most of them are evil-livers’ (3.110).

Muslims can come in two sexes only. There are no Homos. They are Haram: Forbidden, point. Muslims come either male, who are called Muslims, or females, who are called Muslimas. The Muslims are superior to Muslimas. Muslims prefer to wear long robes. They prefer having beards but they should shave the moustaches, because Moustaches are not very clean.

Robes are better for Muslims because they clean themselves, especially their bottom side, very often. At least five times a day, to be precise. Some Muslims and Muslimas actually cheat on that. They think they can get away with it, but Allah is all knowing and awake without using any Modifanil anti-sleeping tablets. That is why Muslims would have bad consciences consequently. ‘Oh, Muslims and Muslimas do not cheat on washing. Know your duties! You know you must wash even if you break wind! Allah, is definitely, all smelling with an important nose. As soon as you break wind, He will start watching you to see if you go to washing before you approach your prayers. Allah wants the bottom side clean when you ask for His spiritual feeling’ (00001.00001, the Hypothelian Quran).

Some infidels are impressed by Muslims’ concern with cleanliness. They admire the Muslims and Muslimas in secret. However, they rarely confess their admiration because they are mean spirited and there is a disease in their hearts. Any way Muslims say that the Western government tell the Kafir Westerners not to admire the superiority of Muslim.

Obviously, the Western governments and peoples are in the wrong. This washing is really a life-saver considering that Muslims are always outraged and fuming, so cleanliness saves them from unwelcomed smells – ‘the Westerners do not know what is good for them, but Allah knows and He is all wise and merciful’ (The Hypothelian Quran, 00001.00002).

The downside of being infidel is being an undignified and irritating nitpicker. Despite the many benefits of ablution by the Muslims for the Kafirs and Muslims alike, the Kafirs raise objections: ‘But,’ they say, ‘ablution means spending a lot of water and think about the drought. However, on balance, they admit it is still better to sacrifice the water.

They say ‘considering the fuming issue and the potential smell, ablution is ok. ‘But’ [Their buts never stop! May Allah obliterate the but words from their vocabularies and from the face of the earth], ‘should not the government tell Muslims that they should be aware of the trail of dripping water behind them when they wash their bottoms, especially in the office and workplace. One Sikh man fell and broke his leg. The Muslims community did not own up and denied that he slipped on water dripping from the bottoms the believers. That accident caused a lot of intercommunal tensions in South East Asia. ‘Liars, who saw that Sikh man broken leg? In any case, Allah must have had some wisdom in what He brought on the head or the leg of Sikh person, but (this but is alright) our inferior intelligence cannot comprehend everything.’

But [The italicized but is alright] is this not very embarrassing and intrusive? How should anyone talk about such a private issue like this? ‘Give me a break with this water dripping from’... Do not you feel ashamed of yourself? Is it possible to go to gentlemen or gentlewomen who want to stand in Allah’s presence and say: ‘Mate have you checked that water is not dripping from...?’ It is just inappropriate mate!

However, the cheekiness of the infidels knows no bounds. They keep returning to the ablution, as if they found a weak link. What about a Muslim Eskimo’s ablution? Imagine baring the feet and bottom at least five times a day and rubbing them with snow. They will get frost bite in the bottom and before long all Eskimos will have gone.

Think about other health complications. Many infidel doctors complain that Muslims and Muslimas are always coming with fungal infections in the groin area and each time one comes they go through this embarrassing ritual: ‘Dear Muslim and Muslima, ablute as much as you want but wipe it dry afterward because unfortunately you fume and the water turns into steam and fungi like humid and warm areas and that is why they grow and cause you itching.’ Some infidels say we should not have given them this medicine and the advice because without them Muslims would have not managed anything apart from continuous scratching and this would have kept the peace for everyone. But this thinking is obviously flawed.

Muslims are fuming and getting fungal infections because of the irritating infidels and that is why the infidels are responsible for providing anti-fungal medication.

As I am coming towards the end of this session, I expect that you are wondering why all this attention to ablution? It is very important, dear infidels.

In the next visit, I will explore the practical measures arising from the issue of ablution, and how psychodialysis helps in ablution to reduce tension.

