Young Indian Muslimah Leaves Islam for Her Ancestral Faith
26 Feb, 2009
First published in FFI on 11 Nov 2005
Hello Mr Ali Sina,
- I am Aasma, 20, from India (Punjab). I am mailing you to tell you that I left Islam.
Ok let me tell you how I came into my senses and got to know about the cult of Islam but first I would like to tell you that most of Indian Muslims are not fundamentalist and they do not support terrorist activities of any kind. As you know that Indian Muslim women now-a-days don’t wear hijab. Most Indians are becoming atheists as time proceeds. I was never a religious freak. Most Muslims in our town (Chandigarh) don’t wear hijab or even fast in Ramazan. So basically we are not fundamentalists but happy with Islam because we don’t know the condition of women in Middle East nations and perhaps in Pakistan also.
Here Muslims don’t know much about Islam. The 1st time I read Quran, I read it in your site. I knew about your site for a long time but I never used to check it and I was not also angry at you and I used to think why are you doing this? What happiness do you get if you do this? In our college we use to make joke on Ali Sina (you) and Zakir Naik (who is called Dr skeleton in India).
But some day earlier I was watching my friend's mobile when I saw a video clip where a man wearing mask crying "Allahuakbar" and he cut off the head of a man using a knife and believe me that was not so good. That night I was not able to sleep. My mind was disturbed about the execution. So I decided to check your site and read the Quran (in your site) and I was shocked that my religion is so bad. I read some more articles in your website and also saw some pics of Delhi blasts and I was completely shocked and I made my mind to quit Islam right now. Now I am practicing Hinduism (what’s your religion sir?)
Ali Sina:
Like Buddha and Jesus, I too have no religion. But Hinduism is fine. There is no harm in following Hinduism.
But I have some doubt about the Quran which you can answer (because we don’t have any madrassa or mulla here) please answer...
The verses and surahs in your copy of Quran are true or you made it yourself?
Ali Sina:
Of course it is true. I always hyperlink the verses to the Islamic site that contains three translations of the Quran. You can verify the authenticity of the verses by clinking on them.
Indian Muslims don’t know about the satanic verses of Quran because they never ever read Quran but people in Iran Pakistan and many other Islamic nations do read Quran and Pakistan has a subject called "islamiyat" which is compulsory for all so why don’t they read these verses and know about the reality of Islam? How come you got to know about the truth?
Ali Sina:
The brains of the children in these countries are poisoned by Islam little by little from childhood. Since no one can criticize the Quran if they find something wrong in it they can't say it. Everyone repeats the lie that the Quran is a miracle. Children who grow up in these countries become brainwashed. Their value system is so warped that they actually think all these evil teachings are good. You can say their conscience is numbed from childhood. I was no different.
How did I find out the truth? Well, it took me many years of living in the West until gradually I came to see that the Western values of democracy and freedom of thought are superior. I also saw that the Westerners, whom I was taught to see with suspicion and distrust, were actually more sincere and better human beings than Muslims who were hypocrites. It is funny that Muslims call others hypocrite when this word best describes them. Jews in particular, whom I was told are the scum of the Earth, proved to be the salt of the Earth. I was told Baha'is are najis, but I found them very clean. Everything I had learned proved to be a lie. But the decisive moment came when I sat down and read the Quran. It was then that I, just like you, was shocked.
What made me start campaigning against Islam? I was convinced by a 16 year old Pakistani girl who was burnt by her much older husband because she dared to talk to her male cousin with whom she had grown up. I saw her on TV. She was badly burnt and was moaning like a wounded animal. She looked at the camera and lifted her hand to say something, but nothing came out but more moaning sound. She died three days after she was videoed. She did not say a word, but I heard everything she wanted to say. She was looking at me and was talking directly to me. She told me, don't just cry, do something. I am doing what she told me to do. If there is another world, I am sure she is watching over me and giving me the strength to never give up.
How can these Muslims of with an Islamic nation-background become so aggressive and kill human so happily? Whereas any Indian Muslim don’t do any terrorist activities? Don’t those Muslims fear from god? Who teaches them and why do their family members support them?
Ali Sina:
See the above. As I said they are so brainwashed that they are convinced that what they do is service to God and they are very proud of it. This is what religious brainwashing does to people. They completely lose the sense of right and wrong and evil seem good to them. Your Dr. Skeleton in India is doing just that. He is brainwashing people with Islamic poison. Telling them terrorism is good and Muslims should be terrorists. If he is let to carry on, eventually even Indian Muslims will become as monstrous as others. How do you know the latest terrorist work in Delhi was not done by an Indian Muslim? Iranians were not always this savage. They gradually were poisoned and became what they became. Terrorists!
