Geert wilders film: The important points it missed
29 Mar, 2008
Geert wilders film, while good, failed to explain to the 'hear no evil, see no evil, do nothing about evil' naive infidels that all Muslims believe 'the Koran is the eternal divine word of God and and a copy of it is in heaven. Muslims must be obeyed without question. Most people think that the Koran is like the old testament. That Muslims can ignore the parts they don't like. But in truth, the Koran is the eternal laws of God. Its laws and commands are valid for all times and places forever. To question it is to question the very word of God, and hence blasphemous. A Muslim's duty is to believe and obey those divine commands without question.
The Muslims will tell the infidels what they all desperately want to hear -- that the Koran is all peace and love and Osma bin laden is an aberration, not following the true Islam. But bin Laden is a true Muslim.
Wilders also did not include the 3 most important teachings of Islam:
9:5 – extermination of all non believers i.e. Infidels,
9:29 extermination of all Christians and Jews and
9:111 – those Muslims who kill and are killed performing 9:5 and 9:29 will ascend to paradise filled with full breasted, lustrous eyed virgins to sexually molest for all eternity.
Therefore, the 9/11 is Koran's 9:111.
Wilders failed to point to the criminality of prophet Muhammad.
That Muhammad was the first Nazi SS man. He ordered 60 atrocious raids and expeditions, and personally commanded 27 atrocities. At the massacre of the Jews of Banu Quraiza, Muhammad personally assisted in the beheading of 600 to 900 Jewish men. In order to distinguish between young Jewish boys and young Jewish men Muhammad ordered his murderous Muslim jihadists to pull down their pants. Just the slightest traces of pubic hair and the young Jewish boy/man were beheaded. Their mothers and sisters were then enslaved, the young and pretty girls were reduced to sex-slaves or sold some of them into slavery.
Wilders needed to explain that in Islam, deceit, torture, murder, assassination, massacre, genocide, pillage, robbery, enslavement and rape are halal (legal) acts, deserving of paradise, as long as they were perpetrated on infidels. These unethical and criminal teachings became the eternal laws of Allah.
That Muslims can kill (behead) anyone for doing any of the following:
1) reviling Allah or his messenger;
2) being sarcastic about 'Allah's name, his command, his interdiction, his promise, or his threat';
3) denying any verse of the quran or 'anything which by scholarly consensus belongs to it, or to add a verse that does not belong to it';
4) holding that 'any of Allah's messengers or prophets are liars, or to deny their being sent';
5) reviling the religion of Islam;
6) being sarcastic about any ruling of the sacred law;
7) denying that Allah intended 'the prophet's message . . . To be the religion followed by the entire world.'
If a Muslim challenges or questions the Koran, he is no longer a Muslim but an apostate of Islam and can be killed.
The cold, hard reality is that the Koran can never be changed, not even one word. When you are reading teachings of the Koran, you are reading the word of God himself and you must obey. There is no choice. There is no scope of ever exercising free will, employing logic, reason, rationality, morality.
This is the most important insanity that all Muslims believe. This is a disastrous belief that has the potential to destroy humanity and civilization as we know it.
Murdering infidels as an eternal law of God
9:5 when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters (unbelievers) wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer [become believers] and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them.
This is the notorious verse of the sword. 9:50 nullify all peace teachings, if any, from the Koran. God is commanding Muslims, as a holy duty, they must exterminate all infidels (particularly idolaters) from face of the earth.
9:29 fight those who believe not in God nor the last day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by God and his apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of truth, (even if they are) of the people of the book [Christians and Jews], until they pay the jizya [poll tax] with willing submission, feel themselves subdued.”
This verse means exactly what it means. Convert to Islam, or pay a devastating submission tax or be murdered.
For those Muslims who slay and are slain in fulfilling above commands of the Koran, they are guaranteed accession to a sexual paradise filled with full breasted, lustrous eyed eyes virgins who re – generate as virgins after each sex act to sexually molest for all eternity (9:111):
9:111 “lo! Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the garden (paradise) will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain”
"as for the righteous (Muslims)...we (Allah) shall wed them to beautiful virgins with lustrous eyes" - Q 44:51-54
The reason 3000 people were massacred on 9/11 was because God commanded the massacre. Those who butchered these people will ascend to paradise. By believing Koran is the book Allah's eternal laws, all Muslims believe this insanity.
Wilders added some more materials in his movie to explained these horrendous evils of Islam.
He should have made it clear that there are no moderate Muslims because in order to be a moderate Muslim you would have to renounce teachings of Q 9:5, 9;29 and 9:111. But if a Muslim renounces just one word of the Koran he is no longer a Muslim but an apostate of Islam and will be murdered.
Unfortunately, the film will not have the lasting impact it should have had, despite creating so much hypes.
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Name: Thanks to Muslims' Slave Geert Wilders!
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 00:15:15 -0700
His recent anti-Muslim racist film "Fitna" on the Quran, based on pure lies and deceptions, can be considered as a Million-Dollar Advertisement on behalf of Muslims! Non-Muslims are, in fact, helping Muslims to spread the Message of the Quran - no matter what it is. Because after publishing his film, more and more Dutch people are going to Islamic centers to learn about the Quran, out of curiosity, and many of them are converting to Islam! The same was happened after 9/11 drama performed by Bush-Cheney terrorist gang. Because Quran is indeed a Revelation from God. So, racist and liar non-Muslims are, in fact, working as true slaves of Muslims!