I will discuss the necessity of introducing soap to the toilets of Mosques. It is a really big health hazard, for understandable reasons. Muslims think they have done everything to maintain the hygiene, but the kafirs have a point. Touching the bottom without using soap is not hygienic. The western government should know this, and help their Muslim brothers and sisters by providing soap in sufficient amounts – although Muslim Muallahs should not sell them on the black market.

Such measures would help with sorting out some of the problems. Obviously, Allah did not demand soap in the Quran because for some reasons he did not know about soap. Allah is all knowing and wise, but (this but is alright) He is also a very busy guy.

Secondly, among other things, I will propose that Muslims and Muslimas should use towels when they wipe their bottoms every time they ablute. This is to prevent the kafirs laughing at them when they scratch, particularly, now that towels are available. Allah would have, of course, introduced towels in the Quran but He must have thought that everywhere is as hot as Saudi Arabia, which dries any bottom no matter how wrinkly it is in a matter of seconds, without the help of air-dryers.

I will also suggest making use of modern technology for ablution, for example dry cleaning, similar to the technology of some dry cleaning of cloths to save water. Dry cleaning can replace sand. So I will suggest a modification to the Aya 4.43, which says:

‘If ye are ill, or on a journey, or one of you cometh from offices of nature, or ye have been in contact with women, and ye find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands. For Allah doth blot out sins and forgive again and again’ (4.43). I would suggest instead: ‘If ye are ill, or on a journey, or one of you cometh from toilets [My hermit friend told me that the word in the Arabic Quran for what the translator called ‘offices of nature’ is really embarrassing. However, why should you need to know everything?], or ye have been in contact with women, and ye find no water, then take for yourselves chemicals for dry cleaning, and rub therewith your faces and hands and bottom so you do not smell awful. For Allah doth blot out sins and smells and forgive again and again’ (00001.00003, The Hypothelian Quran).

Finally, for those who are interested in psychodialysing, here is an exercise for:

Why did not Allah send Islam to the Australian Aborigines and Eskimos?


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The Hypothelian is a Middle Eastern ex-Muslim.

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Comments Notes: Our system cannot separate paragraphs.

Name: Michel
Date: Monday June 30, 2008
Time: 19:51:02 -0700


Islam kills and has no guilt like Hitler

Name: ha ha ha ....
Date: Monday June 30, 2008
Time: 20:52:07 -0700


I strongly believe that someone has to be clean in his heart rather than his body to be with God. What is the use of 'wudlu' if your heart is not clean? Just for showing off only that you're a Moslem? Or, for ceremonial purpose only? Being a moslem doesn't mean you are free of sins. Being a moslem doesn't mean your heart are clean. I've met a few Moslem with clean hearts, but it is not because they're moslem, but because it is their nature. I've decided that moslem loves to show off. It's me, a moslem, and I do this and that because I am hollier than you. Reality? Go to hell with it. All that does matter is, we, moslem, are hollier than you in every aspects of life. Another point: Moslem still pray for their prophet Mohammad. Logically speaking: "How can a prophet that you still prayed for, saved you?" In one hadith, Mohammad himself said that he didn't sure what Allah will made of him, send him to hell or to heaven. If you read the Bible, all the prophets there never spoke like that. They believe in God with all their heart, and God would be very just to them. It is a proof that Mohammad himself didn't believe in his Allah wholeheartedly. Maybe Allah in the Quran really is the other side of Mohammad's personality. Islam's Allah is not the God in Christian. God in New Testament is so full with love as portrayed in the life of Jesus Christ, while Islamic Allah likes to torture people, especially people who don't accept Islam. So, Moslem, never think that your Allah is the same with God in Christian. They're different one to another.

Name: Ananda
Date: Monday June 30, 2008
Time: 23:43:21 -0700


'god' of New Testament is the same as 'god' of Old Testament. And Old Testament is undoubtedly the biggest book of genocide 'ordered' by this 'god'. Clearly, this 'god' underwent a major evolutionary transformation. He became a civilized and humane and loving 'god'. This was not an internal transformation, rather forced on by Renaissance and expanding human knowledge. In a very stark contrast, a similar transformation of Allah has not happened and won't happen because the institution is cast in concrete.

