Mut’ah—Islam's Law of Desire…!
28 May, 2009
- "Religion: Relationship of human beings to God or the Gods or to whatever they consider sacred or, in some cases, merely supernatural." — Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
Muhammad's statements in the hadiths express extreme ambivalence
about women (Walther):
"I have left behind no temptation more harmful to my community than that which women represent for men."
"The whole world is delightful, but the most delightful thing in it, is a virtuous woman."
"If a man and a woman are alone in one place, the third person present is the devil (shai’tan)."
"I stood at the gates of Paradise, most of those who entered there were poor, I stood at the gates of Hell, most of those who went in there, were women".
If the veil is to protect women, then Mut’ah (temporary marriage in Islam) has surprisingly many contradictions. In Iran, fleeting 'temporary marriages' are endorsed by the clergy. One particular respect, in which Shia'ite and Sunni branches of Islam differ, which is in the institution of temporary marriage:
"A major difference in both the customs is that the Shia’ites practice of Mut’ah, or temporary marriage is an ingenious expedient created to resolve the tensions of momentary lusts without resorting to either dishonor or have sexual repressions. Mut'ah may last only for a few hours, but it legitimizes any offspring from this union. Sunnis disavow such a concept, even though their treatment of women is considerably less generous than that of the Shia’ites when it comes to family inheritance and participation in religious rituals" (Occhiogrosso).
are marriages in the name only; they are not least bound to Muslim
men, because they have the right to deny their responsibilities in
case any child is born of this temporary liaison… This controversial
law allows Muslim men to fornicate, so long as they register their
intentions with a religious Shari’ah court, where they fill out a
form specifying how long they intend to 'enjoy' their
Dr. Mahran Doltchahi, a professor at the Free University in Tehran, comments: "The enjoyment of marriage is nothing but a legal cover for prostitution. How can anyone in the world claim that a marriage for 10 minutes is a legal act?"
The real victims of the Laws of Desire are women from deprived socio-economic backgrounds. Desires under a thin red veil are the very excuse of fornication and prostitution under the legal cover in Islam. Jan Goodwin, in "Price of Honour", provides a colourful cultural vignette of Mut’ah:
“You probably had your chador on the wrong way around' my friend explained. 'That's one of the signals women use if they're looking for sigheh”. ‘Sigheh or Mut’ah’ is an agreement between a man and a woman which is sanctioned by a cleric and can last as little as a few minutes or as long as ninety-nine years…
It is usually, where the man pays the woman an agreed sum of money in exchange for a temporary marriage. The usual motives is sex, but in some temporary marriages, where the agreement s are agreed upon for other purposes. When sex is the motive the transactions differ from prostitution, in that the agreed couple has to go before a cleric to record their erstwhile contract and in Iran, any children born of the union are legitimate. Otherwise, the Mut’ah is free of the responsibilities of marriage: the couple can make any agreements they like regarding how much time they will spend together in this agreement. It has also, as to how much money will be involved and what services, whether sexual or nonsexual relationship each will provide. The Shia’ites believes that Muhammad approved of Mut’ah. The Sunnis being the majority branch in Islam don't agree to this Law. Even in Shia’ite Iran, Mut’ah had fallen from favor until Rafsanjani encouraged it after the Iran-Iraq War which ended in 1988. In a 1990 sermon, he argued that the war had left a lot of young widows, many of them without hope of any remarriages. Such women he said needed both material support and sexual satisfactions. At the same time, plenty of young men who couldn't afford to set up house for a bride were postponing their marriages. Sexual tensions needed a healthy release he said, and since Mut’ah existed for that purpose within Islam, why not use it? His remarks sparked a heated debate amongst Iranian women, some of whom bitterly opposed these practices as exploitative. They argued that, the state should provide for these war widows adequately, so that they don't have to sell their bodies in Mut’ah. But others spoke out in its favor. Mut’ah, they said wasn't just a matter of money. Widows and divorcees had sexual needs and a desire for male company, and the "husband" was a welcomed male presence for the children in their homes. Iran's satirical weekly magazine the Golagha, ran a cartoon lampooning the likely effects of Rafsanjani's argument. It showed two desks for marriage licenses, one for Mut’ah and one for permanent wedlock. The clerk at the permanent desk had no customers; while the queue for Mut’ah stretched out the door." (Goodwin)
Shahla Haeri, author of the "Law of Desire", says ‘conservative clergy are behind a campaign to preserve enjoyment of marriages’. She cites one of Iran's leading imams, Jafar El Sadek, as declaring 'partners in enjoyment in marriages are especially blessed. When they bathe, every drop of water turns into seventy angels who will testify on their behalf on the Day of Judgment'…!
"Khomeini was alone among senior clergies in condemning the law and the hypocrisy of those who were in favour of it. This is still remembered on the streets of Tehran, there is the Persian story he once quoted on television "A religious leader said to a prostitute 'You are drunk and every moment you go and visit someone different'. She replied 'Oh Sheik! What you say about me is correct. But what you pretend about yourself is that true too?"
"The Shia’ites doctrines, projects a double image of women through the contractual laws of temporary and permanent marriages. We may ask here, ‘What is a woman from a Shia'ite perspective?’ Is she a precious commodity that may be owned, bought, or leased? Or is she a person created like a man who can be in charge of her own life, negotiate contracts, control their outcome, and exchange gifts? Is she a decision-making adult or a minor?
Looking at the women's status developmentally, and through a discussion of the different forms of Shia'ites marriage contracts, it is shown that at any given points in her life cycle a Shia'ite Muslim woman may be perceived to be all or some of the above simultaneously... Such legal ambivalence is reflected in a variety of vastly popular binary images of women. Such images of women as controller/controlled, seducer/ seduced, cunning/gullible, and pious/adulterous; all have a wide currency in the Persian-Islamic literatures. In one of the most fascinating literary treasures of the Middle East, the tales of ‘A Thousand and One Nights’ where, the superimposition of many of these binary images is elegantly portrayed. Indeed, the whole story is based on one such dominant binary opposition, that of order/disorder...