I am very much confused about Islam but more than that I am amazed that the religion which followed for 20 years turned out to be the religion of evil.
Ali Sina:
Confusion will pass soon when you learn more. However, consider yourself lucky that at the very young age of 20 you came to see the truth. Many people spend a lifetime and still don’t get it.
There is 1 more reason why I hate Muslim jihadis (like most Indian Muslims do), i.e. my cousin who used to work in Indian army was killed by Pakistani Terrorists in Kashmir and I AM VERY MUCH PROUD OF HIM.
He used to tell me that he didn’t like that Indian government doesn’t teach Quran to Muslim students in India like Pakistan and other Islamic nations. But now I got the answer. Quran teaches ONLY hatred and 101 ways to go to hell.
If Quran is the word of god then I prefer to go to hell with you, Hindus and Christians than to go to heaven (Islamic whore house) with Osama and other Islamic jihadis.
Ali Sina:
Don’t worry, if there is indeed a God, he must be a God of justice and goodness. There is no way that he is going to punish good people and prize evil murderers. So if there is a hell, be assured that Muhammad is in the lowest pit of it and all the Muslims who followed him and did evil in this world are burning around him and cursing him for lying to them. Those other Muslims, who just believed in that psychopath but did not harm anyone, will be filled with regret and sorrow for wasting their lives following a mad man. Of course God does not punish people for just believing in a false religion. He only will laugh at their stupidity. But if God is God, he will reward all those who have done something good in this world irrespective of their beliefs. Beliefs don't count at all. What counts are our actions. None of those prayers, fastings and other stupid rituals will be counted. They are waste of time. They are useless practices for fools. No one benefits from them. They only cause unproductivity and contribute to more poverty. But every smile that you bring to the lips of your fellow humans will is counted.
May god bless you and I assure you that you MUST go to heaven after death. Its 100% sure.
Ali Sina:
Well, if there is a heaven, I meet you there.
Sir, do you Know Dr Zakir Naik? He is an Islamic scholar and a perfect fool he looks like skeleton and 1 trivia about him is he is Indian. Yet few little Indians know about him but a lot of pakis and other citizens of Islamic nation know him. He is not that popular in India . Did you ever thought of having a debate with him?
Ali Sina:
Many Muslims asked me to debate with him. So I wrote and challenged him to debate online. Someone on his behalf (or maybe he with an alias) wrote and said that if I raise the reward to $1,000,000 dollars and organize a conference inviting 10,000 people, he may accept the invitation. Now even a fool can see this gentleman is just a fraud and not a serious scholar.
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Date: Wednesday February 25, 2009
Time: 22:35:22 -0500
In south india, muslims dont even know urdu or arabic language.still muslims use to rant quran without knowing the meaning of it.if they try do anything wrong following quran, only thing i can say is they are digging their own grave.
Name: jenn
Date: Wednesday February 25, 2009
Time: 22:45:14 -0500
Fakir naik is the man who still believes that the earth is flat , 9 year old girls must be married off, polygamy is ok and its also ok to murder non muslims because the koran says so.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Wednesday February 25, 2009
Time: 23:32:42 -0500
I would never debate Dr. Zakir Naik. Naik is my enemy, so I will treat him as an enemy. I am a Christian, a Catholic who believes in The Ten Commandments: I'll point out a few: "Thou shalt not kill." I like this commandment of the True God the most. On the other hand, it seems that Muslims enjoy killing. I would never kill unless attacked which I don't appreciate. I was in a war. I was attacked by thugs just like the Muslim thugs. I and my soldiers had to annihilate the aggressors, about 6,000 of them altogether. Naik, because he is a Muslim fanatic, believes that he has to annihilate infidels because The Islamic War Manual, sometimes called the Qur'an, teaches Naik: "Be ruthless to the infidels,"(Sura 48 Verse 29). Also: "Make war on the infidels around you,"(Sura 9 Verse 123 and Sura 66 Verse 9). Also: "Kill the disbelievers wherever you find them,"(Sura 2 Verse 191). "Fight those who believe not Allah nor the Last Day,"(Sura 9 Verse 29). Since Naik is a Muslim fanatic, he would obey The Islamic War Manual, and sooner or later he would clash with me. Can you now see why Naik is my enemy. That means, as much as I would hate to do it, that sooner or later I would have to annihilate Naik even though I don't like fighting. Islam is the antithesis of Christianity. Another commandment of the True God, the God of the Christians and Jews, is "Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor." Islam teaches that Muslims are allowed to lie. That means that Naik is my enemy because I could never trust him. Since Naik is my enemy, I would continue treating him like an enemy. Another commandment of the True God goes like this: "Honor your father and mother." Even here Naik would remain an enemy because his evil religion teaches that females have second class status or worse. So why debate Naik? I know where he stands. Another commandment of the True God: "Thou shalt not commit adultery." There is a big clash here, too, because in Islam, Muslim pig perverts are allowed to have several wives and even a few whores waiting in the wings. That's legalized adultery in a civilized society. Big clash here. Muslims are allowed to covet and even to take the goods away from the infidels. Naik still remains an enemy because Christians aren't allowed to covet and take away the goods of their neighbors. Naik adores Satan/Allah, who teaches and allows evil. Christians adore the True God, who teaches The Ten Commandments. Since I know where Naik stands, why debate him? Naik is evil, irrational, and irrelevant, and an enemy. So I would always be wary of Naik and hope that he would never cross my path.
