Islam will die a natural death
22 Aug, 2008
Dear Editor,
First and foremost I would like to thank you for your wonderful website which is educating people, muslims and non-muslims alike and revealing the dark side of Islam which has been hidden from the civilized world for centuries.
I was born into a faith which believes there is one god (supreme being)—the wise one calls him by many names.
I had always wanted to know about the life and teachings of Prophet Mohammed. The articles which I read about him earlier said the same things, that he was a perfect human being, that he was the last Prophet send by God to redeem mankind. The Arabs were an uncivilized barbaric people killing each other and worshipping idols and other false gods and the Prophet was sent by Allah to bring them to the path. The Prophet was ridiculed and abused and his followers were put under all kinds of torture and after many battles against the godless Meccans, he emerged victorious and established a new faith called Islam.
After the 9/11 attacks, I became more interested as muslim apologists were all over the place defending their religion. They were saying that islam is the religion of peace and that the terrorists had hijacked their faith. I looked for more material on the Prophet but they all had the same things to say, i.e. he was a very pious man and so on and so forth. I was not convinced.
Not that my country is a stranger to Islamic terrorism but the tragedy of the 9/11 attacks was enormous in magnitude. Thousands of lives lost, thousands of families destroyed, scarred for life. I knew their was something about islam which was rotten to the core. But I could not figure out what it was.
A few days back I chanced upon your website. When I started reading the articles I was initially taken aback. All the articles were thoroughly researched, well-written and drawing references from the the Quran, the hadiths and authentic islam texts. I kept reading and visiting your site for many days.
To be fair I was quite shocked with what I read. The murder of Asma Bint Marwan, no two goat will butt about her, Abu Afak, the slaughter of the Jewish tribes, the trenches, rape of the captured women, looting of the caravans, pillage, plunder, I have been victorious with terror, strike terror into the heart of the unbelievers. I can go on and on. It made for a very disturbing reading.
The fall of the Kaba was the biggest tragedy in the history of mankind. Meccans were by no means an uncivilized lot. So the truth is out at last. All that is wrong with the muslim world can be traced back to our man himself.
I have nothing against Muslims in general. Most of them are ordinary human beings like us going around doing their job. Most of them are ignorant about their religion and programmed and brainwashed since childhood and are victims of this Arab national movement in the guise of a religion. If they open their minds and think rationally then only will they realize their foolishness. Is this sadistic and cruel Allah better known as the Prophet Mohammed can be called divine by any stretch of imagination.
Science has been around for a while now but has it helped to rationalize the medieval muslim mindset?
The answer obviously is no. But there is still hope. Islam cannot be reformed. It will die its natural death. A religion which is based on deception cannot last forever, only truth can. As science will break more barriers and the oil supplies will dry out, the use of the internet becomes more accessible, people will be influenced. We may see the demise of islam in this century, if not in our lifetime.
The fear of terrorists getting hold of a dirty bomb is always there and the civilized world will have to do its collective best to avoid the ultimate threat humanity faces. Your articles are very good. There easy to understand, has a good flow and very strong in content.
I also wish to thank the many people who have left islam for standing up to their beliefs and convictions. I wish everyone all the best.
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Name: Very Encouraging
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 09:22:32 -0700
This is wonderful news. This site is making an impact on readers, bith muslim and non muslim. I wish the contributors to this site keep up the good work and bring about a change of heart in muslims and let the truth about the evil of this cult called islam to be known through out the world.
Name: Yes.Truth alone prevails.islam will die natural death like egyptian pyramid faith
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 10:18:48 -0700
Yes.Truth alone prevails.islam will die natural death like egyptian pyramid faith that lasted for more than 2500 years.
Name: Infidel Indian
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 10:20:17 -0700
There is avery simple way to kill Islam in the West and India. Implement full sharia on muslims. Reverse the provisions on interaction with Infidels. Voila. Islam will not last for more than one or two generations. The best part is that the Shabana Azmis cannot protest this without accepting that the Shariah ( and Islam ) are pure evil. That will be the beginning of the end, when Muslims themselves start accepting that Islam is pure evil
Name: Your´re taking the words out of my mouth!
