Osama Bin Laden as Robin Hood?
11 Sep, 2008
From American Thinker
Are Osama bin Laden and other "salafi" Muslims being true to Islam's
tenets or are they simply "freedom fighters" articulating their
grievances against Western imperialism through an Islamic paradigm?
The debate in the Islamic world over this question has profound
consequences for the war on terror. That same debate is underway in
the English speaking world.
In English, best-selling author and ex-CIA analyst, Michael
Scheuer compares the words of Osama bin Laden to Thomas Jefferson's
Declaration of Independence, as Jefferson spoke about the tyranny of
Britain's King George III.
There are indeed a few parallels, but Svheuer uses a false
analogy. The fundamental problem with Scheuer's line of reasoning is
that the "words" of Osama are backed by Islamic doctrine, and indeed
are often verbatim quotations from Islam's most authoritative
sources, namely the Koran, hadith (sayings of Muhammad), and the
verdicts of Islam's premiere jurists and theologians. On the other
hand, the words of Jefferson are the words of temporal man and
representative of nothing more than a philosophical, that is,
subjective, position.
In many ways, Scheuer is the paradigmatic case of an otherwise
knowledgeable and experienced Western adult who simply refuses to
take al-Qaeda at its word. According to his book, Imperial Hubris,
his credentials and thus authority to speak about al-Qaeda and its
goals are impressive: "For the past seventeen years, my career has
focused exclusively on terrorism, Islamic insurgencies, militant
Islam... I have earned my keep and am able to speak with some
authority and confidence about Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda, [and] the
dangers they pose and symbolize for the Unites States..."
The remainder of his book makes several fine points, articulating
well -- arguably even better than bin Laden -- the grievances that
al-Qaeda and the Muslim world have vis-à-vis specific US policies.
However, the book's fundamental thesis is bin Laden's own: al-Qaeda's
terrorism is simply a reaction to US foreign policy. Writes Sheuer:
"Bin Laden has been precise in telling America the reasons he is waging war on us. None of the reasons have anything to do with our freedom, liberty, and democracy, but everything to do with US policies and actions in the Muslim world" [emphasis added].
He then proceeds to quote and accept, rather naively, several of
bin Laden's messages to the West, such as: "Therefore, I am telling
you [Americans], with Allah as my witness, whether America escalates
or de-escalates the conflict, we will reply to it in kind..." Bin
Laden, of course, often begins every message directed at the West by
saying "reciprocal treatment is part of justice"-i.e., "leave us
alone, we leave you alone."
Scheuer takes it one step further by concluding that al-Qaeda's
war revolves around "love": "Bin Laden and most militant Islamists,
therefore, can be said to be motivated by their love for Allah and
their hatred for a few, specific, US policies and actions they
believe are damaging-and threatening to destroy-the things they
love. Theirs is a war against a specific target, and for specific,
limited purposes. While they will use whatever weapon comes to
hand-including weapons of mass destruction-their goal is not to wipe
out our secular democracy, but to deter us by military means from
attacking the things they love. Bin Laden et al are not eternal
Thereafter, bin Laden is likened to heroes like Robin Hood or (of
all people) Saint Francis of Assisi-a friar known for his
benevolence towards animals. Surprisingly, Scheuer overlooks the
theological underpinnings-offensive jihad, enforcement of
"dhimmitude," and enmity for non-Muslims-that dominate al-Qaeda's
worldview and which are delineated over and over in The Al Qaeda
Reader. These innate to al-Qaeda's worldview hostile doctrines
clearly demonstrate that, contrary to Scheuer's assessment, al-Qaeda
and their kind do-indeed must-hate the US for more than a "few,
specific policies," and that their war transcends "specific, limited
purposes," and thus that they are "eternal warriors."
Here is bin Laden himself explaining the "true" nature of the
relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims, such as Americans,
AKA, "infidels":
"As to the relationship between Muslims and infidels, this is summarized by the Most High's Word: ‘We renounce you. Enmity and hate shall forever reign between us - till you believe in Allah alone' [Koran 60:4]. So there is an enmity, evidenced by fierce hostility from the heart. And this fierce hostility - that is, battle - ceases only if the infidel submits to the authority of Islam, or if his blood is forbidden from being shed [i.e., a dhimmi], or if Muslims are at that point in time weak and incapable [in which case, bin Laden later clarifies, they should dissemble (taqiyya) before the infidels by, say, insisting the conflict is about "foreign policy," nothing more]. But if the hate at any time extinguishes from the heart, this is great apostasy! ... Such, then, is the basis and foundation of the relationship between the infidel and the Muslim. Battle, animosity, and hatred - directed from the Muslim to the infidel - is the foundation of our religion."
