Religious Tolerance: Islam vs. Other Religions
31 Aug, 2008
While discussing the violence aspect of religious texts, Goldberg wrote,
"At one time or another all religions have been nasty. For all of the passages in the Koran that have been used to justify violence, one can just as easily find passages in the Jewish or Christian Bibles justifying violence. The difference is that Europeans and Americans, broadly speaking, no longer have the desire to use religion to justify violence. Vast numbers of Arabs, North Africans and East Asians still do. Our inquisitions are in the past, their inquisitions happen every day. Much of Muslim world simply lives in a different time than in the West. Oh sure, some of the big cities, with their cars and satellite dishes, may look modern. But their culture is horribly behind the times."
In other words, Goldberg is implying that people of Jewish and Christian faith may not take their respective religions quite literally. For many of them, they may accept their texts with a grain of salt. Unfortunately, for millions of people of Islamic faith, blasphemy is such a buzzword that it can trigger a violent outburst autonomously in no seconds.
Some analysts may blame this mindset as the main hindrance to progress in Muslim societies. The Hindus have their share of intolerance in the age-old inhuman caste system in the societal domain. Nevertheless, they are showing more and more signs of tolerance in their antiquated belief system. When an Indian artist of Muslim heritage drew a nude portrait of a Hindu Goddess who personifies art and education, there was an outcry in parts of India. But soon the controversy subsided and the artist is now alive and well roaming freely all over India.
What could have been the aftermath if the artist dared to enter the Islamic cultural space?
One of my friends of Hindu heritage told me an interesting story. He went to a Saraswati Puja a few months ago. The priest and his spouse were the guests of honor in the festivity. While the priest was busy performing the Puja, his spouse was utilizing the time chitchatting with some of the worshipers in a different room. The most incredible thing was utterances that came from the priest's spouse mouth. She said to the devotees, "Ram was a homosexual and Krishna was nothing more than a womanizer."
I asked my friend about the reaction of the devotees, whether they jumped to the priest's spouse to choke her to death.
My friend's reply was there was no negative outcome. It seemed as if nothing extraordinary happened in the Puja Mandap.
If you care to do an exegesis, you will observe that many of the educated Hindus are not apologetic of Krishna's philandering escapades. Some are even critical of Ram's social behavior especially when he subjected his spouse Sita to undergo a test of her marital fidelity by walking through an open fire. However, their critical scrutiny does not throw them into atheists' camp. Many of them still believe in the basic tenets of Hinduism. In a sense, they are quite tolerant as far as scrutinizing their faith is concerned.
The other day, I was watching "Mission Impossible," the movie on TV. In one sequence, the character played by Tom Cruise threw away a copy of the Bible from the computer table to the floor. He showed his casual approach to the "Holy book" as if it was just an ordinary book.
I do not know if any evangelical Christian group raised any outcry for showing such disrespect to the Bible. Can you possibly imagine what could have happened if it had been a Koran instead of the Bible?
The zealots could have burned the movie theater to the ashes. And don't kid yourself!
Let me also do here a short exegesis of Serrano's art that stirred a controversy as his expression of artistic freedom touched upon sacrilegiousness of the Christendom. Believe it or not, with the able help of American taxpayers' money, the National Endowment of Arts put the Serrano exhibit in New York City. The controversial art that drew criticism was Jesus in a bottle of urine.
Many of the US lawmakers expressed their outrage and disgust in congressional hearings. However, their opinion centered on not to get rid of the artwork, rather not to fund such "sacrilegious" artwork with American taxpayers' money. They therefore drew a line of distinction.
A similar situation arose in New York City again. The famous New York Museum of Modern Art had a display of African arts. One of the exhibits had been Mother Mary covered with the elephant dung. Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani understandably had boycotted the show; nevertheless, the exhibition was allowed to continue.
Imagine, what could have happened if both of these art works touched upon subjects relating to Islam! Many of the readers may remember the famous lawsuit of the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) against U.S. Supreme Court. The CAIR wanted to get rid of the frieze of Prophet Muhammad which was an important Supreme Court artifact. The Supreme Court's desire to keep the frieze of Muhammad, the Justice, prevailed. CAIR probably learned to be tolerant a little bit, I may say.
Let me now get to the final part of my brief exegesis on religious tolerance. A recent PBS documentary covered the linkage between Judaism and Christianity. The documentary showed a dramatization of Jesus Christ's circumcision. Jesus, a born Jew, ought to have been circumcised before third weeks of his birth. This ritual had been historically a social custom in Jewish community for thousands of years.
