Cologne's Embrace from Nazi to Islamic Final Solution?
25 Sep, 2008
Before there was Hitler, Mein Kampf, the SS, concentration camps, Nazism and Aryan—the Nazi God; there was Muhammad, the Koran, the SS Jihadists, slavery, Islam, Muhammad’s fictional Anti-God Allah and the first, final solution of the Jewish question—the murder and forced exile of Jews/Christians from Arabia.
The City of Cologne, Germany—which just allowed the building of one of Europe’s largest mosques complete with sky-touching minarets, and viciously suppressed a peaceful anti-Islamization rally—has a long history of Jewish oppression.
The first pogrom of the Jews in Cologne was in 1349. In 1424, they were evicted from the city and had to wait nearly four centuries to be allowed back in 1798.
When the Nazis came to power in 1933, the Jewish population of Cologne was about 20,000. By 1939, some 40% of the Jews had emigrated. The vast majority of those who remained were deported to concentration camps by 1941. The Jewish population used to be herded together at the trade-fair grounds next to the Deutz Train Station for deportation to death-camps and for the disposal of their household goods by public auction. On Kristallnacht in 1938, Cologne's synagogues were set on fire.
Mr Erdogan, the current Prime Minister of Turkey cited a poem with the following text: “The minarets of mosques are our bayonets, the domes our helmets, the mosques our barracks and the faithful our soldiers.”
In the 1990s, as the mayor of Istanbul, Erdogan expressed his opposition to secularism in no uncertain terms:
“You cannot be both secular and a Muslim! You will either be a Muslim, or secular!... It is not possible for a person who says ‘I am a Muslim’ to go on and say ‘I am secular too.’ And why is that? Because Allah, the creator of the Muslim, has absolute power and rule!”
The City of Cologne has set in motion the completion of Hitler’s mission—the final, final solution of the Jewish, and also Christian, question of modern Germany. They have set in motion the destruction of Western civilization in Germany.
Adolf Hitler taught:
"The internal expurgation of the Jewish spirit is not possible in any platonic way. For the Jewish spirit as the product of the Jewish person. Unless we expel the Jewish people. Unless we expel the Jewish people soon, they will have judaized our people within a very short time." [Robert Wistrich, Hitler's Apocalypse, p122; from a conversation with Croatian Foreign Minister General Kvaternik, 21 July 1941]
Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf):
“…the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew."
Muhammad the Fuehrer of the Muslim SS taught [Bukhari 4:52:176]:
"Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:
Allah's Apostle said, “You (i.e. Muslims) will fight with the Jews till some of them will hide behind stones. The stones will (betray them) saying, 'O 'Abdullah (i.e. slave of Allah)! There is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him.’”
Allah, the Nazi-like God of Muslims, teaches His followers concerning the idolaters:
Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters (unbelievers) wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush… [Koran 9.5]
This infamous Verse of the Sword gives Muslims an open license to slay the Idolaters wherever found, their complete annihilation.
Concerning the Jews as well as Christians, taught Allah:
Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low. [Koran 9:29]
Here, Allah orders Muslims to attack the so-called 'people of the book (i.e. Jews and Christians)', kill and enslave them until they are defeated and submitted to the supremacy of Islam and in willing humiliation, pay Jiziyah tax to Muslims.
The Prophet himself had inaugurated the first holocaust of Jews by exterminating the entire adult men, 600 to 900 of them (judged by pubic hair growth Abu Dawud 38:4390), of the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayzah in 627 CE. He had exiled the Jewish tribes of Banu Qainuqa and Banu Nadir of Medina, confiscating their homes and properties. Prophet Muhammad, in his death-bed, had ordered the extermination of the Jews and Christians from Arabia, which was completed by second Caliph Omar. Let us not forget that, despite Hitler genocide of the Jews, they still leaves in Germany in good numbers and quite honorably. But it is from the Arab lands that the Jews have been wiped out most extensively.
At the far-left organized pro-mosque rally on 20th September, the mayor of Cologne, pointing to the anti-Islamization Conference, declared: “We're here to show racism the red card.”