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 10:39:29 -0700
Islam is over! In future Islam will become a small sect much like the mormons, who are also proved false.
Name: Akhter
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 12:12:49 -0700
Allah has promised final victory to islam in Quran. The whole world is seeing the light of Islam through internet and it is the fastest growing religion.
Name: To: Akhter From: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 12:35:51 -0700
You are still ranting nonsense man. Why don't you find some logic or reflective thinking book that will help start thinking right man. Go educate yourself instead of ranting nonsense on this site.
Name: Islam is wrong Thinking
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 12:48:34 -0700
Things cannot improve if people think in a wrong way. Muslims are not superior only because they are muslims. People have to achieve somthing before they can claim to be better. And they must think according to the laws of logic and not against them. Since Ibn Taimiyya it is totally obvious that islam and the quran contradict science and logic, because this was the reason to keep rational sciences away from the madrassas. This is also the reason why islamic countries, in contrast to far eastern "infidel" countries like Japan, Korea and Taiwan, did never succeed in adapting "western" aka modern sciences. In modern societies there is no need any more for any of the scribes and ulemas, that´s why these parasites do anything to prevent any modernisation.
Name: cowards
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 13:44:04 -0700
The Muslims are here , watch out they are coming, be aware, you have been told!!!
Name: To Akhter
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 17:31:12 -0700
I could not understand why Allah could not give any brain to Akhter. Akhter does not have any logic in his thought process. I just could not comprehend what message he wants to convey. Thanks though. Dr.D.M.
Name: Servant of Allah
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 19:04:45 -0700
Did Muhammad(s.a.w) command Islam or Ben Laden to destroy America?? NO Did Allah ordered Islam or Ben laden to kill people?? NO ALLAH says in the Quraan you defend yourself if you are under attack. Don't Kill women and children and you are not allowed to kill someone..
Name: surely what is created is destroyed
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 23:27:27 -0700
surely what is created is destroyed,islam will be destroyed too,but how many millions more will be killed by islam before it is destroyed ? i think the world shud get together and nuke islam before iran,etc get to use their nukes.
Name: to servant of imaginary allah : read sura 09-05 u will know how islam says to kill non muslims
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 23:29:51 -0700
to servant of imaginary allah : read sura 09-05 u will know how islam says to kill non muslims.dont make false statemenst that its taken out of context,bcoz yr own brothers like taliban who r real pure muslims r using this to kill non muslims.
Name: to : akhter/servan of allah,the lure of 72 virgins and wine is too much for u to resist so u stick to fake religion islam
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 23:35:58 -0700
to : akther/servant of imaginary allah,why u r still muslim ? everyone know the reason : u r hoping against all hope [ u also know its untrue but deny it like a real muslim ] that there is no god/allah,and that after u die, u will got o imaginary jannat for 24x7 sex with houries with big breasts and drink unlimited wine and hv unlimited food.u hope against the evidence that yr fake religion will how deliver the fantasy of unlimited food,wine and sex.but its proven there is no god/allah and there r no virgins waiting for anyone after they,accept this fact.and leave yr fake religion which is inspried by fake religion - judeo-christinaity.
Name: to : akhter/servant of imaginary allah,u want the imaginary houries and wine so u r still stuck in yr fake religion
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 23:38:32 -0700
to : akhter/servant of imaginary allah,u want the imaginary houries and wine so u r still stuck in yr fake religion.see the truth that man is not created by imaginary jehova/allah...but evoled by nature from 1 celled organisms.proof is in human dna,so allah is non existant.same way yr hope for 24x7 sex and wine is also not true and u will never get it,so leave yr fake religion hwihc is based on falsehood : judeo-christianity.
Name: To Akhter and other Pakis - die fast and go soon to Allah's Brothel!
