A Few Recent Testimonies of Leaving Islam
21 Jun, 2008
I am a so-called Muslim from India and now I hate it.
Sir, I agree with your ideas and I want to work for you in your fight against Islam, please, guide me in this regard.
Please, send my phone number to anyone you know working in this field in India.
I will feel happy to support them.
Thank you.
Dear Khaled,
Thanks for your eager interest to support our initiative.
Our activities are currently limited to publishing this website only. We do not have anything on the ground anywhere in the world yet.
In case, we initiate some activities on the ground in India, we will let you know.
MA Khan
Maher wrote:
Dear sir/madam,
Please help me leave Islam. I don’t have the courage to change, but convinced of my decision.
Thus I would really be thankful if you could help me out leaving Islam.
Thanking you in advance.
Dear Maher,
We are unsure of how to help you leave Islam. The best suggestion that I have for you is that you continue reading our site and convince yourself of what is the truth about Islam. You will be able to ditch Islam easily from your life once you have convinced yourself that Islam is truly false, made up by Muhammad.
Try to relate also the harm Islam has caused to the brothers and sisters of our human family over the last 14 centuries. An estimated 270 million otherwise innocent human beings were slaughtered just for not being Muslims or not accepting Islam. Up to 112 million non-Muslims were enslaved, majority of them women who were reduced to the degrading and dehumanizing profession of sex-slavery. Reflect on whether it is up to your dignity to keep yourself associated with such a degrading, dehumanizing and dangerous cult and you will be on your way out of Islam.
MA Khan
From JA,
I am a Muslim born with no choice. I am 14 now and am starting to realize the truth about Islam thanks to your website. But, as my mother allows me no free will to leave Islam, I need your help. I need you to tell me how to confront my mother about Islam and explain that I no longer want anything to do with this way of life. I tried telling her about some of the stuff on your site and she just kept on telling me that I can't trust sources on the Internet. Also, she says if I go on your website again, she'll remove some off my belongings (including the Internet). However, I do know how to clear my history and she doesn't know that much about computers so I know I'm fine.
My mother is also a Muslim born without choice, but she is a devout! She sings songs about Islam everyday and it drives me insane. She also won't shut up about Islam and Allah. It drives me insane! She must be stopped! I have to tell her that I need to leave Islam because I won't become a mindless drone of Allah. I want to be free. I want to feel liberated.
Thank you for reading and may all of you at Islam Watch live long and prosper.
Dear JA,
We are very encouraged that people as young as you are also being enlightened about Islam by reading our website.
About your mother, it is not easy for someone like her to give up Islam. The best way for you is to handle it as delicately as possible, so that you do not hurt your mother badly.
At this moment, it is better to point out to her about what you feel about Islam. Probably get some authentic Islamic texts such as the Quran and hadiths and show her occasionally those things you find horrible and express your views. That way, she will not have much to complain, since it is in the sacred text.
Otherwise, you have to just bear with her inanities about Islam and ignore it as best as possible. Where you disagree, you can make your point when she brings it up.
You are still young. Once you grow up and take charge of your own, it will be easy for you to follow your own course in religious matters.
Being enlightened about Islam does not mean that you will be able to change everyone. Just try to live your life the way you want, ignoring your mother’s religiosity and beliefs about Islam. When she tries to do wrong things because of her religious beliefs, point it out. Else, there is no need to hurt her. She is your mother and a very important part of your life. Try not to be too confrontational with her, which will spoil the family happiness for both of you.
MA Khan
Indian apostate (in the forum)
I am a regular visitor to both these sites and I have confirmed that what these two websites (islam-watch.org and FFI) revealing about Islam are nude truths. I have really read the 'Q' book every line for these 3 months with introspection and found that it is manifesto of hatred and superstition from a mad and maniac promising whore house entry and making humans to animals. I am philosophy student. I too had studied at madarsah in childhood but now I am enlighten by these two websites. I am now true Indian with true Indian dress and speaking happily my ancestral local language which I hated before. Thanks a lot to all of you humans.
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Name: GoodNewsforIslam
Date: Friday June 20, 2008
Time: 19:53:49 -0700
Congratulation!!! Islam-Watch.org and FFI you both are really worthy of praise, turned a life of many toward TRUTH. thanks!!!
Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Friday June 20, 2008
Time: 20:20:56 -0700
I just want to thank my borthers Khan and Sina for the great work they do on FFI and Islam Watch. I grew up with a critical mind that had a lot of questions. So, I never believed Islam was a good religion. Its early history is no more than battles, which is human beings killing other human beings, and this was sanctioned by Allah and Muhammad, two sides of the same coin. I do not know about you, but I sure don't want a killer and a mass murderer as my prophetic leader. In any case, I am just thankful to all my brothers who publish truths and facts about Islam and its creeds and history on those two sites. Peace everyone.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex.communist)
Date: Friday June 20, 2008
Time: 21:19:45 -0700
Thanks to all these ex.moslems for their enlightenment and choosing to become a kind hearted, compassionate, helping,loving, caring all human beings as equal, all religions are equal , that every human being is worthy of our kindness, love, equality, peace, freedom, democracy............... If you read carefully the unholy QQURRAN and the biography,s unna of MO, the pedophile, the rapist, the impure, profane profiteer, the slave perpetrator and promoter, the misogynist, the murderer, killer, the terrorist MO_HAM_MUD , you will find how hate filled this QQURRAN is - urging the Mussalmans to hate, to kill nonmoslems.
Name: To M. A. Khan and Ali Sina
Date: Friday June 20, 2008
Time: 21:51:00 -0700
To Islam-watch and Faith Freedom International. Thank you very much for the good work you do for humankind. Kind regards, Dr. D. M
Name: Question about Muslims and nationality
Date: Friday June 20, 2008
Time: 22:32:01 -0700
Maybe I am wrong, but judging by the stories and comments contributed to the "Islam Watch" links, I have the impression that Muslims disatisfied with Islam tend to be more often from India and Malaysia than Arabs. Comments please? Thanks.
Name: arabs r too primitive and dont hv as much acces to net as do indians etc...
Date: Friday June 20, 2008
Time: 23:14:25 -0700
arabs r too primitive and dont hv as much acces to net as do indians etc...
Date: Friday June 20, 2008
Time: 23:24:33 -0700
Date: Friday June 20, 2008
Time: 23:29:22 -0700
Name: Let these testimonials open islamists eyes
Date: Saturday June 21, 2008
Time: 01:06:21 -0700
Let these testimonials open islamists eyes. Man is naturally rationalistic by nature and birth. He is made irrational and superstitious by by fellow stupids who have no point and make others to forcelly to believe. We don not need any weapon to change islaists execpt rational thinking to know the truth.It is this thinking and quaestioning of human beings made many discoveries and revolutions right from socratese, buddha,....... Copernicus, Newotn,....... Voltaire.... Carl Marx...... Mao zudang...... Jiddu krishnamurthy Etc.. Let us make muslim to think and question. The change and revolution surely follows..
Name: Showan Khurshid
Date: Saturday June 21, 2008
Time: 03:45:29 -0700
First I want to thank islam-watch for its efforts. A point I want to highlight is concerned with what we need to leave religions particularly Islam. One has to have a worldview. People do not pay enough attention to this aspect of human life. A worldview or a philosophy of life would tell the reasons or the story for your beings. It is also very important inellectual aid to accept ones limitation and predicaments. Most importantly, it can support the need to be moral, kind and generous. So to a person who is about to leave Islam, I would say find yourself an alternative worldview. I would recommend an atheist one. Atheism is potentially the most fulfiling and humane. However, if that is too big a shock for to the system for some people then choose Buddism, Hinduism or Christianity, these are better than Islam. Although with Hinduism one should be mindful of the caste system which is quite demeaning for humans and Hinduism itself, still far superior to Islam. From my perspective I believe that avoiding violence and trying to be creative in your dealing with other people is the best morality. Humans' distinction is in their potential to be creative and the more creative a person, in the sense of avoiding parasitic and predatory behaviours, the better human she or he is.