Make no mistake Mr. Mayor and your violent ultra-left allies, you have shown red card, most likely, not to racism, but to democracy, to liberty, to freedom of speech, to Jews and Christians, to equality of races, to equality of men and women, to human rights and dignity, to the rule of law. In order to realize this, you just have to look back at history and to what’s been happening all over the Muslim world. You may well look at what’s happening in Muslim dominated areas in Europe, the no-go zones for non-Muslims.
The Mayor may have shown greed card to wife-beating [Quran 4:34], honor killing [4:15], public flogging for fornication and stoning for adultery [Quran 24:2], amputation of hands and feet [Quran 4:51]. These are all standard laws in Sudan, North Nigeria and Arab countries. Germany is already a fertile land for barbarous acts like wife-beating and honor-killing amongst Muslim immigrants.
Let us have a look at a few parallels between Islam and Nazism:
Hitler instructed his followers to exterminate the Jews, so did Islam and Prophet Muhammad. It is the Islamic lands that have achieved the most complete extermination of the Jews, not Germany. Islam and Prophet Muhammad wanted extermination of the Christians too from Arabia. It was executed most successfully.
Hitler’s Nazis seized and looted their homes, businesses, lands, paintings and bank accounts; so did the Muslims under Prophet Muhammad and throughout history well into the 20th century. When Muhammad’s SS Jihadists [his Companions] murdered Jews and Christians their property was looted with 20% of the pillaged proceeds going to Allah and his Messenger Muhammad (later to the state or caliphal treasury) and the remaining 80% to the Jihadis [Quran-8:41].
When the trains arrived at the concentration camps, the Nazi SS would select Jewish women to rape and keep as sex-slaves and the rest sent of massacre. So did Prophet Muhammad and Muslims. Having murdered the men of Banu Qurayzah, and their homes and property confiscated, Muhammad and his SS Companions kept the young and beautiful Jewish women for as sex-slave and rape. It happened throughout the history of Muslim conquest as Allah allowed capturing women in wars for rape and sex-slavery: "And all married women are forbidden unto you save those captives whom your right hand possess. It is a decree of Allah for you. You can't have sex with married women, unless they are slaves obtained in war (with whom you may rape or do whatever you like) [Quran 4:24].
Hitler and his SS ran a huge slave-market in Germany. Millions of peoples from the East were enslaved and sold in Germany, who worked as slaves for their German masters in the factories, farms, homes etc. So did Islam! Prophet Muhammad himself enslaved the infidel in large numbers, such as the women and children of Banu Qurayzah and Khaybar. Prophet Muhammad also sold the Banu Qurayzah slaves. Islam created the most extensive slave-market around the world for selling millions of the enslaved infidels. Muslims had sold up to 20 million enslaved Blacks from Africa to the Muslim world and up to nine tines that number were perished in the process of the capture, castration and transportation. Millions of Europeans were also captured and taken away to a life of slavery.
On the whole, the Mayor and the City of Cologne have shown green card to Sharia Law, the inviolable constitution of the Islamic God, which is brutally oppressive to non-Muslims and even utterly cruel to Muslims. Given that Europe is slated to be dominated by Muslims in the next 3-5 decades if everything goes as of now; Sharia, the divine constitution of God, is coming to Europe for sure to replace its abhorrent manmade secular-liberal constitutions. Make no mistake about that. Sharia is the legal code ordained by Allah for all mankind. To violate Sharia or not to accept its authority is to commit rebellion against Allah, which Allah's faithful are required to combat.
The City of Cologne has renounced civility and embraced a barbarous deity, Allah. Given that anti-Semitism is on an alarming rise in Europe, overwhelmingly committed by its miniscule Muslim immigrants, make no mistake that the holocaust of the Jews of Cologne (and of wider Europe) is, most likely, coming again; just as Colognean’s ancestors did in 1349, 1424, and 1939.
This time, it could well be a complete one; look at the Arab world to make a grasp of it. The final solution of the Jews would, most likely, be truly final this time round. The same may extend to the Christians as well unless they choose to pay Jiziyah in willing humiliation.