Many religious scholars find significant similarities between Islam and Judaism. It is as if the two religions are two sides of a coin. How male circumcision became part of Islamic tradition is a puzzle to many. There is no evidence that Prophet Muhammad's ancestors of the Quraysh tribe followed this ancient Judaic practice and there is no historical clue to support this notion. Yet, as male circumcision became part and parcel of Muslim social practices, many Muslims in South Asia even fondly call it Mussalmani or Sunnat.
Although Jesus Christ was definitely circumcised, most of the Christians of the western world did not embrace the ritual as part of their faith. Could these contrasting scenarios be the possible flight paths to probe another historic riddle?
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Imran Haider is a Pakistani enlightened Muslim.
Name: Anon
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 07:52:29 -0700
The term Judah means 'son' therefore Judaism means 'Sonism'. Christianity has no etymological meaning and Jesus did not 'found' that religion. What has the Trinity for example got to do with Jesus? Isnt it ironic the term 'Trinity' does not appear in the Bible yet it appears in the Quran which is fiercly monotheistic? Did Jesus worship a Trinity? No! Islam has etymological meaning and so does the term 'Muslim'. The term 'Jew' and 'Christian' dont
Name: Anon
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 07:55:44 -0700
Circumcision does not appear in the Quran nor does 'halal slaughter'. These were taken from ancient Jewish texts.
Name: Rangeet
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 08:29:40 -0700
Dear Anon, if you was to travel back in time of prophet Mosses and asked him , Sir , Master what is your religion ? You know his answer wold not be Jew as that means he would be following himself, BUT instead he would say and so wold any other prophet that their religion is their total submission to their LORD GOD, and that means they were all MUSLIMS which if you did not know means one who submits him/ herself to the will of your CREATOR, So Abraham was also a Muslim who was circumcised and thus we the Muslims keep his tradition alive as he made a covenant to his lord, and open your eyes and read the quran not from this racist site , but from this and you will see the Halal being mentioned in the Quran.
Name: Rangeet
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 08:41:19 -0700
Want to keep Aids away then Circumcise yourseleves and your children ISLAM IS FOR EVER!!!
Name: To understand the subterfuge of mr rangeet, visit this website
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 08:55:36 -0700
while anaon may not be well-read and informed about the theological semantics of islam which is why most of the time suceptible people of other faiths get duped into islamist,s brainwashing.
Name: where in quran is circumcision mentioned ??
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 09:25:54 -0700
To take credit of circumcision by islam alone is highly dubious, juiadisam, and christanity stand more legitimacy to claim it as in quran you will have nowhere the mention of it. juidasiam and christanity is more to have with it even if they dont practise itas a relegious injunction. In fact it has has to be quite optional in these two faiths so making them more entitled to get the bnifit from it.there are hundereds of different relegious observations which are scattered among juidaisam, christanity and appropriated by islam by extension
Name: Re Rangeet
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 09:31:27 -0700
There is a verse in the Quran (22:36) which mentions sacrificing camels, but does not say how to specifically go about sacrifing them, though i imagine it is the throat slit method. Mr Rangeet i have a copy of the Quran (MAS Abdel Haleem translation) Its not as bad as it is portrayed. Not bad at all. Islam is a very rational religion.
Name: a hindu
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 09:34:19 -0700
I remember when i was a fresher in college, we had to crack all kinds of jokes in front of our seniors. Among the popular ones which had everyone laughing were the vulgar ones regarding Ram and Sita. That was about it,no hard feelings. It has in no way diminished my adoration for Lord Ram, the most revered and popular deity of the Hindu pantheon. Not then, not now.
Name: If the Intolerance of Islam ...
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 09:49:41 -0700
... would only be against evil things such as rape, murder and theft. But Islam is only hating others for not believing in Allah, for not praying five times a day, for not believing in the holyness of the quran and many, many useless things! Islam does not set any moral standards, instead, it is setting standards of superstition, declaring this superstition to represent morality. In other words, the islamic morals consist of nothing like suoerstitious things such as worshipping Allah without having any evidence for his existence, worshipping a "holy" stone (Kaaba), circumbalanting the Kaaba, "stoning of the devil(!)", veiling, praying five times a day and many, many others without having any evidence that it is useful - it is nothing but waste of time and that??s why all muslim countries are so way behind!
Name: akhter
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 09:53:02 -0700
Are you talking about Lord Ram who was deceived by the Satan called Raven, who took the most beautiful woman on earth in a flash to Sri Lanka, and it took Ram 14 years to reach a 20 mile stretch of water, apparently he forget that he being a god could have walked on water, just like Jesus pbuh, by the time he got there Sita had 10 children.
Name: rangeet
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 09:55:49 -0700
I think it could be that Ram decided to travel there by his Rat train, so by that standred he still at least got there.
Name: to akhtar
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 12:35:04 -0700
At least Ram did not sleep with a nine year child nor set a world record of behedding 800 infidels in a single day like your unholy prophet did.
