Islam's enemy within
26 May, 2008
The first time I heard this astonishing fiction was in Cairo where I had arrived soon after the terrifying attack, led by an Egyptian, Mohammed Atta, on the World Trade Center, one of the symbols of American power. The war in Iraq had not yet begun but the Taliban hoodlums, including Mullah Omar, were fleeing Afghanistan to save their lives. The fall of a 'model Islamic state' and the walloping the 'soldiers of god' were receiving from the invading kafirs had greatly distressed my friends in the Muslim Brotherhood who had wrongly believed that the flattening of the twin towers would signal the liberation of Cairo, not Kabul. Instead, they were shocked to see a tsunami of anger striking Arab shores.
Rather than accept the 9/11 attacks had proved to be counter-productive, they chose the path of denial. Whispered allegations, anonymous e-mail and stories buried in the inside pages of Arabic newspapers began to do the rounds, spreading the patently false claim that the attack on the twin towers and the Pentagon had been planned and executed by the Americans and the Israelis. To substantiate this absurd claim, there were further absurd claims — Jews did not report for work on that fateful day, only the Mossad could have carried out an operation of this scale, the CIA had ensured the hijackers would not be frisked, etc. I found the assertions mildly repugnant and largely amusing, attributing the fiction to the street Arab's lack of access to facts.
Seven years later, when I hear that absurd claim being repeated, that too by those who should know better, I don't feel amused, but irritated. And so it happened at the conference on radical Islam when a professor of Jamia Millia Islamia questioned the authenticity of events as they unfolded on September 11, 2001, two of his colleagues nodding their heads vigorously in approval. My irritation gave way to anger when he went on to suggest that analyses of video images of the hijacked aircraft being flown into the twin towers showed they were "studio-generated". Only someone who has undergone lobotomy would say something so stupid in public. But more than being silly, there's a sinister purpose to such comments and they should not be attributed to a lobotomised brain; India's Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil, given to whitewashing Islamist crimes, would vouch for this.
A lie repeated again and again, as Paul Joseph Goebbels proved through word and deed, tends to be believed by the masses. Islamofascists, both at home and abroad, who peddle the myth that 'Islam is the solution' and thus see nothing wrong with the ghastly crimes committed in the name of Islam, would naturally take to Goebbelsian propaganda tactics like a duck takes to water. Fiction propagated slyly at conferences and seminars, mentioned between the lines in newspaper articles, and slipped into Friday sermons by mullahs after the jumma namaaz, acquires a certain legitimacy and is soon perceived as fact.
We have seen this happen in India on more than one occasion. When Hindus were forced to flee their ancestral homes in the Kashmir Valley by killer squads of Islamists who indulged in rapacious depredations and reveled in the slaughter of innocent men, women and children, an insidious campaign was launched, pinning the blame on Mr Jagmohan, then Governor of Jammu & Kashmir: He was accused of telling the Hindus to flee the Valley. Strangely, this fiction was believed by the secular intelligentsia which, in any event, is desperate to clutch at straws to absolve Islamic fanatics of their crimes and eager to paint Islamist marauders in the most glowing of colours.
Similar tactics were used in the wake of commuter train bombing in Mumbai, which killed 187 people. It was blatantly suggested by our homegrown Islamists that the massacre was the handiwork of either "Government agencies" or "Hindu organisations."
They are now using the same tactics in their response to the jihadi attack on Jaipur on May 14, in which at least 80 people were killed and many more maimed. The Hindustan Express, a Delhi-based Urdu newspaper, pontificated in an editorial comment on May 16, "Apart from elements like Lashkar-e-Tayyeba, Al Qaeda or HuJI (who may possibly be involved in these explosions) why should we not think also of those international powers and agencies who are known to the Government for their discomfort towards Indo-Pak peace?" Why not, indeed!
The Jamaat-e-Islami's biweekly journal, Daawat, was nauseatingly sly in its comments on May 19, "The truth cannot be out without changing the formula for the probe into the bomb blasts. Instead of going through the formality of a probe and connecting the links, we will have to see which group of people gets political benefit out of such incidents." The only group that stands to benefit from the bloodbath in Jaipur, the Jamaat-e-Islami, whose mullahs pretend to be as innocent as Goldilocks, needs to be told, comprises those who subscribe to the slogan, "Islam is the solution."
