Islamophobia: Dialogue with a Canadian Professor
30 Aug, 2008
In February 2008, I visited an open house a sociology class in my
campus was holding. The course of this class was on race and
racialization. I found the posts to be intriguing, but I encountered
one that raised my eyebrow: A poster on Islamophobia. This poster
described even the mere criticism of Islam to be a form of
‘Islamophobia’ and ‘racism’. (What race is Islam again, by the way?)
As a former Muslim, I felt frustrated how Muslims take advantage
of Western guilt and self-hatred to stifle any legitimate criticism
of their religion. So before I left the open house, I wrote on a
comment sheet my thoughts on why the Islamophobia poster’s claims
are completely false. Because I was a closet apostate, I did not
include my name, but did leave an e-mail address on the comment
sheet, inviting any readers to respond to my claims if they wish.
Two days later, the course coordinator contacted me by e-mail,
and an exchange began over the course of the month of March.
However, it stopped short because the professor insisted I reveal my
For a while, I did not give much thought on publishing it.
However I was later convinced to do so.
I am having this exchange published primarily do to keep
non-Muslims informed on the dangers Islam poses to humanity today. I
also hope it can help stir some doubt in the minds of Muslims who
are not in strong approval of Islam’s hateful, violent, and divisive
A proud infidel.
Part I: Feedback
The following is a transcript of my written comments I left at
the Open House.
Do you have comments about a specific poster? (please specify)
- Islam is not a race. So even if you hate Islam or Muslims, you
are not racist. Islam is a belief system and ideology. In
democracies, we are free to criticize religions.
- Islamophobia is a fallacy. Phobia is an irrational fear, but
many ‘fear’ Islam on rational bases. It is clear from the Quran
and Hadith (Islamic prophet Muhammad’s sayings) that Islam is
intolerant, misogynistic, fascist, hateful, and brings misery to
Muslims first and then to others. Note that I am saying I hate
Islam, not Muslims. Not all Muslims follow Islam’s bad teachings,
but they have the potential to. (E.g., Bin Laden, an engineer, or
Al-Zawaheri, a physician).
Proof of my claims:
Muhammad instructed terrorism:
- “I have been made victorious with terror.” (Hadith: Sahih Bukhari 4:52:220)
- “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve.”
(Quran 8:12)
Muhammad was intolerant:
When he broke the Hudaybiya treaty and conquered Mecca, he destroyed all 300+ pagan idols. He also gave the pagans 4 months to convert to Islam or die (Quran 9:5, for example). On his death bed, he said, “Expel the mushrikeen (pagans) from the Arabian Peninsula.” (Sahih Muslim 4:52:288).
Muhammad raped a 9-year-old (child bride Aisha bint Abu Bakr).
(Sahih Bukhari 7:62:64)
Muhammad lusted and married his daughter-in-law Zaynab bint Jahsh.
Muhammad allowed Muslims to rape women captured after battle as
war booty. (The Quran refers to them as mulk al-yameen – right-hand
possessions (Quran 4:24)). By the way, former QUMSA executive
members confirmed this to a Muslim I know, but said it should not be
made public. (Google ‘taqiyya’ to know why. Lying is allowed in
Muhammad mandated open war on nonMuslims:
“Fight those who do not believe in Allah... until they pay the jizya [poll-tax as 2nd-class dhimmis] in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.” (Quran 9:29)
Based on all this and more, why can’t I express criticism of Islam
(which is NOT a race!) and question Muslim immigrants’ loyalties?
Would you allow Nazis into the country without questioning their
loyalty to Mein Kampf? Did you know Muhammad expelled most Jews from
Medina and had hundreds of Jews from the tribe of Banu Qurayza
beheaded? Do you know about the Khaybar tribe he attacked? Muslims
proudly mention it, even today they always chant:
Khaybar, Khaybar, ya yahoud! [Khaybar, Khaybar, O Jews!]
Jaishu Muhammad sawfa ya’ood! [The army of Muhammad shall return!]
In the recent Hezbollah-Israel war, Hezbollah labelled their
rockets as ‘Khaybar-1’.
I encourage you to learn more about Islam by studying the main
texts: The Quran, the Hadith (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim), and
the Sira (Ibn Ishaq’s biography).
And remember, if you still think I’m an Islamophobe, then
Muhammad, QUMSA, etc are Islamophobes too! :-)
I welcome feedback or corrections to my views and findings on Islam:
Part II
From: CLR
Date: Sun, Mar 2, 2008
Subject: your comments
Hello, M
Thank you for your comments you submitted at my students' poster session at Wallace Hall. They are certainly
controversial. However, given that the purpose of the poster display
was to stimulate dialogue on these issues, I see your remarks in
that spirit.
You request that I share your remarks with my students. I intend
to do so. I also would like to moderate some communication between
you and some Muslim students and non-students that I know. As an
anti-racism activist (and a white, Jewish woman), I work towards
improved public education and the eradication of all forms of
exclusion. I would prefer not to distribute your name and contact
information to others right now in order to prevent hostility
between groups and individuals. However, by asking my contacts to
write their responses to your comments, I will then be able to relay
their remarks to you.
If things work well, perhaps we will have some real dialogue
Personally, I have much difficulty with your position.
Dissociating your remarks as "not racist" does not make them free of
provocation and hatred, as you readily admit. Hatred directed at an
entire group of people (you try to distinguish Muslims from Islam,
but this rings as disingenuous) is an egregious problem and must be
stopped. Lumping all Muslims into the same form of religious
identity and practice—that of fundamentalist Islam—neglects the
significant differences among Muslims in these respects and offends
their sensibilities. You portray all of 'them' as imminent
terrorists. Of course, this is grossly untrue. As far as your
discussion of Muslim texts, I can only assure you that incidents of
God-sanctioned genocide, rape, slavery, wrongful imprisonment,
polygamy, and expulsion occur in other religious traditions,
certainly in the Hebrew bible that I read in my own congregation.
This doesn't mean that members of a faith support such actions today
nor that such actions constitute the heart of a faith nor that they
do not contradict other teachings of that faith. Pluralism and
liberalism, humanism and secularism, are commonplace in all faiths
in North America and elsewhere, where texts continue to be
interpreted from a range of perspectives by scholars and by
religious leaders, as well as by ordinary members. To deny this is
to neglect current realities and to exacerbate dangerous
misunderstandings between groups while having no interest in
learning anything more.