Name: Indian Muslims to wake up from the terror cult and embrace the absolute.
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 00:03:37 -0500
I think and I feel that the Indian Muslims day by day are becoming ashamed of their Ummah seeing the atrocities, killings/ murders/ rapes committed by their brethren day by day in India as well as the world. They are unable to relate to the truth/reality and try to become hypocrites. Approach Arya Samaj, They believe in the absolute truth, ie Bhramha, who is the absolute God from where all the ohers originate. To discover the truth you may travel through different paths without killing/threatening/abusing others. Hinduism's basic principle is Ahimsa.
Name: Ali Sina
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 00:28:10 -0500
Hahahah. That is the best joke I heard all day. The truth is that Ali Sina does not want to debate with Zakir Naik because he is afraid his whole propaganda against Islam will diminish once and for all. Dr. Zakir Naik is not after money. Ali Sina does not have focus throughout his so called online debate, he has few which he selected to post parts of on his website, he is all over the place and jumps from one point to another and like to call prophet Muhammad names to provoke the other side. So do not think this man can debate with people in civil manner.
Name: To Americans, NATO and british defence heads.,
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 01:33:55 -0500
Instead of supplying arms F16s and missiles to Pakis and Afghans the West should supply 24*7 PCs with Internet facilities to all Subcontinent's villages and towns. I think the war on terror will become very cheap instead of physically annihilating the Jihadis. The truth shall set all of the people free foreever. Long live Internet, Sina, Khan , Sultan, Ali, Rushdie, and all ex-muslims for opening the doors to truth.
Name: Fake zakir is coward
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 01:55:39 -0500
Fake zakir is coward.THe one who has the content and confidence never hesitate for debate of nay form wheter online.Only those people of desert believe that palm trees are the only best trees and they are only found in paradise and even kaffirs are burned by mad allah in palm fire while these islamists are having sex like male prostitues and laughing(for no reason) in psuedo paradise.
Name: Alisina you should do your job in an organised and aggressive manner
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 02:04:58 -0500
Alisina you should do your job in an organised and aggressive manner.India can no more tolerate this mad islam.Jews have been living in inida for more than 2100 years,christians 2000 years and parsis(zorastrians) for over 1000 years.These people along with hindus happily lived in peace and tolerance.But it is mad islam which broken india out of shape and india even crushed the national lnaguage pali(mother tongue of bhagawan buddha) and killed and beheaded 10 thousand students and prophessors of the great Nalanda university who are weaponless.they burned entire university and destroyed nine storied library .It took nearly six months to destroy and burn completely.But indian high school history books did not reveal this in this guise of stopping religious hate.Suppressing evil hate and dagerous islam is like suppressing cancer.
Name: Zakir Naik is a fake!
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 02:46:32 -0500
Zakir Naik is a fake: he misquotes and misinterprets scriptures of other religions to show them in a poor light and show islam and quran as infallible.I agree this man was like a famine-struck famished skeleton until recently, now that he has fattened by Saudi rials and the 'zakat' he gets through his Peace TV(He even demands a minimum sum of Rs.50,000 0r $1,000 for his dubious causes).This ugly skeleton is an arab slave and will not hesitate to sell his country to the madcaps of arabias. He justifies violence propogated in the quran ,the sexcapades of Muhamad with 6 year olds,cousins, daughters in law, ,rapes ,plunder and banditry as a holy 'jihad'. He is a 'taqiyya' artist, a fraud and a big liar!
