Why Muslims suffer in non-Muslim countries?
21 Mar 2008
A letter to Ali Sina, Editor FFI
Hello Mr. Sina
- I am XXX and I was a Muslim. One of my friends told me about your site and exactly after 5 days reading it I quit Islam. Please publish this letter in your site. Don’t ignore it because I have problem with my English and nobody will help me. I even have an account in FFI by the name Fox.
I was born in Islamic religion. My qualification is 10th in a local medium. Yesterday the editors published a letter somebody sent you, entitled, "Sina Read This". In that letter he said, for a Muslim life in India is hell. I want to explain why for a Muslim life is hell, not only in India, but in any non Muslim country.
First of all, for Muslims, religion comes before nation, friends, family, love, etc. Everything is secondary. For example: recently police arrested a few terrorists in India. It is not a major news, but one thing interesting about these terrorists is that all of them are engineers and software professionals. All of them are Indians who were plotting to commit terrorist acts in India!.
Why they become terrorists? If you are from India, you would know what kind of income a software professional makes. A minimum of 30 to 40 thousand rupees per month, That’s really huge. So it’s clear that these people did not go after terrorism because they were poor and hungry. They are not uneducated uncultured dacoits. They are all university grads. The only reason they become terrorists is because of RELIGION and precisely ISLAM.
So, why life should be hard for Muslims in a non Muslim country such as India? It is because India is a secular country. You can find people of almost every religion here. But till today no religion has tried to take over this nation by force except ISLAM. Muslims want to convert everyone into Islam. People do not want to convert and this hurts Muslims. They resort to terrorism to achieve their goal.
Muslims are not trustworthy. Others notice that and do not trust them. Let me give you one example: I thought to do my 10+ 2 studies in a city. But I could not find room to rent. Why? Because I am a Muslim and people think I might be a terrorist! Finally, I found a room in a house of a Muslim family. In the first day the landlord came to my room and started preaching jihad! When I said killing is wrong, he started shouting at me. When I asked him about honor killing and stoning, he responded by throwing my luggage out of his house. I can’t go to another city as I do not have enough money to go far places. This is my personal example. As a Muslims I suffer but whose fault is it? Can we blame the non-Muslims for distrusting us when all we think of is how to kill them and how to shove our religion down their throat?
Sometimes ago, when in a game of cricket, Pakistan won the match against India, Indian Muslims celebrated with fireworks and crackers. What is the meaning of that? Where does the loyalty of Muslims lie? This is all because of ISLAM! Now tell me why should non Muslims like Muslims? Every country is facing the same problem. Muslims have no loyalty to the country where they live if that country is not Islamic.
In the past Hinduism had evil teachings such as baal vivaah (marriage of children), sati sahagaman (burning of widows), etc. Today Hindus have adopted widow marriage, girl education, etc. In the past the Church used to burn witches and infidels. Now that practice is abandoned. What I mean to say is, every religion has changed and the bad things in them are history. But Islam remains the same and it cannot change. Stoning, child marriage, wife abuse, polygamy, killing of apostates, are still there and will remain part of Islam for ever.
That is all I wanted to say Ali Sina. Please publish my letter. You can correct my English, but please publish it. People should know why Indian Muslims find it hard to live in India. It is all because of their belief and not because India treats them badly. Muslims are not going to be happy in any non-Muslim country, unless that country becomes Islamic.
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Name: Tony
Date: Friday March 21, 2008
Time: 05:43:45 -0700
that's a really heart-touching article, beautifully expressed. never mind the quality of language - the truth just SHINES though!
