North Indian Muslim Woman Leaves Islam and Marries a Jew
08 Mar, 2009
Rohana write to Dr Ali Sina:
First of all let me salute you for the bravery and the resolve you have at exposing the lies of Islamists and the teachings of the Quran. Many a times I thought of writing to you, but have exercised restraint, partly because I did not want to expose myself to more pain.
I am a grown up woman with three adult children, I was born into a Muslim family in a North India. Fortunately, I was born with a sense of right and wrong. At a very young age I started questioning the the Imam who came home to teach me to read the Quran in Arabic. I could not understand what I read and he would not tell me what was written in the Quran. Simple reason, he himself did not know and needed to know. He was just doing a job he was being paid for. Moreover he did not understand Arabic like most Imams in non-Arab countries. I was supposed to read it as it was the word of Allah and not question it.
At the same time I could not stand male domination in my family and community. I made up my mind at an early age that I will not allow such domination in my life. I had seen grown up women in the family being beaten up with canes when they did not comply with the demands of the men or God forbid asked for equality or respect. I was just fortunate, I somehow through sheer perseverance and hard work got a college degree. All throughout I had to keep my feelings towards Islam to myself as I was too afraid to be vocal about it. I got higher education and did all a good Muslim girl is not supposed to. Move to a different city for education, wear pants, and have male friends.
At some point of my adult life, I decided to read the Quran in English and also read Islam’s history, Hadith and Sira. I was disgusted, and decided never to marry a Muslim; I ended up marrying a Jew, who was a classmate. This is when I saw the wrath of the men in my family. I took the beating but did not budge from my decision.
We ended up living in Israel. Today I live in Kansas and have many of my Muslim family members living on the East Coast. I am seeing their hatred of Jews and Israel. And trust me they are all doctors and engineers but still have the 7th century Arab mentality. Its getting worse. Many women are back in the Hijab, and these members of my family do not miss any opportunity to ridicule me in public or make derogatory remarks about Jews or Israel. I did not live in Israel for very long as I moved to US but I did not feel like an alien in that country. I was accepted and treated like any other citizen.
What is wrong with Muslims is the question. In my opinion, a lot is to do with peer pressure. It’s just like kids who refuse to smoke or drink or do drugs are not cool, the same way Muslims who do not behave in a certain way are not real Muslims. They are always worried about acceptance; being a part of the Muslim community means a lot to them as they do not know better. They have lost the capability to think on their own. I think at some level they envy those who have freedom of thought, for they have not mustered up courage to get out of the bondage they are in. I was very angry for a long time with my family members and the Muslims I knew growing up and those I met here. But now all I feel is pity. They are victims. Victims always will victimize others. My suggestion to Muslims is to look within and see if they really believe that Islam is the best religion. Read and understand the Quran and not get emotional and wound up by the Imam’s sermons. Is the Imam saying the truth. or adding his own feelings, biases and brainwashing the listeners because is a good public speaker. Does he have in depth knowledge of what he is preaching? When every Muslim will read the Quran, Hadith, Sira and Islamic History things will be different. Humans are good, they want to do good. But one has to think for oneself what good means, not what someone said it. May be that someone had or has a hidden agenda.
Thanks you for freeing souls from bondage one at a time.
We are here on this earth for a short while; lets love each other for we all the pieces of the same puzzle: The Universe.
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Name: vbv
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 11:47:02 -0500
Madame Rohana, it is good to see a woman with a mind of her own,which is impossible if you had still been a 'muslims'. I guess you would be an atheist,since any religion emanating from the arid region of the Middle East is highly intolerant,bigoted and hate-mongering. May your tribe increase!
Name: Islam and Women Rights
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 11:59:51 -0500
According to latest data from OECD the five countries with the worst conditions for women are all islamic ones: 98 - Yemen 99- Mali 100 - Sierra Leone 101 - Afghanistan 102 - Sudan,3343,en_2649_33935_42274663_1_1_1_1,00.html
Name: Tanstaafl
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 12:21:34 -0500
Welcome to the human race.
Name: Spam
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 12:39:18 -0500
Will the person who monitors these pages please do a more diligent job of clearing out the endless wasted space by spammers such as their most recent example of February 26th where their selfish monopolizing disrupts people's comments. Thank you.
Name: Peer pressure and hypocrisy
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 13:08:39 -0500
Peer pressure can be a good thing or bad. In Islam it has been a bad thing as you correctly observe because Muslims are all expected to adopt this all-consuming hatred for Israel and the West. Whenever I have discussed Islam with Muslims they never fail to, sooner or later, raise political Middle-East issues....things that have little to do with Islam per se. It is as if there are now 7 pillars of Islam, not 5....hatred for Israel and hatred for the West. Yet, hypocritically they never demonstrated the same hatred for communist nations...officially athiest...but always ran to them for sympathy, weapons, and financial help. If Allah is supposedly the same diety of both Christians and Jews, then haven't they declared war on the wrong people? Shouldn't they much more offended by atheism??
