Erin's Shattered Love
19 Jan, 2009
An story of an American woman, Erin, whose life has been turned upside down for falling into trap of her Muslim man.
I came across your Web page and cried.
I'm dating a Muslim man now going on two years and it is pure hell: the fighting they jealousy the disrespect the pain in my heart.
He went from fun-loving, treating me like a queen; it was a fairy tale to a nightmare from hell.
WHEN WE FIRST STARTED DATING I HAD JUST LEFT MY KIDS' FATHER. I was only 24. I had just had enough. I was through.
My Muslim man had been trying to date me for two years an I said "no". But I needed a change after the break-up; he was my king.
Six months after we started, I lost my job and everything turn to pure hell. I moved in with him and the beatings started.
He didn't want me to go anywhere; the jealousy was crazy.
Then I started back working after five months and now he missed me. When I was at work, his whole attitude changed. But after my job didn't pay me for two months, I quit. I had no choice; they just refused to pay me. And I cried, because I knew all hell was going to break out and it did.
All we do is fight. I'm an American. For him, I've changed what I eat, what I cook, what I wear, who I talk to, and every thing. He's still not happy. We argue everyday, because I said no more. He hit me and I hit him back. Now all that we do is fight.
I'm dying. I don't even care anymore. He says he's going to put me and my kids out on the street. And I told him I don't even care; I'll rather be homeless than with him.
He checks my phone calls, his family watches my every move when outside. He is so kind; on the inside, he is a monster.
Pray for me, help me. Now he's pushing Islam on me.
And no, I have no problem with anyone's religion.
He is not my first Muslin boyfriend or the first outside my race. My first Muslim boyfriend was controlling too and I said "no" after three months.
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Name: jenn
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 02:04:17 -0500
He does exactly what his evil prophet tells him to do, to subjugate women. Get the hell out of this mad cult islam and crappy muslim men and run away and be free as i did
Name: why they hate us
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 02:16:18 -0500
Becozmuslims have no problems with Jews, Muslims and Christians have coexisted. Keep in mind that there was no terrorism prior to the creation of Israel. Zionism is what as caused all the terror. The Christian church existed under Muslim rule for hundreds of years with no problems. It is only recently that the Christians and Muslims find themselves at each other’s throats, and it’s all the Zionists’ doing. They want to see the Christians and Muslims wipe each other out for the benefit of the Zionist state, which views them both as a threat. The Zionist plan to use Israel as their headquarters for world rule and as an escape hideout. The war on terror is a war on Arabs and Muslims who concider the Zionist of not following the Ten commandments. It’s about fighting Israel’s enemies who are not America’s enemies. Zionist inlike Jews, Muslims and christians are not loyal to anyone but themselves. They are not allies to America. They use America, her money, her technology and her political system until America is of no use, and then when they are done they will dump her just like flushing the toilet. America had no enemies in the Middle East before the Zionist became our ‘friend’, and those who insist these zionist are our friends should consider a few facts–She blew up American government buildings and tried to blame it on the Arabs. She attacked the USS Liberty and killed 34 of our sailors. She stole our secrets through the Zionist spy Jonathon Pollard and sold them to the Russians. And, last but not least, she was responsible for 9/11. There is no way that a bunch of guys in caves learned how to fly those planes in a few weeks and did all that damage without help from Mossad, and now we have/ had 2 Jewish traitors sitting as head of Homeland Security and Attorney General.’
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 03:20:55 -0500
Sura 2(Baqara)- While Islams was establishing, with definite centre and symbol, ordinances were laid down for the social life of the communinity, with the proviso that righteousness does not consist in formalties, but in faith, kindness, probity, and patience under suffering. The ordinances relate food and drink, bequest, fast, Jihad ( striving ), treatment of ophens and women etc… (Sura2:168-242) The subject of jihad ( striving ) is misunderstood. It is taken up again in the strory of Saul, Goliath And David, in contrast the story of Jesus (Sura 2:243-253) And so the lesson is enforced that true virtue lies in practical deeds of manliness, kindness and good faith (Sura 2:254-283) and gods nature is called to mind. The sura ends with an exhortation to faith, obedience, a sence of personal responsibility and prayer. (Sura 2:284-286) When faith is lost, people put off obedience with various excuses, even when at last they obey in the latter, they fail in the spirit, which means that they get fossilized and their selfsufficiency prevents them from seeing that spiritually they are not alive but dead. For life is movement, activity, striving, fighting against baser things and this the burden. (Sura 2:3) All bounties proceed from God, They may be physical gifts e.g Food, clothing, houses, gardens, wealth etc. or spiritual gifts e.g insight in to good and evil. Understanding of men, the capacity to love etc.. We are to use all humility and moderation. But we are also to give out of every one of them something that contributes to the well being of others. We are to be neither ascetics rior luxurious sybarites, neither selfish mises nor thoughtless prodigals. (Sura 2:190) War is only permissible in self-defense and under well defined limits. When undertaken it must be pushed with vigour, but not relentlessly, but only to restore peace and freedom for the worship of god. In any case strict limits must not be transgressed. Women, children, old and infirm men should not be molested nor trees and crops cut down, nor peace withheld when the enemy comes to terms.