Name: Regarding Arabs - Ibn Kammuna
Date: Saturday June 21, 2008
Time: 05:54:36 -0700
To all who think arabs are just primitive: please do not generalize about people. Arabs are like any other groups of peopl. You can find the good, the bad, and the ugly. Generalizing about "groups" of people is very dangerous indeed. Look what this did to Jewish people througout history. So, please folks, stop generalizing and judgement can wait till you meet an individual and get to know him/her. After that, your judgement will be about one person, not a whole group of people. Peacew brothers and sisters.
Name: Jubo
Date: Saturday June 21, 2008
Time: 06:42:15 -0700
asalamualykum , my name is jubo toote , from Kenya , i used to be a Christian , now i am Muslim , after all fighting , a Muslim family save me from the mob.i am greatful to them.
Date: Saturday June 21, 2008
Time: 06:53:28 -0700
The above challenge is not from AKHTR , THIS IS A DELIBERATE ATTAMPT TO GET AN ARGUMENT GOING, PLEASE DO NOT BOTHER WITH THE CHALLANGE , AS IT CAN NOT BE MET. Regarding the article people please note the Hindu[ you know they are the little ugly the most racist people from India] have run out of ideas they and their new god [ every thing is god for them] Sina have a new trend in this day and age of Internet , people are still writing them letters and telling them how they are leaving Islam and are now believers in nothingness.And one more thing every Muslim name is spelt in correct . Rat and dung worshipers are desperate to eradicate Islam when they know well in next 25 years India will the worlds largest muslim country.
Name: Re : Challenge to infidels from Akhter
Date: Saturday June 21, 2008
Time: 08:03:42 -0700
Do some research of the Koran before issuing such a challenge. Any skilled writer with a creative imagination can produce suras like in the Koran, and better. Muhammad believed in Jesus, and in Moses, who both performed miracles according to the Bible. Yet Muhammad who is supposedly the ultimate prophet never performed any miracles at all (except the pointless one about splitting the moon in half). Muslims like to claim that the Koran itself is a divine miracle, but this is a false arguement that raises many questions. If the Koran is from God, then where are the prophecies? If the Koran is from God, then why the mistreatment of women? If the Koran is from God, then why the unscientific statements by Muhammad (man created from a clot ; the earth ends in a big watery pond, just to mention two of them)? If the Koran is from God, then why does Muhammad confuse Bible characters and time periods when attempting to retell some Bible stories? Sorry to be the one to tell you, but there is nothing special about any of the suras in the Koran.
Name: Sadiq
Date: Saturday June 21, 2008
Time: 09:54:13 -0700
Jubo , my name Sadiq , iam also an African from Rwanda , i also brother used to be a Christian , it was a similar fate for me as well in our village there were 9 Muslim families , most of them were well off, i was chased by the Tutsi's ,as i was passing their houses the door opened and i ran inside , people inside the house fired some sots in the air, and they ran off. inside the house was full of both tribes , they were all weeping crying as most of them had lost dear ones, an old man came in and spoke to us , we are all from one, brothers and sisters , all equal in the sight of Allah, save one person and you have saved humanity , kill one and it is like you have killed humanity. that was turning point for most of us , that day 23 people came to Islam , and about 7 did not , we were kept in that house until safe to come out , Islam is only alternative brother.
Name: Ricky
Date: Saturday June 21, 2008
Time: 10:17:56 -0700
Any religions people that believes that killing women and children and innocent people is God's will to farther their cause will NEVER get to heaven and must be stopped at all costs.
Name: Mary-Beth Frazee
Date: Saturday June 21, 2008
Time: 11:44:45 -0700
Prayer - that is how Muslims can gain the courage and direction from God to be free from radical islamic tyranny and worship Him freely. God has given us all freedom, but we have to go to Him to receive His direction for us.
Name: Jonathan
Date: Saturday June 21, 2008
Time: 12:43:32 -0700
Not all muslims are bad. We must not hate muslims but the evil that is islam. There will be nuslims who listen to the voice of reason and compassion and do good things. This does not mean that islam is good based on the actions of a few muslims. It is the condition and mentality and actions of the majority of muslims and their societies which decide if islam is truth or falsehood. And the reality is that islamic societies are the ones which engage in violence in the name of religion.
Name: Regarding Arabs - Abu Taleb
Date: Saturday June 21, 2008
Time: 19:14:07 -0700
True, Arab is just a group of people which has some good and bad people just like other groups. But most of the Arabs living in Middle East have been brainwashed and intellectually censored, and also intimidated, so that those Arabs are more narrow minded compared to the Indian muslims.
Name: Saul Wall
Date: Saturday June 21, 2008
Time: 19:20:00 -0700
While the reference to Arabs being primitive is a generalization, the description does apply to aspects of the Arab world and society in many regions. While literacy gains have been made and are accelerating, illiteracy is still very high and urbanization is still a new phenomenon in many parts of the Arab world. As has been demonstrated by Western educated doctors turned terrorists, education and prosperity do alone prevent terrorism if a culture at large is still poor and uneducated. As for the testimonies of apostates, if they are as inspirational to other closet and emerging Islamic apostates as they are to a lifelong kufur like me then you are certainly doing a great service by including them. While it is important to highlight the truth about Islam it is encouraging to see some of the good news about the efforts to confront it. It might be helpful to make up a survey that could be sent to people who write in giving testimony about apostasy. Some basic demographic data, age, sex, country of birth, country of ancestry, could be combined with some questions about their experience with Islam; did the teachings at mosques and schools include all aspects of Islamic scripture, attempting to explain it or did they focus on the material that is less shocking (feed the orphans, remember to pray, etc.). Asking what factors influenced their journey away from Islam might be instructive too. While it would not be "scientific" in the sense of random sampling and such, keeping it on a private communications basis would help keep people from spamming it and it would give some slight insight into the apostate phenomenon.
Name: Sound Doc
Date: Saturday June 21, 2008
Time: 22:38:46 -0700
"The precept of the Koran is, perpetual war against all who deny, that Mahomet is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet, may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force." Any God who forces worship is not a true God because worship is love and love is voluntary. God by His own nature draws the worship He deserves. If worship is forced, it cancels out it's own qualities. Threats and coercions imposed by Muslims and in the Quran prove that Allah can not be God. The Qur'an: Sura (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." Suras 9 and 5 are the last "revelations" that Muhammad handed down. Sura (9:5) "But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them..." Prayer and charity are among the Five Pillars of Islam, as salat and zakat. See below. Sura (9:12) - "But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then are they your brethren in religion" This confirms that Muhammad is speaking of conversion to Islam. Sura (2:193) - "And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion be only for Allah. But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrong-doers." The key phrase is to fight until "religion be only for Allah." From the Hadith: Muslim (1:33) The Messenger of Allah said: "I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah..." Muslim (19:4294) - "When you meet your enemies who are polytheists [Christians...], invite them to three courses of action. If they respond to any one of these, you also accept it and withhold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to (accept) Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them ... If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them" Bukhari (8:387) - "Allah's Apostle said, 'I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.' And if they say so, pray like our prayers, face our Qibla and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacred to us and we will not interfere with them except legally and their reckoning will be with Allah.'" Bukhari (53:392) - "While we were in the Mosque, the Prophet came out and said, "Let us go to the Jews" We went out till we reached Bait-ul-Midras. He said to them, "If you embrace Islam, you will be safe. You should know that the earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle, and I want to expel you from this land. So, if anyone amongst you owns some property, he is permitted to sell it, otherwise you should know that the Earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle." Bukhari (2:24) - "Allah's Apostle said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform a that, then they save their lives and property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah."
Name: Bullshit Worshipper
Date: Sunday June 22, 2008
Time: 00:22:30 -0700
I agree with the writer above he is right Islam is about perpetual war, its strategy is "War of the Circle" in Hindi called "ChakrView". Circle got no end, so if you are going in cycle of hate and violence and one day you realize that it’s due to Islam. The Islamist has all the machinery of deception to make you believe that problem is somewhere else and hence you go in another cycle of hate and violence. Its religion of the criminal animal not to feel guilt inside for his crimes, once the followers understand that killing and raping others is a religion they don’t feel bad or guilty from inside. But its days are numbered now because its pinned down.