Name: Yes islam will commit suicide just like Hitler
Date: Tuesday July 01, 2008
Time: 00:29:55 -0700


Yes islam will commit suicide just like Hitler.We just want muslims in Jail of islam to know that they are in jail in a island islotated.Lets us just spread the rational thinking .Thats all it will alone free all educated rational meuslimls who can think.If islmaists alias Mohammadians are willing to open thier eyes duoto light of truth phobia just leave them.Their children if not their grand children will surely change.It may take hundred more years ,but surely islam perishes.

Name: Islam is Totalitarism
Date: Tuesday July 01, 2008
Time: 01:21:21 -0700


One god, one book, one religion. It is very similar to the german nazi-Slogan: Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer! But Islam is even much more stupid than Nazism and Faschism. It was invented at a time when the arab community did not have any books at all. People like Muhammad did not knwo much about books. How could he call christians and jews "People of the Book"!? Didn´t he know that there very already hundreds of thousands books and papyrus rolls available in the library of Alexandria? When Islam was born, it was already centuries behind the rest of the world. And it was not created by god, nor by scholars, but by a stupid gang of uneducated bandits.

Name: people who dont believe in fake ideology judeo christianity/islam is not stupid
Date: Tuesday July 01, 2008
Time: 01:22:26 -0700


people who dont believe in fake ideology of blood thirsty terrorist arab deity jehova/allah and stupid arab terror manual torah-bible/koran is thinking person and not stupid.the people who believe fake books koran etc r stupid and to protect their stupidity they say that ones who seek truth r stupid but truth is expose no fake allah created man from mud/dirt but evoled by nature so no need to worhip fake allah,wotship truth and seek truth.

Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday July 01, 2008
Time: 03:44:23 -0700


This is a deep mental sickness , not a physical ailment that can be cured with medicene, and the main attraction is 'sex ' in the present world and 'supersex ' in the so-called hereafter of 'islamic paradise' plus easy money from brigandery/dacoity sanctioned by their 'holy' shit of a book called Quran. The founder was a psychopath, sex-maniac and an inveterate criminal - Muhamad. If the whole world were to be islamised the muslims cannot enjoy ill-gotten wealth and lurid sex-orgies , unless they practice it on themselves. It is profitable for muslims to extract "jizya" or protection money like the gangsters and goons from the 'infidels' or enjoy the wealth of the hard-working and intellectually superior infidels by forcibly usurping it! Islam is a criminal cult wearing the mask of 'religion' - its fake ( and only ) prophet shows the way of easy money and pleasure by extortion, grabbing, raping,child-molesting, plundering at will! With this deeply ingrained in the psche of muslims , especially the so-called scholars/muftis/imams/mullahs ,reforming the cult is out of question , for to reform you have to remove these deformities which is the foundation of the cult of islam. You remove the deformities the whole edifice of the cult of islam will come crashing down to smithereens!It is best to demolish this edifice by inculcating good sense in the common muslims by exposing the barbariism and sheer savagery vis a vis the better quality of life ,both spiritual and secular , in the rest of humanity.So reform - impossible but eradication is possible , albiet very slow! You have to explain to the non-arab muslims the civilisations of their ancestors vis a vis the barbaric arabian cult which wants to establish arab hegemony over the rest of humanity. Nothing less would work!

Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday July 01, 2008
Time: 04:01:26 -0700


To "A Question to All Atheists " :-Stalin,Mao, PolPot etc were not true atheists , but cult leaders or leaders of certain idealogies and dogmas which are as bad as established religions . Communism is a cult which may reject 'god' but has idolised their own 'gods' like Lenin(whose was mummified like an Egyptian Pharoa) , so also Mao or Stalin who were the gods of the communist idealogy. True atheists are those who do not carry the burden of any idealogy like religion , but act as sensible and rational human beings rejecting superstition of any kind and idolising anyone to be some 'god' or a person who cannot be criticised. Great scientists were all atheists like Steven Weinberg, Carl Sagan, Richard Feynman, Richard Dawkins, ; or thinkers /writers /philosophers like Bertrand Russel , Aynn Rand or Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennet,etc. In India Budhists/ Jains are godless, while the "charavakas" who were the contemporaries of Rig Vedic Indians were inveterate Atheists highly critical of vedic rituals , beliefs and practices , but were never persecuted like in other countries!