Name: Ibrahim
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 05:24:25 -0500
I am so sorry to hear of your ordeal. All I can say is that you need to put things together and start charting out a plan for yourself and your kids future. Believe me any true believing Muslim man will never love you for who you are. He will always expect you to live life according to his terms. He got to sleep with a white woman. That is all he wanted. Believe me for a Muslim, especially if he is an arab or a Pakistani, this is a very big deal. I am sorry if I offended you somehow, but that's the truth. Be very careful as to who you date from now on. You are very young and should concentrate on your carreer. Having a man in your life is not the only thing that matters. There is so much more to do in life. Now that you know what it means to be in a bad relationship with a Muslim, you should help others like you to come out of such bad relations.
Name: ExMuslim to "Becoz Muslims have no problems with Jews"
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 06:37:33 -0500
Although a digression, let me say that Muslims have no problems with Jews because Muhammad bucthered the Jews of Medina, Khaybar, Banu Mustaliq and others; because Muhammad ordered his followers to expel the Jews and Christians for Arabia on his death bed; because a hadith says, the last Jew (pursued by Muslims) would take shelter behind a stone and the stone will tell Muslims that the Jew was behind it and kill him/her.
Name: DH
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 09:42:42 -0500
Don't these stupid bints ever learn? "And no, I have no problem with anyone's religion." Why not? Islam has a problem with YOU!
Name: IK
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 09:51:54 -0500
I am really sorry for you dear lady. Life is a struggle, especially if you have kids, let alone struggling for a job. Let me echo what Ibrahim said and put some concrete steps that i think will help: 1. Establish clear goals for you and your kids:steady job, safe environment, .. 2. work toward those goals. 3. Do not get distracted by the moods of this Muslim nut. Keep after your goals. 4. There are organizations that help people in your shoe. Seek them out and see what they offer (examples: DSS, Churches Charities). There are even entities that will help you with housing/shelter, ..etc. Seek out. Do not be passive. People need to know your needs. If you don't tell it, they won't know it. 5. Move out of that house as soon as you are able to. It will be healthier for you physically and emotionally, and safer for your children. I wish you the best siser.
Name: what a sad story.
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 12:27:50 -0500
well it seems like he used u like a whore i guess,,well he cant be a muslim, practising muslims dont have girlfriends and your first boyfriend same again he was just born in to being a muslim. both of these guys must have taken u for granted for one thing and thats SEX////If you read to your friend "Mumin Salih" artical which describes woman in west as>>>>> men in the west are not hungry sexual predators because they are used to women. They only think of women when they need sex and normal men do not need sex continuously. People who are hungry for food(SEX) always think of food(SEX) and would eat(HAVE SEX) any food(ANY ONE) available at any time(ANY WHERE), this the case in countries where food is always in short supply. But when there is plenty of food people only think of it when they need a meal and get on with their lives after that.
Name: Naima
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 12:30:19 -0500
Have you watched "Not without my daughter"?. I'm asking you to RUN as far as you can from this monster and all his muslim brothers. I'm an ex-muslim and left my family, my country 22 years ago. I also left this stupid cult long time ago and thanks to this web site and FFI website my doubts about this cult were confirmed. Life is too precious and too short to waist it dealing with these ancient minds and religion. Run and good luck to you and your children.
Name: will the islamaphobe
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 13:08:58 -0500
The smartest thing Erin did was to share her story. The next she and he child can do is seek help with abused women in shelters and tell her story. As time goes by more women from the West will read these storys and tell thier 'sisters' not to get involved with a muslim man. If they do they can expect the same....