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday June 22, 2008
Time: 02:27:14 -0700
What does that fraudster Zakir Naik has to say to these testimonials? He is just a stooge of Saudi Arabia from where he gets money to propogate LIES against other religions in favour of the cult of Islam. A crook who would sell his motherland to islamic Barbarians for a few Dollars/Rials. The money enriches him for he is a failure in the medical profession , being just an undergraduate in medicene and surgery, having no great prospect . So he has chosen a dishonourable career of promoting the cult of Islam - get easy money telling all LIEs and inuendoes!
Name: To Sadiq & Jubo
Date: Sunday June 22, 2008
Time: 05:36:22 -0700
The tragedy of Rwanda is difficult to understand. I am happy you lived to tell about it. But the fact that Muslim families came to your rescue does not in itself prove anything about Islam. A person does not have to be a Muslim to show care and concern for others. Those Muslims who showed you care and help were human beings and I am sure you would have done the same for them if the situation had been reversed before you became a Muslim yourself. Muslims have also committed horrendous acts in the name of Islam. Look at the big picture regarding Islam, not the Muslim families who happened to be there to help you.
Name: balam to vbv
Date: Sunday June 22, 2008
Time: 09:53:13 -0700
Your comments about Zakir Naik are very true and commendable. He is a stooge, who has no conscience. He does not feel ashamed to tell lies. He called Islam pure water and other religions as pure urine, where as the facts are just the opposite. He is :MUKKAR: like his Pre-Islamic pagan god allah.In fact allah and mohammad are the two sides of the same coin.
Name: Driss
Date: Sunday June 22, 2008
Time: 13:22:16 -0700
i feel sorry for u ppl,u won't do anything bcz ur fighting God, bcz Islam is the last true religion and God wants that and God will protect it like he protected Jesus and Abraham and Moses and Muhammad and supported them to finish their messions...u should be honest and u should know the truth of Islam first and then judge it.. i know there are some mistakes from some muslims but islam is always a way of a good life..thanks for reading.. islam is peace and honesty and freedom..believe me ur brother is humanity Driss
Name: Sadiq
Date: Sunday June 22, 2008
Time: 14:22:24 -0700
Yes , my friend i know most people would do what those Moslims did to us , the thing i like about them was that they never hinted or boasted about being Muslims , it was this which melted my heart and i just wanted to be like them if not better.You see most people always boast and start preaching.
Name: Re : Driss
Date: Sunday June 22, 2008
Time: 20:03:24 -0700
Muslims have done a lot worse in the name of Islam that what you play down by calling them "mistakes". Was September 11th merely a "mistake"? That vast majority of Islamic religious leaders have chosen to remain silent rather than condemn Bin Laden for his terrible act. Their silence means approval. Other Islamic religious leaders have actually applauded these actions.
Name: Bullshit Worshipper
Date: Sunday June 22, 2008
Time: 21:26:54 -0700
Hindu dahram is about "doing justice and protecting the weak as long as possible", so caste system was not a problem before Islam arrive in India, every one understand that 10th floor only survives if ground floor is strong. Once the muslim demons came to India they started playing the game of power balance which has lead to worse of caste system facing Hindus. Also the Wido killing is legacy of Muslims, if people cannot protect themselves then they think its better to burn alive then get rapped by a Muslim. Just like in Hindi movies, when a villain wants to rape the heroin, she kills herself if hero doesn’t arrive in time. But Hindus have nothing to fear now, Dev has arrived and he is not only Mahadev, he is also the biggest Demon for demons called MahaBhut, he knows how to Kick Ass Muslims ? Pakistanis think that they are only intelligent people to do match fixing but they don't know that last match of this Arena is always fixed by Heaven. Muslim Allah is influenced by moon, he reflect some knowledge from Dev to show them his superiority but keep on running after material attraction just like moon keep on revolving around earth. Dev is like Sun, he don't revolve around material pleasure, its the pleasures who want to be with Dev. Gopis revolve around Krishna and Allaha is running after Gopis, compared to Dev his power is just like moon before Sun. Allaha thinks he is playing the game but its Dev all the time who is playing the game. Police is useless, if their is no crime and if police cannot control the criminal then also its useless, this is the game of Heaven. Seed for Allaha have been saved and forces to uproot islam have been triggered.
Name: Beowulf
Date: Sunday June 22, 2008
Time: 23:50:10 -0700
I am sick and tired of the Hindus of this forum bringing up their religion to try and counter islam. I have read the Bhagavad-Gita and some Vedic literature and I agree that it is a much more wonderful, enlightening, truthful, and eloquent than the horrible koran (and I say this as a non-Hindu). That Hinduism has become captive to some negative cultural aspects in India is quite clear (that is, the books of Hinduism do not sanction the violence of some Hindu fanatics). On the other hand the koran sanctions violence against non-muslims. So keep in mind (and I am speaking to the Hindus in this forum) that this forum is to point out the inadequacy of the koran with regard to basic human rights. Therefore in your posts you point out the terrible consequences of the koran and you should not appeal to your own religion when the islamists try to provoke you. I think that we should stick to this topic (pointing out the problems with the koran) since the islamists who post here are constantly trying to change the subject by trying to bring up the scriptures of other religions (it is a classic strategy of diversion on their part to avoid facing questions that are impossible for them to answer without contradicting their belief system). Those scriptures are not at issue here, we know that almost any other religious book is better than the koran. In fact I cannot think of one that is worse than the koran; so I am quite certain that the koran is the very worst. So please avoid irrational emotional writing. Irrational and negative emotion is the basis of islam so do not follow the example of islam! I am sure that you will agree with me on that issue. Therefore, I urge you to follow in the footsteps of many of the great sages and men of learning from your Indian history (men of learning who were forced to endure the tragic and violent introduction of islam into India). They used their minds (logic, reasoning, and appeal to fact) with soberness and relentlessness to show that certain ideas were foolish. So you must do likewise to counter the evil of islam. Do not let the islamists drag you into the snare of irrational discourse!
Name: aum
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 01:26:34 -0700
We are sick and tired of Islam since 1500 yrs, now its time to take some rubbish back and get frustrated
Name: N rabin
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 01:32:54 -0700
Dear Kind hearted Sir, War is not the answer. Islam is not the enemy. It’s easy to to start a war but how long does it take to make peace my dear earthlings ? USA went to war on a pretext of finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Till then the UN monitoring committee made a claim that all deadly weapons are destroyed. Still Mr. Bush sent his troops and only the oil industry is benefiting by extorting oil from Iraq which was the 2nd largest producer. When Saddam Hussein was in power only opposition for a change was required not destruction of country. The Russians are claiming that most Iraqis are going through such hardships that they are even prepared to grow poppy. Then the drug industry will also boost. Come on sir, lets not preach for another war. If any one has broken the law in his or her country the law should take its turn. We should not take and preach the law in to our hands.
Name: John Lennon from heaven
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 02:03:29 -0700
I don’t think islam is at fault. The main fault is that most of the muslims do not know their own Koran. If only they practice it, it will be a lovely example to all those other faiths. How the heck did all these unwanted wars and preachers of hate start?? If the law followed and enforced then peace prevails. If Rogues come in to politics and get elected and do not respect the law instead take the law in to there own hands then it spells trouble. We shoul all condemn suicide bombings and also stop the continous agression commited by The Isreali Goernment forces in the Occupied terrotories in the Land once known as Palastine. And stop the firing of Lame rockets to innocent people. But thnn again who is for that??? Why or Why Lord…..
Name: Bullshit Worshipper
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 02:07:46 -0700
Holy muslims I already told you, I am an expert bull shitter, your allah don’t give you options, I am giving you option; if you choose to believe its truth “The match is fixed” otherwise you are free to consider it bullshit.
Name: Bullshit Worshipper
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 02:19:46 -0700
I am not looking to instigate a war, its already on from Sep 11, I am trying to save as many people possible from it by warning them in advance, so that they could make arrangment to get out of it and damage could be minimised. This jungle is burning now, one day or another fire is going to reach all of us.