Name: To Rangeet
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 17:46:22 -0700
Hindu may not be a great religion, but it is not like Islam which caused Muslims to kill many non-Muslims and give lots of trouble all over the world.WE ARE GOING TO KILL THE FUCKING MUSLIMS IN INDIA, PHILIPPINES and all over the world if they are causing trouble like in KASHMIR. The securities guard should have killed more of the Muslim protestors. Mohammed was a murderer, child molestor and rapist, yet idiotic Muslims revere him as a perfect man.WE HOPE MORE SUNNIS WILL BE KILLED BY THE SHIAS BECAUSE THEY ARE FOLLOWING FAKE MUSLIMS.
Name: reader
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 19:09:46 -0700
One of the themes of the Koran is that all of the past alleged prophets are equal, ie Ishmael is therefore equal to Isaac. According to Jewish texts both are sons of the mythological Abraham,the former regarded as the ancestor of the Arabs and the latter the ancestor of the Jews. Claiming equal right to Jewish heritage was important in early Islam because on it rested a justification for the first major conquest of the Arabs in taking the 'promised land'. The Arabs could claim they had not only equal right to it(taking it 'back' from the Byzantine Romans), but that they even had a superior claim to the heritage as Jews were then held to have perverted God's message which the Arab prophet had to put right. Hence the greater interest in aligning themselves with those distinctly Jewish ritual practices which established 'purity' eg no pork, circumcision. There they are, still fighting over the same territory.
Name: True Indian
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 20:00:43 -0700
I am surprised to see the people from all the religion is blaming other and wants to prove great of there religion. OK let me just tell you one thing, no religion allows people to kill if they don???t follow there god. And it is because of this tolerance in the Indian society that we had a Muslim president and is respected by most of the Indians; bollywood is ruled by Khans brother, Government of India has declared Id as a gazette holiday. Where else you will get all these freedom. If they really wants to progress, no one have stopped them. Instead they will go for minority quota. I bet you if you would have born in Pakistan in some other religion like Hindu or Christians then you would have spent whole of your life in poverty because there you would not have got any chance or opportunity to progress. So now you can see the level of tolerance. Compare all the country???s progress who is crying for Islam and non-Islamic country. Except Saudi Where they have given importance to science and education not to jihad, all thanks to Educated King.I think that enough to prove points. Winners take action, losers just criticize.
Name: Ananda
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 21:41:42 -0700
All Muslims are cicumcised physically and mentally. They can't help it, reading Quran & hadiths & listening to Imams & going to madrassas would do that. Their mind gets loaded with sex, by this most irrational & perverted sect. And they learn how to lie through their teeth about Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, you name it. One bloody liar called it the most rational religion. Everyday they are doing their perversions everywhere. Today a Devdassi got gang raped in Chennai by these monsters.-----((A trip to Mumbai to visit her sister became a nightmare for a 25-year-old woman when she was allegedly gang raped by four men on Friday night in her sister???s house in Sewri. The sister, (name withheld), who witnessed the incident was overpowered by the alleged rapists. The crime occurred at her home, in Prabodh Nagar, where she lives with her son. Police said the accused were known to the victim and her sister. The victim was a devdaasi at a temple in a village in Karnataka.---In her statement, she gave details about the accused. Based on this, the police arrested Salim Shaikh, 23, and Shakeel Shaikh, 28, on Saturday. They along with two others have been booked under sections of gang rape, wrongful confinement, criminal intimidation and house trespass of the IPC.
Name: Why Kingdom of Allah not Possible
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 22:19:33 -0700
Even muslims pray for kingdom of Allah 1000 times a day, it will never arrive because Muslims prayer keep on bouncing between the split personality of MahaMad. So when a muslim prays, MahaMad as Mahamad, this prayer for only God Allah, he must listen to it. Then MahaMad as Allah, this prayer must be listened by last prophet MahaMad and thus the cycle continues. At 1000 prayers per minute holy muslim head blows off, together with his body and the phenomenon in medical cirlces is known as "obseesive copmulsive blow up oneself disorder".
Name: Rama took so long
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 22:30:42 -0700
As real God believes in inspiring the ordinary humans, so he go through all hard work and succeed in the end, to be a good example for others to follow. If God just do magic then it got no inspiration value for others to learn, everybody will say he can do this work because he is God, I am human, I cannot do it. People will accept defeat even before attempting some high values and achievements like God. He has to go through absolute bottom, so that even a person at bottom (like the fruit seller on the street) may say, this idiot used to play marbels with me in childhood and I used to win everytime, if he can reach the top, why not me!!