Name: No Dhimmi
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 14:31:57 -0500
why they hate us, I have only read two lines of your post and you have already lost credibility. “There was no terrorism prior to the creation of Israel”. Have you read Islam’s history? Muhammad was “made victorious through terror”; I think that is saying something. Erin, get out of this relationship. Be thankful that you are not married and have children together.
Name: Sean (USA)
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 15:18:50 -0500
"Pray for me, help me". Are you insane? Get out of there you fool!!! You claim to be an American yet continue to put up with this inferior Third World (Islamic) mentality? And now you say he is not the first Muslim boyfriend you've had...and that your first Muslim boyfriend was controling as well? Sounds like you are more interested in self pity then your personal safety or the safety of your children. And what kind of job did you have that didn't pay you for your labor after 2 months? There's something wrong with this person. You need to grow a backbone.
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 16:35:55 -0500
If one does something wrong, it will be his mistake but nobody else's... I do not know you, so cannot know whether you tell a real story or not, but if you claimed that no men mistreats women other than Muslim men, then I would be convinced that you are not objective about the issue at all. I am wholeheartedly with you about the women's rights. However, it is not about religion. It is the patriarchal structures that exist all over the world to be blamed...
Name: To Erin
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 19:33:17 -0500
I will pray for you. Every body makes mistakes but please try not to lose hope. What has happened is past but the future can be bright. There is light at the end of the tunnel. The darkest part of the night is just before the morning comes ("weeping may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning"). Please don't try to be discouraged by whatever negative things people have said. You can make it and you are stronger than you think. Please do not let this man or circumstances get to you. Determine today that you will get out of this bad situation and God will provide you a way. Hope all works well for you and take care.
Name: Voice of Reason
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 21:42:40 -0500
Do you honestly think us Muslim men are like that one guy in your story?? I genuinely feel sorry for you but I dont want anyone here going under the impression that all Muslim men act like this!
Name: Tanstaafl
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 09:20:00 -0500
Get out now! This is an abusive relationship and you must take your children and runaway as soon as possible! When you see an opportunity, take it and move as far away from this beast as you can. It doesn't matter if you have no job or money, you need to save your life and the lives of your children. Escape is the only way you can do this. There are others who will help, this is America, not some Islamic "paradise" where you would be returned to your abuser. Leave! Now! Don't look back! He will not change! He will abuse you and your children for the rest of your (short) life. Please leave now!
Name: TO Voice of Reason
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 10:22:39 -0500
I think you are mistaken here brother/sister. Dont beleive a wprd ar any story on this forum,its all made up and all are LIES.
Name: To Erin
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 15:13:02 -0500
Name: TO Voice of Reason
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 16:08:09 -0500
Nice try sport, but the Quran and the Sahih Bukhari Hadith are full of divine blessings from your false Moon god that you call Allah dictating the cruel and inferior status you Muslims force on women. Mo gives men the right to beat their wives without having to justify themsleves. The right to rape captive non-muslim women. The right to marry up to 4 wives at any given time, then divorce his wives at any given time and replace them with new and younger wives (like nine year old Aisha). And your boy Mo gave them the right to have a limitless number of rape slaves you idionts call concubines. As both a religion and a political ideology Islam is the most INFERIOR of mans warpped and twisted imagination. So go peddle your BS elsewhere can your Muslim trash is EXPOSED!!!
Name: Kat
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 17:25:42 -0500
Get to a women's shelter and file a restraining order. You have lost your sense of importance and feeling of contribution to society. You need to work on rebuilding the old "you" and you can begin by getting back into your American clothes. I am crushed that this has happened, but you have got to start repairing yourself. You are valued and you were not meant to live in this kind of hell.
Name: rhonda
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 10:26:04 -0500
Call it whatever you like, you are in abusive relationship. Get out now. If not for yourself then for your kids. I know you would not want them to endure the same fate as you which is what will happen if you don't expose them to a different environment. Do not wait another day. Leave this minute, even if you have no where to go. Contact your local domestic abuse shelter. tehy can advise you.
Date: Monday January 26, 2009
Time: 21:52:53 -0500
i can see that u have a very bad luck for choosing men i would say that this is a man problem not a religion problem and our prophet doesn't tell us to "subjugate women" our prophet told us to treat women with respect and dignity and also i say now MUSLIMS HAVE NO PROBLEMS WITH JEWS our war is with Zionism not Judaism our problem is political not religious so please keep religion outside