- These are the people who are at ease with explosives being strapped to an eight-year-old girl and the button on the remote control being pushed as she reaches out to take a chocolate from a soldier (not an American) in Iraq. They are untouched and unmoved by the sight of the blood of innocent victims, as was spilled on the streets of Jaipur, of their perverse ideology. They are fully aware of their criminal misdeeds, but they want us to believe they are not to blame. And if you dare point a finger at radical Islam and its army of Islamofascists, they will accuse you of indulging in Islamophobia.
It's time we called their bluff. The only other option is to subjugate ourselves to those who know no mercy and meekly accept Islam as the solution.
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Name: DeadReckoning
Date: Sunday May 25, 2008
Time: 06:39:30 -0700
“I would like to add that men who do not practice Islam are usually the ones to insist upon following Islam--- with their interpretation of course, when the need suits them.” Janice Gotchet.
Name: qwer
Date: Sunday May 25, 2008
Time: 07:53:30 -0700
MUHAMMAD equal with HITLER, TIMUR LENK, STALIN, KHEUI SAMPHAN, POL POT, GENGHIS KHAN, ATTILA THE HUNT, OSAMA BIN LADEN, DRACULA. I give my testimony: islam is "religion" full of sexual abuse, hatred and violence.
Name: qwer
Date: Sunday May 25, 2008
Time: 08:01:49 -0700
Moslem, why you always deny that your ISALM and MO IS THE MOST SATANIC LESSON? Read your Koran and hadits carefully ... open your mind and heart ... and you will find Islam and Mo is the wrong path. Burn those books and throw in the garbage
Name: Beowulf
Date: Sunday May 25, 2008
Time: 08:44:12 -0700
Nazism is alive and well in islam. How is it that almost every other culture and religion is capable of introspection? They are capable of looking within, finding their own faults, admitting them, and then correcting them. Yet, muslims and islam seem to be totally incapable of this. Instead they cling to fantasies and propaganda to make them feel better. It is because of the nature of islam that this is the case. Islam is a vile religion which aggressively discourages the type of internal discourse needed to correct one's actions. The message is merely: "follow and do not ask questions". Yet, the very violence that is being perpetrated by terrorists is contained within and sanctioned by their own koran. Further, the barbaric laws of sharia (particularly insidious is the law which mandates death for apostasy) are sanctioned by the koran and hadeeth. That anyone that can come to the conclusion that the barbaric sharia and violence of the koran are better than political equality regardless of religion and gender is simply insane and irrational. Muslims have claimed that only islam can create a just society. Where is this just society? A detailed look at every modern islamic state both now and throughout history will show that equality, tolerance, justice, etc. never materialized in these regions after the advent of islam! The simple conclusion is that islam itself is intolerant, violent, and insane (It can at least be said that islam has failed miserably to found any kind of tolerant or just society. Meanwhile, political equality regardless of religion and gender, tolerance, and rule of law has blossomed in the west and in some parts of non-muslim Asia totally without islam). History as well as the religious texts of islam prove this (that islam is the source of great injustice) without any shadow of a doubt!
Name: Islam is trapped - Rejoice!!!
Date: Sunday May 25, 2008
Time: 11:32:28 -0700
Islam can not move forward because any progress would make it obsolete. It can not move back because it would fall even more behind. It can not stand still. This would mean stagnation. Therefore, Islam is trapped in it´s own doctrines, in it´s dogmas with all it´s contradictions. Modernisation is impossible with Islam, but Islam can not compete without modernisation either. There is only one conclusion: It´s over! Rejoice!!!Name: Fatwa on Adult Suckling
Date: Sunday May 25, 2008
Time: 14:11:12 -0700
This is even better than 72 Virgins.
Name: Tanstaafl
Date: Sunday May 25, 2008
Time: 17:16:14 -0700
What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.......