Name: Quran on Jews and Christians
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 00:17:41 -0700
*Quran is the only non-Jewish scripture in the world where Jews have been honored and protected [Quran 2:40; 2:47; 10:93; 44:30-32; etc.], and they have also been offered salvation if they follow their own scriptures [Quran 2:62, 5:69 and 22:17]. *Quran is the only non-Christian scripture in the world where Jesus and Mary have been honored with very high regard [Chapter 19: Mary], and they (Christians) have also been offered salvation if they follow their own scriptures [Quran 2:62, 5:69 and 22:17]. #On the other hand, there is no salvation for non-Jews in Judaism! There is no salvation for non-Christians in Christianity either! According to Christianity, all non-Christians (Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Pagans, etc.) will be burned in hell for eternity! *Verse 3:28 and 5:51 address to terrorist/intolerant Jews and Christians, not ALL. See 5:57 and 60:8-9 for clarification. *Majority Christians do not follow the true teachings of Jesus. For example: Jesus himself never claimed to be God or the begotten Son of God; He never preached absurd Trinity; He never told his followers to worship him; In fact, he used to pray to God; and so on. *Muslims already believe in Moses and Jesus as Prophet of God, and as such they (Muslims) have nothing to be afraid of Judaism and Christianity!
Name: SomeOne
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 00:51:43 -0700
Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam-Blog ist da. Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam- Fotoalbum ist da. --- At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam blog is here. At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam Photo Albums is here. --- أخيرا أول مدونة تعري وتفضح الإسلام أخيرا أول البوم صور يعري ويفضح الإسلام
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 01:05:44 -0700
Name: judeo christianity islam is curse for the mankind
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 01:47:57 -0700
judeo christianity islam is curse to the mankind and must be destroyed bcoz it does away with truth,democracy and freedom,the worst ofcourse being islam.
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 02:48:33 -0700
the video is already on islam-watch:
Name: Wilders Film
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 02:50:58 -0700
We can read it here in the comments how much muslims hate their religion to be exposed. Those clot-zombies must know that this is only the beginning. There will be thousands of Wilders´s in the future and they will be everywhere. In the newspapers, in the internet, on TV and on air. Everywhere people will be told and taught hwo violent, stupid and superstitious islam really is. You clot-believers!
Name: Who is behind the protests?
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 03:17:49 -0700
Higher oil prices? Is there really any islamic umma? There is no califate anymore, only a few countries share the oil wealth. More than a billion muslims in the world are poor and all they can do is praying and blaming the west. In fact, in many islamic countries islamism was used to fight marxism or any progressive movement. There is no middle class in most islamic countries and no development. What would happen to all the dicators, oil sheikhs and oil kings without islam? Is there any need for them?
Name: Allat
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 05:16:27 -0700
"...anti-Muslim racist film "Fitna" on the Quran, based on pure lies and deceptions"_________PROVE IT! Prove that it's all lies! Oh, please....we're open to hearing you.....come on, come on, verse by verse, PROVE THAT IT'S ALL LIES! Allat-an anti-Muslim, Polytheist
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 05:27:41 -0700
his film, more and more Dutch people are going to Islamic centers to learn about the Quran, out of curiosity, and many of them are converting to Islam! The same was happened after 9/11 drama performed by Bush-Cheney terrorist gang. "Because Quran is indeed a Revelation from God."...More like Satanic Verses---------- "..So, racist and liar non-Muslims"...I am ABSOLUTELY anti-muslim. Thank you, thank you for noticing._____" out of curiosity, and many of them are converting to Islam!"...Man are YOU ever screwed up! In what way would watching this film made people convert? Would you please explain to me. I'd say, decent people would flee - FLEE - the be-damned religion. He, he._______".. working as true slaves of Muslims!"...YOU'RE the slave of a Predator ALIEN disguised as an angel Gabriel. An ET calling Itself 'allah.' And the blockhead mohamed fell for it! Allat- a Wild Amazon ANTI-MUSLIM Polytheist
Name: Here also islamists came
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 06:09:04 -0700
now read the long responses here. you can find Here also islamists came. Dr. jakir naik and his followers here are giving long and logic less responses. They are saying killing innocents can be allowed by tagging them infidels and other belief systems as their socalled book says. They can never inrospct and think logically once they become muslims.It makes them fearfull and irrational . Thats why move way from they rationalist thinking and society by creating MOZs (Muslim only Zones). Where ever they go their MOZs follow. This is the main reason for their backwardness.I thank Ali sina greatly for his brave and rationalistic spread of truth. this should have happened 2 centuries before when Raja ram moahna roy declared koran is mixture of some copy truths from old testimony and many more superstitions. He read every line from koran by learning arabbi, parsian and English.But he told ratonalise muslims rather than declare it as stupid as they have already became mad and irrational by reading it. But no indian tried to reveal this due to faer of religious quarrel. But now they have become threat to entire world.
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 06:58:20 -0700
The film says nothing new. What can be learnt though i how we are under terror. The film was supposed to be on a certain web site but because they recieved death threats they could not show it so it can be viewed on YouTube.Our politicians are weak as they are too scared to open their mouths in case they offened never mind the rest of us. And truly if these mohammedans are so confident in their believe why do they want to stop others from having an opinion which does not agree with them. These people go out in the streets smashing things and people up in the name of G-d. Is this the army of G-d? A bunch of fanatical illiterate ignoramous heathens.
Name: Shafeque
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 08:28:46 -0700
These are all good points. But, being pressed for limited time, budget,Jerst Wledeers could not have attempted more. More over, he just showed us the way- it is we- ex-Muslims, who knew better than Gert have to continue this "Fitna' to highter and more eleborate levels, as the above article.