Note that, contrary to Scheuer's assurances, at no time does bin
Laden indicate that US foreign policy is behind such animus; it is
entirely a theological argument-transcending time, space, and
circumstance. In his attack against "moderate" Muslims, bin Laden
rhetorically asks and answers the pivotal question:
"Does Islam, or does it not, force people by the power of the sword to submit to its authority corporeally if not spiritually? Yes. There are only three choices in Islam: either willing submission; or payment of the jizya [tribute], through physical though not spiritual submission to the authority of Islam; or the sword - for it is not right to let him [an infidel] live."
How do these quotes accord with Scheuer's statement that "None of
the reasons [for al-Qaeda's antipathy] have anything to do with our
freedom, liberty, and democracy"?
Nor is this worldview "peculiar" to bin Laden. Here's his Second,
Ayman Zawahiri:
"Jihad in the path of Allah is greater than any individual or organization. It is a struggle between Truth and Falsehood, until Allah Almighty inherits the earth and those who live in it. Mullah Muhammad Omar and Sheikh Osama bin Laden-may Allah protect them from all evil-are merely two soldiers of Islam in the journey of Jihad, while the struggle between Truth and Falsehood transcends time."
That al-Qaeda's messages to the West are being understood
uncritically and taken at face value by the public is one thing;
that a former CIA veteran whose expertise revolves around Islam buys
into this calculated sophistry is quite another. Since, as Muhammad
said, "war is deceit," Sheuer and other analysts of like mind would
do well to counterbalance the world-view al-Qaeda presents to fellow
Muslims with that which they have tailor-made to accord with the
West's preconceived notions of "justice," "equality," and "guilt."
They should consider that perhaps-just perhaps, now-when al-Qaeda
sends a communiqué to the West, it is not necessarily sincere but
meant solely to elicit a particular response; such as, that al-Qaeda's
war is predicated on a "few, specific, US policies and actions,"
thereby demoralizing Americans from, for instance, supporting "the
war on terror" which directly affects al-Qaeda.
Yet Scheuer's one-dimensional analysis is ultimately
representative of the pervasiveness of al-Qaeda's propaganda among
Western analysts -- such as in the recent, and comical, "words
matter" debate. And if such analyses are prevalent in the CIA and
other agencies, one will inevitably look in vain for anything more
substantive from academia, where both intellectual restraints in the
form of political correctness and an entrenched leftist,
materialistic-"poverty causes violence"-worldview dominate.
Here's Osama, one more time, relying on an anecdote from Muslim
history indicating what all non-Muslims can expect-even after they
make concessions to Islam:
"When the king of the Copts of Egypt tried improving relations with the Prophet by dignifying his messenger and sending him back on a beast of burden laden with clothing, and a slave-girl, did such niceties prevent the Companions from raiding the Coptic realms, forcefully placing them under Islamic rule?"
The answer is no. As both Islamic theology commands and history attests, "concessions" or "niceties" are never enough: submission to Islam is the price for peace. Mr. Sheuer can be certain, then, that no matter how many political concessions the U.S. makes to the Islamic world, so-called "Salafists" like bin Laden -- that is, Muslims who follow the letter of the law (sharia)-will continue the jihad "till all chaos ceases and religion is all for Allah" (Koran 8:38). Instead of thinking of them as Robin Hoods, Francis of Assisis, or Thomas Jeffersons, or simply idealistic, wayward children, it's best to start seeing them as they see themselves: mujahidin -- warriors of Allah out to make Islam supreme, as they have been for some 1400 years.
Raymond Ibrahim is the editor of The Al-Qaeda Reader. He works for the Near East section of the Library of Congress.
Name: balam
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 09:30:19 -0700
It is a very intelligent article written by Raymond Ibrahim.It is extermely difficult for the European mind like that of ex-cia agent to to understand the eastern mind especially the Muslim mind.It is like tracking a snake.It always crawls,never upright or walking on a straight path .It is disloyal and dangerous.A Muslim would always protect another Muslim first no matter what.Sometimes they deviate only under pressure or Money.The Muslims are unprincipled thugs and their last prophet is Paisa-Eleh-Islam which means Money.To trust a Muslim is like sleeping with a poisoness snake under your pillow.Try that sometimes.The West has been too complacent when dealing with Muslims.They should have always taken the advice of the Non-Muslims of that community who understand the Muslim mind better like Israelis.They are the best whether you like them or not.