Name: to rangeet (funny name)
Date: Monday September 01, 2008
Time: 00:21:09 -0700
AIDS virus is spread through semen and blood. circumcision does not prevent its transmission. Yes circumcision may prevent the development of cancer of the penis-a very rare cancer. got it.
Name: akhter
Date: Monday September 01, 2008
Time: 01:32:14 -0700
u hindus,we dnt pray to the black stone,we juz pray to each others ass holes,got it.wait till i complain to my mum.
Name: Ballard (ace name)
Date: Monday September 01, 2008
Time: 02:26:05 -0700
What does Daniel Day Lewis say at the end of There Will Be Blood? "i want u to tell me u were and are a false prophet, and God is a superstition. Say it like u mean it Eli"
Name: caleb singh
Date: Monday September 01, 2008
Time: 03:00:51 -0700
time to turn the tables on islam and moslems and see how they like reverse discrimination as practised by islam 1.ban the public display of quran and construction of new mosques and demolish old mosques in infidel lands 2.any muslim in infidel lands showing a quran or proselytizing to any non muslim should be beheaded 3. any muslim committing any crime will be dealt with amputation,flogging and beheading all non muslim will be dealt by civil laws 3.a muslim share in compensation will be half that of a non muslim 4. any mulim directly or indirectly supporting terrorism or sedition in non muslim lands should be beheaded 5. muslim men married to non muslim women in infidel countries will be forced to convert to their spouse religion 6. non muslims can keep muslimahs as slaves or right hand possesions 7. all muslims will be in a state of subjugation and reverence when addressing an infidel 8.muslims will be forced to wear a green dress or cresent for identification and they will be finger printed and retina scanned 9.muslims will have to respect all non muslims religons and customs 10. the muslims in infidel land will be taxed double non muslims 11. no non muslim will be allowed to convert to islam while muslims shall be pressurised to convert to non muslim faiths these principles should be applied to islam and muslims since they dont follow the golden rules
Name: Muhammad & his puppet god Allah
Date: Monday September 01, 2008
Time: 07:35:21 -0700
Muhammad (Pee or Penis be upon him ) for ever. Muhammad is burning in Hell. Because Muhammad said," JESUS was not Son of GOD, JESUS was never Crucified or Resurrected" .It's Too Late for Muhammad, but It's not too lat for you all of Muslims. Friends...Please Forget about Qua'ran( Sex-Maniac Man Words).And Join to True Living GOD. May JESUS bless you.
Name: Irrelevet comments
Date: Monday September 01, 2008
Time: 08:02:49 -0700
why irrelvent comments to these topics here.These fwellows are wasting resources here.stupids
Name: Listen
Date: Monday September 01, 2008
Time: 08:03:34 -0700
Muhammad is Sex-Maniac Mad Man, Please don't believe him & his own words(Qua'ran).If you follow him, you will reach nowhere but only to Eternal Hell.
Name: ChrisLA
Date: Monday September 01, 2008
Time: 09:00:32 -0700
To Akhter -- You insist that Muslims do not worship a black stone. I suggest you check out the hadith recorded about Muhammad's successor Umar ibn al-Khattab, who kissed the black stone and said to it, "No doubt, I know that you are a stone and can neither benefit anyone nor harm anyone. Had I not seen Allah's Apostle kissing you I would not have kissed you." (Bukhari, Vol. 2, No. 667) Q.E.D.
Name: Hey Akhter
Date: Monday September 01, 2008
Time: 09:20:41 -0700
If kaaba represents the direction then why do you circuambulate that damned stone seven times. What does this ritual stand for. Instead why dont you piss on that stone raising your one leg like a dog. You dumb head the whole world is watching your idiocities and hypocrisy. And you pelt stones at another stone that you call it shitan . And that shaitan stills stands erect since the times of your self proclaimed prophet.
Name: black stone
Date: Monday September 01, 2008
Time: 09:58:17 -0700
Mohammed was an idolater for a good part of his life.His fatherly uncle Abu Talib was a priest at the Kaaba temple and the tribe to which mohammed belonged were the guardians of the kaaba which housed 360 idols.Mohammed used to worship the black stone and kiss it.Even when he smashed to dust all the idols at the kaaba belonging to different tribes he let the black stone remain and kissed it, much to the displeasure of umar who had to do likewise.It is this reason why the black stone remains to this day at the kaaba and people kiss it.People have cooked up stories about it but the fact remains that it was definately an idol. and a favorite one too.
Name: Tawaf explained!!
Date: Monday September 01, 2008
Time: 10:57:43 -0700
Name: rangeet
Date: Monday September 01, 2008
Time: 11:06:44 -0700
You my brother are so desperate and you wish me to say something nice about the Stones, because that is something you worship and not us Muslims, the big three stones which the Muslims pelt at the time of Hajj are not and again i say are not the shataan[ satan] in fact theses are the exact points where the Satan tried to persuade Prophet Abraheem not to scarify his son Ismaeal, on realizing it was the Satan Abraheem picked and pelted the Satan three times at three different places, so Sunshine by doing that we do not worship stone or Satan unlike you.