Name: How Islam makes people stupid
Date: Tuesday July 01, 2008
Time: 04:27:54 -0700


By telling muslims that they are superior to others islam disables the brains of it´s folowers. There seems to be no need to think about anything for people who believe in their own superiority. Even nowadays, with the backwardness of islamic countries being so obvious, muslims all over the world refuse to learn anything from others, makings things even worse for all. I already see the days coming with masses of starving muslims to be fed by international non-muslim welfare organisations. Of course, this will not become any obstacle for them to proceed in blaming the others for everything.

Name: Growing Muslim threat and dealing with them.
Date: Tuesday July 01, 2008
Time: 05:51:43 -0700


An article in New York Times speak of Muslim fighters being renewed by oil money. Seriously, the only way to defeat Islamism is to destroy mosques and kill as many imams as possible, start with the Muslims who cause trouble. Mercilessly kill them like they kill non-Muslims

Name: balam to vbv
Date: Tuesday July 01, 2008
Time: 06:22:25 -0700


It is always a pleasure to read your highly intellectual and honest comments.I am afraid I can not add any thing more.Zakir Naik has again written under the heading:A question to all athiests:He quotes a lot of Quran,which no body cares about.I have more respect for an athiest than a brainlss Muslim zombie who could be so unpredictable.Mohammad was nothing but a shameless fraud.

Name: Allah's stories are fake.
Date: Tuesday July 01, 2008
Time: 19:48:54 -0700


Allah created Adam from mud. Then eve from his ribs. They ate the fruit and started sex. There were only two. Then they had children and multiplied. The questions are: Adam's and eves chidren had sex with each other or with parents. How can an all knowing Allah create this situation? Brothers having sex with sisters or for that matter with parents? Then where is this Gown (veil) came from? There were no clothes there and they hid their nudity with leaves. Why Allah did not give a veil to eve? Allah is all powerful and all knowing. Why this happened Muslims?

Name: Beowulf
Date: Tuesday July 01, 2008
Time: 21:33:40 -0700


Very amusing and insightful article! It is funny that muslims cling to this ablution ritual, claiming it is for cleanliness, when there are currently much better ways of maintaining cleanliness. Examples include the use of soap and towels as the author has indicated. Islam is a disgraceful religion.

Name: Message to Raihan
Date: Wednesday July 02, 2008
Time: 01:41:58 -0700


Dear Raihan, You are posting from: IP address:

Islamic International University Malaysia IIUM was first conceived in 1982 by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad during a special meeting between OIC leaders to establish an international institution for tertiary education based on Islamic principles (the Islamization of Knowledge). You have become a faithful ghulam of the Arab nations and are doing their bidding to keep Bangladeshis, Malays, Indonesians enslaved to their Arab masters. See if they'll give you human dignity and respect. Try to see if you can marry an Arab daughter of one of your sponsors seeing as you are such a pious servant of them. You will always remain their inferior in their eyes......

Name: Kisan = vbv = balam = X-muslim = kafir/infidel (& Ex-communist)!
Date: Wednesday July 02, 2008
Time: 05:12:05 -0700


Kisan is a Hindutva activist who writes against Islam and Muslims in many forums including a Bangladeshi one by the name of Mukta-Mona. He is vomiting utter lies and hatred against Muslims in this forum using many pseudo names like 'vbv', 'balam', 'X-muslim', 'kafir/infidel (& Ex-communist)', etc. I personally have no problem with Hindus or any other religious people, although I do not believe in their religions. In fact, two of my best friends are Hindus. On the other hand, Hindus are spreading utter lies and hatred against Muslims and Prophet Muhammad all over the world. I say, study the Quran with care to remove lies and hate from your mind (Quran 22:17, 6:107-8, 22:67-69, 17:84, 49:11). I have studied the Gita carefully and it appeared to me a wonderful book, although I didn't find anything in there to believe in it as the revelation from Creator. I do not believe in Gita not because it's the only war manual in the world, as it's a subjective issue, but because of the fact that it's not the Word of Creator.

Name: Kisan
Date: Wednesday July 02, 2008
Time: 08:54:30 -0700


Raihan, you really are psychotic and irrational. I am none of the identities you talk of. For your information VBV is a slightly less deranged version of yourself and I don't have any particular sympathy for any of the others you mention. You cannot seriously believe the nonsense you wrote saying that I'm all those people unless you really are 100% loony tunes (which is quite possible considering your consistent crazy behaviour). But I think you are just plain out lying. There is a book by Scott Peck which I think you would greatly benefit from: it's called 'People of the Lie'. Another book by him 'The Path Less Travelled' you should read too. I feel sorry for what you have become.