Name: duh_swami
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 09:40:13 -0700
good article... It's remarks like this that always get my attention... From Zawahiri: 'until Allah Almighty inherits the earth and those who live in it'. Inherit the Earth? From who? I thought Allah already owned the planet by creation. And what does he mean 'live 'in' it'. Is he talking about people who live in caves? Maybe he's talking about bin Laden and himself living underground...
Name: Randy
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 10:10:08 -0700
Isn't one of the big reasons that 9/11 occurred is that the intelligence community underestimated and did not truly understand the threat of al-Qaeda? So when someone didn't "get it" then still doesn't get it, are we surprised??
Name: Ananda
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 15:16:09 -0700
What happens if oil is replaced by natural gas, wind, nuclear as the prime energy source. What happens if then USA and other developed nations stop their charities to Arabs, Pakis, and Afghans. I bet all these stupid suras, and they are really stupid and meant for garbage diggers, will disappear overnight. Right now, it is like rantings of spoiled brats.
Name: To: Dear Editor
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 18:21:41 -0700
Please ban the IP address of people who submit translation of the Quran like from "For all the un Godly people!". No use to read at all !!!
Name: Joseph to Mr. Raymond
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 18:51:36 -0700
Good Article Mr. Raymond, very good indeed. What surprised me is, many people, some are highly educated, still have the naiveness regarding the danger of Islam. I wonder, when will they realize that Islam, is not something we can live in peace together. They want to dominate the world, as Mohammad ambition. They will do it mostly by force. Their teaching is they can rape infidel women without feeling guilty and permitted by their Allah. They can marry their ex daughter in laws if they wish. They can marry under pubescent girl, as old as nine years and have sex with them. They can kill anyone who doesn't believe in their religion/prophet. When will those people realize, that Islam is a cult of hatred, phedophilia and incest?
Name: humorous article raymond
Date: Friday September 12, 2008
Time: 01:35:30 -0700
humorous article raymond.But mo'slums' are not allowed to use their brains
Name: To Mr. Raymond- Kevin
Date: Friday September 12, 2008
Time: 11:42:46 -0700
Sir, Perhaps the best article I have read on the true goals of Islam. If only the public and world leaders are made aware of this fundamental principle of Islam- Conversion by violence and subjugation of non muslims. Altogether a very illuminating and logically precise article on the true relation between islam and non muslims. This essay of yours must be given the most wide spread publicity. But then of course the death threats and intimidation will follow. This is the nature of islam
Name: caleb singh
Date: Friday September 12, 2008
Time: 18:40:12 -0700
To those who say 9/11 was planned by the americans or israelis, let us analyse whether this outrageous lie has any basis 1.it is well known that binladen,ayman zawahiri still keep making claims that they were responsible for 9/11 even though the muslim lands bear the brunt of the furry of america response to this dastardly event--proof lies in tapes delivered to aljazeera from pakistan(now if american intelligence was responsible for such matter pakistani intelligence would have apprehended the source to discredit us claims or proove muslim innocence 2.muhammed atta & other 19 hijackers were people in existence in arab & islamic countries--not fictional characters-proof lies in records showing them present pre 9/11 and no records available post 9/11 about them 3. what would be the motivation of non muslims if it is supposed they planned the attacks--what will be the motivation of hijackers to commit sucide without enjoying the fruits of their service 4.if the attack was planned by american or israeli intelligence(it would have required the knowledge & cooperation of a lot of agencies & people--civl aviation, immigration,security,etc & you would have definitly got dissenters laying out details of this plot) 5.to the detractors who claim it was too sophisticated an operation for islamic radicals to carry out there is not much sophistication required for such an operation--the terorist would only need to know terrorist training ,operate a flight and familiarity of the intended targets hence from these facts we can conclude convincinly that 9/11 was a dastardly crime committed by islamic terrorists glorifying their act in the name of the canibal bastard allah.to others who disagree with these facts please provide convincing evidence if you dare to claim the falsehood 9/11 is by jews or american
Name: To caleb s./Thomas Jefferson...
Date: Friday September 12, 2008
Time: 19:44:51 -0700
Wonderful comment my friend! It's funny how muslims will blame Israel and even try to say the west planned to 9/11 attacks to TRY(FAILING MISERABLY!) to divert the fact it was just another islamic attack on the innocents! THIS IS THE WAY ISLAMISTS THINK:THEY CAN EVEN COMMIT ATTACKS ON EACH OTHER! BUT, WHAT THEY FAIL TO REALIZE IS, WE IN THE WEST DON'T THINK LIKE THAT SO THAT EXCUSE THEY TRY TO GIVE FALLS WAY FLAT! /THOMAS JEFFERSON(PEACE BE UPON HIM-HA!) helped bring forth a country that though not perfect, is the magnet of all the world.