Name: Naveeeeeed
Date: Friday March 21, 2008
Time: 07:46:57 -0700
My dear brothrs and sister please who ever is going to read you should now that islam is religion who give you proof and evidnce of his reality and thats why every muslim are doing their best to infom people about islam and to make the winner in the world and ater died. Islam instruction from Allah and from his prophet has been sintifictly proffed and what ever islam is saying they have proof also to justify whe ther other religion have nothing to justify thiey religion like christian etc. I hop allah will give you hidaya and his guidance. La Illaha Illalahh mohammed rasoul lulah
Name: Katie
Date: Friday March 21, 2008
Time: 08:14:35 -0700
Well done, not only for writing about your experience & thoughts, but for leaving the most demanding way of life which is Islam. It's wicked the way you are given no choice of beliefs just because your parents were born Muslims. Be happy & enjoy your freedom !
Name: Murtado
Date: Friday March 21, 2008
Time: 09:28:16 -0700
Naveeed, What are you babbling about? Why don't you use your logic and some common sense?
Name: Congratulations Fox
Date: Friday March 21, 2008
Time: 11:22:11 -0700
Hi Fox....To reach the correct conclusion that you did, you used your God-given conscience and used your brain. This is the problem with most Muslims....they think with their hearts instead of their heads. Also, because most Pakistanis are Muslim, I have to laugh at your story about Indian Muslims celebrating a Pakistani victory over an Indian team because of a trivial matter like as a sporting event. What would be their reaction if there were such a thing as a Shiaa team versus a Sunni team? I am sure the spectators would put away the fireworks and bring out their guns.
Name: From Truthseeker to the Author of the Article
Date: Friday March 21, 2008
Time: 11:24:06 -0700
Enjoy free thinking. Don't worry about your english. The subject only matters. We love you all. All the best. Truthseeker
Name: Bunny
Date: Friday March 21, 2008
Time: 12:00:54 -0700
Mohammad was a pedophile. You cannot argue it, you cannot refute it. That poor girl. You follow a sexual deviant and call him a prophet. I don't know what is sicker.
Name: from muslim country
Date: Friday March 21, 2008
Time: 15:33:58 -0700
you know what, even in a known to be muslim country, muslims are not satisfied, feel it should be more and more islamic. there is no end for the narrowest circle. they also hate their own country, perform such attacks against their own people.
Name: You are brave
Date: Friday March 21, 2008
Time: 17:03:50 -0700
Congratulations, and thank you for sharing your experience. Stay safe. Your English was quite sufficient for all of us to know your experience. Be well.
Name: to naveed
Date: Friday March 21, 2008
Time: 17:16:25 -0700
It was a very moving testimony of Fox the Ex-muslim.I hope and pray that he does not come to any harm by the crazy muslims.Naveeed represents the true and ugly face of Islam,instituted by a mentally sick man for mentally sick people.People who leave Islam are the lucky ones and the credit goes to Dr,Ali Sina who started Faithfreedom.org which has helped opening the eyes of Muslims and Non-Muslim about this cult of hate called Islam.Mohammad is the Anti-Christ as foretold by Jesus in the New Testament.Hence Islam is anti-christian and never the twain shall meet.Once God invited all the Prophets to see Him.God welcomed them all one by one.Then appears Mohammad before God and God becomes furious and denied sending him as a prophet .Then appears Satan and pleads:look, God you sent so many Prophets into the world,did you ever see me upset.This is the first one and you are so upset.The satan promised that he was the last one and there wont be another one like him comming again.
Name: Distraught Muslim
Date: Friday March 21, 2008
Time: 17:28:03 -0700
Fox, I salute you for your article. I was born in a muslim family but no longer practice Islam. Just the same way as Muslims don't fit in a non-muslim country, non-practicing muslims don't fit in muslim families. I had alot of trouble with fundamentalists around me, who were always trying to show me the right way. I was lucky that I lived in a western country and turned my backs on them. I still get alot of ridicule behind my back. This cancer starts at the grass root and will destroy humanity if we do not stop it. I also have a question for Naveed. Can he please show us the proof that he mentions. Again it's a question of blind faith and I wonder how stupid anyone has to be not to realise the hypocracy that Islam propogates.