Thank you for taking responsibility for your remarks and inviting
discussion about them. Many people with your views would not have
done so. I hope to get back to you.
Part III
From: MH to Prof CLR
Dear Professor CLR,
Thanks for your e-mail. I apologize for the late reply... Heavy
Your e-mail brings up many important points. I reply below.
Prof CLR wrote:
"Thank you for your comments you submitted at my students' poster session at Wallace Hall. They are certainly controversial. However, given that the purpose of the poster display was to stimulate dialogue on these issues, I see your remarks in that spirit."
My remarks were merely quotations from scripture Muslims
themselves consider sacred. Therefore, by stating that they are
controversial, you also infer, albeit unintentionally, that the
quotations from the Islamic texts are indeed controversial. Also,
since QUMSA, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, etc all 'misunderstand' Islam the
way I am, will you also admit to yourself that their remarks are
controversial as well?
However I appreciate that you are willing to engage in a dialog
with me. It shows that you are committed to democratic principles.
"You request that I share your remarks with my students. I intend to do so. I also would like to moderate some communication between you and some Muslim students and non-students that I know. As an anti-racism activist (and a white, Jewish woman), I work towards improved public education and the eradication of all forms of exclusion. I would prefer not to distribute your name and contact information to others right now in order to prevent hostility between groups and individuals. However, by asking my contacts to write their responses to your comments, I will then be able to relay their remarks to you."
I agree to this communication. I would also like to have these
exchanges to be published on the Internet, on any Web site(s) of my
choice. (I'm also considering ccing the Journal) I do not have plans
on publishing now, but I may do so in the future. I will not do this
without hearing some feedback from you though. I also would like to
share my exchanges with some trusted friends.
Furthermore, I may be late replying because of extreme studying
pressures this term. We can even carry this on during the summer.
Using the Internet, it will not be difficult to communicate, and we
students and faculty members will have more spare time.
You need not withdraw my 'name' when forwarding my comments. Mark
Hamilton is not my real name. I have not used my real name, and for
good reason. University is too politically correct, and it is
possible that my remarks fall under 'hate speech'. I profoundly
disagree with this, because I am merely criticizing a religion. And
not just any religion, but an intolerant one. I criticize a belief
system, and I am entitled to love or hate it.
You say you work toward eradication of all forms of exclusion. I
commend you for that! My criticism of Islam is because I wish to
eradicate the Islamic supremacist agenda, which aims to topple
non-Muslim civilizations and replace them with a global caliphate,
which is an Islamic supremacist state that subjugates Christians,
Jews, and women. This 'jihad' is performed directly the way Muhammad
did during his Medinan life (terrorism), or through gradual sharia
accommodations under the guise of multiculturalism. The latter is
only applied when Muslims are a minority. Look at Europe now.
Muslims in France are ambushing police and torching cars. Muslims in
Britain publicly walk in the streets and call for the beheading of
anyone who criticizes their religion. 46% of the Danish people do
not want the movie Fitna to be broadcast – and I doubt it's because
they think Danish Muslims are committed to democratic principles.
Europe is in big trouble now, and parties like the BNP in the UK are
sadly gaining popularity because of this. They are using the Islamic
threat to boost their political legitimacy. The next few decades
will be very tense.
I call for equality and dignity of all people. I criticize Islam
because it fails to do so. It treats women as second-class persons
who can be beaten (Quran 4:34) and raped as war booty (e.g., Quran
23:6). According to Islam, women are deficient in intelligence, most
of hell's dwellers will be women, and they are ungrateful to their
husbands (Sahih Bukhari 2:24:541). Islam says men have a degree of
advantage over women (Quran 2:228). I am only naming a few examples
Islam says that you are the worst of creatures (Quran 98:6). It
says you are to be treated as a dhimmi if you do not submit to Islam
(Quran 9:29, Sahih Muslim 19:4294).
I condemn this. Why do you then say my message can cause
hostility? If I were to condemn Mein Kampf, would you worry I am
causing hostility toward Nazis? To hell with feelings. I will speak
the truth, and if it hurts a Muslim, then why is he or she a Muslim
in the first place? And why can they not condemn the jihadists who
preach these very same verses and hadiths?
Dear Professor, my messages can only cause hostility to those who
hate peace, equality, and love.
"If things work well, perhaps we will have some real dialogue occur."
"Personally, I have much difficulty with your position. Dissociating your remarks as "not racist" does not make them free of provocation and hatred, as you readily admit. Hatred directed at an entire group of people (you try to distinguish Muslims from Islam, but this rings as disingenuous) is an egregious problem and must be stopped. Lumping all Muslims into the same form of religious identity and practice— that of fundamentalist Islam—neglects the significant differences among Muslims in these respects and offends their sensibilities. You portray all of 'them' as imminent terrorists. Of course, this is grossly untrue."
You infer that I am creating a division between Muslims and
nonMuslims. It is Muslims who made the distinction between Muslim
and Kafir, and House of Islam and House of War. Not me.
It is absolutely true that Muslims are potential terrorists. Are
some fans of Mein Kampf not potential murderers? However not all of
Muslims are fully aware of the danger their book poses, and many
believe their jihad should be done peacefully since the Islamic
state today is weak (the same way Muhammad was peaceful when he was
weak in Mecca). The so-called moderates do not have a different
Islam. They simply have less Islam. Ask your moderate Muslim
friends/students, what theological bases can they use to refute the
jihadists' interpretation of Islam? They will not and cannot produce
anything. Do you not see that they easily condemn a few silly
cartoons while they remain silent on the atrocities Muslims commit
in the name of their faith? Don't you see the hypocrisy?
I hate Muslims only to the extent to which they follow their
religion and emulate Muhammad. (he is, after all, the excellent
example of conduct - see Quran 33:21).
If I criticize the Old Testament, does that make me anti-Semitic?
No. So why am I called a hater of Muslims when I criticize Islam?