Through the cunning of an adulterous queen, society today is brought to the brink of disorder! But the mediation of another woman restores order to society and a sense to the king. The underlying ambivalence towards women is not reflected just in literature and folklore alone... The Quran itself conveys this ambivalence towards women as well. In all Holy Books, women are sometimes depicted as objects to be treated as kindly or harshly and at other times as persons created of the same material as men (compare the Surahs of Women 34 and the Cow 223). Many hadiths and sayings of the Prophet, the imams, and other Muslim leaders further underscore this ambivalence. For example, the Prophet Muhammad is frequently quoted as having said: 'Women are the trappings of Satan' (cited in Burhan-i Qat' 1951 63, 2:681; Razi 1963 68, 350). In another context, however, he is alleged to have stated: 'From your world I do not like anything but women and perfume' (quoted by Ayatollah Mishkini 1974, 118). Such ambivalence finds its resonance in the following popular adage in Iran: 'Women are a pain, bala. May no house be without it?'
A Mut’ah woman is especially a target of cultural and legal ambivalence... Personally, she might be more mature and experienced than other women (because she has married at least once and been divorced), and legally, she is freer than married than a virgin women to negotiate on her own behalf or choose her male partner(s), and exercise her own decision-making powers… She is her own person as it were. A divorced woman's status is the closest that a Shia'ite Muslim woman can come to having legal autonomy. Autonomy, however is not a trait socially approved of for women in Iran? Although some men may welcome it and even be fascinated by the alluring autonomy of women, as is apparent in the ‘Mut’ah myths'. They are at the same time fearful of the arbitrariness implied in it; just as they may be selected for a treat. They may be let go unceremoniously, because temporary marriages is a contract of lease and its objective is sexual enjoyment only… Mut’ah women are seen not only as objects of exchange (indeed, they are referred to as the objects of lease) but also as temporary sexual partners for the day... There is thus a close structural association with prostitutions... Consequently, the customs of temporary marriages and its propriety involved cultural questionings with conflicting feelings, and the women who make use of it are also perceived with moral ambivalence...
Much to women's disappointments, the temporary marriages often bestows them neither with the masculine protection nor with the social prestige’s that they so earnestly seek" (Haeri). But Khomeni also reduced the age of marriage and permitting girls as young as nine to marry. Muhammad himself married his favorite wife A'isha, the daughter of Abu Bakr, one of his closest associates when she was six years old. Muhammad was 52 and A’isha was by that time only 9 years old and still played with dolls, when they sexually consummated their marriage! Muhammad followed an Arab custom in marrying a child who had had her first menstrual cycles. The legal marriage age for girls in Iran was only in 2002 increased from 9 to 13years. "Khomeini lowered the marriage age for females from eighteen to thirteen, but permitted girls as young as nine, even seven in some cases, to be married if a physician signs a certificate agreeing to their sexual maturity.
'In his book Tahrir Al' Vassilih, Khomeini writes about the legal requirements for having sex with girl children' explained a woman lawyer who is concerned that child brides are dying since this ruling was instituted… 'In villages where child marriage is most common, doctors here often don't even see the girl,' she told me. 'They just take the family's word that she is physically mature enough to marry. Consequently, we have had very young girls badly injured and when they have had what amounts to forced intercourse. Infection sets in and they have died.' 'Only with girls under seven did the Ayatollah say that sex was forbidden".
Khomeini has gone so far as saying sex with infants is acceptable:
"A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate. If he penetrates and the child is harmed then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl however would not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl's sister". The complete Persian text of this saying can be found in "Ayatollah Khomeini in Tahrirolvasyleh, Fourth Edition, Darol Elm, Qom".
Child marriages in Afghanistan
Roshan Qasem will be joining the household of Said Mohammed 55, his first wife, their three sons and their daughter, who is the same age as Roshan.
Mohammed Agha of district central Logar province had slaughtered his 14-year-old wife.
Nasrin was banned from meeting any one outside the four walls of her house. Revealing the ordeal of her teenaged daughter, the dejected mother said ‘Daad Mohammad (the accused) used to tie her (Nasrin's) hands and feet and beat her severely’.
In contrast to the severe legal punishments for women with a statement on men and Mut’ah:
"No one can deny that most, if not all married men have had sexual relations, legitimate or illegitimate, with other women. Is it wise then to forbid married men from having relations with other women? Is such a law just and in accordance with human nature? Of course not, such law has not been practical and will not be so! A. A. Muhajir “Polygamy and Mut’ah” (Haeri).
This is consistent with Muhammad's approval of polygamy, including marriage unto slaves. Islamic law requires a man to provide each of his wives with a household of her own. Thus marital polygamy was usually the privilege of the prosperous (Walther). However, in addition to the four wives, Muslim men can also select any number of slave concubines for themselves:
‘marry such women as seem good to you, two and three and four; but if you fear that you will not do justice (between them), then (marry) only one or what your right hands possess; this is more proper, that you may not deviate from the right course (Surah 4.3).
The Quranic passages on marriages, according to Shia’ites, also spell out the conditions for Mut’ah, in which 'as to whom you profit by' means 'among them whom you have enjoyed':
‘And all married women except those whom your right hands possess (this is) allah's ordinance to you, and lawful for you are (all women) besides those, provided that you seek (them) with your property, taking (them) in marriage not committing fornication. Then as to those whom you profit by, give them their dowries as appointed; and there is no blame on you about what you mutually agree after what is appointed; surely allah is Knowing, Wise (Surah 4.24).
The parties to a marriage-contract are not the bride and groom, but the groom and the bride's male relatives. Marriages can thus be forced (Walther):
‘the parties to the contract are the bridegroom and the bride's guardian... her closest male relative, usually her father or brother or, if the need be, even the judge himself. Two free male witnesses, or one male and two female witnesses, must be present on this occasion. The Sunnah of the Prophet recommends that the bride should not be married without her consent. However, silence is sufficient an indication of this agreement in the case of a virginal bride, since she is considered to be too shy or timid to speak for herself. When the girl is a minor, her guardian can also force her into marriage, but she has the right to annul this as soon as she is of age. The Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali [schools of Sunnah] even permit an adult woman to be forced by her guardian to contract marriage.