Name: sheik yer'mami
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 09:01:38 -0700
I thought it was 73 raids in 27 years?
Name: Humans consist of clot for 40 days
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 10:05:12 -0700
According to Bukhari 009.093.546 the clot-period of any human is around 40 days. And there is big money behind the embryologgic-islamic-science hype. Some of this clotucation and clotutainment programs are made by professional movie-makers. I think there is a very small, yet very rich minority of oil sheikhs who spend some money for a mosque here and for a madrassa there but never taxes nor do they share their wealth with the people. Only 5% of all muslims live in countries with western living standards.
Name: Islam and Human Rights
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 10:16:23 -0700
There are no human rights in islam. Even the HUman Rights Declaration from the United Nationed is not signed by many muslim countries. Is this because the quran says that god made the people from clot? Does clot deserve humanity?
Name: True Islam
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 10:44:07 -0700
This aticle is full of bullshit starting from the historical facts written about islam to the authors personnal radical views against the religon.. First point Mixing between religion and politics is wrong, considering all religons have a barberian (like what the video shows islam as) time of life. what the author shows in the video is that islam is a terrorist religon which is totally wrong for the facts that during islam first years when it started spreading jews were still living in mecca before islam and after islam until that country was united and became saudia arabia.. Also in islams first years christianity was also wide spreaded in that area which was mostly concentrated in south of mecca what is called now Yemen, but the profet didnt start a war against them, because it is as stated in the holy quran allowed for each human being to choose his own religon, unlike what extremist islamists say... and for you racical anti muslims you can check for your self in al (Kaferoon)Sowra... Second of all.. if you consider political problems to be reliogon lets talk about wars in africa between catholic african over power.. thats not religon.. lets talk about ireland and the IRA, lets talk about the KKK crucifing other colored christians..Nazis and neo nazis. lets talk about america the land of the free racisim against ... red indians, african americans, latin americans, mexicans, chinise and other asians, jews (i like the jokes about them in the movies) and you still lie to your selfs and consider your selfs to be fair and got freedom of speech does this make all christians terrorist??? I want a clear direct replys with no radical thoughts that shows some peoples racisim and hate for other people which can be widley found in this website
Name: Mohammad
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 11:57:11 -0700
Fitna was a complete failure. It failed to achieve its main objective which was to irritate Muslims and bring them to streets to burn embassies. It seems like anti-Muslim propaganda has to work harder. I would say the Cartoons were the last shot and there is really not much lower that the anti-Muslim camp can go.
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 12:10:09 -0700
FAILURE, FAILURE , FAILURE , Lary Haoli, we look forward to your film, meanwhile get back in your hole.
Name: clear direct reply
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 12:31:49 -0700
"considering all religons have a barberian (like what the video shows islam as) time of life".... AND THAT MAKES IT OKAY, DOES IT?.... America is slowly waking up to its mistreatment of minorities. Christians have had to accommodate themselves to modern society, where non-Christians have equal rights. How many thousands of years do we have to wait before Islam wakes up?
Name: ZuK to True Islam:
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 12:57:50 -0700
Hey, True Islam, are you a disciple of J. Esposito? Do you get a share of his Saudi paychecks? I am asking this, because you bring forth for the N-time the old, bitchy falacy of "moral equivalency": 'Muslims did XYZ, but look at what Jews did, and Christians, and Moonies, and what shit.' Man, wake up: THAT is shit, and your Islam TOO. As for the mix of politics and religion, my dear, you are DEEPLY uninformed about Islam. It IS a political system, more than any other known religion. In summary: all religions are essentially a bunch of shit, a grievous heritage from a time of BIGGER ignorance; all of them have political agendas, neither of which was designed with you and me in view, and ALL of them should be fought - in the intelectual as well as the political arena, which CERTAINLY includes the military option. We all have had enough of politically correct bullshit. So, please stop multiplying it.
Name: Ali Khalaf to, to Larry Houle
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 13:52:31 -0700
Larry I fully agree with you. When Geert Wilder took the risk and got all the pulicity he could have scored a home run instead of just a scoring a hit.
Name: Taqiyya Basher
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 13:53:58 -0700
"I heard The Prophet saying, 'Islam cannot change.'" (Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 88, No 174)
Name: ChrisLA
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 14:22:43 -0700
Those like Geert Wilders who have the courage to say what needs to be said about the evil side of Islam are, sadly, few and far between these days. Larry Houle is right that much was left out, but hopefully more Fitna-type films will be released to fill in all of the gaps. Regarding the Quran being the verbal word of God for all times and places, this notion can so easily be demonstrated to be false, it is a wonder that Muslims still embrace the it. George Sale, in his introduction to his 1734 translation of the Quran, wrote, "That Mohammed was really the author and chief contriver of the Koran is beyond dispute. . ." This is the same Quran version that Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison swore in on when he used Thomas Jefferson's copy from the Library of Congress. Perhaps he should have glanced through it first. Can't wait to hear the sound of the evil pages being ripped out.
Name: Wilders couldn't do it all
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 14:25:37 -0700
Wilders performed a public service. He started the conversation (or threats, where Muslims are concerned). He wasn't looking to create a full documentary. He couldn't include everything in fifteen minutes. If he had included everything the author suggests he would have been accused of piling on. Instead he made it short and sweet. It was enough to get his point across. Now watch the Muslims rant and rave and watch Western leaders squirm. It will be fun to see George W. Bush explain how signs such as: "We hate the uncivilized West" are consistent with the religion of peace.