"As far as your discussion of Muslim texts, I can only assure you that incidents of God-sanctioned genocide, rape, slavery, wrongful imprisonment, polygamy, and expulsion occur in other religious traditions, certainly in the Hebrew bible that I read in my own congregation. This doesn't mean that members of a faith support such actions today nor that such actions constitute the heart of a faith nor that they do not contradict other teachings of that faith. Pluralism and liberalism, humanism and secularism, are commonplace in all faiths in North America and elsewhere, where texts continue to be interpreted from a range of perspectives by scholars and by religious leaders, as well as by ordinary members. To deny this is to neglect current realities and to exacerbate dangerous misunderstandings between groups while having no interest in learning anything more."
First of all, even if it is true that other religions are equally
violent, it does not make Islam any less violent. So let us stick
with our discussion on Islam. I find it pointless to engage in such
discussions, and will generally stick with Islam, but in spirit of
dialog I will give brief answers.
Islam is the only religion that calls for an indefinite war
against nonbelievers, unless they acknowledge the Islamic state by
becoming second-class dhimmis. This dhimmi status is only available
for Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians. Atheists, Buddhists, Pagans,
etc all must be put to death. (Historically, the dhimmi status was
later extended to Hindus.) There is ample historical evidence for
this, as I referenced to you above.
Yes, the Old Testament is full of horrible things. It is true
that Joshua committed genocide. It is also true that your texts say
Sabbath-breakers should be killed. Exodus says a man can sell his
daughter for sex. However, biblical scholars today do not take these
verses literally. They understand that these books are not to be
taken as the literal word of God. How many Muslims scholars will
tell you the same thing about the Quran today?
Can you bring me an imam who genuinely repudiates all of the
Quran's hateful verses by saying that they are not to be taken
literally? And I am referring to an imam who can say it to Muslims
in an Islamic state, and not in Canada in the name of taqiyya
(deception to nonMuslims).
For centuries and until today, all schools of Islamic
jurisprudence mandate an open war on nonbelievers. The gates of
ijtihad were closed centuries ago by Imam Al-Ghazali, because he
explained that you cannot go against the literal word of God.
Muslims found that made sense, and rightly so. Later, a man called
Muhammd bin Abdul Wahhab wanted to reform Islam into its purest
form. The result is Wahhabi Islam in Saudi Arabia. This is the real
Islam for you.
The massacres committed during Joshua's time were not given as an
order to be followed by all adherents of your faith through
eternity, the way Muhammad and the Quran instruct Muslims. The Quran
is taken by Muslims to be the literal word of God (quote-unquote),
and not merely as an inspiration of stories that can have spiritual
interpretations. They also find Muhammad to be an excellent example
of conduct to follow. Muhammad said that he who does not want to
emulate him, is not one of his people (i.e., not a Muslim).
Therefore, jihadists today take his example when they, for example,
try to kill cartoonists in Denmark. It was Muhammad who ordered
poets like Abu Afak, Kaab bin Ashraf, and Asma Bint Marwan
assassinated just because they wrote poetry against Muslims.
"Thank you for taking responsibility for your remarks and inviting discussion about them. Many people with your views would not have done so. I hope to get back to you."
Thank you. Please let ask your Muslim students, who wish to
contact me, to refute every point I have made in my comments. Don't
bother them with this e-mail, because they will just feel
overwhelmed and ignore most of my comments. They have enough work to
do refuting the comments I made on the sheets.
There is nothing to really refute, though, unless they decide not
to become Muslims anymore - I merely quoted their scripture! I hope
they don't resort to ad hominen attacks, or to their typical 'out of
context' statements. I know all the tricks they play on Westerners.
But I do have one more question for you to ask your Muslim
friends. What do they make of this Hadith? If such a genocide were
to happen today (God forbid), will your moderate Muslim friends save
you, a Jewess, from the 'misunderstanders' of Islam?
Sahih Muslim 41:6985
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.
I hope that, regardless of whether this exchange goes on or not,
that you will show my comments, as they are (with my awful
handwriting), to the class.
Finally, let me make is clear that I do not advocate violence
against Muslims. However we must confront their religion. Ask them
tough questions and stop being politically correct. You are not
bashing Islam but rather exposing it.
Better they be shamed today with facts, than they turn into
terrorists tomorrow (or into moderate Muslims who provide a
smokescreen for terrorists).
Shalom, and cordially,
Follow-up message
From: MH to: CLR
Dear Professor CLR,
On second thought, it would be a good idea if you were to also
share the e-mail message I sent you with your students whom you
expect to contact me. This is so they do not repeat the same
responses you have made, and so I do not have to re-hash the same
Thank you again for your time and interest.
Part IV
From: MH to Prof CLR
Dear Professor CLR,
I hope you are well.
I realize I have not heard back from you in a while. I would like
to reiterate that I am interested in engaging in a dialog with your
Muslim students or colleagues, as you suggested. Muslims tend to
avoid critical discussions of their faith, so I believe such an
exchange would be a very interesting learning exercise for everyone
engaged in the debate, as well as those who will be reading them.
Last year, IT Services attempted to
trace the sender of an
anonymous email message that was critical of Islam. I did not send
it, but I read its contents and I assure you that the only thing it
provokes the reader to do is to pray for Muslims... Not turn violent
and hateful to them. The way QUMSA and ITS try to silence critics of
a religion in a Western democracy is shameful. Do you see what I
mean when I say that Muslims cannot usually engage in dialog and
accept criticism like other religions? They cannot kill because the
law prevents them, so they use the law to silence voices of
criticism. I will send you that email message at a later time, for
your interest.
I also plan on publishing all the exchanges on a Web site that
covers Islamic issues. It will be a great chance for Muslims to
clear up some of the misconceptions Islamophobes have about their
faith. Since I have not heard from you in a while, there may be a
chance that your Muslim friends have expressed their unwillingness
to debate. If this is the case, I would like to publish the
exchanges we have made to date anyway. Would you agree to that, and
if so, would you prefer I remove any reference to your name/course?
I want you to know that I am actually grateful that you even took
the time to email me. To be honest, I had expected that whoever
would read my comments will just toss it in the bin. I am honoured
to be in contact with a professor who is not merely engaged in
political correctness, and who wants dialog.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Note to the reader: For reasons you will understand later in this
exchange, I could not send the anonymous e-mail message in question
to the professor. I publish it below for your reading pleasure.