An important part of the marriage contract is the fixing of the dowry (haq-e-mahr or saddq), which is a form of 'bride price', not an endowment for the bride's welfare from her family. However, the haq-e-mahr was not a purchase price, but as compensation from the bridegroom had to given to the parents of the bride for the loss to the tribe of the sons that the woman would bear. The haq-e-mahr was not paid when the girl married her cousin on her father's side; that is, when she remained in the tribe. This is still true among Bedouins of today... The saddq was the wedding gift which the girl received. As early as the time of Muhammad, a distinction was no longer made between these two terms (Walther).
Wiebke Walther notes: "In the context of a divorce, the Quran says that they (women) have the same right as is exercised over them, though the men have a rank above them". In fact, husbands are given free reign in matters of separation and divorce:
"You may put off whom you please of them, and you may take to you whom you please, and in whom you desire of those whom you had separated provisionally; no blame attaches to you; this is most proper, so that their eyes may be cool and they may not grieve, and that they should be pleased, all of them with what you give them" (Surah 33.51).
Under the triple talaq salutation, a husband merely has to repeat the oath of divorce three times for it to have immediate effect on marriage. Walther further notes that the Islamic law permits every man in a healthy mental state to repudiate his wife (talaq) without having to give any valid reason for it, and without even consulting a judge. There are only a limited number of ways in which a wife can free herself from her husband. The ‘khula' or redemption was adopted from the heathen pagan practices in pre-Islamic times, and it consists in the wife's purchasing her freedom from her husband by the payment of a certain sum—frequently equivalent to the dowry. It is laid down in the Quran that, after the divorce, the husband must provide for a wife, who is suckling a child, until it is weaned; this can extend to a period of two years. The mother has the right of custody for girls until they are of age or until they marry and for boys until puberty or the age of seven years. However, the father is the legal guardian of the children; only when they are poor, he is obliged by law to maintain them. Thus the mother usually returns to her family, which maintains her, with the children she has to look after.
A Muslim woman can not marry a non-Muslim, but a Muslim man is permitted to marry a Jewish or a Christian woman. After a divorce, a woman must wait for three months before remarrying. Men, however, are permitted to remarry immediately. (Surah 2:234) Muhammad introduced the waiting period in order to determine whether the woman was expecting a child, so that the paternity could be established without any doubt. If the woman was pregnant, she could only re-marry after the birth of the child.
"And the divorced women should keep themselves in waiting for three courses; and it is not lawful for them that they should conceal what Allah has created in their wombs, if they believe in Allah and the last day; and their husbands have a better right to take them back in the meanwhile if they wish for reconciliation; and they have rights similar to those against them in a just manner, and the men are a degree above them, and Allah is Mighty, Wise" (Surah 2.228).
Walther also notes "Here, as in later traditions in which women are defined as mothers, sisters, and daughters, their roles are defined from a man's point of view; as women are seen in their family relations and in their sociability with men":
"Amongst His signs is that He hath created for you of your own species spouses that ye may find rest in them, and hath set love and compassion between you." (Surah 30.21)
However, this very apparently 'merciful' Surah is cited by Qurtubi as a basis for a woman to have to submit to the sexual demands of the husband on call:
"When a man calls his wife to his bed, and she refuses, the One Who is in the heaven will be angry with her until he [her husband] is pleased with her" (Rafiqul-Haqq and Newton)
Such Quranic passages are reflected in hadiths, where sex on demand is a holy duty:
"The prophet of Allah said: When a man calls his wife to satisfy his desire, let her come to him though she is occupied at the oven." (Rafiqul-Haqq and Newton).
Muhammad imposes a taboo on women as unclean during menstruation, but ordains intercourse the rest of the time under commandment of God, [as do the Jews]:
"And they ask you about menstruation. Say: It is a discomfort; therefore keep aloof from the women during the menstrual discharge and do not go near them until they have become clean; then when they have cleansed themselves, go in to them as Allah has commanded you; surely Allah loves those who turn much (to Him), and He loves those who purify themselves" (Surah 2.222).
Ever present is the role of the female as a sexual beast of burdens, light, or heavy:
"He it is Who created you from a single being, and of the same (kind) did He make his mate, that he might incline to her; so when he covers her she bears a light burden, then moves about with it; but when it grows heavy, they both call upon Allah, their Lord: If Thou givest us a good one, we shall certainly be of the grateful ones (Surah 7.189).
As in the Decalogue, where one is taught not to covet one's neighbour's house, wife, servants, or cattle (a wife having intermediate status between cattle and property), women are equated to domesticated beasts:
Aisha: The things which annul the prayers were mentioned before me. They said, "Prayer is annulled by a dog, a donkey and a woman (if they pass in front of the praying people)." I said, "You have made us (i.e. women) dogs. I saw the Prophet praying while I used to lie in my bed between him and the Qiblah. Whenever I was in need of something, I would slip away. For I disliked to face him."
To al-Ghazali, woman is here created as a mere plaything. She is a recalcitrant domesticated animal, valued only in her fear of her husband (Rafiqul-Haqq and Newton):
"In the company of women, looking at them, and playing with them, the soul is refreshed, the heart is rested, and the man is strengthened to the worship of God... this is why God said: 'That he might rest in her.' (Surah 7:189)" (Essid ).
"If you relax the woman's bridle a tiny bit, she will take you and bolt wildly. And if you lower her cheek-piece a hand span, she will pull you an arm's length... Their deception is awesome and their wickedness is contagious; bad character and feeble mind are their predominant traits"...
"[A man's wife] fears him, while he fears her not, a kind word from him satisfies her, where nothing of hers has importance in his eyes, it is she who must tolerate the presence of concubines, and it is she who worries when he is ill whereas even her death would leave him indifferent."
The reference to women as domestic animals is reinforced in al-Tabari's account of the prophet's last and most famous speech (Al-Tabari, Abu Ja’far Muhammad b. Jarir. [The History of al-Tabari. Vol. IX, The Last Years of the Prophet, Translated and annotated by Ismail K. Poonawala, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1990, P. 112-114]:
"Treat women well, for they are [like] domestic animals (‘awan) with you and do not possess anything for themselves. You have taken them only as a trust from God, and you have made the enjoyment of their persons lawful by the word of God, so understand and listen to my words, O people."