Name: Kacka B
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 20:01:53 -0700
These so called letters are carefully coined by the Zionist and the so called free thinking supporters of the Western media to mislead and prepare the gullible Western mindset against Muslims to falsely justify their designs inorder to dominate and loot as they do now.
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 22:35:52 -0700
" Muhammad was so great that even Allah showered praises on him and saluted him " (Qur’an 33: 56).What an Excellent hilarious.Even with Proof, Muslims still refusing that Qua'ran was not Copied from BIBLE Style,In fact Qua'ran is the copy,cut& remix-Version of ( BIBLE, Paganism, Hindu tradition+Pedophile Sexuality )JESUS is Son of GOD= GOD's Son. That kind of Style was copied by Muhammad, he jealous about JESUS, ha haa Beware Muslim friends, Your prophet was Mentally Retarded, Down $ Syndrome or something. He wanted to be like JESUS ....how dare you Muhammad??? with your pedophile Rapist Action upon 6 yr old child, you wanted to be supreme above JESUS. ...?How pity you Muhammad ?, he was suffered Jealousy about JESUS ,How Pathetic Muhammad ? What an Excellent Hilarious...ha haa ... thanks Qua'ran , I have been unhappy for months, but now, I can't stop my Laughing.ha haa haaa.....think about that friends....haa haaaa haaa... Muhammad was suffered Jealousy about JESUS and Muhammad wanted JESUS position, he made himself as above JESUS position in his own-made Islam Religion.However, Muhammad will be very Happy at Eternal Hell, Muhammad is so Happy now and he was cried due to Extreme Emotional Feelings. Because ,1400 years old-his antique Desire, was full-filled by Muslims.Although people from Genuine GOD(YAHWEH) laughed at Muhammad,he was Praised by 1.3 Billion of Muslims.Although Christians & Jews Laugh Muhammad,He was Praised by Islam.At last, our pathetic Psycho-Insane-Prophet-Muhammad's Desire about JESUS position was Full-Filled by Muslims. Congratulations...!At least , some idiots Worship Muhammad supreme above JESUS.ha haa Surely, Allah saluted Muhammad. Because even Allah-himself can not break that World-Fucking-Records of Muhammad.I think no one can. 6 year old child :)
Name: Koran is the blueprint for the total annihilation of mankind!
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 23:53:45 -0700
Koran is the blueprint for the total annihilation of mankind! Unless something is done to stop it. All legal means must be employed to defeat this evil plaguing humanity!!!
Name: Ian
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 01:45:51 -0700
I am not a muslim, I feel many of the criticisms made in this site of islam are valid and I am not a fan of this faith. However I feel many of the attacks made against islam are hypocritical. The contributors to this site potray the west as civilised while the islamic world is potrayed as backward, intolerant and violent and islam is now a major threat to the west. People who believe this should check their history. I will examine each accusation made against islam in turn and compare it with what has happened in the west :- Islam is a an intolerant faith which which will not allow other religions to exist - Religious intolerance has existed in Europe. The jews suffered vicious persecution in Europe over the centuries and the holocoust occurred in Europe and not in the islamic world. Islam is a violent religion - The west has a very violent history. Endless wars have been fought during the history of Europe. The first and second world wars which resulted in the deaths of millions were not fought among islamic countries. The west has exported this violence overseas. Colonial powers such as Britain invaded and plundered numerous countries. European settlers carried out genocide against the native populations of the Americas. Islam is a threat to the west and islam may take over Europe and the United States - Britain and the United States invaded Iraq and Iraq has been occupied for five years. Iraq has been left devastated by the invasion and numerous atrocities have been committed by the occupying forces. We now have a bizarre situation where we are told there is an islamic threat to the west whilst the west invades and occupies muslim countries. Ghandi was asked what did he think of western civilisation and he said he thought it would be a good idea. He was absolutely right.
Name: To Ian
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 05:11:13 -0700
WW1 and WW2 were not religious wars. While it is true that Europe had undergone a violent history, all of history is a story of constant warfare. When European powers colonized other lands it brings with them the fruits of their civilization, i.e. science, technology and democratic governance. Just think what America would have been if the natives were left on their own, that is Europe particularly England had not colonized America, they, the natives will still be living in tepees and hunting buffaloes. The European colonizers bring the sword but the fruit of civilization follows. The Islamic threat is entirely different. They are calling for the total annihilation of all non-Muslim cultures and the methods they employ can only be describe as beastly and demonic with total disregard for human life. Their dangerous religious belief does not give them a good reason to LIVE, only a good reason to KILL or DIE for their imaginary Allah. Just take a look at all Muslim countries, they are the most backward and impoverished nations of the world. They don't have significant contribution to science, arts, music, technology. Their only significant export commodity, with the exception of oil, is VIOLENCE!!!