Despite what moderate north American Moslems try to portray, here are some verses that portray their "peaceful" religion (directly from their "holy" book). We should stop accepting their prefab lies and stories and the whole world (Judaism, Buddhism, Animism, Christianity, Hinduism) should stand firm against Islam and pray for these evil sinners' enlightenment...they MUST stop the bloodshed in the name of evil and should start treating each other as well as others with Kindness that our creator appreciates. These are DIRECT quotes from the Quran and referenced for whoever claims otherwise:
- Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; and those who are with him are strong against Unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other. (S.48, A.29)
- O ye who believe! Fight the Unbelievers who are near to you and let them find harshness in you: and know that Allah is with those who fear Him. (S.9, A.123)
The Quran commands its followers to hate and be violent toward those who do not believe. [If the two quotes above are not convincing enough, keep reading.] This hostility is typically in the context of those who oppose Islam (see below).But, in the Quran, this hatred becomes so perverse, that at one point a child is killed because it is feared the youngster might grieve his parents through unbelief.
Then they proceeded: Until, when they met a young boy, he slew him. Moses said: "Hast thou slain an innocent person who had slain none? Truly a foul (unheard-of) thing hast thou done!" (S.18, A.74)
In this section of the Quran, Moses asks a servant of Allah if he can follow him so that he might learn" (Higher) Truth" (S.18, A.65-66). As Moses follows this servant, the servant slays this young boy and later gives the reason why.
As for the youth, his parents were people of Faith, and we feared that he would grieve them by obstinate rebellion and ingratitude (to Allah). So we desired that their Lord would give them in exchange (a son) better in purity (of conduct) and closer in affection. (S.18,A.80-81)
Here is some of the Quran's "(Higher) Truth." In this fable,
Moses is correct. It was indeed a foul thing, and such foul
wickedness is what the Quran teaches.
Some Muslims may claim their religion is a peaceful one. But, according to the Quran, this is a lie. Several times over, the Quran calls Muslim believers to fight and slay those who repel Islam.
Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors. And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out; for persecution is worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they(first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who reject faith. But if they cease, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. And fight them on until there is no more persecution and the religion becomes Allah's. But if they cease, let there be no hostility except to those who practise oppression. (S.2, A.190-193)
"Fight those who fight you" is here in the context of "persecution."
In other words, if a Muslim is persecuted he has the green light
from the Quran to "slay" his persecutors. This is the teaching of
Muhammad and his false god, Allah.
Furthermore, the Quran commands its followers to fight "until there is no more persecution."
And fight them [unbelievers] on until there is no more persecution, and religion becomes Allah's in its entirety but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all that they do. (S.8, A.38 )
So, as long as there is persecution, the Muslims are called to war.
Let not the Unbelievers think that they have escaped, they will never frustrate (them). Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the Cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly. (S.8, A.60)
O Prophet! Rouse the Believers to the fight. If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish a thousand of the Unbelievers: for these are a people without understanding. (S.8, A.65)
But if they violate their oaths after their covenant, and attack your Faith, -fight ye the chiefs of Unfaith: For their oaths are nothing to them: That thus they may be restrained. Will ye not fight people who violated their oaths, plotted to expel the Messenger, and attacked you first? Do ye fear them? Nay, it is Allah whom ye should more justly fear, if ye believe! Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, and disgrace them Help you (to victory) over them, heal the breasts of Believers. (S.9, A.12-14)
Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. (S.9, A.29)
What is the Jizya? The footnote (commentary) for this passage reads,
1281. Jizya: the root meaning is compensation. The derived meaning, which became the technical meaning, was a poll-tax levied from those who did not accept Islam, but were willing to live under the protection of Islam, and were thus tacitly willing to submit to its ideals being enforced in the Muslim State. There was no amount permanently fixed for it. It was an acknowledgment that those whose religion was tolerated would in their turn not interfere with the preaching and progress of Islam. (p. 507)
It is evident from this passage (9:29) and commentary that if a
country was ruled by people who followed the Quran, it would be
oppressive toward those who were not Muslim.
One example given in justification of a call to war is the loss of homes. Muhammad says,
To those against whom War is made, permission is given (to fight), because they are wronged; - and verily, Allah is Most Powerful for their aid; - (They are) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right, - (for no cause) except that they say, "Our Lord is Allah". (S.22, A.39-40)
Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah heareth and knoweth all things. (S.2, A.244)
Then fight in Allah's cause – Thou art held responsible only for thyself - and rouse the Believers.(S.4, A.84)
The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: That is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter; (S.5, A.33)
Truly Allah loves those who fight in His cause in battle array, as if they were a solid cemented structure. (S.61,A.4)
Let those fight in the cause of Allah who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter. To him who fighteth in the cause of Allah, -whether he is slain or gets victory - soon shall We give him a reward of great (value). And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)? - men, women, and children, whose cry is: "Our Lord! Rescue us from this town. Whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from Thee one who will protect; and raise for us from Thee one who will help!" Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah and those who reject Faith fight in the cause of Evil (Tagut): So fight ye against the Friends, of Satan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan. (S.4, A.74-76)
The Quran makes a distinction between those who fight and those who
do not.
Not equal are those Believers who sit (at home), except those who are disabled. And those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a great reward. - (S.4, A.95)
Here in 4:95 is described a good to all who believe, but a greater good to those who fight. Later in the Quran, Muhammad gives the definition of a true believer as one who fights and does not sit at home, and distinguishes between a true believer and a false believer by whether they fight or not.
Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day ask thee for no exemption from fighting with their goods and persons. And Allah knoweth well those who do their duty. Only those ask thee for exemption who believe not in Allah and the Last Day, and whose hearts are in doubt, so that they are tossed in their doubts to and fro.(S.9, A.44-45)
Thus, Muhammad is instructed,
O Prophet! Strive hard against the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be firm against them. Their abode is Hell, - an evil refuge indeed. (S.9, A.73)
O Prophet! Strive hard against the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be harsh with them. Their abode is Hell, - an evil refuge (indeed). (S.66, A.9)
According to the Quran, unbelievers and hypocrites go to hell, an eternal hell (S.3, A.116; see also 4:14; 4:168-169; 33:64-65), unless Allah decides otherwise (6:128); and Allah instructs his followers to help get them there (i.e. kill them)!