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Date: Wednesday September 24, 2008
Time: 23:52:22 -0700
everyone sympathise with the jews...but has anyone read torah-talmud-bible? its the worst genocidal story of all even worst that koran yes its true. the terrorist deity of jews-christians/muslims jehova-yahwe, tells moses etc many prophets to wage war of innocent pagans like cannanites, hittites etc....and kill their men and take their women, land. cattle and their children as slaves. moses and other prophets like him did this and killed and did WORLD FIRST ETHNIC one care for the dead pagans who were innocent and died just bcoz of the imaginary deity jehova-yahwe ordered moses to kill innocent humans. pls see the dirty secrets of judaism, muhamed only followed his guru-moses and now everything think muslims r bad...the root of jihad is not muhamed but moses.
Name: jews kept slaves too !!!
Date: Wednesday September 24, 2008
Time: 23:57:31 -0700
read torah-talmud etc...moses etc prophets kept slaves too these were kdis of tribes jews exterminated to take their land and women and cattle. what muhamed and hitler did, same was dotn word for word by moses and other jew prophets. read the jew books and bible old testament, u will see jews got what they did, in return, its sad but true. jews r the world first ethnic cleanser, they r the world first hate based religion and world first terrorist religion. fyi enistine wa not a jew he did not believe in jew religion.
Name: To above
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 00:50:40 -0700
One particular event in history does not mean they are practicing it until now! Unlike Islam the ultimate objective is the extermination of the competition! And Muslims practiced it (murder of infidels) up to the present! Do not make Moses your scapegoat! The Jews today NEVER murder unbelievers who refused to convert to their FAITH!!!
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 07:02:31 -0700
There is no dog but Allah and Muhammad(PBUH) is his Poo Poo. (PBUH= Pee Be Upon Him )
Name: unlike this cult
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 10:54:15 -0700
Those that follow christianity and judiaism today HAVE EVOLVED PAST THE VOILENT PARTS OF THEIR HOLY BOOKS. this cult has NOT. Plus, the only way to get rid of all jews is to kill the entire human race. There will be those that carry the "jewish" blood that do not practice this or any kind of religion nor carry any outward appearence of being jewish or their names aren't jewish ones either.
Name: challenge to muslims that read this site, if you dare
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 11:09:23 -0700
I challenge you to read the entire site. Read your koran and hadiths in a language that you can understand. Prove these people wrong. I challenge you to read your koran in a language that you can understand and ask yourself questions. I challenge your honor. Also, be very aware, that if your fellow muslims find out that you have been on a site that critizies this religion that they may start thinking that you are less muslim than them, that you may even be loosing your faith, and your very life can be in danger. What you have done to others in the past, then, will be done to you. Something to think about.
Name: The jews did fight and kill to posses the land of canaan - Why?
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 11:52:40 -0700
The jews fought with tribes of caanaan (Palastine) because they did not have land of their own. Their forefathers Isaac and Jacob lived in that land before they the jews went to egypt and were enslaved there. They grew in large numbers and then when they were expelled by the egyptians they had to find a land to settle down. They could not settle in the desert. They went back to the land of their forefathers. Issac, jacob etc. They had to fight the tribes which had settled in canan. It was a battle for survival which the jews won. Unllike quran God did not tell the jews to kill all their enemies and grab their land as a religious principle but to kill their enemies so that they could occupy the land where their forefathers once lived. Almost every part of the world has suffered invasions . the aryans conquered and enslaved the dravidians. There is no part of the world which has not suffered from invasions and slaughter. This is the story of human civilisation. So dont single out the jews. They just did what was required for survival in 1500 bc. Though we shudder when we think of this now in those days it was common. The quran asks muslims to kill and convert non muslims as religious principle. There is no such principle in judaism.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 14:54:30 -0700
TO all Cruel,evil Moslems : Tell us why a Moslem country do not allow the construction of churches, temples and synagogues. It is a basic ,minimum decent thing to do. Moslems/ISLAM is allowed to build Mosques in all freedom, peace loving,equality oriented countries, democratic, humane in their philosophy and their society. ............ISLAM in it's most basic theology discriminates against , hates, oppresses, persecutes, suppresses nonmoslems, nonbelievers, suppresses women, children, kafirs. ISLAM is slavery- ISLAM perpetrates and promotes slavery !!!!!!!!! as dictated by it's founder the pedo, rapist MO - the butcher and robber. Why ? How can ISLAM be called as religion when it is devoid of all kindness and compassion, spirituality. There is np good in ISLAM - for human soul and for the good good of human civilization. Hence ISLAM must be eradicated as it is the most hateful theology.