Despite the high price of dowry settlements to wives' families in Saudi Arabia and the shunning of divorced women, more than twenty percent of Saudi marriages end in divorce within a year... Marriages suffer most from all the usual afflictions, infidelity, incompatibility, house-hold violence, but the biggest problem is polygamy by Muslim men... Many Saudi husbands constantly change partners, a practice that causes constant heartaches (Wright L)….
I would like to end this article by just saying this ‘the Muslim husband’s mindset has come to dominate their wives by their prophet’s ideology which has a harsh manifesto that is invading their women’s private space. Muslim women are a vulnerable group, especially in areas where protests against restrictions on personal freedoms are unwelcome with other women right out side Islam’...!
Lennard James is a Pakistani-born writer.
Date: Thursday May 28, 2009
Time: 06:30:34 -0400
...i want to have mutah marriage with her and all the hollywood beauties, and then do a suicide bombing and then straight to imaginary for those 72 big breasted babes.
Name: Muhamed
Date: Thursday May 28, 2009
Time: 06:34:30 -0400
Salam All. It is so sad to see how articles on this website with intentional lies get published. I direct those words to M.Khan. The last sermon can be easily browsed on the internet. We could not find “Treat women well, for they are [like] domestic animals” Here is the original text from the sermon : “O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under Allah's trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right, then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with anyone of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste. O People, listen to me in earnest, worship Allah, say your five daily prayers, fast during the month of Ramadhan, and give your wealth in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford to.”
Name: Muhamed
Date: Thursday May 28, 2009
Time: 06:36:24 -0400
Here is another part of the sermon where the prophet teaches equality and democracy much superior to any Western democracy have evern gone “All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over a white - except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belogs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not therefore do injustice to yourselves. Remember one day you will meet Allah and answer your deeds. So beware: do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.”
Name: Muhamed
Date: Thursday May 28, 2009
Time: 06:44:42 -0400
Allah has got ready forgiveness and tremendous rewards for the Muslim men and women; the believing men and women; the devout men and women; the truthful men and women; the patiently suffering men and women; the humble men and women; the almsgiving men and women; the fasting men and women, the men and women who guard their chastity; and the men and women who are exceedingly mindful of Allah. (Al-Ahzab 33:35)
Name: Dr Omar Zia
Date: Thursday May 28, 2009
Time: 08:16:44 -0400
This last sermon is all well and good although from present state of zeitgeist you can still point to many abhorrent utterances in it. The problem is that this monster had been doing exactly the opposite of what he is preaching in the end! Muslims do not draw their Islam from this last sermon. They draw it from the Quran and Sunnah(ahadiths). The sum of teachings in those books is evil and they are a manuals of terror. His last sermon is nothing but a belated attempt to make up for his evil life.
Name: Blackhawk
Date: Thursday May 28, 2009
Time: 10:06:50 -0400
To Muhamed: The most devout muslims are those who practice the religion to the hilt. Such as the terrorists. They kill and maim anyone who does not believe what they believe. Including their fellow muslims, and most likely even nutwads like you.
Name: balam to muhmed
Date: Thursday May 28, 2009
Time: 11:35:33 -0400
It would have been very commendable if you had learnt something from this excellent and honest article but as a Muslim, you are beyond that. You are instead defending the Immorality of Islam and Mohammad. You are denying the written accounts of your own scholars. It is extremely disgraceful attitude. You are so brain-washed if you have any brain in the skull you carry over your shoulder. Mohammad could be fogiven for being irrational. Unfortunately, his mother disowned and left him to be raised by a Beduine family. What kind of mother could behave like that!!.No wonder Mohammad lack ed the capacity to love others, especially women. Polyandry was quite common in Arabia at that time and some women had to support them selves financially. His mother could not earn any money with a child around while the husband had disappeared or died. Any evidence of Mohammad's father's death in Muslim sources ?Muhmed, please be honest with yourself for the sake of your own mental health. The world can understand Mohammad's frailties because of his mental illnesses but you seem to be alright except being infected with virus of Islam. Only seeking the truth will set you, my friend.
Name: Anti Clot
Date: Thursday May 28, 2009
Time: 12:55:30 -0400
One question: Where do you get your inspirations from? From the latest Dawa Promotion Brochure? With your arguments, you are a very, very serious competitor for Jehovas Witnesses and the like. However, this here is a discussion by and for people who have brains and not for arab and muslim illiterates.
Name: Anti Clot
Date: Thursday May 28, 2009
Time: 13:01:19 -0400
About Muhamds Comments: One question: Where do you get your inspirations from? From the latest Dawa Promotion Brochure? With your arguments, you are a very, very serious competitor for Jehovas Witnesses and the like. However, this here is a discussion by and for people who have brains and not for arab and muslim illiterates. You must know that Non-Muslims are in general more intelligent than muslims and therefore, less susceptible for stupid propaganda. And here is a nice link for all muslims about the connection between islam and backwardness.
Name: Shiva Worshipper
Date: Thursday May 28, 2009
Time: 14:38:07 -0400
If God wishes he can stop things like Islam to happen but then why does he allow it to happen? People may think either he got no power or his existence is just a myth created by people to cheat each other. If you think from perspective of God then people have trusted him with judgement for future of earth, he has to be absolutely sure in decisions he make to fulfil that trust. On earth there is up and down, east and west but in an unreferenced area such as deep space there is no reference to up down or right and wrong. So although God is sure that he is right but still has to give seed of Allah benefit of doubt, and let him unleash his evil plans, by comparing Allah evil to his own views God reassure himself that he himself is right. Just like I don’t eat chicken not because its religion or I cannot eat it, but to reassure myself that I am kind. Hurting other human may get us into prison but no one is punishing me for killing and eating a chicken, so being kind with chicken give me confidence that I am really kind, my kindness with fellow human is not due to fear of law and punishment.
Name: Shiva Worshipper1
Date: Thursday May 28, 2009
Time: 14:38:42 -0400
Also if we think there may be billions of stars and planets out in space and one day in the cycle of life we may come in contact with the aliens. So things like Islam keep us ready for the aliens, its kind of practice match on the home ground, with some variables controlled. I was busy with my life, thinking that everyone is like me looking after family and friends and if sometime if I thought about Muslims I sympathies with them because I thought greedy west is killing them to steal there petrol. Then one day some Muslims cornered me and taught me real Islam, I was shocked not because Allah is mentally ill but that there are over billion people who believe his twisted logic.