Why should ye be divided into two parties about the Hypocrites? Allah hath cast them off for their (evil) deeds. Would ye guide those whom Allah hath thrown out of the Way? For those whom Allah hath thrown out of the Way, never shalt thou find the Way. They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): So take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (from what is forbidden). But it (sic) they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks: - (S.4, A.88-89, bold added)
Others you will find that wish to be secure from you as well as that of their people: Every time they are sent back to temptation, they succumb thereto: if they withdraw not from you nor give you (guarantees) of peace besides restraining their hands, seize them and slay them wherever ye get them: (S.4, A.91, bold added)
Allah threatens,
Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, . . . (S.3,A.151)
What is one of the ways this terror is carried out? It is executed
by the followers of Allah.
But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers. (sic) And pay Zakat then open the way for them: For Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. (S.9, A.5, bold added; Zakat "is a definite portion of wealth which is given to needy (sic) at the turnoff the year." ibid., p. viii)
Truly, if the Hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease, and those who stir up sedition in the City, desist not, We shall certainly stir thee up against them: Then will they not be able to stay in it as thy neighbours for any length of time: They shall have a curse on them: wherever they are found, they shall be seized and slain. (S.33, A.60-61, bold added)
Finally, the Quran promises a reward for those who fight and slay
And there is the type of man who gives his life to earn the pleasure of Allah; and Allah is full of kindness to (His) devotees. (S.2,A.207)
Think not of those who are slain in Allah’s way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance from their Lord. (S.3, A.169)
"Those who have left their homes, and were driven out therefrom, and suffered harm in My cause, and fought and were slain, - verily, I will blot out from them their iniquities, and admit them into Gardens with rivers flowing beneath; - a reward from Allah and from Allah is the best of rewards." (S.3, A.195)
Allah hath purchased of the Believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the Garden (of Paradise): They fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: (S.9, A.111; see also S.48, A.16)
Part V
From: CLR
Date: Wed, Mar 19, 2008
Subject: Re: your comments
"M" – I did provide copies of your remarks to 2 students who told
me they would respond to it in cooperation with a third person who
has expertise in Islamic texts. I'm unaware of what action has been
taken. I'm also able to give your remarks to a friend and colleague
I have at the Islamic Centre in Kingston. I'll try and remember to
do so this week. If he responds to me, I'll pass it on to you.
I disagree with your conceptualizations of Islam. Also, the fact
that a couple of students have not responded yet to your document
isn't evidence of "silencing" critics of Islam.
Since I have no control over the context and content of what you
post on the web, I cannot approve of your request to post any
material that involves me, my remarks, my class, or my students. You
are aware, of course, that I've saved all of our email exchanges to
date. I do so to protect all parties involved. I do not expect,
however, that any follow-up with authorities will become necessary.
Mark, as much as I appreciate your respectful request for my
ongoing cooperation, I feel unprepared to engage with you further on
these matters. I really have to concentrate on numerous work
projects that demand my full-time attention. Moreover, I believe
that this kind of discussion is best done in a public forum so
individuals are not implicated or made to feel vulnerable. You know
my name and something about me; I know nothing about you. I trust
that you understand this dilemma and will respect my wish to close
our dialogue now.
Part VI
From: MH to Prof CLR
Dear Professor CLR,
Thank you for your e-mail. My replies are below.
"M" – I did provide copies of your remarks to 2 students who told me they would respond to it in cooperation with a third person who has expertise in Islamic texts. I'm unaware of what action has been taken. I'm also able to give your remarks to a friend and colleague I have at the Islamic Centre in Kingston. I'll try and remember to do so this week. If he responds to me, I'll pass it on to you.
Thank you for keeping your word and passing my comments on. I
appreciate the time you have taken to do this. (I also hope you have
distributed them to class, since you said you intend to.)
However, there lies a small complication: On one hand, you ask
that we stop communicating. On the other hand, you tell me in the
same email message that you will be passing to me any responses they
make. May I please receive a clarification on this matter? Are you
saying that they will be able to send a rebuttal, while I cannot
because you ask me not to contact you? Or will they directly contact
me, without you acting as an intermediary?
I disagree with your conceptualizations of Islam.
I respect your views. However, I would be interested to know why
you disagree. Making a claim does not substantiate it. I can claim
that one and one add up to three. That does not make it true unless
I prove it to be so using logical arguments. My conceptualization of
Islam is based on the Islamic sources and canonical texts Muslims
find to be the most reliable: The Quran, the Hadith, and the Sira.
Also, the fact that a couple of students have not responded yet to your document isn't evidence of "silencing" critics of Islam.
I agree. I have never claimed or inferred otherwise about those
particular students. What I said was that Muslims in general tend to
try to silence criticism, the same way their prophet did. Muhammad
ordered those who criticized him be assassinated. Today in Muslim
countries, anyone who dares to say anything against Islam is
punished (even in 'Islamic democracies'). Even in democratic
countries like
India, and the
United States, we have Muslim
critics or apostates being killed, or threatened to be killed. For
the smarter Muslims in Western society who want to advance sharia
through taqiyya, they simply try to
abuse our legal systems. I also
demonstrated how this applies to an
incident that occurred here last
year. That is all.
Since I have no control over the context and content of what you post on the web, I cannot approve of your request to post any material that involves me, my remarks, my class, or my students.
I would like to assure you that I have no intention whatsoever to
reveal your name without your permission. I did ask for your consent
in my last message, so please rest assured that I shall conceal your
name and course information prior to publishing your responses. The
same applies to any of your Muslim students who will be responding.
The aim of publishing the exchange is to educate, not to humiliate.
The reason this exchange should be published is because others
can learn from it, and so other Muslims can respond and defend their
religion by words, not through violence and lawsuit intimidation.
(There is also the possibility your Muslim students may never
respond.) So, as an educator yourself, I am confident you would
welcome this initiative. This way, the pressure will not be placed
solely on your students and colleagues, and my questions will be
posed to a larger audience. Any Muslim can freely have my 'Islamophobic
misconceptions' addressed, anonymously or not.
These questions have been asked since the seventh century. Those
who posed these questions in the past were often silenced by force
and murder. Answers were never given. The Internet is a great medium
to ask these questions, because Muslims who do follow their prophet
find it difficult to harm anonymous Internet figures.
In my view, there are additional reasons to have this exchange
published. I believe that Islam's hateful teachings must be exposed.