Name: Abraxas
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 14:30:25 -0700
I suggest that anyone truly interested in the truth should check out to see how new (p)reverts to Islam are expected to act. On the question on how to greet a christian or a jew ...."The prophetsays:"Do not initiate the greeting witha Jew or a Christian, and if you meet one of them on the road, push him to the narrowest part of it."What this meansis, do not give them lots of space when you meet them,so that they have plenty of room and you are constricted; rather continue in the direction in which you were headed, and if there is to be any constriction,make it for them." This site I mentioned has a whole bunch of examples of Islam in action on the every day small scale, microcosms to Wilders macrocosms.
Name: Me
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 14:53:32 -0700
If muslims can demonstrate, it is just because they are organised. However, for all of you... no one organises you thus you just talk in the internet. Will someone dare enough to come forward starting the demonstration and protest on the street all over the world against islam? Shall someone creative enough commence the 1 hour video competition revealing the blister religion of islam? We want to see more and more to shut this satanic cult... We want to make it a cultural standard to talk about this cult. We want to fight those who threaten us and kill them on self-defense. Who has got the charisma for this? Who has got the gut for this?
Name: Joe Kaffir
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 15:01:15 -0700
Unfortunately, telling the uninformed about the entire danger of islam in a nutshell is difficult. There are many many other films that inform as well. We need to keep going forward, getting more information out there and more people on board. The more that is put out the better. More and more people begin to wake up to see the insanity and evil of islam.
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 15:22:38 -0700
please check the sura 9
Name: arab
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 15:36:57 -0700
This is a good movie ,this should be the begining of exposing islam.muslims should use there brains when reading quran.
Name: agnostic
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 16:05:43 -0700
TO: Thanks to Muslims' Slave Geert Wilders! As you scourge of the earth take Abraham to be your Father, it is prophesied that you filthy slime balls will be "burnt to a stubble" and you will rot even as you are alive!! You filthy scums of the earth should realise that you are all goners with increasing numbers of those of your cult converting to christianity to escape your common Abrahmic God's wrath. This is how you will die: Your eyes will rot and your flesh will fall off and your frame filled with maggots...while you are still alive!!!!Zechariah 14?
Name: agnostic
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 16:26:41 -0700
Islam-Watch Website is a NIGHTMARE to filthy mass murderer muslims and brain dead Leftists! Islam-Watch reports in Russia, some two million ethnic Muslims converted to Christianity last year. Ten thousand French Muslims converted, as did 35,000 Turkish Muslims. In India, approximately 10,000 people abandoned Islam for Christianity. In his book Epicenter, author Joel Rosenberg details amazing stories of Muslims converting to Christianity. In Algeria, the birthplace of St. Augustine, more than 80,000 Muslims have turned to Christ in recent years. This, despite the stiff opposition from Islamic clerics who have passed laws banning evangelism. In Morocco, newspaper articles openly worry that 25,000 to 40,000 Muslims have become followers of Christ in recent years. The stories are even more amazing in the heart of the Middle East. In 1996, the Egyptian Bible Society sold just 3,000 video copies of the JESUS film. In the year 2000, they sold an incredible 600,000 copies. In Sudan, as many as five million Muslims have accepted Christ since the early 1990s, despite horrific persecution of Christians by the Sudanese government. What is behind the mass conversions? According to a Sudanese evangelical leader, “People have seen real Islam, and they want Jesus instead.” In Iraq, “More than 5,000 Muslim converts to Christianity have been identified since the end of major combat operations,” says Islam Watch. And just a few days ago, the first-ever Roman Catholic church was consecrated in Qatar, a Sunni Muslim state where the Wahhabi brand of Islam is practiced. This was the first time Christians in Qatar have been allowed to practice their faith openly. Ten thousand people attended the opening mass. These conversions have not escaped the notice of Islamic leaders. In 2001, Sheikh Ahmad Al Qatanni, a leading Saudi cleric, delivered the disturbing news on Al-Jazeera: Every day, he said, “16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity . . . every year, that is six million Muslims becoming Christians . . . A tragedy has happened.” It is possible the sheikh was inflating his numbers to incite a reaction against Christianity. But clearly, something is happening. The FORCE BLESS YOU LOT. YOU ARE PRICELESS!
Name: MA Khan
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 16:28:15 -0700
Sheik yer'mami, The prophet engaged in raids and wars during only last 9 years of his life. According to various estimates, total number of raids and expeditions he had directed range from 60 to 100. Al-Tabari says, Muhammad personally commanded 17, but 27 if one counts from his biographies.