Name: Shiva Worshipper 2
Date: Thursday May 28, 2009
Time: 14:39:45 -0400
But to contain this alien, I think we were ready: Internet was ready, Islamwatch was ready and I was also ready to answer my mental torture. The best way to dispose of the shit is not to beat it with the stick, it will make you dirty and will scatter all around and then opportunistic religious and political flies will start spreading the epidemic of further hate and violence. To dispose it properly evaporate all water in it with the intense heat and light of knowledge and when it become powder use it as a manure for new crops. We can use Islam as a case study for future generation , so that for sometime people may not make same mistakes which leads to rise of Islam. By evaporating water, I mean snatch their right to do wrong, even a person who kill someone he got his own reasons to do that, so I eliminate all the intelligent and justified reasons Muslim can give himself to hurt me or kill me. If still he want to hurt me, deep within he got to accept that he is bad and have to feel emptiness within. If seed of Allah can lock his conscious I can unlock his conscious, only thing I need is that people could force him on the talking table. Allah is scared of talking because he knows he cannot win over reason and logic and vision of common good and humanity, so that’s why after every few teachings he start glorifying violence and start ranting about cutting heads of infidel.
Name: To Muhammed
Date: Thursday May 28, 2009
Time: 20:59:07 -0400
Since you know internet I guess you are bit literate, please use your brain and see some population sample of almost muslim majority like pakistan, bangladesh, etc they are in abject poverty, illiterate etc while staying in most fertile belt of Indus and Ganga belt. Similarly Turkey although trying very hard is known as "sick man of europe" and worst life than any europeans as they still cling to Islam. Islam reduces brain, make man animal like tell nothing but killing, loot, rape , Islamic world etc. Remember just 20-30 generation ago your ancestors changed the religion at point of sword of not to pay tax jajiya, so that some day light of enlightenment will set there progeny free of jail of Islam. Life is beautiful, shun Islam and get out of it.
Name: Muslim
Date: Thursday May 28, 2009
Time: 22:16:23 -0400
I guess people resort to use of foul language when they feel defeated and unable to respond to logic. I guess that is the culture of the non Muslims. I do not know who is illiterate?
Name: M. A. Khan
last sermon
Date: Thursday May 28, 2009
Time: 23:31:51 -0400
We have heard so much about Muhammad's 'Farewell Hajj' & the 'Last Sermon'. But did it truly happen? Popular stories give an impression that Muhammad knew he was going to die before the next Hajj; that is, it was his last pilgrimage. But the reaction, we hear from his disciples as he died, gives quite a contradictory picture. Nobody seems to have a clue that Muhammad could die so early. He was planning to go on an expedition just prior to his death, and when his followers heard about it, they could not believe that the last & the best prophet would die such a sudden death. What does it say?
Name: To Muhamed/Muslim,etc.
Date: Friday May 29, 2009
Time: 00:25:53 -0400
You say real democracy is in islam, then show me one such "democracy" in any of the muslim country. They have no faith in human s or human intelligence ,hence every muslim country is either a theocratic state,a despo-ruled state, a police stae or just failed state, What about the moral conditions in these states? They are regulated by a barbaric mafia code called 'sharia' which sanctions loot, plunder and rape of non-muslims, the non-muslims have to pay protection moneyto the islamic goons to just be able to live, non-muslims are humiliated and treated worse than paraiah animals ,there is no freedom of thinking, no individual liberty, all forms of art are "haram", backwardness, ignorance and submission to arabic medeival barbarism is glorified, all other cultures are destroyed.... The list of such attrocities are endless. These barbaric arabian practices are fond in every muslim country such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Egypt, Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Sudan, Libya, Syria, Jordan, etc. This is what islam has to show to the world: plain arabian barbarianism going in the name of "religion". You have nothing worthwhile to show to humanity execpt such savagery, lack of civilisation and anarchy. You create organisations such as Muslim Brotherhood, Al Quaida, Taliban, Wahabism, Hamas, PLO, Lashkar-e Toiba, Jaish-e-Muhamad, Jamat-e-islamia, etc, all fanatical terrorist organisations which promote such arabian barbarianism, anarchy and extreme intolerance bent on taking humanity to "dark ages" ignorance, fear and superstition and glorifying backwardness, regressive and oppressive ideology of 'islam'. You have no answers for these hard facts staring at you. Yet you brazenly criticise western democracy, though not perfect, but still a viable alternative to islamic barbarianism.
Name: Muslim
Date: Friday May 29, 2009
Time: 00:46:22 -0400
Dear M.A. Khan, You are a sad little man. The last sermon is not the only source within Islamic doctrines that speaks highly of women and protects their rights. The Quran and the hadeeth are full verses as well. I am sure you can lookup some yourself.
Name: vbv
Subject: to Muslim
Date: Friday May 29, 2009
Time: 02:52:53 -0400
You are a sad and pathetic creature. If women are given equal rights as men in islam, then why they are denied education and jobs,? Can a women in most islamic countries get their right to vote or get representation in the political system? Why they are put in black sacks (burqah) with a little peeping hole ? Why are women discouraged in the field of sports and athletics? Why a women can be divorced at will by a man by pronouncing a tripple 'talaq'? Why women are killed for 'honour'? Why women cannot officiate a prayer in a mosque? ..... The list of such disabilities and prejudices against women in islamic cult is endless. Surely you cannot answer any of this without taking the filthy 'quran' and the 'sunnah' of your fake prophet to justify all these inequities? Don't be a hypocrite. The world has seen islam in practice like flogging, beheading, stoning to death for the flimsiest reasons without having any evidence to substantiate or prove the "guilt" beyond any doubt. Islam is a filthy and barbaric, inhuman ,mafia cult bent on destroying all other cultures and civilisations to bring it under the arabs. It promotes arab supremacy, it is racist, it divides humanity and treats non-adherents in the most despicable, loathesome manner defying any moral and civil code of human behaviour. It is against all human values ,human rights, individual freedom, regressive oppressive and a criminal cult.See how the nonmuslim minorities in a muslim country live as less than 'humans'. It promotes the rule by a cruel theocratic set-up who are just the most corrupt, immoral and amoral and wicked people.You can see the evidence of all this in any islamic country, be it Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Somalia, Sudan, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Afghanistan, Jordan, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, etc.. You cannot deny any of these hard and inconvenient facts without taking the umbrage of your filthy quran and the evil sunnah of your fake prophet, Own up your deficiencies like a man and try to reform and become a sane human being rather than a brain-dead idiot and zombie of the arabian cult of islam.