I don't care about the scientific and grammatical errors in the
Quran. I don't care about Muslims praying five times a day, or
fasting an entire month. What concerns me about it is that it is an
intolerant religion.
Philosopher Edmond Burke said that, "All that is necessary for
the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Professor, if I
remain silent, Islam will prevail. (Recall also that, according to
Islam, you and all other Jews should be wiped out, as I pointed out
in Sahih Muslim 41:6985. This is being preached to Muslims in every
Friday sermon
to date.). Since 9/11, more than
10,000 acts of
terrorism have been committed by Muslims, against each other and
against nonMuslims. These acts are not just being committed by
people who happened to be Muslims, but by those who say they do
them, "with Allah's consent". To remain silent on this is tantamount
to treason to humanity.
You are aware, of course, that I've saved all of our email exchanges to date. I do so to protect all parties involved. I do not expect, however, that any follow-up with authorities will become necessary.
Thank you for storing the emails. Please continue to do so. I
shall do the same. As an intelligent human being, I do not doubt
that you will eventually agree that Islam is indeed a dangerous
ideology, that Islam is an obstacle to the peace and progress of
humanity, and that the term 'Islamophobia' is indeed a cheap ad-hominen
attack that attempts to silence very rational criticisms of the
Mark, as much as I appreciate your respectful request for my ongoing cooperation, I feel unprepared to engage with you further on these matters. I really have to concentrate on numerous work projects that demand my full-time attention. Moreover, I believe that this kind of discussion is best done in a public forum so individuals are not implicated or made to feel vulnerable. You know my name and something about me; I know nothing about you. I trust that you understand this dilemma and will respect my wish to close our dialogue
Professor CLR: I acknowledge that I am anonymous to you, and I
can accept you feeling somewhat uneasy about it. I can also accept
that you have a different view on Islam from mine. I am also
confident that, as you learn more of what I have learnt about Islam,
you will eventually agree with me.
Nevertheless, your last e-mail message gives me the impression
that you are addressing me in the same manner you would address a
stalker, or someone who is trying to harass you. If this is the
case, I am puzzled as to why.
Please recall that it was you who contacted me, and it was you
who asked me if I would be interested in engaging in an exchange. I
agreed, and took the time to write a detailed response. (I also have
other time commitments.) And now you seem to be treating me like a
stalker who has been hounding you with e-mails against your will,
and you want to trash me away. Would you have asked a colleague in
your department to engage in a dialog, and then once you're a bit
busy, you ask him or her to get lost? Yes, I am anonymous, but I am
still a human being.
Again, I would like to thank you for the time you have committed
to contacting me, and for inviting me and your Muslim students to
engage in a dialog. I promise to send you the URL once I have the
exchanges published, in order to show you that your name and course
information have been concealed. If there is any other specific
information you feel I should be concealing, please let me know.
As per your request, unless you e-mail me back, I shall not
contact you again (aside from sending the URL). Since you do not
wish us to be in touch, I presume you will be asking your Muslim
students to directly contact me by e-mail if they wish to. You have
my permission to give it to them. Alternatively, they can try to
respond on the Internet.
witchhunt the university conducted over a petty, harmless e-mail
message suffices as an explanation as to why a public forum will not
be suitable for critics of Islam in this institution. At least not
until more human beings from Dar Al-Kufr acknowledge that we need to
care more for our lives and freedoms than for feelings and political
I wish you all the best.
Part VII
From: CLR
Date: Tue, Mar 25, 2008
Subject: your mar 24 email
mark - while i'm reluctant to respond to your last message of
march 24/08 for reasons i outlined before, i felt that doing so was
necessary in order to respond to your question about my offer to
"mediate" any dialogue that might ensue between you and the people
to whom i distributed your comment sheet.
that offer was made before i realized that "mark hamilton" was an
i now realize that because you have chosen to remain anonymous, i
cannot follow through on my offer. i cannot in good conscience tell
others to communicate with you (through me or directly), whether
they are my students or the muslim individuals to whom i gave your
comment sheet.
i am reiterating my request to have no further communication from
you, i.e. no reply to this email and no information or URL to your
website you offered to send.
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Name: gafoor ali
Date: Friday August 29, 2008
Time: 22:06:04 -0700
Excellent article, Muslims have right to recieve contempt and nothing else. Muhamad was rapist, phedophile, thief, bandit, mass-murderer. Thanks to ali sina i read what koran is all about and am out of this religion.What Islamic texts teaches can be read at It is a fraud in the name of religion and fools only can follow this maniac psychopath mo-ha-MAD.
Name: Crossedhat
Date: Saturday August 30, 2008
Time: 01:37:40 -0700
i guess CLR is under pressure from her muslim students/friends with whom she shared the info. As a muslim, first of all what they would want is to know who is saying this about their islam and mohammed. second off all they will try to pin down the speaker. in this case since the original speaker is un detectable, muslims will hold CLR responsible for all these as her made up to keep her pressed to reveal the identity of the original speaker with her responsibility. Objective is to harrass and silence the speaker. That CLR lady is too pc to sustain the pressure from her muslim friends and according to her best thought - retreating is the best policy when there is still time.. so did she. moral of the story? it is easy to help muslims to come out of islam but difficult to help PC westerners to come out of their delusions. Touch islam, you are islamophobe, touch the pc syndrome, you are a racist!! you cant win islam in the west until you win the PC mentalities there.
Name: Excellent analysys.
Date: Saturday August 30, 2008
Time: 03:07:45 -0700
Excellent analysys.Unfortunately most of muslims do not interrogate Quron and Mohammad.Atleast these well analysed and reasearched artciles will them them to know the real face of mohammad and how dagerous islam is ?
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday August 30, 2008
Time: 05:58:32 -0700
Muslims are not a race ,but arabs are. If you become a muslims you become subservient to arabs and their sensitivities. Arabs have not contributed anything to human progrees in the frontiers of Knowledge and science ,for they are backward and extremely barbaric. What good can come out of cult founde by such backward people!
Name: Akhter
Date: Saturday August 30, 2008
Time: 07:34:10 -0700
Proud Infidel: Why did you waste time with an uninformed jew who is as ignorant of real islam as you are.Please talk to some one like Dr. Naik who knows islam and who can answer all your questions.