Name: adel
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 18:55:05 -0700
Islam Is SO Devil Religion Islam is so so so devil and dangerous religion in all world Islam Want to destroy Jews and Christians and destroy all things Islam destroy our countries in middle east Islam destroy Lebanon and Egypt and Iraq and all east and will destroy the west if we don't wake up quran said to Muslims to kill us in (altawba 9: 29) he said : ( Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allâh, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allâh and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (I.e. Islâm) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. (altawba 9: 29) ) And many many verses as this terror verses as : ( O Prophet! Rouse the Believers to the fight. If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, they will vanquish a thousand of the Unbelievers: for these are a people without understanding. (alanfal 8:65)) and : (The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;(almaida 5:33) ) If you want more about this awful religion you must visit this sites : And in Arabic : Bible Apologetics : Is there any religion teach the follower to hate and kill others?? Is there any religion teach the follower to lie ???? To marry with four ???? To beat the wives ????? To bomb in others??? To stole ???? Any one saw 11/9/2001 in USA any one saw how they kill in Iraq and Afghanistan and in all world ????any way to know more about this devil and God bless and save America in Jesus Christ name
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 19:20:48 -0700
To: Qur'an to Jews and Christians: Friend, you're wrong. The Catholic Church explicitly teaches that non Catholics have a chance of salvation. The Holy Catholic Church was the first Christian Church according to history. If you're a good Muslim and love your neighbor regardless of his religion, you have a very good chance of salvation, according to the Catholic Church. If you're a nice person, you are not following the pedophile, rapist, polygamist, slave owner, wife beater, murderer, liar, Muhammad. If you are a good Muslim, aren't you glad that you're not like Muhammad? I hope you're not like Muhammad, and I'm very glad that many Muslims aren't at all like the liar, child molester Muhammad. God help us all if all Muslims were like Muhammad. If you are a nice Muslim, you are disobeying the Qur'an which teaches, for example, not to make friends with Jews and Christians. If you are a nice Muslim, you are more like Jesus than like the criminal Muhammad. If you are like Muhammad, I would never trust you. If you are a nice Muslim, you are not an authentic Muslim. So, why don't you call yourself something else if you are a good person? Why be associated with the authentic Muslims like Osama bin Laden? Look carefully, and you'll see that eeeeeeevil Muslims with eeeeeeevil hearts are the real Muslims because they are following the historical documents of Islam.
Name: Statistics
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 19:31:16 -0700
To: True Islam Northern Ireland total death toll for 26 years: 3181 Klu Klux Klan lynchings since 1969: 0 Spanish Inquisition (350 years): estimated 2000 deaths Islamic terrorists, September 2001: 2998 deaths Islamic Terror attacks 2003: 3372 deaths It goes on and on. I could not tally results from 2004 onwards because I felt sick. Stats and reports are there from 2001 to current day.
Name: KC Infidel
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 22:56:54 -0700
Why is all the bleeding hearts and Islam lovers calling Islam a race? Islam is not a race people. It is a religion that should be outlawed! A race is black, white, middle eastern, mexican and so forth. I cannot become black because I am white. That is a race people! I am Christian and can change my religion if I want to. This is not a race so hence this is not racial if I say something about it!
Name: Ain't even a religion
Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
Time: 02:10:03 -0700
Islam stinks like a cult. No 'religion' would be full of such blinkered thinking as these wackos. Even Jehovas Witnesses - who have predicted the end of the world about 20 times since 1914, say to be nice to each other. But with muslims its' all about kill the infidel, kill the jew, kill the christian. Muslims are fucking nut jobs. Someone nuke mecca and do us all a favour.
Name: MrAverage from Holland
Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
Time: 03:39:05 -0700
In Holland the prime minister Balkenende has lost his view on reality. He is defending muslims by teaching us they are all good citizens without any form of violence. You know what my son of twelve years is telling me about so called ’good’ and peacefull’ muslims in Holland? He says they are accomplice. You can’t be a member of the maffia telling the world that you are a good person and you don’t kill anybody without being accomplice. When my son can understand this, how is it possible 1 billion muslims can’t. Because most of them can’t read. And when they can read, they don’t understand the arabic scripture. But in Holland most muslims can read. They learned reading and got their education in The Netherlands. So, there is no reason any more to defend the koran neither islam. Otherwise you agree with terrorism which has preached clearly page after page in the koran, the holy book of the selfmade god for muslims. The good non violence muslim practioner in Europe must realize he is an accomplice as well.
Name: AC Falk
Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
Time: 04:43:56 -0700
I am in general agreement with what you say, but keep this in mind: Wilders is one of the very few European politician speaking out about what is happening to their societies. The vast majority of politicians, the media and the population desire not to be involved or even read of the issues facing them. I live in Switzerland, where the Catholic faith is still strong, but it is the exception in a continent that has largely become secular, except for the Muslims. AC Falk
Name: Michel
Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
Time: 06:46:04 -0700
Islam is a twisted morality! All muslims living in the west should have to attend some courses on christian morality and on the differences with the morality of islam. Those who refuse should be considered as those who are not interested in western culture and values and should lose their citizenship and be deported.
Name: AppleOgia
Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
Time: 06:52:13 -0700
"...anti-Muslim racist film "Fitna" on the Quran, based on pure lies and deceptions" That's true. It is based on the Koran.
Name: abraxas
Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
Time: 11:25:09 -0700
It is indeed very difficult to inform people of the dangers of islam without looking like a paranoid bigot. Most will not put on the glasses and see for themselves (like the Roddy Piper movie "They Live"). Most do not want to know what we know. On TV there was a commercial about empathy. One guy said," when I learn about the Holocaust, I am a Jew. When I learn about discrimination, I am a Muslim." I almost lost it when I heard this. Look at all the discrimination against non-Muslims in the Muslim world and in the Koran. I have never heard nor seen any genuine discrimination against Muslims in the country I live in other than not allowing them to kill their wives or daughters or allowing their daughter's to wear a hijab playing soccer as it breaks FIFA's regulations. FIFA holds more authority to me then any so-called religion.
Name: Larry
Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
Time: 13:47:00 -0700
I shit into the mouth of Allah while Mohammed gives me a blumpkin.
Name: Templar
Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
Time: 17:17:14 -0700
Fitna was no way racist you stupid shit hawk. Muslims are not a race of people you uneducated backward scum bag.