Name: The greatest man ever!
Date: Monday September 01, 2008
Time: 11:21:11 -0700
Name: muneer
Date: Monday September 01, 2008
Time: 18:42:25 -0700
the boundries of so called "freedom of expression" is yet to be defined. if you are a newyorker and i am a visitor in your city i see you and say "imran you are an ignorent basterd you bloody motherfucker asshole" (sorry) either you will punch my face or you will report the matter in police and get me arrested. now can you explain me your action. why were you not so callaed "tolarent" what the big deal if i abused you or make a painting of "you fucking your mother". why you will sue me why you cannot tolarate it. its jusat my right of expression. is it...
Name: ha ha ha .....
Date: Monday September 01, 2008
Time: 20:36:41 -0700
Islam is a religion of tolerance? Who said that? In Indonesia, Christian are facing diffculties when they are going to build some churches. There is even a decree from 3 ministers in Indonesia to regulate the building of new churches. You cannot build a chruch if in radius 200 meters from the church, there is a Moslem rejecting it. I think it is the same with other Islamic countries. So when someone said that Islam is a religion of tolerance, I think it is just camel's dung only, ha ha ha .....
Name: zombie fried chicken
Date: Monday September 01, 2008
Time: 20:42:55 -0700
Hey muneer, what the hell are you talking about? The police do not care about such insults. I wouldn't punch you in the face. I would flick you in the eyes using Wing Chun finger flick. This would be followed by rapid fire front punches aiming at your throat. Then I would knee you in the balls, then grab your head in a Guillotine choke as Joe Rogan yells that I have it sunk in deep, while Big John McCarthy breaks up the fight before you shit yourself all over my new silk pants. Does that make sense to you?
Name: zombie fried chicken
Date: Monday September 01, 2008
Time: 21:20:52 -0700
Before the editors erase my comment to muneer, the point I was making is that in the West, sticks and stones break bones but words will never hurt. We are taught that as children. In New York you can say whatever you want, and I would just say F--k y-- and go on my way. If you grab me or threaten me physically you better hope Big John McCarthy is around to save you. It is insecure people who respond violently or litigiously. You have a right to your opinion of me, unless you spread malicious lies which interfere with my ability to make a living and walk freely in my neighbourhood. That is slander and libel. If you insult my God, then I just feel sorry for you that you do not know him and will spend eternity separated from him(or cease to exist). If the UN tries to make "blasphemy against Islam' illegal, or if Human rights groups are going to go after us for revealling truth, then we will pay in the long run. Many Americans, Canadians, and Europeans have died to protect our freedoms to believe and say what we like, as long as it is not libelous lies. Exposing what Islam teaches by simply quoting their scriptures or religious teachers, cannot be libel if is just the facts. If we in the West let go of our rights to say and believe what we want, we will lose everything if we become out-numbered by the prolifically procreating Umma.
Name: George
Date: Monday September 01, 2008
Time: 23:57:17 -0700
The Qur'an/Muhammad did not mention about Hindus, Taoist and other religion means his imagined God (allah) revolves only in his mind
Name: If Christians = Jews, then why?
Date: Tuesday September 02, 2008
Time: 19:35:32 -0700
Who was Jesus Christ? Did he call him self a Christian. What religion did he profess while he was alive in this world? What was his message. Why did the rulers want Jesus Christ dead? The Christians and Muslims believe that there will be a second coming of Jesus Christ. What will be the purpose of his second coming?
Name: Dev: Welcome to Humanity Imran Haider
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 06:02:07 -0700
I hope you have a fruitful life after coming out of your Islamic Shell and you may rejoice your decision to think outside the box. I believe that belief in God should only be kept like salt in food. Without salt food is not tasty and if it???s too much you cannot eat it. Wisdom does not lie in being believer or atheist, it lies in balancing things in life, a glass of water will quench your thirst and a sea of it will drown you. Things in life are something like walking on a rope in circus, if you tilt left you fall and if you tilt right you fall, the balancing power in your hand is the bamboo stick of knowledge, longer it is, better it is. So if it???s safe to do so, be always open to learning new things and perspective of knowledge and use your brain as filter. Before accepting something in your life, think about all dimensions of it. Personally I don???t believe in a Hindu God or Christen God or whatever but I acknowledge that there are some higher forces at work and if it means being a believer than I am. About life and death I feel that old flowers fall down to the ground and new one take their place, because flowers have to fall off one day, nature does not stop producing more beautiful flowers. So is the life, every one has to die one day but that should not stop us making life beautiful. Only thing going with us at the death bed are memories, so why not make them sweet, instead of hating and dominating others, why not care for them as much as we could and thus have satisfaction and joy at the end!!