Date: Saturday August 23, 2008
Time: 03:25:18 -0700
Allah is a fucked-up imaginery creation of the psychopath criminal who called himself "prophet" to justify all his crimes, plunder, robbery, loot, rape, incest child-molesting, slavery and all that kind of rot! It is strange that muslims are petrified to admit all this lest some one of his ilk (another muslim zombie) would murder him/her. Muhamad after all admits using terror a a weapon to enforce his diktats and his filthy mafia-code like 'Sharia'. Why not retaliate with the same weapon - butcher the zombies mercilessly ,for that is the only language that they would understand - put the fear of death into them ,sending them to their lewd , pornographic 'paradise in a jiffy , which is what they want, and let's see how these creeps of of this filthy cult respond. We will have less of these vermins , probably a total eradication may be possible , and a more peaceful and sane world!
Name: moderationist
Date: Saturday August 23, 2008
Time: 15:52:00 -0700
Why are the worst societies in the world all muslim?
Name: Forget a natural death for Islam.
Date: Saturday August 23, 2008
Time: 19:31:28 -0700
Islam will go out fighting. It won't allow itself to die. Too many people have spent too long believing too much to allow it to die a natural death. Islam will kill or be killed. Islam is like a parasite. It will continue ravaging its host until the host has been destroyed. It will then search for a new host. The cycle will continue until humanity or Islam is destroyed. A natural death is not in the cards for Islam. It will not go quietly. If we are not careful, the last Muslims just might decide to try and take the rest of us with them.
Name: Indian Kufr.,
Date: Saturday August 23, 2008
Time: 20:32:12 -0700
Let US India West China and Russia unite to provide Internet facilities and cheaper PCs to all in the middle east, South Asia and South eastern China accessible in their local languagaes. US and other countries can do it provided they invest a fraction of their defence budget on Cheaper browsing facilities for the Poorer world. I think the next generation will be free of the Islamic Cult if they are given the best informations available in the world. Alternatively provide each villages' schools in the east be given 24 hours free accessing of Internet and the children will themselves eradicate all the cults of the world including Islam.
Date: Saturday August 23, 2008
Time: 21:34:35 -0700
A boy raised in Islam say that it was okay for his dad to beat his mother. He thought that there MUST be something wrong in a religion that lets this sort of thing happen. He left Islam and became a Christian. I just hope he got to a country that allows you to be what you want to be without getting killed. Islam will die fighting, but as more people see what islamists have covered up for centuries they will see the truth behind it. Another way to fight islam is to MAKE THE MUSLIM MEN GO THROUGH WHAT THE MUSLIM WOMEN HAVE TO GO THROUGH!!LET THEM BE BEATEN, CONFINED TO THEIR ROOMS BY THEIR WIVES AND WEAR A BURKA EVEN IN 120 DEGREE HEAT WHILE THE WOMEN WEAR SHORT-SLEEVED SHIRTS! IF MOHAMMED CALLED MEN "A TOY" LIKE HE CALLED WOMEN "A TOY" DO YOU THINK ISLAM WOULD HAVE LASTED A DAY?! AND AS MORE PEOPLE FIND OUT ABOUT MOHAMMED'S CHILD MOLESTING WHICH MUSLIM SCHOLARS HAVE HAD TO ADMIT, MORE PEOPLE WILL SEE THE TRUTH ABOUT ISLAM AND LEAVE IT! THANK GOD FOR THE FREEDOM OF THE INTERNET!! WHERE THESE THINGS CAN COME OUT WITHOUT THOSE WHO BRING OUT THE TRUTH KILLED FOR "BLASPHEMING" A MAD MAN! THAT MUST BE WHY THEY THREATEN TO KILL FOR "BLASPHEMING" MOHAMMED BECAUSE THERE IS NO OTHER WAY AROUND IT!