Name: primrose
Date: Wednesday July 02, 2008
Time: 10:50:27 -0700


laugh out-loud funny

Name: primrose
Date: Wednesday July 02, 2008
Time: 11:24:52 -0700


dear hypothelian to make life easier for working psychodialysers and to prevent having to re-invent the wheel (necessary if we are to offer treatment to 1.5 billion people), I wonder if you would consider becoming more commercial- with books, motivational DVDs and a range of inspirational thoughts on CD, set to soft music?

Name: Challenge to all infidels from Akhter
Date: Wednesday July 02, 2008
Time: 15:51:26 -0700


Produce a sura like quran. You cannot because you are deaf and dumb beasts (8.22). And quran is the only truth.

Name: The Hypothelian
Date: Wednesday July 02, 2008
Time: 16:03:44 -0700


thank you dear Primrose Yes, I was thinking about mass producing ‘Super Psychodialysing Soap’ and ‘Super Hypothelian Towels’ as well as chemicals for ‘Dry Ablution Chemicals’ for Muslims. Perhaps, I should also produce badges with inscription ‘Psycholodialysed. This Muslims is safe.’ I will be interested in knowing your skills and suggestions.

Name: The Hypothelian
Date: Wednesday July 02, 2008
Time: 17:00:40 -0700


Akhter, What about my verses in the article. I produced three verses and all of them are better than those in the Quran. At least I revealed that Allah has important nose and He is really put off by Muslim smell, which is the reason that He ordered to ablute five times a day. Perhaps, it is the reason that He does not give you the spiritual feeling you long for. Mohammed did not say Allah has nose. That is Kufir zandiq. You haramzada. If Allah is all seeing and all hearing why cannot He be all smelling of your awful Islamic smell? Try to keep a good sense of humour though. Bear all what we are giving you patiently! Although, we understand that with the Internet and anonymous writers, you must be having very difficult time as you are not able to show your rage and savagery emotions.

Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Friday July 04, 2008
Time: 08:54:19 -0700


Ananda, I can see you're not pure of heart. Why make blanket statements without logic or quoting anything? I can also see that you're an atheist. It's okay with me if you think you created yourself, and that matter is eternal. Be my guest. Personally, I can't see how matter is eternal. For me, it's easier to believe that a Supreme Being with intelligence is eternal, rather than to believe that matter without intelligence is eternal. In your way of thinking, you're saying that matter is eternal, and also very intelligent to create human beings, animals, plants with intricate harmonious parts. Personally I can't believe that stupid matter can do that. But like I said, think whatever you want to think. And if you think you created yourself, so be it. But what I don't like is that many writers like yourself fabricate. According to Genesis, everthing that God created is good, so why would He want to destroy this "good" unless His people became very bad after He created them? Quote: "God looked at everything He had made, and He found it very good." (Genesis 1:31). Don't confuse Satan/Allah with the God of Love, the God of the Christians and Jews. Satan/Allah commands his wayward Muslim children to kill for the pure pleasure of killing. Quote from the filthy Qur'an: "Make war on the infidels around you," (Sura 9 Verse 123 and Sura 66 Verse 9). Also: "Kill the disbelievers wherever you find them," (Sura 2 Verse 191). Also: "Be ruthless to the infidels," (Sura 48 Verse 29). All of these quotes and many more like them are commands of Satan/Allah. May the Cause of all causes bless you.

Name: To ananda
Date: Sunday July 06, 2008
Time: 12:33:33 -0700


According to you christianity modified their concept of god because of the renaiisance. Well you seem to be getting your dates mixed up and I dont mean the desert fruit. Christianity originated more than a 1000 years before renaisaance.