Name: agnostic
Date: Friday March 21, 2008
Time: 18:10:58 -0700
Percentages source CIA: The World Fact Book (2007) shows that as long as the muslim population remain a minority, i.e. less than 2% in any country they are peace-loving and not a threat. At 2%+ they rear their ugly heads and begin to proselytize. Testing the reactions of host country they then spew venom in their mosques against host country natives. From 5% they begin to push for everything halal, demand separation in schools, hijab,setting up of islamic schools, introduction of islam in native education curriculum, demand mosques for prayers when in actuality it is to have a mass of several thousand ready to murder the natives at the given signal, recognition and implementation of Sharia first on their own muslims but in reality to convert the whole world to Sharia. When these sex maniacs (95% or rapists in the West jails are muslims) reach 10% of the population, lawlessness is naturally increased as a right to perceived offense resulting in threats, property damage, placard carrying, burning cars and b;uildings/embassies as an allah-given decree. When Europe's muslim parasites reach 40% natives should willingly enjoy widespread massacres, terror gangs, rapes of women, girls, and babies in the open. Maintain your silence lemmings with multi culti political correctness. At 60% forced conversions begin. Accept the slap that will be given to you when you pay Jizya and do it with a smile.(Al-Ghazali) At 80% expect ethnic genocide. Then nearing 100% the West can get the peace they got suckered into by their loony leftists, whacky liberals who would by then either have their throats slit ala Theo Van Gogh who was a leftist, or would have embraced the murderous cult and turn them into "soldiers of islam" hunting down their brethren and kin. Of course by then you'd start killing each other.///////Russia, China understand full well the death knell of the cult called islam and its filthy adherents and therefore does not resort to namby pamby PC but identifies it, confronts it, and kills it. Along with India they like the 21st century and all that is in front of them. On the other hand, the West prefer to slide into suicide through self-hatred, hatred of country, culture, religion and allow themselves to be ushered back to 7th century.
Name: DH
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 03:46:00 -0700
This proves an important point: The moment a Muslim realizes the utter hypocrisy of demanding respect and consideration from those against whom they harbor such ill-will is the moment they cease to be a Muslim.
Name: from nellore Andhra india
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 04:28:20 -0700
The article is true.I am also indian living in Nellore city in india.People here in mosque street burn crackers only if pakistan wins against India.Once it made shame and asked why this?But immediate got shouts like 'badmash ,shatan,keep quiet from the mob.
Name: to naveed
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 04:35:29 -0700
Dear naveed thgink rationally.Read books of jiddu krishnamurthy books of philosohy then you get the real underatsnading. Islam is obsolete and was only meant for then tribal people who don't know minimum ethics ,travelling on donkeys,having sex with children nad daughter-in-laws
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 05:15:58 -0700
Naveed...In typical Islamic strategy you avoid the issues raised by throwing in a red herring and continue the blustery defence of repeating the same myths about Islam and science that stretch credulity. If Muhammad were alive today in 2008 do you really think he would get away with the "scientific observations" ascribed to him in the Koran if he had to face an audience with questions?
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 07:15:04 -0700
Hey Naveed are you a zombie. Your thoughts justify this. Wake up man before it is too late. Neither Allah nor MOhammed will come to rescue you at hard times. A religion is knwon by the actions of its followers. You still dream of pan-islamism, you live is a fols paradise. Wake up man wake up.