Name: Welcome to Hinduism
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 03:00:03 -0500
Aasma, Namaste to you; you have done a fantastic job by quitting Islam and joining Hinduism. Read Bhagavad gita with an open mind: many of your doubts will be solved. Then you can concentrate on upanishads and vedanta. Please watch the following video on Carl Sagan, the greatest astrophysicist:
Name: >>ASMA
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 03:35:57 -0500
Join Art of living course in Chandigarh it is fantastic.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 04:17:05 -0500
To the person who thinks Muslims are ashamed because of the many atrocities that Muslims commit daily, I have news for you: True Muslims have no shame. Committing atrocities has been the evil Muslim way of life. The true Muslim is immune to horrendous atrocities. So how can this Muslim animal have shame? It's impossible. Even if an old Muslim pig pervert raped a little girl, and made the child scream aa he is raping her, of course after a "legal Muislim marriage," true Muslims would not be ashamed. Their sadistic make-up would coax them to enjoy it almost as much as the old Muslim pig pervert who is doing the raping. Shame, shame Islamic Imams. Also shame, shame on you Imams who pay homage to Satan/Allah. The True God of Love endows little girls with a clitoris, Satan/Allah goads you sadistic Muslim Imams to cut off the clitoris. Shame, shame, shame on you sadistic Muslim Imams. Shameless Muslim Imams, did anyone ever ask the little girls if they like the "custom" of throwing them, of course after a forced Muslim "marriage," to old animalistic Muslim male pig perverts so that they can get raped? Islam, shame, shame on you.
Name: zakir naik
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 04:38:26 -0500
have some shame you people. i am trying to feed my two wives and hundred's of illegitimate kids by telling the bigest lies and you are spoiling my career. shame on all of you, and asma have you seen my video on apostacy. you should watch it, its availiable on Youtube.
Name: to all anti -Dr.Zakit Nair
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 05:51:30 -0500
Why you guys talk about Zakit Naik all the time in this small wesite , you start your own TV and try to debate with him. You all know your book is all false because its all man made. I am sure you guys must not have even seen your sacred books. Even your so called scholars must not have read all the books.all the best
Name: to the fool above
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 05:55:44 -0500
hey! moscum, wssup man.... zakir naik the oalf is the butt of jokes. if you had been educated you would have know that he talks BS. saldy like most moscums you are illiterate too, and zakir naik is the biggest piece of shit in this world. i hope that the indians kick that scumbag and all the muslims out of their country.
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 06:42:58 -0500
Name: Dear Aasma
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 06:43:16 -0500
I would like to express all my love to you. However, I would advise atheism. Sooner or later you will find out that hinduism like all other religions are not intellectually fulfilling or satisfactory. Yet, I know that there are people who would like to think that there are some divine purposes for their lives. That makes them happy and give them some meaning, which they need when they might judge their lives as failure or unfulfilled. These people change their religions rather than discard all religions. In my own experience (I should have also become a Muslim had I followed my family) and under my influence, a relative of mine abandoned Islam. However, he become a Jew. I still congratulated him for that. Although I preferred him an atheist like myself. If you are also one of these people who cannot be without religion, try to immerse yourself in the community of your new religion. Otherwise, the social pressure and the sense of loneliness will force you back to the fold of Islam, which is the most harmful and inhumane and in my belief it is worst thing to happen to any human being. with all love
Name: Zakir Naik
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 06:45:55 -0500
Aasma, watch my video on apostacy. You might change your mind, Allahu Akbar
Name: Important lesson from Aasma
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 06:54:44 -0500
Aasma wrote:"But I have some doubt about the Quran which you can answer (because we don’t have any madrassa or mulla here)..." Aasma, from Punjab, was blessed because where she lived there was no mosque or mullah. If it had, the mullahs would poisoned her mind. Logically, if ex-Muslims and non-Muslims are going to get rid of Islam, we have to destroyed the whole structure of the Islamists. Destroy their mosques, assassinate all the mullahs or encourage them to leave Islam. We also have to destroy the Islamic univeristies in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Iran
Name: zakir naik
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 06:55:33 -0500
hello again, please gimme me money, watch my channel, buy my cd's and books, send your kids to my schools, puleeeeeezzzzzz, i will show you the best way to get 72 virgins and 28 pearly eyed boys....