Name: To Ian
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 05:13:57 -0700
Don't forget the 12-year Iran-Iraq war, both Muslim countries, that claimed the lives of millions on both sides.
Name: To Ian
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 05:20:40 -0700
The war on Iraq and Afghanistan is to flush out Al Qaeda and company. The global war on terror (GWOT) is the West response to Islamic Jihad.
Name: Dear Ian
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 08:16:25 -0700
The global war on terror (GWOT) is to flush the Muslims inorder to steal their wealth. NOT to flush out Al Qaeda and company. Al Qaeda and company were created by the Zionist to tarnish the image of Muslims. Have you ever wondered why only the world suffers from bombings, after all Al Qaeda biggest enemy is Isreal. USE YOUR BRAIN, START TO THINK. YES IAM RIGHT HONEY.... do you ever think that other terrorist are powerful than Al Qaeda and company/ THINK DO YOU HAVE A BRAIN..... USE IT DAMN IT..
Name: To above
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 09:24:48 -0700
You are already contradicting yourself! You said Zionist created Al Qaeda then Al Qaeda's biggest enemy is Israel! What kind of logic is that? You are also foul-mouthed!
Name: To:To Ian...
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 17:19:39 -0700
NOT TRUE! The Global War on Terror is to flush out islamic terrorist groups such as Al-Qeida. If what you were saying was true (instead of a bunch of total nonsense!) the US would have invaded muslim countries all over the world.
Name: Muslims are brain-dead people!!!
Date: Thursday September 18, 2008
Time: 00:25:54 -0700
Muslims are brain-dead people!!! Today we now have 1.5 billion brain-dead people, that is why the world is becoming more dangerous!!!
Date: Thursday September 18, 2008
Time: 19:56:59 -0700
Yah, Put up a story and blame the muslims for the The world financial crisis too.. The Global War on Terror is to flush out Muslims. the US is invading muslim countries all over the world to stael their oil and LNG and let those Zionist make a big profit. The result the Zionist became rich and the world is now a mess. That what i call greed?
Name: To above
Date: Friday September 19, 2008
Time: 02:48:55 -0700
Please stop this international Zionist conspiracy theory! Only two kinds of people believed this nonsense: 1) Nazis 2) Muslims
Date: Friday September 19, 2008
Time: 06:44:25 -0700
You stop ruling the world through proxy, then peace will dawn in this nice world. There is a big difference between what the religion says, how people interpret it and, if they obey or not. As humans, sometimes the human urge take over religious conviction... most of the muslims i meet in north america drink alcohol although it is prohibited by Islam and none of them although have more than one wife. So you cant judge a faith on its followers... If you could, Christians and Jews would be the most evil, corrupt and bigoted people on the planet... Whats idiotic is that most Jews refuse to condemn their own evil in Israel. Making life so difficult in the occupied terroteries.. Even though most of the worlds greatest attrocities have been commited by BAD Chrisitians. And Now by bad Zonists. How ever we should not forget those good Chrisitians and jews, we should give them all the protection possible. Due to bad publicity we tend to get it wrong, that islam dosent teach you to welcome the invaders, islam teachs to show mercy to good Individuals no matter which faith they belong to. but not if you are attacked or if Muslims are attacked they have the right to hit back, If their land and property are taken they have the right to take it back. They will never surrender or welcome the tyrants, no matter what, they will not like to loose their honour for vain glory things. So now you should know why there is resistence? so when your country gets invaded. when YOUR PEOPLE FAMILY GET TORTURED, SLAGHTERED, MURDED AND HUMILIATED. YOUR NOT GOING TO FIGHT BACK. AND IF YOU DO FIGHT BACK YOU ARE LABELED AS A TERRORIST.so now WHO OCCUPIES WHOS COUNTRY. WHO HAS POWER, WHO IS KILLING THE INNOCENT....ITS UNBELIEVABLE HOW THICK! PEOPLE CAN GET. SORRY,TO USE THAT WORD
Date: Friday September 19, 2008
Time: 20:25:56 -0700
Date: Friday September 19, 2008
Time: 21:54:26 -0700