Name: Dev,, you articulated the voice of my heart
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 08:18:53 -0700
First of all , i dont find myself at liberty to speak my mind of my obtaining reality of life as i suspect i might be detected if i give away what i have fathomed given the extremely serious and perilous circumstances,society, and country i live in.TO put it succinctly, i would say the entrails of truth is the only miracle which defy superficial understanding.And to have superficial understandings metamorphosed into supreme understanding is only the beatitude and boon of allah , ishwar, Ram , yahwa , the different name of a one single universal principal. Muhammad too was the spark of god, but he took to extremes upon getting power and pelf and deviated from his benign self at mecca to ,,,,,, ?? The irrefutable fact is that god is not the alter ego of anyone inflicted upon humanity.why islam and muhammad take so much blame is because there is an element of eternal inscrutable extrimisam which muhammad perhaps couldn,t see in retrospection TO me union with god is through two ordeals 1- unconditional trials. 2- unconditional tributes. FOR THIS I AM APPEALED TO HINDU METAPHYSICS THE MOST AND I THINK THERE TOO HAS TO BE DIFERENCE BETWEEN ORGANISED HINDUISAM AND LAISEE FAIR HINDU METAPHYSICS WHICH IS THE ULTIMATE NATURAL TRUTH. THE MOST GLOWING AND GIGANTIC TRUTH IS THAT,,,, ( NATURE IS BUT A NAME FOR AN EFFECT, WHOSE CAUSE IS GOD ) STATED THE WILLIAM COWPER
Name: Islam Muslims will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven...
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 08:25:41 -0700
If their Islamic Domination plan is Succeed, Even the Whole world will become Islam, Even if They( muslim) Can wide out Christianity, We ( Christians) will never lose, because all of Christians are not talking about Body, We are talking about our Souls, Our Kingdom is Not on this Earth, Our Kingdom is HOLY JERUSALEM in Heavens, We all believe in JESUS , then Finish,......
Name: lw1
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 09:51:25 -0700
Muslims in western countries get equal rights in law.They are allowed to build mosques and religious schools and quite often get financial support for these.In India they are given similar or more favourable treatment than others.Muslims should give us the names of muslim countries which give similar rights in law to people of other faiths. You demand rights but are always unfair to other people. And your tragedy is that you are prisoners of Islam and it is very difficult for many of you, who want to, to escape from it's influence.
Name: Kunta
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 19:39:09 -0700
The Christians and Jews who live in the Middle East are given the freedom of worship and even concidered Citizens. Even the middle Easts most hated country, Iran gives freedom to its citizens even to the Jews. Infact the the jews there have voting rights. But does Israel give voting rights to the Arabs, who live in Israel?
Name: Christ, etc...
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 21:27:00 -0700
The word "trinity" is not in the Bible but the concept is truly there(Matt. 28:19, etc). Read through the New Testament and you will see many, many passages which prove the deity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Name: Kunta is WRONG AGAIN!
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 21:29:24 -0700
As for Iran labeling non-muslims as "citizens." WRONG! What about all the Bahai people Iran killed sometime back. And, Christianity is against the law. Churches are destroyed and Christians are being killed. Just a visit to will tell of the persecution of many in muslim lands.
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 21:34:55 -0700
Name: To Kunta
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 06:20:40 -0700
Muslims living in Israel have the same rights as Jews. They are the most free and prosperous Muslims in the world outside North America.
Name: Kunta
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 19:52:32 -0700
Muslims living in Israel have NO Rights at all. They are the most harassed Muslims in the world only second to Palastine.
Name: To Kunta
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 22:23:45 -0700
what fantasy world do you live in? Israel has universal suffrage. That means poltical and civil right extend to all citizens. Unless these facts are part of some propaganda smoke-screen. Either you are really stupid or a liar. I bet it is both.
Name: Baani Shukra
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 05:38:17 -0700
A true muslim respects every body and every culture but people should respect Muslims and mind their buiness mind their own religion and cultures, If any one thinks that he is true and every body is wrong that's a big mistake. For reasonble people I could say keep your mind open and try to be good with every body. I hope the peace will come and we will enjoy our life without problems. I'm not saying this to be a jorker but respect needs to be earned and as far as I can see the world portrats islam with no respect. I dont have to say nothing my comment was enough but trust me no life is without islam, no respect without islam no peace and relaxation without islam . prophet Mohammads his nieghbour was a jew and they were friends . we believe that if you dont kill me you have yours and I have mine period , but the radicals all groups are the problem in the world and no peace will happen with them Think about this. There was no "terrorism" and hatred UNTIL the Zionist created Israel and began a propaganda war against the muslims. Think back from hundreds/thousands of years up until the end of world war 2, Islam was a peaceful relgion up until these dirty Zionist made it an issue and began brainwashing you through cnn and other Zionist-controlled media outlets. You do realize that CNN came out a few decades ago, and that muslims where not happy to help the NAZIs in WWII and gave the jews sancutuary in Palstine, afterWWII they rule the world? No its simpler to play the victim isnt it?