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday May 25, 2008
Time: 21:51:21 -0700
The politicians in India with leftist leaning like the Congress, Janatha Dal, DMK, Samajwadi Party, CPI, CPM, CPI(ML), etc are all hypocrites and downright skunks who would go any lengths to placate the muslims to secure their votes. These are the so-called "secular" political parties who wouldn't bat an eyelid while aligning with Muslim League, Iqm, Jammat-e-Islam, etc, while they conveniently brand Shiv Sena, BJP, etc as "untouchables" because they are supposed to be "communal". It is just the dirty 'votebank' politics of these dirty politicians that is weakening the resolve to fight terrorism effectively ,be it muslim/islamic terrorism LTTE bases in Tamil Nadu or the MAOists. I wouldn't be surprised if these politicians commend Saudi Arabia or Iran as "secular" - these dirty skunks!
Name: this shows mind of islamits
Date: Sunday May 25, 2008
Time: 22:27:59 -0700
this shows mind of islamists. I am very happy that this site is getting more popular among islamists of india and who now caught in great dilemma after knowing islam is a farce and is going to perish soon. People who converted to islam in india(4 girls) and in Pakistan will soon back with their agenda of spreading truth about islam and free millions of helpless ignorant muslims along with them.
Name: drink urine !!! the great mad and maniac prophet said.
Date: Sunday May 25, 2008
Time: 22:50:08 -0700
From Sahih Bukhari, 1.234 Narrated Abu Qilaba: Anas said, "Some people of 'Ukl or 'Uraina tribe came to Medina and its climate did not suit them. So the Prophet ordered them to go to the herd of (Milch) camels and to drink their milk and urine (as a medicine).
Name: thank you islamists of india
Date: Sunday May 25, 2008
Time: 22:51:49 -0700
thank you islamists of india .Spread this site amoung yourself so that you may start rationalist thinking atleast from now and become humans after leaving nast narscist islamic faith.
Name: Angel of Death
Date: Monday May 26, 2008
Time: 01:44:32 -0700
It's payback time for the Muslims that have been killing Hindus. It appears that Muslims only wake up when you are more ruthless than them.
Name: Islam causes Unemployment
Date: Monday May 26, 2008
Time: 02:44:36 -0700
Name: Does Islam make stupid?
Date: Monday May 26, 2008
Time: 02:46:13 -0700
Name: Does Islam make stupid (II)
Date: Monday May 26, 2008
Time: 02:48:01 -0700
Date: Monday May 26, 2008
Time: 04:43:39 -0700
Name: Does Islam cause genetic deseases?
Date: Monday May 26, 2008
Time: 04:48:19 -0700
Comment Quote: "Medical research suggests that while British Pakistanis are responsible for 3% of all births, they account for one in three British children born with genetic illnesses."
Name: The Quran is wrong
Date: Monday May 26, 2008
Time: 10:28:35 -0700
PICKTHAL: "Ye are the best community that hath been raised up for mankind." Muslims like to refer to this surah to give evidence for their own superiority. But you can not find evidence in a definition or in a book. Evidence is to be found in the facts. And the facts are against the quran and against Islam. Muslims are the worst educated people, with lowest income, lowest productivity, highest crime rates and worst whatsoever. They are all more or less relying on oil exports and imports of technologies.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ). fact. ISLAM is plague,criminal,slavery,poison,jealousy,ill will against all nonmoslems.
Date: Monday May 26, 2008
Time: 10:44:52 -0700
There is proof to prove ISLAM makes anybody a criminal, evil thinking, always to committ crime, rape, loot ,slavery . A few converted christians (gullible ,naieve, mislead youngsters ) in USA , eg. john walker, john mohammad, another black us soldier , richard reid, jose padilla - all became jihadist terrorists as soon as they got converted to ISLAM. Also, in INDIA this evil,criminal, low life,ugly ZAKIR naik is instigating,promoting, ISLAMIC terrorism in INDIA. ZAKIR naik must be declared immediately - as an ISLAMIC terrorist and put him back in jail - where he belongs as a Moslem. INDIAN government is criminally negligent in not arresting, prosecuting antinational, ISLAMIC terrorists like ZAKIR NAIK. IN INDIA , hundreds and thousands of INDIANS( Nonmoslems ) were killed every year by ISLAMIC Terrorists. where is INDIAN Govt ? can INDIAN govt protect it's citizens from ISLAMIC terrorism. The present congie-commie,islamofascist,christian missionary Govt is subverting INDIA and killing ,indirectly , nonmoslems,nonchristians,noncommunists. An international body must be constituted to investigate the antinational character of the present INDIAN Govt.