Name: Akhter
Date: Saturday August 30, 2008
Time: 09:49:40 -0700
mr naik is afraid of speaking and scared islam will be exposed if he talks to a personality as Mr.ali sina. Mr.Sina has had debates with mr.gamadi, quadri and many others. ha ha chicken running scared
Name: Proud Infidel
Date: Saturday August 30, 2008
Time: 10:57:24 -0700
AKHTER: “Why did you waste time with an uninformed jew who is as ignorant of real islam as you are.” This is interesting. You say she is as ignorant of Islam as I am. Well, she and I happen to have opposite views on Islam. Are you saying both supportive AND critical views of Islam as ‘wrong’? Furthermore I challenge you to point out where my ignorance was demonstrated in my exchange with her. I quoted your own sacrosanct texts, and corroborated it with what fellow Muslims from my local Muslim Student Association taught me. Would you even dare call your scripture and fellow Muslims as ‘ignorant’? Of course not, because you know that means you are against your own religion. The reality is that you use the term ‘ignorant’ because it gives the self-hating Westerner a reflex to disregard the ‘ignorant’ bigot who had his exchange published here. AKHTER: “Please talk to some one like Dr. Naik who knows islam and who can answer all your questions.” Naik and I are very much in agreement over Islam’s intolerance. The difference is that I am opposed to those teachings. He is very much in support of them. Hard to debate on matters of conscience. See this video for example, in which Dr Naik expresses support for not having non-Muslim places of worship to be built in Muslim land: Now will you even dare to protest on how he ‘misrepresented’ your religion? Surprise me and do that. Post a YouTube video condemning his statement, and give theological evidence on why he is wrong by referring to the Quran and Sunna. Go on, make my day. Expose his ‘ignorance’ of Islam.
Name: Why ...
Date: Saturday August 30, 2008
Time: 11:32:17 -0700
... is it political incorrect to be against the political incorrectness of islam???
Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Saturday August 30, 2008
Time: 11:37:31 -0700
Thank you brother Proud Infidel for this very educational article. Now people can realize that hating Islam is a must for all sane people. Muslims are mostly good people and they are the first victims of this stupid cult. Peace to everyone, especially Akhter, infidels, apostates, and all good humans.
Name: she was silenced
Date: Saturday August 30, 2008
Time: 11:40:39 -0700
I find it incredible that she wanted to talk to you about this, but as soon as she found out that you were using an alias, she wanted nothing to do with you. Plus, I do believe that you could be correct that she did indeed share your comments to her "friends" and they started to pound her that everything that you said was wrong and that they wanted to know who you were. Or else, she did the unthinkable, she actually did some research on her own and is now afraid because she now knows what you said is the truth. And is now in fear for herself. She's Jewish, if she did research, she will finally know that they are lying to her. But who knows. I believe she was silenced, either by the university or by her so-called friends who showed her their true face.
Name: Ananda
Date: Saturday August 30, 2008
Time: 16:33:08 -0700
If by discussing Muhammad, Allah, Quran, Hadiths with Muslims would expose the evil in Islam to Muslims & thereby eliminate it - that ain't going to happen because the evil is designed to benefit Muslims. Muslims draw their sustenance from this evil. All the quotes from the Islamic texts are absolutely authentic, forcing Islamic liars to new defence - you must discuss all these with their new prophet NAIK - otherwise etc. etc. And the new Islamic Prophet NAIK deserves this prophethood because he easily beats all Muslims in lying. Finally, this guy "Proud Infidel" is really pathetic, trying to discuss Quran etc. with Muslims. Does he think they will admit ANYTHING and change. They will rather kill their parents.
Name: Proud Infidel
Date: Saturday August 30, 2008
Time: 18:22:20 -0700
ANANDA: “Finally, this guy "Proud Infidel" is really pathetic, trying to discuss Quran etc. with Muslims. Does he think they will admit ANYTHING and change. They will rather kill their parents.” -- First of all, my discussion was aimed at the professor. She offered to have her students respond to my charges, and I accepted. Second, not all Muslims realize the extent of Islam’s hateful teachings in the Quran. So having them read these texts for themselves, along with the criticisms of individuals like myself, their eyes will open up. Do not underestimate the ability of Muslims to think their way out of Islam. They just need a good pounding of truth and conscience-awakening. Of course not all Muslims will be able to open their eyes, but most will with time.
Name: zombie fried chicken
Date: Saturday August 30, 2008
Time: 19:27:43 -0700
Proud infidel, your article was interesting as well as scary. Did the Professer actually give you a veiled threat of notifying "the authorities" for your dialogue. You did not say anything wrong. If the Truth insults somebody it is because they are insecure. They either know they are wrong or recognize they are evil, at least unconsciously. Keep up the good work as the Truth will set aus free, and the the Truth will keep us free.
Name: gabriel
Date: Saturday August 30, 2008
Time: 23:54:38 -0700
'Mark' this is a brilliant piece of logic, reason and humanity. What a terrible shame that your professor (a Jewish woman!!!! (if only she knew what Islam thinks about her!) was not prepared or was unable to match your standard of honesty and intellectual rigour. I do hope that you succeed in your studies and end up in a position of influence. Your brilliant intellect is needed for the betterment of the world and the telling of the truth about Islam, the scourge of the world.
Comment deleted. No irrelevant stuffs please. - Editor
Name: moderationist
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 03:55:24 -0700
Wherever islam goes, misery, hatred and death follow.
Name: Abu Lahab
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 04:23:34 -0700
There are a couple of possibilities: the female Canadian professor has not read anything in the qur'an, sira or sahieh hadiths, which is improbable. She knows a lot about the true Islam but hide it under the bushel out of fear in order not to stir the toxic enmity of her Muslim students, which is the most probable possibility. She is in her own words a white Jewish woman. She should read the Sira page 369, under the heading: The affair of Muhayyisa an Muwayyisa: The apostle said, ‘Kill any Jew that falls into your power.’ You can’t get it more explicit. But then Islam is the religion of peace right?
Name: imran haider
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 05:08:31 -0700
No vulgar language please - Editor
Name: imran haider
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 05:29:53 -0700
one more last thing, majority of muslims themselves are the victum of islam. they are good people but their brain cells are psychotically dead when getting at the truth.
Name: What is Islam?
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 06:04:00 -0700
In my view some kind of conspiracy against humanity, freedom, democracy, education, wealth, women, gays human rights and progress.