Name: bobby
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 13:11:05 -0500
Its funny to see how muslims try to beat each other being a "better muslim". each one falling over each other in demanding enforcement of stricter and stricter islamic law, not caring the end-result is something they would never want. the peer pressure and getting accepted explains that.
Name: duh_swami
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 13:40:24 -0500
From article: They are always worried about acceptance; being a part of the Muslim community means a lot to them as they do not know better..... This is the root of 'honor killing'...
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 14:29:36 -0500
Dear Rohana, Thank you for your letter. Thank you for your bravery. And thank you for choosing to live in my country. Yes, you are now free, and thank your Creator for that. Yes, we Americans accept you because you are first of all a human being. You have nothing to worry about. If some day you meet someone who is unjust to you, tell your American friends about it, and we'll fix that person in no time. Americans are that way. We don't like injustices. God speed.
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 14:52:25 -0500
Peace be with you! it isn't the greeting of muslims? Because of your family members' behaviors; you had hated your religion; is that the right thing? How we can believe in one person[you]; and disagree with international quick wide spreaded religion like Islam? I believe in onething : Islam is still unknown I think you are mistaken....Iam sorry to say that. Thanks
Name: To:luther king
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 17:41:02 -0500
I hope your advice falls flat on the ears of Rohana,who has managed to escape the Alcatraz of Islam.You seem to be a hyena in sheeps clothing.One should not be impressed with the fast spreading of Islam because any deadly VIRUS spreads fast.One muslim tried to impress me, telling me that they were 1.4 billion in the world.I told him:so are the number of mosquitoes in the world,who are damned nuisance,buzz in your ears,bite you and give you malaria and death:That shut the muslim fellow up.Islam is like a dump of filthy heap of rubbish,which only attracts the filth carrying flies.It does not attract the bees which produce HONEY to bring sweetness in life.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 18:30:30 -0500
Mr. Luther King, I'll be nice to you because I believe you are sincere. I'll go easy on you. Okay? King, there are 72 contradictory Islamic sects. Now, which is the true sect since only one can be true IF, a mighty big IF, there is a true Islamic sect. King, I'm serious, answer the question and then tell me if I should join that particular Islamic sect. Okay? Thanks.
Name: duh_swami
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 18:31:10 -0500
Luther king...About the fastest growing religion... The bigger Islam gets, the faster it gets there, the weaker it gets. For instance, all that interbreeding of relatives, four wives etc have led to a high incidence of hemophilia, and other blood disorders in the Ummah...Also this same rapid expanding, due to indiscriminate breeding, leads to more mental illness, and developmental disabilities, (Mental retardation). Then there is the growing problem of vitamin D deficiency of muslimahs...Over all, this population explosion leads to 'mental reduction' in the population...Allowing the stupid to get even more stupid. So just because Islam is big, does not mean it is healthy.
Name: duh_swami
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 19:37:10 -0500
Phillip...That number 72 is interesting...I read somewhere that there are 72 varieties of Christianity, 72 rings girdling the Earth each with it's own hierarchy, of beings. For Islam: The Prophet Muhammad predicted that after his death, Islam would divide into 72 factions... Koran, Allah has 72 angels guarding his throne... 72 “perpetual virgins” in paradise. 72 sects...At battle of Karbala in the year 680, tradition holds that there were 72 martyr-heroes fighting in the name of Husayn ibn Ali, Muhammad’s grandson, against a much larger force under the Umayyad caliph....That number 72 is busy isn't it...I'm sure there is more...
Name: Question
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 23:53:02 -0500
Vallabh bhai Patel (former Defence Minister of India): I want to ask the Indian Muslims only one question. In the recent All-India Muslim Conference why did you not open your mouth on Kashmir? Why did you not condemn the action of Pakistan?......It is your duty now to sail in the same boat and sink or swim together. I want to tell you very clearly that you cannot ride on two horses. You select one horse, whichever you like best."