Name: Former American Christian: Why I converted to Islam
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 07:30:15 -0500
Name: Zakir naik the coward retard
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 07:48:40 -0500
Ali sina challenged zakir naik about online debate.COWARD ZAKIR NAIK RETARD FAILED TO RESPOND.
Name: Welcome to your new vending machine-From Times Online
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 07:51:22 -0500
All Hindus get ready to drink Does your Pepsi lack pep? Is your Coke not the real thing? India's Hindu nationalist movement apparently has the answer: a new soft drink made from cow urine. The bovine brew is in the final stages of development by the Cow Protection Department of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), India's biggest and oldest Hindu nationalist group, according to the man who makes it. Om Prakash, the head of the department, said the drink – called "gau jal", or "cow water" – in Sanskrit was undergoing laboratory tests and would be launched "very soon, maybe by the end of this year". "Don't worry, it won't smell like urine and will be tasty too," he told The Times from his headquarters in Hardwar, one of four holy cities on the River Ganges. "Its USP will be that it's going to be very healthy. It won't be like carbonated drinks and would be devoid of any toxins." In 2001, the RSS and its offshoots – which include the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party – began promoting cow urine as a cure for ailments ranging from liver disease to obesity and even cancer
Name: Hindu Terrorism
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 08:19:28 -0500
Hindu terrorism is widely ignored or unknown to the West. There are over 144 different terrorist organizations in India, belonging to Hindus. Most of them are well known to us in Asia because they have not yet crossed the border of our continent. Furthermore, India’s famous intelligence agency RAW as well as at a time the government itself has participated in terrorist activities such as the killing of 90,000 plus Kashmiri, who are resisting the Indian occupation since 1947. Furthermore, a massive gang of Hindu terrorists made of ordinary Hindus, from India who burned & killed alive, over 4000 Muslims from Gujarat (one of the Indian state), with the consent of the State prime minister Mr. Modi, who himself is a well known terrorist even recognized as such, by the USA, where he is not allowed to visit. Furthermore, not too long ago, in the Malegaon massacre as well as in the bombing of a passenger bus, killing sixty two Pakistani citizens, the Indian law enforcement agencies arrested several Hindu terrorists, who were involved in these terrorist acts including the infamous colonel of Indian army “MR. Purohit’, while he was still on an active duty. Similarly these Hindu terrorists have killed over 30,000 Sikh and several thousand innocent Christians of Indian nationality. Just because they were asking for their right of freedom (in case of Sikh) or they were teaching the Hindus about Jesus & his holy message.
Name: Islam Is The Truth
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 08:25:21 -0500
Islam Is The Truth. It’s The Only God’s Revealed Way of Life in the World. Muslims believe in all the Prophets of God including Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. You CANNOT defeat a religion that was revealed from God and also preached by Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. You can try for your whole life but you will eventually end up into mere dust! On the other hand, Islam will be flourishing from America to Japan, from Norway to Australia, and from China to South Africa!
Name: balam to Aasma
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 08:48:53 -0500
I welcome your escape from Insaity of Islam.May the Loving God look after you and keep allah-the pagan moon god away from you for ever more.May God Bless you.
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 09:34:30 -0500
The state of our Ummah as compared to other religious community is remarkably good in that our basic outlines are intact and the doctrine is still there. The prayers are prayed five times in the Mosque in congregations everywhere. Ramadan is loved and practiced by millions who choose to live as temporary ascetics and the Hajj is still the Hajj of old. The basic bedrock of the faith remains. This is the great miracle in this age that a religion born out of a time so utterly different, but does not make comprises whatsoever. Every other corrupted religion is making comprises giving into the pressures of this age. Just recently the Dalai Lama mentioned that maybe Buddhism isn't against homosexuality after all and how Christians seem to invent new forms of worship every year. Our beautiful Ummah is the last bastion of authentic Monotheism and upright religion. And anybody from a different religious faith who really knows what religion is all about rather than just turning it into a woolly minded social service will have nothing but respect for us, s/he might disagree with us, but s/he knows that we still see things as they are. If the world shouts down to us, we do not change. Aberration is not of us. We are the only one who continues to uphold a complete sacred beautiful vision of life amidst the shouting meaningless of late modernity and the shallowness of consumer, advising, nihilism that is the modern human condition and THAT IS WHY OUR SHIP IS GOING TO PULL THROUGH THESE STORMY WATERS. Everybody else (all forms of religions in the modern era) have given in and let too much water in and are now forced to aboard our ship sooner or later because we're all that's left. Only we have that radiant figure of the centre of our faith, a Prophet who is the perfect role model and an untainted revelation still accessible to the masses. All this should lead us to extraordinary gratefulness to Allah and give us hope despite this changing world in a time where everybody else has given up basically and gone with the secular preoccupation and priorities of the modern world, we continue to be on the straight path. This is the miracle!