Name: dear Ananda
Date: Tuesday July 08, 2008
Time: 05:13:16 -0700


In my humble opinion this is the most absurd post and every answer will be confronted by an unanswerable why. To Illustrate by example, this is how it goes: Who started this all? Go back in recent history and come to modern day. You will find that the Muslim world has been under oppression by the western governments under the cover of modernization and secular states. If you observe the facts then you will soon discover that reactions from the oppressed peoples of the Islamic world. When you look at what "Israel" has done to the Muslims and Arab Christians you WILL change your thinking. "i didn't see a muslim killing 6 million Jews!" 1)It was 50years ago and this is the worst Europian Trauma, that's why we call it the holocaust.That was in the PAST and HAVE WE learned from it 2) Of all religion's TODAY, which one hates the Muslims so explicitly?If they could they would kill them all and that's more than 6million. 3)Luckely lots of muslim country's don't have the means ???????????????????,maybe WE shouldnt keep it that way! i didn't see muslims invading countries to get fuel! i didn't see muslims occupying some ones country in pretext for Heroin! but then again, hitler didnt kill jews in the name of christianity! he was mentally ill!! Then why not you apply the same rule for those "Muslim" terrorists who killed innocent people??? Hippocrates!!! What about the Imperialist American project that we are living today? If the Iraqis did this to Mike in the US then they would be bad, but what is he doing in their country? Can't you see that the issue is not Islam or Christianity or any other religion? What about the Iraqi and Afghan innocent lives being taken in the dozens everyday as a result of the American occupation. I hate Saddam but this did NOT happen on his watch! I urge you to go do some research on the subject. I urge you to stop shooting from the hip. Think that maybe you are not told the truth and start from there. I promise you will find the truth. I mean it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out who's occupying who! And that my friend is a reason to attept to stop the oppressor by all the means you may have. sentiment instead of exploiting and worsening the friction between the communities because of the religious issues, Terrorism for political gain well there is no religion that speaks for voilance and we must understand that all those religions created by God were aimed to protect people, help understand the code of life and to let people realize that God is one & he must be worshiped only. See all the holy books handed over to the messengers of the ages. Islam,Buddhism, vedhas & Christianity do not preach any thing wrong , Prophet Muhammad said: "Do not kill the women, children, aged or the ill." He also prohibited Muslims from harming monks in their monasteries or hermits in their caves. Cutting down trees, destroying livestock, wells, homes or land of the enemy is likewise forbidden. Upon seeing the corpse of a woman in a battlefield, Prophet Muhammad Islam makes a clear distinction between combatants and noncombatants, forbidding soldiers to harm defenseless civilian in any way. Islam never teaches to kill the nonmuslim. The only times in which believers are allowed to take up arms are when they are defending their own lives and the lives of their people, when they see the weak being oppressed in acts of tyranny, and when they are prohibited from practicing their religion.There is no excuse for any expedition or attack resulting in the killing of civilians, no one has the right to take innocent lives. Terrorism has to be wiped out, but not in this manner. Intelligence, espionage and surveillance have to be given prime importance to eradicate this menace. How are the terrorists obtaining arms and ammunition. These are not manufactured in their country, they are imported. The average businessman cannot import any item without opening a letter of credit through a bank and without obtaining Customs clearance.How do the terrorists get arms and ammunition worth millions. Where is the detection? What is their economic power, human power – they seem to have an unlimited supply of people. You have to engage a Spy network to find out who the high command is, and what they are planning.

Date: Friday July 11, 2008
Time: 15:08:03 -0700


This is evidence that quran encourages terrorism Sura (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" Sura (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them." Sura (9:14) - "Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace..." What more proof is required? THe quran says terrorise non muslims till they convert.

Name: Rose
Date: Friday July 18, 2008
Time: 02:49:32 -0700


The Qur'an is not as contradictory as it appears. When Muhammad came to power in Medina, his entire approach changed from trying to persuade others to convert solely by voluntary means and he began to reveal the harsher verses of the Qur'an. These subsequent verses were meant to replace early verses. "When We substitute one revelation for another, - and God knows best what He reveals (in stages), - they say, "Thou art but a forger": but most of them understand not." (Qur'an, chapter 16, verse 101) "None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar: Knowest thou not that God Hath power over all things?" (Qur'an, chapter 2, verse 106) It follows that what was happening within the Muslim community at the time verses were revealed plays an important role in interpreting the Koran. Sadly, that history overwhelmingly supports the fundamentalists' interpretation and leads to violence as terrorists mimic the life of Muhammad that they are taught was inspired by God and which constitutes the perfect example for living.