Name: Bullshit Worshipper
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 02:31:08 -0700
Combined sins and mistakes of all of us, which leads to wars and troubles. We are busy with ourselves and our selfish life; until the darkness make itself known by events like Sep 11. If somebody come to you and says he came from heaven he is a prophet, why did you not suspect his intentions? Why you did not asked him, for us you are a prophet, a wise master who came from heaven, but heaven have kicked you out, you are criminal of heaven. How can we sure that you are not going to lead us to disaster, you are intentions are not sinister. Criminals are same everywhere, whether heaven or earth, Check for the evidence before believing in any God, otherwise Dog also claim that he is God and he needed to be worshipped. You were given the brain and intelligence by God but you did not use it. That’s why we are here, where we are.
Name: feld3
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 04:08:32 -0700
When I served in the CIA in the early 60’s we were trained to eliminate anyone mostly good Government officials in foreign countries especialy the middle eastern and Africans who had the guts to stand up to the US foreign policies whether it was right or wrong. Unknowingly I followed these orders with pride. But the saddest day was when my Mentor JFK was blown away by Zionist assassins and slipped away from the dragnet of the greatest democracy of the world. Back then, we were given strict orders to keep are mouths shut or be put in jail if we devulge the perpritators. I later retired with saddness. Looking back all JFK wanted was this world to live in peace instead Zionist are spreading hatred with all communities in world. They are a small community but rule through proxy. It’s a shame that my birth country cannot get rid of them. Look at all those hatred they put in these blogs instead of putting peace in the hearts of mankind. When will we learn???
Name: vbv
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 04:50:58 -0700
To Akhter and Company by whatever name :- Islam is a cult created by one man with an imaginary deity from arabic pagan pantheon called Allah! This Allah is nothing but an alter ego of Muhamad himself - for any criticism of Muhamad entails DEATH! Muhamad preached his hate cult debunking other cultures which were far more advnced and benign to take his converts into the dark hole of misery and unmitigated violence and hatred! You can see this in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Egypt,Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan,Pakistan,Bangladesh , Nigeria, Maldives,Libya,etc . All wallowing in misery, inhuman conditions , lack of human rights , no freedom of expression ,etc. You talk of hindus being idolators , cow worshippers ,etc. Well hindus don't preach hatred in their religious texts like Quran or Hadiths. If we are idolators , what are you? why do all the 1 Billion muslims have to face the Kaabaa which houses the black and ugly stone five times every day , which is compulsory upon pain of death?! We are not compelled to worship cows . There is no universal dogma of a certain rigid rules and mode of worship like in Islam. A hindu can be a non-believer without having to face the threat of DEATH like islam. Infact, there are many variations in what we call hinduism which ranges from animal-worship ,stone idol worship to higher level of consciousness which dispenses away with worship in any form but having a philosophical outlook of life like in the advaitism(absolute non-dualism , which dispenses away with a creator 'god') ,sankhya ( a rationalist philosophy), Budhism which is 'godless' or jainism which is also 'godless',etc. While islam has no philosophy at all , no freedom of thought but just blind belief in Quran and Hadiths . Muslims are the worst hypocrites ever , while deriding others as pagans ,they worsip the pagan arabic deity Allah; they worship a black sone and the Kaaba wich is nothing but a crude idol inherited from the pre-islamic pagan arabs; they worship the graves of their peers such as Moinuddin Chisti in Ajmer(India) or Nizamuddin Aulia(Delhi,India) and scores of other graveyards; they adore a hair from their prophet Muhamad ,creating a shrine in Kashmir 'Hazratbal'; they adore and worship an old motheaten tunic/cloak that was supposed to have been worn by Muhamad in Afghanistan; the list goes on endlessly.They preach hatred of non-muslims,even to the extent of murdering them and enslaving their women and children . If all this is not 'barbaric', I don't know what else is left in the definition of evil and barbarism in any dictionery! They can never coexist with non-muslims peacefully , since they are brainwashed and trained to hate anything that is not in conformity with their cult to the point of desstruction. After all islam is an arabic cult and political idealogy created by by its loony 'prophet' to advance arab hegemony and make the world submissive and enslaved to arabian race and their barbarisms. That is why muslims have a taboo in India to even criticise anything arabic , which will incite them to violence - turned into zombies that they are after thorough indoctrination of the arabic cult of islam and the socalled best people of 'Allah' that is the arabs themselves! That is why I call the non-arabian muslims with contempt 'the arab arse-lickers' , since they have been brainwashed to the extent of believing in arab supremacy to the point of denigrating their own language and culture as you can see in the Indian sub-continent, Islam is a cult bent on destruction of all indegenous cultures , values and customs in deference to arab hegemony. So these muslims should wake up to freedom and fresh air than the stifling stench of the arabic cult of islam. I really commend the few who hace come out of this disease called islam overcoming the death threats that the sinister cult of islam prescribes for apostates! Well Done and congratulations to the freed denizens of this lonely planet Earth from the mad and obnoxious cult called 'islam'!
Name: John
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 08:57:04 -0700
If you want evidence of the falsehood that is islam just look at islamic societies. Dreadful cesspools of backwardness. If islam was so good it would have transformed islamic societies into havens of prosperity and peace. Why do most muslims want to leave their islamic countries and go to US and europe? According to them they are kfirs who are anti -islam. Why are muslims not comfortable in their own countries? Dont they want to remain in societies which have sharia law? The truth is they dont. Any explanations?
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 10:05:42 -0700
To ZAKIR NAIK the pedo MO_MUD follower, black rock ( KAABA ) worshipper, Throw stones at another stone ( JINN, DEVIL ) , drink water of ZUM ZUM , camel's urine, profiteer Mo's urine) , worship rapist MO, worship murderer Mo , worship taqiyya player Mo. It is for sure you are posting without name, as imposter ...................... I agree with John's posting above asking Mussalmans the questions. It is 100% proof that ISLAM / MO/ QQURRAN /ALLA are fake,falsehood and fraud on mankind and specially on Moslems, ISLAM _a biggest hoax in the world, enforced by sword. More proof that ISLAM is cruel,bloodthirsty ,killing cult , terrorism - that John walker, richard, reid, jose padilla, John MuHAM_MUD , DHIRAJ BHANOT , another black army guy in U S ARMY - these few converts to ISLAM ( BY FRAUD AND enticement/misinformation, obviously) - all became Murderers and terrorists, killers - within a short span !!!!!! How can this happen ? An innocent mislead man converted to ISLAM by chance became a killer !!!!!!!!! IS it the aim of religion? This happens only in ISLAM - a converted man becomes a killer, a rapist ,burn with hatred, rage and anger !!!! Show us one Moslem country where - any kindness, compassion exists, where any nonmoslems are treated with humane ideals . No nonmoslem and moslem wants to live in an ISLAMIC country. this is the proof. ISLAM failed. ISLAM is miserable,pathetic, evil,cruel, bloodthirsty cult, hateful. IF moslems are given a free choice - moslem women will run away to nonmoslem countries, free countries, freedom,democratic countries like UK,USA,INDIA, Germany. If a good person has one wish on this good earth- he/she will ask for the eradication of this plague called ISLAM/Moslems.
Name: bob
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 14:52:23 -0700
I think America should have more restrictive immigration laws, for National Security, as too many Muslims are in favor of jihad. Here are a couple of sites dealing with this problem www.vdare.com www.americanpatrol.com
Name: Re : Bob
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 18:03:26 -0700
Your desire for revamped immigration policy is perfectly understandable. But how can a democracy that allows freedom of worship, and freedom of the press, target a specific religion? Besides, the genie is out of the bottle now. What would be done about the Muslims already living in the counry, including "Nation of Islam" which is comprised of American citizens living in the U.S. for generations?