Name: Beowulf
Date: Sunday August 31, 2008
Time: 17:01:58 -0700
Fantastic Article! Islam always crumbles under the force of Logic!
Name: caleb singh
Date: Monday September 01, 2008
Time: 03:04:17 -0700
time to turn the tables on islam and moslems and see how they like reverse discrimination as practised by islam 1.ban the public display of quran and construction of new mosques and demolish old mosques in infidel lands 2.any muslim in infidel lands showing a quran or proselytizing to any non muslim should be beheaded 3. any muslim committing any crime will be dealt with amputation,flogging and beheading all non muslim will be dealt by civil laws 3.a muslim share in compensation will be half that of a non muslim 4. any mulim directly or indirectly supporting terrorism or sedition in non muslim lands should be beheaded 5. muslim men married to non muslim women in infidel countries will be forced to convert to their spouse religion 6. non muslims can keep muslimahs as slaves or right hand possesions 7. all muslims will be in a state of subjugation and reverence when addressing an infidel 8.muslims will be forced to wear a green dress or cresent for identification and they will be finger printed and retina scanned 9.muslims will have to respect all non muslims religons and customs 10. the muslims in infidel land will be taxed double non muslims 11. no non muslim will be allowed to convert to islam while muslims shall be pressurised to convert to non muslim faiths these principles should be applied to islam and muslims since they dont follow the golden rules
Name: To Proud Infidel
Date: Monday September 01, 2008
Time: 21:16:13 -0700
Thank you so much for your article and your documentation. Many have gone out of islam due to the looking at the facts. And some, like Mr. Shultz have avoided going into islam looking at the fruit of it. It's funny, in Saudi textbooks they call Christians "swine" and Jews "condemnable." They have "peace" protests in London and France, etc with banners saying things like,"Slay those who insult islam." They put crap in pastries and other food. Over 10,000 violent acts have been commited since 9/11. In ALL countries where they dominate, persecution(most often very severe!) occurs to those of other beliefs. And yet, if someone opposes what they believe they call us "islamaphobes." I visited your website once. Remember me:Peter.? Anyways, keep up the good work! THANK GOD THERE IS FREEDOM OF SPEECH ON THE INTERNET. In muslim countries you would have a death warrant on your head!
Name: Occam's Razor
Date: Tuesday September 02, 2008
Time: 02:16:18 -0700
Your distinction between Islam and Muslims is correct. Most of the world's Muslims are not hell bent on propagating their faith, rather they seek a peaceful life and draw spiritual comfort from their beliefs.The reason for this, IMHO, is that because the Koran must be read in Arabic and because the majority of the world's Muslims do not speak or comprehend Arabic (I don't include the ability to recite the Koran as being able to speak Arabic any more than students in Catholic schools being able to converse in Latin), they are blissfully unaware of what their scripture says.An analogy would be the vast majority of the world's Christians who have no knowledge of the lurid details in the Old Testament or the Letters of St Paul, but who do, however, profess to be Christians.
Name: Kunta
Date: Tuesday September 02, 2008
Time: 19:37:07 -0700
I am a Muslim, kill me and call it collateral damage. Imprison me and call it security measure. Exile my people and call it the New Middle East/ Or new world order. Rob my resources, Invade my land, alters or instills puppet and pro Zionist western leadership and call it Democracy.
Name: To comment above:
Date: Tuesday September 02, 2008
Time: 21:21:34 -0700
I have read the New Testament and have re-read the letters used by the Holy Spirit through St. Paul. They all are wonderful letters not only to those people but to us. As for the Old Testament, many, many prophecies stem from it that point to Christ and future world events.
Name: To Kunta...
Date: Tuesday September 02, 2008
Time: 21:32:14 -0700
Name: To muslim above...
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 21:13:45 -0700
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 22:02:19 -0700
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 12:33:53 -0700
An excellent, thought-provoking article. Thanks for sharing.
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 17:03:47 -0700
Name: ZuK
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 20:17:43 -0700
I work myself in a University. I know the breed. It's called "f*ck|ng intellectual cowards", and they are the plague of the US education system and the reason why social studies have fallen so low in the estimation of people with common sense. My only comment to my college teaching colleague: if you are so f*-ing worried about your tenure and not being sued, then stick to issues such as pie baking and Xmas decorations. Otherwise - put out or shut up!
Name: ???
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 22:57:21 -0700
One beauty in the West is that we allow our people to think. We don't threaten to kill them if they post a cartoon we don't like as the muslims did to that newspaper in Denmark...
Name: kmgy
Date: Sunday September 07, 2008
Time: 02:39:15 -0700
The days of the satanic religion Islam is numbered. The Internet will help in opening the eyes of people blinded by this violent religion who does not hesitate to blow themselves to kill as many innocent lives as possible. May people like you ex-Muslims who had opened their mind increase in numbers in the Muslim world. We expect the intensity of their violence will increase knowing their time is short.
Name: To: kmgy
Date: Sunday September 07, 2008
Time: 19:27:53 -0700
Name: To above...
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 21:50:44 -0700
And the numbers of people killed around the world by islamists will continue to increase for there have been over 10,000 terrorist acts commited by islamists since 9/11.
Name: Cindy Lopez
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 19:54:35 -0700
You have forgotten the Daily reports of crimes such as rape, murder, hacking and chopping, corruption and the moral degradation demoralize almost everyone from the time when we read the Media. But you still nothing to highlight.
Name: Karl Darwin OstPreussen
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 14:51:38 -0700
People have rights, religions and ideologies don't . The main problem is Reasonphobia and the demands that all rules of logic and reason be suspended when discussing islam not Islamophobia
Name: To Proud Infidel
Date: Sunday September 21, 2008
Time: 03:00:59 -0700
An amazing article. You made excellent points. The professor, however, was being disingenuous by comparing the Hebrew Bible (O.T.) to the Quran. She knows the Hebrew Bible is appreciated for its historical, poetical, and prophetic relevance, and not as an excuse to follow archaic, OUTLAWED centuries-old traditions. The Quran, however, is considered by radical Muslims to be as socially/politically/economically relevant today as it was in the 6th century. That means contemporary radical Muslims can kill, rape, enslave, and steal with abandon--as long as it's done to non-Muslims (or apostate Muslims).