Name: agnostic
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 01:43:29 -0700
HOT! HOT! Visit Keith Gladdis, newsoftheworld. SHE was Malaysian child maths genius who won a place at Oxford University aged just 13—but now the only sums Sufiah Yusof is interested in are the ones she earns as a HOOKER. For sad Sufiah the daily equation she has to solve is simply sex equals £130 as she sells her body to punters over the internet. The gifted girl with the winning smile had the world at her feet ten years ago and should be a rich woman by now—but last week she was busy subtracting her underwear for our undercover reporter in her dingy back street flat. "Would you like to start your half hour now?" said Sufiah, 23, as she danced on the bed, displaying her body for examination. Then she listed all the sleazy plus points she would throw in for our man if he took up her offer. Calling herself Shilpa Lee, the former child prodigy still juggles with figures on a hookers’ website, describing herself as a "very pretty size 8, 32D bust and 5′5" tall—available for booking every day from 11am to 8pm." She says she is a "sexy, smart student" who prefers "older gentlemen"— but a former pal who has witnessed her downfall told us: "It is all desperately heartbreaking. "With her amazing brain she should be able to make money any way she wants. But instead her life has spiralled completely out of control." Life has never quite added up for Sufiah. Her descent into prostitution in Salford, Manchester, is the latest in a long line of tragedies to have engulfed her since the sunny day when she posed with her university mortar board for the world’s press outside prestigious St Hilda’s College. Our shock revelations today come in the week her domineering dad Farooq was jailed for sexually assaulting two 15-year-old girls as he home-tutored them in maths. And he was always at the root of all her troubles— even as she passed the further maths A-Level she needed for entry to Oxford at the age of 12. In those days Sufia was a strict Muslim child who prayed five times a day and was subjected to her father’s famous Accelerated Learning Technique. Her days involved stretching and breathing exercises in freezing rooms to keep her brain attentive. Sufiah would then study hard and be forced to play tennis with just as much intensity as fanatical Farooq drove her on. The routine was so effective Sufiah was seeded number eight in the country for under 21s. But three years into Oxford, the 15-year-old sparked a massive police hunt after running away. Abuse At the time her father bizarrely claimed Sufiah had been kidnapped and brainwashed by an organisation seeking the key to her intelligence. But Sufiah sent an email to her family describing her life under her father as a "living hell". One message to her sister read: "I’ve finally had enough of 15 years of physical and emotional abuse. You know what I am talking about." Sufiah was missing for two weeks before being found in an internet café in Bournemouth where she had been working as a hotel waitress. She refused to go back to her parents and instead was taken into the care of social services. It was then revealed that Farooq had been jailed for three years in 1992 for his part in a £1.5m mortgage swindle. Before that—at the age of 19—he had been sent to borstal for his role in a conspiracy involving £100,000. Free from the spell of her father, Sufiah returned to Oxford to complete the final year of her Masters in Maths. But she was now more concerned with enjoying herself—and failed to finish the course after meeting trainee lawyer Jonathan Marshall. They were married in 2004 when Sufiah was just 19 and Jonathan 24. But the strains with her family were still there. Despite being invited, Sufiah’s parents and four brothers and sisters failed to turn up to the wedding. Her dreams of a happy life with Jonathan were shattered when the couple divorced just a year later. Now, in her sad little flat, she uses her body to pay the rent. Sufiah met our man, posing as a punter, at the entrance to her building wearing a tiny skirt, leather boots and a tight t-shirt. She was carrying three mobile phones. She laughed and joked as she led him to her small apartment where a bed was already set out in the lounge. She told him it was £130 an hour and offered him a glass of water before putting some music on to a cheap portable stereo and nervously stripping down to her red lace bra and knickers. Sufiah then peeled off her underwear and danced on the bed. She told him she did full sex with a condom and oral sex without protection. After our man had made his excuses, Sufiah kept him talking by telling him how she was studying for a Masters degree in Economics on a part-time two year course in London. The former prodigy added: "I’ve got exams coming up and I’m thinking ‘Oh my God!’" Once described by her parents as "naïve and unstreetwise", she works alone from her flat without any obvious physical security or protection. She even admitted to our reporter: "It’s always a surprise who you are going to meet." Cheerful Sufiah gave no indication of any sadness at the jailing of her father the previous day. On Wednesday Farooq, 50, was sentenced to 18 months at Coventry Crown Court for touching two 15-year-old girls when he was home tutoring them at maths. The court heard how in May last year Farooq arrived at one of the victim’s home for a maths lesson. He started whispering in her ear and kissing her hair and cheek. He also touched her breast and told her she was a genius and pretty before putting her hand on his upper thigh. Destroyed Farooq’s defence lawyer Tim Hannam said: "He’s been back in prison for over five months and knows there’ll be no more teaching and any hope he had of gaining an income from the teaching method he had developed to a high degree of success is lost to him. His reputation is destroyed." Now it’s clear the daughter who fled his strict regime has almost been destroyed too. Her friend said last night: "Sufiah has suffered so many knocks in her life. I just hope she can drag herself out this life she has got herself into. "She is a good person and deserves a much better life than this. Her gift really has been a curse." Muslim scums, here's wishing you go into apopletic fits and break multiple brain capillaries!! Lost the one on Ayatollah Khameini's daughter in similar fashion. Roams the streetsof Europe bra less and in shortest mini skirts.
Name: Muslim to Christian in Indonesia
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 05:15:33 -0700
In Indonesia, Christian cannot build a church, if a Moslem, just a single Moslem, in radius 200 meter from that chruch, rejected it. Last year, 2006, some students make a Valentine Day Party. They rioted about it and say it was not an Indonesian Culture. But they didnot say the same about using JILBAB (veil). I was born in Indonesia, and know that Jilbab is not Indonesian culture either. Women should wear Kain and Kebaya to say using Indonesian culture, not Jilbab. As usual, double standard from Moslems. Those f*cking MUI (Indonesian Board of Ulamas).