Name: Anti Clot Re: Muslim
Date: Friday May 29, 2009
Time: 03:37:12 -0400
You were asking: Who is illiterate? Everybody knows that the illiteracy rate is highest among muslims. Almost 50% of all muslims are illiterate, many of them women. It is and always was the strategy of muslim leaders to keep people stupid. While christianity and buddhism encouraged the printing of their holy scriptures, printing was strictly forbidden for more than 200 years in the whole muslim world and there is still no meaningful bookmarket in the arab world. While average westerners read a few bokks every year, the average arab reads only a few pages if any. And while many young muslims attend madrasas to memorise the quran without understanding it, Taliban cowards are killing young girls who want to attend school. Many muslims keep their daughters stupid because it makes it easier to force them into a marriage with relatives or an old grandpa. This is the one and only truth behind islam: To keep people stupid in order to force women into marriages and men into war!
Name: Dear vbv
Date: Friday May 29, 2009
Time: 03:47:21 -0400
1. Why they are put in black sacks (burqah) with a little peeping hole? For their protection since women in Islam are not commodity like they are being used in non Muslim countries. ---- 2. Why women are killed for 'honour'. Can you tell us which verse in the Quran condones this practice? 3. Why women cannot officiate a prayer in a mosque? They can but with women only. Because Islam does not mix the 2 sexes in public life for the protection of women. Unlike the non Muslim countries where women can intermix with men any where and every where and thanks to Allah this has led to nothing but more breakup of families and couples cheating on one another. 4. Can a women in most islamic countries get their right to vote or get representation in the political system? The answer is yes. Most recently in Kuwait women have managed to sway the vote in their favor. In fact in the early times of Islam women had every right to own property, trade, participate in social life..etc. more than what women had in the Western countries until recently.
Name: Just proves my point of filthy mouth of the unbeliever.
Date: Friday May 29, 2009
Time: 03:53:30 -0400
Now I need to ask you Mr. vbv little filthy mouth nasty uncivilized creature. Can you tell us which religion curses women and allow for women for women to be burned alive with her deceased husband. I think you know the answer. This is why Islam is there to stay in India and inshAllah conquer it more than it ever had.
Name: Anti Clot Re: Dear vbv
Date: Friday May 29, 2009
Time: 04:05:13 -0400
The whole islamic ideology of gender seggregation is wrong and there is much evidence for that. By keeping women stupid and uneducated, without any knowledge of the outer world, their children will remain stupid too. How can children develop an elaborated language and vocabulary if their mothers had no education? This is a very simple fact the muslim world has chosen to ignore. In terms of education, the whole muslim world is many generations behind the western world as well as the far eastern world.
Name: selvi
Date: Friday May 29, 2009
Time: 06:43:19 -0400
no judgement day no cheating. Who said there will be judgemet day which the THe so called God or allah will act like slave trader or owner who wants his creation to be confused by his enemy satan ,created by himself.He has no business except for recording and maintaining balance sheet of all creatues and takes sadistic pleasure in punishing his creation in hell fire(of only palm trees) forver and he laughs. He is so greed and don't want prasies for himself only not for any others. All this stupid and imagination. No judgement day nothing. Life energy flows in this world eternally just like rain cycle works. Just like electricity flows in a closed circuit.One who died is sure to take birth and who takes brith is sure to die. tHis cycle continues untill one gets enlightenment. You all please read life and talks of Bhagawan Buddha and his previous births.God if at all exists must be equal to him in wisdom and compasssion. He has compassion even to animals. In one of his previous life he intentionally gave his body and life to a hungry tiger. have you ever heard of A human being of this much compassion , courage and love. HE is symbol of rationality, wisdom, compassion and peace. Jesus was symbol of love and service. Mahamada symbol of lust ,madness and hate.
Date: Friday May 29, 2009
Time: 08:15:56 -0400
BOW TO THE TRUE CREATOR,NOT IMAHINARY ALLAH !!!! who is true creator ? definately not jehova/allah. bcoz jehova/allah did not create universe or make ma from mud/dirt. we r evolved by nature and proof is in our genes. so nature is our lord, god and creator. hail mother nature, adi shakti param prakruti.
Name: EI
Date: Friday May 29, 2009
Time: 09:12:11 -0400
Sir, you have missed the mysiar marriage concept among sunnis. It is almost as good(bad) as mutah and is being actively followed in Saudi, the citadel of Sunni Islam
Name: RS
Date: Friday May 29, 2009
Time: 10:53:27 -0400
In response to one of the blogger regarding a practice which he mentioned, possibly practice of sati. it would have been appropriate to talk about it in a context. no one would deny that it did not happen in past but being norm it used to be exception in India. If this blogger wants to be little more enlightened then he/she should check that practice of sati realy took off when muslim thugs started there blood bath taking women and young children to be slaves. did these women had choice? Now let go back to Islamic world regular rape, abuse physical or otherwise, beheadings, public floggings takes place every day and all justified. Mullas of all hues, religious figures of every denomination shouting and justifying it all at top of their voices. Yes nobody lives in perfect world , there will always be abuse or unreasonable practice somewhere 99% of the the times there is debate with in and community corrects the practice. However Islam, in present form ,is monolith where having internal dialogue amounts to be heretic punishable without mercy. hardliners wish live in 7th century world and no called moderates wish remain silent majority for the fear of death. Perhaps rethink on the part of apologist of Islam would be very useful exercise.