Name: SomeOne
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 08:05:45 -0700
Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam-Blog ist da. http://blog.unmasking-islam.net/ Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam- Fotoalbum ist da. http://album.unmasking-islam.net/ --- At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam blog is here. http://blog.unmasking-islam.net/ At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam Photo Albums is here. http://album.unmasking-islam.net/ --- أخيرا أول مدونة تعري وتفضح الإسلام http://blog.unmasking-islam.net/ أخيرا أول البوم صور يعري ويفضح الإسلام http://blog.unmasking-islam.net/
Name: bobby
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 11:28:35 -0700
All the wealthy arab countries discriminate so heavily against non-muslims. The wealth that they did nothing to earn, except to sit on a land with plentiful oil. Even for extracting this oil and every step in its commerce they need help from non-muslims. People they do not give any rights like western countries that allow people to become citizens. This is an example taken from wikipedia...An estimated 85 percent of the population is comprised of non-citizens, one of the world's highest percentages of foreign-born in any nation. The UAE also does not allow individuals past retirement age to stay within the country without a job. Upon retirement, residents must return to their country of origin. Discrimination in the workplace is common, prospective employers will specify religion, nationality (and even regional origin in some cases) and also specify the sex of required candidates within job advertisements. It is very common to have different pay scales depending on nationality and sex. There are discrimination policies in place also that require certain roles to be filled by UAE nationals.
Name: John
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 04:55:11 -0700
Amen! I am glad you left Islam and hope that many people finally see how dangerous and insane the religion really is--that they kill anyone who does not convert. Eventually, Muslims in America will rise up when they have enough people converted and will try to take the U.S. by force, only then will Americans see that Muslims are not trustworthy.
Name: Iraqi
Date: Tuesday March 25, 2008
Time: 17:10:43 -0700
hi, let me comment on your whole life history. i'm askin you one question, where r u from?? what's ur nationalty?? do u know why there r terrorist and who r they!! most of them r not arabs and even they r not speakin arabic, these people r understandin islam as they like coz even they can't read Holy Quraan in arabic, 4 example, i'm arabic and i'm readin arabic, but if u'll give me some book in different language i wont be able to get the whole idea about it coz it's in different language than i learn from my childhood, islam came to arabic people, Mohammed was arabic and Quraaqn is in arabic language. why we r tellin that islam is the reason and we r not blamin these stupid people who r killin other or expoldin their selves in the name of islam, islam ordered us as muslims not to attack anyone coz Allah is forgivin all, islam is forcin us to be peacfull and love the other, to help people who need help, to respect all religons and alot of good principles else, but as i told u the problem with these sick people that they understand what they like. finally, i hope that i didn't disturb anyone by my speech GoD Bless All
Name: Id rather not.
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 01:11:58 -0700
Muslims are not trustworthy. Others notice that and do not trust them. So up until the day you converted you yourself were not trustworthy? as soon as you became non islamic you became trustworthy...? Wow this is amazing A MIRACLE... So if you give in a country you must support their team? So if im in australia and australia is vsing brazil? I shouldnt be going for brazil? Thats what i call bickering... Sydney has a % of 3.7% Muslism at the moment. No problems yet
Name: Kali Politeis
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 18:53:04 -0700
This is REALLY great. Your English is LOUD and CLEAR, my friend. Thank you for your important window on the world. Without a doubt you are right - and thank you for your COURAGE in leaving Islam and telling the truth. Hooray!! ====>>>> http://islamwatchers.blogspot.com
Name: SomeOne
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 10:56:08 -0700
Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam-Blog ist da. http://blog.unmasking-islam.net/ Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam- Fotoalbum ist da. http://album.unmasking-islam.net/ --- At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam blog is here. http://blog.unmasking-islam.net/ At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam Photo Albums is here. http://album.unmasking-islam.net/ --- أخيرا أول مدونة تعري وتفضح الإسلام http://blog.unmasking-islam.net/ أخيرا أول البوم صور يعري ويفضح الإسلام http://blog.unmasking-islam.net/
Name: Islam in Indonesia
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 21:58:00 -0700
Well, I live in Indonesia. Here, based on the regulation of the Minister of Religion, people can not build a church if just one, only one person in 200 meter radius, reject to accept the existence of this church. Recently, in Cianjur, West Java, people made a riot over the plan to build a church in that area. When there were clashes between Moslem and Christian in Middle Sulawesi, the Christians are quick to be executed with death sentence. But the Bali bomber-men, with hundred of victims, until now havenot been executed, altough with the same death sentence. Double standard. It made me laugh to read in the newspaper that the president of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, said in his speech that Islam goes along with Democracy (or DEMOCRAZY??). Pretty sure he meant 'islamic democracy'. Who can deny it? Islam goes along with (islamic) democracy. Which democracy was he meant to? Certainly not the western democracy. Only fools believe in him.