Name: truthseaker
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 05:30:16 -0700
What was also missed out was the fact that there are two qurans. The Meccan quran & the Medina quran, now what is pushed in the west is in fact the Meccan quran. This book is in fact in general a book of peace & when you get world leaders speaking about the quran being a book of peace, it is in fact that book the Meccan quran. This book is the early teachings of Mohammad, for 9 years he taught the teachings from this book. But he was finally kicked out of Mecca as they where fed up with his teachings, from there he fled to Medina. It was here that he started to have some luck with what he taught, but he was that annoyed with the Meccan's that he changed his teachings. All his earlier teachings from that book was superseded / abrogated, though this was also a sweetener for all those from the Arab nomad tribes that joined him from that point. This is the book that all muslims now follow, though they claim they follow the Meccan quran please note. The message is very clear. Those Islamists living in the West quote‘goodies’ from the Quran they are actually showing the dead ‘Meccan Islam‘ to the vast majority of the ignorant non-Muslims (as well as half-informed Muslims) to camouflage the most up to date version of Islam; i.e. the living and breathing ‘Medina Islam‘. The strategies of these Islamists are also very clear: When in the West or in the land of the infidels or when weak, then practice ‘Meccan Islam’. When in Islamic paradises or when the number of Muslims becomes sizable in an infidels land, then practice ‘Medina Islam’ or the ‘real Islam’. These quotes are in the quran I just can not remember where at the moment but if you do a search & I sure you will find them easy enough. This religion of islam is plane evil to its very core, they tell to lie, to cheat, to con to get what they want & as far as the west is concerned they are at war with us so all this they are told to do. The sooner that the west wake up to these facts the better & as for any muslims that read this. You know that what I have said is the truth but more then me know these facts & we will get the word out to all who will listen, you can shout, scream, lie, cheat, insult, call do what ever you want. The word will get out about islam, the truth will be told & those of us who are saying these things are willing to fight in the end. The difference between us & you, is that we have brains & can think for ourselves, you just do as you are told & are brainwashed by your imams. The sooner the humanity discovers this double face of Islam (a la Roman god Janus or Baal or his true form Satan) the quicker will it be saved from the further catastrophe of the like of 9-11. So, how do we know about the ‘living and breathing Medina Islam‘? Here is the answer. In order to understand the ‘real Islam’ we must look at Quran in chronological order and not the way it is published. The chronological order shows which verses are canceled and which verses are replaced. It is meaningless to study and to explain Quran without the knowledge of its currency. Many verses in the Quran have been replaced by other verses. The Quran itself talks about this in the following verses: God does not abrogate any verse but substitutes something similar or better…2:106 God removes (abrogates?) what He wills…13:39 God substitutes one revelation with another; God has the mother of the Book…16:101 So with just this small bit of info, please check out the facts & know the truth behind islam, this cult of death.
Name: Godot
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 07:06:26 -0700
What is the problem with Muslims? They don't have to watch the movie if they don't want to. There are so many silly and probably offending movies to me and I chose not to watch them. End of story.
Name: Godot
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 07:09:03 -0700
All what Geert Wilders did was collecting video clips that we all have watched on youtube. Why are Muslims so sensitive to this collection of youtube clips?
Name: Allat
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 08:23:05 -0700
"Why are Muslims so sensitive to this collection of youtube clips?"__________Because they've been exposed...and can't continue their conquests and slaughters UNDER THE RADAR anymore.
Name: Kat
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 08:45:52 -0700
It's true that Muslims believe the Koran as the eternal, unchangeable word of God. There is no point in asking for reform or any kind of change. The only thing that can fight this poisonous disease is for Muslims to have a chance to hear the Gospel. Unfortunately this too has been made illegal for Muslims. I think this is in the true God's hands. I personally believe that Islam was inspired by the devil and that "Allah" is Satan's illusion of a god. It's all deceipt, and Muslims are being deceived.
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 08:52:59 -0700
Catholicism overtaken by Islam: Vatican VATICAN CITY, March 30: Islam has overtaken Roman Catholicism as the biggest single religious denomination in the world, the Vatican said on Sunday. Monsignor Vittorio Formenti, who compiled the Vatican’s newly-released 2008 yearbook of statistics, said Muslims made up 19.2 per cent of the world’s population and Catholics 17.4 per cent.—Reuters
Name: the truth always comes out
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 09:54:59 -0700
Name: Allat
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 10:52:55 -0700
"Catholicism overtaken by Islam: Vatican VATICAN CITY, March 30: Islam has overtaken Roman Catholicism as the biggest single religious denomination in the world, the Vatican said on Sunday. Monsignor Vittorio Formenti, who compiled the Vatican’s newly-released 2008 yearbook of statistics."------------------------------------Oh, for god's sake! Who's going to believe the vatican? They make up things for their benefit also! To scare the pants off off the rest of us, perhaps. So that we'll rush back to the church! Are jews going to believe the vatican? Are Hindus going to believe them? Are buddhists? are the Chinese? Who? There are a majority of Tribal Peoples in this world, that are NOT xtian - there are droves of people leaving the church because of the church's fallability and hubris. There are droves of people going back to all kinds of Pagan Philosophies.-------------- There are droves of people becoming agnostics and ethical atheists, or officially atheists like the Mainland Chinese, but that doesn't mean there are MORE moslems than other religions.-----------Nor is any body counting the moslems who have left that religion - there's no census there and it may not be possible to have one.---------- It's just that the Vatican hasn't counted them - to make out that there are more moslems, to scare us back to the church.---------------At this point in time, I really believe the majority of the world's people are so SICK or religions - each one fighting for supremacy, that most decent people are washing their hands of religion!