Name: world sence
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 21:08:44 -0700
In every bloody Faith There are good, bad and ugly Followers. Most of you bloggers who preach hate are worst than the evil people. (no words to describe exept lowest people in the world ) First of all, you who talks or acts bad DO NOT follow the four Great religions. Most of you bloggers are humbugs... Why dont you all tell your own country to let the Law take its course and shut up and accept the verdict. Where will you all end at the time your life comes to an end???????
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 21:25:07 -0700
To BEOWULF ( &Moslems too ): Hey I am surprised & aghast with your outburst against HINDUS/Hinduism. U R unfair. U r thinking is unfair. Read this forum messages by Moslems - How they abuse, cheat,deceive, lie and denigrate Hindus/Hinduism . Moreover it is necessary &part of our discussion here .Hindu values, philosophy, principles,ethos are always positive. The reasons why Hindus write sometimes on the messages of this forum are ::::::::: To tell truth about Hinduism. To counter the mis/disinformation, deception, lies ,false propaganda by Moslems mostly and sometimes by christians.. .. Also we need a standard/benchmark to know, to think,to gain knowlege ,to understand and to decide what is good for humanity, countries and societies. Unless you know all, unless you have clear understanding of everything, you cant decide ,you cant judge ,you cant conclude. Here when you talk about religions - you need to have comparison. In principle - you may not need strictly to discuss about other religions here as it is dedicated to discuss only ISLAM. But the hatefilled,intolerant ISLAMISTS are the ones who bring other religions into picture by posting all lies ,deception,falsehoods about HINDU dharma. ..........Most importantly : for Hinduism sake it is very necessary, to present truth,it's survival. As such - ISLAM and christianity are very agressive,out to destroy other religions,to draw blood ( it happened in history ) . ISLAM and christianity have enormous resources,money power,materials and their religions preaches them - to denigrate, to destroy other religions.ISLAm & Christianity are dogmatic,fascist. You see the world map - know the world history - 1/2 the world was invaded, conquered,forcibly converted, enslaved,colonized, ruled,destroyed by ISLAM. The other 1/2 was invaded,conquered, enslaved,colonized, converted by christianity. Who gave them the power- their GODS and profiteer. legitamized !!!!!!!! Did Hindus go out and conquered ,colonized ,converted other people by force ? see the result. in the history of the world HINDUS /INDIA is the biggest looser to ISLAM and christianity in terms of population and land mass . ISLAM & christianity are doing this for 1500 yrs. Do you want to legitamize their illegal,mostrous, barbaric,brutal, murderous ,fascist acts ? Hindus have to take all that ? ISLAM has JIHADS.Christianity has crusades in history . Both ISLAM and Christianity are built with the blood of millions of innocents people .This is 100% true............ Other important points are ---- basic values,philosophy, principles .Hinduism is diametrically opposite of the so called religions ( actually death cults ) ISLAM &christianity. It is like this........... ISLAM &christianity ar ehighly organized ,communal religions - based on their communal strength - they want to subjugate and enslave nonmoslems ,nonchristians..... In Christianity and ISLAM there is hierarchy and central authority to dictate, to enforce, to propagate, to organize falsehoods, to lie , to spread lies , to make the believers fall in line and obey and counter and carry out their evil designs using their men,money,material powers. This is being done in INDIA even now . Both ISLAM and christianity are most intolerant - ofcourse right now at this point of time - ISLAM is the most evil and most brutal,most discrinatory, most biased, most partisan, most cruel ,most fascist. You have to look at any moslem country and study the moslem societies and countries to know this . Whenever there is talk or discussion about people, religions,c ultures - you hear always about christianity and ISLAM only - and as if no other religion exists on this planet- this despite the fact that Hinduism is the oldest dharma and culture on this earth !!!!!!!! Both ISLAM and christianity are bent on destroying other religions,cultures - that is why they go on missionary activity - proselytize,convert by fraudulent methods . both ISLAm and christianty are based on one book,prophet, god,revelations as chosen people !!!!!! and granting themselves their special ,privileged places, rights, dogmas, and insulting,abusing, belittling,denigrating, insulting, looking down at other religions. ................. So what do they- ISLAM &christianity say about their religions &God & profiteers ? It is their birth right to go and convert others becoz their Gdo/profiteers told them-- their GOD is best,true, their book is true, their propfiteer is true, great & they have the right to proseltytize and convert others. Further they say that they as believers in their God/book/profiteer will go to heaven and all others are hell bound and burn in hell eternally !!!!!!!!!!!! all just becoz we dont believe in their God, in their book, in their profiteers !!!!!!!!!! ISLAM &christianity do not accept other religions/Gods as equal or even their existence !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So we are all born as sinners and must be saved - unless you believe in ALLA / Mo / jesus - you do not have salvation !!!!!!!!!!!!This is just partial list. Now compare with HINDU dharma --- Hinduism is not an organized religion. Ther eis no central authority in Hindu dharma to dictate, to impose their authority. Everything in HINDU DHARMA is base on your own self realization- coming from your own heart and mind. Nothing is dictated or imposed in Hindu dharma. ther eis no proselytization /conversion activity (missionary ) and deception,fraudulent conversion in HINDU dharma. HINDU DHARMA accepts all religions as equal. Hindu dharma is most peace loving, most tolerant on this earth. Only in Hindu dharma- woman has the highest regard/place in entire human civilization. peace, NONviolence, kindness and compassion is central part of Hindu philosophy. A small part is described here.................... So you see - how different Hinduism is from ISLAM and christianity ----------- in one word - Hinduism is supremely noble -- ISLAM & christianity do not even come close in comparison of the noble values of HINDUS/DHARMA. without knowing anything - how will you judge ?
Name: Islam is not good for your health
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 21:47:54 -0700
You have to drink camel's urine to become healthy in Islam. If a fly get into your drink, you should dip both wings because one wing is full of disease and other wing is the cure. What a science told by Mo!! Ha ha ha ....
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 21:50:15 -0700
this is a discgusting website...may allah show mercy upon you in the graves and in the hereafter...aghsatfurullah
Name: Ben Ehud
Date: Tuesday June 24, 2008
Time: 03:29:51 -0700
In all faiths you get black sheep’s no doubt. What I have read in site is that most of the representations made by the great faiths are wolves in Sheep’s clothing. In all faiths the preaching’s of Tolerance and Peace are fundamental. The wolves who can’t stomach these are spreading mischief and corruption in this earth. While the world is in a mess (Job loss, no free medical care , no proper housing, still no total cure for cancer, aids, femine,draught, floodings, tornados etc.. ) these wolves thrive. I am sure these Wolves are Arms manufacturers, Drug barons, smugglers, petro profiteers, Robbers, Thieves or a combination of two or all. Only when a calamity falls upon these goons will they come to there senses. Till then we stupid idiots of Earth fall to there plan of religious tensions. In 20th Centaury Commies (Thank goodness Nazism was crushed) now it’s Islamaphobia after the Islamist probably it would be Aliens I suppose.
Name: satttan
Date: Tuesday June 24, 2008
Time: 04:58:47 -0700
Dearest Bullshitworshiper this a true story. A Zionist dressed as a white Ninja who purchased a Gasoline bouzer a day earliar for twice the market price, sprays out gasoline on to a passing pilgrim train which heads to a Holy site and sets the pilgrim train on fire. While screams of horror and agony are deafning the train speeds away while the poor Pilgrims are roasted and Zion inhales the distant roasted flesh which tempts him to do more roasting as he has experienced regular barberques and Car bombs and would you believe trained suicide bombers in most places in the world.His past training ground The State of isreal has payed him handsomely for all thses good deeds. He planted car bombs that killed his own people and even managed to get lunatics from his countries ghetos to go to schools and murder little children. So convincing and well versed with all faiths is he.that he informs The local polize and bribez the polize with briefcases of euro denominations, to make statement that this waz done by a muzlim. He further infoarms the world media which his relatives controls ,that the muzlims have set fire to a Holy train. Then the Zionist instigate the local tugs by hiring them to riot and go on rampage by setting fire to the properties of innocent people in the name of holly war to drive away and rape the women folk and children and kill the men and boys. The entire State of this country is in destruction as properties vandalised, burning of innocent victims of this unjust violence are either perished and /or distabalised or even maimed, the Zionists takes pride of his accomplishment and plans his next tour of duty all in the name of Zion, holding his Lion heart all the way with his nose pointing up in the air vispering tod ay hindu -.Muzlim problem next I start Shia- sunni problem in pakiland .