Name: life long infidel
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 10:14:50 -0500
to start a TV channel and debate. it will lead to two things. one we should beg money from other people which is haram by islam. second will give you people a chance to kill anyone on that TV and promote islam. can you guarantee that the angels of islam will not kill them. if you guarantee then you will be a infidel for protecting one. man your religion is complicated.
Name: Leaving Islam
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 10:59:57 -0500
According to the above she has left Islam in 2005.It will be nice to know her experiences during these 4 years and what she has done in relation to religion.
Name: To Aasma
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 13:20:36 -0500
Happy to see you come out of evil cult. I am a Hindu but prefer to be non-religious and practising Vipasana Meditation. It is completely rational and logical. Please visit for more details. I would recommend you to take at least one 10-day meditation course. Everyday what we hear/argue about a religion is THEORY. But Vipasana Meditation is the PRACTICAL. I can guarantee that you can practise Vipasana along with your current religion until you achieve a position to avoid all religions. Hope you can find peace within yourself.
Name: tz
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 15:40:42 -0500
leaving one religion and converting to another is not freedom. Those who left islam should quit all religious institutions as they equally ask people to submit to a certain marginal limited idealogies. It really crushes your thought process. The very brain whose true nature is to evolve. let us not be afraid of freedom. Let us accept it and be open to it. no need to be grouped. no need to be identified. stand as an individual with animals, plants and humans all are nature. let us not be slaves. let us demand evidence and inquiry and make all the room possible for skepticism and curiosity and dissent.
Name: Kozak
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 16:15:46 -0500
"Like ...Jesus I ...have no religion"? Huh? The same Jesus that prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, taught the Lord's Prayer, and taught in the synagogues had no religion? What are you talking about?
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 16:41:29 -0500
The only reason Islam might possibly "overwhelm" is because polygamists tend to breed like rabbits. Biological majority does not prove the truth of an issue.
Name: More facts
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 17:52:09 -0500
Realising their folly, 252 Christians re-embrace Sanatana Dharma 26/02/2009 10:50:53 HK Dehradun: 252 Christians mostly got converted by the evil tricks of cunning Missionary came back to their ancestral religion. The function was organised by Dharm Jagran Samanvaya Vibhag affiliated to Sangh Pariwar. The Ghar Wapasi ceremony was led by Shankaracharya Rajrajeshwaranand in presence of RSS leaders from the state. 252 people of 60 families were blessed to come back as a result of the function, informed Shri Shiv Prasad-State unit president of Dharm Jagran Samanvaya Vibhag
Name: whatisislam
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 18:57:50 -0500
Please visit
Name: tanstaafl
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 20:08:20 -0500
Aasma - Welcome to the human race! Read, read and read some more! It is said in my country that "The truth will make you free!" It has in your case!
Name: Felix
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 22:06:18 -0500
An Islamic Scholar ? How can someone who studies something silly and fake be a scholar ? I guess it's like being a "scholar" of comic books, or a "scholar" of music videos.....what a waste of time and a mind.
Name: Re:Why islam will overwelm
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 03:35:29 -0500
There is a time for everything a rise and a fall.Islam has started falling.Due to god's grace this evil religion of human and animal sacrifice to blood thirsty Allah will fall faster than one would expect very shortly
Name: balam to Ohilip saenz
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 06:49:39 -0500
I agree with you remarks about Zakir Naik.He is a salesman like Mohammad promoting sub-standard products.He has no moral conscience like his demonic master.He can tell lies incessantly without blushing.His audience are brain dead Zombies who dare not ask questions which coiuld expose the truth about Islam,Mohammad and Quran.I have watched Naik on So- called Peace T.V.He is an accomplished CON-MAN.He can never be trusted like his Arabian god-father.