Name: Truth Seeker
Date: Monday May 26, 2008
Time: 12:33:03 -0700
Do Muslims believe that the Jews and the Christians had hired their "Muslim brethren" to carry out the attacks on Twine Towers and Pentagon to defame the Muslims? If the attacks were carried out by the "hired" Muslims, should Muslims still blame the conspirators, instead of their brethern?
Name: Muslim women wake up!
Date: Monday May 26, 2008
Time: 13:38:43 -0700
And fight for your right to become beaten by your husbands!
Name: Ananda
Date: Tuesday May 27, 2008
Time: 11:58:31 -0700
The Jaipur Murders by Muslims really gets to me. It is just not the Bangladeshi's who are involved, it is also the local Muslim community from whom these Bangladeshi killers got their support. Like 70% of an ice berg below surface, the majority of the killers, the locals, are out-of-sight. This group must be punished to teach Muslims the lesson that India would not tolerate Islamic terrorism.
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Tuesday May 27, 2008
Time: 12:09:47 -0700
What was predicted in the first century AD in the New Testament of the Bible had been fulfilled in the seventh century with Islam. Its false promise of a paradise with 72 virgins for the slain jihadist. To put it more precisely this clevery devised story of the virgins in a paradise taught by the Imams was predicted in Second Timothy 4:3,4. which reads "For the time is coming when [people] will not tolerate [endure] sound and wholesome instruction, but having ears itching[for something pleasing and gratifying], they will gather to themselfs one teacher after another to a considerable number, chosen to satisfy their own liking and to foster the errors they hold ,and will turn aside from hearing the truth and wander off into man -made fictions." Furthermore , the man who present the book into the world that teaches the lie of the mansions with 72 virginsis in reality just one of the "many false prophets [that] have gone into the world." First John 4:1. And also has its own false message, false angle and is accursed by God-Galatians 1:6-9. -THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE
Name: ha ha ha ....
Date: Wednesday May 28, 2008
Time: 01:00:07 -0700
At least, they will get 48 houris and young boys to engage in sexual parties after they die. Can you imagine a paradise with most of its occupants doing sex? What kind of paradise is that? Mo is the mayor of this paradise because he has the sexual power equals of 30 men.
Date: Wednesday May 28, 2008
Time: 21:57:40 -0700
well,well, muslim your dooms day-nay qayamat is not far. get ready and obey your master Mohammad and kill as many kafirs as you can, before your heaven runs out of its stock of virgins. And get ready for hell here on this earth.
Name: Was-Lame-IS-Lam-e
Date: Friday May 30, 2008
Time: 14:39:12 -0700
Before battle of Mahabharata no one knows who is going to win. Pandavas wrote Puran and hide it, so that knowledge of Hindus could pass on to coming generations in case they get defeated. Kauravas on hearing this wrote Koran and hide it somewhere so that in case they get defeated there may be a possibility of unleashing physiologically twisted zombies on offspring of Pandavas. Central theme of Koran is “submission” which means just shut down your brain and follow, whatever rubbish without questioning, reason or logic, just like good zombies. After thousand of years Mohammad found Koran in temple of Kabba and he may be right, he did not write the Koran, it was reviled to him because it was written by the Kauravas to unleash hell on the surviving world thousands of years before. If evidence is required then question is how come Koran preaches exactly opposite to Hindu belief, only someone with extensive knowledge of Hinduism can write the opposite, even name is copied Puran and Koran. Mahabharata is fought between Pandavas and Kauravas, and it’s not over yet, so Hindus be aware, you are still in the middle of war. People can be your enemy for no fault of your own. The only way out is to eradicate the philosophy of hate by promoting Muslims who want to accept existence of others and stay right on top of the ones who want to promote Islam. This is last stage of Mahabharata; the so called Allah was Mama Sakuni of Droydhan, who has already been chased and killed by Hindu ancestors, this is his last ditch attempt to continue Mahabharata through slaves.