Name: balam to zakir naik
Date: Tuesday June 24, 2008
Time: 06:22:52 -0700
Yourdivertionary tactics were commendable.You are a typical Muslim.Every body is discssing,how muslims were leaving Islam ,inspite of death sentence for Apostacy but you bring in the story of an old Indian lady,who was mistreated by her family.We do not live in a perfect world.In your Muslim Pakistan,due to depravaion one unfotunate muslim woman killed herself along with her children.One Pakistani leader announced:IN the next five years,there wont be any poor or hungry left in Pakistan:Somebody responed:BECAUSE THEY WILL ALL BE DEAD:There are so many suicidal cases,occuring in Pakistan every day.Poor Muslims have to work extra hard to produce more children because the believe Allah will take care of them.True - UNDER THE TRAIN ON RAILWAY TRACKS.There is no pride in having nuclear weapons and go to the Christian West begging for help,at the same time , abduct the Christians ,rape their women.The Muslims have acquired thi,following the footsteps of Mohammad-a perfect example for Muslims to follow.Then you say that the flies always look for honey.You try to tell that Islam is that honey and people rush towards it.In fact,It is filth and rotting meatmthey dash for.Deception is one of the golden rule of Islam.You criticised some Hindu god who was refused visa by varios countries,Where as your role model Ahmad Deedat is still proclaimd alive,where as he died a horrible death quite a few years ago.On PEACE CHANNEL,Only his date of birth is given.Can you clarify that,Mr.Naik?I Watch your channel.I admire your memory but not you deception.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Tuesday June 24, 2008
Time: 09:58:33 -0700
To all who visit this forum and web site . I urge all of you to read my posting on Jun 23 ,2008 ,( at 21:25 hours )with patience,see above. I also welcome any sincere and honest truthful person to tell me whether every word in that write up is not true . If it is not true then provide evidence .................................Also note this -- the guy who posted with false name BEN EHUD is a moslem . He knows and we know 100% certainity that the immediate danger to world is from ISLAMO fascism / ISLAMIC jihad / ISLAMIC terror /ISLAMIC killings / ISLAMIC suicide bombers. To know this - one can look at any ISLAMIC country and research,study the ISLAMIC societies and ISLAMIC regimes to conclude that how biased against nonmoslems, how partial against nonmoslems,how discriminatory against nonmoslems ,how aggressive ,how regressive, how evil and dark minded these ISLAMISTS/ISLAMIC regimes are . For the consumption of nonmoslems and to mislead them - these Moslems may behave sweet - talk sweet - but do they work to make their countries liberal,progressive, kind,compassionate ? Do they accept all religions as equal ? Do they accept all human beings as equal ? DO the moslems accept equal laws to all human beings? Do the Moslems accept equality of women with men ? Do the Moslems accept peace,nonviolence, vegetarianism ?Do they stop imposing their religion on others ? DO the Moslems accept freedom of expression, freedom of thought ? DO the Moslems accept other scriptures as great ?................................................................... But at the end i say and repeat that all religions are not same . ISLAM and christianity are evil, fascist ,discriminatory ,biased, artificial man made and cant stand even simple reason and scrutiny. ISLAM is not a great religion. ISLAM is not peaceful .ISLAM is evil ,cruel,wicked,dark ,primitive,most intolerant ,most bloodthirsty ,most violent,most hate filled ,slavery . As a proof read QQURRAN , scrutinize Moslems,Moslem societies . ISLAM is not only a great religion - it is the most stupidest,meanest,cruelest ,totalitarian cult and must be eradicated.
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Tuesday June 24, 2008
Time: 10:56:19 -0700
The words of Jesus in Matthew 7:15-18. are fitting to describe Muhammad and his Quran. Verse 15 applies to Muhammad. The rest of the verses 16-18. are applicable to both the Quran with its violence of the Jihad. Matthew 7:15-18, reads "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, bub inwardly they are ravening wolfs. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thisles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, nether can a corrupt tree bring forth good friut." - [KJV]
Name: John
Date: Tuesday June 24, 2008
Time: 11:43:10 -0700
Walter u know your gospel.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Tuesday June 24, 2008
Time: 13:55:34 -0700
OOPS - there is a ommission of a word in my last posting (JUN 24 th ,2008) In the last sentence i meant really that ISLAM is not a great religion as is said or propagated ( Ishould have added another NOT in the sentence , so that the intended meaning known )- even by some christians and Hindus. This opinion has historical roots,other reasons and based on wrong perceptions. There is not a single iota of evidence and proof to show that ISLAM is great . actually on the contrary , there is tons and tons of evidence to prove without any reservation that ISLAM is the most evil, cruel,fascist ,primitive ,bloodthirsty ,murderous cult made up by this jealousy, poison ,hate filled ,misogynist, rapist ,pedo called MO_HAM_MUD. ISLAM for the major part copied and followed christianity ,judaism. Becoz that was what MO_HAM_MUD knew . Profiteer ,rapist MO - never displayed great wisdom,ideas, enlightenment ,magnanimity, universal ideas, love for peace, nonviolence, kindness to wards all including animals. He has a very meagre knowledge about the world and universe. There is absolutely no spirituality in ISLAM - except imposition of mundane, daily physical acts of 5x prayer and turning to Mecca and follow MO !!!!!!! Will all this make a great religion ? Mo wanted - as he became jealous ,envious of the fast spreading christianity and judaism at that time in ARABIA - to make his tribe rulers and dominant, suppressing, oppressing, subjugating others. hence Mo made this all up. Any intelligent person can see this through . No earth shaking ideas to make a human being a better person can be seen in ISLAM. No new concepts. Actually Mo made this world a bad place to live . For proof just see SAUDI ARABIA the birth place of MO and where ISLAM was born. Do anybody - any good human being want to live in SAUDI ARABIA ? This is the real test !!! for ISLAM . If any human being says ISLAM is great ,after knowing and understanding fully ,ISLAM - that person do not know what they are talking . Alternatively - that person must be a true Moslem brain washed slave of ISLAM, a fundamentalist and hard core biased Moslem ................. As great people ( eg . MAHATMA GANDHI and other Hindu saints ,sages with great wisdom and love for humanity ) would not like to speak ill or negative about others ,other religions. - this is part of HINDU DHARMA and enlightenment. But the proof must be based on it's own foundation, it's own values, it's own scriptures, it's own philosophy,it's own deeds and it's own experiences . when you see and examine ISLAM with this truth - then you will conclude - ISLAM fail miserably in all aspects. ISLAM is not a great religion - it does not even belong to the so so kind of ( poor grade type ) religion. ISLAM is hatred.ISLAM is slavery. ISLAM is bloodthirsty. ISLAM is primitive and very dark. period .
Name: Aliasd
Date: Tuesday June 24, 2008
Time: 22:15:08 -0700
I am no saint. I agree that all faiths preach that we should lead a righteous lifeand most of these followers do not lead righteous liuves. Before we start to criticize others, shouldn’t we correct our faults first. I wish we could take note of William Shakespeare who said the world is a stage and each must play its part. If we consider the world as a stage are we going to complete our life by killing others or living peacefully? Who can dare to say that this world is mine or belongs to my grand pa or his descendants? We have to learn to live with each other and trust, share and help in order to go on with life not destroy life. The biggest draw back are most judiciaries are biased against minorities, as minority sentiments are not considered as they are mostly treated as animals all over the world. So is it wrong in name of democracy when they start to protest human rights in a peaceful manner and later they be crushed by brutal force just for the sake of there rights. Where’s is the justice to them. All you people love is to be informed that people are killing and dying. Shouldn’t we get together by appointing very learned people and draft something that is with common sense so that Multi nationals and Business Tycoons are not able to influence the political system where they only benefit so that we can ask our politicians to lead us for a better road ahead. We should not let the big or Small Arms manufacturers to market there devastating weapons for the destruction of our people. Instead develops things that will t eradicate human suffering. Anyone to support this???