Name: Zombie fried chicken
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 23:06:40 -0700
So many people do and have throughout history have hated those jew bastards. Those little funny looking big nosed and fish lips smart asses were just so irritating that every one just wants them dead. Every one wnats them dead but they just will not die. Why is that? Why won't they just die? They are greatly out-numbered. It seems weird to me. Could it be that somebody supernatural hates them, because God chose them and rejected him. Does Halal ben Shachar/Allah/ Satan feel pissed off that God loves Jews (even though presently they do not know Him) but rejects him? Does it piss off the Arab orphan Mohammad that God manifested himself in the form of a Jewish mason called Yashua? Why are all the biblical stories when told by Muslims flipped over on there head. Does Proverbs 8:36 mean anything. "Those who hate me (God) love death". If you hate Jews and Dogs, you are in league with the Devil. That is the only explanation. Or it could be that Jews are smart, are funny, are rich, and have large penises is why so many hate them?
Name: Mohammad-inspired kidnap for ransom!
Date: Saturday September 27, 2008
Time: 21:34:00 -0700
Pirates who seized a Ukrainian ship off the coast of Somalia have reportedly demanded a ransom of $35m (£19m) to release the vessel and its crew. The pirates also warned against any attempt to rescue the crew or cargo of the MV Faina, which is carrying 33 T-72 battle tanks destined for Kenya. "We are warning France and others who are thinking of carrying out a rescue that we have the power to reach them wherever they are!" Januna Ali Jama, alleged spokesman for the pirates. There are unconfirmed reports, that it is currently being steered by the pirates towards ports just north of the Somali capital, Mogadishu - an area controlled by Islamist militants. Followers of Mohammad doing their business! A true Muslim!
Name: Re; Zombie fried chicken
Date: Saturday September 27, 2008
Time: 21:38:50 -0700
Jews, Christians and Muslims lived side by side before the Zionist came back from Europe in 1948 to the Middle East. Although these Zionist are very smart, i dont know if they are funny, but most of them are very very rich, and i dont know if they have large penises but everyone hates them because they wanted the messenger from God, Jesus killed by putting him in a cross. After all Jesus him self was a jew and all he wanted was to reform the Jews to follow the creators teachings. But did he succeed? Only while he was on earth, his message reached the people, when he departed, the world turned in to darkness. Light means knowledge and darkness means ignorance. [ P.s - Mr / Mrs Zombie fried chicken, you certainly have a sence of humour:) ]
Name: To above
Date: Saturday September 27, 2008
Time: 22:31:03 -0700
False. Muslims had been murdering Jews, Christians, and pagans since Mohammad's time! Please do not distort history!
Date: Sunday September 28, 2008
Time: 13:24:52 -0700
No one knows what the souls is like, and how it can survive without the body,. So no one can say who got it right and who got it wrong.
Name: Abdullah
Date: Sunday September 28, 2008
Time: 15:27:16 -0700
The writer misquoting in his above absurd writings are totally out of context. When you need any constructive explanation, you better come to London for a peaceful debate. We are ready to answer any queries from you not only from Islam also Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism or from any other isms. I thank you very much, because of your hate propagation against Islam helped non-muslim brothers to enter Peace Religion of Islam. Thanks so much.
Name: To Abdullah
Date: Sunday September 28, 2008
Time: 21:44:01 -0700
You might have a different definition of peace! Your beloved prophet Mohammad, who by the way was a pedophile, rapist, mass murderer, plunderer, gave a command to you Muslims to kill infidels wherever you find them! That Islam will not stop until no other religion exists but Islam! What those poor Muslim fanatics who blow themselves to pieces get in return? An imaginary carnal paradise of horny 72 houris(for sex-hungry Muslims), handsome young boys(for Muslim pedophiles), and rivers of wine of different flavors!(ironically prohibited by pervert Mohammad!). Even a Danish cartoonist who draw a caricature of your pervert Mohammad is hiding for fear of his life from Muslim death threat! Your Islam is a menace to mankind!!!