Name: ali
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 13:24:31 -0500


I belive Islam to be a Beautiful concept which brought civilisation to the ignorant camel farmers of the Arab world. It is also worth mentioning that the author of the above pointless essay (which is merely an amaturish compilation of verses to put forward his/her ideas)has no real understanding of islam at all. Pleas note the author is almost brilliant in hiding his/her childish ignorance whilst discussing genatalia in relation to sanitisation & the method of sanitisation. All who have experienced the facilities afforded by most upmarket hotels will have witnessed the increase in bidays, used to wash filth of one's back-side (for a better word) and so the argument that all muslims are using the worlds water reserves to clean their rectums is still unexplained. Muslim set the standard in Maths (Algebra) Astrology,Science,Medicine and personal hygiene 1400 years ago, whilst most of the european population(greeks/romans/spaniards/English/Romanians/french)were dying of nasties such as the Bubonic/Black Plague often transported from human to human contact,homophobic anal action being one of the main culprits for alien bacteria to enter the european's penis shaft via poo-stained anal cavaties. another subject to discuss is the barbaric image of islam, "well like most books of law and jurisprudence" around the globe the holy quran prescribes death penalty for all who committ inhumane acts such as Peadophilia,Rape,murder etc. But dosent almost 65% of the worlds country hold true to this law? Please! now let's be grown up and realise that 1400 years we did not have lethal injections, Electric chair and so most methods of death for the culprits was a God send. If you choose to diagree I suggest some customer focus training, so one will be able to see things from the victime point of view i.e: If the author was raped would he/she be happy that the rapist served only 4 years in which time the rapist had countless access to gym facilities 3 square meals plus snacks,Playstaion, snooker and free access to education to improve qualifications for a better chance at work once released whilst the author spent those very same 4 years nursing a sore backside, a damaged ego,pride, self-respect,family relationship,destruction of career and the list goes on.....?

Name: ana conda
Date: Tuesday January 06, 2009
Time: 10:37:08 -0500


I am from fiji, this artice is based on bias, prejudice and grudge against moslem, it is all fabricated. I know moslem, they are really good people and their religion is the last true religion of Allah. if anyone wants full information and wants logical debate mail me on " " Islam accepts all other religions and gives the best code of life. All arguments in these articles are stupid, irrational and hostile.

Name: afkksa
Date: Tuesday January 13, 2009
Time: 13:16:18 -0500


most of the below comments are based on hatered. It seems that mos of the people do not study seriously others point of view ang give coments ruthlessly. There are hundreds of thousonds of examples of atrocities done by different religions. On the name of protection, millions of muslims are killed in Iraq, palastine, kashmir, chachnia and so on genocide still going on, no one is there to stop but to encourage. will strongly insist and apeatl to have serios diologs between religions to reduce tension and to have tolarance.

Name: The Watcher
Date: Saturday March 14, 2009
Time: 17:00:42 -0500


Here's a more pressing question about Islam, which is why Mohammad chose the name of a pagan god as the name for "The God." Allah, whose house of worship is the Kabba, was a pagan god that was already being worship by the Arabians, for thousands of years before Mohammad gave his name to "The God." In this den of idol worship, existed hundreds of female deities, called the whores and concubines of Allah. All Mohammad did was take the name of a well established pagan god and transfer that name to "The God." This is not made up, but is actually written in many official Islamic biographies about Mohammad. You see, when examining any religion, it's vital to examine the basis of that religion. Islam begins by usurping the name of a pagan god and giving it to "The God." This is not the God that Abraham, Ismael and Issac worshiped. Abraham's relationship to Yaweh-Jehovah-Elohim, etc, was based on turning his back on paganism. How can you turn your back on pagan gods and then attribute the name of a pagan god to "The God." Allah was clearly an Arabian pagan deity, as was all the pagan whores and concubines of Allah, who lived with him in his pagan home located at the Kabba, in Mecca. Please note I'm not saying that the Christian religion is any better, since Constantine the Great also blatantly mixed paganism into his "worship" of "The God." The entire concept of a deity coming down from heaven and mating with a "virgin" is one of the oldest pagan stories that exist. Mithra, Hercules, Tamuz, and many, many other pagan demigods were born from sexual relations between human females and "gods." I'm not saying that Islam is any worse that any other religion. What I am asking is for someone to explain this incongruity of associating Allah, a pagan god, with "The God." Since "The God" demands that no other "gods" be put before him, how can attributing the name of a pagan god be justified and acceptable to Him?

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