Name: Women in the Qur'an
Date: Friday May 29, 2009
Time: 11:56:04 -0400
04.01: O Mankind! Be careful of your duty to your Lord Who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate. 4.124: If any do deeds of righteousness - be they male or female - and have faith, they will enter Heaven, and not the least injustice will be done to them. 30.21: He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts. 3.195: Their Lord responded to them: "I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you male or female - you are equal to one another." 09.71: And the believers, men and women, are protecting friends one of another. 2.187: They are your garments and ye are their garments. 17.70: Verily we have honored the Children of Adam. 16.72: God has made for you mates and companions of your own nature. 49.13: The noblest among you in the sight of God is the most righteous. 16.97: Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new Life, a life that is good and pure and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions. 40.40: Whoever commits a sin is requited for just that, and whoever works righteousness - male or female - while believing, these will enter Paradise wherein they receive provisions without any limits. 33.35: Surely the men who submit and the women who submit, and the believing men and the believing women, and the obeying men and the obeying women, and the truthful men and the truthful women, and the patient men and the patient women and the humble men and the humble women, and the almsgiving men and the almsgiving women, and the fasting men and the fasting women, and the men who guard their private parts and the women who guard, and the men who remember God much and the women who remember-- God has prepared for them forgiveness and a mighty reward. 49.13: O Mankind! We created you from a single pair of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other not that ye may despise each other. 57.12: One Day you shall see the believing men and the believing women, how their Light runs forward before them and by their right hands. (Their greeting will be): "Good News for you this Day! Gardens beneath which flow rivers! To dwell therein forever! This is indeed the highest Achievement!" 04.32: To men is allotted what they earn, and to women what they earn. 2.228: Women have rights over men similar to those of men over women; but men have a degree over them (in case of pregnancy). 04.07: From what is left by parents and those nearest related there is a share for men and a share for women, whether the property be small or large - a determinate share. 04.19: Ye are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should ye treat them with harshness. Live with them on a footing of kindness and tranquility. 24.04: And those who launch a charge against honorable women, and produce not four witnesses to support their allegations - flog them (liars) with eighty stripes; and reject their evidence ever after: for such men are wicked transgressors. Prophet Muhammad’s Last Sermon: O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have right over you.
Name: NSCLondon
Date: Friday May 29, 2009
Time: 12:38:12 -0400
Wow, there is so much stupidity in this comments section, where to start? I guess I’ll start with this guy... “I guess people resort to use of foul language when they feel defeated and unable to respond to logic. I guess that is the culture of the non Muslims. I do not know who is illiterate?” Posts like this are comforting to me, as they do provide some assurance that you people are not the best critical thinkers in the world. I spoke to a Rabbi about this issue once, he said, “the Muslims are so personally invested in abusing women that they pose a much lesser threat than the Nazis. The Nazis were clear-headed and highly intelligent, Muslims are inherently a bit thick.”
And then onto this guy who uses a bunch of misogynist nonsense from the Koran to assure us the women are valued as equals in this vile cult... “If they abide by your right, then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness.” Oh, so as long as the women folk do what you want you’ll feed and clothe them? That’s lovely, what lucky women these Muslimas are to have their relationship with their husbands reduced to a service transaction. My dog often does whatever she wants and annoys me greatly. I feed her anyway, so I guess she’s got more rights in the relationship that a Muslim wife has in her marriage. “Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers.” Committed “helpers?” Seriously? Reducing a fully functioning, intelligent woman to the status of a “helper” is inherently chauvinist. “And it is your right that they do not make friends with anyone of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste.” The man controls who she’s friends with? That’s not completely controlling and sick, no, not at all. So dude, thanks for clearing up all of my concerns about the position of women in Islam, you’ve really educated me about what a wonderful religion you have here.
Name: Anti Clot - Women and Islam
Date: Friday May 29, 2009
Time: 13:35:33 -0400
Here is how islam is deceiving women: In a documentary I watched some time ago, a muslima was very angry because her husband married another woman. And what did she say? She said that the scribes always teach that it is better to have only one wife, and that islam is the first and only religion that limited the number of wives. This is true hypocrasy! How many women are suffering from a religion that treats them like cattle!
Name: Bad effect of Islam on Hinduism
Date: Friday May 29, 2009
Time: 19:20:29 -0400
When there was no Islam in India, it was a properous country and marvelous architecure, temples, courtyard etc were there. Ladies used to freely move in the streets as every other women other than wife is considered mother, sister or daughter. But with Islam came the culture of hunting of women, harem, concubine etc. So when hindus came to know about this when there men died fighting with Islamic barbarians they used to die in fire called Sati, so that instead of getting raped they prefered suicide. Just see the word 'Johar' in google. With barbaric Islam hindu population were in disarry first time in history, when a neighbour become muslim for not to pay 'Jijiya' he would start lusting his neighbours family women. Thus till then male defenders were there women were happy when there male husband died and muslim neighbour harrased they did suicide. See the history of Khilji also. It was done only not be getting raped by muslim men. Jija bai mother of Shri Shivaji maharaj was a widow, but since no lustful muslim was near them they lived. Mira bai was a widow she was a preacher of good deads hindus used to respect her. Can you name a women leader or king in Muslim world. Rani Jhansi laxmi bai was a widow and queen of jhansi. After Brtitish came hindus themselves realised that Sati was protective suicide against muslims and they stopped it and Ram Mohan rai asked for a legislation and hindus happily accepted it, so that no exception is there. 2 hindu women have been to outer space also. In world maximum women software engineers are hindus. Due to hindus Pakistan and Indian muslims use flowers in mosques, marriages as hindus consider it to be auspicious and makes human happy. Muslims have got the taste of music from hindu neighbours, Hindus helped them developed there Urdu. Unfortunately pakistan and bangladesh are poor and hateful because of Islam, if they shed this islamic filth they can become the richest nation in the world as they live in very fertile place called Indus and Ganga river.