Name: re ; To Abdullah
Date: Monday September 29, 2008
Time: 20:10:26 -0700
Where is your comments when the people who underwent the so called hollowcaust, are now illegally expanding setlements before raping, killing and torturing the inhabitants and when they try to retaliate they are called terrorist. Are you blind! Why not Switch off your damn TV and try to reason...the U.S backed by the Zion’s are the biggest war machine and weapons dealers.. Toppling people elected governments and putting puppet regimes to tarnish the image of Islam....what u try to show is the result of only a few crazy People..Look at the big picture. You just can’t help but play the PR game, blaming Muslims for what their puppet govts do and don’t, and always touch on the subject of what Muslim civilians do. To elaborate, the U.S backed by the Zion’s changed Iran’s elected president in the 60's –The result-hijacking, then the U.S backed by the Zion’s trained Bin Laden and gave Saddam chemical weapons-result- all this mess... the Zion’s are the cause for anger around the only look at what u like to look at...reality it is people like you who live in a 'bubble'. To all you people who love to hate...there will come a day when you will hate yourself more than anything you've ever hated...find the truth now before it's too late..p.s. lose the arrogance and pride and stop lying. It will help this life is short. When you face your lord all deeds will be shown. so work for your own salvation!
Name: To Muslim fanatic above
Date: Monday September 29, 2008
Time: 21:53:49 -0700
You always blame Zionism for all the world's problem. I'll give you a clarification what Zionism is. Zionism is a political movement of the Jews to establish a homeland. That objective was attained in 1948 when the Jewish State of Israel was formed. Therefore Zionism, for all practical purposes, is over. Yet you Muslims continue to use Zionism as a scapegoat or a convenient excuse to justify Islamic crimes to MANKIND!!! You are no different from Adolf Hitler and the Nazis!!! How could a tiny nation of 7 million Jews control everything in the world from politics to economics to world events? It follows that 1.5 billion Muslims are afraid of 7 million Jews!!!
Name: Koran -Poison of the World!
Date: Monday September 29, 2008
Time: 22:08:43 -0700
The book Koran is a deadly poison now slowly strangling the world to its demise!
Name: To all Zionst supporters. You taught the world forgot!
Date: Tuesday September 30, 2008
Time: 00:56:43 -0700
In Palestine, after World War II, Jewish groups (the Haganah, Irgun and Stern Gang) fought for the creation of a Jewish state, bombing hotels and installations and killing civilians. The British, who then governed Palestine, rightly called these Jewish groups terrorists. Many of these terrorists later became leaders of independent Israel — Moshe Dayan, Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin, Ariel Sharon.
Name: To above
Date: Tuesday September 30, 2008
Time: 02:10:46 -0700
You will never heard the Jews were exporting violence abroad unlike the Islamist creating havoc everywhere. The Jews never make a declaration of world dominance by the Jews unlike Islam openly advocating subjugation of the world under Islam.
Date: Tuesday September 30, 2008
Time: 11:51:58 -0700
Islam is a curse
Name: Islam is deception
Date: Tuesday September 30, 2008
Time: 21:44:14 -0700
When Truth is mixed with Lies many will be deceived. Truth(Bible) + Lies(Mohammad) = Koran = 1.5 billion Muslims deceived.
Name: re - To above. September 30, 2008
Date: Thursday October 02, 2008
Time: 02:22:57 -0700
Truth mixed with lies are what you read in the media and its rightly said, by one of this forum member. I TOO AM CONVINCED THAT THE REASON THE WORLD IS A MESS IS BECAUSE OF THESE ZIONIST.
Name: mountin
Date: Friday May 08, 2009
Time: 23:11:13 -0400
May be Hitler went for the wrong relion , it should have be muslims that went to the gas chambers, if you look at the world today where ids the most hate comming from Yes Muslims, Hitler please come back and finsih these muslims