Name: filthy basterad
Date: Friday June 06, 2008
Time: 08:38:17 -0700
Why do hindu's worship animals and stones, and i saw some drinking? cow piss 5 months ago Additional Details 5 months ago the cow urine cld have healing powers bcz the urine of many other animals is used in medicines, after ofcourse processing it, if i am not wrong tablets like asprin contain animal urine in it, so what is so different about cow urine, and specially drinking it as it comes out of the cow , ill it is gross. 5 months ago the hindus worship evrything , bcz they beleive God is evrywhere , so is a hindu also supposed to worship s.hit?
Name: George
Date: Sunday June 08, 2008
Time: 10:36:01 -0700
Mo asked people who were ill to drink camels milk and camels urine. Isn't that silly too?
Name: Muslim - Naveed
Date: Friday June 13, 2008
Time: 06:55:44 -0700
Hi All (Satan's Friends), First of all I would like to remind you that when you people would like to wash your hand from the blood of inncocent people of Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam, then at the same time you may start blaming on Muslims. Do you people know that what happening in Kashmir where the inncocent Kasmiris are killing by the Indian Army? Are you people try to make mockery with us? Placed below are the name of your terrorist organizations who were allegdlly involved in attacking on the TWins towers: Army of God - USA The Lambs of Christ - USA Ku Klux Klan - USA - The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord (CSA) - United States Lord's Resistance Army - Self-proclaimed Christian terrorist group that operates in northern Uganda, it seeks to overthrow the Ugandan government and create a country based on the ten commandments. Jewish Kach and Kahane Chai[2] - Israel Jewish Defense League - USA Best of luck ...... Regards from, Muslim We believe on peace (if you believed too)
Name: Michael
Date: Friday June 13, 2008
Time: 12:24:53 -0700
Whatever evil is done by so called christian terrorist groups does not have the backing of the christian gospel. Jesus never asked anyone to commit murder or use violence. So anyone using violence cannot get the support of christ or christianity. That however is not the case with Islam. The quran and muhammed the founder of islam asked people to kill and murder those who resisted the message of islam. Islam is based on falsehood. Allah is not the god of abraham, moses and jesus. He is the moon god of the kaaba which was being worshipped much before muhammeds birth in mecca. Muhaammed only banned the worship of the other gods in mecca. That whom you worship is a false god. That is why the symbol of islam is the crescent moon. The kaaba has a meteorite which muslims kiss. In those days people belived that meterites fell from the moon. This was considered sacred and was worshipped as the moon god. Muhammed only said allah was the same god as that of jews and christians to get legitimacy for his religion and to convert the jews and christians. This falsehood proved very succesful for a long time but not anymore. The source of strife and hatred and lies in the world is muhammed and his false teaching. Why are you surprised that non muslims despise this creed? At the core of any human rights is the right to freedom of expression. You want others to embrace islam and preach islam to the world. The people of the world now know what islam is and reject it for the terrible evil it propagates. But isam wishes to terrorise people into not criticising the falsehoods in islam , the quran and muhammed. How can this be ? if you preach islam people have the right to reject it or accept it. If they reject it they must have the right to say why they rejected islam. I too undertook this journey a long time ago and tried to understand islam and see if it has the truth. After reading parts of the quran and hadith and hearing both side of the argument i came to the conclusion that it was an evil way of life. A christian , hindu or anyone will not fear for his life if they criticise christianity or hinduism or budhism. Islam threatens people with death and kills people who criticise islam and the prophet. This is where islam can be proved to be evil. Take away the freedom of expression and human society will go backward and crumble into ruins. See the islam societies where islam is practised. Those who follow islam more closely are more backward. So we reject the moon god of the kaaba and its false prophet muhammed.