Name: balam to Philip saenz
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 06:52:50 -0500
I agree with your remarks about Zakir Naik. He is a salesman like Mohammad promoting sub-standard products.He has no moral conscience like his demonic master. He can tell lies incessantly without blushing. His audience are brain dead Zombies who dare not ask questions which could expose the truth about Islam, Mohammad and Quran. I have watched Naik on So- called Peace T.V. He is an accomplished CON-MAN. He can never be trusted like his Arabian god-father.
Name: Gau Jal
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 09:45:52 -0500
Please, Please,We muslims do not believe in Hindu drink.We prefer CAMEL URINE Jal, prescribed by our Holy Prophet.That is cure for all the ailments but unfotunately could not save the Holey prophet from dying from death by Poison by SAFIA-THE JEWESS. No wonder we Muslims hate the JEWS.
Name: trueboy
Date: Sunday March 01, 2009
Time: 04:23:45 -0500
islam will go their time has come qayamat..doom all this thing written in their book 100 Qayamat only for them not to any one :).. time for peace in world
Date: Sunday March 01, 2009
Time: 04:46:22 -0500
Date: Sunday March 01, 2009
Time: 12:56:42 -0500
Your comparisons do not make sense. The IRA bombing innocent civilians was the work of the IRA and no one else calling themselves "Christians". A number of Popes condemned IRA violence as they appealed to them to lay down their weapons. Yet where are the voices of outrage from Islamic religious leaders condemning violence perpetrated by AlQuaida, Hamas, Hezbollah, and other Islamic groups? Their silence means approval. Jesus in no way promoted the killing of those who do not believe in him. Can the same be said of Muhammad? As for your statement about 9/11 being the internal work of the CIA, this does not even merit a rebuttal.
Name: The Atheist
Date: Sunday March 01, 2009
Time: 13:33:41 -0500
Sir, Really good job, unveiling the truth, ripping off the mask of the so called religion. All are human, but ISLAM ???? is that all dark and bad about that.
Date: Sunday March 01, 2009
Time: 20:41:31 -0500
Who do you think you are talking to here? A fellow illiterate Muslim who cannot use their God-given brain? You actually believe the HIV virus is a Western invention for attacking Africans and Asians? The word "stupid" does not even begin to describe you.
Name: Halima
Date: Monday March 02, 2009
Time: 13:42:02 -0500
I am deeply disappointed & totally disgusted by your comments concerning ISLAM. I have 2 kids who I am bringing up the ISLAMIC WAY & they will follow ISLAM till they die. Sadly u will be with the kaafirs in the hereafter & burn in the fire of hell. If I were your parents I would Kill u with my bare hands. TOTALLY, TOTALLY DISGUSTED!!!!!!
Name: Re : Halima
Date: Monday March 02, 2009
Time: 15:53:26 -0500
Why are you so sure that your children will follow Islam till the day they die? You cannot speak for them once they are adults using their free will.
Name: SAD
Date: Tuesday March 03, 2009
Time: 02:11:45 -0500
May Allah guide you.. Misguiding Muslim will not get you any where.. Asma Riaz - sister you are lost and you should seek the truth -- i would suggest you research broadly and then make the decision. Remember Muslims are not perfect but Islam is -- so don't judge the religion by its followers but rather what it entails. Get an authentic copy of the Quran -- NOT what this man chopped and changed.. Life is SHORT - we shall all die and you will face your LORD - what will you say? I followed Ali Sina? trust me you don't want to die unprepared.. I hope you are wise and take some heed in my advice. May Allah guide you to the right path.. You should make a sincere supplication to God saying: Oh God please guide me to the right path.. Allah is the Merciful..
Name: To Halima
Date: Tuesday March 03, 2009
Time: 06:10:21 -0500
--"If I were your parents I would KIll u with my bare hands."--You are displaying the typical violent nature of a Muslim mind the result of a lifetime of daily brainwashing and indoctrination of the hate-filled book the Koran. ISLAM DOES NOT VALUE HUMAN LIFE.
Name: Diametric Contradiction
Date: Tuesday March 03, 2009
Time: 06:16:42 -0500
--"so don't judge the religion by its followers but rather what it entails"--In diametric contradiction to Biblical verse that says, "A tree is known by its fruits." Violent Islamic terroristic activities reveal the evil nature of the Koran or evil Koran inspires Muslims to commit violent actions against fellow humans.