Name: Allat
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 06:43:04 -0700
To Islam in Indonesia: Hey, what's the word on the Chinese? There's a great many Chinese there, whether they're xtian or Buddhists or just atheists from Mainland China, how're they doing?__________I ask this because I was watching some Chinese Opera and TV Costume Dramas on Youtube:_______http://youtube.com/watch?v=fx-Qdn28rwQ9:55____________http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRThUxd6znA&feature=related_________________ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mala4WrgeHU&feature=related _________________And there's not only Peking Opera (I say Peking), but HOng Kong Opera, Taiwan Opera, Singapore Opera and Indonesian Theater (same thing), and the costumes are bright and colorful. There's a type of theater originated in the 1900s, called Yueju, where the women have the roles of both sexes, very popular, because the voices not the usual music of the Chinese, there are altos - actress Yang Li Hua)_________________ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mala4WrgeHU&feature=related_______ (love that Rogue with the missing tooth)_______________ and coloratura (actress Wu Fenghua)__ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lvZLDWkjss&feature=related__________Enjoy!
Name: Allat
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 07:17:32 -0700
Correction:_______http://youtube.com/watch?v=nsJelYKaF-8&feature=related AND ____________ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7fwlyvU940&feature=related AND http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JET2fbj6fk&feature=related AND A Special Presentation from the Folklore story The Butterfly Lovers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kew4lmTmeYM&feature=related. So beautiful! So ENJOY!
Name: Allat
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 08:58:08 -0700
Once in a while we have to lighten up, eh? And from time to time appreciate what we- non-moslems, have in this world! This is what the islamics - port things! - cannot enjoy: This is from a famous love story of ancient China- the Butterfly Lovers, this is the movie version, The Love Eterne - - this is Yueju Opera ( where women take the part of both genders):------------ The Love Eterne- 6----------- http://youtube.com/watch?v=CJB4_jmCiXk ----See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Love_Eterne The costumes are gorgeous - and the voices areappealing to Western ears -the film won many awards.
Name: Supriyo R. Sen
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 14:36:50 -0700
I was born in Calcutta, India and have lived most of my adult life in the US as a non-practicing Hindu. A lot of what Mr. Fox has stated in his post is very true. However, I must also caution the readers on Hindu atrocities on their Muslim brethren that stem back to the days just prior to India's independence. Should America, in its desire to remain secular, take heed of Mr. Fox's cautionary post? By all means YES! IMO, the US should carve a policy of allowing residence/citizenship ONLY to those muslims who are willing to embrace a more tolerant form of Islam. And the rest? Well let the Devil take their souls!
Name: Re : Supriyo R. Sen
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 18:58:33 -0700
Certainly an understandable policy to insist on tolerance. But would a government monitor it? How would the government enforce it? Insist that Muslims take an oath swearing to uphold such? Even apart from the issue of Muslims feeling they are being singled out, extremists would have no problem lying for the cause of Islam. Anything that is normally viewed as morally wrong, even in Islam, suddenly becomes right if it contributes to some sort of Islamic victory. Such is their logic (or lack of it).
Name: hurren
Date: Sunday March 30, 2008
Time: 17:39:10 -0700
Good point. Islam hasn't and can't evolve. This is why we mistrust it. Jesus said that religion is alive, faith is part of an evolution of living with Gods word. Islam is an abomination that causes dessolation.
Name: Tonto (USA)
Date: Sunday April 13, 2008
Time: 06:03:39 -0700
Thank you for sharing this story from your life and bringing up the fact that an honorable religion progresses from primitive values. Your English is excellent, no apology is necessary. Personally, I believe that islam is the work of the devil and the "prophet" (who actually prophesied nothing) was a minion of the devil. I feel sorry for those who suffer from it's followers and it's followers themselves.