Name: 100% Kafir infidel
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 02:17:46 -0700
Suppose you stumbled upon the Constitution of an organization that was terrorizing the world. Would you ignore such a document, or would you read it? Suppose you discovered that this Constitution's most prominent themes were pain and punishment, thievery and violence, intolerance and war. If the regime's charter ordered its devotees to kill, plunder, and terrorize, would you sound an alarm? What if this Constitution was supported by a manifesto that contained the only authorized biography of the regime's founder, and the first devotees of this doctrine, its co-founders, said that their leader was a sexual predator, a pirate, and a terrorist? If you found such evidence, what would you do with it? What if this leader motivated his mercenaries to murder and mayhem by allowing them to keep what they had stolen in the name of the cause - their victim's homes, businesses, money - even their women and children? All right, no more hypotheticals. I'm going to share some passages from this Constitution - from the covenant of the world's largest and most violent organization. I have changed the names to disguise the source without altering the message. "Your leader has sent you from your homes to fight for the cause. Your leader wished to confirm the truth by his words: wipe those who disagree with us out to the last. We shall terrorize everyone who is unlike us! So smite them on their necks and every joint, and incapacitate them, for they are opposed to our doctrine and our leader. Whosoever opposes our doctrine and our leader should know that we are severe in retribution. And know that one-fifth of what you acquire as booty in war is for our great leader (the rest is for you). The use of such spoils is lawful and good." This popular and misunderstood Constitution says: "Fight them till all opposition ends and only our doctrine rules. If you meet anyone who disagrees with us in battle, inflict on them such a defeat as would be a lesson for those who come after them, that they may be warned. Slaughter those who disagree with us wherever you find them. Lie in wait for them. They are specimens of foolishness. Punish them so that our superior dogma and leader can put them to shame. If you apprehend treachery from a people with whom we have a treaty, retaliate by breaking it off. Those who do not think like us should know that they cannot bypass our doctrine. Surely they cannot get away. Fight them until they pay a heavy tax in submission to us; how perverse are they. Our leader and his doctrine will damn them. For anyone who offends our leader or opposes our doctrine will receive a painful punishment. We will burn them alive. So prepare against them whatever arms and weaponry you can muster, that you may strike terror in the enemies of our cause!" This Constitution is genuine, and millions follow its message. Exposing it - understanding it - might actually save you from the wrath it inspires. The covenant goes on to say: "Our great leader urged all who agree with us to fight. If there are twenty among you with determination, you will vanquish two hundred; and if there are a hundred, then you will vanquish a thousand of our enemy, for they are a people devoid of understanding. Our great leader drove your enemy back in fury. He motivated our side in battle. He made their citizens flee from their homes and he terrorized them so that you killed some and made many captive. Our great leader made you inherit their lands, homes, and wealth, and gave you a country you had not traversed before." This sounds like a terrorist manifesto - a covenant for war and genocide. Does anything this immoral, this out-of-touch with human decency, actually exist? If it did, and if it were this blatant, you'd expect to see its followers amassing their weaponry. You'd expect them to rise up and terrorize the world. Not only would they feel it was their duty to kill, you'd expect their fallen assassins to be immortalized - hailed as martyrs and paraded down crowded streets, banners waving, tears flowing, guns blazing, with angry diatribes spewing from hate-filled faces. You'd expect them to wage war under the guise of doctrinal supremacy, wouldn't you? And if there were such people, our journalists and politicians would have ferreted them out, exposed them, and protected us. Right? Wrong! With the exception of changing the names of the perpetrators and their victims, what you read is from the actual Constitution of an enormous, rapidly growing, extremely well funded, and horrendously violent worldwide cult. And as bad as that sounds, it gets worse in context. The manifesto proudly proclaims that unarmed civilians were annihilated by armed gangs. Men were decapitated on the orders of the dogma's founder. Thousands of children were sold into slavery. Women were raped - the leader himself participating. Townships were plundered, businesses were looted, and productive assets were destroyed. The villains slept in their victims' beds, abusing their wives and daughters. And each bloody affair was meticulously recorded by the founder's companions and later chronicled by the regime's most-esteemed clerics. It's time to turn the page. Let's look at what the founder's companions had to say about their leader in his manifesto. Once again, I will change the names but nothing else. "Kill them, for he who kills them will get a great reward. Our great leader said, 'Our doctrine assigns for a person who participates in battles in our cause to be rewarded with booty if he survives, or he will be admitted into the Hall of Heroes if he is killed in the battle as a martyr. Had I not found it difficult for my followers to do without me I would have remained in army units fighting great battles and would have loved to have been martyred