Name: WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!(to above comment)
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 16:45:50 -0700
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 16:55:19 -0700
YOU SAY THAT MUSLIMS MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS...NOTHING CAN BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH: 1)Muslims believe there is "too much freedoms" to women and non-muslims in the West. 2)Who is putting human feces in donuts, cakes, food served at muslim restaurants? 3)Who is saying that "Freedom can go to hell?" 4)Who are calling for a holocost against Europe? 5)Who has commmited over 10,000 acts of violence against people around the world since 9/11? TO THOSE WHO REPLY THAT THESE ARE JUST A SMALL MINORITY: NONSENSE! 24% OF MUSLIMS BELIEVE IN "HOLY WAR" AGAINST THE INFIDEL. 84,000 CANADIAN MUSLIM ALONE BELIEVE IN "HOLY WAR" AGAINST HUMANITY(non-muslims). MUSLIM LEADERS DENOUNCE 9/11 WHEN THEY KNOW THEY ARE BEING WATCHED BY WESTERN AUDIENCES BUT HAVE BEEN CAUGHT PROMOTING IT WHEN THEY THINK NO ONE IS WATCHING! MOHAMMED HIMSELF TORTURED, BEHEADED, KIDNAPPED AND KILLED PEOPLE:A GOOD MUSLIM IS JUST FOLLOWING HIS EXAMPLE.
Name: Minding their own business?
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 16:58:23 -0700
Muslims around the world are minding their own business? My butt! It's also funny how a muslim will talk about Nazism when Mein Kemph has been a best seller in muslim lands. An islamist organization has given an american skinhead group money because of their mutual hatred for the Jews. YOU CAN'T PULL THIS ONE ON US! ISRAEL IS NOT THE BLAME FOR THE HUNDREDS OF TERRORIST ACTS AROUND THE WORLD!
Name: "Big bad, Israel."
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 16:59:47 -0700
It's funny how a tiny country just trying to survive is the scapegoat of millions of muslims around the world trying to justify their bloodshedding!
Name: Zombie fried chicken
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 20:36:14 -0700
To Kunta and Muneer and any other muslims out there. Israel was promised by the real God who is Yahweh to the Jews. Whilst most Jews do not recognize God now, they will in the end and those remaining, and there will be Jews remaining, will recognize Him and they will walk with him forever in his prescence. Jews will be 'saved', along with myself and others who walk with Yahweh. What will be the fate of the Muslims? Those known as the seed of Ishmael and Esau ( the muslims ) will not be allowed to be with God but will be wiped of the face of the earth. This is what Divinely inspired scripture says. So out of love I emplore you to renounce Allah(Satan) and seek a relationship with the true God Yahweh or else you will either cease to exist, or exist eternally separated from the presence of God in eternal anguish. And I still like vanilla.
Name: Zombie fried chicken
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 20:50:41 -0700
Do not get me wrong, neither myself nor my God condone violence towards anyone including Muslims. I am just stating what the scriptures say. Love is about choice. Without choice there cannot be love. And there can be no Love in fear. I do not fear God, I revere Him. Your Quran is truly meaningless crap. It is Satanically inspired. Muslims are like the Borg. You suck the life out of every country and people you encounter. You had the chance to advance thought when you spread quickly throughout the world. Instead you stole the innovations of your conquered peoples, claimed them as your own, and then killed them like vampires. You are the real zombies. But you do not have to be. Within you hearts exists a spark that is very dim but still connected to the true creator. Just renounce Satan/Halal ben Shachar/Allah, ask to know Yahweh, the true God who manifested Himself through his Son Yashua, and you will finally sent free. If I am wrong, you will still be better off than you are now. And I still really really LOVE vanilla. God Bless.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 21:39:48 -0700
ISLAM is not a religion but a hatefilled, intolerant, totalitarian, dogmatic, murderous, killing fascist cult - plague of humanity.All these are the basic tenets, preachings of ISLAM. QQURRAN /ISLAM has no spiritual value . ISLAMIC god ALLA is revengeful, fear and terror and hate monger , a bloodthirsty goon, sex maniac and so was the pedo,rapist MO. ALLA is MO - MO Is ALLA. Mo is ALLA's boss. ALLA prays for MO. ALLA says that Moslems must fear, must obey, must be slaves of MO. Today Moslems allover the world are parasites - living off by sucking the blood of poor HINDUS in INDIA , swindling money given by western countries in Billions of $$$. QQURRAN / MO / ALLA are amoral killers,hate preachers.