Name: Shiva Worshipper 1
Date: Friday May 29, 2009
Time: 21:51:41 -0400
Seed of Allah thinks he is too intelligent, by hook or by crook he will be able to gain the respect which he do not deserve. He will be able to legitimise his crimes, if all people do the same crime for which he is punished, but he can only reach what he has worked for. To be fair God cannot stop result of someone hard work, even if he knows they will be using their result and skills for evil purposes, because otherwise people will stop working and keep on praying to God all day, by interfering directly he becomes unfair and responsible for people thoughts and actions, but then, What can he do ? Lets take a situation, if God is going through a jungle and there are Wolves trying to hunt the Sheep’s, if God help the Sheep, the Wolf will say “ What wrong have I done to you? I got young children at home, which I got to feed, now they will go hungry.” If God help the Wolf, the Sheep will say” What wrong have I done to you? now my young children will die, without mother milk.” So to resolve this moral conflict, God would say, whoever got the higher thought and actions, good enough to bore me, I will be born through her womb.
Name: Shiva Worshipper 2
Date: Friday May 29, 2009
Time: 21:52:10 -0400
Now if the sheep start moving upwards on the mountain of morality and hard work, as soon as she reaches the top of the mountain, were all directions meet at one point, the singularity at which God temple is, she becomes instant winner. God has watched all the game from the singularity at top, he is a better hunter than wolf, because he not only know all the moves of wolf but also know his moves, which he also don’t know. And as offspring of Sheep, its his duty to protect his loved ones, so there is no moral dilemma if in the process of protecting his loved ones, the hunter become the hunted. After the coming of Christ, who asked people to become morally higher, Jews and Christens have chosen to move upwards but Mohammad laughed at them, saying stupid people sweating and choosing hard path for nothing, check this out fellow Muslims, how intelligent I am? I just touch my arse on the ground and see how far down I can slide by doing almost nothing. There is already lot of crap load for all of us in all religions to increase weight and slide a long distance, we do not need to do nothing, just load all the crap on your back, touch your arse on the ground and off you go on the long ride. Mohammad did not understood one thing going far is useless at the end, if its going down, and its always easy to go downward not higher.
Name: Shiva Worshipper 3
Date: Friday May 29, 2009
Time: 21:52:47 -0400
Muslims says there are prostitutes in the West and immoral society, but what have you done to help those prostitutes, except blowing them with bombs. Have you tried to marry a prostitute and work ten hours a day to raise her children, for whom she is doing prostitution in the first place. Not all women do prostitution for sex and drugs, some are there because they have no other hope, have you given hope to a hopeless. Some Muslims say infidels are like children and to bring them on the right path we have to hurt them, just like sometime we punish our children to make them do right thing. So my dear friend, father not only punish the children, he work in rain and in Sun, take all the humiliation from boss and people at work, to feed the children and give them good life. He care for them when they are sick and can give up everything he got to protect them, tell me, to feed how many infidels you are working now ? For how many infidels you have donated all your possessions, so that they could get an expensive medical operation and new life.
Name: Shiva Worshipper 4
Date: Friday May 29, 2009
Time: 21:57:30 -0400
One last thing, majority of Muslims are happy with Indian election outcome, but some are still complaining that whether its Congress or BJP still it’s the Infidel Government. I think people like that should be given subsidy, a one way free ticket to Swat Pakistan. If they come alive from there we will think about Sharia law in India. Non Muslims should try to avoid violence with Muslims, if a Muslim straighten up a Muslim with a stick, it will be called internal reform. If a non Muslim use a stick against a Muslim, it will immediately become global headline as “Muslim Genocide”. We can only help and strengthen the Muslims who are up for humanity and rule of sanity. (To Muslim: I am after Islam, not somebody else because I know Muslims have preserved the evil in its original form by not editing the Koran, it will lead to the root of all evil and justice will be done. I only love one thing and that is Justice, I hope one f* word in all my long lecture will not offend you)
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 03:19:16 -0400
I rest my case, these barbarians you cant reason with. Just nuke them off the map, you mohamadan basterds.
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 03:23:20 -0400
Your arguement defies logic. Muslim women are put in sacks with peeping hole for their protection? This only betrays the mentality of muslim men who view their women with lust in the hearts, minds and eyes, should the women wear normal outfits. The quran permits men to scourge their wives if they have any differences ,the quran expects women to be submissive sheep with no will of their own. The quran says ( that is Allah) that women are deficient in intellect, they are only half as good as men, their witness in any litigation is only half as that of a man. If 'honour killing' is unislamic why is there no opposition against it from the so-called islamic society and islamic 'scholars'? They go berseck with mad rage on a cartoon of your founder to the extent of murdering, looting, bombimg ,destroying public properties ,but observe a deathly silence and a silent acquissance on killing muslim girls for the flimsiest reasons. Is a human life so cheap? And a women's life far more cheaper??? You talk of women getting elected in Kuwait. That's a recent phenomenon ,not a tradition from islam. Why Bangladesh and Pakistan had / have women Prime Ministers; but that's not due to islam : it is due to the traditions of people of South Asia who had common ancestry and people in Pakistan and Bangladesh are just converts to islam much later and they do carry on their ancient traditions despite islam and talibanisation. You conveniently forget that Muhamad's first wife Khadija was a business women in her own right, and this was the condition of women in pre-islamic Arabia. What is the status of women there after islamisation? They are no better than submissive slaves of lecherous arabs posing as 'pious momins' buit really are scoundrels and blackguards indulging in pedophilia under the guise of "marrying" girls aged 6 to 15 while they may be well over 40 or 50 years. Do you mean to say that the islam practiced in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Egypt, etc is not "real Islam"? This is the honour islam bestows on women! You can practice your taqiya but you stand exposed as a duplicitous ,conniving and a hypocritical person!
Name: Bad comparison
Date: Sunday May 31, 2009
Time: 09:11:04 -0400
You said that according to Islam the woman is unclean during menstruation and that sex is commanded a other times. You said that for the Jews it is the same way. Not exactly. A woman does separate from her husband sexually when she is menstruating, but she is not considered "unclean". It is a ritual status of separation that does not mean that something is "wrong" with her.In Judaism, sex is considered to be a holy ritual between husband and wife. It is looked down upon for a husband to approach his wife sexually just to satisfy his own desires. Judaism even considers the separation as being good for the relationship because during the time of physical abstinence the husband is expected to make extra efforts to connect with his wife on an emotional level. Also, when the wife is available it is the husband's obligation to fulfill his wife's sexual needs, not the other way around.