for the cause.'" The regime's founder is quoted in the doctrine's anti-Semitic manifesto saying, "Issue orders to kill every Jew in the country." He was asked, "What is the best deed?" by one of his devotees. The dictator replied, "To believe in me and our doctrine." "What is the next best deed?" the devotee queried. "To fight on behalf of our cause," he answered. At the end of one such conflict, one of the regime's lieutenants told his commander, "We have conquered another nation. The captives and the booty have all been collected. Now, my leader, may I take a slave girl from among the prisoners?" "Take any one you like," the warlord replied, raping one himself. Ever mindful of his duty, this regime's leader proclaimed, "Embrace our doctrine first and then fight." Followed by, "I have been made victorious with terror!" You have stumbled upon the Constitution of the world's largest nation - and it's not China or Russia. You've just heard the words of its founding father, and he's not Lenin, Mao, or Hitler. And today, this doctrine's adherents are doing what their founder and Constitution ordered: fighting, ravaging civilians, stealing the world's possessions, and using them to terrorize. Since it's happening according to plan, shouldn't we muster the courage to expose it - to speak out against it? Or should we remain silent for fear of offending them? The answer is obvious. Or is it? What if the names I substituted were Allah, Muhammad, and Islam? What if it's a "religion?" This "Constitution" is the Qur'an. The "manifesto" is the Islamic Hadith. The citizens of this nation are Muslims. They're doing what they were ordered to do. They left their homes to fight infidels; they invaded peaceful lands, stole our planes, ravaged our economy, and slaughtered innocents in the name of Allah. They even confessed to the crime. Yet not a single national spokesperson or politician has had the courage to hold Islam accountable.
Name: Me
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 10:10:33 -0700
It aint Islam that believes in the brutal torture and execution of an innocent man in order to be 'saved'. It aint Islam that teaches innocent kids are BORN SINNERS!. It aint Islamic banks that charge EXTORTIONATE bank charges. The 'Big Brother' is watching you West is corrupt.
Name: Servant of Allah
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 19:10:03 -0700
To that person who wrote about the lure of 72 virgins!? Wa Allah, by Allah as He is my witness, I have never ever have a lust about the virgin. If you want to hear my story, you will pee your pant and revert to Islam. Allah knows, HE who have taken me out of evildoers, shown me the rightway. I only lure HIS mercy, forgiveness and guidness, that's all. And not 72 virgins!! If I am married, my wife will be enough with in Jaannat, Insha Allah. May Allah guide you as He did to me. It is still time, make astawfaar and Allah will forgive you.
Name: Five women buried alive in name of honour Monday, August 25, 2008
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 21:20:20 -0700
Five women buried alive in name of honour Monday, August 25, 2008 By Rauf Klasra ISLAMABAD: Three teenage girls along with their two close elderly relatives were shot at before being buried alive in a desert of Balochistan by their tribesmen in the name of honour. The shocking reports of this horrible incident reaching the capital from different quarters revealed that the girls studying in classes 10 to 12 intended to marry men of their choice through a civil court by defying the centuries-old tribal traditions. When the fuming elders of Umrani tribe came to know about the intentions of these girls to appear before a local court, they picked them up from their homes along with two of their elderly women relatives. The crying girls were pushed into official cars and driven to a deserted area. There they were pushed out of the cars, made to stand in a queue and volleys of shots fired at them. As the bleeding girls fell on the sand, the tribesmen dragged them into a nearby ditch and levelled it with earth and stones before the girls could breathe their last. As the two shocked elderly women tried to rescue the hapless girls, they too were gunned down and buried in the same manner. The killers after burying these women returned to their tribe like conquerors without any action against them. The step taken was to send a loud message to the rest of the tribe’s girls. Father of these girls lodged an FIR with the police against his own brother, who was said to be the architect of this crime. But after some family pressure, he withdrew the case and so the blood of those girls was forgiven in the name of centuries-old tradition, which does not allow any girl of the tribe to contract marriage of her choice. Meanwhile, the Human Rights Watch has accused Abdul Sattar Umrani, the younger brother of PPP Housing Minister in Balochistan Government Mir Sadiq Umrani, of being directly responsible for this shocking act of barbarianism. The Housing Minister, Mir Mohammad Sadiq Umrani, confirmed to The News on phone that this was true that three girls and two other women were buried alive by men of the Umrani clan. But he strongly denied that his brother had to do anything with this act. He claimed that these girls were actually buried alive by their uncle — Sardar Fateh Mohammad Umrani — against whom even an FIR was lodged with the local police. But the FIR was later withdrawn by the father of these girls, after he was put under pressure by those who had buried his daughters alive in the desert. He said the alleged killer Sardar Fateh Mohammad was his political enemy since 1985 and his brother Abdul Sattar Umrani was being maligned only to settle political scores otherwise everybody knew in the area as to who had buried the women alive in the desert. Share this story!