Name: Re : Tonto
Date: Sunday April 13, 2008
Time: 12:03:30 -0700
Not only did the "prophet" Muhammad never utter any prophesies, but he also referred to Biblical figures such as Abraham, King David, and Solomon as "prophets". While they are certainly very significant figures in Bible history, the Bible itself never refers to them as prophets since they never made any or pretended to be. As for the prophet Moses, one has to wonder why he was so highly esteemed by the "prophet" Muhammad since he proceeded to break just about every one of the 10 Commandments. Despite all the talk against idolatry, Muslims bow to the Kaaba 5 times per day. They kiss the black stone as part of the hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. They are permitted to lie about who they are and steal airplanes for the cause of Islam while Mullas and Imams remain silent, and other Muslims dance in the streets in celebration. They are permitted to target and murder civilians minding their own business for the cause of Islam if they are deemed "enemies", again while Mullas and Imams remain silent. Muhammad committed adultery by raping the wife of one of his adversaries whom he ordered beheaded. He made Friday the holy day for Muslims instead of observing the sabbath (Saturday) instituted by Moses. Copvetousness is condemned in the 10 Commandments but that didn't stop him from covetting his daughter-in-law; and while not part of the 10 Commandments but part of the Jewish law nevertheless, Leviticus 18:15 condemns sex with a daughter-in-law among the list of other sexual sins. Yet Muhammad took a shine to his son's wife, arranged for their divorce, and then married her. Nice guy. While Muhammad never prophesied anything, it seems that uttering self-serving pronouncements...i.e. the "prophet clause"...gave the "prophet" licence to break every recognized principle of civilized behaviour.
Name: Fendi
Date: Monday April 14, 2008
Time: 22:24:19 -0700
Islam is not terrorist nor violence nor anything you claimed. In my opinion most people leave Islam in this web (as i read the testimonial) have their own personal agenda. They are not seeking the truth. They only see what's happening infront of their eyes.But if you guys can read the testimonial those people converting to Islam you will get the diffrent view. Even after the Sept 11 incident they are people converting to Islam. They converting because of all this while they seeking the truth. But you guys just see and experiencing what's happening in front of you without thinking why this thing happening. Not seeking the truth. Not believing the Qada and Qadar. But i do not blame you guys cause the media propaganda is very bias towards Islam these days and maybe knowledge regarding Islam is not strong at the beginning. I believe that one day Islam will prevail as mentioned in the Quran.
Name: Re : Fendi
Date: Tuesday April 15, 2008
Time: 14:21:18 -0700
You accuse Western media of "bias" against Islam. Ask yourself why this is may be the case even though it is not at all "bias". Undeniably, in recent years there have been attacks against the West by Islamic organizations even BEFORE 9/11. Why do we never hear Islam's religious leaders condemning the acts of Al-Qaida? Or condemning the acts of Hezbollah? Or condemning the acts of Hamas? Why did we never hear Islamic religious leaders around the world condemn Ayatollah Khomeini for taking American diplomats hostage in 1979/80? Why did we never hear Islamic religious leaders condemn how the Taliban mistreated their own fellow Muslims even before the 9/11? And are you going to tell us that the Arab media, including Aljazeera, is not biased against the West? Your statement that Islam is not about violence goes against the history of the Koran and Hadeeth as it shows how Islam was established in Arabia. That is also how Islam was established across North Africa and as far as the western borders of China. Islam was not spread by word-of-mouth like Jesus and his 12 apostles spreading early Christianity (and I mean EARLY Christianity). Madrid is a long way from Mecca, and Islam was spread by the sword just like the Saudi flag shows....the shihada and a picture of a sword. Not the shihada and a dove. Not the shihada and an olive branch. But a sword. Yes, Islam is about violence and Muhammad's followers learned their lessons from his violent example very well. If you deny that Islam is about violence then you might as well deny that Muhammad ever existed.