Name: Allat
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 14:59:49 -0700
And to finish the vatican and the popiola off: Remember something: The pope benedict (benedict arnold that he is to We, The People - btw, when was the last time you, people, wore expensive, fancy silks, like he does) - this pope recently had a meeting with the ruler of arabia - and got a sword from this moslem. What would be the symbol of it? A SECRET meeting, what was the secret kept from us? Why? Is there a question of (gasp!)of National Security for the church?________________It's also been documented that pope pius - whatever number - during WWII had a good relationship with Hitler. And Hitler had a good relationship with the Mufti of Jerusalem. Good Trois Menage, eh?__________Should we consider the word of the vatican? Should we respect it? Have it shown that we, People should look up to it?
Name: me
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 20:57:29 -0700
how can all this blood honour god,the same fucking fight for thousands of years,whores
Name: x
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 09:51:29 -0700
Name: We are created to know, to respect, to love each other
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 16:51:26 -0700
I feel sorry for this guy for his ignorance by this video, exactly like those few ignorant Muslim people in the video. Fortunately I didn’t learn Islam from him, and I know much more beautiful things in Islam. I mean completely the opposite of what it has been shown in the video. He is such narrow minded and surely not fair in selecting the movies and pictures and making direct connection with a small text of Quran released from its context. I wish however peace for all nations and love for all humanity.
Name: Allat
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 17:36:04 -0700
TO: "We were created..."______________ But those verses ARE in the koran._______Every violence done by moslems is because they have been encouraged to by the imams ansd the koran.__________We, in the KNOW keep pointing that out ---over and over --------but it seems islamics just don't get it.________ Wilders doesn't need you to feel sorry for him._Why don't you feel sorry for your islamic women? The women with 1/2 worth of men? And the girls slaughtered in "honor" killings. And the little girls mutilated by moslems?________Don't you feel sorry for those?
Name: Reasoned Responder
Date: Thursday April 03, 2008
Time: 07:07:39 -0700
"Fitna" means criminal wrong thought. One million mullahs are there to keep us all in line so that we will not think for ourselves. Once people cease being afraid of the mullahs, Islam will be finished. As long as we give in to their threats, they will retain power. We must respond by using reason, logic and humor. One hundred films and a thousand cartoons published widely will reveal the truth about Islam: it is a mind control and information control death cult.
Name: Reasoned Responder
Date: Thursday April 03, 2008
Time: 11:34:54 -0700
My heart ached with sorrow when I read the touchingly naive remarks by the writer who called himself "We are created to know, to respect, to love each other". His version of Islam omits the attitude of Islam to the infidels, "Surah 48:29 Muhammad is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another." Ruthless? Moslems are commanded by God in his perfect message to be exceptionally cruel and without pity to anyone who disagrees with Mohammed. I beseech this naive person who believes Islam is benevolent to search for the Golden Rule in the Koran. It is not there! How can you not be deeply ashamed to be associated with a group of men who believe in decaptitation, crucifixion, pedophilia and genocide. May reason assert itself and lead you out of this river of blood that is Islam.
Name: tanstaafl
Date: Thursday April 03, 2008
Time: 19:26:00 -0700
You're right, but there could be a sequel.
Name: historyofjihad
Date: Thursday April 03, 2008
Time: 23:44:11 -0700
Watch Fitna at:
Name: Christian
Date: Friday April 04, 2008
Time: 19:02:31 -0700
Read Brigitte Gabriel's book "Because They Hate".(2006) It is an eye opener for the western world to see the threat from a 7th century religion and it's plan for the non-muslim world. Wake up America.
Name: dab
Date: Friday April 04, 2008
Time: 20:40:28 -0700
there are millions of people in Africa and other developing countries. They do not have internet access to learn the truth about Islam. How can you reach these people who are the victims of ignorance. You know Islam is deeprooted and easily spread among uneducated people. Please, do your best to create awareness for those hungry of information.
Name: Chris Parker
Date: Saturday April 19, 2008
Time: 07:03:47 -0700
I want to comment in response to just a few of the coments I found as I scrolled down. The Old Testament if filled with promises of salvation to the ends of the earth, starting with the promise to Abraham in Genesis, through you shall all the nations of the earth be blessed (Gen. 12:2-3). Is. 49:6 speaking of the Messiah, is a clear picture of salvation to all the world: He says, "It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant To raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the preserved ones of Israel;I will also make You a light of the nations So that My salvation may reach to the end of the earth." (Isahiah 49:6; 53). Everyone, in the bible, Jews and Gentiles are promised salvation. "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal. 3:28). And Christianity, the fulfillment of Judaism, is the world's only religion where God is reaching out to man, offering free salvation for all who will. "For you are saved by grace through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is the GIFT of God, not of works, lest any one should boast" (Ephesians 2:8,9).
Name: apostate muslim hater
Date: Saturday April 26, 2008
Time: 20:24:57 -0700
Muslims must be deranged. they are all goat-lovers and homosexuals. Their women are ugly and fat. Who could blame them for raping a murdering when your women are so hideous. I guess little baby girls are better looking. One their women get older than 4 or 5, they get ugly. muslim men are ugly too, but they are allowed to rape little girls... Allah says so. If allah says its ok to rape little girls, then who am I to say anything? I must be a lot better than having sex with ugly muslim women. What do i know?... ugly women or little baby girls.... such a hard choice to make.