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Monday August 25, 2008
Time: 10:10:39 -0700
The Bible is the truth, Second Timothy 3:16. In contrast, the Quran is a travesty of the truth and treachery to the truth and a fabrication of an evil man, Galatians 1:8-9.
Name: To: Indian Kufr.,
Date: Monday August 25, 2008
Time: 20:34:51 -0700
Yes, education is the key to destroying Islam. Force is only a temporary solution. The mediaeval Europeans tried it and they only held Islam back. What we need is for people to be enlightened about the true nature of Islam. Once they know the truth, Muslims will start to renounce their faith and The kuffar will stop defending Islam thinking it's a legitimate religion. We don't even have to do propaganda. Just let people read the Quran, Sunna and Sira and Islam's rotten core will be exposed. Sure, it runs the risk of makign more converts but I think that will only be with people who are already evil in the first place.
Name: Use Muslim Taqiyya against them
Date: Monday August 25, 2008
Time: 20:53:12 -0700
So Islam is a religion of peace! Then all the hate-mongering imams, madrassas, mosques, terrorists are not Muslims and can be dealt with under the full force of the law. We can deport those imams, close down madrassas, mosques etc without violating the sanctity of Islam. When Muslims cry persecution, we'll go "Didn't you say Islam is a religion of peace? What do you mean persecution? Is Islam REALLY a religion of peace??" Then open up a public inquiry into Islam. After Islam's criminal nature is exposed, it can be made illegal and stamped out without any reservation. Maybe this is just a naive idea but it just might work!
Name: Susan
Date: Tuesday August 26, 2008
Time: 04:53:40 -0700
"But there is still hope. Islam cannot be reformed." I disagree with that.It will take time but it is not impossible.It took the west a long time also. There are Muslims all over the world who can see the need for reform and are not happy about things. Trouble is we know what happens to people who buck any system. I get really annoyed when we only see support for apostates. There are many good Muslims who love and defend their faith but abhor what is done in the name of Islam. Why aren't these people supported the same way we support apostates?(Not enough anyway). They need,want and deserve our support. There is a lot going on in the world of Islam I don't like, but let us not rush to condemn all of them. Try to think what you would do if your life was on the line. It isn't easy when you have to admit you don't like parts of your cultural heritage.That takes guts - lots of it. Be aware of the difference between Muslims and Islamists.
Name: Ananda
Date: Tuesday August 26, 2008
Time: 11:43:40 -0700
(Here is some murderous junk from Quran - for Infidels & Unbelievers - BUT these are beautiful suras for killers & pedophiles))---- (9:38) O ye who believe! what is the matter with you, that, when ye are asked to go forth in the cause of Allah, ye cling heavily to the earth? Do ye prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the Hereafter.---- (9:39) Unless ye go forth, He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place; but Him ye cannot not harm in the least. For Allah hath power over all things. ---- (9:40) If ye help not (your leader), (it is no matter): for Allah did indeed help him, when the Unbelievers drove him out: he had no more than one companion; they two were in the cave, and he said to his companion, "Have no fear, for Allah is with us": then Allah sent down His peace of reassurance upon him, and supported him with forces which ye cannot see, and humbled to the depths the word of the Unbelievers. But the word of Allah is exalted to the heights: for Allah is Exalted in might, Wise.---- (9:41) Go forth, light-armed and heavy-armed, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the way of Allah! That is best for you if ye but knew.