Name: juntadosa
Date: Tuesday June 24, 2008
Time: 23:26:16 -0700
I myself have learned Islam for about five years. But at the end, I do not find any peace in my soul. After I read the ayats, especially the ayahs telling to kill other people (infidels), I began to question: Why Allah asked us human, to kill each other? I compared Quran with other religions' holy book, and it is only Quran telling people to kill other people. I came to a decision that Islam was built on the base of hatred and dissapointment of Mohammed himself towards other people, his own tribe at Makkah, the Christain and Jews at Medina. It is said in the Quran, that Allah is the most compassinate, the merciful, but why he asked people to kill other people? If Christian teaching as said in the Bible New Testament was based on love, why Allah, if he is the same God, change after 600 years? God in the New Testament is very different with Allah in Quran. God in NT is very compassionate, but Allah in Quran likes to torture his creature. One more thing, I consider it is impossible for God to curse His own creation, but in Quran, Allah cursed the Jews. Strange. One sura even cursed a man, Abi Lahab. It is funny to think Allah cursed a man. If he is so almighty, why didn't he kill Abi Lahab immediately and sent him to hell as well? Why cursing him only? He was an uncle to Mohammed, but didnot accept his claim for prophethood and his teaching of Islam. So, Mohammed hated his uncle very much. I think this sura is a non-deniable proof that Quran is not a revelation from God, but man-made by Mohammed. So, I left Islam for good. Such a rubbish religion.
Name: ha ha ha ....
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 01:48:06 -0700
I think the problem lies in the mullahs. They like to cheat themselves by believing the polished life story of Mohammed. More worse, they added polishment as if Mohammed was a true prophet, who brought revelations from God. They call him 'rahmatan fil alamiin', or grace for the whole universe. Actually, he was a killer, a robber, a rapist, a phaedophile that brought killing and suffering to other people, especially to those who didn't agree with him or his claim for prophethood. The mullahs, being considered as holy men by the Moslem, keep using this polished Mohammed life story to defend their status. If you ever look direct in the eyes of these mullahs, you will have the 'I'm a Moslem and I'm a holy man' look from them. Now, every Moslem tends to be like that, having 'the I'm hollier than you' attitude'. 30 or 40 years ago, in Indonesia, the Moslem are far more tolerant than they are now. They never burnt churches as it is now. I think it is all because they are now more and more deep believe in Islam. Islam brings destruction to religion tolerance in Indonesia. There is a regulation that you cannot build a church if a person of different religion, in a radius of 200 meters, reject it. FYI, the 3 ministers who made this regulation are Moslem. But, you can build a mosque anywhere and anytime you want to. Islam means tolerance? No such thing in ths world. I'd like you all to help us. Anytime you know someone comes from Indonesia, and he is a Moslem, ask him about church burning in East Java and West Java done by the Moslem. Ask them why Indonesian Moslem has no tolerance for other religion? Ask them if their Islam is the best religion, why are they so afraid of others? They have nothing to be proud of, in science, in sports and so on, so the only thing they can be proud of, is being a Moslem.
Name: dalai gama
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 01:50:49 -0700
Papa papa …Are….Indonesia and Malaysia the largest Muslim countries in terms of population….Yes… The ruler’s back then volunteered in submitting to present day religion from traders of the silk route and maritime route back then…… in the 20th century the missionaries went and upseted the apple cart…Now the media is portraying on onside of the story which they always do…. And after 1948 May there are more wars then ever….. ….Girl…… Did you know how the Philippines were established???. Don’t tell me you didn’t know that child... Let me tell you ……t King Philip Killed all the moros there who would not convert to his religion after he Occupied there territories(around the 16th Centaury). The remnant of them are still fighting for there freedom in the south …are called terrorist… some freedom fighters are still forgotten….now criminals and tugs have joined the party….. What religion did Emperor Asoka the Brute from Ido Land profess before he converted to Buddhism? Please… daddy tell us the Answer ok ok ok He was A Hindu and did he go on a killing spree after embraced the new faith daddy….. NO NO nO he was a good man after his conversion. Who is Alqidas Biggest Enemy Dadyy…..? Israel…. Israel…. Israel…. Israel…. Israel…. Israel…. Israel…. Israel…. Israel…. Israels adversary’s skill at manipulating media and public opinion cannot be underestimated. The propaganda offensive is so successful Then what the hell are the US doing in Iraq and Afghanistan dad….?? They just want you guys to portray that the Muslims are Very very bad people. So the Israelies could occupy more land from the stupid palastinian olive pluckers… while the world is looking some where else..Very very bad…. Very very bad…. Very very bad….Daddy daddy Oooh I cant sleep I have to kill the next muslim I see soon as I get up.. Because I was thought that the muslims are Very very bad…. Very very bad…. Very very bad…. What was reason Hitler Killed the Jews dady …. it is because, The Zionist put him in the cross. As a leader he is authorized to do that in the name of his faith don’t u think so….,.. right that what Georgy the Bushi is doing to the Afghans and the Iraqis just to teach Iran a lesson since Mosad adviced Bushy that the Iranians kicked the CIA in the US embassy in Iran Who did not want the oil revenue to go to the people.. poor guys Now the Iranian people are suffering Due to the Sanctions..instead US wanted arms to be purchased from Israeli companies at that time…... So finaly how did these arms get big profits?? EAASyy They got the STUPID Saudis to pay for it and got Iraqis to fight in the early 80’s good plan good plan….So Mosad is repeating it once again know dady….??? Daddy, mummy mentioned that Jesus will be here for his 2nd coming to kill the false Prophet who we consider antichrist. I like to witness Jesus kicking Antichrists ass…. NOO NOO Jesus will kill the bugger antichrist with his inspiration not with Bombs and Nuclear weapons…or kicking ASS ohh.. So then is Mohammed is he anti Christ???... Come onnn. Girll…. Jesus still hasn’t rose from his sleeping place in the sky.. Mohammed is dead 1500 yrs ago … then mummyyy who the hell is anti Christ???... Child they are the Devil worshipers… OOoooh are the KKK also devil worshippors Daddy????? Yes yes they toooo are…..thank you mummy/daddy so should we avoid the devils temptations to kill innocent people then……Yes Yes Yes my child do it do it … as you have sinned.. repent,,,,,, repent,,,,,, repent,,,,,, I said repent,,,,,, repent,,,,,, Ok Ok Ok…Tell me daddy…..How did Europe gain knowledge and influence from science, algebra , Medicine …ettc.. From the f---ing muslin in Spain. Girl…Then daddy …..Should we Nuke Isreal for spreading false propaganda?????……. No no wait wait…come on I am trying to think I can’t….. Ok ok ok calmed down now..Please don’t the Iranians will do it on behalf of us that’s what they say in the media you don’t get involved my child….. Daddy if that f---ing Muslim didn’t Show the Portuguese away to India through South Africa the world would have been better off then right???????……yes……yes……yes……yes……yes……yes the traders at that time were in to business they did not have intension to Invade and steal like the Israeli are doing now in The African Continent in very professional way by instilling puppets and Tyrants and letting the people starve and also getting some to kill each other…But the Chinese are there…Yes they mind there own business and are trying also to control the world…but what about India precence in Africa…If India is in Africa China has to think rwice….then what about the Pakstan….. forget it Paki’s are screwed by Musharaf in style… China,India and Pakistan need all the professional help from Israel… so that the world will be quite… The world is not Quite Duuuddde…. Then then …then….Who supported Saddam Hussein the tyrant, and armed him with Chemical weapons and finally was hanged for reasons not divulge to his supporters. Then shouldn’t we investigate and put on trial these foreign supporter of the late Saddam…. ……Ladies and gentleman there were no Alqaida then there was Alqada only after the 1990 that’s when the Communism collapsed in the USSR… So who is the next enemy….is it … MO_HAM_MUD. ISLAM?????… ok ok ok… I will then wage war with him…. And ISLAM… Long live the USSR Daddy daddy dadyy Were there fighting in Silk Road back then before the 16 th century in such a mass scale? NO NO NO NO you are pissing me off NO NO NO NO fighting like that then,,,,, Then please tell me..Who murdered the Tribal North Americans in the name of the Lord? Wasn’t me…. Then Was it Mohammad…???? Let’s tell them it was him please world please… it was Mohammad (bloody liars….) Who murdered the Tribal Ausies and stole there Children in the name of Christ? OOHH I’m Embarrassed. But it wasn’t me…I think it was Hitler--- wrong wrong girl ,,,, you don’t get it….You just pissing me again and going out of context… Turkey was the only barrier for the Europeans that’s why they cannot stomach the Turks joining the EU. Even the Croats cannot believe that they lost and suffered in Euro 2008 football;;;;;;;. Let’s hope Germany can put brave face in Victory or in defeat. Long live Germany…Hail Hitler…Hail Hitler …Hail Hitler Hail Georgy Bushyy… hail the Zionist.. Why were puppet countries established in the middle east Daddy..???So that the religion they profess are damned and oil coul be exploited….in the name profiteering…and exploiting………and no damn concern for humans…or living things… Some nut wanted a research can a another mut prove these stuff wrong before I Die……Please please.. ……Please please