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 01:18:28 -0500
duh_swami, you're forgetting something. There are many more sects than 72 in Christiandom. Actually there are thousands. The Catholic Church ISN'T A SECT. History records that the Catholic Church was the first Christian church founded by Jesus Christ. There is only one 100% true Christian Church that claims infallibility. THE Catholic Church is the only religion that CLAIMS infallibility in FAITH AND MORALS. Be careful, I said only in FAITH AND MORALS. So don't go into a tangent and talk about something else. Check to see if the Catholic Church contradicts itself in faith and morals since its inception. You'll find no contradictions of faith and morals in its MAGISTERIUM. Make sure you check the magisterium of the Catholic Church and not quote some kook theologian. Okay, I told you that if there is a true sect in Islam, then only ONE CAN BE TRUE, IF IN FACT THERE IS A TRUE SECT IN ISLAM. IN OTHER WORDS ONLY ONE SECT WOULD HAVE TO BE INFALLIBLE IN SOMETHING. Okay, which one of the Islamic sects is infallible, if in truth there is an Islamic sect that is infallible? You can't answer that. If there is no infallible sect in Islam, then, Islam is false in all its sects. Did you follow that? Then, why should I join erractic, contradictory Islam? I hope you're honest to your conscience. If not, then I will not discuss anything with you again. God speed.
Name: 1 escaped 1.2 billion more to go
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 02:20:33 -0500
1 escaped 1.2 billion more to go...either we help them escape fast or nuke world war 3 is coming soon.
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 11:06:34 -0500
many christian women in my country marry muslim men but it doesnt mean islam is better than christian in all ways. i come from a mixed religion of family backgroud so i dont think that my religion is good for all if they cant accept what i can believe in.
Name: duh_swami
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 12:58:49 -0500
Phillip.. Be careful, I said only in FAITH AND MORALS. So don't go into a tangent and talk about something are far too argumentative, and assume way to much...I was just giving you other uses of the number 72, in conversational form...I guess you have the idea that you already know everything so any additional information is an argument...That leads to stunted intellectual growth...However that is your problem and not mine...I left that one behind long ago... Cheers...
Name: duh_swami
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 13:04:10 -0500
Phillip...Okay, which one of the Islamic sects is infallible, if in truth there is an Islamic sect that is infallible? You can't answer that. If there is no infallible sect in Islam, then, Islam is false in all its sects. Did you follow that? Then, why should I join erractic, contradictory Islam? I hope you're honest to your conscience. If not, then I will not discuss anything with you again........That makes you incoherent Phillip...When did I tell you I was a Mahoundian? You just assumed that and made up the rest....
Name: balam
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 14:59:05 -0500
I do not understand why the Muslims proudly claim that their prophet was illiterate.He had in fact graduated in Annual Husbandry and sometimes bi-annual.
Name: Re : balam
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 17:08:55 -0500
Muhammad's illiteracy is bragged about because it is something that Muslims see as giving credibility to the "miracle" of the Koran. After all, how could such a beautiful work be the result of an illiterate man? Therefore it must be from Allah. However, the "beauty" of the Koran is hotly contested by literature scholars as it is a mish-mash of history not in chronological order, unscientific statements, contradictory doctrine some of it borrowed from Persian/Zoroastrian and other pagan sources, all written in cumbersome verse. Muslims believe that Koranic Arabic is the pure language spoken in heaven, yet linguists have found traces of non-Arabic words that include some ancient Parsi (Persian), some ancient Hebrew, Syriac, Pharonic Egyptian, one Greek word, and a grammar mistake.
Name: tharpa
Date: Friday March 13, 2009
Time: 22:13:44 -0500
Phillip, actually, the Catholic Church is a Christian sect. Denying the truth does not change it, but it does reflect on the denier. The Catholic Church split from the Orthodox Church in the great schism. Both are Christian sects. Sect just means a division, or a part.
Name: Re : tharpa
Date: Sunday March 15, 2009
Time: 17:46:04 -0500
True about the Catholic church being a sect. In fact there are a number of sects even within Catholicism such as in South America where the "Indians" (natives) are known to literally sacrifice animals (usually poultry) right on the front steps of the church, and then they go into the church to participate in Catholic mass. This has been going on for centuries with no correction from the Vatican. And isn't it a sectarianism of sorts when the Catholic church in any given country supports that secular government? The Catholic church was not established by Jesus Christ. It's earliest appearance was around 350 A.D. with Emperor Constantine using an already corrupt version of "Christianity" to bully his way to the top. This hardly makes it "Christian".
Name: MIKE
Date: Monday March 16, 2009
Time: 22:35:14 -0500
There was a time I thought the Jews were the bullies of the middle east. However as my awareness grew I realised these people are not only smart they have HUEVOS like the ostredge they are on the front lines fighting on behalf of all of us.Support them pray for them they are the ultimate islam DESTROYERS. GOD BLESS YOU ALL THE JEWS..
Name: Shilpa
Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 14:47:27 -0500
Really hats off to you madame. I literally have tears in my eyes reading all that. I have my own story to tell too, and i need to tell it to the world, a story "BETRAYAL BY A MUSLIM - KASHMIRI". If anyone can help me regarding the same, kindly email me on i would be glad enough. Once again, welcome to the world of HUMANS. :)