Name: Ananda
Date: Tuesday August 26, 2008
Time: 13:23:06 -0700
(TO : Walter Sieruk who posted "The Bible is the truth, Second Timothy 3:16")--- As long as you don't go on a rampage killing people who believe that Resurrection is a lie and a hoax --- it is o.k.
Name: to Susan
Date: Tuesday August 26, 2008
Time: 16:59:18 -0700
This cult cannot be reformed because it is believe to be the word of "god" and because of that alone, it cannot be reformed. We must fight with education first and hopefully avoid the actual physical fighting such as the war in Iraq where the cult members kill each other because they believe them to be "not muslim enough". This religion is set up for everyone to be fighting against everyone, including in one's own family. If a son kills his father and tells everyone that he wasn't "islamic enough, muslim enough", he will be free and not face punishment.
Name: to susan regarding islam cannot be reformed
Date: Tuesday August 26, 2008
Time: 18:13:43 -0700
what reform are you talking about?Islam is not a religion which which can be reformed but is a cult which asks for total submission from its followers.Any disagreement or exit from the cult means death.The goal of this cult is world domination,you make no mistake about it.Muslims are champions of secularism and liberty in countries where they are in a minority but when their strength increases they start bullying.The reform which which you mean can only come from Iran, a country which has a glorios pre islamic civilisation.How it will come about remains to be seen.
Name: to: Servant of Allah
Date: Tuesday August 26, 2008
Time: 20:58:22 -0700
I suppose you have a lust for old women, may be for 60 years old women and above. While most Moslem are worshippers of virginity, you are not. Maybe something abnormal about you. Or you prefer the boys ?? Search some doctors man, cure yourself ......
Name: To Ananda
Date: Wednesday August 27, 2008
Time: 11:37:06 -0700
"As long as you don't go on a rampage killing people who believe that Resurrection is a lie and a hoax --- it is o.k." Where did you see christians killing people who dont believe in the resurection? Dont spread lies. It is the hate in your heart which is showing itself.
Name: To Susan
Date: Wednesday August 27, 2008
Time: 21:44:43 -0700
Dear Susan, it is true that not all muslims are terrorists but it is also true that all terrorists are muslim. Where a muslim gets his attitude towards violence and women are from the koran and hadiths as well as muslim commentators and leaders. The koran itself promotes domestic violence(sura 4:34) and woman's testimony being one-half that as a man(sura 2:11). A muslim who argued with me told me something I didn't know:that in islam a man has the right to confine his wife to her room. Islam also forces a woman to wear the burka. Do you want to be stripped of your rights to wear what you want, to have your husband be able to beat you legally and confine you to your room until he says you can go out?! And, since a "woman is a toy"(mohammed himself said this!) a man can throw gasoline on a woman and call it "an honor killing."(after all, she's only a "toy"). Saudi Arabian textbooks are calling Christians "swine" and Jews "condemnable." This IS islam! A muslim leader was CAUGHT promoting the 9-11 attacks after he denounced it when he was in the US! This IS islam! Many Khalifs around the world admit that the koran DOES incite violence against the "infidel." This IS islam! Thousands of western women who married muslims have been taken back to the middle east never to be seen from their families again! And, the governments won't look into this because the men are islam! This IS islam! Even in Egypt, considered a "moderate" islamic country a Christian man's daughter was kidnapped and the government WON'T help the man try to get his daughter back because the kidnapper is muslim. In Lebanon I know of a same story. This IS islam! A muslim cleric DEFENDED the gang-rapes of non-muslim women saying that the rapes are the fault of the non-muslim women for not wearing the ugly, islamic imposes burka! This IS islam! AND NOW THEY WANT TO IMPOSE ISLAMIC DOMINATION ON THE REST OF THE WORLD(LIKE, HAVING WOMEN SLAVES IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES IS NOT BAD ENOUGH!).Susan, these are the facts, this IS islam! TO ALL WOMEN OUT THERE:STAY AWAY FROM MUSLIM MEN! WHY?!1)You will be a slave to your husband in every way especially sexual!2)Your husband can beat you and confine you to your room in islam.3)If he gets you out of this country and back to the mid-east, you are trapped and enslaved the rest of your life with no chance of escape except death!