Name: Ben Ehud
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 02:49:13 -0700
To Whom It May Concern, I am not a Muslim but I’m a Sephard, and I'm damn prow to be one
Name: Cloan
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 03:15:51 -0700
Hey juntadosa, Read this Abu Lahab, one of the most prominent leaders in the Quraysh tribe of Banu Hashim. He was the uncle of Prophet Muhammed , the brother of the father of the Prophet . When news spread of the birth of the Prophet , he freed a slave. Therefore, his relationship with the Prophet was strong even before Prophethood. Dark ages and the time of ignorance was to prescribe as he became one of the biggest and deadliest enemies of Islam. His turmoil, his torture, his torment increased day by day at the uprising of Islam. Even his wife had the same attitude towards the Holy Prophet as he did as she was extremely hostile towards the Prophet . Once the Prophet asked about her health. She was ill. So the Messenger decided to pay her a visit. She abused the Prophet in the worst of manners. The Messenger remained silent as he was sent as a mercy for the whole universe. Such brutality and barbaric actions increased to such an extent, that they threw thorns in the path of the Holy Prophet . Once the Apostle of Allah climbed up a mountain and stated to the people of Quraysh, “If I was to warn you of an army behind the mountain that came to attack you, would you believe me?” They replied, “Yes, We find you the most truthful amongst us.” Then the Apostle of Allah informed them of the people of Quraysh. “Punishment of Allah will soon be afflicted upon you. The wrath of Allah will descend upon you if you do not submit to him.” From the crowd, Abu Lahab spoke and exclaimed, “Damn you! You called us for this? May you be destroyed!” Due to this, he pelted stones at the blessed face of the Holy Prophet which caused the Prophet great pain. Blood was flowing down the face of our beloved Prophet . Then Almighty Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind revealed the following verse about Abu Lahab, the father of flames: “Perish the hands of Abu Lahab (the father of flames). Perish He! His wealth and his children will not benefit him! He will be burnt in a Fire of blazing flames! His wife shall carry the (crackling) wood as fuel. A twisted rope of Palm-leaf round her (own) neck!” So this was to be the outcome of the most inveterate enemies of Islam, a barbaric wife who tied bundles of thorns with ropes of twisted palm-leaf fibre and straw on dark nights on the paths which the Apostle expected to take. Abu Lahab perished at Badr, consumed with grief of his own fiery passions. This was Abu Lahab! THE FATHER OF FLAMES... IF YOU ARE ATTCKED DO YOU HAVE THE RIGHT FOR SELF DEFENCE?
Name: Natraj Jothy
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 05:02:28 -0700
The Creator also states in the Qur'an (translated): [2:136] Say (O Muslims): We believe in Allah and that which is revealed to us and that which was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have surrendered. [42:36-38] So whatever thing you are given, that is only a provision of this world's life, and what is with Allah is better and more lasting for those who believe and rely on their Lord, and those who shun the great sins and indecencies, and whenever they are angry they forgive, and those who respond to their Lord and keep up prayer, and their rule is to take counsel among themselves, and who spend out of what We have given them. Allah orders us in this verse to conduct our matters by taking counsel among ourselves, or by consulting each other. This is the methodology of the Islamic state, to consult one another, but to always keep the Qur'an and Sunnah paramount. Any law which contradicts the Qur'an or Sunnah is unlawful. This broad principle of consultation is certainly wide enough to encompass a form of government where all are heard - in fact, encouraged to be heard. The early Islamic states were of this form. The petty governments of many `Muslim countries' today do not apply this principle and in fact commit many crimes against the people. [4:124] If any do deeds of righteousness - be they male or female - and have faith, they will enter Paradise, and not the least injustice will be done to them. [33:35] For Muslim men and women, for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for truthful men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in charity, for men and women who fast, for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Allah's praise, for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward. The Qur'an and Sunnah repeat over and over again that Allah only favors one person over another based on that person's awareness, consciousness, fear, love, and hope of Allah). All other criteria are excluded: gender, ethnic group, country, ancestry, etc. Given that Allah does not favor one gender over the other in His attention to us (and it helps to remember that Allah is neither male nor female), On misconception, there is a great deal more to write, most of it showing how current practices in many Muslim lands go against what the Qur'an and Sunnah have ordained, lands in which women are treated as property (unIslamic), are not educated (unIslamic), are forbidden their economic rights (unIslamic), and more. On this point in particular, we encourage everyone to consult the Qur'an and Sunnah from people who practice before incriminating Islam. Always remember that Islam is a complete way of life from the Creator, and that Muslims are people who claim to follow that way of life. A Muslim may claim to follow Islam, but be wrong. In the end, God is the judge.
Name: John
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 11:46:02 -0700
Tell me which country in todays world is prospering because of islam? All are backward. Iran a backward country with low standard of living inspite of vast oil reserves. Always in conflict with the rest of the world and their neighbors. At one time the persian empire was an advanced civilisation but is now one of the less developed countries. Iraq mismanaged under years of dictatorship and war with iran under saddam. Once the mesopaotamian civilisation was the greatest civilisation known to man. Saudi arabia a country with vasyt oil reserves but still living in the 12th century mentality. Women cannot drive. Cannot meet with any male she chooses. Stonong to death, amputation of limbs. Industrially backward. Does not manufacture anything. Most terrosrists in 9/11 came from this place. No women scientists, athletes, poets, politicians. Half the population is invisible. The country of mohammeds birth is a hell hole. No freedom of religion. A monarchy where a royal family rules. No democracy. Egypt a country ruled by one party. Some progress achieved by keeping the most ardent followers of islam under strict control A vast population but low per capita income. Poor health facilities. At one time the most advanced civilisation. Now no scientific or industrial base. The list goes on and on. This is the fruit of islam
Name: Re : John
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 12:51:40 -0700
All absolutely true. Where are the Arab equivalents to Beethoven, Mozart, Shakespeare, Goethe, Moliere, Dickens, Michaelangelo, Rembrandt, Einstein, Isaac Newton, Lavoisier, Madame Curie, and the long list goes on. Any pre-Rennaiscance Arab advances in mathematics and the sciences were made IN SPITE of Islam, not because of it. Islamic religious leaders through the ages have put a stop to advancement, because Islam in its truest application is anti-culture and anti-knowledge...unless it's for the pursuit of sophisticated weaponry. The truth of this statement is self evident as we look at all the countries where Islam dominates. And for a faith that claims "no compulsion in religion" (according to their holy book, the Koran), how does one explain the absence of churches, synagogues, and other religious buildings in some (granted not all) Islamic nations, especially the bastion of Islam, Saudi Arabia?
Name: Christian
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 17:37:23 -0700
Muslim boasts of Islam's perfections and goodness will fall flat as long as they have to go kuffar lands in order to live decent lives. Quit exalting that bandit Mo. He is your problem, not your solution.