Name: To:Halima
Date: Tuesday March 03, 2009
Time: 06:28:37 -0500
This is how you people get brainwashed. Do you think that killing your own child with your hands will take you to God. If he is all merciful as you say how will he pardon you? You are wasting your time and your kids time in the name of a bogus religion.
Name: Archpagan to Mr. Hindu Terrorism
Date: Tuesday March 03, 2009
Time: 12:15:03 -0500
Sometimes a tiger gets killed by bison.This does not make carnivore of a bison.
Name: Re : SAD
Date: Tuesday March 03, 2009
Time: 16:34:20 -0500
If Allah is as merciful as you say, then that same mercy would be reflected in Muhammad's dealings with others. He was all "peace and love" in Mecca when first making his claim of prophethood, but was unable to handle rejection. His personality change was very obvious when after his flight to Medina he felt the need to "prove" himself. We do not have to go any further than Islam's own writings to see that Muhammad was a megalomaniacal bloodthirsty war monger who had no tolerance for those who disagreed with his claim of prophethood. This is not an accusation invented by Jews or Christians. Islamic writings verify this conclusion.
Name: kafir/infidel ( &Ex.communist )
Date: Tuesday March 03, 2009
Time: 17:38:55 -0500
To HALIMA & KOOL DUDE : Hey KOOLDUDE4you - I am hot dude 4u. You are lying with dishonesty and bankruptcy and without conscience and truth . Facts are there, proof is there to conclude ISLAM/QQURRAN, ALLA ?Mo are real culprits, criminals, cruel and evil. ISLAM is bloodthirsty brutal religion and instills fear, terror , enslaves the Moslems with it's dogma, intolerance, acts of revenge,murder, mayhem ,butchery. In india ISLAM killed more than 80 million infidels /kafirs during it's savage, uncivilized, reign of terror and killing of 800 years. Examine the past 5 years of killings, bombings, destruction caused by ISLAMISTS / JIHADISTS in INDIA - there are hundreds and thousands of attacks and killings by ISLAMISTS . ISLAM is culprit in killings all over the world. Examine the issues . IRA is confined to their place. Similarly LTTE with specific objective of justice - because they are enslaved . In all ISLAMIC countries there is no justice, equality, equal law, equality of women , equality of religions, freedom, liberty, democracy . So you are playing not only TAQIYYA by lies and disinformation ,dishonesty with utter evil way. HALIMA - after all you are a MOSLIMA - made by the imaginary cruel, revengeful, demonic ALLA and propped up by MO. Your ALLA has sadistic pleasure in torturing, tormenting, burning innocent people in fire for eternity. Your MO/ALLA are so stupid not even knowing that any life form or a person will turn into ash in a matter of 1 hour !!!! How can your ALLA / MO burn a person for eternity ? !!!!!!!!!
Name: rom
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 11:18:00 -0500
Recently i saw a documentary on german tv about Pakistan's christian minority. It was amazing to see these people, laugh, joke, be happy and communicate openly and eagerly with western journalists. Their women were not veiled at all, and some proudly wore a cross around their neck.Noone prevented them from talking to male journalists. They looked very happy and mentally quite stable. What a difference compared to these hateful and "allahuhakbar" yelling Pakistani muslims!!! It is unbelievable to see what a false religion can do to human beings.....rom
Name: rom
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 11:30:57 -0500
Recently i saw a documentary on german tv about Pakistan's christian minority. It was amazing to see these people, laugh, joke, be happy and communicate openly and eagerly with western journalists.Their women were not veiled at all, and some proudly wore a cross around their neck.Noone prevented them from talking to male journalists. They looked very happy and mentally quite stable. What a difference compared to these hateful and "allahuhakbar" yelling Pakistani muslims!!!It is unbelievable to see what a false religion can do to human beings.....rom
Name: stanley
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 03:08:14 -0500
Conversion My wife Shameem was a devout Muslim before I met her. When she was about 17 years old, she became very sick. As all good parents would, they tried their very best to restore her health. All attempts at the hospital, doctors and frequent visits to religious healers in Islam failed to make her well. By this time she was very sick and all hope was vanishing. Eventually her father allowed her to be prayed for by Christians- out of desperation. After 3 days of fasting and prayer by Christians, Shameem was totally healed. Not only that but she had a vision of Jesus Christ Himself and He taught her what we call The Lord's prayer, found in the Gospels. Today she travels preaching Jesus message of love, healing and restoration. Thank you