Name: To the last two comments...
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 22:52:36 -0700
Good thoughts, folks!
Name: Well Done
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 23:10:50 -0700
Millions of Palestinian refugees have been created as a result of the 1948 and 1967 wars in Palestine. Yet Muslim states have not accepted many into their countries, fearing that it will ledgitamate Israels Occupation; the refugees have been trapped in camps for decades. "...throughout the Middle East [many] cherish photos, house keys, and deeds to homes that no longer exist or which have housed Israelis for generations." Long live Israel at the expence of others.....
Name: why allah is so obsessed with forskin of male organ?
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 01:41:58 -0700
Any idea, our Muzzie brothers???
Name: Thank God for the internet!
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 23:25:38 -0700
Here we can say what we want and not have a death warrent on our head like that brave cartoonist from Denmark.
Name: kmgy
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 03:08:32 -0700
Islam has a problem. The internet is a medium of information dissemination the Muslim fanatics cannot burn or destroy. Through it the ugly and beastly nature of Islam is exposed. Thanks to those enlightened and brave ex-Muslims, now Islam's greatest enemy. Their revelations of the true nature of Islam will educate the world and help in opening the eyes of non-Muslims and Muslims blinded by a pervert religion that promises an afterlife paradise of big bosom virgins and rivers of wine catering to the carnalities of its followers, which is of course non-existent, an invention of Mohammad. A virulent and vicious religion that command its followers to kill innocent human beings who have all the right to live in this world they label as infidels. A deception perpetrated by its founder Mohammad whose sexual perversion and penchant for mass murder and plunder was duly recorded in the Koran. The epitaph of Islam is already being written. Muslims of the world awake now and open your eyes to this deception and leave Islam for good!!! You are helping to make this world a better place to live in by leaving Islam. Outside Islam it is no longer obligatory for you to blow yourself to pieces to kill your fellow human beings who had done nothing wrong to you.Human life is precious. Only Satan does not care for human life.He wants you to be his instrument of destruction. It is recorded in your Koran, "There is no shame in killing." Allah is not the real God. He is the Deceiver of Mankind. The Destroyer. The Accuser. The Father of Lies. The Old Serpent. He is Satan the Devil.He desired to be like the Most High to be like God. So he established Islam through Mohammad his perfect partner the personification of evil. For Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light and perform great miracles. Hell is already reserved for Satan disguised as Allah and his demons.
Name: To kmgy
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 21:47:57 -0700
Once again you wrote a wonderful comment!
Name: To above
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 09:37:24 -0700
Thanks for the compliment my friend. To bring out the truth gives us inspiration to write. -kmgy
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 19:56:45 -0700
Muslims do not hate Jews, They consider the Jews and the Christians as cousins because they come from the same line as Prophet Abraham. The only concern for Muslims are that Jesus is a Prophet, but the Christians believe he is God. While Muslims accept Abraham and Jesus as Prophets, the Christians Do accept Abraham as a Prophet and Jesus as God. While most Jews Reject Jesus and Mohamad as Prophets. I believe that all the three faiths believe in a false prophet to descend before judgement day and he will tell mankind that he is God. The false prophet will appear prior to the Day of Judgment with 4 trials: 1- He will ask people to worship him instead of God 2- He will order the sky to rain, and he will tempt people with his wealth. 3- He will try people with knowledge due to what he reveals to people of news 4- He will control major parts of the Earth. After this false prophet descend in to this world and starts corrupting Mankind Prophet Jesus will descend for his second coming and Destroy the false Prophet and re-establish the religion of God. In all followers of religions you get the good guys and the bad. Most good followers will take heed of the following, but the bad followers from all side are the ones that make a big racket. Publicity is always given for the bad things in life. The good things in life always come with cost, in my opinion.
Name: kmgy
Date: Wednesday September 10, 2008
Time: 12:14:39 -0700
Hardcore Muslim fanatics (i.e. true Muslims) not only hate Jews, they slaughter them without mercy!!! The command of your beloved Mohammad to "Kill all unbelievers wherever you find them," (Jews, Christians, pagans, atheists) is written in blood!!! Your Koran is a Can of Worms that erodes the sanity of the human mind transforming them into savages ready to inflict death and destruction to the House of War, i.e. infidels, hapless non-Muslims.
Name: Sad
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 02:00:45 -0700
It is sad that Darwin's theory of evolution makes a lot of sense here. Only the fittest, meanest and most violent can survive!